Owner Arianna Parsons said it was heartbreaking to find the business in such a state. “I think there's still a little bit of shock, but every day it starts to set in more and more. We’re just deeply sad,” she said. “It seems like someone who is really unstable was just going to town.” Beck's does have an alarm system, but it was not set Friday night. Luckily, nothing was stolen and the large equipment was unharmed. Willow + Blaine, the next-door wine bar and bistro also owned by Parsons and her husband, was left untouched. Beck's was closed to customers Saturday while the entire Beck’s team went in to clean the mess. Monday is being used to replace windows, replace food items and connect with insurance. Parsons said they are not sure at this point of the full extent of the damage or how much it will cost to replace everything.