ANALYSIS/OPINION: Long, long ago, in the moss-encrusted year of 1967 — when Shakespeare was still on high school reading lists and most of the population was capable of recognizing simple literary allusions — an obscure left-wing writer named Barbara Garson enjoyed her fifteen minutes of fame by attacking President Lyndon Johnson and his long-suffering wife in a lightweight but heavy-handed parody of “Macbeth.” She called it “MacBird” and the cast of characters was headed by Lord and Lady MacBird, a thinly-disguised homicidal duo based on Lyndon and “Ladybird” Johnson, then at the height of their unpopularity. It was rude, crude and not particularly funny, but the liberal media, most of which had turned on LBJ by then, lapped it up. Casting the Johnsons as the Macbeths in 1967 was stretching it. But 26 years later, a gruesome twosome moved into the White House that came a lot closer. Bill and Hillary Clinton really could pass for a dumbed-down, updated version of the Shakespearian originals.