Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News Now 20240918 : comparemela.

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News Now 20240918

ProtectIon for theIr chIldren. Now, If someone under 16 trIes to make theIr'>Account PublIc they'>WIll have to add a parent to approve It. They'>WIll have to add a parent to approve It to approve It. That parent'>WIll then also to approve It. That parent'>WIll then also be to approve It. That parent'>WIll then also be able to approve It. That parent'>WIll then also be able to to approve It. That parent'>WIll then also be able to see to approve It. That parent'>WIll then also be able to see who | then also be able to see who theIr chIld messages and whIch topIcs they follow. Older teens'>WIll have to verIfy theIr own age. NotIfIcatIons'>WIll be muted overnIght and young people'>WIll get an alert If they spend an hour on the app. The bIggest change Is that under sIxteens'>WIll need parental permIssIon to alter any of that settIng. Some parents have campaIgned for years for better protectIon for theIr chIldren. Years for better protectIon for theIr chIldren. Ian russells'>Daughter Molly took'>Her own lIfe In 2017 after vIewIng'>Self Harm Content on Instagram. These new tools mIght gIve parents extra oversIght, but they stIll'>Cant Control Instagram algorIthms they are very good at drummIng up they are very good at drummIng up er, but they have to be good at beIng transparent. SometIme before chrIstmas, when these measures are In place and the chIldren are usIng them, we should know from meta how they are workIng and'>Here'>Here are stIll problems and what they are doIng to plug the gaps. These new tools mIght gIve parents extra oversIght, but they stIll'>Cant Control Instagram algorIthms or what content appears In the app In the fIrst place. And thats all assumIng that parents want thIs extra responsIbIlIty. SpeakIng just last week,'>Meta Exec NIck clegg saId, In realIty, the'>Tech GIant has found that parents are reluctant to sIgn up and use these features. Zoe kleInman, bbc news. The head of the bbc has saId he cant see'>Huw Edwards workIng at the corporatIon agaIn after the presenter was gIven a sIx month suspended prIson sentence, for makIng Indecent Images of chIldren. Edwards'>WIll also be placed on the'>Sex Offenders regIster for seven years. Injuly, the former newsreader admItted havIng 41 Images, whIch were sent to hIm on whatsapp 7 IncludIng some showIng a vIctIm aged between seven and nIne. Our'>Culture Reporter'>Noor NanjI told us more. As you say, It Is a day after'>Huw Edwards was sentenced on those abuse Images. TIm devI was fIrst of all asked'>Her he thought that'>Huw Edwards would Ever work at the bbc agaIn, and he saId for obvIous reasons he cannot see that happenIng. He saId, gIven the appallIng crImes he hasjust been convIcted of, he was also asked about scrubbIng'>Huw Edwards from the archIves. On that matter, he saId that we nEver completely rIpped and ban people from the archIves, but he cannot see a scenarIo In whIch edwards Is used In day to day programmIng. More broadly, he was also stayIng wIthIn the bbc'>Here Is a sense of'>Shock And Anger and upset about what has happened, but he says It Is not really about the corporatIon. It Is about the vIctIms and theIr famIlIes. FInally, he was asked about the money and remember the bbc has asked'>Huw Edwards to return that £200,000 that he earned Ever sInce hIs arrest last november, and on that front he says, we want the money back, we have asked for It back, but thatIs we have asked for It back, but that Is all he Is able to say at thIs poInt. In scotland, the government has agreed to host the 2026'>Commonwealth Games In glasgow. It'>WIll be a smaller event compared wIth the last games, wIth only 10 13 sports beIng featured. That Is compared wIth 18 In 2014. The lIberal'>Democrat Party conference closes In brIghton shortly wIth a key'>Note Speech from'>Leader SIr Ed davey. Hell say that fIghtIng to fIx what he calls the broken nhs Is what hIs party'>WIll prIorItIse above all'>Her Issues from now on. Our polItIcal correspondent'>DamIan GrammatIcas Is'>Here. Damon, It Is the fInal stretch for The Party and of course we are goIng to be hearIng from the leader. The leader. Exactly rIght. It Is the fInal, the leader. Exactly rIght. It Is the fInal, bIg the leader. Exactly rIght. It Is the fInal, bIg event the leader. Exactly rIght. It Is the fInal, bIg event of. The leader. Exactly rIght. It| Is the fInal, bIg event of thIs conference. Four days of I<\/a>on for theI<\/a>r chI<\/a>ldren. Now, I<\/a>f someone under 16 trI<\/a>es to make theI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/account-publI<\/a>c'>Account PublI<\/a>c<\/a> they I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> have to add a parent to approve I<\/a>t. They I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> have to add a parent to approve I<\/a>t to approve I<\/a>t. That parent I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> then also to approve I<\/a>t. That parent I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> then also be to approve I<\/a>t. That parent I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> then also be able to approve I<\/a>t. That parent I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> then also be able to to approve I<\/a>t. That parent I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> then also be able to see to approve I<\/a>t. That parent I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> then also be able to see who | then also be able to see who theI<\/a>r chI<\/a>ld messages and whI<\/a>ch topI<\/a>cs they follow. Older teens I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> have to verI<\/a>fy theI<\/a>r own age. NotI<\/a>fI<\/a>catI<\/a>ons I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> be muted overnI<\/a>ght and young people I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> get an alert I<\/a>f they spend an hour on the app. The bI<\/a>ggest change I<\/a>s that under sI<\/a>xteens I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> need parental permI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on to alter any of that settI<\/a>ng. Some parents have campaI<\/a>gned for years for better protectI<\/a>on for theI<\/a>r chI<\/a>ldren. Years for better protectI<\/a>on for theI<\/a>r chI<\/a>ldren. Ian russells I<\/a>\/news\/daughter-molly'>Daughter Molly<\/a> took I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> own lI<\/a>fe I<\/a>n 2017 after vI<\/a>ewI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/self-harm-content'>Self Harm Content<\/a> on I<\/a>nstagram. These new tools mI<\/a>ght gI<\/a>ve parents extra oversI<\/a>ght, but they stI<\/a>ll I<\/a>\/news\/cant-control-I<\/a>nstagram'>Cant Control Instagram<\/a> algorI<\/a>thms they are very good at drummI<\/a>ng up they are very good at drummI<\/a>ng up er, but they have to be good at beI<\/a>ng transparent. SometI<\/a>me before chrI<\/a>stmas, when these measures are I<\/a>n place and the chI<\/a>ldren are usI<\/a>ng them, we should know from meta how they are workI<\/a>ng and wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e are stI<\/a>ll problems and what they are doI<\/a>ng to plug the gaps. These new tools mI<\/a>ght gI<\/a>ve parents extra oversI<\/a>ght, but they stI<\/a>ll I<\/a>\/news\/cant-control-I<\/a>nstagram'>Cant Control Instagram<\/a> algorI<\/a>thms or what content appears I<\/a>n the app I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst place. And thats all assumI<\/a>ng that parents want thI<\/a>s extra responsI<\/a>bI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty. SpeakI<\/a>ng just last week, I<\/a>\/news\/meta-exec-nI<\/a>ck'>Meta Exec NI<\/a>ck<\/a> clegg saI<\/a>d, I<\/a>n realI<\/a>ty, the I<\/a>\/news\/tech-gI<\/a>ant'>Tech GI<\/a>ant<\/a> has found that parents are reluctant to sI<\/a>gn up and use these features. Zoe kleI<\/a>nman, bbc news. The head of the bbc has saI<\/a>d he cant see I<\/a>\/news\/huw-edwards'>Huw Edwards<\/a> workI<\/a>ng at the corporatI<\/a>on agaI<\/a>n after the presenter was gI<\/a>ven a sI<\/a>x month suspended prI<\/a>son sentence, for makI<\/a>ng I<\/a>ndecent I<\/a>mages of chI<\/a>ldren. Edwards I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> also be placed on the I<\/a>\/news\/sex-offenders'>Sex Offenders<\/a> regI<\/a>ster for seven years. Injuly, the former newsreader admI<\/a>tted havI<\/a>ng 41 I<\/a>mages, whI<\/a>ch were sent to hI<\/a>m on whatsapp 7 I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng some showI<\/a>ng a vI<\/a>ctI<\/a>m aged between seven and nI<\/a>ne. Our I<\/a>\/news\/culture-reporter'>Culture Reporter<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/noor-nanjI<\/a>'>Noor NanjI<\/a><\/a> told us more. As you say, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a day after I<\/a>\/news\/huw-edwards'>Huw Edwards<\/a> was sentenced on those abuse I<\/a>mages. TI<\/a>m devI<\/a> was fI<\/a>rst of all asked whetI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> he thought that I<\/a>\/news\/huw-edwards'>Huw Edwards<\/a> would Ever<\/a> work at the bbc agaI<\/a>n, and he saI<\/a>d for obvI<\/a>ous reasons he cannot see that happenI<\/a>ng. He saI<\/a>d, gI<\/a>ven the appallI<\/a>ng crI<\/a>mes he hasjust been convI<\/a>cted of, he was also asked about scrubbI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/huw-edwards'>Huw Edwards<\/a> from the archI<\/a>ves. On that matter, he saI<\/a>d that we nEver<\/a> completely rI<\/a>pped and ban people from the archI<\/a>ves, but he cannot see a scenarI<\/a>o I<\/a>n whI<\/a>ch edwards I<\/a>s used I<\/a>n day to day programmI<\/a>ng. More broadly, he was also stayI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n the bbc tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s a sense of I<\/a>\/news\/shock-and-anger'>Shock And Anger<\/a> and upset about what has happened, but he says I<\/a>t I<\/a>s not really about the corporatI<\/a>on. It I<\/a>s about the vI<\/a>ctI<\/a>ms and theI<\/a>r famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es. FI<\/a>nally, he was asked about the money and remember the bbc has asked I<\/a>\/news\/huw-edwards'>Huw Edwards<\/a> to return that \u00a3200,000 that he earned Ever<\/a> sI<\/a>nce hI<\/a>s arrest last november, and on that front he says, we want the money back, we have asked for I<\/a>t back, but thatI<\/a>s we have asked for I<\/a>t back, but that I<\/a>s all he I<\/a>s able to say at thI<\/a>s poI<\/a>nt. In scotland, the government has agreed to host the 2026 I<\/a>\/news\/commonwealth-games'>Commonwealth Games<\/a> I<\/a>n glasgow. It I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> be a smaller event compared wI<\/a>th the last games, wI<\/a>th only 10 13 sports beI<\/a>ng featured. That I<\/a>s compared wI<\/a>th 18 I<\/a>n 2014. The lI<\/a>beral I<\/a>\/news\/democrat-party'>Democrat Party<\/a> conference closes I<\/a>n brI<\/a>ghton shortly wI<\/a>th a key I<\/a>\/news\/note-speech'>Note Speech<\/a> from I<\/a>\/news\/leader-sI<\/a>r-ed'>Leader SI<\/a>r Ed<\/a> davey. Hell say that fI<\/a>ghtI<\/a>ng to fI<\/a>x what he calls the broken nhs I<\/a>s what hI<\/a>s party I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> prI<\/a>orI<\/a>tI<\/a>se above all otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> I<\/a>ssues from now on. Our polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal correspondent I<\/a>\/news\/damI<\/a>an-grammatI<\/a>cas'>DamI<\/a>an GrammatI<\/a>cas<\/a> I<\/a>s tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e. Damon, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s the fI<\/a>nal stretch for The Party<\/a> and of course we are goI<\/a>ng to be hearI<\/a>ng from the leader. The leader. Exactly rI<\/a>ght. It I<\/a>s the fI<\/a>nal, the leader. Exactly rI<\/a>ght. It I<\/a>s the fI<\/a>nal, bI<\/a>g the leader. Exactly rI<\/a>ght. It I<\/a>s the fI<\/a>nal, bI<\/a>g event the leader. Exactly rI<\/a>ght. It I<\/a>s the fI<\/a>nal, bI<\/a>g event of. The leader. Exactly rI<\/a>ght. It| I<\/a>s the fI<\/a>nal, bI<\/a>g event of thI<\/a>s conference. Four days of I<\/a>t, we have been I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e sI<\/a>nce saturday. As you say, by the seasI<\/a>de, the lI<\/a>b dems have all been I<\/a>n very upbeat mood I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> stop and just now, as we were gettI<\/a>ng ready to talk to you they are all lI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng up downstaI<\/a>rs goI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto that I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>g-hall'>BI<\/a>g Hall<\/a> wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to gI<\/a>ve that speech. As you say, the I<\/a>\/news\/advance-brI<\/a>efI<\/a>ng'>Advance BrI<\/a>efI<\/a>ng<\/a> I<\/a>s all that he I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to focus on, the nhs, he has been preparI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. He has been out playI<\/a>ng tennI<\/a>s and the cameras were fI<\/a>lmI<\/a>ng that. The lI<\/a>b dems have been doI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s, tryI<\/a>ng to create thI<\/a>s sense of I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> out tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e doI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>s dI<\/a>fferent stunts and actI<\/a>vI<\/a>tI<\/a>es, hI<\/a>s sort of personable character that they want to try to project. But he has got a serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>\/news\/message-and-purpose'>Message And Purpose<\/a> I<\/a>n that speech, too. WI<\/a>th me to talk a bI<\/a>t about that, archI<\/a>e mI<\/a>tchell, the I<\/a>ndependence polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal correspondent. FI<\/a>rst of all, obvI<\/a>ously, we are tryI<\/a>ng to close wI<\/a>th thI<\/a>s conference. You have been I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e a week, we have seen the lI<\/a>b dems very upbeat mood, I<\/a>s that how you would sum I<\/a>t up . A posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve feelI<\/a>ng . It has defI<\/a>nI<\/a>tely been the I<\/a>\/news\/party-atmospI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e'>Party AtmospI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e, they are celebratI<\/a>ng they have got so many celebratI<\/a>ng they have got so many mps, the most they have Ever<\/a> many mps, the most they have Ever<\/a> had~ many mps, the most they have Ever<\/a> had. Anyone that you speak to I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> Ever<\/a> had. Anyone that you speak to I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> tell Ever<\/a> had. Anyone that you speak to I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> tell you that I<\/a>t feels remarkably dI<\/a>fferent. TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e are so many remarkably dI<\/a>fferent. TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e are so many more campaI<\/a>gners, stakeholders, busI<\/a>nesses, who have stakeholders, busI<\/a>nesses, who have to stakeholders, busI<\/a>nesses, who have to come to try to get an ear of have to come to try to get an ear of these new mps. Have to come to try to get an ear of these new mp5. The mp5 are baskI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n I<\/a>t and so are the are baskI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n I<\/a>t and so are the actI<\/a>vI<\/a>sts. Are baskI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n I<\/a>t and so are the actI<\/a>vI<\/a>sts. ~. , the actI<\/a>vI<\/a>sts. We have seen the mp5 out on the actI<\/a>vI<\/a>sts. We have seen the mp5 out on the the actI<\/a>vI<\/a>sts. We have seen the mp5 out on the rI<\/a>des, the actI<\/a>vI<\/a>sts. We have seen the mp5 out on the rI<\/a>des, enjoyI<\/a>ng | mps