The great shrine of vandroya in belarus. Its sunny and sunny days in the towns and villages of our land. Belts of holy bagarodzitsa and moshcha father , holy righteous iakim and hanna. In belarus, the relic was given from the kazan cathedral in petsyarburg. The train has been stationed at the night station since 2011. Previously, during the past month, the shrine was known as holy gara athos, the vatapetsky monastery. Padumats only, rech, which belonged to the mother of god herself, which marya for the sake of our goals. This kind of chestnutness itself is full of light, energy, goodness, and the essence of every human being. From the very beginning of the visit to belarus, there was such a spiritual stir from the belts that the time of relics on our lands was celebrated. The shrine on the route and the wellknown fatalities, for example, to the deepest depths of peoples ties, what kind of faith and denial of christianity. The tsud are worthy here. And you are a person here, if i may say so, in such secular language, new, that is newly appointed bishop, head of the diocese of borisov, marinagorsk, and of course , we will talk about this in great detail, how do you feel in this place, how are things going, what are your plans, but first, this is a simple, at the same time great reason for our meeting this is a journey of an ark with fragments of the belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And the urine of her parents, yes, in belarus, now the kavcheg is with you, and i would really like to hear such an opinion from you, well , we read wikipedia, various internet, we use it from the point of view of a clergyman, spiritual persons, thats what such pilgrimages mean, shrines to people, thats what the relic itself, as it were, wants to say, what is the purpose of this, the benefit, of course, its a great mercy. That the lord gave us such an opportunity to venerate the shrine of the greatest shrine, because it belonged to the mother of god, the belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Blessed Virgin Mary , she is the patroness of the entire human race, she is the mother of all humanity, because the lord , dying on the cross, handed her over to her care apostle john the theologian, and thereby. Taught all humanity to the mother of god, she intercedes before her son for the human race, therefore, and people feel this, every person feels it, because i think that every person experienced his appeal to the mother of god in prayer, and received it, this prayer is the answer of the blessed virgin, which is why she turns to her in prayer; we constantly turn to her in prayer, as if we were our own mother. And of course, shrines that are associated with the mother of god, her miraculous icons, her chasuble or belt of the mother of god. And particles of the relics of her relatives, her parents, this is the greatest shrine for us, and its as if the most holy theotokos herself visits the borders of belarus, so when we come, make some kind of pilgrimage somewhere, or even more so, when the shrine comes to us, this is the best time to think about what we can approach this. Shrine with, what to ask for, think about what is important in our life, because when we go to ask something from someone so big, we ask for the most important , not about some trifles, about something very important, for a person it is important to be with god, this is to be at peace with him, to be in purity, in holiness, which is why most often Orthodox Christians ask for forgiveness of their sins. You dont just organize a presence in the temple, in the church, yes, but you also kind of organize it for those people who are weakly unable to come for some reason, i know that in your Military Hospital, and in the hospital, so the relic should visit, yes, we planned it so that those people who cannot for some reason visit the temple are in the hospital, infirm for this Military Hospital or in our Central Regional hospital, we planned it so that. It is not we who honor our mother of god, the mother of god, but she has lists, and different ones, as if the icons are completely different, here is borisovshchina, it is also glorious with the miraculous icons of lagoya , yes, marinagorskaya, heres a little more detail about these images of the mother of god prayed to, in general, the minsk region is famous for its miraculous icons, i already said that we venerate the most pure virgin mary, because she is our mother, these are. The lagoya icon mother of god in marina miracles, testimonies , appearances of the mother of god took place on the hill, in lyady, our annunciation monastery, in the velyaticheskaya icon of the mother of god, also our ancient shrine, they all testify that people respond with their hearts, feel this patronage of the mother of god, pray before her, and the mother of god hears these prayers, this is so many. Miraculous icons are evidence that the mother of god is always near us, when we turn to her in prayer, we always receive requests, that is, even in this small area there is yours, yes, yes, go into any christian house and you will see the image of the mother of god there, some even have family icons, family heirlooms that are passed down from generation to generation, from generation to generation, people turn to her, pray in front of him, this is the grace that is in prayer. A person accepts himself, an icon is a window to eternity, we simply turn to the mother of god, not to an icon, not to a board, not to paints , we turn to a prototype. Vladyka, there are, lets say, pillars, images of christ, the mother of god, saints there, but how do you feel about such local history of a local order, when people want to know, they erect such a cult of locally revered saints, and search for them. The century has given us confessors of the orthodox faith, and this also gives us a lot of our holy new martyrs, evidence that people here revere christ, because the number of new martyrs that the Russian Church gave us in the 20th century is unprecedented, even in times of persecution of christians. During the times of the roman empire there were not as many confessors of faith as there were in the 20th century in the Russian Church, and this is a testimony