Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240619 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240619

it is also seen as yet another grand gesture between those two pariah states. it is seen as a sign of appreciation by vladimir putin in a way obliging to the invitation by kimjong un and also appreciating kimjong un unwavering support for russia's war in ukraine since the beginning. the russian president has arrived quite late but has a very busy day ahead of him and expected to attend the parade. also expected to visit the only orthodox church in pyongyang, the trinity life—giving orthodox church. these are all chances for the two men to again give the optics and the picture of unity that they still have friends they can rely on. also to see what they can offer each other, each one knows the other has something they want. north korea needs food, needs fuel, needs money. also needs technology that russia can offer. especially satellite technology after it failed to launch its spy satellites in may. russia needs to replenish its depleting stockpile as the war in ukraine goes on and north korea can supply that because north korean weaponry is based on soviet era technology. despite the denials by both moscow and pyongyang, we know from the united states and here that russia has used north korean weapons in the war in ukraine. there will be limits to what each man can offer the other. what moscow can offer pyongyang but this is another chance for them to explore this ever deepening relationship. to discuss this visit and what it means, i was joined byjenny town, director of the korea programme at the stimson centre — a nonpartisan foreign affaris think tank. the first visit in over 20 years, why do you think putin is making this trip now? is it entirely because of his invasion of ukraine? yes. i do think that is one of the underpinnings of the relationship itself. it really did catalyse the willingness for russia to engage in military cooperation with north korea. which has led to the rest of the relationship and the strengthening of relations over the years. there is a huge component of this centred around north korea �*s willingness to provide direct military support to russia when very few other countries well. is there something more solid to the alliance or is it purely transactional? there is something broader here and this concept of building this multipolar world. north korea was one of the first countries to embrace the idea that a new cold war was emerging. knowing it benefits from that kind of bifurcation of the system. if there is an alternate world order, us dollars that is not western led, it creates great options for north korea and creates incentives for north korea and russia to co—operate when they are both heavily under international sanctions. how will this alliance by viewed by china? i think it is a very troubling development. china and russia have very different world views right now. even though they still co—operate and have a no limit friendship. russia really wants to upend the current role order in the us—led world system whereas china still wants to be a part of that system and still wants to have a leadership role in it. because of this there are many things both russia and north korea are doing that work against chinese interests. at the same time, it is in response to geopolitical trends that concern china as well. i think there is still sympathy for the security situation, especially for north korea who is watching a system where there is greater us and european presence in security affairs in northeast asia and growing us, south korea, japan security cooperation. it still fits within that narrative of what china sees as encirclement and concerning geopolitical trends. it makes it very difficult for them to really come out and chastise and reject either russia or north korea despite actions they are taken that work against chinese interests. and how should america interpret it? i think it is obviously very strong symbolism against the west. and the real rejection of the notion they will be boxed in by international systems and international law, international norms. certainly nothing we see now is new for the big trends have been developing over the past couple of years now. it is really culminating and incentivising this relationship to go further as both countries are really under the gun of the international system and looking for alternatives in order to prevail. speaking of the security situation, as you have been, how concerned should the rest of the world be about this alliance? i'm thinking of the nuclear capabilities of both russia and north korea. it is definitely concerning. we don't know the extent to which russia is willing to help the north koreans and the north koreans have been very successful on their own in advancing their wmd goals. certainly with russian assistance, if it does spill over into the wmd realm, it could help north korea faster achieve its goals and at a higher level of sophistication than what north korea would be able to do on its own. that is a huge concern in the revision for the us, for its allies in the region. certainly north korean weapons provided to russia help russia continue its war fighting in ukraine and strengthen and bolster its ability to wage this war against the west. it is definitely concerning but has been concerning for a couple of years now. we really need to find ways to create these off ramps and alternative pathways forward because certainly what we are doing is driving them closer together. here in the us, president joe biden unveiled a large—scale immigration program that will make a pathway to residency much simpler for about half a million undocumented people married to us citizens who risk deportation because they are living in the country illegally. under the changes, those who have been in the us for at least ten years can apply for permanent residency, also known as a green card, from within the country. this means they won't have to leave their families