out on the rI<\/a>des, enjoyI<\/a>ng themselves. As you say Ever<\/a>ywI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e you go around I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s the 72, that number. The lI<\/a>b dems are also sayI<\/a>ng that they now have a job to do, the 72 mps. Because they keep repeatI<\/a>ng they have earned some trust, but they now have to delI<\/a>ver on that. DelI<\/a>ver on that. They are hoI<\/a>nr delI<\/a>ver on that. They are hopI<\/a>ng that delI<\/a>ver on that. They are hopI<\/a>ng that the delI<\/a>ver on that. They are hopI<\/a>ng that the 72 delI<\/a>ver on that. They are hopI<\/a>ng that the 72 mp5 I<\/a> delI<\/a>ver on that. They are I<\/a> hopI<\/a>ng that the 72 mp5 are delI<\/a>ver on that. They are hopI<\/a>ng that the 72 mp5 are I<\/a>n areas hopI<\/a>ng that the 72 mp5 are I<\/a>n areas that often mI<\/a>ght not have had lI<\/a>beral I<\/a>\/news\/democrat-mps'>Democrat Mps<\/a> Ever<\/a> before had lI<\/a>beral I<\/a>\/news\/democrat-mps'>Democrat Mps<\/a> Ever<\/a> before. If theyd delI<\/a>ver, I<\/a>f they before. If theyd delI<\/a>ver, I<\/a>f they fI<\/a>ght for the I<\/a>ssues that they they fI<\/a>ght for the I<\/a>ssues that they thought the campaI<\/a>gn on such they thought the campaI<\/a>gn on such as they thought the campaI<\/a>gn on such as clearI<\/a>ng up the waterways, and are seen as strong waterways, and are seen as strong local champI<\/a>ons, the 72 mp5 strong local champI<\/a>ons, the 72 mp5 I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> strong local champI<\/a>ons, the 72 mp5 I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> hold onto theI<\/a>r seats mps I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> hold onto theI<\/a>r seats at the mps I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> hold onto theI<\/a>r seats at the next I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-and-wI<\/a>nd'>ElectI<\/a>on And WI<\/a>nd<\/a> more at the next I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-and-wI<\/a>nd'>ElectI<\/a>on And WI<\/a>nd<\/a> more mp5 at the next electI<\/a>on after more mp5 at the next electI<\/a>on after that. More mp5 at the next electI<\/a>on afterthat. It more mp5 at the next electI<\/a>on after that. It I<\/a>s defI<\/a>nI<\/a>tely now after that. It I<\/a>s defI<\/a>nI<\/a>tely now about those 72 mp5 gettI<\/a>ng on wI<\/a>th now about those 72 mp5 gettI<\/a>ng on wI<\/a>th the job. | now about those 72 mp5 gettI<\/a>ng on wI<\/a>th the job. On wI<\/a>th the ob. I get the sense that on wI<\/a>th the job. I get the sense that the on wI<\/a>th the job. I get the sense that the lI<\/a>beral. Sense that the lI<\/a>beral democrats are feelI<\/a>ng, they have a bI<\/a>t of an openI<\/a>ng, what we are goI<\/a>ng to hearfrom I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a>I<\/a>s we are goI<\/a>ng to hearfrom I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> I<\/a>s talkI<\/a>ng about I<\/a>\/news\/doom-and-gloom'>Doom And Gloom<\/a> from the government. He arrI<\/a>ved I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e on hI<\/a>sjet skI<\/a>. AnotI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> of hI<\/a>s stunts. But they are sort of posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve kI<\/a>nd of approach almost has a bI<\/a>t of an openI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e. And that I<\/a>s somethI<\/a>ng that they want capI<\/a>talI<\/a>se on wI<\/a>th that message, partI<\/a>cularly focused on those key themes. Hhs message, partI<\/a>cularly focused on those key themes. On those key themes. Nhs I<\/a>n partI<\/a>cular on those key themes. Nhs I<\/a>n partI<\/a>cular. He on those key themes. Nhs I<\/a>n partI<\/a>cular. He I<\/a>s on those key themes. Nhs I<\/a>n partI<\/a>cular. He I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng on those key themes. Nhs I<\/a>n partI<\/a>cular. He I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to on those key themes. Nhs I<\/a>n | partI<\/a>cular. He I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to urge keI<\/a>r partI<\/a>cular. He I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to urge I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a> to lI<\/a>ghten up. I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a> to lI<\/a>ghten up. I thI<\/a>nk that was one of the I<\/a>\/news\/key-messages'>Key Messages<\/a> of hI<\/a>s speech, one of hI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/key-messages'>Key Messages<\/a> of hI<\/a>s speech, one of hI<\/a>s key attacks on labour. You mentI<\/a>oned hI<\/a>s key attacks on labour. You mentI<\/a>oned hI<\/a>m beI<\/a>ng out and about mentI<\/a>oned hI<\/a>m beI<\/a>ng out and about playI<\/a>ng tennI<\/a>s thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng, those pI<\/a>ctures look fantastI<\/a>c mornI<\/a>ng, those pI<\/a>ctures look fantastI<\/a>c. But you cannot I<\/a>magI<\/a>ne fantastI<\/a>c. But you cannot I<\/a>magI<\/a>ne I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a> I<\/a>t when I<\/a>\/news\/he-I<\/a>sahout'>He Isahout<\/a> I<\/a>magI<\/a>ne I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a> I<\/a>t when he I<\/a>s about to I<\/a>magI<\/a>ne I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a> I<\/a>t when he I<\/a>s about to address the I<\/a>\/news\/labour-conference'>Labour Conference<\/a> comI<\/a>ng up beI<\/a>ng out I<\/a>n the conference comI<\/a>ng up beI<\/a>ng out I<\/a>n the mornI<\/a>ng playI<\/a>ng tennI<\/a>s beforehand. He I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> be I<\/a>\/news\/hold-up'>Hold Up<\/a> I<\/a>n hI<\/a>s beforehand. He I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> be I<\/a>\/news\/hold-up'>Hold Up<\/a> I<\/a>n hI<\/a>s room, you would thI<\/a>nk, preparI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n hI<\/a>s room, you would thI<\/a>nk, preparI<\/a>ng to keep bangI<\/a>ng on about preparI<\/a>ng to keep bangI<\/a>ng on about thI<\/a>s physI<\/a>caI<\/a>\/news\/l-I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance'>L InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance<\/a> that we about thI<\/a>s physI<\/a>caI<\/a>\/news\/l-I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance'>L InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance<\/a> that we keep hearI<\/a>ng about. WI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>es that we keep hearI<\/a>ng about. WI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>es thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a complete contrast, wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>es thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a complete contrast, they are posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve, excI<\/a>ted contrast, they are posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve, excI<\/a>ted about the upcomI<\/a>ng parlI<\/a>ament and they are ready to type parlI<\/a>ament and they are ready to type I<\/a>n parlI<\/a>ament and they are ready to type I<\/a>n those I<\/a>ssues. The nhs, to type I<\/a>n those I<\/a>ssues. The nhs, waterways. To type I<\/a>n those I<\/a>ssues. The nhs, waterways. The physI<\/a>caI<\/a>\/news\/l-I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance'>L InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance<\/a> nhs, waterways. The physI<\/a>caI<\/a>\/news\/l-I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance'>L InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance<\/a> I<\/a>s nhs, waterways. The physI<\/a>caI<\/a>\/news\/l-I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance'>L InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance<\/a> I<\/a>s I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng. Nhs, waterways. The physI<\/a>caI<\/a>\/news\/l-I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance'>L InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance<\/a> I<\/a>s I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng. The I<\/a>\/news\/l-I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance'>L InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance<\/a> I<\/a>s I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng. The lI<\/a>b dems do say that they are aware that the physI<\/a>caI<\/a>\/news\/l-I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance'>L InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance<\/a>, that the government has taken on, I<\/a>s a real problem. QuestI<\/a>oned about that lots of theI<\/a>r polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es are all about spendI<\/a>ng money, whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s current clI<\/a>mate I<\/a>s dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult. School meals, they want to spend that, fI<\/a>xI<\/a>ng nhs, thatI<\/a>s want to spend that, fI<\/a>xI<\/a>ng nhs, that I<\/a>s not new money but they are talkI<\/a>ng about money goI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto that. And I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ngly, I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>r-ed-davey'>SI<\/a>r Ed Davey<\/a> was asked about otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> taxes, and we have a clI<\/a>p of what he told our polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal edI<\/a>tor about I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a>, that they mI<\/a>ght consI<\/a>der changI<\/a>ng that, as well. That that they mI<\/a>ght consI<\/a>der changI<\/a>ng that, as well. At the I<\/a>\/news\/veneral-changI<\/a>ng'>Veneral ChangI<\/a>ng<\/a> that, as well. At I<\/a>\/news\/the-general-electI<\/a>on'>The General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a> changI<\/a>ng that, as well. At I<\/a>\/news\/the-general-electI<\/a>on'>The General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a> we changI<\/a>ng that, as well. At I<\/a>\/news\/the-general-electI<\/a>on'>The General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a> we put changI<\/a>ng that, as well. At the I<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/general-electI<\/a>on'>General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a> we put forward an ambI<\/a>tI<\/a>ous I<\/a>\/news\/general-electI<\/a>on'>General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a> we put forward an ambI<\/a>tI<\/a>ous package I<\/a>\/news\/general-electI<\/a>on'>General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a> we put forward an ambI<\/a>tI<\/a>ous package that I<\/a>\/news\/general-electI<\/a>on'>General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a> we put forward an ambI<\/a>tI<\/a>ous package that wasl an ambI<\/a>tI<\/a>ous package that was fully casted, an ambI<\/a>tI<\/a>ous package that was fully costed, we an ambI<\/a>tI<\/a>ous package that was fully costed, we saI<\/a>d an ambI<\/a>tI<\/a>ous package that was fully costed, we saI<\/a>d I<\/a>t an ambI<\/a>tI<\/a>ous package that was fully costed, we saI<\/a>d I<\/a>t would I<\/a> fully costed, we saI<\/a>d I<\/a>t would come fully costed, we saI<\/a>d I<\/a>t would come from fully costed, we saI<\/a>d I<\/a>t would come from rEver<\/a>sI<\/a>ng fully costed, we saI<\/a>d I<\/a>t would come from rEver<\/a>sI<\/a>ng the fully costed, we saI<\/a>d I<\/a>t would come from rEver<\/a>sI<\/a>ng the taxl come from rEver<\/a>sI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-cuts'>Tax Cuts<\/a> come from rEver<\/a>sI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-cuts'>Tax Cuts<\/a> to come from rEver<\/a>sI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-cuts'>Tax Cuts<\/a> to the come from rEver<\/a>sI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-cuts'>Tax Cuts<\/a> to the banks come from rEver<\/a>sI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-cuts'>Tax Cuts<\/a> to the banks that come from rEver<\/a>sI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-cuts'>Tax Cuts<\/a> to the banks that the I<\/a> cuts to the banks that the conservatI<\/a>ves cuts to the banks that the conservatI<\/a>ves made. Cuts to the banks that the conservatI<\/a>ves made. It I<\/a> cuts to the banks that the conservatI<\/a>ves made. It I<\/a>s| cuts to the banks that the I<\/a> conservatI<\/a>ves made. It I<\/a>s \u00a3I<\/a>\/news\/4-bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>4 BI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> conservatI<\/a>ves made. It I<\/a>s \u00a3I<\/a>\/news\/4-bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>4 BI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> that conservatI<\/a>ves made. It I<\/a>s \u00a3I<\/a>\/news\/4-bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>4 BI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> that went conservatI<\/a>ves made. It I<\/a>s \u00a3I<\/a>\/news\/4-bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>4 BI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> that went to conservatI<\/a>ves made. It I<\/a>s \u00a3I<\/a>\/news\/4-bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>4 BI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> that went to the conservatI<\/a>ves made. It I<\/a>s \u00a3I<\/a>\/news\/4-bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>4 BI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> that went to the I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>g-l'>BI<\/a>g L<\/a> bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on that went to the I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>g-hanksm'>BI<\/a>g Hanksm<\/a> bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on that went to the I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>g-hanksm'>BI<\/a>g Hanksm<\/a> we bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on that went to the bI<\/a>g banks. We could bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on that went to the bI<\/a>g banks. We could rEver<\/a>sej bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on that went to the bI<\/a>g banks. We could rEver<\/a>se that to take banks. We could rEver<\/a>se that to take the banks. We could rEver<\/a>se that to take the tax banks. We could rEver<\/a>se that to take the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-back'>Tax Back<\/a> banks. We could rEver<\/a>se that to take the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-back'>Tax Back<\/a> to banks. We could rEver<\/a>se that to take the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-back'>Tax Back<\/a> to 2015. L to take the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-back'>Tax Back<\/a> to 2015. That to take the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-back'>Tax Back<\/a> to 2015. That would to take the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-back'>Tax Back<\/a> to 2015. That would be to take the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-back'>Tax Back<\/a> to 2015. That would be a to take the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-back'>Tax Back<\/a> to 2015. That would be a bI<\/a>g to take the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-back'>Tax Back<\/a> to 2015. That would be a bI<\/a>g part to take the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-back'>Tax Back<\/a> to 2015. That would be a bI<\/a>g part of. To take the I<\/a>\/news\/tax-back'>Tax Back<\/a> to 2015. That would be a bI<\/a>g part of our spendI<\/a>ng that would be a bI<\/a>g part of our spendI<\/a>ng proposals. That would be a bI<\/a>g part of our spendI<\/a>ng proposals. And that would be a bI<\/a>g part of our spendI<\/a>ng proposals. And at. That would be a bI<\/a>g part of our| spendI<\/a>ng proposals. And at the otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> spendI<\/a>ng proposals. And at the otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> was spendI<\/a>ng proposals. And at the otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> was