Transcripts For BBCNEWS Breakfast 20241003 :

BBCNEWS Breakfast October 3, 2024

Our maIn sTory. The IsraelI PrIme MInIster, BenjamIn Netanyahu, says Iran wIll pay a terrIble prIce for launchIng a barrage of mIssIles Towards sItes across Israel. Tehran saId It had concluded Its mIlItary actIon, but warned of further attacks If Israel retalIated. Around 180 mIssIles were fIred across large parts of Israel, IncludIng Jerusalem And Tel avIv. Most were Intercepted. Its been confIrmed that brItIsh troops were Involved In supportIng Israel. In a statement Last NIght, prIme MInIster KeIr Starmer warned that the MIddle East Is now On The BrInk. Well be speakIng To our correspondents across the regIon throughout the mornIng, and gaugIng polItIcal reactIon, as well, but fIrst wIth the latest from jerusalem, Jon DonnIson reports. AIrraId sIren. Israel was warned It was comIng. But thIs was Irans revenge. Almost 200 ballIstIc mIssIles raInIng In across the country. ExplosIons. 0k, guys, we got To get off the roof. These are comIng down rIght next To us here. As people ran for shelter, wIth the IranIan mIssIles travellIng some 2,000km In only around 12 mInutes, Israels Defence System was at full stretch. The IsraelI PrIme MInIster, BenjamIn Netanyahu, saId Iran would pay a terrIble prIce. TranslatIon Iran made a bIg mIstake TonIght, and It wIll pay for It. The regIme In Iran does not understand our determInatIon To defend ourselves, and our determInatIon To retalIate agaInst our enemIes. We wIll stand by the rule wE EstablIshed whoever attacks us, we wIll attack them. ThIs restaurant In Tel AvIv Took a dIrect hIt. And thIs was a school In central Israel. The us saId It helped In shootIng down some of the mIssIles Its IntellIgence AgencIes had alerted Israel To an ImmInent attack. And Last NIght, PresIdent BIden saId they were fully supportIve of Israel. Based on what we now know, the attack appears To have been defeated and IneffectIve, and thIs Is testament To IsraelI MIlItary CapabIlIty and us mIlItary. And also a testament To IntensIve plannIng between the unIted states and Israel, To antIcIpate and defend agaInst the brazen attack wE Expected. Make no mIstake the unIted states Is fully, fully, fully supportIve of Israel. In gaza Last NIght, as Iran pounded Israel, there were celebratIons as there were In the IranIan capItal, Too. Iran had vowed vengeance, after Israel assassInated Hassan Nasrallah The Leader of the IranIan backed lebanese MIlItIa Hezbollah on frIday, and Iran kIlled The Leader of hamas, IsmaIl hanIyeh, On IranIan SoIl back Injuly. For months now, dIplomats have trIed To sTop the year long war In gaza from engulfIng the regIon. Theyve faIled. And after Last NIghts unprecedented IranIan attacks, Israel Is expected To hIt back hard. Jon donnIson, Bbc News, jerusalem. Israels bIggest cIty, Tel AvIv whIch was targeted by mIssIles Last NIght. Lets Have A Look at pIctures. ResIdents reported receIvIng a Government Emergency Alarm on theIr phones warnIng people To take shelter. MIssIles could be seen across the sky one hIt a restaurant In the cIty. We also have a lIve shot. Tyre In Southern Lebanon, whIch sIts 12 mIles north of the border wIth Israel, has been hIt hard by strIkes. Tyre Is one of the oldest InhabItated cItIes In the world, but now It Is reported that many people had left the seasIde cIty, after IncreasIng attacks from Israel. The pIcture that we just showed you was jerusalem Instead. The pIcture that we just showed you wasjerusalem Instead. My mIstake. LookIng quIet after a dramatIc nIght. In a moment we wIll speak To our mIddle East Correspondent Hugo bachega, who Is In the lebanese CapItal BeIrut but fIrst To NIck Beake In northern Israel. MornIng. Wejust saw mornIng. We just saw the pIctures of Tel AvIv, lookIng quIeter thIs mornIng. What Is the sense on the ground . MornIng. What Is the sense on the round ... mornIng. What Is the sense on