and the life they've made in the us to go through the application process. the policy could also benefit nearly 50,000 children with a parent who is married to a us citizen. they'd be shielded from deportation and allowed to live and work in the us. previously, federal laws required that an undocumented person married to an american must first leave the country to apply for residency. president biden also announced an initiative that would benefit so—called dreamers — young immigrants who arrived to the us as children and were permitted to stay under the 0bama—era daca programme — deferred action for childhood arrivals. under the new biden directive the young people will be able to swiftly receive employer—sponsored work visas and eventually apply for green cards. just two weeks ago president biden imposed a major crackdown at the us—mexico border cutting off access to asylum for people who cross into the us illegally. concerns over immigration have proven to be an election—year headache for mr biden who, in the face of mounting criticism over his handling of the issue, has defended the new policy. to streamline the process for obtaining legal status for immigrants married to american citizens who live here and lived here for a long time. the steps i am taking is overwhelmingly supported by the american people, no matter what the other team says. polls show over 70% of americans support this. cheering. for more on the political situation surrounding president biden�*s executive order, here's our north america correspondent, nomia iqbal. there is no doubt the president is politically vulnerable on this issue. we saw two weeks ago a crackdown he announced at the border where if up ahead is a certain threshold, the border will shut down. that did get some criticism, there is pressure by progressives within his own party to have a more humane approach. you do also have donald trump, his rival, that has made immigration at big platform of his. and a lot of the announcement he is making, they are almost punitive measures when it comes to immigrants and have been criticised by many as almost potentially being legally unsound. he promised the biggest mass deportation in us history if he does win the election and he says the day after the inauguration, he will start enacting those policies. it might be he is upping the ante and there is pressure potentially on biden but it is better to say yes it is politics but politics becomes policy once enough people care about it and polls consistently show immigration is a big concern for american voters. earlier democratic congresswoman pramila jayapal spoke to the bbc about her support for biden�*s new order saying that republican�*s criticizing the policy are �*on the wrong side of history.�* president biden on day one introduced a comprehensive humane immigration reform bill. republicans refused to move it forward, they blocked doing anything positive even on things that are bipartisan like the firebrick monetisation act or allowing immigrants to work when they occur. they blocked i think the president a few weeks ago i didn't agree and i was public about that. what he's doing today is exactly what he should be expanding legal pathways or people that have been here for more than ten years, contributing with a family, with us citizens spouses. he is allowing them to stay and i think this is, he is changing the way you apply for status because these people would be eligible would have to leave the country and nobody does that because it is just not tenable to leave your family, lived kids, have no idea whether you will be able to get back in. what he is doing a streamlining and so you can apply while here, stay with family, stay with us, your home country and continue to contribute. also great for the economy because these folks that will work legally and those people will also be able to work which we desperately need right now. with me is michelle hackman, immigration reporter with the wall streetjournal. do we have any sense of when these initiatives given how polarising issue of immigration is in this country, significant are the initiatives joe biden unveiled today? the? joe biden unveiled today? they are re joe biden unveiled today? they are pretty significant. _ joe biden unveiled today? they are pretty significant. the - are pretty significant. the programme today, people are calling it the most significant immigration programme announced since daca, the deferred action for childhood arrivals programme created for dreamers. i talk about this programme as a daca for undocumented spouses of us citizens for the benefit that unlocks this to get the green card most americans think they are already eligible for by marrying an american citizen. the biden administration says the scheme for undocumented people married to us citizens could help around half a million people, do you expect that number of people to apply? how many of the half a million will apply? how many of the half a million willapply? i how many of the half a million will apply?— will apply? i imagine the vast ma'ori will apply? i imagine the vast majority well- _ will apply? i imagine the vast majority well. the _ will apply? i imagine the vast majority well. the other - will apply? i imagine the vast l majority well. the other option available is leaving the country but notjust leaving country but not just leaving the country but notjust leaving the country but one thing if you have to leave and apply from abroad, another effort as our law says you have been here legally and have to go abroad and wait ten years before you're even eligible to apply for a green card. if you think about it, these people, if you are married to a us citizen, the vast majority of people have children and it is just not a realistic option for them to say i will leave my wife and children move back to mexico and a lot of these people have lawyers that will encourage them to apply for this. is there any kind ofjeopardy for them in applying considering they have been here i visas or whatever the situation may be. very little. that was a huge concern when daca came out, were giving the government their information for the because of this programme uses a different aspect of immigration law, a term called parole which your viewers might be familiar with. what parole does is these people have entered the country illegally and across the border illegally often when they were young children themselves. what it does is it wipes out that illegal entry and gives them a legal entry into the country. in the short term that gives them access to a work permit and get ice off their backs but also immediately allows them to apply for a green card which is apply for a green card which is a much strongerform of protection. a much stronger form of protection.