Supreme Court takes a pass on holding a violent agitator accountable. Wed Jan 6, 2021 While Americans were preoccupied in the fall with the presidential election, the Supreme Court quietly let Black Lives Matter agitator DeRay Mckesson, an outspoken apologist for political violence directed at police, completely off the hook for the vicious maiming of a police officer at a rowdy protest he organized. Mckesson, of course, is on record as favoring mob violence against police officers. At a July 9, 2016 protest that social media star Mckesson (who has a million followers on Twitter) unlawfully led onto a highway in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the police officer involved suffered brain trauma, a head injury, and lost teeth after an unknown assailant threw a rock or piece of concrete at him. Mckesson, who had encouraged people to block Airline Highway outside the city’s police headquarters, managed to extract a cash payment from the city over his allegedly heavy-handed, livestreamed arrest, as the