Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240929 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240929

Which After 2006 wAs designed to provide A <A href=''>Buffer ZoneA>. IsrAel sAy they wAnt to bring thAt bAck so thAt residents in the north of isrAel cAn return to their homes, Around 100,000 orso to their homes, Around 100,000 or so of them were evAcuAted in the dAys After october 7, when filing stArted to come Across the <A href=''>Borderfrom LebAnonA> into isrAel. We Are following this developing story for you And reAlly trying to work out whAt exActly hAs hAppened. We know whAt we hAve seen, we hAve seen those pictures of destruction, we sAw the pictures of the significAnt mAin strike <A href=''>LAst NightA> thAt isrAel sAid it tArgeted the heAdquArters of hezbollAh. And Also this <A href=''>Air StrikeA>s thAt continued to come through the night until the eArly hours of this morning, And more AgAinjust in eArly hours of this morning, And more AgAin just in the lAst few hours. Some <A href=''>BreAking NewsA> just coming to me now. It looks like we do now hAve thAt stAtement from hezbollAh confirming the deAth of <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. BeArwith confirming the deAth of <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. BeAr with me, confirming the deAth of <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. BeArwith me, im just looking At this As it is coming injust now. This looks like it is A stAtement on telegrAm thAt hAs come from hezbollAh, confirming thAt <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> hAs been killed. ThAt is the lAtest thAt we Are heAring from then As we sAid, the <A href=''>IsrAeli Defense ForcesA> sAid this morning, thAt they hAd killed <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> but we Are heAring now from hezbollAh, confirmAtion from hezbollAh. They Are sAying thAt <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>, A significAnt moment, they sAy, wAs killed in thAt <A href=''>Air StrikeA> here in southern beirut <A href=''>LAst NightA>. ThAnk you very much for thAt. We Are just thAnk you very much for thAt. We Arejust digesting thAnk you very much for thAt. We Are just digesting thAt the lAtest <A href=''>BreAking NewsA> from AnnA there. Wejust lAtest <A href=''>BreAking NewsA> from AnnA there. We just wAnt to recAp whAt we Are heAring. This is for the <A href=''>Reuters News AgencyA>, A significAnt development. LebAnons hezbollAh sAys its leAder hAs it been killed in A stAtement. They sAy thAt the group will continue its <A href=''>HezbollAh LeAderA> <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> hAs been killed. Now just heAring A newsflAsh from A <A href=''>News AgencyA> repeAting the sAme informAtion. We hAve been wAiting A couple of hours from Any confirmAtion from hezbollAh or from Any confirmAtion from <A href=''>HezbollAh Orfrom IrAnA> And it seems Any confirmAtion from hezbollAh or from irAn And it seems thAt we hAve it. Lets cross bAck to A knight who still live for us <A href='https://vimA<\/a>fter 2006 wA<\/a>s designed to provide A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/buffer-zone'>Buffer Zone<\/A<\/a>>. IsrA<\/a>el sA<\/a>y they wA<\/a>nt to bring thA<\/a>t bA<\/a>ck so thA<\/a>t residents in the north of isrA<\/a>el cA<\/a>n return to their homes, A<\/a>round 100,000 orso to their homes, A<\/a>round 100,000 or so of them were evA<\/a>cuA<\/a>ted in the dA<\/a>ys A<\/a>fter october 7, when filing stA<\/a>rted to come A<\/a>cross the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/borderfrom-lebA<\/a>non'>Borderfrom LebA<\/a>non<\/A<\/a>> into isrA<\/a>el. We A<\/a>re following this developing story for you A<\/a>nd reA<\/a>lly trying to work out whA<\/a>t exA<\/a>ctly hA<\/a>s hA<\/a>ppened. We know whA<\/a>t we hA<\/a>ve seen, we hA<\/a>ve seen those pictures of destruction, we sA<\/a>w the pictures of the significA<\/a>nt mA<\/a>in strike <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>st-night'>LA<\/a>st Night<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t isrA<\/a>el sA<\/a>id it tA<\/a>rgeted the heA<\/a>dquA<\/a>rters of hezbollA<\/a>h. And A<\/a>lso this <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ir-strike'>Air Strike<\/A<\/a>>s thA<\/a>t continued to come through the night until the eA<\/a>rly hours of this morning, A<\/a>nd more A<\/a>gA<\/a>injust in eA<\/a>rly hours of this morning, A<\/a>nd more A<\/a>gA<\/a>in just in the lA<\/a>st few hours. Some <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/breA<\/a>king-news'>BreA<\/a>king News<\/A<\/a>> just coming to me now. It looks like we do now hA<\/a>ve thA<\/a>t stA<\/a>tement from hezbollA<\/a>h confirming the deA<\/a>th of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>. BeA<\/a>rwith confirming the deA<\/a>th of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>. BeA<\/a>r with me, confirming the deA<\/a>th of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>. BeA<\/a>rwith me, im just looking A<\/a>t this A<\/a>s it is coming injust now. This looks like it is A<\/a> stA<\/a>tement on telegrA<\/a>m thA<\/a>t hA<\/a>s come from hezbollA<\/a>h, confirming thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>s been killed. ThA<\/a>t is the lA<\/a>test thA<\/a>t we A<\/a>re heA<\/a>ring from then A<\/a>s we sA<\/a>id, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/isrA<\/a>eli-defense-forces'>IsrA<\/a>eli Defense Forces<\/A<\/a>> sA<\/a>id this morning, thA<\/a>t they hA<\/a>d killed <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> but we A<\/a>re heA<\/a>ring now from hezbollA<\/a>h, confirmA<\/a>tion from hezbollA<\/a>h. They A<\/a>re sA<\/a>ying thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>, A<\/a> significA<\/a>nt moment, they sA<\/a>y, wA<\/a>s killed in thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ir-strike'>Air Strike<\/A<\/a>> here in southern beirut <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>st-night'>LA<\/a>st Night<\/A<\/a>>. ThA<\/a>nk you very much for thA<\/a>t. We A<\/a>re just thA<\/a>nk you very much for thA<\/a>t. We A<\/a>rejust digesting thA<\/a>nk you very much for thA<\/a>t. We A<\/a>re just digesting thA<\/a>t the lA<\/a>test <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/breA<\/a>king-news'>BreA<\/a>king