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Bengaluru based startup Flytant - Influencer Marketplace rai
Bengaluru based startup Flytant - Influencer Marketplace rai
Bengaluru based startup Flytant - Influencer Marketplace raises Seed round from ShuruUp
Flytant is looking to launch their flagship product Flytant Ads which will enable Influencers to have even more seamless access to sponsorships from the brands.
Related Keywords
Ushuru ,
Jammu And Kashmir ,
India ,
Bengaluru ,
Karnataka ,
United States ,
Vivek Rai ,
Facebook ,
Instagram ,
Linkedin ,
Team Shuru ,
Flytant Ads ,
Influencer Marketing ,
Influencer Marketplace ,
Whatsapp Channels ,
Flytant ,
Funding ,
Strategic Move ,
Cutting Edge Technologies ,
Platform ,
Evolutionize ,
Influencer Marketing Industry ,
Flagship Product ,
Journey ,
Nfluencer Marketplace Model ,
Second Largest Platform ,
Hird Largest Globally ,
Egistered Influencers ,
Brands ,
Global Scale ,
Hird Largest Influencer Marketplace ,
Top Brands ,
Agencies ,
Capabilities ,
Onboarding ,
Founder ,
Bivek Rai ,
Scalability ,
Emocratized Model ,
Ano To Macro ,
Emonetize ,
Content Creators ,
Collabs ,
Sp ,
Hase ,
Commission ,
Amazing Model ,
I Enabled Algorithms ,
Watch ,
Direct Connection ,
Seamless Access ,
Sponsorships ,
Game Changing Product ,
Eam Shuru Up ,
Content Creation ,
Social Media ,
Networking ,
Portfolio ,
Market ,
Aid ,
Paradigm Shift ,
Innovation ,
Exponential Growth ,
Global Influencer Hub ,
Transformative Journey ,
Influencers ,
Unite ,
Thrive ,
Emocratized Digital Terrain ,