to faith. On this land , and its not without reason that since ancient times there has been such a saying that the blood of martyrs is the pillar of affirmation of the seed of the church, on what the church is built, so yes, here in the borisov region we honor the holy new martyrs who lived here on this earth, were our close relatives, there are now living relatives of those who. Gave their lives for the confession of faith, thanks to their feat, their martyrdom, the faith was preserved on our land, and we thank them in our prayers, we pray to them, that the lord, through their prayers, strengthened us, to be steadfast in our faith, to preserve this faith, and the feat of the new martyrs, the fact that we are now researching these names, the lives of these saints, what we are filming in. Films about them, we popularize their lives in order to show other people that look, these people lived on this earth, they were people just like us, but they reached god, they had such a strong faith that they overcame everything, even gave their lives for christ, which means we can too, and you, when you came to faith, what era was it, for some time, why did you. Spiritually choose the path that you have, i caught a little, it was still a time of godlessness, at school we had this already in the last grades schools, already when the millennium of the baptism of russia was widely celebrated, when they began to talk openly about god, when it was no longer prohibited, first of all, of course, for the soviet man there was an opening to us, the soviet union. There were many books of the new testament, the bible, here is a meeting with the bible, with the new testament, has greatly influenced my life. Of course, i knew that we had a temple in the city, and my grandmother went to the temple and prayed, but this is what touched my heart then, i began to go to the temple more often, we just opened a cathedral in the city of gomel, the bishop came , gomel became a cathedral city, i began to walk. Every day to the church, they noticed me , lets say, they asked me to come help the bishop at the altar, and so i became a deacon, then a senior deacon of bishop aristarchus, and so gradually communicating with the bishop aristarchus, with father anthony, they were the rapists of the trinity of serge lavra, monks, then he began to read spiritual literature, and somehow it naturally resulted in taking monasticism to go. Chose there, but we know from the holy scriptures the words of the savior, who says that you did not choose me, i chose you, and if we Start Talking to any monk about how you came to the monastery, any monk will say the lord called. Therefore, yes, indeed, the lord calls, touches the heart of a person, this is this meeting with god, happens in the life of every person. The question is how he will react to this meeting, thanks to his free will. Either he will follow christ with him, or he will turn away from him , this free will is already expressed, and if a person has such love, it is revealed, the lord gives such a gift of love to a person that he can completely give himself to god, devote himself to service him, then he becomes a monk, if you take the path of monasticism, if god called you to be a monk, then. The main thing is to go forward to for christ, and for you, the main thing is christ, Everything Else comes later, and you have been walking for what, thirty years, they said, yes, next year it will be exactly 30 years, yes , 30 years in the st. Nicholas monastery, 30 years, like i was tonsured in a monastery, how i ceased to be andrei, became amrosiy, you know, you say a monastery, this is such an association of solitary life, now you have a different ministry, now you have become the head of a large, huge. Diocese has changed, and a little bit of yours what is inner service . Yes, but to me lucky, the lord chooses a person and leads him only to him. In the city of gomel, in the center, one might say, of the city, and because of this the specificity of, lets say, the monastery. It is educational, missionary, we did not run away somewhere into the desert, all this time we served to educate people, people, gave ourselves to those who came to the monastery for help, for spiritual advice, for some kind of instruction, for the search for god. Well, a leader is something else, you are the leader of a huge diocese under your jurisdiction, thats how many churches, how many servants, what tasks. In my sermons i say and draw attention to the fact that we must have an internal mission within the church, here are our parishioners, so that they can better recognize their faith, for this we need to talk about christ, read the gospel, so that this is our treasure that we have, the faith of christ, was not just lying in a box, covered with some kind of precious fabric, and we were just in awe of it. And so that it is important for us, alive, so that we use it all, so i think that it is very it is important to instruct parishioners to study the faith that they accepted from their grandparents, parents, mothers, to consciously go to church, so that we understand what treasure we have . You are from gomel, and there is ukraine nearby, and i, when i got acquainted with your biography, you studied. Kiev academy, yes, theological, there were some years, how was everything then, did you still have there, lets say, your classmates and those times, a little bit today, my heart probably hurts for ukraine, for its orthodoxy and in general, it hurts for people, so we pray that with the blessing they began sacredly in every church, a prayer is offered up to the orthodox, a prayer for the persecuted ukrainian church. That the lord will stop this internal enmity, because any enmity is born from within of a person, when a person defeats the evil within himself that exists, or the evil that comes to him, it is important that he defeats it within himself and does not broadcast it further from himself into the world, but defeats it with his goodness, his inner strength, strength, we pray for the russian people, we pray for our fatherland, so that god will bless us with peace, this is, first of all, well, a memory, of course, of kiev, because it is connected with kiev. And