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Bengal's Fishermen Through War, Famine and Partition : compa
Bengal's Fishermen Through War, Famine and Partition : compa
Bengal's Fishermen Through War, Famine and Partition
The fishermen communities of Bengal were diverse with regional variations. Apart from Malos, Kaibartas, Bagdis, and Pods, the numerically significant fishermen sub-castes, there were many other smaller and localized communities involved in fishing.
Related Keywords
Kolkata ,
West Bengal ,
India ,
Enarinda ,
Bangladesh General ,
Bangladesh ,
Jalkar ,
Rangpur ,
Japan ,
Kharagpur ,
Jagat Ber ,
Meghna ,
Madras ,
Tamil Nadu ,
Dhaka ,
Jessore ,
Khulna ,
Pakistan ,
Japanese ,
East Pakistan ,
Baro Babus ,
Safiuddin Ahmed ,
Karunamoy Mukherjee ,
Madan Mohan Basak ,
Ekti Nodir Naam ,
Shrish Chandra Chakraverti ,
Nandalal Bose ,
Zainul Abedin ,
Patrick Hill ,
Ramkrishna Mukherjee ,
Famine Enquiry Commission Report For Bengal ,
Fishery Department ,
Floud Commission ,
Irrigation Department ,
Land Revenue Commission ,
Titas Ekti Nodir ,
Permanent Settlement ,
Tangi River ,
Special Fishery Officer ,
Canal Act ,
Tenancy Acts ,
Agricultural Debtors Act ,
Bengal Fisheries ,
Bengal Fisheries Bill ,
Famine Enquiry Commission Report ,
Famine Recovery Scheme ,
East Bengal ,
Fish Marketing Report ,
East Bengal State Acquisition ,
Tenancy Act ,
Daily Sangbad ,