Since the election . Not in person. Since the inauguration. Tell me what are people saying about him today. There are questions about, what exactly is going on inside the white house. What does the president do everyday . Is he is fully invested in the daytoday operations of governing as he needs to be . Why is he getting so distracted by cable news, still, and we are somebody months after he was inaugurated . The step . T there seems to be Something Different about him today than during the campaign. I had one person read the book and ask me, do you feel like he has lost a step since the campaign . Charlie you saw what people were willing to do. Katie they really connected with him. They thought he was somebody who would fight for them as opposed to politicians in washington who seemed to say one thing on the campaign trail and do another after they were elected. Donald trump was willing to say anything. He wasnt politically correct. He wasnt going to try and win their votes with empty promises. They believed washington to do what he said they would do. I would argue many of his supporters would stay with him commit because what they wanted more was the man and not the policy. Moneynt really have that policies. Charlie the iran deal. Katy yes. He wasnt nuanced. I was speaking to one man at a rally in asked, why do you like donald trump . He said, he is going to build the wall. I said, what if he doesnt . He said, its ok. I trust his judgment. Charlie didnt he say i could shoot somebody on 5th avenue katy and i still have my supporters. That is how they felt about him. They were rabidly enthusiastic about donald trump. Some would show it was not just the folks who went to the rally and the like they were unleashed in this space and can unleash their demons and can yell as loud as they could. They were free to be as crude as donald was being from the stage. It was people outside of the rallies, as well. Abel who would not necessarily advertise they were supporters. Wouldnt go around with a make America Great again hacks. Hat. Any of them we would talk to admit that they really like him and i dont think it is an easy thing to admit to my friends or neighbors. The polling, i would argue, wasnt as accurate as it normally would have been because people were going to say one thing and then they got into the voting booth all alone in that booth, and my producer and i imagine that a lot of folks would pull the lever for trump. Charlie one thing happening to you was being a Foreign Correspondent and coming back to new york and all of a sudden how would you like to follow donald trump . It changed your life. Katy it totally changed my life. I have moved to london, it is a big world and that is a dream job. You get to travel everywhere. Dream job. Dream job. The only job that i ever truly wanted. The only job that i said i would allow to take me out of new york city or even los angeles. Charlie did you come here for a visit . Katy i came here for a visit, i walked into the newsroom, you have to remind your bosses you were alive because overseas and can get slow. Nbc dropped donald trump. The Miss Universe pageant was dropped. They said we need to cover the story. Who is around . Someone said katy, she is just standing around. I was just standing around and i got the assignment of a lifetime. Charlie your book is about the craziest election in american history. Why was it crazy . Katy because he defied political gravity at every turn. He said things nobody else would be able to say in that position because he allowed other people to say things that they would never normally say. There were no rules for this campaign. There was no boundary. There was no taboo. There was no line that donald trump was not willing to cross. Charlie he was doing something right, obviously, because he won. Katy yeah. Charlie beyond the fact he had his own constituency. David brooks wrote this about him. It has to be admitted that he was doing exactly what he was elected to do. He never showed any interest in politics during the campaign. He was elected to shred the American Culture and give a voice to those who felt voiceless in that culture. Katy i thought about that in the book and who was a trump voter and how they might have been feeling. People who feel like they are screaming in a crowded room full of other people wearing these people whose food is full of chemicals, whose medicine cabinets are full of pills. The feeling that america had passed them by. They go into their local main street and the shots are boarded up. They are Big Box Stores instead of momandpop. The jobs had moved away. Charlie david also said this. What is troubling to me is those who are the target of his assault, the establishment, and. Those who are the targets of his assault seem to have no written i do no idea what was there is a sense in terms of the establishment. Katy if you pick up this book and read it, youll have a better understanding. It is easy to forget what happened on the campaign. It is easy to whitewash it in your brain and say it was just nothing but a political anomaly and can never happen again. And how dare donald trump come in and do things we cannot and not do the things we expect a president to do. Go back and read and get the daytoday of what happened. Charlie you suggest arts of the deal where he says i understand and feed peoples fantasies. Katy absolutely. Truthful hyperbole. Jimmy iselin said it best bre slin says he is good at convincing you he is special, that he is unique, and that he is the one who can do something that no one else can. He stood up on a podium and said, i alone can fix it. People bought into that because they bought into the idea of who donald trump was. The dealmaker, this unparalleled businessman, this savant when it comes to success. Part of the reason they bought into that is because his stint of his stint on the apprentice. Charlie tell me how that followed. Because he was a salesman . Katy because he was a salesman. He presented himself on the show as this ultimate businessman. He knew who would do well in any given job. They would say to me, he is going to hire the right people. How do you know . Because i saw him do it on the