News<\/A<\/a>> from A<\/a>nnA<\/a> there. Wejust lA<\/a>test <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/breA<\/a>king-news'>BreA<\/a>king News<\/A<\/a>> from A<\/a>nnA<\/a> there. We just wA<\/a>nt to recA<\/a>p whA<\/a>t we A<\/a>re heA<\/a>ring. This is for the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/reuters-news-A<\/a>gency'>Reuters News Agency<\/A<\/a>>, A<\/a> significA<\/a>nt development. LebA<\/a>nons hezbollA<\/a>h sA<\/a>ys its leA<\/a>der hA<\/a>s it been killed in A<\/a> stA<\/a>tement. They sA<\/a>y thA<\/a>t the group will continue its <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hezbollA<\/a>h-leA<\/a>der'>HezbollA<\/a>h LeA<\/a>der<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>s been killed. Now just heA<\/a>ring A<\/a> newsflA<\/a>sh from A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/news-A<\/a>gency'>News Agency<\/A<\/a>> repeA<\/a>ting the sA<\/a>me informA<\/a>tion. We hA<\/a>ve been wA<\/a>iting A<\/a> couple of hours from A<\/a>ny confirmA<\/a>tion from hezbollA<\/a>h or from A<\/a>ny confirmA<\/a>tion from <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hezbollA<\/a>h-orfrom-irA<\/a>n'>HezbollA<\/a>h Orfrom IrA<\/a>n<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd it seems A<\/a>ny confirmA<\/a>tion from hezbollA<\/a>h or from irA<\/a>n A<\/a>nd it seems thA<\/a>t we hA<\/a>ve it. Lets cross bA<\/a>ck to A<\/a> knight who still live for us <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/in-beirut'>In Beirut<\/A<\/a>>. So we hA<\/a>ve got confirmA<\/a>tion from hezbollA<\/a>h\ufffd s point of view. WhA<\/a>t does this meA<\/a>n . It point of view. WhA<\/a>t does this meA<\/a>n . ,. , meA<\/a>n . It is A<\/a> hugely significA<\/a>nt meA<\/a>n . It is A<\/a> hugely significA<\/a>nt moment, | meA<\/a>n . It is A<\/a> hugely significA<\/a>nt moment, lewis, A<\/a>s weve been reflecting A<\/a>ll morning. This is whA<\/a>t isrA<\/a>el sA<\/a>id severA<\/a>l hours A<\/a>go. They sA<\/a>id severA<\/a>l hours A<\/a>go. They sA<\/a>id thA<\/a>t they hA<\/a>d very precise A<\/a>nd cleA<\/a>r intelligence thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>d been killed. We were reA<\/a>lly wA<\/a>iting for thA<\/a>t confirmA<\/a>tion from hezbollA<\/a>h themselves A<\/a>nd it is neA<\/a>rly 2A<\/a> hours now sA<\/a>ys thA<\/a>t strike, but they hA<\/a>ve releA<\/a>sed this stA<\/a>tement. They sA<\/a>y, his brother, thA<\/a>t their bA<\/a>ttle A<\/a>gA<\/a>inst isrA<\/a>el will continue but the significA<\/a>nce of this moment is huge on severA<\/a>l fronts hezbollA<\/a>h. <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/0ne-moment'>0ne Moment<\/A<\/a>> is huge on severA<\/a>l fronts hezbollA<\/a>h. One is the A<\/a>ctuA<\/a>l orgA<\/a>nisA<\/a>tion itself. It is interesting <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/yesterdA<\/a>y-evening'>YesterdA<\/a>y Evening<\/A<\/a>> in the first three hours A<\/a>fter this strike, some of the rhetoric coming from irA<\/a>n. They stA<\/a>rted tA<\/a>lking A<\/a>bout the fA<\/a>ct thA<\/a>t every <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/leA<\/a>der-A<\/a>nd-orgA<\/a>nisA<\/a>tion'>LeA<\/a>der And OrgA<\/a>nisA<\/a>tion<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>d people reA<\/a>dy to tA<\/a>ke over. I think thA<\/a>t wA<\/a>s the first hint thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> mA<\/a>y hA<\/a>ve been killed. There is tA<\/a>lk A<\/a>bout the strength of the orgA<\/a>nisA<\/a>tion but A<\/a>gA<\/a>in, he wA<\/a>s involved right from the stA<\/a>rt. He wA<\/a>s involved in the inception of hezbollA<\/a>h. It is his fA<\/a>ce thA<\/a>t is on the post is thA<\/a>t you see in the hezbollA<\/a>h\ufffd s strongholds. It is his voice thA<\/a>t delivers two speeches regulA<\/a>rly. He is very much the figureheA<\/a>d of thA<\/a>t orgA<\/a>nisA<\/a>tion. We hA<\/a>ve been tA<\/a>lking A<\/a>bout severA<\/a>l of the top commA<\/a>nders who hA<\/a>ve A<\/a>lso been killed in isrA<\/a>eli strikes over the lA<\/a>st three dA<\/a>ys but none of them hA<\/a>s the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/nA<\/a>me-or-fA<\/a>ce'>NA<\/a>me Or FA<\/a>ce<\/A<\/a>> recognition of her son nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h. It will hA<\/a>ve <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>. It will hA<\/a>ve A<\/a>n impA<\/a>ct on the orgA<\/a>nisA<\/a>tion. It is A<\/a> prescribed terrorist orgA<\/a>nisA<\/a>tion, it is importA<\/a>nt to remember A<\/a>mong vA<\/a>rious governments A<\/a>round the world but A<\/a>lso politicA<\/a>l pA<\/a>rty here lebA<\/a>non. It will be interesting to see the impA<\/a>ct it hA<\/a>s on hezbollA<\/a>h but A<\/a>lso it is of potentiA<\/a>l responsibility he is A<\/a> significA<\/a>nt figure in the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/middle-eA<\/a>st'>Middle EA<\/a>st<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t A<\/a>xis of resistA<\/a>nce. It is rA<\/a>ining <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssets-A<\/a>ccess'>Assets Access<\/A<\/a>> of this distA<\/a>nce thA<\/a>t brings in hA<\/a>mA<\/a>s, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hezbollA<\/a>h-houthis'>HezbollA<\/a>h Houthis<\/A<\/a>> in syriA<\/a>. BeA<\/a>rin <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hezbollA<\/a>h-houthis'>HezbollA<\/a>h Houthis<\/A<\/a>> in syriA<\/a>. BeA<\/a>r in mind is my honey he wA<\/a>s is my honey he wA<\/a>s beA<\/a>r in mind is my honey he wA<\/a>s A<\/a> significA<\/a>nt figure in hA<\/a>mA<\/a>s, A<\/a> significA<\/a>nt figure in hA<\/a>mA<\/a>s, he wA<\/a>s their politicA<\/a>l leA<\/a>der, he wA<\/a>s their politicA<\/a>l leA<\/a>der, he wA<\/a>s their politicA<\/a>l leA<\/a>der, he wA<\/a>s their politicA<\/a>l leA<\/a>der, he wA<\/a>s their politicA<\/a>l leA<\/a>der, he wA<\/a>s their politicA<\/a>l leA<\/a>der, he wA<\/a>s one of the top two A<\/a>long he wA<\/a>s one of the top two A<\/a>long with A<\/a>nother leA<\/a>der, he wA<\/a>s with A<\/a>nother leA<\/a>der, he wA<\/a>s A<\/a>lso killed A<\/a>nd its run did A<\/a>lso killed A<\/a>nd its run did not clA<\/a>im A<\/a> strike, he wA<\/a>s not clA<\/a>im A<\/a> strike, he wA<\/a>s killed A<\/a>nd there hA<\/a>s not be killed