the spendI<\/a>ng proposals. And at the otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> was the I<\/a>\/news\/reform-spendI<\/a>ng'>Reform SpendI<\/a>ng<\/a> proposals. And at the otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> was the reform of spendI<\/a>ng proposals. And at the otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> was the reform of capI<\/a>tal| otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> was the reform of I<\/a>\/news\/capI<\/a>tal-gaI<\/a>ns'>CapI<\/a>tal GaI<\/a>ns<\/a> otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> was the reform of capI<\/a>tal I<\/a>\/news\/gaI<\/a>ns-tax'>GaI<\/a>ns Tax<\/a> otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> was the reform of I<\/a>\/news\/capI<\/a>tal-raI<\/a>ns'>CapI<\/a>tal RaI<\/a>ns<\/a> tax. \ufffd , otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> was the reform of I<\/a>\/news\/capI<\/a>tal-raI<\/a>ns'>CapI<\/a>tal RaI<\/a>ns<\/a> tax. 3. ,. , ~ otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> was the reform of I<\/a>\/news\/capI<\/a>tal-raI<\/a>ns'>CapI<\/a>tal RaI<\/a>ns<\/a> tax. \ufffd ,. ,. , ~. , otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> was the reform of capI<\/a>tal I<\/a>\/news\/gaI<\/a>ns-tax'>GaI<\/a>ns Tax<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/gaI<\/a>ns-tax'>GaI<\/a>ns Tax<\/a>. Lets look at some otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> taxes I<\/a>\/news\/gaI<\/a>ns-tax'>GaI<\/a>ns Tax<\/a>. Lets look at some otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> taxes wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/gaI<\/a>ns-tax'>GaI<\/a>ns Tax<\/a>. Lets look at some otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> taxes wI<\/a>th thI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/gaI<\/a>ns-tax'>GaI<\/a>ns Tax<\/a>. Lets look at some otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> taxes wI<\/a>th thI<\/a>s budget | otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> taxes wI<\/a>th thI<\/a>s budget around the corner. InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance tax, would you put that up . H0. Tax, would you put that up . No, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e tax, would you put that up . No, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s tax, would you put that up . No, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s a tax, would you put that up . No, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s a case tax, would you put that up . No, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s a case for reformI<\/a>ng I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s a case for reformI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s a case for. ReformI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a>. CuttI<\/a>ng reformI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a>. CuttI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t . ReformI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a>. CuttI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t . ReformI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a>. CuttI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t . ReformI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a>. CuttI<\/a>n I<\/a>t . ,. , I<\/a>\/news\/cuttI<\/a>ng-I<\/a>t'>CuttI<\/a>ng It<\/a> . Let me explaI<\/a>n. I thI<\/a>nk reformI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/cuttI<\/a>ng-I<\/a>t'>CuttI<\/a>ng It<\/a> . Let me explaI<\/a>n. I thI<\/a>nk reformI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t I<\/a>\/news\/cuttI<\/a>ng-I<\/a>t'>CuttI<\/a>ng It<\/a> . Let me explaI<\/a>n. I thI<\/a>nk reformI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t would I<\/a>\/news\/cuttI<\/a>ng-I<\/a>t'>CuttI<\/a>ng It<\/a> . Let me explaI<\/a>n. I. ThI<\/a>nk reformI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t would mean that people thI<\/a>nk reformI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t would mean that people who thI<\/a>nk reformI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t would mean that people who are thI<\/a>nk reformI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t would mean that people who are on thI<\/a>nk reformI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t would meanl that people who are on modest levels that people who are on modest levels of that people who are on modest levels of I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance, that people who are on modest levels of I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance, a that people who are on modest levels of I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance, a lot that people who are on modest levels of I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance, a lot of l levels of I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance, a lot of peoples levels of I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance, a lot of peoples homes levels of I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance, a lot of peoples homes I<\/a>n levels of I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance, a lot of peoples homes I<\/a>n many levels of I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance, a lot of. Peoples homes I<\/a>n many areas levels of I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance, a lot of peoples homes I<\/a>n many areas of the country peoples homes I<\/a>n many areas of the country are peoples homes I<\/a>n many areas of the country are quI<\/a>te peoples homes I<\/a>n many areas of the country are quI<\/a>te valuable. The country are quI<\/a>te valuable. And they the country are quI<\/a>te valuable. And they end the country are quI<\/a>te valuable. And they end up the country are quI<\/a>te valuable. And they end up beI<\/a>ng the country are quI<\/a>te valuable. And they end up beI<\/a>ng clobbered by I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance and they end up beI<\/a>ng clobbered by I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a> and they end up beI<\/a>ng clobbered by I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a> and and they end up beI<\/a>ng clobbered by I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a> and I<\/a> and they end up beI<\/a>ng clobbered by I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a> and I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk by I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a> and I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk that by I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a> and I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk that I<\/a>s by I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a> and I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk that I<\/a>s I<\/a>n by I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a> and I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk that I<\/a>s I<\/a>n faI<\/a>r. By I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a> and I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk that I<\/a>s I<\/a>n faI<\/a>r. Because by I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a> and I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk that I<\/a>s I<\/a>n faI<\/a>r. Because I<\/a>f by I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a> and I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk that I<\/a>s I<\/a>n faI<\/a>r. Because I<\/a>f you| that I<\/a>s I<\/a>n faI<\/a>r. Because I<\/a>f you look that I<\/a>s I<\/a>n faI<\/a>r. Because I<\/a>f you look on that I<\/a>s I<\/a>n faI<\/a>r. Because I<\/a>f you look on the that I<\/a>s I<\/a>n faI<\/a>r. Because I<\/a>f you look on the flI<\/a>p that I<\/a>s I<\/a>n faI<\/a>r. Because I<\/a>f you look on the flI<\/a>p sI<\/a>de, that I<\/a>s I<\/a>n faI<\/a>r. Because I<\/a>f you look on the flI<\/a>p sI<\/a>de, people | look on the flI<\/a>p sI<\/a>de, people who look on the flI<\/a>p sI<\/a>de, people who are look on the flI<\/a>p sI<\/a>de, people who are I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tI<\/a>ng look on the flI<\/a>p sI<\/a>de, people who are I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tI<\/a>ng huge look on the flI<\/a>p sI<\/a>de, people who are I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tI<\/a>ng huge amounts of money who are I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tI<\/a>ng huge amounts of money often who are I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tI<\/a>ng huge amounts of money often are who are I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tI<\/a>ng huge amounts of money often are able who are I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tI<\/a>ng huge amounts of money often are able through| of money often are able through clEver<\/a> of money often are able through I<\/a>\/news\/clEver<\/a>-tax'>ClEver<\/a> Tax<\/a> of money often are able through clEver<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/tax-plannI<\/a>ng'>Tax PlannI<\/a>ng<\/a> of money often are able through clEver<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/tax-plannI<\/a>ng'>Tax PlannI<\/a>ng<\/a> to of money often are able through clEver<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/tax-plannI<\/a>ng'>Tax PlannI<\/a>ng<\/a> to avoI<\/a>d clEver<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/tax-plannI<\/a>ng'>Tax PlannI<\/a>ng<\/a> to avoI<\/a>d I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance clEver<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/tax-plannI<\/a>ng'>Tax PlannI<\/a>ng<\/a> to avoI<\/a>d I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a>. ClEver<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/tax-plannI<\/a>ng'>Tax PlannI<\/a>ng<\/a> to avoI<\/a>d I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a>. I clEver<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/tax-plannI<\/a>ng'>Tax PlannI<\/a>ng<\/a> to avoI<\/a>d I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a>. I would clEver<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/tax-plannI<\/a>ng'>Tax PlannI<\/a>ng<\/a> to avoI<\/a>d | I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a>. I would lI<\/a>ke to see I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a>. I would lI<\/a>ke to see reform I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a>. I would lI<\/a>ke to see reform that I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a>. I would lI<\/a>ke to see reform that I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance-tax'>InI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>I<\/a>tance Tax<\/a>. I would lI<\/a>ke to see reform that I<\/a>s more. To see reform that I<\/a>s more faI<\/a>r, to see reform that I<\/a>s more faI<\/a>r, frankly. To see reform that I<\/a>s more faI<\/a>r, frankly. FaI<\/a>r, frankly. So, I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> talkI<\/a>n faI<\/a>r, frankly. So, I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> talkI<\/a>ng about faI<\/a>r, frankly. So, I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> talkI<\/a>ng about lI<\/a>ve faI<\/a>r, frankly. So, I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> talkI<\/a>ng about lI<\/a>ve demo I<\/a> faI<\/a>r, frankly. So, I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> I<\/a> talkI<\/a>ng about lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>\/news\/demo-I<\/a>deas'>Demo Ideas<\/a> on tax tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e because that I<\/a>s I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng because the seats that I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> I<\/a>s targetI<\/a>ng and has won are mostly conservatI<\/a>ve seats. ArchI<\/a>e, back wI<\/a>th you, they are very clear about thI<\/a>s, arent they . That actually The Party<\/a> they crI<\/a>tI<\/a>cI<\/a>se most of all, and we have been hearI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t, I<\/a>s the conservatI<\/a>ves. That I<\/a>s what matters to the electorate. Is what matters to the electorate. , electorate. TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e defI<\/a>nI<\/a>tely are attacks electorate. TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e defI<\/a>nI<\/a>tely are attacks on electorate. TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e defI<\/a>nI<\/a>tely are attacks on the electorate. TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e defI<\/a>nI<\/a>tely are attacks on the doom I<\/a> electorate. TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e defI<\/a>nI<\/a>telyl are attacks on the I<\/a>\/news\/doom-and-gloom'>Doom And Gloom<\/a> are attacks on the I<\/a>\/news\/doom-and-gloom'>Doom And Gloom<\/a> we are seeI<\/a>ng from I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a> gloom we are seeI<\/a>ng from I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a> and labour, gloom we are seeI<\/a>ng from I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a>and labour, but gloom we are seeI<\/a>ng from I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a> and labour, but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s focused starmer and labour, but I<\/a>t I<\/a>s focused on the conservatI<\/a>ves. Ed davey focused on the conservatI<\/a>ves. Ed davey I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to talk about how he I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to talk about how he belI<\/a>eves they are out of touch how he belI<\/a>eves they are out of touch wI<\/a>th how he belI<\/a>eves they are out of touch wI<\/a>th the voters they lost I<\/a>n 2024 touch wI<\/a>th the voters they lost I<\/a>n 2024. He I<\/a>s callI<\/a>ng these leadershI<\/a>p candI<\/a>dates tryI<\/a>ng to succeed leadershI<\/a>p candI<\/a>dates tryI<\/a>ng to succeed at rI<\/a>shI<\/a> sunak, he I<\/a>s sayI<\/a>ng succeed at rI<\/a>shI<\/a> sunak, he I<\/a>s sayI<\/a>ng they are scrapI<\/a>ng the bottom sayI<\/a>ng they are scrapI<\/a>ng the bottom of the barrel. No matter who wI<\/a>ns bottom of the barrel. No matter who wI<\/a>ns that contest they feel as though the I<\/a>\/news\/tory-party'>Tory Party<\/a> has now as though the I<\/a>\/news\/tory-party'>Tory Party<\/a> has now shI<\/a>fted away from I<\/a>ts voters now shI<\/a>fted away from I<\/a>ts voters and that I<\/a>s wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e they really voters and that I<\/a>s wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e they really get to make up ground. We have really get to make up ground. We have had many brI<\/a>efI<\/a>ngs from the strategI<\/a>st and and one of the strategI<\/a>st and and one of the I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng steps that came through the I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng steps that came through I<\/a>s that tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e are 27 I<\/a>n whI<\/a>ch through I<\/a>s that tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e are 27 I<\/a>n whI<\/a>ch they are I<\/a>n second place, not to whI<\/a>ch they are I<\/a>n second place, not to do whI<\/a>ch they are I<\/a>n second place, not to do one of those are tory held not to do one of those are tory held at not to do one of those are tory held at the not to do one of those are tory held at the moment. Those are the seats held at the moment. Those are the seats they are tryI<\/a>ng to attack, the seats they are tryI<\/a>ng to attack, whI<\/a>ch sort of makes sense attack, whI<\/a>ch sort of makes sense why they are not I<\/a>\/news\/attackI<\/a>ng-labour'>AttackI<\/a>ng Labour<\/a> and more. They have one conservatI<\/a>ve I<\/a>\/news\/attackI<\/a>ng-labour'>AttackI<\/a>ng Labour<\/a> and more. TI<\/a>e have one conservatI<\/a>ve seats, so they are focusI<\/a>ng on that I<\/a>n theI<\/a>r messages. Also focus, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> hear from I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a>, I<\/a>s thI<\/a>s personal sI<\/a>de, hI<\/a>s personal touch. On that I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk we have one of the moments of that conference so far has been the deputy leader, daI<\/a>sy cooper, she was talkI<\/a>ng about I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> own experI<\/a>ence when she fell very I<\/a>ll, and what the nhs dI<\/a>d for I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>. 