my childhood with my grandmother , one of them, i went there almost every summer, and the kievpechersk lavra is close to my heart, the shrines of kiev, kiev itself, so its hard, but i believe that the lord is merciful to us, if we look for him, you studied bachelors, yes, so the work was based on the relationship between the russian and the separate American Orthodox Church . Professional work here is about the relationship between the russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church in america, it would seem that the Orthodox Church in america, well, something so american, incomprehensible to us, but i was very interested in history, and it was close to me in those years when i described this work , i also studied the works of protopresbyter alexander schmemann, this person was very interesting, and he stood at the source of the autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in america. The Orthodox Church in america moved away from this division, the Russian Church began to emerge, and in order to overcome interactions were already in the postwar period, and they came to the point that a local Orthodox Church was organized in america, the Russian Church granted autocephaly to the exarchate, which was located in america, so it was interesting for me, with regard to the current situation. Unfortunately, western civilization is ceasing to be christian, very, very much moving away from christ, at first it happened so little by little, now it is going by leaps and bounds, because of this there is a conflict, not in the territorial sense, in the sense concepts like the western world, it accepts for itself other values that are different from christian ones, this is what conflicts with our values. We, while remaining christians, cannot accept the values that modern western civilization places at the forefront. The main reason for this is, yes, yes, a departure from god, if we depart from god, we will become the same as them, a person himself chooses whether to be with god or not to be with god, with light or with the absence of light with darkness , but if a person chooses christ, then he will. It was the Catholic Church in the western world, now everything has been done in order to destroy both from the inside and from the outside, it is very important that we have these spiritual guidelines, authorities who show us where to go, for us these are saints, for us first of all, the main spiritual guideline is christ and the gospel that has been given to us, the word of god, so we try to focus on this and choose the right direction. Souls, this is very important, probably, in each region, lets say, in the region, there is a peculiarity of believers, its own, your gomel flock and the borisov , minsk, they are somehow different, and what do you feel from the people here when they gather in church, on holidays, for worship, what kind of energy they have, we belarusians are peaceful people, we are peaceful everywhere , this is one of our features, therefore. In the gomel region, here in the minsk region, this is the peace that we have in the republic, i think that thank god, god has given us this gift, we must appreciate it these qualities that we have, and pass it on to other generations, this love, peacefulness, hard work, the desire to create , to protect ones fatherland, i think that this is what. Who distinguishes us all belarusians, wherever we are, strive to develop these good qualities in ourselves, pass them on to others, educate personal example of their own, their younger generation. This can even be considered a parting word, but still here is our broadcast, on such good spring days, beautiful, filled with warmth, some wishes to the belarusians, maybe. She lives in gomel to all women and the entire belarusian people would like say the words advice that the apostle paul constantly says always rejoice and. Pray without ceasing, give thanks for everything , he gets everything for you with love, thank you very much, i couldnt say better, really, thank you very much for the meeting, health and, what can i say, prosperous service so that everything that you think about, that comes, is decided, only goes uphill, increases, believe, thank you, last year, as far as we know, was a record year. In terms of the number of trips our citizens make to russia, in your opinion, what causes such a stir, why does russia attract our travelers . First of all, these are the natural limitations of other outbound markets, which due to various circumstances in recent years have developed from a pandemic to the global chaos that is happening outside our borders. Well, the most important thing, you said correctly, is the availability of the payment system, good logistics, and most importantly, the development of the region. A lot of russian tourists came, but its extremely difficult to say for sure, since we dont have a border, its difficult to record, so the union of the tory industry, our colleagues in russia and Higher Education management names figures of about a million , a little more, we also adhere to them, however , for some positions and articles, belstat and other regulatory officials confidently and quite seriously name a figure of over 4 million, this also happens. It can be, since an unorganized tourist from russia in belarus this is about 73 , this is a very high figure, which is very difficult to calculate, but according to statistics, problems with accurate count statistics in tourism, they are not only in belarus and russia, they are, in principle, for the postsoviet space and the mass of other countries on the planet are typical, ill finish now, because from this it is still impossible to accurately calculate the contribution to the gdp of tourism, because we know how much it paid for a trip, for an air ticket, although this is for export. Servants do not pay for the hotel for the museum , but how much he spent on his accommodation, entertainment, purchase of souvenirs or belarusian products, which is very important, we cannot yet calculate this, but in any case, you are absolutely right about the colossal growth of russian tourism, which would compensate for the flow that was before the pandemic, there had nev