A<\/a>nd there hA<\/a>s not be whA<\/a>t you would describe A<\/a>s A<\/a> whA<\/a>t you would describe A<\/a>s A<\/a> significA<\/a>nt response to dutch. SignificA<\/a>nt response to dutch. WhA<\/a>t would be hA<\/a>ppening in tA<\/a>y whA<\/a>t would be hA<\/a>ppening in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/tA<\/a>y-run'>TA<\/a>y Run<\/A<\/a>> is thA<\/a>t they will be tA<\/a>ken run is thA<\/a>t they will be tA<\/a>ken A<\/a>s stock A<\/a>nd they will be A<\/a>s stock A<\/a>nd they will be considering whA<\/a>t they wA<\/a>nt to considering whA<\/a>t they wA<\/a>nt to do A<\/a>nd sA<\/a>y in response to whA<\/a>t do A<\/a>nd sA<\/a>y in response to whA<\/a>t you were sA<\/a>ying A<\/a> very you were sA<\/a>ying A<\/a> very significA<\/a>nt moment. This lA<\/a>rge significA<\/a>nt moment. This lA<\/a>rge strike, which we sA<\/a>w A<\/a>nd heA<\/a>rd strike, which we sA<\/a>w A<\/a>nd heA<\/a>rd in the southern suburbs of in the southern suburbs of beirut <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>st-night'>LA<\/a>st Night<\/A<\/a>>, which we beirut <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>st-night'>LA<\/a>st Night<\/A<\/a>>, which we know hA<\/a>s now killed the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/leA<\/a>der-know'>LeA<\/a>der Know<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>s now killed the leA<\/a>der of hezbollA<\/a>h <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>. Of hezbollA<\/a>h <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>. Ijust of hezbollA<\/a>h <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>. I just wA<\/a>nt to bring you just A<\/a> ijust of hezbollA<\/a>h <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>. I just wA<\/a>nt to bring you just A<\/a> couple of lines from thA<\/a>t couple of lines from thA<\/a>t stA<\/a>tement. This is releA<\/a>sed by hezbollA<\/a>h. The tA<\/a>lk A<\/a>bout <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> in their words, moving, he hA<\/a>s moved to the side of the lord A<\/a>nd do his pleA<\/a>sure, is A<\/a> greA<\/a>t A<\/a>mount out, A<\/a> heroic, brA<\/a>ve, insightful A<\/a>nd fA<\/a>tA<\/a>l leA<\/a>der. They sA<\/a>y thA<\/a>t he hA<\/a>s joint is greA<\/a>t immortA<\/a>l mA<\/a>tter, A<\/a>s his <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/pA<\/a>rty-led'>PA<\/a>rty Led<\/A<\/a>> for 30 yeA<\/a>rs. It wA<\/a>s A<\/a> tA<\/a>lk A<\/a>bout the continuA<\/a>tion of hezbollA<\/a>h A<\/a>nd of hezbollA<\/a>h\ufffd s mission A<\/a>nd they sA<\/a>y to support A<\/a> geyser A<\/a>nd pA<\/a>lestine, to defend lebA<\/a>non A<\/a>nd its steA<\/a>dfA<\/a>st A<\/a>nd honourA<\/a>ble people. It is A<\/a> long stA<\/a>tement A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t is just A<\/a> fA<\/a>vour of it. ThA<\/a>t is very much <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hezbollA<\/a>hs-mission'>HezbollA<\/a>hs Mission<\/A<\/a>> of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>. 0f <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hezbollA<\/a>hs-mission'>HezbollA<\/a>hs Mission<\/A<\/a>> of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>. Of course, in mA<\/a>ny pA<\/a>rts of the region, in syriA<\/a>, for exA<\/a>mple, his deA<\/a>th will be celebrA<\/a>ted A<\/a>nd certA<\/a>inly, in isrA<\/a>el, they wA<\/a>nted it to remove him A<\/a>s the leA<\/a>der of hezbollA<\/a>h becA<\/a>use, they hA<\/a>ve been of course this <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/herb-mA<\/a>n-hezbollA<\/a>h'>Herb MA<\/a>n HezbollA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> strikes coming A<\/a>cross the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/borderfrom-isrA<\/a>el'>Borderfrom IsrA<\/a>el<\/A<\/a>> bA<\/a>ck into isrA<\/a>el. They wA<\/a>nted to move isrA<\/a>elis bA<\/a>ck into the northern pA<\/a>rt of the country. They were sA<\/a>id to see this A<\/a>s A<\/a> victory for isrA<\/a>el, something thA<\/a>t will strengthen isrA<\/a>eli security A<\/a>nd they will see it A<\/a>s A<\/a> very successful militA<\/a>ry mission. Just confirming thA<\/a>t news thA<\/a>t we hA<\/a>ve been tA<\/a>lking A<\/a>bout A<\/a>nd wA<\/a>iting for the lA<\/a>st three hours. HezbollA<\/a>h hA<\/a>ve now confirmed the deA<\/a>th of their leA<\/a>der <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>fter thA<\/a>t strike ye in bA<\/a>bies <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>st-night'>LA<\/a>st Night<\/A<\/a>>. ThA<\/a>t strike ye in bA<\/a>bies lA<\/a>st niuht. \ufffd. ~ , night. AnnA<\/a>, i think you very much for night. AnnA<\/a>, i think you very much for thA<\/a>t night. AnnA<\/a>, i think you very much for thA<\/a>t in night. AnnA<\/a>, i think you very much for thA<\/a>t in the night. AnnA<\/a>, i think you very l much for thA<\/a>t in the moment. Night. AnnA<\/a>, i think you very much for thA<\/a>t in the moment. MA<\/a>tt A<\/a>fter much for thA<\/a>t in the moment. mA<\/a>tt A<\/a>fter thA<\/a>t strike <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/in-beirut'>In Beirut<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>st-night'>LA<\/a>st Night<\/A<\/a>>. We mA<\/a>tt A<\/a>fter thA<\/a>t strike <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/in-beirut'>In Beirut<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>st-night'>LA<\/a>st Night<\/A<\/a>>. MA<\/a>tt A<\/a>fter thA<\/a>t strike <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/in-beirut'>In Beirut<\/A<\/a>> lA<\/a>st niuht. ~. , beirut <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>st-night'>LA<\/a>st Night<\/A<\/a>>. We hA<\/a>ve been live in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/is-rA<\/a>lph'>Is RA<\/a>lph<\/A<\/a>> beirut <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>st-night'>LA<\/a>st Night<\/A<\/a>>. We hA<\/a>ve been live in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/is-rA<\/a>lph'>Is RA<\/a>lph<\/A<\/a>> beirut <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>st-night'>LA<\/a>st Night<\/A<\/a>>. We hA<\/a>ve been live in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/is-rA<\/a>lph'>Is RA<\/a>lph<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/in-beirut'>In Beirut<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>st-night'>LA<\/a>st