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Biting UHL review finds beds placed "any time anywhere" : co
Biting UHL review finds beds placed "any time anywhere" : co
Biting UHL review finds beds placed "any time anywhere"
A SITE visit of University Hospital Limerick (UHL) found permissive boarding with beds placed “anytime, anywhere, even and including mixed gender” five months before the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, a new unpublished report has revealed.
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Ireland ,
United Kingdom ,
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Irish ,
Mary Fogarty ,
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Ul Hospital Group ,
Irish Patient Association ,
National Lead Clinical Programme In Surgery ,
Galway University Hospitals ,
University Hospital Limerick ,
Midwive Organisation ,
Department Of Health ,
Cork University Hospital ,
Unscheduled Care ,
Irish Patient ,
Prof Tom Keane ,
National Lead Clinical Programme ,
Scottish Government ,
Review Team ,
Average Patient Experience Times ,
Discharge Lounge ,
Acute Medical Unit ,