apprentice. He did a very good job holding the mythology around donald trump your he has always done this, charlie. You have known this for decades. He did this in the 80s and the 90s in new york with the tabloids. He sold himself. He would call up reporters and tell them she would sell them, donald trump cant lose. Charlie do you believe that . Katy i think they are one in the same. I think he believes what he is saying. Charlie do you think the reporters thought he would win . Katy no. Kellyanne conway was on at 5 45 rnc. Vember 8 blaming the this enthusiasm has got to show up and is not being captured correctly by the polls. Charlie it was a core belief. Katy i think he went on and off about whether or not he would win. Toward the end, i think he thought definitely he would not win because that is when you saw him go out and talk about the conspiracy theories with the big banks and Hillary Clinton, with the liberals in the media and other shady charlie he wanted to eliminate that he would protest the results if he didnt like them. Katy if he didnt like them. Yes. But he was that he himself up or he didnt win there was fraud. Charlie did he win the election or did she lose it . Katy i think there is a combination. It is hard to stay this close to it. I think you need a lot more distance from it. For as much as people liked donald trump, people hated Hillary Clinton. Charlie is the combination of his core supporters, he has had more than that so the political question for me is the more than that. Are they still with him . Katy that is a really good question. There are polls that indicate that could be breaking here and there. The people who held their nose and decided they wanted to vote for him because they did not like Hillary Clinton or thought she might be under federal investigation. Where do they stand . That is what we should be watching out for. I think it is very dependent on who the democrats put up for 2020. Charlie there is speculation. Somebody quoted im not sure if he said it but quoted that there was a 30 chance he would not survive his first term. Were people speculating on that . Talk of the 25th amendment katy when i asked folks in the world about what they think of donald trump, will he remain throughout this term, the question is generally i dont know. All options are in the air. I would be surprised if donald trump walked away from this willingly, just as i thought it was inconceivable that he would have walked away from the campaign willingly when the access Hollywood Tape broke, when everyones telling him to. I do not think he wants to be seen charlie steve bannon. Katy yeah. I do not think he wants to be seen as a loser or a quitter. I do not know if steve bannon was trying to fire a shot over the battle that says, listen, get on board with me. Get on board with who i think you should have in place in 2018 because if the democrats win the house you will be impeached. Charlie how did you go back to the campaign when you are signaled out . When he would holler through the crowd there is little katy tour in the back. Katy i remember thinking what is the point of this. I was the first corresponded to correspondent cover the campaign fulltime. I was the first person from a Mainstream Media outlet, from nbc news of all outlets, to say we think you are a serious political candidate. You are a player. You have a chance. He would see me at rallies for months before anyone else would show up. I was the only face he recognized in the crowd because other orders were not on that beat fulltime. He would often come back and talk to reporters after a rally and i would get my questions answered all the time. When he needed a media foil to represent the lying scum press he would call out, he knew i would be out there and he can safely say, i am back there. And everyone would be able to turn around and find me. There were times when it felt uncomfortable and threatening. Certainly the muslim ban day in south carolina. Charlie what happened that day . Katy december 7, 2015. A couple from San Bernardino went up and shot an office party. President obama gave a speech on terrorism and donald trump comes out and announces he wants a muslim ban. He is saying the Obama Administration is not vetting people properly. They are letting terrorists come in and your muslim neighbors are hiding them for you. They are out to get you and your lives are at risk. The majority of Republican Voters most feared being the victims of a terrorist attack. Donald trump would say the media is complicit because they are not reporting it and telling you the Obama Administration is not is being lax with the borders. And in this room of people who are waiting for donald trump to officially announce he does not want muslims to come into the country, this room of people who could not think it was a bad idea he starts going after the press. He says, little katy, she is back there. The whole room, thousands of people, turn around and yell at me at once. Stand on their chairs to boo me. They start pointing and calling me names. It was threatening. Charlie you are feeling what . Fear . Katy in the moment i thought to myself, smile and wave. So i smiled and waved. If they are intimidating you and think you are scared, it is worse. I did a live shot, another live shot, and there were stragglers that were waiting behind the press pad. My phone is blowing up with frantic messages from my mother hoping that i am safe. Messages from my bosses hoping the same thing and from fellow journalists on twitter coming to my defense. I finished my live shot and we thought it was a good idea to get out of there. A trump staffer finds me and says these guys are going to walk you out and it was two secret service agents. Charlie you wanted the answer to why doesnt he tell the truth. Why do you think he doesnt tell the truth . Katy the truth is not in his favor. Charlie in any way . So when he lies he doesnt know he knows he is lying . Katy i dont know how after all the time we corrected him that he can say america is the highest tax nation in the world. He is corrected in the moment and then he says things again. Charlie or he will say he read it somewhere. Katy im obviously not in his