Night<\/A<\/a>>. We hA<\/a>ve been live in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/is-rA<\/a>lph'>Is RA<\/a>lph<\/A<\/a>> in lebA<\/a>non. | live in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/is-rA<\/a>lph'>Is RA<\/a>lph<\/A<\/a>> in lebA<\/a>non. This one to bring you bA<\/a>ck up todA<\/a>y to the regulA<\/a>ted thA<\/a>t we know. If you A<\/a>re <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/justjoin-todA<\/a>y'>Justjoin TodA<\/a>y<\/A<\/a>> to the regulA<\/a>ted thA<\/a>t we know. If you A<\/a>rejustjoin in, we A<\/a>re continuing speciA<\/a>l coverA<\/a>ge following the news thA<\/a>t isrA<\/a>el thA<\/a>t it hA<\/a>s killed the leA<\/a>der of hezbollA<\/a>h <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> in A<\/a>n overnight strike on the cA<\/a>pitA<\/a>l, beirut <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>. <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/0ur-correspondent'>0ur Correspondent<\/A<\/a>> is live for us <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/in-beirut'>In Beirut<\/A<\/a>>. Just tA<\/a>lk us through now thA<\/a>t we hA<\/a>ve this confirmA<\/a>tion from hezbollA<\/a>h, thA<\/a>t he hA<\/a>s been killed, just tA<\/a>lk us through the implicA<\/a>tions now. TA<\/a>lk us through the im licA<\/a>tions now. ~. , implicA<\/a>tions now. Well, now, its cleA<\/a>r. CongrA<\/a>tulA<\/a>ting in its stA<\/a>tement its supporters A<\/a>n implicA<\/a>tions now. Well, now, its cleA<\/a>r. ImplicA<\/a>tions now. Well, now, its cleA<\/a>r, hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n implicA<\/a>tions now. Well, now, its cleA<\/a>r, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>, | implicA<\/a>tions now. Well, now, its cleA<\/a>r, hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n implicA<\/a>tions now. Well, now, its cleA<\/a>r, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>, | its cleA<\/a>r, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>, the leA<\/a>der of hezbollA<\/a>h hA<\/a>s its cleA<\/a>r, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>, the leA<\/a>der of hezbollA<\/a>h hA<\/a>s been killed. Everyone wA<\/a>s been killed. Everyone wA<\/a>s wA<\/a>iting for A<\/a>n officiA<\/a>l wA<\/a>iting for A<\/a>n officiA<\/a>l stA<\/a>tement by the group becA<\/a>use stA<\/a>tement by the group becA<\/a>use until then, until then, stA<\/a>tement by the group becA<\/a>use untilthen, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mediA<\/a>-stA<\/a>tement'>MediA<\/a> StA<\/a>tement<\/A<\/a>> by the group becA<\/a>use stA<\/a>tement by the group becA<\/a>use untilthen, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mediA<\/a>-stA<\/a>tement'>MediA<\/a> StA<\/a>tement<\/A<\/a>> by the group becA<\/a>use until then, mediA<\/a> wA<\/a>s A<\/a>wA<\/a>iting until then, mediA<\/a> wA<\/a>s A<\/a>wA<\/a>iting for confirmA<\/a>tion A<\/a>nd you would for confirmA<\/a>tion A<\/a>nd you would not be A<\/a>ble to be sure despite not be A<\/a>ble to be sure despite thA<\/a>t isrA<\/a>eli A<\/a>rmy A<\/a>nd french thA<\/a>t isrA<\/a>eli A<\/a>rmy A<\/a>nd french <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/foreign-ministry'>Foreign Ministry<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd those thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/foreign-ministry'>Foreign Ministry<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd those thA<\/a>t they hA<\/a>ve confirmA<\/a>tion thA<\/a>t he they hA<\/a>ve confirmA<\/a>tion thA<\/a>t he wA<\/a>s killed. But now, it is wA<\/a>s killed. But now, it is cleA<\/a>r thA<\/a>t the group itself cleA<\/a>r thA<\/a>t the group itself sA<\/a>ysin cleA<\/a>r thA<\/a>t the group itself sA<\/a>ysin cleA<\/a>r thA<\/a>t the group itself sA<\/a>ys in A<\/a> stA<\/a>tement A<\/a>nd sA<\/a>ys in A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/stA<\/a>tement-A<\/a>nd-congrA<\/a>tulA<\/a>ting'>StA<\/a>tement And CongrA<\/a>tulA<\/a>ting<\/A<\/a>> in its <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/stA<\/a>tement-congrA<\/a>tulA<\/a>ting'>StA<\/a>tement CongrA<\/a>tulA<\/a>ting<\/A<\/a>> in its stA<\/a>tement its supporters A<\/a>nd its supporters A<\/a>nd promising thA<\/a>t they will continue. The mood here is very different. I cA<\/a>nt reA<\/a>lly describe, is it A<\/a> pleA<\/a>sA<\/a>nt mood . Is it A<\/a> shock to me to . ProbA<\/a>bly A<\/a> mix of A<\/a>ll of them is it A<\/a> tense mood . They fled from some under mr <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>. Some people, even A<\/a>t lebA<\/a>nese mediA<\/a>, were insinuA<\/a>ting thA<\/a>t they think thA<\/a>t the next tA<\/a>rget will be the leA<\/a>der of hezbollA<\/a>h but i think mA<\/a>ny did not expect thA<\/a>t it will be this scene. So, everyone is surprised to heA<\/a>r this. ~ ,. , , everyone is surprised to heA<\/a>r this. ,. , this. Why does this meA<\/a>n in terms of this. Why does this meA<\/a>n in terms of the this. Why does this meA<\/a>n in terms of the orgA<\/a>nisA<\/a>tion. L terms of the orgA<\/a>nisA<\/a>tion. CleA<\/a>rly, the A<\/a>ssertion will be from the isrA<\/a>eli perspective thA<\/a>t the orgA<\/a>nisA<\/a>tion will be significA<\/a>ntly weA<\/a>kened without is leA<\/a>der of three decA<\/a>des or so the A<\/a>ssumptions will be from the isrA<\/a>eli perspective. Would thA<\/a>t be the cA<\/a>se where you A<\/a>re . Would thA<\/a>t be the cA<\/a>se where ou A<\/a>re . \ufffd. , you A<\/a>re . Before his A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion, you A<\/a>re . Before his A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion, he. You A<\/a>re . Before his A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion, he A<\/a>ppeA<\/a>red you A<\/a>re . Before his A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion, he A<\/a>ppeA<\/a>red on the cA<\/a>merA<\/a> tA<\/a>lking to me its people, nissA<\/a>n hA<\/a>s roller, right A<\/a>fter pA<\/a>ger <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> right A<\/a>fter <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/pA<\/a>ger-explosions'>PA<\/a>ger Explosions<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t left mA<\/a>ny injured. He sA<\/a>id thA<\/a>t this wA<\/a>s A<\/a> very. It wA<\/a>s A<\/a> strong A<\/a>ttA<\/a>ck A<\/a>nd blow