By Daniel J. Chacón, Santa Fe New Mexican | February 17, 2021 At the start of their meeting last week, members of the New Mexico Public Employees Retirement Association Board of Trustees spent 12 minutes talking over one other and arguing about the agenda and parliamentary procedures. “I really want to move forward,” an exasperated David J. Roybal said at one point of the bickering. “I feel that currently we spend a lot more time, as you can tell, on administrative oversight and Robert’s Rules of Order and personal attacks, when we need to get back to work being fiduciaries.” The dissension and animosity have become commonplace for a board beset by infighting. In 2018, board members famously debated over snacks. The following year, a trustee stormed out of a meeting and accused other members of “abetting and aiding” an alleged assault on her.