12 she fell very I<\/a>ll, and what the nhs dI<\/a>d for I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>. She fell very I<\/a>ll, and what the nhs dI<\/a>d for I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>. 12 years ago, I<\/a> was rushed nhs dI<\/a>d for I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>. 12 years ago, I<\/a> was rushed to nhs dI<\/a>d for I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>. 12 years ago, I<\/a> was rushed to hospI<\/a>tal. I nhs dI<\/a>d for I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>. 12 years ago, I<\/a> was rushed to hospI<\/a>tal. A I<\/a> nhs dI<\/a>d for I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>. 12 years ago, | I<\/a> was rushed to hospI<\/a>tal. A few weeks I<\/a> was rushed to hospI<\/a>tal. A few weeks I<\/a>n. I was rushed to hospI<\/a>tal. A few weeks I<\/a>n. I I<\/a> was rushed to hospI<\/a>tal. A few weeks I<\/a>n, I<\/a> was I<\/a> was rushed to hospI<\/a>tal. A few weeks I<\/a>n, I<\/a> was told I<\/a> was rushed to hospI<\/a>tal. A few weeks I<\/a>n, I<\/a> was told that weeks I<\/a>n, I<\/a> was told that wI<\/a>thout weeks I<\/a>n, I<\/a> was told that wI<\/a>thout major weeks I<\/a>n, I<\/a> was told that wI<\/a>thout major surgery. Weeks I<\/a>n, I<\/a> was told that wI<\/a>thout major I<\/a>\/news\/surgery-I<\/a>.'>Surgery I.<\/a> Weeks I<\/a>n, I<\/a> was told that. WI<\/a>thout major surgery I<\/a> had just wI<\/a>thout major surgery I<\/a> had just four wI<\/a>thout major surgery I<\/a> had just four days wI<\/a>thout major surgery I<\/a> had just four days left wI<\/a>thout major surgery I<\/a> had just four days left to wI<\/a>thout major surgery I<\/a> had just four days left to lI<\/a>ve. WI<\/a>thout major surgery I<\/a> had. Just four days left to lI<\/a>ve. My weI<\/a>ght just four days left to lI<\/a>ve. My weI<\/a>ght had just four days left to lI<\/a>ve. My weI<\/a>ght had dropped just four days left to lI<\/a>ve. My weI<\/a>ght had dropped to just four days left to lI<\/a>ve. Myl weI<\/a>ght had dropped to around seven weI<\/a>ght had dropped to around seven stone, weI<\/a>ght had dropped to around seven stone, my weI<\/a>ght had dropped to around seven stone, my eyesI<\/a>ght I<\/a> weI<\/a>ght had dropped to aroundj seven stone, my eyesI<\/a>ght was faI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng seven stone, my eyesI<\/a>ght was faI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng my seven stone, my eyesI<\/a>ght was faI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. My heart seven stone, my eyesI<\/a>ght was faI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. My I<\/a>\/news\/heart-rate'>Heart Rate<\/a> seven stone, my eyesI<\/a>ght was faI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. My I<\/a>\/news\/heart-rate'>Heart Rate<\/a> had I<\/a> faI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. My I<\/a>\/news\/heart-rate'>Heart Rate<\/a> had plummeted faI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. My I<\/a>\/news\/heart-rate'>Heart Rate<\/a> had plummeted. And faI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. My I<\/a>\/news\/heart-rate'>Heart Rate<\/a> had plummeted. And my faI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. My I<\/a>\/news\/heart-rate'>Heart Rate<\/a> hadI<\/a> plummeted. And my arms faI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng. My I<\/a>\/news\/heart-rate'>Heart Rate<\/a> had plummeted. And my Arms Were Black<\/a> plummeted. And my Arms Were Black<\/a> and plummeted. And my Arms Were Black<\/a> and blue. Plummeted. And my Arms Were Black<\/a> and blue. I plummeted. And my Arms Were Black<\/a> and blue. I was plummeted. And my Arms Were Black<\/a> and blue. I was fed plummeted. And my Arms Were Black<\/a> and blue. I was fed only. Black and blue. I was fed only through black and blue. I was fed only through a black and blue. I was fed only through a feedI<\/a>ng black and blue. I was fed only through a feedI<\/a>ng tube, black and blue. I was fed only through a feedI<\/a>ng tube, but l black and blue. I was fed onlyj through a feedI<\/a>ng tube, but I<\/a>t wasnt through a feedI<\/a>ng tube, but I<\/a>t wasnt at through a feedI<\/a>ng tube, but I<\/a>t wasnt at the through a feedI<\/a>ng tube, but I<\/a>t wasnt at the prospect through a feedI<\/a>ng tube, but I<\/a>t wasnt at the prospect of through a feedI<\/a>ng tube, but I<\/a>t. Wasnt at the prospect of major I<\/a>\/news\/surgery-wasnt'>Surgery Wasnt<\/a> at the prospect of major surgery that wasnt at the prospect of major surgery that upset wasnt at the prospect of major surgery that upset me. Wasnt at the prospect of major surgery that upset me. It wasnt at the prospect of major surgery that upset me. It was I<\/a> surgery that upset me. It was what surgery that upset me. It was what they surgery that upset me. It was what they saI<\/a>d surgery that upset me. It was what they saI<\/a>d next. Surgery that upset me. It was what they saI<\/a>d next. Even I<\/a> surgery that upset me. It was what they saI<\/a>d next. Even I<\/a>f. What they saI<\/a>d next. Even I<\/a>f you what they saI<\/a>d next. Even I<\/a>f you survI<\/a>ve. What they saI<\/a>d next. Even I<\/a>f you survI<\/a>ve, daI<\/a>sy, what they saI<\/a>d next. Even I<\/a>f you survI<\/a>ve, daI<\/a>sy, even. What they saI<\/a>d next. Even I<\/a>f you survI<\/a>ve, daI<\/a>sy, even I<\/a>f. What they saI<\/a>d next. Even I<\/a>f. You survI<\/a>ve, daI<\/a>sy, even I<\/a>f you recover, you survI<\/a>ve, daI<\/a>sy, even I<\/a>f you recover, you you survI<\/a>ve, daI<\/a>sy, even I<\/a>f you recover, you probably you survI<\/a>ve, daI<\/a>sy, even I<\/a>f you recover, you probably I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> recover, you probably I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> nEver<\/a> recover, you probably I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> nEver<\/a> work recover, you probably I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> nEver<\/a> work agaI<\/a>n. Recover, you probably I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> nEver<\/a> work agaI<\/a>n. Your. Recover, you probably I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> nEver<\/a> work agaI<\/a>n. Your I<\/a>\/news\/crohns-dI<\/a>sease'>Crohns DI<\/a>sease<\/a> nEver<\/a> work agaI<\/a>n. Your I<\/a>\/news\/crohns-dI<\/a>sease'>Crohns DI<\/a>sease<\/a> I<\/a>s nEver<\/a> work agaI<\/a>n. Your I<\/a>\/news\/crohns-dI<\/a>sease'>Crohns DI<\/a>sease<\/a> I<\/a>s so nEver<\/a> work agaI<\/a>n. Your I<\/a>\/news\/crohns-dI<\/a>sease'>Crohns DI<\/a>sease<\/a> I<\/a>s so aggressI<\/a>ve, nEver<\/a> work agaI<\/a>n. Your I<\/a>\/news\/crohns-dI<\/a>sease'>Crohns DI<\/a>sease<\/a> I<\/a>s so aggressI<\/a>ve, at I<\/a> dI<\/a>sease I<\/a>s so aggressI<\/a>ve, at most dI<\/a>sease I<\/a>s so aggressI<\/a>ve, at most you dI<\/a>sease I<\/a>s so aggressI<\/a>ve, at most you mI<\/a>ght dI<\/a>sease I<\/a>s so aggressI<\/a>ve, at most you mI<\/a>ght be dI<\/a>sease I<\/a>s so aggressI<\/a>ve, at most you mI<\/a>ght be able I<\/a> dI<\/a>sease I<\/a>s so aggressI<\/a>ve, at most you mI<\/a>ght be able to. DI<\/a>sease I<\/a>s so aggressI<\/a>ve, at I<\/a> most you mI<\/a>ght be able to work one day most you mI<\/a>ght be able to work one day a most you mI<\/a>ght be able to work one day a week, most you mI<\/a>ght be able to work one day a week, but most you mI<\/a>ght be able to work one day a week, but nothI<\/a>ng I<\/a> most you mI<\/a>ght be able to work| one day a week, but nothI<\/a>ng too stressful~ stressful. L laughter you I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> probably need surgery Ever<\/a>y fI<\/a>ve years or so. Every fI<\/a>ve years or so. Here I<\/a>s an I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on Ever<\/a>y fI<\/a>ve years or so. Here I<\/a>s an I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on-pack'>InformatI<\/a>on Pack<\/a> Ever<\/a>y fI<\/a>ve years or so. Here I<\/a>s an I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on-pack'>InformatI<\/a>on Pack<\/a> about I<\/a> Ever<\/a>y fI<\/a>ve years or so. Here I<\/a>sj an I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on-pack'>InformatI<\/a>on Pack<\/a> about the benefI<\/a>ts an I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on-pack'>InformatI<\/a>on Pack<\/a> about the benefI<\/a>ts you an I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on-pack'>InformatI<\/a>on Pack<\/a> about the benefI<\/a>ts you mI<\/a>ght an I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on-pack'>InformatI<\/a>on Pack<\/a> about the benefI<\/a>ts you mI<\/a>ght be an I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on-pack'>InformatI<\/a>on Pack<\/a> about the | benefI<\/a>ts you mI<\/a>ght be entI<\/a>tled to. Conference, benefI<\/a>ts you mI<\/a>ght be entI<\/a>tled to. Conference, I<\/a> benefI<\/a>ts you mI<\/a>ght be entI<\/a>tled to. Conference, I<\/a> lay benefI<\/a>ts you mI<\/a>ght be entI<\/a>tled to. Conference, I<\/a> lay I<\/a>n benefI<\/a>ts you mI<\/a>ght be entI<\/a>tled to. Conference, I<\/a> lay I<\/a>n my. BenefI<\/a>ts you mI<\/a>ght be entI<\/a>tledl to. Conference, I<\/a> lay I<\/a>n my bed on the to. Conference, I<\/a> lay I<\/a>n my bed on the 13th to. Conference, I<\/a> lay I<\/a>n my bed on the 13th Floor<\/a> to. Conference, I<\/a> lay I<\/a>n my bed on the 13th Floor<\/a> of to. Conference, I<\/a> lay I<\/a>n my bed on the 13th Floor<\/a> of that on the 13th Floor<\/a> of that hospI<\/a>tal on the 13th Floor<\/a> of that hospI<\/a>tal and on the 13th Floor<\/a> of that hospI<\/a>tal and I<\/a> on the 13th Floor<\/a> of that hospI<\/a>tal and I<\/a> sobbed. I on the 13th Floor<\/a> of that hospI<\/a>tal and I<\/a> sobbed. I sobbed and I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-hospI<\/a>tal'>I HospI<\/a>tal<\/a> and I<\/a> sobbed. I sobbed and I<\/a> sobbed, hospI<\/a>tal and I<\/a> sobbed. I sobbed and I<\/a> sobbed, and hospI<\/a>tal and I<\/a> sobbed. I sobbed and I<\/a> sobbed, and I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-hospI<\/a>tal'>I HospI<\/a>tal<\/a> and I<\/a> sobbed. I sobbed and I<\/a> sobbed, and I<\/a> sobbed. I and I<\/a> sobbed, and I<\/a> sobbed. Before and I<\/a> sobbed, and I<\/a> sobbed. Before 17 and I<\/a> sobbed, and I<\/a> sobbed. Before 17 hours, and I<\/a> sobbed, and I<\/a> sobbed. Before 17 hours, straI<\/a>ght. It| before 17 hours, straI<\/a>ght. It felt before 17 hours, straI<\/a>ght. It felt lI<\/a>ke before 17 hours, straI<\/a>ght. It felt lI<\/a>ke my before 17 hours, straI<\/a>ght. It felt lI<\/a>ke my world before 17 hours, straI<\/a>ght. It felt lI<\/a>ke my world had before 17 hours, straI<\/a>ght. It| felt lI<\/a>ke my world had fallen apart~ felt lI<\/a>ke my world had fallen apart~ as felt lI<\/a>ke my world had fallen apart. As a felt lI<\/a>ke my world had fallen apart. As a campaI<\/a>gner, I<\/a>I<\/a> felt lI<\/a>ke my world had fallen I<\/a> apart. As a campaI<\/a>gner, I<\/a> have always apart. As a campaI<\/a>gner, I<\/a> have always found apart. As a campaI<\/a>gner, I<\/a> have always found my apart. As a campaI<\/a>gner, I<\/a> have always found my meanI<\/a>ng I<\/a> apart. As a campaI<\/a>gner, I<\/a> have always found my meanI<\/a>ng and | always found my I<\/a>\/news\/meanI<\/a>ng-and-purpose'>MeanI<\/a>ng And Purpose<\/a> always found my I<\/a>\/news\/meanI<\/a>ng-and-purpose'>MeanI<\/a>ng And Purpose<\/a> I<\/a>n always found my I<\/a>\/news\/meanI<\/a>ng-and-purpose'>MeanI<\/a>ng And Purpose<\/a> I<\/a>n my always found my I<\/a>\/news\/meanI<\/a>ng-and-purpose'>MeanI<\/a>ng And Purpose<\/a> I<\/a>n my work. Always found my I<\/a>\/news\/meanI<\/a>ng-and-purpose'>MeanI<\/a>ng And Purpose<\/a> I<\/a>n my work. The I<\/a> always found my I<\/a>\/news\/meanI<\/a>ng-and-l'>MeanI<\/a>ng And L<\/a> purpose I<\/a>n my work. The causes I<\/a> purpose I<\/a>n my work. The causes I<\/a> belI<\/a>eve purpose I<\/a>n my work. The causes I<\/a> belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>n. Purpose I<\/a>n my work. The causes I<\/a> belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>n, the purpose I<\/a>n my work. The causes I<\/a> belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>n, the I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>njustI<\/a>ces-purpose'>InjustI<\/a>ces Purpose<\/a> I<\/a>n my work. The causes I<\/a> belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>n, the I<\/a>njustI<\/a>ces I<\/a> I<\/a> I<\/a> belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>n, the I<\/a>njustI<\/a>ces I<\/a> want I<\/a> belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>n, the I<\/a>njustI<\/a>ces I<\/a> want to I<\/a> belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>n, the I<\/a>njustI<\/a>ces I<\/a> want to fI<\/a>ght, I<\/a> belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>n, the I<\/a>njustI<\/a>ces I<\/a> want to fI<\/a>ght, the I<\/a> belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>n, the I<\/a>njustI<\/a>ces I<\/a> want to fI<\/a>ght, the people. I belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>n, the I<\/a>njustI<\/a>ces I<\/a> I<\/a> want to fI<\/a>ght, the people that I<\/a> want to fI<\/a>ght, the people that I<\/a> can want to fI<\/a>ght, the people that I<\/a> can work want to fI<\/a>ght, the people that I<\/a> can work wI<\/a>th. Want to fI<\/a>ght, the people that I<\/a> can work wI<\/a>th. All want to fI<\/a>ght, the people that I<\/a> can work wI<\/a>th. All of want to fI<\/a>ght, the people that I<\/a> can work wI<\/a>th. All of I<\/a>t, I<\/a> I<\/a> can work wI<\/a>th. All of I<\/a>t, I<\/a>n that I<\/a> can work wI<\/a>th. All of I<\/a>t, I<\/a>n that moment, I<\/a> can work wI<\/a>th. All of I<\/a>t, I<\/a> I<\/a>n that moment, potentI<\/a>ally gone I<\/a>n that moment, potentI<\/a>ally gone. Snatched I<\/a>n that moment, potentI<\/a>ally gone. Snatched away. In that moment, potentI<\/a>ally gone. Snatched away. Or, I<\/a> I<\/a>n that moment, potentI<\/a>allyl gone. Snatched away. Or, at least gone. Snatched away. Or, at least that gone. Snatched away. Or, at least that I<\/a>s gone. Snatched away. Or, at least that I<\/a>s how gone. Snatched away. Or, at least that I<\/a>s how I<\/a>t gone. Snatched away. Or, at least that I<\/a>s how I<\/a>t felt gone. Snatched away. Or, at least that I<\/a>s how I<\/a>t felt at I<\/a> least that I<\/a>s how I<\/a>t felt at the least that I<\/a>s how I<\/a>t felt at the tI<\/a>me least that I<\/a>s how I<\/a>t felt at the tI<\/a>me. Hopefully, least that I<\/a>s how I<\/a>t felt at the tI<\/a>me. Hopefully, though, you can the tI<\/a>me. Hopefully, though, you can see the tI<\/a>me. Hopefully, though, you can see that the tI<\/a>me. Hopefully, though, you can see that the the tI<\/a>me. Hopefully, though, you can see that the story. The tI<\/a>me. Hopefully, though,. You can see that the Story Ends Welt<\/a> you can see that the Story Ends Welt<\/a> as you can see that the Story Ends Welt<\/a> as I<\/a>s you can see that the story ends well. As I<\/a>s the you can see that the story ends well. As I<\/a>s the case you can see that the story ends well. As I<\/a>s the case wI<\/a>th you can see that the story ends well. As I<\/a>s the case wI<\/a>th so well. As I<\/a>s the case wI<\/a>th so many well. As I<\/a>s the case wI<\/a>th so many mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons well. As I<\/a>s the case wI<\/a>th so many mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of well. As I<\/a>s the case wI<\/a>th so many mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of people,. Well. As I<\/a>s the case wI<\/a>th so I<\/a> many mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of people, the nhs many mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of people, the nhs dI<\/a>d many mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of people, the nhs dI<\/a>d not many mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of people, the nhs dI<\/a>d notjust many mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of people, the nhs dI<\/a>d notjust saved many mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of people, the nhs dI<\/a>d notjust Saved My<\/a>. Many mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of people, the. Nhs dI<\/a>d notjust Saved My<\/a> lI<\/a>fe, the pe0pte nhs dI<\/a>d notjust Saved My<\/a> lI<\/a>fe, the people who nhs dI<\/a>d notjust Saved My<\/a> lI<\/a>fe, the people who Make Nhs<\/a> dI<\/a>d notjust Saved My<\/a> lI<\/a>fe, the people who make our nhs dI<\/a>d notjust Saved My<\/a> lI<\/a>fe, the people who make our nhsI<\/a> the people who make our nhs what the people who make our nhs what I<\/a>t the people who make our nhs what I<\/a>t I<\/a>s the people who make our nhs what I<\/a>t I<\/a>s gave the people who make our nhs what I<\/a>t I<\/a>s gave me the people who make our nhs what I<\/a>t I<\/a>s gave me my the people who make our nhs what I<\/a>t I<\/a>s gave me my lI<\/a>fe what I<\/a>t I<\/a>s gave me my lI<\/a>fe back what I<\/a>t I<\/a>s gave me my lI<\/a>fe back. Thanks what I<\/a>t I<\/a>s gave me my lI<\/a>fe back. Thanks to what I<\/a>t I<\/a>s gave me my lI<\/a>fe back. Thanks to them, I<\/a> l what I<\/a>t I<\/a>s gave me my lI<\/a>fe. Back. Thanks to them, I<\/a> got what I<\/a>t I<\/a>s gave me my lI<\/a>fe back. Thanks to them, I<\/a> got my strength back. Thanks to them, I<\/a> got my strength back. Back. Thanks to them, I<\/a> got my strength back. I back. Thanks to them, I<\/a> got my strength back. I put back. Thanks to them, I<\/a> got my strength back. I put on back. Thanks to them, I<\/a> got my strength back. I put on some I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-strength'>I Strength<\/a> back. I put on some I<\/a>\/news\/weI<\/a>ght-strength'>WeI<\/a>ght Strength<\/a> back. I put on some I<\/a>\/news\/weI<\/a>ght-and-strength'>WeI<\/a>ght And Strength<\/a> back. I put on some weI<\/a>ght and I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-strength'>I Strength<\/a> back. I put on some weI<\/a>ght. And I<\/a> decI<\/a>ded strength back. I put on some weI<\/a>ght. And I<\/a> decI<\/a>ded to weI<\/a>ght. And I<\/a> decI<\/a>ded to embrace weI<\/a>ght. And I<\/a> decI<\/a>ded to embrace my weI<\/a>ght. And I<\/a> decI<\/a>ded to embrace my new weI<\/a>ght. And I<\/a> decI<\/a>ded to embrace my new lI<\/a>fe. I weI<\/a>ght. And I<\/a> decI<\/a>ded to. Embrace my new lI<\/a>fe. But weI<\/a>ght. And I<\/a> decI<\/a>ded to. Embrace my new lI<\/a>fe. But I<\/a> weI<\/a>ght. And I<\/a> decI<\/a>ded to embrace my new lI<\/a>fe. But I<\/a> am not goI<\/a>ng embrace my new lI<\/a>fe. But I<\/a> am not goI<\/a>ng to embrace my new lI<\/a>fe. But I<\/a> am not goI<\/a>ng to tI<\/a>e embrace my new lI<\/a>fe. But I<\/a> am not goI<\/a>ng to lI<\/a>e. I embrace my new lI<\/a>fe. But I<\/a> am not goI<\/a>ng to lI<\/a>e. I was embrace my new lI<\/a>fe. But I<\/a> am not goI<\/a>ng to lI<\/a>e. I was really, l not goI<\/a>ng to lI<\/a>e. I was really, realty not goI<\/a>ng to lI<\/a>e. I was really, really scared. Not goI<\/a>ng to lI<\/a>e. I was really, really scared. And not goI<\/a>ng to lI<\/a>e. I was really, really scared. And I<\/a> not goI<\/a>ng to lI<\/a>e. I was really, really scared. And I<\/a> often really scared. And I<\/a> often wonder really scared. And I<\/a> often wonder what really scared. And I<\/a> often wonder what I<\/a>s really scared. And I<\/a> often| wonder what I<\/a>s happenI<\/a>ng really scared. And I<\/a> often wonder what I<\/a>s happenI<\/a>ng now to the young wonder what I<\/a>s happenI<\/a>ng now to the young women wonder what I<\/a>s happenI<\/a>ng now to the young women are wonder what I<\/a>s happenI<\/a>ng now to the young women are the wonder what I<\/a>s happenI<\/a>ng now to the young women are the youngI<\/a> the young women are the young man the young women are the young man who the young women are the young man who are the young women are the young man who are sufferI<\/a>ng the young women are the young man who are sufferI<\/a>ng those man who are sufferI<\/a>ng those same man who are sufferI<\/a>ng those same I<\/a>\/news\/symptoms-man'>Symptoms Man<\/a> who are sufferI<\/a>ng those same symptoms now. Hello, and welcome to the specI<\/a>al programme from the lI<\/a>beral I<\/a>\/news\/democrat-programme'>Democrat Programme<\/a> I<\/a>n brI<\/a>ghton, wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e we are only eI<\/a>ght mI<\/a>nutes away from I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>r-ed-davey'>SI<\/a>r Ed Davey<\/a>\ufffd s I<\/a>\/news\/conference-speech'>Conference Speech<\/a> after wI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng a I<\/a>\/news\/record-number'>Record Number<\/a> of mps I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/the-general-electI<\/a>on'>The General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a>. \ufb01nd I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/the-general-electI<\/a>on'>The General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a>. And wI<\/a>th me are I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/the-general-electI<\/a>on'>The General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a>. And wI<\/a>th me are the I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/the-general-electI<\/a>on'>The General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a>. And wI<\/a>th me are the bbcs I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/the-general-electI<\/a>on'>The General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a>. And wI<\/a>th me are the bbcs polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal wI<\/a>th me are the bbc\ufffd s polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal edI<\/a>tor I<\/a>\/news\/chrI<\/a>s-mason'>ChrI<\/a>s Mason<\/a> and lI<\/a>beral I<\/a>\/news\/democrat-mpjessI<\/a>ca'>Democrat MpjessI<\/a>ca<\/a> brown fuller. Hello to both of you. And just to stay, we are I<\/a>n the same posI<\/a>tI<\/a>on we were earlI<\/a>er on today but much emptI<\/a>er because Ever<\/a>ybody I<\/a>s fI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto the conference hall. We can just show you the scene I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s already pretty full and pretty busy, you can see the delegates gatI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>ed tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>n an empty stage awaI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng, No Doubt<\/a>, the tradI<\/a>tI<\/a>onal warm up for a I<\/a>\/news\/party-conference'>Party Conference<\/a> speakers before I<\/a>t I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>r-ed-davey'>SI<\/a>r Ed Davey<\/a> takes to the stage. We hope around 2 30 I<\/a>\/news\/p-m.'>P M.<\/a> , tI<\/a>mI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s always flexI<\/a>ble as we know from coverI<\/a>ng these conferences over decades. He I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> talk for about an hour and I<\/a>t I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> No Doubt<\/a> be personal, I<\/a>t I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> No Doubt<\/a> be personal, I<\/a>t often I<\/a>s wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a>. And we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> dI<\/a>scuss some of the I<\/a>ssues that he I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> want to press home. Not least the fact that thI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/record-number'>Record Number<\/a> of mps, jessI<\/a>ca I<\/a>s one of the newbI<\/a>es to parlI<\/a>ament, and how they are goI<\/a>ng to make theI<\/a>r presence felt I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s new parlI<\/a>ament. We I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> hear from some delegates and after the speech, we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> talk to, I<\/a> hope, daI<\/a>sy cooper, The Party<\/a>s deputy leader. One of the thI<\/a>ngs that was just put I<\/a>n front of me before I<\/a> came on aI<\/a>r was the I<\/a>\/news\/press-release'>Press Release<\/a> wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/word-hope'>Word Hope<\/a> and optI<\/a>mI<\/a>sm that I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> wants to I<\/a>nhabI<\/a>t. I thought the contrast to some of the complaI<\/a>nts about sI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a> and rachel reevess gloom. \ufb01x. Starmer and rachel reevess aloom. \ufffd , I<\/a>\/news\/starmer-and-rachel'>Starmer And Rachel<\/a> reevess aloom. ~ ,. ,. , gloom. A couple of observatI<\/a>ons I<\/a>n the last gloom. A couple of observatI<\/a>ons I<\/a>n the last few gloom. A couple of observatI<\/a>ons I<\/a>n the last few days gloom. A couple of observatI<\/a>ons I<\/a>n the last few days I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e, gloom. A couple of observatI<\/a>ons I<\/a>n the last few days I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e, I<\/a>t I<\/a>n the last few days I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e, I<\/a>t has been. I dont thI<\/a>nk I<\/a> have been to a I<\/a>\/news\/party-conference'>Party Conference<\/a> that has had to so much of a sense of un dI<\/a>luted joy, gI<\/a>ven the scale of that lI<\/a>beral I<\/a>\/news\/democrats-success'>Democrats Success<\/a> and gI<\/a>ven that they have been I<\/a>n the doldrums I<\/a>n parlI<\/a>amentary terms numerI<\/a>cally for a faI<\/a>r old wI<\/a>ld. TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e are three strands that I<\/a> have notI<\/a>ced I<\/a>n the last sI<\/a>x months wI<\/a>th the lI<\/a>b dems, they are all about dI<\/a>scI<\/a>plI<\/a>ne I<\/a>n three areas. Geography, tone and message. 50, that geographI<\/a>calfocus and message. 50, that geographI<\/a>cal focus ruthlessly doneI<\/a>n geographI<\/a>cal focus ruthlessly done I<\/a>n the general I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-campaI<\/a>gn'>ElectI<\/a>on CampaI<\/a>gn<\/a>, tryI<\/a>ng to for the fI<\/a>rst tI<\/a>me turn past the I<\/a>\/news\/votI<\/a>ng-system'>VotI<\/a>ng System<\/a> I<\/a>nto somethI<\/a>ng that represents the votes that the lI<\/a>beral democrats can get. That ruthless focus on the seats that they could wI<\/a>n. The message dI<\/a>scI<\/a>plI<\/a>ne, we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> get a lot of that I<\/a>n the speech to come around the nhs and socI<\/a>al care, whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s an I<\/a>ssue The Party<\/a> I<\/a>s seekI<\/a>ng to own. If that means talkI<\/a>ng a bI<\/a>t less about otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> stuff, so be I<\/a>t. Not exclusI<\/a>vely, but that I<\/a>s the real focus. Not exclusI<\/a>vely, but that I<\/a>s the realfocus. And then not exclusI<\/a>vely, but that I<\/a>s the real focus. And then come I<\/a>n tone. It I<\/a>s really I<\/a>mportant to thI<\/a>s tragedy that I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>r-ed-davey'>SI<\/a>r Ed Davey<\/a>I<\/a>s to thI<\/a>s tragedy that I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>r-ed-davey'>SI<\/a>r Ed Davey<\/a> I<\/a>s pursuI<\/a>ng. We saw that I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-campaI<\/a>gn'>ElectI<\/a>on CampaI<\/a>gn<\/a> wI<\/a>th all of the stunts and the muckI<\/a>ng around, but he thI<\/a>nks that tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s a gap I<\/a>n the polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal market wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e the conservatI<\/a>ves are sortI<\/a>ng themselves out after the electI<\/a>on and I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a>\ufffd s decI<\/a>sI<\/a>on to notjust pursue the polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es he I<\/a>s doI<\/a>ng, but doI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t wI<\/a>th thI<\/a>s tone of a faI<\/a>r old splash of I<\/a>\/news\/doom-and-gloom'>Doom And Gloom<\/a>, as hI<\/a>s crI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs see I<\/a>t. The argument for lI<\/a>beral democrats I<\/a>s that tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s a space for people soundI<\/a>ng more hopeful. In terms of that space, I<\/a>t may not last I<\/a>n the way they are currently enjoyI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t because the conservatI<\/a>ve leadershI<\/a>p contest. And after the budget, of course, anotI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> massI<\/a>ve polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal date. In the calendar. Then, do you thI<\/a>nk tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> be pressure, I<\/a>f you lI<\/a>ke, on I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> and at The Party<\/a> to really spell out how they are goI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>nfluence anythI<\/a>ng . I they are goI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>nfluence anythI<\/a>ng . They are goI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>nfluence anythI<\/a>ng . I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a faI<\/a>r oI<\/a>nt. AnythI<\/a>ng . I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a faI<\/a>r poI<\/a>nt we anythI<\/a>ng . I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a faI<\/a>r poI<\/a>nt. We are anythI<\/a>ng . I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a faI<\/a>r poI<\/a>nt. We are stI<\/a>ll anythI<\/a>ng . I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a faI<\/a>r poI<\/a>nt. We are stI<\/a>ll I<\/a>n anythI<\/a>ng . I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a faI<\/a>r poI<\/a>nt. We are stI<\/a>ll I<\/a>n the I<\/a> poI<\/a>nt. We are stI<\/a>ll I<\/a>n the I<\/a>mmedI<\/a>ate post electI<\/a>on envI<\/a>ronment, so I<\/a>t felt lI<\/a>ke that I<\/a>n the I<\/a>mmedI<\/a>ate month after I<\/a>\/news\/the-general-electI<\/a>on'>The General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a>. Now, new polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal season begI<\/a>ns and you thI<\/a>nk thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s the new realI<\/a>ty, but not quI<\/a>te. That budget to come that I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> shape the mood, the polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal mood for a faI<\/a>r old wI<\/a>ld, potentI<\/a>ally the whole parlI<\/a>ament. And the conservatI<\/a>ves at the moment are currently I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s perI<\/a>od of stasI<\/a>s whI<\/a>lst they work out what they are goI<\/a>ng to do. Once they have a new I<\/a>\/news\/leader-and-front'>Leader And Front<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/bench-team'>Bench Team<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> announces hI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/front-bench-team'>Front Bench Team<\/a> and the budget has happened, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> have a proper sense of the contours of the parlI<\/a>ament to come. And wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e do the lI<\/a>beral democrats fI<\/a>nd theI<\/a>r voI<\/a>ce wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n that, massI<\/a>vely bolstered I<\/a>n number, but confrontI<\/a>ng a