it to hezbollA<\/a>h A<\/a>nd he himself sA<\/a>id thA<\/a>t A<\/a> week A<\/a>go A<\/a>nd right A<\/a>fter thA<\/a>t, we hA<\/a>d A<\/a> series of A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tions. At leA<\/a>st, 16 commA<\/a>ndos were killed in one building from <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hezbollA<\/a>h-right'>HezbollA<\/a>h Right<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>fter these pA<\/a>ger <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ttA<\/a>cks-mA<\/a>g'>AttA<\/a>cks MA<\/a>g<\/A<\/a>> 16 commA<\/a>nders. If you hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> look to the chA<\/a>rt, he wA<\/a>s the top A<\/a>nd everyone under him wA<\/a>s A<\/a>lreA<\/a>dy killed. HezbollA<\/a>h itself is A<\/a> very lA<\/a>id orgA<\/a>nisA<\/a>tion. They A<\/a>lwA<\/a>ys hA<\/a>ve commA<\/a>nders reA<\/a>dy to tA<\/a>ke A<\/a>nd step in, A<\/a>nd tA<\/a>ke their responsibility but now, we A<\/a>re tA<\/a>lking A<\/a>bout the leA<\/a>der of the group. The people, the nA<\/a>me thA<\/a>t we hA<\/a>d A<\/a>nd we hA<\/a>d from hezbollA<\/a>h sources before thA<\/a>t if something hA<\/a>ppened to <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>, who will replA<\/a>ce him . It seems thA<\/a>t those people A<\/a>lso hA<\/a>ve probA<\/a>bly been killed. So it is very it is A<\/a> very vA<\/a>gue situA<\/a>tion. I think thA<\/a>t even the orgA<\/a>nises it but the orgA<\/a>nisA<\/a>tion itself doesnt know whA<\/a>t is next. He the orgA<\/a>nisA<\/a>tion itself doesnt know whA<\/a>t is next. Know whA<\/a>t is next. He very cleA<\/a>rs know whA<\/a>t is next. He very cleA<\/a>rs cleA<\/a>rly know whA<\/a>t is next. He very cleA<\/a>rs cleA<\/a>rly lA<\/a>id know whA<\/a>t is next. He very cleA<\/a>rs cleA<\/a>rly lA<\/a>id out i know whA<\/a>t is next. He very l cleA<\/a>rs cleA<\/a>rly lA<\/a>id out the cleA<\/a>rs cleA<\/a>rly lA<\/a>id out the significA<\/a>nce of this moment. Of the seA<\/a>, we dont know A<\/a>nd they mA<\/a>y not even know whA<\/a>t their response mA<\/a>y be. Were not going to speculA<\/a>te or guess. But whA<\/a>t i do wA<\/a>nt to think A<\/a>bout for the moment is whA<\/a>t kind of options A<\/a>re open to it hA<\/a>d been of A<\/a> response A<\/a>nd whA<\/a>t A<\/a>re the kind of cA<\/a>lculA<\/a>tions A<\/a>nd who, for exA<\/a>mple, will be involved in thA<\/a>t . How much will it invite irA<\/a>n be involved in A<\/a>ny response . I it invite irA<\/a>n be involved in A<\/a>ny response . It invite irA<\/a>n be involved in A<\/a>ny response . I think irA<\/a>n itself A<\/a> shot in A<\/a>ny response . I think irA<\/a>n itself A<\/a> shot A<\/a>t in A<\/a>ny response . I think irA<\/a>n itself A<\/a> shot A<\/a>t the in A<\/a>ny response . I think irA<\/a>n itself A<\/a> shot A<\/a>t the moment. J in A<\/a>ny response . I think irA<\/a>n l itself A<\/a> shot A<\/a>t the moment. It is not cleA<\/a>r whA<\/a>t their reA<\/a>ction will be. There <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/supreme-leA<\/a>der'>Supreme LeA<\/a>der<\/A<\/a>> denounced the A<\/a>ttA<\/a>cks <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/on-lebA<\/a>non'>On LebA<\/a>non<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd declA<\/a>red support for hezbollA<\/a>h but here, the feeling is thA<\/a>t even some hezbollA<\/a>h supporters thA<\/a>t irA<\/a>n left them A<\/a>lone. This is the feeling thA<\/a>t some people hA<\/a>ve. Those displA<\/a>ced from the south, from here, they think thA<\/a>t irA<\/a>n did not sue enough while on the other hA<\/a>nd, there A<\/a>re some thA<\/a>t believe thA<\/a>t irA<\/a>n will come A<\/a>nd reorgA<\/a>nise its A<\/a>llied group in lebA<\/a>non. It is the strongest A<\/a>llied group or some cA<\/a>ll it, proxy in the region, hezbollA<\/a>h wA<\/a>s the most orgA<\/a>nised group A<\/a>nd most <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/elite-orgA<\/a>nised'>Elite OrgA<\/a>nised<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd heA<\/a>vily A<\/a>rmed group supported by irA<\/a>n in the region. So A<\/a>gA<\/a>in, it is very difficult, it is very difficult to A<\/a>nA<\/a>lyse whA<\/a>t is hA<\/a>ppening right now. BecA<\/a>use, we dont know like we dont know whA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/stA<\/a>nce-irA<\/a>n'>StA<\/a>nce IrA<\/a>n<\/A<\/a>> were to tA<\/a>ke becA<\/a>use it is A<\/a>lso in negotiA<\/a>tion for its own nucleA<\/a>r deA<\/a>l with the west A<\/a>nd they wA<\/a>nt to de escA<\/a>lA<\/a>te. ThA<\/a>t wA<\/a>s cleA<\/a>r in the messA<\/a>ge thA<\/a>t irA<\/a>ns new president sA<\/a>id in the un A<\/a>ssembly during his speech A<\/a>nd A<\/a>lso, during severA<\/a>l interviews thA<\/a>t he did in new york. You cleA<\/a>rly kept repeA<\/a>ting thA<\/a>t they dont wA<\/a>nt wA<\/a>r, they wA<\/a>nted the escA<\/a>lA<\/a>tion. They did not mA<\/a>tch the explA<\/a>nA<\/a>tion excel escA<\/a>lA<\/a>tion. MA<\/a>tch the explA<\/a>nA<\/a>tion excel escA<\/a>lA<\/a>tion escA<\/a>lA<\/a>tion. Just tA<\/a>lk A<\/a>bout whA<\/a>ts hA<\/a>ppened escA<\/a>lA<\/a>tion. Just tA<\/a>lk A<\/a>bout whA<\/a>ts hA<\/a>ppened here. EscA<\/a>lA<\/a>tion. Just tA<\/a>lk A<\/a>bout| whA<\/a>ts hA<\/a>ppened here. Six oclock <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/yesterdA<\/a>y-evening'>YesterdA<\/a>y Evening<\/A<\/a>>, fridA<\/a>y evening, we stA<\/a>rted to see those strikes from isrA<\/a>el into lebA<\/a>non, into <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/brA<\/a>very-region'>BrA<\/a>very Region<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd you cA<\/a>n see thA<\/a>t A<\/a>reA<\/a> out there in A<\/a> red where the tA<\/a>rgeted strikes took plA<\/a>ce. Now, A<\/a>t thA<\/a>t point overnight, the reporting wA<\/a>s thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>d been specificA<\/a>lly tA<\/a>rgeted by isrA<\/a>el. We hA<\/a>d no confirmA<\/a>tion thA<\/a>t he hA<\/a>d been hit, whether he wA<\/a>s deA<\/a>d or A<\/a>live A<\/a>nd then, this morning, the idf, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/isrA<\/a>els-militA<\/a>ry'>IsrA<\/a>els MilitA<\/a>ry<\/A<\/a>> sA<\/a>id thA<\/a>t they hA<\/a>d killed him in those strikes. And then, in the lA<\/a>st 30 minutes or so, we hA<\/a>d confirmA<\/a>tion from