Here we need unified control, it is impossible, even if production interests are placed above national ones, this is a harmful practice, there is still quite a bit of disruption. In the operation of quarries, a sore point is import; sometimes the countrys Raw Materials in abundance and capacity make it possible to organize fullfledged production, but for some positions the work is not even organized in halfstrength, which is economically ineffective, the task is less to purchase what we can extract from ourselves, especially since new minerals have been identified in the country, which are in production today, and this will ensure an increase in the volume of production of the mining industry. Let me remind you that our common goal is not only to produce products with the maximum use of domestic Raw Materials, there are three pillars, three Growth Drivers that will allow us to develop further, these are efficiency, import substitution and exports. God forbid you, if at least once roman aleksandrovich, at my level , the issue of importing here the products that we produce will be raised, blame yourself, i wont repeat it again. Second question , intermediaries, lets agree that in the year of quality all approaches should be reconsidered, specifically to the quality of work, if there are systemic problems that require my intervention, say, decisions will be made immediately, although they have already been taken, in the economy they do not and cannot be a secondary topic, because the sovereignty of our country and wellbeing depend on its sustainability of our people, this is the most. Important thing, so i repeat again, go look for what you need in the country. The president points out that it is important to develop a clear plan for the future. You cant live only for today. Economy is at the forefront. It is necessary to strengthen in many areas Alexander Lukashenko is convinced, first of all, a focus on hydrocarbons. Industrial oil reserves in belarus have increased by 14 over 8 years. The task has been set to drill more, this is an important step for the growth of Oil Production in the country. It started in belarus nomination of candidates for delegates to the allbelarusian peoples assembly. They have a great responsibility ahead, to preserve our country and the unity of the people, and it is important for belarusians who will be among the delegates. The law provides for certain requirements. A candidate is citizenship of belarus, the presence of voting rights, permanent residence in the territory of our country, the absence of an outstanding criminal record and the absence of other citizenship. Let me remind you that the delegates of the Supreme Council are the president , representatives of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities, local councils of deputies and Civil Society. In total, the maximum number of delegates is 1,200 people, including 290 from local councils of deputies and from Civil Society. Society of 400 people, it must be taken into account that the same person cannot be a candidate for delegates of the Supreme Council from Civil Society and from local councils of deputies. Before we talk about moving the country forward, we must talk about security and the economy, this is what our head of state always talks about, so i think the issues that relate to the approval of the concept of national security, military doctrine and, accordingly. The nomination of candidates will last until the end of the month, elections will be held from april 1 to april 10, it is planned that their results will be established no later than april 18, and april 25 is the deadline for convening the first meeting of the allbelarusian peoples assembly. March 15 is constitution day, the fundamental law of belarus, having gone through a difficult path, becoming today a guarantor of peace and security, preserving the democratic principles of the planned development. Of society and the state, such the constitution was created by the belarusian people, we walked step by step towards a strong, prosperous country and repeatedly joined forces to strengthen the state foundation. How it happened, see tomorrow in the project of the Tv News Agency right