Bollinger delivers fast response cutter USCGC Glen Harris April 27, 2021, by Sanja Pekic Bollinger Shipyards has delivered the USCGC Glen Harris to the U.S. Coast Guard in Key West, Florida, making it the 44th fast response cutter for defense in the Arabian Gulf. Courtesy of Bollinger Shipyards The vessel is the third of six cutters made for operations in Manama, Bahrain, and the 167th the company has delivered to the U.S. Coast Guard over a 35-year period. Each fast response cutter is named for an enlisted Coast Guard member who distinguished themselves in the line of duty. Surfman Glen Harris piloted the first wave of the landing craft on Tulagi Island in the Pacific Theater during World War II, and also made a landing against a Japanese force on Guadalcanal Island.