Best Places to Skate in Dunedin In the glory of an empty, level-four-lockdown Dunedin, I finally faced my fears and learned how to ride a skateboard. Learning to skate at nineteen years of age may not impress some, but after years of desire, envy, fear, and trepidation, I was thrilled to cruise around the old Coupland’s car park in a very punk manner. Now that I’m a skating legend, I’m going to share the ups and downs of the different skating spots around Dunedin. Radical, man.
George St This is the skating arena of the brave and the foolish. At 3am, George Street is the skater’s domain, but at midday on a Sunday, shuffling boomers and harassed parents with tiny gremlin children will stand between you and the need for speed. You’d best be confident in your dodging and weaving, or you’ll take a fall you’ll never recover from.