Holy school we are like this, we are truly cherished , glory to the land, our bright name to the peoples of the fraternal union. Our beloved mother of many years belarus, our beloved mother of may, rodzima, lives forever and belarus, together with radami. Belarus, friendship to the people, strength to the people. The paths of the owls are forlorn, our grief is clear, gods joy and dreams are bright, our bright earth is evil, glory to the peoples. Seversky union, our beloved mother, radich your belarus, our beloved, matsima, in all possible ways. Kali bachysh, what kind of issued budynki people izvodzilі y daynіnu, if you like, you think that we they were very reasonable for us. Architecture, entire countries speak to us, change their language. And we can understand this. Syadziba nyamtsevicha in skokah, remembers the history of baroka and the era. The fading greatness of the first European Confederation of the republic of paspalitai, the month that sprang up from the great depths of two centuries and the brightness of the landscape of modern architecture. The rulers of the ursyn nyamtsevicha family, on the coat of arms of their former meat in latin ursus, veska. Fell to the brests of the syaredzina 18 centuries. Most likely, there was already a trash satziba renaissance typu. I loved my apisanna, which package yuliyan nyamtsevich. From this record we know that marcel nyamtsevich, father