the round . mornIng. What Is the sense on the round ..... MornIng. What Is the sense on the round .... ~. ground . Good mornIng. We are In the north of Israel. Ground . Good mornIng. We are In the north of Israel, where ground . Good mornIng. We are In the north of Israel, where overnIght north of Israel, where overnIght there has been the constant sound of IsraelI jets and helIcopters overhead and we can hear a few now, as well. As well as that, there have been quIte regular explosIons. Dull floods In the background. They have come from beyond the hIlls because thatIs come from beyond the hIlls because that Is where the lebanese border Is and It Is at that poInt that the IsraelI MIlItary are goIng across the border, carryIng out these operatIons. In terms of what we saw here for ourselves Last NIght, we were at thIs very same spot when the IranIans mIssIles started To come In. About 200. We saw some of them hIgh In the sky above thIs locatIon, goIng further Towards bIg major IsraelI CItIes IncludIng Tel AvIv and jerusalem. Israel says the vast majorIty were shot down wIth the help of the amerIcans and the brItIsh but BenjamIn Netanyahu has vowed there wIll be revenge, grave consequences for Iran. Iran, In turn,Is consequences for Iran. Iran, In turn, Is sayIng that If that happens, If the IsraelIs respond, they wIll hIt back even harder. It Is easy To see why so many people are worrIed about thIs beIng a spIral of vIolence wIth no end In sIght. In terms of what Is happenIng thIs mornIng, we can hear every now and then thesE ExplosIons far away In the dIstance and that Is because the mIlItary are contInuIng, the IsraelI MIlItary, contInuIng To pound hezbollah posItIons. ThIs mornIng the group deemed a TerrorIst Group by many countrIes say they arE EngagIng wIth IsraelI fIghters, pushIng them back from one specIfIc Town. As of yet there has been no thanks. Lets go north. ThIs Is beIrut thIs mornIng the capItal of lebanon. IsraelI defense forces say they have carrIed out overnIght AIr StrIkes agaIn, targetIng hezbollah. We have got no control over the camera you are seeIng at the moment. It Is roamIng around, a constant lIve feed focusIng on any events whIch unfold. Our mIddle East Correspondent Hugo bachega Is In the lebanese capItal, beIrut. AnxIous tImes. MornIng. MornIng. Yes, anxIous tImes. MornIng. MornIng. Yes. Because anxIous tImes. MornIng. MornIng. Yes, because the anxIous tImes. MornIng. MornIng. Yes, because the fIat anxIous tImes. MornIng. MornIng. Yes, because the fIat here anxIous tImes. MornIng. MornIng. Yes, because the fIat here Is anxIous tImes. MornIng. MornIng. Yes, because the fIat here Is that| yes, because the fIat here Is that thIs could be the begInnIng of a wIder IsraelI OffensIve agaInst hezbollah. It was another nIght of heavy AIr StrIkes In beIrut, targetIng hIs out targetIng hezbollah s base. They were ordered by the IsraelI MIlItary tellIng resIdents To leave some parts of tahIr near locatIons the mIlItary saId were beIng used by hezbollah, and some of those warnIngs came around 3am and 4am so most people would be sleepIng. We stIll dont have detaIls about casualtIes and In Southern we stIll dont have a clear pIcture of thE Extent of the IsraelI Ground InvasIon. In Southern Lebanon. Hezbollah Is now claImIng that clashes happened near a Town In the South of the country and that IsraelI troops were forced To retreat after tryIng To InfIltrate thIs Town. There has not been confIrmatIon by the IsraelI MIlItary. The IsraelIs descrIbed thIs as a lImIted, targeted operatIon focused on destroyIng Hezbollah Infrastructure In the South of the country. And as thIs conflIct contInues, thIs Is a country under pressure. The authorItIes say that nearly 1900 people have been kIlled In the past two weeks, and 1 MIllIon resIdents have been dIsplaced a. Qm. Two weeks, and1 MIllIon resIdents have been dIsplaced a. Two weeks, and1 MIllIon resIdents have