Matt Brim $26.95 Brim foregrounds a problem seldom considered by today’s elitist universities. Ivied halls point to well-attended Women’s and LGBTQ+ programs. Even if queer themselves, how many have stopped to consider their position vis-à-vis LGBTQ+ students or allies who are poor, attend “no-name” colleges, whose class and study time are fractured. Many lack a firmly-grounded curriculum, parental assistance; must work extra jobs to continue. Brim speaks from his base at the College of Staten Island, CUNY, one institution among many that educate the disadvantaged, the poor, who may face hours-long commutes, must bring a child along, or find no research funding available. Brin gives these students voice, and thus begs the question of how our educational processes are formed who are the benefactors—and what must change.