Vkontakte to take photos to see how it used to be here in raobichi, well, its cool, by the way, such different memories, but now its cool here, yeah, cooler, probably, than anywhere else. Broadcast of a film by a Television News agency dedicated to the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Sports Complex raubich, look today after the panorama of belarus 1. Next, economic news, let me remind you of the project. Tv news agency are available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. Stay on the first button. Deputies. We adopted a bill on employment issues in the first reading, well tell you about the innovations. Butb simplifies the accreditation of foreign buyers for targeted transactions. And switzerland bought almost 4 billion worth of russian gold in 2023. You are watching economic news. With i am olga klairova. Good morning. Parliamentarians adopted a bill on employment issues in the first reading. It is aimed at maximizing assistance in finding employment for those citizens who are interested in this. In particular , the possibility of registering citizens as unemployed, at the place of residence, at the place of stay, as well as electronic registration is being expanded, the institution of quotas for jobs for disabled people is being introduced, the approach to organizing training for the unemployed and the period of their being registered with the disabled is being changed. 18 months to no more than a year. The approaches to the assignment and amount of Unemployment Benefits and Payment Periods are also changing from 6 months to three. Butb since the beginning of march. Planning to enter into targeted transactions for the purchase of forest products. In particular, foreign buyers are not required to obtain an electronic digital signature. The need to legalize and translate documents is eliminated. And the time for their consideration by the exchange is reduced to one day. And you can conclude an agreement for Exchange Services by joining the standard form, simply by signing corresponding application form. For butb this is a step forward. Business will expand the geography of trade and increase the export volume of products from the Timber Industry of belarus. Belarusneft plans to drill the first oil well in the new area at the end of next year. We are talking about a territory of 1256 km2 within the borders of the reichetsky, loevsky and gomel districts. At the largest site , oil workers are intensifying 3d seismic exploration using modern methods and technologies. More than 200 are planned here. Tee gives 4. 48, 3 rubles. 52 kopecks costs 100 russian, and the euro to the central bank 3. 50. In 2023, russia, despite the current sanctions restrictions, sold just over 63 tons of gold to switzerland in the amount of 3. 9 billion, as a result it entered the top 6 in terms of precious metal exports. In total, switzerland purchased more than 2,000 tons of gold on the world market last year, spending the maximum in 11 years, 101. 4 billion. The largest suppliers of Precious Metals were the usa, the united arab emirates, and uzbekistan; the top three main buyers were china, india and turkey. Spent money on buying gold and. European union 8. 2 billion. Apple has decided to abandon the creation of its own electric car and focus on the development of artificial intelligence. According to bloomberg, work on creating an electric car has been going on for about 10 years. The Company Started in 2014, in 2021 it was reported that it could be completed within 57 years. It was assumed that the newest car would have no Steering Wheel and pedals, and Traffic Safety would be difficult to control. This was the economic news, i wish you success in your business and good mood, see you soon. The morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus24 continues with the program zone x. Im karina pashkova. Hello. In minsk , charges have been brought against the pawnbroker from whose goods a drug user died. Back in august last year, a fortythreeyearold foreigner was detained in brest. According to the investigation, the accused was a member of an organized criminal group that was involved in the illegal trafficking of psychotropics. According to the instructions of the curators, the defendant took large quantities of drugs and packaged illegal ones. Substances into single doses and laid out the finished packages according to melting areas of the capital and the minsk region. During a search , more than 620 g of drugs were found in the detainees car, including methadone, cocaine and corfintanil. And according to the coordinates of the location of the caches he made, there is another 140 g of methadone. One of the bookmarks he made became fatal for a thirtyfiveyearold resident of the capital. Together with his friends in july last year, he purchased the particularly dangerous drug methadone on the internet. The company took the stash in a forest area, and then at the house of one of their friends, they divided the illegal substance between i used it myself. Then each of the men went about their business. The next day , the mother of the thirtyfiveyearold menchan resident sounded the alarm. My son has not been in contact for almost a day. During the search, his body without signs of life was found in the entrance where his acquaintance lives. According to the conclusion of the forensic medical examination, death occurred as a result of acute methadone poisoning. Based on the results of an investigation into the actions. Will continue to publish a review of criminal and emergency incidents, prepared by vladimir korolev, presented a fake passport to the Border Guards, the foreigner tried to fly to turkey through. Minsk national airport. The Border Guards easily recognized the fake document. The woman said that she was a citizen of russia, but because of debts she could not officially obtain a foreign passport. Now her identity and the history of the creation of the document will be studied by Law Enforcement officers. For attempting to illegally cross the border, the detainee will face a large fine, but for the use of counterfeit documents, the person may face criminal liability. Attempt evading taxes turned out to be a real deadline. Resident of soligorsk. In 2015 he organized a business performing construction and installation work. For 2 years, the entrepreneur fulfilled orders with various organizations, receiving guaranteed income. When the revenue exceeded the threshold for preferential taxation, the defendant decided to indicate in the declaration only the revenue that went through his current account, forgetting about the earnings received in cash. Entrepreneurial activity brought good income; in 2017, an attacker with the purpose of evasion. Taxes changed the structure of the business by applying fragmentation. One of the workers agreed to register himself as an individual entrepreneur ; on his behalf, a resident of soligorsk continued to carry out construction and installation work. For seven years , proceeds were artificially distributed to enterprising businessmen to create the appearance of a legitimate application of the preferential tax regime. Thus, the man continued to evade taxes by distorting information about the facts of business transactions in the reporting documents of the new entity. Thus the businessman did not pay an additional 650,000 rubles to the budget. The Soligorsk District Court found the entrepreneur and his accomplice guilty of large scale tax evasion, as well as complicity in a crime. The defendants were sentenced to 3. 5 and 2. 5 years. Brest customs officers discovered smuggling worth a million. At the kozlovichi checkpoint, a polish carrier was transporting a shipment of auto parts from serbia to georgia. A scan of the truck showed a serious discrepancy between. Cargo and shipping documents. It was found that, in fact, in the cargo the compartment moves 2,500 more units of goods than was stated in the documents. Overall rating. The overnight cost of the undeclared goods was about 1 million belarusian rubles

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