been dIsplaced a. Ok, for now, Thank Yom have been dIsplaced a. Ok, for now, thank yon we have been dIsplaced a. Ok, for now, thank you. We wIll have been dIsplaced a. Ok, for now, thank you. We wIll speak have been dIsplaced a. Ok, for now, thank you. We wIll speak To have been dIsplaced a. Ok, for now, thank you. We wIll speak To hugo I thank you. We wIll speak To hugo agaIn later. Late Last NIght, the Defence Secretaryjohn Healey confIrmed brItIsh forces had been Involved In supportIng Israel. He saId. PrIme mInIster sIr KeIr Starmer has condemned Irans Attacks on Israel, and offered PrIme MInIster BenjamIn Netanyahu the uks support. We stand wIth Israel, and we recognIse her rIght To Self Defence In the face of thIs aggressIon. Iran must sTop these attacks. Together wIth Its proxIes, lIke hezbollah, Iran has menaced the MIddle East for far Too long. Chaos and destructIon brought notjust To Israel, but To the people they lIve amongst In lebanon and beyond. Make no MIstake BrItaIn stands full square agaInst such vIolence. We support Israels reasonable demand for the securIty of Its people. 0ur ChIef PolItIcal Correspondent Henry Zeffman has been monITorIng the governments response, whIlst coverIng the conservatIve Party Conference In bIrmIngham. MornIng To you. Just outlIne the uks role when a sItuatIon lIke thIs escalates. H,. uks role when a sItuatIon lIke thIs escalates.... uks role when a sItuatIon lIke thIs escalates. H,... uks role when a sItuatIon lIke thIs escalates..... escalates. Good mornIng. You saw the PrIme MInIsters escalates. Good mornIng. You saw the PrIme MInIsters a escalates. Good mornIng. You saw the PrIme MInIsters a statement. Escalates. Good mornIng. You saw the PrIme MInIsters a statement. A escalates. Good mornIng. You saw the PrIme MInIsters a statement. A few. PrIme mInIsters a statement. A few hours before, he had been 15 mInutes InTo a Phone Call wIth the IsraelI PrIme MInIster BenjamIn Netanyahu when Irans Barrage of attacks on Israel began and that Phone Call had To be abandoned, of course. A few hours later the PrIme MInIster then gave hIs vIew on the sItuatIon, as you head there, and then late Last NIght that statement from John Healey the Defence Secretary suggestIng that the raf had been Involved. We have not heard many more or Indeed any detaIls from the government about that but It Is our understandIng at the bbc that as In aprIl, when Iran last fIred mIssIles at Israel, brItIshjets aprIl, when Iran last fIred mIssIles at Israel, brItIsh jets were Involved In attemptIng To repel them. I can tell you thatJohn Healey Is In cyprus thIs mornIng, meetIng brItIsh personnel, IncludIng brItIsh personnel who mIght be Involved over the comIng days In any further evacuatIon of brItIsh cItIzens In 11 on, somethIng we have spoken about In recent days. The KeIr Starmer, he Is In brussels Today. Those were meetIngs IncludIng wIth the presIdent of thE European commIssIon, Ursula Von Der leyen, whIch were supposed To be focused on hIs attempt To reset relatIons wIth europe. I am sure that wIll stIll be the focus but I was also expect them To dIscuss the sItuatIon In the MIddle East. We To dIscuss the sItuatIon In the MIddle East. To dIscuss the sItuatIon In the MIddle East. ~ , l, MIddle East. We wIll see how the day unfolds. MIddlE East. We wIll see how the day unfolds henry. MIddlE East. We wIll see how the day unfolds. Henry, thank MIddle East. We wIll see how the day unfolds. Henry, thank you. At least seven people have been kIlled In a ShootIng And KnIfe attack In Tel AvIv. Several others were Injured In the IncIdent after a gunman opened fIre In the jaffa area, alongsIde an accomplace armed wIth a knIfe. PolIce say both attackers were neutralIsed and descrIbed the motIve as terror. You can get updates throughout the day on the Bbc WebsIte. That Is the pIcture at the moment. It Isa It Is a changIng sItuatIon, we wIll stay wIth It throughout the mornIng and Bbc News wIll update you across the day. Jon has some of the days other news. Lets start wIth a Health STory here at home. A shortage of docTors means the average gp In england Is havIng To care for more than 2,300 patIents a 17 Increase compared wIth nearly a decade ago. Bbc analysIs of nhs data also found geographIcal varIatIons wIth the most deprIved places havIng the fewest docTors. 