Biweekly health sector Libya operational updates 1-15 Mai Format Pillar 1: Leadership, Coordination, Planning and Monitoring • IMC: Coordination with relevant authorities such as the NCDC, PCHI and MOH are ongoing. Activities pertinent to COVID-19 preparedness and response are implemented through the support of BHA, EUTF and GIZ. • CEFA: Coordination with MOH and PCHI is ongoing. A final event to deliver the global results of the rehabilitation and supply delivery at Zawiya Teaching Hospital has been organized on the 4th of May. A post monitoring plan has been developed and shared with the direction of the hospital. • TDH: Coordination with relevant authorities is ongoing for COVID-19 Response and Vaccine Campaign and includes: NCDC of Tripoli and Sabha, MOH, PHCs in West Libya, Misrata Local Council, local authorities in Aljabal Al Gharbi, OCHA, IOM, and UNICEF.