“I accidentally rubbed ketchup in my eyes. Now I have Heinzsight.” In terms of foresight, looking ahead, there are some interesting things going on out there in Mortgage Land! How ‘bout the CapitalW Collective non-profit for women in mortgage capital markets? And Beeline's Miguel Vega has been in the press lately with, "The Dream of Owning a Piece of America is a Dominant Theme in the Latino Community” and the company launching a Spanish-language version of its home loan experience this week. Something else that continues to be “interesting” is the question, “Are brokers violating RESPA every day?” This question is asked because brokering is a referral of a customer to a lender, right? HUD identified fourteen services normally performed in the origination of a loan (Section II, subsection C of the link above), and brokers usually do five out of the fourteen services, including taking the application, to get around RESPA. Mortgage attorney Brian Levy addresses the broker/RESPA issue in “RESPA, a whole(sale) lot of trouble.” Brokers, be careful that you’re the person actually originating the loan in terms of regulations! (Found here, this week’s podcasts are sponsored by Essex Mortgage. Essex specializes in providing exceptional mortgage subservicing solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. Looking to capitalize on your excess servicing strip? Check out Essex’s servicing offerings today!) Lender and Broker Products, Software, and Services