0ur Health Correspondent DomInIc Hughes reports. Good mornIng. SometImes only a face To Face AppoIntment wIth a docTor wIll do. There we go. RIght, what brIngs you In Today . Fortunately for anne sufferIng a paInful leg after fallIng her local Gp Surgery operates a system known as trIage that allows the most urgent cases To be seen promptly. Ive not had a problem. And Ive never had a problem makIng an appoIntment, eIther. Some people say they waIt weeks well, Ive never waIted weeks. If youre genuInely Ill, I feel that they are sympathetIc Towards It. So I Cant say anythIng bad about It. Good afternoon, wIlmslow health centre. So what was your query . ThIs practIce may be copIng, but many others struggle To offer patIents fast appoIntments and docTors across the uk have seen growIng demand for care. The pressures are Intense and, you know, were lookIng Towards a really, really busy wInter. Over the years, Its got worse and worse. PrImary care has been systematIcally defunded over the past decade. All thE EffIcIencIes have been made, and now were just pedallIng faster and faster on that hamster wheel, tryIng To meet the demand. The pressures that Gps Face are Illustrated by a fresh Bbc AnalysIs of nhs data. In september of 2015, each full tIme gp In england was responsIble forjust under 2,000 patIents. But by august of thIs year, that number had rIsen To more than 2,300 thats an Increase of 17 . So hows It been thIs mornIng . In PrImary Care the OffIcIal Name for gp practIces, pharmacIes and CommunIty ServIces theres frustratIon they cant properly tackle the root causes of many Peoples Health problems. But If we could really engage people really engage wIth them we could catch them early. We could get them and keep them motIvated, brIng them back every three months, havIng Blood Tests and thIngs we could make a bIg dIfference. Ann Is happy wIth the servIce at thIs surgery, and gps say wIth properfundIng and more tIme for patIents, they could have a bIg Impact on the health of the natIon. DomInIc hughes, Bbc News, cheshIre. PolIce are appealIng for wItnesses after an AcId Attack outsIde a school In West London left a 14 year old gIrl wIth potentIally lIfe changIng InjurIes. OffIcers say two teenagers were approached by a man wearIng a mask or balaclava, who threw a substance at them before fleeIng on an electrIc scooter. A member of staff at the WestmInster Academy was also Injured In the IncIdent. All four conservatIve LeadershIp Contenders wIll address the fInal day of the Partys Conference In bIrmIngham later. RobertjenrIck, kemI badenoch, Tom Tugendhat and James Cleverly arE Each expected To cover a range of Issues IncludIng ImmIgratIon, thE Economy, and publIc servIces before Mps WhIttle the contenders down To the fInal two next week. More than 150 people are now known To have dIed as the result of sTorm helene, whIch has brought catastrophIc floodIng To several us states. Many are stIll unaccounted for, wIth fears the Death Toll could rIse above 600. PresIdent bIden Is expected To vIsIt one of the worst affected areas later. Events In the MIddle East have domInated the us VIce PresIdent Ial Tv Debate between the republIcan Jd Vance and hIs democratIc rIval tIm walz. WIth just fIve weeks To go untIl pollIng day, the paIr clashed over Issues IncludIng reproductIve rIghts, thE Economy and ImmIgratIon. In sprIngfIeld, ohIo, and In communItIes all across thIs country, youve got schools that are overwhelmed, youve got hospItals that are overwhelmed, youve got housIng that Is Totally unaffordable because we brought In mIllIons of Illegal ImmIgrants To compete wIth amerIcans for scarce homes. ThIs Issue of contInuIng To brIng thIs up, of not dealIng wIth It, of blamIng mIgrants for everythIng. 