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Bolsonaro now favors privatization of Brazil's Petrobras : c
Bolsonaro now favors privatization of Brazil's Petrobras : c
Bolsonaro now favors privatization of Brazil's Petrobras
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, frustrated that he has been blamed for gasoline price increases, is now inclined to privatize oil company Petrobras , he said on Thursday, adding he would discuss the idea with economic advisors.
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Brasilia ,
Distrito Federal ,
Brazil ,
Brazilian ,
Brad Haynes ,
Paulo Guedes ,
Jair Bolsonaro ,
Thomson Reuters Trust Principles ,
Petrobras ,
Reuters ,
President Jair Bolsonaro ,
Economy Minister Paulo Guedes ,
Petroleo Brasileiro ,
Ricardo Brito Writing ,
Gabriel Araujo Editing ,
Thomson Reuters Trust ,
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