Boys clubs circles leader with a target on her back We’re sorry, this service is currently unavailable. Please try again later. Dismiss May 27, 2021 — 12.05am Normal text size Credit: The boys are back in the ALP as they attempt to force Jodi McKay out of office and hold a ballot that excludes Labor Party members at large (“I won’t go, says McKay, as MP quits over dossier”, May 26). When the stench of corruption from the Obeid years still hangs over Labor in NSW, they have as leader a woman who stood up to the boys in the ALP at the cost of her seat in Parliament. That takes courage as well as ethics. In a time when the number of Liberal and National MPs in NSW are under a cloud regarding allegations of corruption and sexual assault, one may think that a demonstrated cleanskin might be an attractive option. Not for the Labor boys in Macquarie Street and Sussex Street. No wonder they lag in the polls.