0n housIng, we could talk a lIttle bIt about Wall Street speculaTors buyIng up housIng and makIng them less affordable, but It becomes a blame. I and just To clarIfy for our vIewers, | sprIngfIeld, ohIo, does have a large number of haItIan mIgrants who have legal status. Not long To go now untIl the BIg Us electIon. A CruIse ShIp whIch saIled out of Belfast Yesterday after beIng delayed for four months Is stIll anchored off the coast of Northern Ireland. They came so close To goIng but they have not gone. Passengers say they were Told the VIlla VIe resIdences 0dyssey, whIch had undergone lengthy repaIrs, would be returnIng To port To complete paperwork, but there has been no sIgn of movement as of yet. So close we wIll keep watchIng, One Da The so close we wIll keep watchIng, one day they wIll so close we wIll keep watchIng, one day they wIll go so close we wIll keep watchIng, one day they wIll go and so close we wIll keep watchIng, one day they wIll go and they so close we wIll keep watchIng, one day they wIll go and they wont so close we wIll keep watchIng, one day they wIll go and they wont be I day they wIll go and they wont be back ever...... ~ day they wIll go and they wont be back ever...... ~. back ever. Carol has a look at the weather. How back ever. Carol has a look at the weather. How are back ever. Carol has a look at the weather. How are you . Very well, lovely To be here. If they very well, lovely To be here. If they are very well, lovely To be here. If they are In very well, lovely To be here. If they are In belfast for the next few days they are In belfast for the next few days the they are In belfast for the next few days the weather for the next couple of days days the weather for the next couple of days Is days the weather for the next couple of days Is not lookIng Too bad, but after of days Is not lookIng Too bad, but after that of days Is not lookIng Too bad, but after that It of days Is not lookIng Too bad, but after that It starts To change. Good mornIng after that It starts To change. Good mornIng. We are lIvIng donor for lookIng mornIng. We are lIvIng donor for lookIng a mornIng. We are lIvIng donor for lookIng a faIr bIt of Cloud And DrIzzle lookIng a faIr bIt of Cloud And DrIzzle and show was put through the rest of DrIzzle And Show was put through the rest of the DrIzzle And Show was put through the rest of the week untIl the weekend It Is lookIng lIke It wIll be drIer and sunnIer than It has been. That Is not partIcularly dIffIcult, Is It . We Is not partIcularly dIffIcult, Is It . We have all thIs cloud across england It . We have all thIs cloud across england and wales. Some DrIzzle And Showers england and wales. Some DrIzzle And Showers but brIghtenIng from the north showers but brIghtenIng from the north for showers but brIghtenIng from the north. For scotland and Northern IrelandI north. For scotland and Northern IrelandI a north. For scotland and Northern Ireland, a Touch of fog thIs mornIng across Ireland, a Touch of fog thIs mornIng across the Ireland, a Touch of fog thIs mornIng across the north of scotland and In the North East temperatures hoverIng between the North East temperatures hoverIng between freezIng and 2 degrees, so a chIlly start between freezIng and 2 degrees, so a chIlly start but you wIll hang on the sunshIne. A brIsk wInd across the sunshIne. A brIsk wInd across the South East, and the showers prevaIlIng the South East, and the showers prevaIlIng through the day wIth temperatures 13 To about 17 degrees. HeadIng temperatures 13 To about 17 degrees. HeadIng through thE EvenIng and overnIght, we keep some of the showers

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