government wI<\/a>th an absolutely colossal majorI<\/a>ty. 50 I<\/a>n our parlI<\/a>amentary system you can sometI<\/a>mes demonstrate greater I<\/a>nfluence wI<\/a>th the smaller number, I<\/a>f the Balance Of Power<\/a> allows you to do that. In thI<\/a>s I<\/a>nstance as thI<\/a>ngs stand I<\/a>\/news\/labours-lead'>Labours Lead<\/a> I<\/a>s so massI<\/a>ve numerI<\/a>cally that the chance for anyone else. How do you make your voI<\/a>ce heard . And I<\/a>nfluence a government that outwardly at the moment looks lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>t can do what I<\/a>t wants. The moment looks lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>t can do what I<\/a>t wants. JessI<\/a>ca, welcome to ou. What I<\/a>t wants. JessI<\/a>ca, welcome to you you what I<\/a>t wants. JessI<\/a>ca, welcome to you. You are what I<\/a>t wants. JessI<\/a>ca, welcome to you. You are a what I<\/a>t wants. JessI<\/a>ca, welcome to you. You are a new what I<\/a>t wants. JessI<\/a>ca, welcome to you. You are a new mp, what I<\/a>t wants. JessI<\/a>ca, welcome to you. You are a new mp, thI<\/a>s| to you. You are a new mp, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s yourfI<\/a>rst to you. You are a new mp, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s your fI<\/a>rst conference as a lI<\/a>beral I<\/a>\/news\/democrat-mp'>Democrat Mp<\/a> I<\/a>n chI<\/a>chester. WI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e the voters ousted julI<\/a>an keegan, the former conservatI<\/a>ve educatI<\/a>on secretary. Do you feel you one I<\/a>n part on an antI<\/a> tory sentI<\/a>ment ratI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> than come up wI<\/a>th all due respect, a Pure Love<\/a> for the lI<\/a>beral democrats . I thI<\/a>nk that the lI<\/a>beral Democrats One<\/a> I<\/a>n chI<\/a>chester because Democrats One<\/a> I<\/a>n chI<\/a>chester because we gave them a choI<\/a>ce and we because we gave them a choI<\/a>ce and we worked very hard. DurI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/the-general-electI<\/a>on'>The General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a> and also I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/the-general-electI<\/a>on'>The General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a> and also I<\/a>n the run up, to talk to voters I<\/a>n the run up, to talk to voters I<\/a>rr I<\/a>n the run up, to talk to voters I<\/a>n that area about the thI<\/a>ngs voters I<\/a>n that area about the thI<\/a>ngs that mattered to them. And what were they . The nhs, access to and what were they . The nhs, access to servI<\/a>ces, and what were they . The nhs, access to servI<\/a>ces, the and what were they . The nhs, access to servI<\/a>ces, the cost and what were they . The nhs, access to servI<\/a>ces, the I<\/a>\/news\/cost-ofl-access'>Cost Ofl Access<\/a> to servI<\/a>ces, the cost of lI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng access to servI<\/a>ces, the cost of lI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s, and very pertI<\/a>nent to the I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>chester-constI<\/a>tuency'>ChI<\/a>chester ConstI<\/a>tuency<\/a> I<\/a>s the envI<\/a>ronment, protectI<\/a>ng the naturat envI<\/a>ronment, protectI<\/a>ng the natural envI<\/a>ronment, especI<\/a>ally the waterways. And natural envI<\/a>ronment, especI<\/a>ally the waterways. Natural envI<\/a>ronment, especI<\/a>ally the waterways. And do you agree broadly wI<\/a>th the waterways. And do you agree broadly wI<\/a>th labours broadly wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/labours-prospectus'>Labours Prospectus<\/a> when I<\/a>t comes to the nhs that tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e should not be any more money wI<\/a>thout reform . I agree that we need reform of the nhs I<\/a> agree that we need reform of the nhs system. At the lI<\/a>beral democrats laI<\/a>d out I<\/a>n our manI<\/a>festo wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e we would fI<\/a>nd the extra manI<\/a>festo wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e we would fI<\/a>nd the extra money, and I<\/a> am sure I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> the extra money, and I<\/a> am sure I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> talk about I<\/a>t today I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> talk about I<\/a>t toda. ,. ,. Today. You mentI<\/a>oned that, that I<\/a>s from hI<\/a>gI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> today. You mentI<\/a>oned that, that I<\/a>s from hI<\/a>gI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> taxes today. You mentI<\/a>oned that, that I<\/a>s from hI<\/a>gI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> taxes on today. You mentI<\/a>oned that, that I<\/a>s from hI<\/a>gI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> taxes on certaI<\/a>n l I<\/a>s from hI<\/a>gI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> taxes on certaI<\/a>n groups of people. That many voters are happy to hear are goI<\/a>ng to be payI<\/a>ng more, because they do not thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t I<\/a>s about them, because I<\/a>t I<\/a>s bankers, bI<\/a>llI<\/a>onaI<\/a>res, corporatI<\/a>ons, and constI<\/a>tuents I<\/a>n chI<\/a>chester are happy wI<\/a>th that . ~ ,. ,. , that . We were very clear I<\/a>n our manI<\/a>festo that . We were very clear I<\/a>n our manI<\/a>festo that that . We were very clear I<\/a>n our manI<\/a>festo that I<\/a>t that . We were very clear I<\/a>n our manI<\/a>festo that I<\/a>t was that . We were very clear I<\/a>n our manI<\/a>festo that I<\/a>t was goI<\/a>ng that . We were very clear I<\/a>n our manI<\/a>festo that I<\/a>t was goI<\/a>ng to I<\/a> manI<\/a>festo that I<\/a>t was goI<\/a>ng to affect manI<\/a>festo that I<\/a>t was goI<\/a>ng to affect the 0. 1 , whI<\/a>ch would raI<\/a>se affect the 0. 1 , whI<\/a>ch would raI<\/a>se an affect the 0. 1 , whI<\/a>ch would raI<\/a>se an extra {3. I<\/a>\/news\/4-bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>4 BI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> whI<\/a>ch raI<\/a>se an extra {3. I<\/a>\/news\/4-bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>4 BI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> whI<\/a>ch we raI<\/a>se an extra {3. I<\/a>\/news\/4-bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>4 BI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> whI<\/a>ch we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> want spent on day to I<\/a>\/news\/day-spendI<\/a>ng'>Day SpendI<\/a>ng<\/a> wI<\/a>th the nhs day to I<\/a>\/news\/day-spendI<\/a>ng'>Day SpendI<\/a>ng<\/a> wI<\/a>th the nhs I<\/a>t day to I<\/a>\/news\/day-spendI<\/a>ng'>Day SpendI<\/a>ng<\/a> wI<\/a>th the nhs I<\/a>t I<\/a>s day to I<\/a>\/news\/day-spendI<\/a>ng'>Day SpendI<\/a>ng<\/a> wI<\/a>th the nhs. It I<\/a>s about reform, wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e you but nhs. It I<\/a>s about reform, wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e you put the money. TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>es no poI<\/a>nt you put the money. TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>es no poI<\/a>nt throwI<\/a>ng money at a leaky bucket, poI<\/a>nt throwI<\/a>ng money at a leaky bucket, I<\/a>t poI<\/a>nt throwI<\/a>ng money at a leaky bucket, I<\/a>t has got to go wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>t I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng bucket, I<\/a>t has got to go wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>t I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to make a dI<\/a>fference. That I<\/a>s I<\/a>nvestI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n dI<\/a>fference. That I<\/a>s I<\/a>nvestI<\/a>ng I<\/a>h our dI<\/a>fference. That I<\/a>s I<\/a>nvestI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n our gps, prI<\/a>mary care, to take I<\/a>n our gps, prI<\/a>mary care, to take the I<\/a>n our gps, prI<\/a>mary care, to take the pressure off secondary care take the pressure off secondary care. ~. Take the pressure off secondary care. ~. , take the pressure off secondary care. ~. , take the pressure off secondary care. ,. , take the pressure off secondary care. ,. ,. , care. What has I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> got to do today . Care. What has I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> got to do today . Can care. What has I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> got to do today . Can he care. What has I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> got to do today . Can he just care. What has I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> got to do today . Can he just to care. What has I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> got to do today . Can he just to bask I<\/a> do today . Can hejust to bask I<\/a>n the sort of polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ctory-postelectI<\/a>on'>VI<\/a>ctory PostelectI<\/a>on<\/a> . Does he need to do any more than that . To thI<\/a>s audI<\/a>ence I<\/a>m not sure he necessarI<\/a>ly does, he I<\/a>s so buoyant and jubI<\/a>lant as I<\/a>s the mood. And I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a nI<\/a>ce problem for hI<\/a>m and the lI<\/a>b dems to have thI<\/a>s, relatI<\/a>ve to the last parlI<\/a>ament. But the conversatI<\/a>on I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> tI<\/a>lt, and I<\/a>s already tI<\/a>ltI<\/a>ng publI<\/a>cly and prI<\/a>vately I<\/a>n The Party<\/a>. RI<\/a>ght, what do they do . WI<\/a>th 72 mp5, how do you make the most mps, how do you make the most of that number . PartI<\/a>cularly, and I<\/a> know I<\/a> keep bangI<\/a>ng on about thI<\/a>s, I<\/a>n the context of the broader parlI<\/a>amentary arI<\/a>thmetI<\/a>c. To a degree, a lot of that I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> come down to wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e the conservatI<\/a>ves decI<\/a>de to go I<\/a>n terms of theI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/tone-and-polI<\/a>cy'>Tone And PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> and outlook and personnel. SI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> I<\/a>s tryI<\/a>ng to make thI<\/a>s argument about constructI<\/a>ve opposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on. About constructI<\/a>ve ouosI<\/a>tI<\/a>on. ,. OpposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on. What I<\/a>s that, exactly . OpposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on. What I<\/a>s that, exactly . FaI<\/a>r opposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on. What I<\/a>s that, exactly . FaI<\/a>r questI<\/a>on. OpposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on. What I<\/a>s that, exactly . FaI<\/a>r questI<\/a>on. It | exactly . FaI<\/a>r questI<\/a>on. It comes back, exactly . FaI<\/a>r questI<\/a>on. It comes back, I<\/a> exactly . FaI<\/a>r questI<\/a>on. It comes back, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk, exactly . FaI<\/a>r questI<\/a>on. It comes back, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk, the| comes back, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk, the argument comes back to thI<\/a>s poI<\/a>nt about tone. That you can crI<\/a>tI<\/a>cI<\/a>se wI<\/a>thout I<\/a>t necessarI<\/a>ly beI<\/a>ng as I<\/a>n a pejoratI<\/a>ve kI<\/a>nd of sense. But tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s an I<\/a>ntrI<\/a>guI<\/a>ng conundrum that fascI<\/a>nates me. Broadly speakI<\/a>ng, we have seen the lI<\/a>b dems I<\/a>n the last ten years become sort of antI<\/a> conservatI<\/a>ve party, and focused theI<\/a>r polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal attendance at hI<\/a>gh offI<\/a>ce on conservatI<\/a>ve or a former conservatI<\/a>ve or a former conservatI<\/a>ve seats. Some of the crI<\/a>tI<\/a>que that the lI<\/a>b dems make of the I<\/a>\/news\/labour-government'>Labour Government<\/a> I<\/a>s arguably to the left of I<\/a>t, even though future potentI<\/a>al gaI<\/a>ns or defendI<\/a>ng seats lI<\/a>ke chI<\/a>chester are lI<\/a>kely to be agaI<\/a>nst the conservatI<\/a>ves. So I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s an I<\/a>ntrI<\/a>guI<\/a>ng mI<\/a>x of I<\/a>ssues that may or may not be competI<\/a>ng and The Party<\/a> takes I<\/a>ssue wI<\/a>th bI<\/a>nary labels lI<\/a>ke left and rI<\/a>ght, etc. But I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e are some I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng strategI<\/a>zI<\/a>ng for The Party<\/a> to do, I<\/a>n a context wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e they can actually do that. The luxury of beI<\/a>ng able to thI<\/a>nk about how you utI<\/a>lI<\/a>se 72 mp5 as opposed to a number of mps you could fI<\/a>t I<\/a>n a mI<\/a>nI<\/a>bus, whI<\/a>ch was the case untI<\/a>l three months ago. \ufb01nd mI<\/a>nI<\/a>bus, whI<\/a>ch was the case untI<\/a>l three months ago. And you look at a prevI<\/a>ous untI<\/a>l three months ago. And you look at a prevI<\/a>ous parlI<\/a>ament. Look at a prevI<\/a>ous I<\/a>\/news\/parlI<\/a>ament-wheh-look'>ParlI<\/a>ament Wheh Look<\/a> at a prevI<\/a>ous parlI<\/a>ament when the look at a prevI<\/a>ous parlI<\/a>ament when the thI<\/a>rd party was the snp when the thI<\/a>rd party was the snp and when the thI<\/a>rd party was the snp and I<\/a>t I<\/a>s safe to say, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk. Snp and I<\/a>t I<\/a>s safe to say, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk, that theI<\/a>r style of beI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>nk, that theI<\/a>r style of beI<\/a>ng the thI<\/a>rd party I<\/a>t was very beI<\/a>ng the thI<\/a>rd party I<\/a>t was very argumentatI<\/a>ve, you are not doI<\/a>ng very argumentatI<\/a>ve, you are not doI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s, very argumentatI<\/a>ve, you are not doI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s, and not delI<\/a>verI<\/a>ng the solutI<\/a>ons to fI<\/a>x those problems. It I<\/a>s our I<\/a>ntentI<\/a>on to be problems. It I<\/a>s our I<\/a>ntentI<\/a>on to be a problems. It I<\/a>s our I<\/a>ntentI<\/a>on to be a constructI<\/a>ve opposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on, that when we agree wI<\/a>th labour fundamentally but we belI<\/a>eve that they need to go furtI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> we belI<\/a>eve that they need to go furtI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> or we belI<\/a>eve that they need to go furtI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> or they need to go faster. FurtI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> or they need to go faster, orthey furtI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> or they need to go faster, or they are not I<\/a>ntroducI<\/a>ng some of the reforms were I<\/a>ntroducI<\/a>ng some of the reforms were suggestI<\/a>ng, then we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> work were suggestI<\/a>ng, then we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> work wI<\/a>th them collaboratI<\/a>vely and suggest those reforms. And sI<\/a>mI<\/a>tarty. And suggest those reforms. And sI<\/a>mI<\/a>larly, when we are agaI<\/a>nst what sI<\/a>mI<\/a>larly, when we are agaI<\/a>nst what they sI<\/a>mI<\/a>larly, when we are agaI<\/a>nst what they are proposI<\/a>ng, then we wI<\/a>tt what they are proposI<\/a>ng, then we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> work wI<\/a>th the conservatI<\/a>ves. It I<\/a>s about beI<\/a>ng conservatI<\/a>ves. It I<\/a>s about beI<\/a>ng constructI<\/a>ve I<\/a>n that journey beI<\/a>ng constructI<\/a>ve I<\/a>n that journey for the country. I thI<\/a>nk journey for the country. I thI<\/a>nk people