hezbollA<\/a>h thA<\/a>t its chief <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>d indeed been killed in those strikes. So now, we hA<\/a>ve thA<\/a>t confirmA<\/a>tion, those bigger wider questions A<\/a>bout the region, regionA<\/a>lspeed region, regionA<\/a>l speed stA<\/a>bility, A<\/a>ny region, regionA<\/a>lspeed stA<\/a>bility, A<\/a>ny potentiA<\/a>l response A<\/a>nd the involvement of internA<\/a>tionA<\/a>l countries like irA<\/a>n or come to the forefront. We A<\/a>re going to try to get to the bottom of some of this now. Were to tA<\/a>lk to A<\/a>n <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssociA<\/a>te-professor'>AssociA<\/a>te Professor<\/A<\/a>> of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/internA<\/a>tionA<\/a>l-relA<\/a>tions'>InternA<\/a>tionA<\/a>l RelA<\/a>tions<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>t ucl. ThA<\/a>nk you for coming on the progrA<\/a>mme. Now thA<\/a>t we hA<\/a>ve confirmA<\/a>tion on both sides from isrA<\/a>el A<\/a>nd from hezbollA<\/a>h thA<\/a>t he hA<\/a>s been killed, whA<\/a>t is your reA<\/a>ction to thA<\/a>t, the significA<\/a>nce of it . \ufffd ,. , , to thA<\/a>t, the significA<\/a>nce of it . , it . As we hA<\/a>ve missed sA<\/a>ying A<\/a>ll morning. It . As we hA<\/a>ve missed sA<\/a>ying A<\/a>ll morning, this it . As we hA<\/a>ve missed sA<\/a>ying A<\/a>ll morning, this is it . As we hA<\/a>ve missed sA<\/a>ying A<\/a>ll morning, this is A<\/a> it . As we hA<\/a>ve missed sA<\/a>ying A<\/a>ll morning, this is A<\/a> mA<\/a>ssive blow for hezbollA<\/a>h for <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/irA<\/a>ns-A<\/a>ccess'>IrA<\/a>ns Access<\/A<\/a>> of resistA<\/a>nce A<\/a>nd for the region. HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h led hezbollA<\/a>h for over 30 yeA<\/a>rs A<\/a>nd mA<\/a>de is the politicA<\/a>l A<\/a>nd militA<\/a>ry <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/pie-house'>Pie House<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t it is. Not only 11 A<\/a>rent but A<\/a> lA<\/a>rger region but it mA<\/a>de if the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/militA<\/a>ry-powerhouse'>MilitA<\/a>ry Powerhouse<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t it is. Not only A<\/a>round lebA<\/a>non but the lA<\/a>rger reA<\/a>ding. In terms of the operA<\/a>tion thA<\/a>t we hA<\/a>ve seen over the lA<\/a>st severA<\/a>l weeks, i would sA<\/a>y thA<\/a>t isrA<\/a>el hA<\/a>s cA<\/a>rried out these kinds of A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tions before on, for exA<\/a>mple, on <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>s predecessor of hezbollA<\/a>h A<\/a>nd hA<\/a>mA<\/a>s A<\/a>nd other groups. Most of these goods A<\/a>re A<\/a>ble to keep going. There A<\/a>re still other people in the rA<\/a>nks who A<\/a>re A<\/a>ble to keep going. Even though thA<\/a>t this is A<\/a> huge hit for hezbollA<\/a>h, i dont think it will be their downfA<\/a>ll A<\/a>nd if A<\/a>nything, i imA<\/a>gine thA<\/a>t this will spA<\/a>rk A<\/a> retA<\/a>liA<\/a>tion from <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hezbollA<\/a>h-A<\/a>nd-irA<\/a>n'>HezbollA<\/a>h And IrA<\/a>n<\/A<\/a>> i think thA<\/a>t is whA<\/a>t we A<\/a>re A<\/a>ll looking A<\/a>t A<\/a>re trying to A<\/a>scertA<\/a>in right now. If A<\/a>re trying to A<\/a>scertA<\/a>in right now. , A<\/a>re trying to A<\/a>scertA<\/a>in right now. , y. , now. If thA<\/a>t is your A<\/a>ssessment. Now. If thA<\/a>t is your A<\/a>ssessment. Took| now. If thA<\/a>t is your A<\/a>ssessment. Took us to now. If thA<\/a>t is your A<\/a>ssessment. Took us to wA<\/a>tch A<\/a>nything thA<\/a>t looks like. WhA<\/a>t A<\/a>re some of the options . I think they A<\/a>re two mA<\/a>in options. 0ne think they A<\/a>re two mA<\/a>in options. One is for hezbollA<\/a>h itself to tA<\/a>ke direct A<\/a>ctions A<\/a>gA<\/a>inst isrA<\/a>el. Right now, the hits thA<\/a>t we hA<\/a>ve seen it hezbollA<\/a>h to end isrA<\/a>el sA<\/a>id to be very lA<\/a>rge scA<\/a>le but they hA<\/a>ve not used their most significA<\/a>nt rep A<\/a>nd we A<\/a>re yet to be very lA<\/a>rge scA<\/a>le but they hA<\/a>ve not used their most significA<\/a>nt rep A<\/a>nd we A<\/a>re yet to. They do isrA<\/a>el A<\/a>s deep A<\/a>s <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/tel-A<\/a>viv'>Tel Aviv<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd jerusA<\/a>lem A<\/a>nd hA<\/a>ve not ruled thA<\/a>t out yet. I think thA<\/a>t would be one option to shift to those more sophisticA<\/a>ted pA<\/a>rts of their A<\/a>rsenA<\/a>l. The second option is of course, with irA<\/a>n itself A<\/a>nd A<\/a>s we hA<\/a>ve hA<\/a>d throughout the week, irA<\/a>n hA<\/a>s seemingly been shown over this lA<\/a>st yeA<\/a>r A<\/a>nd do not seem to wA<\/a>nt A<\/a> direct conflict A<\/a>nd this simply force there hA<\/a>d to hA<\/a>ve their primA<\/a>ry if it in the region dA<\/a>mA<\/a>ged in this wA<\/a>y. I think it is going to be hA<\/a>rd for them to ignore <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/icy-pressure'>Icy Pressure<\/A<\/a>> will be on them to retA<\/a>liA<\/a>te A<\/a>nd respond in some wA<\/a>y well it will be high for them to ignore this pressure. CA<\/a>n you stA<\/a>y right there . I A<\/a>m going to come strA<\/a>ight bA<\/a>ck to you in A<\/a> moment to but hA<\/a>ve just been sent in some pictures. This is A<\/a>ppA<\/a>rently releA<\/a>sed by the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/idf-footA<\/a>ge'>Idf FootA<\/a>ge<\/A<\/a>> from the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/commA<\/a>nd-centre'>CommA<\/a>nd Centre<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>t the operA<\/a>tion to kill <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> is under wA<\/a>y. As the operA<\/a>tion to kill <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> is under wA<\/a>y. These pictures, these A<\/a>re not bbc pictures, these A<\/a>re not bbc pictures, these A<\/a>re not bbc pictures, these hA<\/a>ve been releA<\/a>sed by the idf A<\/a>ppeA<\/a>ring to show A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/commA<\/a>nd-centre'>CommA<\/a>nd Centre<\/A<\/a>> during the operA<\/a>tion to kill <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>. Dont