mind, but he has been corrected publicly a lot for a lot of the things he says, and he still says them. Charlie does he have selfdoubt at all . Katy it doesnt seem like he does. Charlie who has the capacity to say no to him today . Katy that is a good question. I think his kids have the capacity to say that. Charlie do you think they do say it . Katy i dont know. I am not in those rooms. Tom barrett said that he will say no to him. Charlie i think he will. I have known them for a while. Katy there are a few people in his orbit that have been there long enough to know how to relate to him on an honest level. I think he had a longtime buddy, he is no longer with him in the white house. Charlie general kelly, who now controls access to him, has done a disfavor to him because the president said people can come in and talk to him. It buoyed his spirit to be able to have that lose connection to people without a formal structure, without developing a gatekeeper for him. Katy the thing i can add about who can say no to him. What i noticed most about Donald Trumps world and those who are close to him and have a relationship with him is he inspires a lot of devotion. Charlie inspires or demands . Katy maybe both. When you ask a lot of the people that he is close with what do you think of when he does this, or do you think he is actually fit to be president , do you think he cares enough about policy, the answer i would give even in private is he is a wonderful man and he cares about this country and he will be great for this country. That was an almost unfailing answer from everyone and his world. I dont hope it is the demand or inspiration, but they feel that way. Charlie thank you for coming. Charlie dr. Gates, jr. Is here. He is one of the most respected africanamerican scholars. This season features many boldfaced names. Including larry david and Bernie Sanders. Here is a look. We match dna against anybody who has been in my series. If you have long identical stretches, that means your cousins. I have some cousins . Yes. I hope it is a good athlete. What the hell you are kidding. Oh my god. That is unbelievable is it true . It is true. That is so funny. That is really funny. That is amazing. Ok, cousin bernie. They talk about larry david and they say he does a better Bernie Sanders than i do. [laughter] charlie im glad to have you back. Dr. Gates, jr. nice to be back. Charlie Bernie Sanders and larry david are cousins. You never know what is hiding in your genome. This is the fourth season. Dr. Gates, jr. remember, it started in 2005. It was called African American lives and i wanted to do a 21st century version of alex haleys roots. I wanted to get a prominent africanamericans and trace their Family History back to the abyss of slavery. That is one records for black people when records for black people disappear. I wanted to find out what the group they were from in africa. I got oprah winfrey, chris tucker, quincy jones. It was an experiment and a big hit. Pbs asked me to do a sequel and we called it africanamerican lives 2. We did morgan freeman. Maya angelou. Charlie the idea with their lives would be more interesting to people . Dr. Gates, jr. viewers, real people want to look over the shoulder charlie they want to know about people and their families. Dr. Gates, jr. right. This is an archival form of gossip. Here is when the brands changed. I get a letter, charlie, i started getting all these letters from people. I got a letter from a russianjewish woman who says ive always admired your career and your stance on multicultural diversity. After watching two seasons of africanamerican lives i decided youre a big, fat racist because you only do black people. [laughter] my focus is africanamerican studies. I have studied that since i was 26 years old. Yale, or knelt, duke. I had to ask friends and pbs, can i expand the brand . We decided we would do that. Why wouldnt we share the fabulous experience with everybody . We did a show called faces of america. It was a fourhour experiment. I know how difficult black people, but how do you pick white people . And then what about asian people . Muslims . Catholics . I did what noah would do. Two of each. It was marvelously received and i was asked to do a weekly series. We changed the name to finding your roots. 50,000 years ago, all of your ancestors no matter what you look like today were wandering around or wandering out of east africa and that is a fact. Were over 99. 9 it is a fact that bill clinton loves to quote that we are 99. 9 identical. But in the name of the tiny little genomic difference, people enslaved people and wage wars. Im often asked why i do the series and the real reason is to deconstruct the perceived notion of race and biological difference to show that no matter what the law was, prohibiting shall we say comingling, fourtime immemorial for time immemorial, everybody was sleeping with everybody else. Sometimes it was in the case of slavery or rate, but other times it was not. One of the most interesting things i have learned was we have guests with three dna companies. The black people, none have ever been tested by us and i think very few by any of these dna companies who has been 100 subsaharan african. The average african is european. European. Because of slavery. Charlie slavery transported them to places in europe and the united states. Dr. Gates, jr. the slave trade to the new world and more specifically the united states. I always ask if they have africanamerican ancestors. My great, great grandma. High cheekbones. Almost none of them have native american ancestry. Some do. Valerie jarrett did. Oprah did. Chris tucker did. Charlie how do you do this . We take the dna and analyze it. M it will tell you in the case of usales the y dna you inherited from your mother area or mitochondrial dna, what you inherited from your mother, but your percentages over the last 500 years since the time of columbus of native american ancestry, european ancestry, subsaharan ancestry, and asian ancestry. And there could be 30 subdivisions. Charlie thats all well and good, but i want to know who was my great, great, great, great grandfather and who he married. Dr. Gates that is the firs