— a much stronger form of rotection. ~ _, , , protection. when the couple but we have seen — protection. when the couple but we have seen today _ protection. when the couple but we have seen today with - protection. when the couple but we have seen today with what i we have seen today with what the biden administration announced recently regarding closing the border with mexico, does this point to a change in policy by the biden administration? i policy by the biden administration? ., �* ~' administration? i don't think so. this ministration - administration? i don't think so. this ministration has - so. this ministration has wanted to play both sides, they have done a carrot and stick approach. we have seen that with the border. you cannot cross illegally but we will open the pathways for you to cross the border quote unquote legally. there is a mobile app you can use to enter the country with appointments ahead of time. this is another broader example of that with the administration knew that politically they needed to do something really strict at the border but also realised that would get them in trouble with progressive democrats and a lot of latino voters. even before they unveiled that border action a few weeks ago, they were already prepping something they considered big enough to make this population angry at them happy about something. i5 them happy about something. is it too cynical to suggest they are doing it now at this point are doing it now at this point a few months out on the election? i a few months out on the election?— a few months out on the election? ., �* ~ ,., ., election? i don't think so at all. election? i don't think so at all- the _ election? i don't think so at all. the timing _ election? i don't think so at all. the timing is _ election? i don't think so at all. the timing is not - all. the timing is not coincidental. i heard president biden, he was vice president went biden announced the daca which 0bama did ahead of the 2012 election and biden was telling advice i want that and want to have my daca moment. [30 want to have my daca moment. do ou want to have my daca moment. do you think we might see more initiatives from him between now and november?- initiatives from him between now and november? there is a provision _ now and november? there is a provision of — now and november? there is a provision of law— now and november? there is a provision of law called - now and november? there is a provision of law called tps - provision of law called tps thatis provision of law called tps that is another way to provide work permits and deportation protections to big populations country by country. the question is there are large populations of venezuelans, haitians, other countries in latin america and africa that the administration is going to have to decide on and that will protections for hundreds of thousands of people of additional people the administrator could decide before the election. that could make it tougher for trump to come in and undo those grants. we will keep an eye out for that development. thank you so much forjoining us.— around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. a 19—year—old from lancashire is reportedly missing in tenerife. jay slater hasn't been heard from since monday morning when he called a friend to say he was lost and his phone was low on battery. his last known location was in the mountainous rural de teno national park. search dogs and mountain rescue teams are helping with the search. the actor sir ian mckellan, who's 85, says he is "looking forward to returning to work" and is "hugely indebted" to nhs staff who treated him after he fell from the stage in london monday night. the producers of the show player kings say the play will return on thursday. they say sir ian will perform again when he was ready. the japanese state visit to the uk next week will not include the traditional trip to 10 downing street to meet the prime minister. that's because of the ongoing uk election. instead, prime minister rishi sunak and 0pposition leader keir starmer are expected to attend a formal banquet at buckingham palace held for emperer naruhito and empress masako. you're live with bbc news. israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu has criticized the us, for what he claims is a delay in military aid needed for the war against hamas. relations between the two allies have become strained recently, over the rising civilian death toll in gaza. here's a portion of those comments, which mr netanyahu posted on social media on tuesday. i said it is inconceivable that in the past few months the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunition to israel. america's closest ally fighting for its life against iran and other common enemies. the us pushed back, with white house press secretary karine jean—pierre saying: "we genuinely do not know what he's talking about." there have been some recent delays. last month, the biden administration paused a delivery of larger bombs, over concerns about their impact on civilians. but a new round of arms sales, including f—is fighterjets, was recently approved by democratic lawmakers — part of nearly four billion dollars in annual military aid. us secretary of state antony blinken was asked about mr netanyahu's comments. we have wanted one case, the president has talked about it publicly, the 2000 pound bombs and the concerns we have them used in densely populated areas. that remains and we continue to work through that but there have been no change in our posture and our posture is to make it that israel has what it needs to defend itself against many threats. rescuers have been searching the sea off southern italy for survivors from two shipwrecks, which left 11 people dead. dozens of people are missing after one boat sunk off the coast of calabria. the other happened near the island of lampedusa. the italian coastguard said it has been looking for "possible missing persons" since late sunday. more than 200,000 refugees and migrants arrived in europe by sea last year. this graph shows the number of boat crossings, over the past five years. you can see italy marked in green. 