think we hA<\/a>ve A<\/a>ny <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/sound-or-A<\/a>nything'>Sound Or Anything<\/A<\/a>> to go with those pictures, but i A<\/a>m seeing those just A<\/a>s you A<\/a>re for the first time A<\/a>nd just wA<\/a>nted to show them strA<\/a>ightA<\/a>wA<\/a>y. Ijust hA<\/a>ve one <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/breA<\/a>k-line'>BreA<\/a>k Line<\/A<\/a>> from the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/reuters-news-A<\/a>gency'>Reuters News Agency<\/A<\/a>> sA<\/a>ying is pA<\/a>lestiniA<\/a>n group hA<\/a>mA<\/a>s A<\/a>re sA<\/a>ying in A<\/a> stA<\/a>tement, it mourned the deA<\/a>th of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lebron-ons-hezbollA<\/a>h'>Lebron Ons HezbollA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> leA<\/a>der <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> on sA<\/a>turdA<\/a>y. We now hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> response from the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/reuters-news-A<\/a>gency'>Reuters News Agency<\/A<\/a>> from hA<\/a>mA<\/a>s to events A<\/a>nd we hA<\/a>ve just hA<\/a>d from the isrA<\/a>eli militA<\/a>ry there in the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/commA<\/a>nd-centre'>CommA<\/a>nd Centre<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd they sA<\/a>y is the moment the operA<\/a>tion wA<\/a>s tA<\/a>king plA<\/a>ce to <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kill-d'>Kill D<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>s been lets go bA<\/a>ck to doctor julie normA<\/a>n. ThA<\/a>nk you very much for stA<\/a>nding by for us therejust A<\/a>s we much for stA<\/a>nding by for us there just A<\/a>s we A<\/a>re getting those pictures into the building. Just wA<\/a>nt to be cleA<\/a>red kid thA<\/a>t they were not mA<\/a>ke cleA<\/a>r thA<\/a>t they were not filled by the bbc. Now, where does irA<\/a>n sit, whA<\/a>t other conclusion be mA<\/a>de there now . ,. ,. , other conclusion be mA<\/a>de there now . ,. ,. , now . IrA<\/a>n does hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> new president now . IrA<\/a>n does hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> new president A<\/a>nd now . IrA<\/a>n does hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> new president A<\/a>nd hA<\/a>s now . IrA<\/a>n does hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> new president A<\/a>nd hA<\/a>s been now . IrA<\/a>n does hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> new| president A<\/a>nd hA<\/a>s been sA<\/a>id now . IrA<\/a>n does hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> new president A<\/a>nd hA<\/a>s been sA<\/a>id he wA<\/a>s A<\/a>t the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/un-generA<\/a>l-A<\/a>ssembly'>Un GenerA<\/a>l Assembly<\/A<\/a>> this week. His messA<\/a>ging there A<\/a>nd prior hA<\/a>s been leA<\/a>ding towA<\/a>rds A<\/a> more open A<\/a>pproA<\/a>ch she wA<\/a>s the west. SA<\/a>nctions on irA<\/a>n A<\/a>re done, mA<\/a>ybe broker some kind of A<\/a>rrA<\/a>ngement A<\/a>round A<\/a> nucleA<\/a>r deA<\/a>l. We hA<\/a>ve been seen A<\/a> more open <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>nd-A<\/a>pproA<\/a>ch'>HA<\/a>nd ApproA<\/a>ch<\/A<\/a>> from irA<\/a>n to dA<\/a>te A<\/a>nd i would sA<\/a>y thA<\/a>t it wA<\/a>s reA<\/a>d in other wA<\/a>ys A<\/a>s well. They did not respond to the A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion of hemp <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/will-hA<\/a>mA<\/a>s'>Will HA<\/a>mA<\/a>s<\/A<\/a>> leA<\/a>der of ismA<\/a>il hA<\/a>niyeh. This is going to put A<\/a> press ismA<\/a>iel hA<\/a>niyeh. This is going to put pressure on them A<\/a>s well. You hA<\/a>d A<\/a> complex <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/governA<\/a>nce-A<\/a>nd-frA<\/a>mework'>GovernA<\/a>nce And FrA<\/a>mework<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t even the president does not A<\/a>lwA<\/a>ys mA<\/a>ke the finA<\/a>l cA<\/a>ll. There is going to be pressure from mA<\/a>ny within irA<\/a>ns government structure. It would be very difficult, i think to mA<\/a>intA<\/a>in the reputA<\/a>tion of the A<\/a>xes of visitors if it tA<\/a>kes A<\/a> blA<\/a>de like this without some kind of response. Axis of resistA<\/a>nce. Response. Axis of resistA<\/a>nce. Response. Axis of resistA<\/a>nce. ~. ,. , resistA<\/a>nce. We hA<\/a>ve looked A<\/a>t this from resistA<\/a>nce. We hA<\/a>ve looked A<\/a>t this from the resistA<\/a>nce. We hA<\/a>ve looked A<\/a>t this from the hezbollA<\/a>h this from the hezbollA<\/a>h perspective. Lets look A<\/a>t this from the isrA<\/a>eli perspective. When you think this leA<\/a>ves them todA<\/a>y . When you think this leA<\/a>ves them todA<\/a> . ,. ,. , when you think this leA<\/a>ves them todA<\/a> . ,. ,. , 4 todA<\/a>y . This losing wA<\/a>s to kind ofto todA<\/a>y . This losing wA<\/a>s to kind of to cA<\/a>lculA<\/a>te todA<\/a>y . This losing wA<\/a>s to kind of to cA<\/a>lculA<\/a>te it todA<\/a>y . This losing wA<\/a>s to kind of to cA<\/a>lculA<\/a>te it with todA<\/a>y . This losing wA<\/a>s to kind of to cA<\/a>lculA<\/a>te it with this. Of to cA<\/a>lculA<\/a>te it with this. One, they obviously rA<\/a>ck it it 0ne, they obviously rA<\/a>ck it it is up to A<\/a> very high level with this strA<\/a>tegy of potentiA<\/a>lly escA<\/a>lA<\/a>ted to de escA<\/a>lA<\/a>te. CA<\/a>n we put so much pressure on hezbollA<\/a>h thA<\/a>t the due A<\/a>greed to A<\/a> deA<\/a>l to move bA<\/a>ck behind the river A<\/a>nd keep thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/buffer-zone'>Buffer Zone<\/A<\/a>> between <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/northern-isrA<\/a>el'>Northern IsrA<\/a>el<\/A<\/a>> in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/southern-lebA<\/a>non'>Southern LebA<\/a>non<\/A<\/a>> on A<\/a> free of rockets A<\/a>nd A<\/a>ttA<\/a>cks A<\/a>nd whA<\/a>tnot. I dont think thA<\/a>t is very likely A<\/a>n ice so, i think the other option for isrA<\/a>el is A<\/a>gA<\/a>in to prepA<\/a>re further operA<\/a>tions which A<\/a>s we hA<\/a>ve been discussing, which could include A<\/a> ground operA<\/a>tion. I think isrA<\/a>el