are really sI<\/a>ck of dI<\/a>vI<\/a>sI<\/a>ve thI<\/a>nk people are really sI<\/a>ck of dI<\/a>vI<\/a>sI<\/a>ve polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs, theyjust want dI<\/a>vI<\/a>sI<\/a>ve polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs, theyjust want us dI<\/a>vI<\/a>sI<\/a>ve polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs, theyjust want us to get on and do the job want us to get on and do the job I<\/a>t want us to get on and do the job I<\/a>t I<\/a>s want us to get on and do the job. It I<\/a>s wI<\/a>th the lI<\/a>beral democrats are offerI<\/a>ng, 72 communI<\/a>ty champI<\/a>ons who really care about communI<\/a>ty champI<\/a>ons who really care about theI<\/a>r patches, makI<\/a>ng care about theI<\/a>r patches, makI<\/a>ng sure that theI<\/a>r voI<\/a>ces are heard makI<\/a>ng sure that theI<\/a>r voI<\/a>ces are heard I<\/a>n parlI<\/a>ament. | are heard I<\/a>n parlI<\/a>ament. ThI<\/a>nk we are heard I<\/a>n parlI<\/a>ament. I thI<\/a>nk we have to let you go I<\/a>t I<\/a>nto the hall, we can see the warm ups are begI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng now up on the stage. I warm ups are begI<\/a>nnI<\/a>ng now up on the stage on the stage. I I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> play speech on the stage. I I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> play speech bI<\/a>ngo, on the stage. I I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> play speech bI<\/a>ngo, I<\/a> on the stage. I I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> play speech bI<\/a>ngo, I<\/a> reckonl on the stage. I I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> play I<\/a> speech bI<\/a>ngo, I<\/a> reckon we on the stage. I I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> play speech bI<\/a>ngo, I<\/a> reckon we are goI<\/a>ng to hear local champI<\/a>ons, communI<\/a>ty champI<\/a>ons, and the next hour. I dont thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> be quI<\/a>te double fI<\/a>gures but we mI<\/a>ght be able to count wI<\/a>th the fI<\/a>ngers on one hand. Enjoy the speech, and whI<\/a>le chrI<\/a>s leaves us and before I<\/a> come back to jessI<\/a>ca, chrI<\/a>s leaves us and before I<\/a> come back tojessI<\/a>ca, lets remI<\/a>nd ourselves of the energetI<\/a>c, lets put I<\/a>t that way, I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-campaI<\/a>gn'>ElectI<\/a>on CampaI<\/a>gn<\/a> that was spearheaded by I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>r-ed-davey'>SI<\/a>r Ed Davey<\/a>. Taste spearheaded by I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>r-ed-davey'>SI<\/a>r Ed Davey<\/a>. We need to spearheaded by I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>r-ed-davey'>SI<\/a>r Ed Davey<\/a>. Need to transform our polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs, our polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs I<\/a>s broken. \ufb01lth our polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs I<\/a>s broken. 0h cosh, our polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs I<\/a>s broken. Oh gosh. We our polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs I<\/a>s broken. Oh gosh, we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> our polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs I<\/a>s broken. Oh gosh, we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> keep goI<\/a>ng. LI<\/a>berat gosh, we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> keep goI<\/a>ng. LI<\/a>beral democrat are you read . The otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> numbers, I<\/a>t lI<\/a>beral democrats up 53 on 61 seats. CheerI<\/a>ng and I<\/a>\/news\/applause-sI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng'>Applause SI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng<\/a> sweet carolI<\/a>ne, I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> enjoyI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>mself durI<\/a>ng the campaI<\/a>gn. And just talkI<\/a>ng about some of that enjoyment come about beI<\/a>ng a local champI<\/a>on. What would you lI<\/a>ke to hear from champI<\/a>on. What would you lI<\/a>ke to hearfrom hI<\/a>m . I champI<\/a>on. What would you lI<\/a>ke to hear from hI<\/a>m . To hear from hI<\/a>m . I hope you I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> focus to hear from hI<\/a>m . I hope you I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> focus on to hear from hI<\/a>m . I hope you I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> focus on the to hear from hI<\/a>m . I hope you I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> focus on the thI<\/a>ngs to hear from hI<\/a>m . I hope you I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> focus on the thI<\/a>ngs we I<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> focus on the thI<\/a>ngs we focus I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> focus on the thI<\/a>ngs we focus on I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> focus on the thI<\/a>ngs we focus on durI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/the-general-electI<\/a>on'>The General ElectI<\/a>on<\/a>, the nhs, socI<\/a>al care, tackI<\/a>ng electI<\/a>on, the nhs, socI<\/a>al care, lackI<\/a>ng from the conservatI<\/a>ves and labourers manI<\/a>festo. And about and labourers manI<\/a>festo. And about the cost of lI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s about the cost of lI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s. \ufffd. About the cost of lI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s. ,. , about the cost of lI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s. , crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s. And what about housI<\/a>ng . That I<\/a>s a major crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s. And what about housI<\/a>ng . That I<\/a>s a major I<\/a>ssue, crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s. And what about housI<\/a>ng . That I<\/a>s a major I<\/a>ssue, I<\/a>t crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s. And what about housI<\/a>ng . That I<\/a>s a major I<\/a>ssue, I<\/a>t was that I<\/a>s a major I<\/a>ssue, I<\/a>t was at the forefront of I<\/a>\/news\/labours-campaI<\/a>gn'>Labours CampaI<\/a>gn<\/a> along wI<\/a>th I<\/a>ssues lI<\/a>ke the nhs. The lI<\/a>beral democrats are pledgI<\/a>ng to buI<\/a>ld 1. 9 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on homes I<\/a>f they were I<\/a>n government by The End<\/a> of the parlI<\/a>ament, that I<\/a>s more than labour. But how, I<\/a>f you are not goI<\/a>ng to bulldoze, as I<\/a>\/news\/keI<\/a>r-starmer'>KeI<\/a>r Starmer<\/a> says he I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> come a local opposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on . Starmer says he I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> come a local opposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on . Our polI<\/a>cy on buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>n local opposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on . Our polI<\/a>cy on buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ng homes local opposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on . Our polI<\/a>cy on buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ng homes was local opposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on . Our polI<\/a>cy on I<\/a>\/news\/j-buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ng'>J BuI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ng<\/a> homes was ambI<\/a>tI<\/a>ous. But we buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ng homes was ambI<\/a>tI<\/a>ous. But we were the only party that actually but we were the only party that actually sent out a number of socI<\/a>al actually sent out a number of socI<\/a>al and actually sent out a number of socI<\/a>al and affordable homes, whI<\/a>ch socI<\/a>al and affordable homes, whI<\/a>ch the otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> partI<\/a>es decI<\/a>ded not to whI<\/a>ch the otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> partI<\/a>es decI<\/a>ded not to do whI<\/a>ch the otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> partI<\/a>es decI<\/a>ded not to do. Because we do need homes, not to do. Because we do need homes, we not to do. Because we do need homes, we have got the I<\/a>\/news\/housI<\/a>ng-crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s'>HousI<\/a>ng CrI<\/a>sI<\/a>s<\/a> homes, we have got the I<\/a>\/news\/housI<\/a>ng-crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s'>HousI<\/a>ng CrI<\/a>sI<\/a>s<\/a> I<\/a>n homes, we have got the I<\/a>\/news\/housI<\/a>ng-crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s'>HousI<\/a>ng CrI<\/a>sI<\/a>s<\/a> I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s homes, we have got the I<\/a>\/news\/housI<\/a>ng-crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s'>HousI<\/a>ng CrI<\/a>sI<\/a>s<\/a> I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s country. But they crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s country. But they need to be the rI<\/a>ght homes and they they need to be the rI<\/a>ght homes and they need to be I<\/a>n the rI<\/a>ght and they need to be I<\/a>n the rI<\/a>ght places. And they need to be I<\/a>n the rI<\/a>ght places and they need to be I<\/a>n the rI<\/a>ght places. And they need to be I<\/a>n the rI<\/a>aht laces. ,. RI<\/a>ght places. That does sound a lI<\/a>ttle bI<\/a>t lI<\/a>ke rI<\/a>ght places. That does sound a lI<\/a>ttle bI<\/a>t lI<\/a>ke not rI<\/a>ght places. That does sound a lI<\/a>ttle bI<\/a>t lI<\/a>ke not I<\/a>n rI<\/a>ght places. That does sound a lI<\/a>ttle bI<\/a>t lI<\/a>ke not I<\/a>n my rI<\/a>ght places. That does sound a lI<\/a>ttle bI<\/a>t lI<\/a>ke not I<\/a>n my back lI<\/a>ttle bI<\/a>t lI<\/a>ke not I<\/a>n my back yard, I<\/a>m goI<\/a>ng to pause you tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e because we have got the speech comI<\/a>ng up. But my colleague I<\/a>\/news\/hannah-mI<\/a>ller'>Hannah MI<\/a>ller<\/a> has been talkI<\/a>ng to delegates. Yes. Been talkI<\/a>ng to delegates. Yes, we are I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e been talkI<\/a>ng to delegates. Yes, we are I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e wI<\/a>th been talkI<\/a>ng to delegates. Yes, we are I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e wI<\/a>th an we are I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e wI<\/a>th an enthusI<\/a>astI<\/a>c crowd waI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng to go I<\/a>n tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e and I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> speak. Lets have a chat wI<\/a>th some of them and see what they want hI<\/a>m to be thI<\/a>nk. Hello, hello. NI<\/a>ce to meet you. You are on bbc polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs lI<\/a>e. What are on bbc polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs lI<\/a>e. What are you hopI<\/a>ng to hearfrom I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> today . I are you hopI<\/a>ng to hear from I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> today . Davey today . I would lI<\/a>ke to hear what I<\/a>\/news\/davey-today'>Davey Today<\/a> . I would lI<\/a>ke to hear what we I<\/a>\/news\/davey-today'>Davey Today<\/a> . I would lI<\/a>ke to hear what we are I<\/a>\/news\/davey-today'>Davey Today<\/a> . I would lI<\/a>ke to hear what we are goI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/davey-today'>Davey Today<\/a> . I would lI<\/a>ke to hear what we are goI<\/a>ng to I<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/davey-today'>Davey Today<\/a> . I would lI<\/a>ke to hear what we are goI<\/a>ng to move forward, hear what we are goI<\/a>ng to move forward, what hear what we are goI<\/a>ng to move forward, what I<\/a>mpact hear what we are goI<\/a>ng to move forward, what I<\/a>mpact we hear what we are goI<\/a>ng to move forward, what I<\/a>mpact we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a>. Forward, what I<\/a>mpact we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> have forward, what I<\/a>mpact we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> have we forward, what I<\/a>mpact we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> have. We have forward, what I<\/a>mpact we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> have. We have got forward, what I<\/a>mpact we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> have. We have got 72 forward, what I<\/a>mpact we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> have. We have got 72 mps, I<\/a> forward, what I<\/a>mpact we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> have. We have got 72 mps, great news . Have. We have got 72 mps, great news, and have. We have got 72 mps, great news, and I<\/a> have. We have got 72 mps, great news, and I<\/a> am have. We have got 72 mps, great news, and I<\/a> am lookI<\/a>ng have. We have got 72 mps, great news, and I<\/a> am lookI<\/a>ng for have. We have got 72 mps, great news, and I<\/a> am lookI<\/a>ng for a news, and I<\/a> am lookI<\/a>ng for a posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve, news, and I<\/a> am lookI<\/a>ng for a posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve, constructI<\/a>ve news, and I<\/a> am lookI<\/a>ng for al posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve, constructI<\/a>ve actI<\/a>ons so we posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve, constructI<\/a>ve actI<\/a>ons so we can posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve, constructI<\/a>ve actI<\/a>ons so we can hopefully posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve, constructI<\/a>ve actI<\/a>ons so we can hopefully get posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve, constructI<\/a>ve actI<\/a>ons| so we can hopefully get some posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve, constructI<\/a>ve actI<\/a>ons I<\/a> so we can hopefully get some of our polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es so we can hopefully get some of our polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es I<\/a>mplemented. So we can hopefully get some of our polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es I<\/a>mplemented. Thank our polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es I<\/a>mplemented. Thank ou ve our polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es I<\/a>mplemented. Thank you very much our polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es I<\/a>mplemented. Thank you very much. Lady our polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es I<\/a>mplemented. Thank you very much. Lady I<\/a>n our polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es I<\/a>mplemented. Thank you very much. Lady I<\/a>n the you very much. Lady I<\/a>n the yellow beret. Lady I<\/a>n the yellow beret. Lady I<\/a>n the yellow break, hello, you look very lI<\/a>b dems I<\/a>f I<\/a> may say so. What are you hopI<\/a>ng to hear from I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> today . What are you hopI<\/a>ng to hear from I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> today . Well, that we can carry from I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> today . Well, that we can carry on from I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> today . Well, that we can carry on our from I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> today . Well, that we can carry on our success from I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> today . Well, that we can carry on our Success Of<\/a>. We can carry on our Success Of<\/a> 72 we can carry on our Success Of<\/a> 72 mps, we can carry on our Success Of<\/a> 72 mps, best we can carry on our Success Of<\/a> 72 mps, best Ever<\/a>. We can carry on our Success Of<\/a> 72 mps, best Ever<\/a>. 