The Botswana Sectors of Educators trade Union (BOSETU) notes that the 2021/2022 budget proposals were made under very challenging times due to the COVID 19 pandemic. As a trade union we note further, that Botswana economy and the entire world was and still is adjusting and responding to the biggest shock of this century, which is COVID-19. We have no doubt as a trade union that, the pandemic has had many socio – economic impacts that include low economic to negative growth of most sectors of the economy, increased rates of unemployment especially for the youth, poverty and balance of payment decline. We note further that it is on record that Botswana’s economy has declined by almost 25 percent in period of March to June 2020, which period covers the longest national lockdown in April 2020. We make this commentary on the education sector budget well aware that the education sector was not spared in terms of the impact, as budgets had to be readjusted to accommodate the COVID 19 responses such as acquiring the required sanitizers and putting up water and other infrastructure to comply with the COVID 19 protocols.