hA<\/a>s cA<\/a>rried out his operA<\/a>tion, cA<\/a>rried out the strike to see how hezbollA<\/a>h will respond if hezbollA<\/a>h gives operA<\/a>tions going, isrA<\/a>el will A<\/a>s well. ~ operA<\/a>tions going, isrA<\/a>el will A<\/a>s well. , ~ ,. ,. , operA<\/a>tions going, isrA<\/a>el will A<\/a>swell. ,. , A<\/a>s well. ThA<\/a>nk you for coming on the progrA<\/a>mme, A<\/a>s well. ThA<\/a>nk you for coming on the progrA<\/a>mme, giving A<\/a>s well. ThA<\/a>nk you for coming on the progrA<\/a>mme, giving us| on the progrA<\/a>mme, giving us your A<\/a>nA<\/a>lysis on whA<\/a>t hA<\/a>s plA<\/a>yed out over the lA<\/a>st couple of hours. Just to mA<\/a>rket your cA<\/a>rd, we A<\/a>re wA<\/a>iting potentiA<\/a>lly for A<\/a>n updA<\/a>te from isrA<\/a>eli A<\/a>uthorities. We A<\/a>re wA<\/a>iting for A<\/a> press conference. There A<\/a>re the flA<\/a>gs there A<\/a>s you cA<\/a>n see, the electing set A<\/a>nd the microphones there. As A<\/a>nd the microphones there. As A<\/a>nd when A<\/a>nyone A<\/a>ppeA<\/a>rs, in front of this micro phrA<\/a>se, we will heA<\/a>d strA<\/a>ight there to <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/tel-A<\/a>viv'>Tel Aviv<\/A<\/a>> for thA<\/a>t briefing bA<\/a>ck in front of the microphones. A. Of course, we hA<\/a>ve plenty of continuing coverA<\/a>ge here on bbc news. You stA<\/a>y with us. This is bbc news. Do stA<\/a>y with us here on bbc news. Hello. Some welcome dry weA<\/a>ther for much of this weekend in A<\/a>reA<\/a>s hit bA<\/a>dly by floods through the pA<\/a>st week, but there is more rA<\/a>in to come. <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/0ur-rA<\/a>infA<\/a>ll-forecA<\/a>st'>0ur RA<\/a>infA<\/a>ll ForecA<\/a>st<\/A<\/a>> chA<\/a>rt showing the A<\/a>mounts between now A<\/a>nd tuesdA<\/a>y, shows thA<\/a>t whilst scotlA<\/a>nd is dry A<\/a>cross englA<\/a>nd A<\/a>nd wA<\/a>les, mA<\/a>inly from lA<\/a>ter sundA<\/a>y onwA<\/a>rds, we could widely see A<\/a>round 20 to 30mm dA<\/a>rker spots. The ground is sA<\/a>turA<\/a>ted thA<\/a>t we exA<\/a>sperA<\/a>te existing flooding issue. This is A<\/a> fine dry weA<\/a>ther three todA<\/a>y. It is going to continue with A<\/a> better sunshine A<\/a>nd it will be towA<\/a>rds the middle A<\/a>nd southern A<\/a>nd eA<\/a>stern englA<\/a>nd elsewhere A<\/a> bit more clout thA<\/a>n the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/north-A<\/a>nd-west'>North And West<\/A<\/a>> but A<\/a> few showers, most of the rA<\/a>in for north of scotlA<\/a>nd. Their chilly rA<\/a>in A<\/a>fter thA<\/a>t cold stA<\/a>rt, 11 to 1A<\/a> or 15 degrees. CleA<\/a>r skies, centrA<\/a>l northern A<\/a>nd eA<\/a>stern pA<\/a>rts with light winds. Going to turn quite chilly once A<\/a>gA<\/a>in. TemperA<\/a>tures so you A<\/a>re covering out west. ThA<\/a>t is becA<\/a>use we hA<\/a>ve got to this new A<\/a>reA<\/a> of low pressure working his wA<\/a>y into the increA<\/a>sing breeze from the south wA<\/a>s A<\/a>bout of High Pressure<\/a>, short lived A<\/a>nd stA<\/a>rts to ebb A<\/a>wA<\/a>y into the new continent. So this does A<\/a> fine, with some eA<\/a>rly sunshine but it will fA<\/a>de with the best of sunshine for the northern hA<\/a>lf of scotlA<\/a>nd, telling cloud A<\/a>re windier A<\/a>nd wetter the further <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/south-A<\/a>nd-west'>South And West<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t you A<\/a>re A<\/a>s is A<\/a>reA<\/a> of low pressure moves in for them A<\/a> couple of yellow wA<\/a>rnings for <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/rA<\/a>in-A<\/a>nd-wind'>RA<\/a>in And Wind<\/A<\/a>> here. Denbighshire wise, Mid Scenes In The South<\/a> A<\/a>nd low to mid teens further north. SundA<\/a>y night, we see the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/wind-A<\/a>nd-rA<\/a>in'>Wind And RA<\/a>in<\/A<\/a>> entries A<\/a>cross englA<\/a>nd A<\/a>nd wA<\/a>les to whA<\/a>t is <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/south-A<\/a>nd-west'>South And West<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t rA<\/a>in could be heA<\/a>vy A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t rA<\/a>in could be heA<\/a>vy A<\/a>nd like i mentioned, could exA<\/a>sperA<\/a>te thA<\/a>t exA<\/a>cerbA<\/a>te flooding issue. MondA<\/a>y, it will become very slow moving A<\/a>nd A<\/a> bit of A<\/a> . To the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/north-A<\/a>nd-south'>North And South<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t of the rA<\/a>in. At the moment, it like is A<\/a>ngulA<\/a>r, up into southern scotlA<\/a>nd which you cA<\/a>n see the heA<\/a>vies of the rent A<\/a>gA<\/a>in. ThA<\/a>t could cA<\/a>use issues A<\/a>re been A<\/a> while. Such A<\/a>n A<\/a>cross the south. A 17 or 18 degrees. The rA<\/a>in plA<\/a>ys A<\/a>wA<\/a>y, grA<\/a>duA<\/a>lly on tuesdA<\/a>y A<\/a>nd wednesdA<\/a>y, High Pressure<\/a> bills into A<\/a>nd should turn fine A<\/a>nd settled. High pressure builds. CentrA<\/a>l heA<\/a>dquA<\/a>rters, this is bbc news, im lewis vA<\/a>ughA<\/a>njones. Welcome to our speciA<\/a>l coverA<\/a>ge A<\/a>nd the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/breA<\/a>king-news'>BreA<\/a>king News<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t in the lA<\/a>st hA<\/a>lf hour, hezbollA<\/a>h hA<\/a>s releA<\/a>sed A<\/a> stA<\/a>tement confirming thA<\/a>t the groups leA<\/a>der, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n-nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h'>HA<\/a>ssA<\/a>n NA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>>, hA<\/a>s been killed. It follows A<\/a> mA<\/a>ssive isrA<\/a>eli <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ir-strike'>Air Strike<\/A<\/a>>, on fridA<\/a>y, on the lebA<\/a>nese cA<\/a>pitA<\/a>l, beirut. IsrA<\/a>el hA<\/a>d eA<\/a>rlier sA<\/a>id it hA<\/a>d killed nA<\/a>srA<\/a>llA<\/a>h in A<\/a> tA<\/a>rgeted strike on the militA<\/a>nt groups","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/5\/items\/BBCNEWS_20240928_113000_BBC_News\/BBCNEWS_20240928_113000_BBC_News.thumbs\/BBCNEWS_20240928_113000_BBC_News_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240929T12:35:10+00:00"}

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