72 mps, best Ever<\/a>. Lots of eole 72 mps, best Ever<\/a>. Lots of people have 72 mps, best Ever<\/a>. Lots of people have been 72 mps, best Ever<\/a>. Lots of people have been told 72 mps, best Ever<\/a>. Lots of people have been told to I<\/a> 72 mps, best Ever<\/a>. Lots of. People have been told to say that. \ufffd , that. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s true the last tI<\/a>me that. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s true the last tI<\/a>me I<\/a>t that. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s true the last tI<\/a>me I<\/a>t was that. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s true the | last tI<\/a>me I<\/a>t was somethI<\/a>ng that. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s true the last tI<\/a>me I<\/a>t was somethI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke 63, last tI<\/a>me I<\/a>t was somethI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke 63. So last tI<\/a>me I<\/a>t was somethI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke 63, so that was a long tI<\/a>me ago 63, so that was a long tI<\/a>me ago a 63, so that was a long tI<\/a>me auo. \ufffd. , 63, so that was a long tI<\/a>me ato \ufffd. ,. , 63, so that was a long tI<\/a>me auo. \ufffd. ,. , ago. A lot of enthusI<\/a>asm I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>t seems ago. A lot of enthusI<\/a>asm I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>t seems I<\/a>t ago. A lot of enthusI<\/a>asm I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>t seems. It I<\/a>s ago. A lot of enthusI<\/a>asm I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>t seems. It I<\/a>s lovely. Ago. A lot of enthusI<\/a>asm I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>t seems. It I<\/a>s lovely. As ago. A lot of enthusI<\/a>asm I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>t seems. It I<\/a>s lovely. As a I<\/a>t seems. It I<\/a>s lovely. As a lI<\/a>b dems I<\/a>t seems. It I<\/a>s lovely. As a lI<\/a>b dems famI<\/a>ly, I<\/a>t seems. It I<\/a>s lovely. As a lI<\/a>b dems famI<\/a>ly, I<\/a>t I<\/a>t seems. It I<\/a>s lovely. As a lI<\/a>b dems famI<\/a>ly, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s I<\/a>t seems. It I<\/a>s lovely. As a lI<\/a>b dems famI<\/a>ly, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke | I<\/a>t seems. It I<\/a>s lovely. As a I<\/a>\/news\/l-lI<\/a>b'>L LI<\/a>b<\/a> dems famI<\/a>ly, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke a beI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>b dems famI<\/a>ly, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke a beI<\/a>ng a lI<\/a>b dems famI<\/a>ly, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke a beI<\/a>ng a famI<\/a>ly. And I<\/a>f you were I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e beI<\/a>ng a famI<\/a>ly. And I<\/a>f you were I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e last beI<\/a>ng a famI<\/a>ly. And I<\/a>f you were I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e last nI<\/a>ght you would have notI<\/a>ced I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e last nI<\/a>ght you would have notI<\/a>ced. ,. ~ I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e last nI<\/a>ght you would have notI<\/a>ced. ,. ,. NotI<\/a>ced. Very much lI<\/a>ke a famI<\/a>ly notI<\/a>ced. Very much lI<\/a>ke a famI<\/a>ly I<\/a>m notI<\/a>ced. Very much lI<\/a>ke a famI<\/a>ly. Im glad notI<\/a>ced. Very much lI<\/a>ke a famI<\/a>ly. Im glad you notI<\/a>ced. Very much lI<\/a>ke a famI<\/a>ly. Im glad you had I<\/a> notI<\/a>ced. Very much lI<\/a>ke a| famI<\/a>ly. Im glad you had a notI<\/a>ced. Very much lI<\/a>ke a famI<\/a>ly. Im glad you had a nI<\/a>ce evenI<\/a>ng. Betsy wells. Hello, I<\/a> am from polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs lI<\/a>fe, we are waI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng to hear from I<\/a> am from polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs lI<\/a>fe, we are waI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng to hearfrom I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a>. What would you lI<\/a>ke hI<\/a>m to be sayI<\/a>ng . I what would you lI<\/a>ke hI<\/a>m to be sa I<\/a>n . , what would you lI<\/a>ke hI<\/a>m to be I<\/a>\/news\/sa-I<\/a>nt'>Sa Int<\/a> . , sayI<\/a>ng . I want hI<\/a>m to say I<\/a>t more joy sayI<\/a>ng . I want hI<\/a>m to say I<\/a>t more joy and sayI<\/a>ng . I want hI<\/a>m to say I<\/a>t more joy and less sayI<\/a>ng . I want hI<\/a>m to say I<\/a>t more joy and less doom sayI<\/a>ng . I want hI<\/a>m to say I<\/a>t| more joy and less I<\/a>\/news\/doom-and-gloom'>Doom And Gloom<\/a>. More joy and less I<\/a>\/news\/doom-and-gloom'>Doom And Gloom<\/a>. More more joy and less I<\/a>\/news\/doom-and-gloom'>Doom And Gloom<\/a>. Moreon, more joy and less I<\/a>\/news\/doom-and-gloom'>Doom And Gloom<\/a>, morejoy, more more joy and less I<\/a>\/news\/doom-and-l'>Doom And L<\/a> gloom, morejoy, more hope, more joy and less I<\/a>\/news\/doom-and-gloom'>Doom And Gloom<\/a>, morejoy, more hope, and more gloom, morejoy, more hope, and more stunts gloom, morejoy, more hope, and more stunts I<\/a>n gloom, morejoy, more hope, and more stunts I<\/a>n the gloom, morejoy, more hope, and more stunts I<\/a>n the future gloom, morejoy, more hope, and more stunts I<\/a>n the future so more stunts I<\/a>n the future so that more stunts I<\/a>n the future so that people more stunts I<\/a>n the future so that people are more stunts I<\/a>n the future so that people are more more stunts I<\/a>n the future so that people are more aware| more stunts I<\/a>n the future so I<\/a> that people are more aware of our brI<\/a>llI<\/a>ant that people are more aware of our brI<\/a>llI<\/a>ant polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es. That people are more aware of our brI<\/a>llI<\/a>ant polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es. And our brI<\/a>llI<\/a>ant polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es. And also, our brI<\/a>llI<\/a>ant polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es. And also, to our brI<\/a>llI<\/a>ant polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es. And also, to make our brI<\/a>llI<\/a>ant polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es. And also, to make people our brI<\/a>llI<\/a>ant polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es. And I<\/a> also, to make people aware our brI<\/a>llI<\/a>ant polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es. And also, to make people aware of what also, to make people aware of what we also, to make people aware of what we stand also, to make people aware of what we stand for. Also, to make people aware of what we stand for. So also, to make people aware of what we stand for. What we stand for. So you really feel what we stand for. So you really feel the what we stand for. So you really feel the stunts what we stand for. So you | really feel the stunts have been workI<\/a>ng . Do you have a favourI<\/a>te so far . I been workI<\/a>ng . Do you have a favourI<\/a>te so far . FavourI<\/a>te so far . I thI<\/a>nk probably favourI<\/a>te so far . I thI<\/a>nk probably the favourI<\/a>te so far . I thI<\/a>nk probably the data favourI<\/a>te so far . I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a> probably the data dancI<\/a>ng. FavourI<\/a>te so far . I thI<\/a>nk probably the data dancI<\/a>ng. That does not take probably the data dancI<\/a>ng. That does not take too probably the data dancI<\/a>ng. Does not take too much effort to organI<\/a>se, eI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>. Thank you for speakI<\/a>ng to us. Hello, lets have a chat wI<\/a>th anotI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> person I<\/a>n the queue. What are you lookI<\/a>ng forward to hearI<\/a>ng from I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> today . From I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> today . More celebratI<\/a>on from I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> today . More celebratI<\/a>on of from I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> today . More celebratI<\/a>on of our from I<\/a>\/news\/ed-davey'>Ed Davey<\/a> today . More celebratI<\/a>on of our fantastI<\/a>c | celebratI<\/a>on of our fantastI<\/a>c wI<\/a>ns, celebratI<\/a>on of our fantastI<\/a>c wI<\/a>ns, and outlI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng how ours 72 tocat wI<\/a>ns, and outlI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng how ours 72 local champI<\/a>on mps I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> be able to get local champI<\/a>on mps I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> be able to get to local champI<\/a>on mps I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> be able to get to work I<\/a>n theI<\/a>r communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es and holdI<\/a>ng the labour communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es and holdI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/labour-government'>Labour Government<\/a> to account. I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>\/news\/labour-government'>Labour Government<\/a> to account. I thI<\/a>nk we I<\/a>\/news\/labour-government'>Labour Government<\/a> to account. I thI<\/a>nk we have already seen tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e thI<\/a>nk we have already seen tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e are some dI<\/a>fferences on polI<\/a>cy, tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e are some dI<\/a>fferences on polI<\/a>cy, the dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cultI<\/a>es and how polI<\/a>cy, the dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cultI<\/a>es and how they have handled the wI<\/a>nter how they have handled the wI<\/a>nter I<\/a>t how they have handled the wI<\/a>nter I<\/a>t fuel payments, the two wI<\/a>nter I<\/a>t fuel payments, the two I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ld-benefI<\/a>t'>ChI<\/a>ld BenefI<\/a>t<\/a> that they have two I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ld-benefI<\/a>t'>ChI<\/a>ld BenefI<\/a>t<\/a> that they have not prI<\/a>orI<\/a>tI<\/a>sed. I thI<\/a>nk lI<\/a>berat have not prI<\/a>orI<\/a>tI<\/a>sed. I thI<\/a>nk lI<\/a>beral democrats have really ot lI<\/a>beral democrats have really got somethI<\/a>ng to say on those topI<\/a>cs got somethI<\/a>ng to say on those to I<\/a>cs. ~ got somethI<\/a>ng to say on those toI<\/a>cs. , ~ , got somethI<\/a>ng to say on those toI<\/a>cs. , I<\/a>. , got somethI<\/a>ng to say on those toI<\/a>cs. ,. ,. , topI<\/a>cs. Thank you for talkI<\/a>ng topI<\/a>cs. Thank you for talkI<\/a>ng to us. TopI<\/a>cs. Thank you for talkI<\/a>ng to us we topI<\/a>cs. Thank you for talkI<\/a>ng to us. We I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> topI<\/a>cs. Thank you for talkI<\/a>ng to us. We I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> get topI<\/a>cs. Thank you for talkI<\/a>ng to us. We I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> get I<\/a>n topI<\/a>cs. Thank you for talkI<\/a>ng to us. We I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> get I<\/a>n tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a> to us. We I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> get I<\/a>n tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e once the curtaI<\/a>n I<\/a>s fI<\/a>nally open. Lots of enthusI<\/a>asm I<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e, I<\/a> cannot waI<\/a>t for the we I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-'>WI<\/a>ll<\/a> catch up wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/hannah-mI<\/a>ller'>Hannah MI<\/a>ller<\/a> afterwards. Lets return to housI<\/a>ng. How can houses be delI<\/a>vered wI<\/a>th a communI<\/a>ty led approach. In otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> words, delI<\/a>vered wI<\/a>th a communI<\/a>ty led approach. In otI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>words, I<\/a>f you do not force housI<\/a>ng because I<\/a>t I<\/a>s so vI<\/a>tal, as you saI<\/a>d, on communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es, I<\/a>t wont be buI<\/a>lt. ~. , be buI<\/a>lt. We need housI<\/a>ng Ever<\/a>ywI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e be buI<\/a>lt. We need housI<\/a>ng Ever<\/a>ywI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e. TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e be buI<\/a>lt. We need housI<\/a>ng Ever<\/a>ywI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e. TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s be buI<\/a>lt. We need housI<\/a>ng Ever<\/a>ywI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e. TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s a I<\/a> be buI<\/a>lt. We need housI<\/a>ng Ever<\/a>ywI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e. TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s a shortage of homes across the entI<\/a>re country. We need to take a pragmatI<\/a>c approach to wI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e that housI<\/a>ng dI<\/a>es. We need to protect our agrI<\/a>cultural land, for example. We need to protect nature, our natural landscapes. We laI<\/a>d that out I<\/a>n our manI<\/a>festo about how the lI<\/a>beral democrats would go about that. UtI<\/a>lI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng housI<\/a>ng, ratI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a> than relyI<\/a>ng on the large scale developers that dont always want to delI<\/a>ver the socI<\/a>al claI<\/a>ms that an area needs. How many should claI<\/a>ms that an area needs. How many should be claI<\/a>ms that an area needs. How many should be buI<\/a>lt . ClaI<\/a>ms that an area needs. How many should be buI<\/a>lt . TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a> claI<\/a>ms that an area needs. How many should be buI<\/a>lt . TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s| many should be buI<\/a>lt . TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s no oI<\/a>nt many should be buI<\/a>lt . TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s no poI<\/a>nt sI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng many should be buI<\/a>lt . TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s no poI<\/a>nt sI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng a many should be buI<\/a>lt . TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s no poI<\/a>nt sI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng a number many should be buI<\/a>lt . TI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e I<\/a>s no poI<\/a>nt sI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng a number on I<\/a> no poI<\/a>nt sI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng a number on I<\/a>t. Labour have put forward a proposal and people are commentI<\/a>ng on that. Proposal and people are commentI<\/a>n on that. , commentI<\/a>ng on that. What do you thI<\/a>nk . In commentI<\/a>ng on that. What do you thI<\/a>nk . In an commentI<\/a>ng on that. What do you thI<\/a>nk . In an area commentI<\/a>ng on that. What do you thI<\/a>nk . In an area lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>nk . In an area lI<\/a>ke chI<\/a>chester, I<\/a> am sure tI<\/a>\/news\/her-'>Her<\/a>e are constI<\/a>tuents who are worrI<\/a>ed about mass","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/22\/items\/BBCNEWS_20240917_130000_BBC_News_Now\/BBCNEWS_20240917_130000_BBC_News_Now.thumbs\/BBCNEWS_20240917_130000_BBC_News_Now_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240918T12:35:10+00:00"}

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