0ur correspondent mark lowen has been following this story. these are two separate ship wrecks that took place in italian coastal waters. the first was a ship coming from turkey that set off about eight days ago also from the turkish coast, with migrants from iran, iraq, syria, and was found by a french pleasure boat. at least 65 people are thought to have been missing from that migrant boat that ran into a disaster, so the italian officials are scouring the waters to see if they can find any of those 65 people. among them, about 26 are children. then another migrant vessel that was picked up off the coast of lampedusa, the tiny island between north africa and sicily, it had flooded and when the italian coastguard went and found the boat, they found ten bodies in the bottom of it. 0ne survivor died after being rescued. even though the number of migrant arrivals so far this year is less than half what it was in the same period last year, this shows once again just how deadly this crossing is. the un says that 800 migrants have died so far this year trying to make the crossing, and that in the last ten years, 23,500 people have died or disappeared trying to get over the central mediterranean. to try to tackle this, the eu is striking bilateral deals with countries in north africa, tunisia, libya, egypt, to effectively pay them to step up their patrols of their borders and try to stop the migrants from setting off on the first place. that is having sort of mixed success in some countries and of course has been heavily criticised by ngos for leading migrants in countries in north africa when many of them are facing inhumane conditions. new york police released justin timberlake's mugshot after the singer was arrested tuesday morning for driving while intoxicated in the hamptons. he has since appeared in court, where he was formally charged and released without bail. court documents show mr timberlake was stopped after driving through a stop sign. our new york correspondent nada tawfik has more. justin timberlake was out for the night on monday in the hamptons, a wealthy new york beach destination popular with celebrities in the summer. he was out with friends when he was arrested by police in the early hours of tuesday for driving while intoxicated. now, the suffolk county district attorney's office provided no further comment, but court documents detail that he was stopped just after 1230 in the morning, after he drove through a stop sign. an officer pulled him over and noted that his eyes were bloodshot and glassy, that his breath smelled strongly of alcohol, and that he also performed poorly on all standard field sobriety tests. now, the officer said that the pop star told him that he had one martini and was following his friends home. and the tmz website about celebrity gossip included reporting that timberlake's friends allegedly tried to convince officers to let him go, that timberlake refused a breathalyser test and was ultimately taken away in handcuffs. now, penalties for drunk driving in the hamptons town of sag harbour include a fine of up to $1,000, suspended driving privileges and a maximum, though not mandatory, one year in jail. now, the 43—year—old who first rose to fame with the boy band nsync, has spoken about his struggle with excessive drinking and overcoming addiction. and he is currently on tour and is due to perform in chicago this week and here in new york at madison square garden next week. thanks for watching. i will be back shortly with more. stay with us here on bbc news. hello. here in the uk, we're at long last starting to see the signs of some weather that feels much more like summer than it has done so far this month. other side of the atlantic, though, eastern canada, eastern side of the united states, summer has arrived with a vengeance. a long lasting, intense and life—threatening heat wave, potentially record breaking, will affect many cities in the east. temperatures into the high 30s by day. but add on the humidity levels, it will feel like it's above a0 degrees for days on end. now, that sort of heat is not coming our way, but it will affect our weather in some form. we've got heat and humidity out towards the east, clashing with cooler conditions out in the west at the moment. and that is starting to fire up a jet stream which will send ripples across the atmosphere, and at long last, move ourjet stream from south of us, bringing cooler air to the north of us, drawing in something a little bit warmer and high pressure, which through the second half of the weekend and beyond, will mean drier and warmer weather more widely. just a few showers to get the weekend under way. but notice the temperatures back to where they should be for the time of year, if not a bit above across most parts of the uk. now to get there, still a few blips around, one such on wednesday morning in terms of temperature. chilly start scotland, northern ireland, for some temperatures down into lowest single figures, but otherwise a fine day for the vast majority on wednesday. most places will be dry, varying amounts of clouds, some good sunny spells. northern ireland, england and wales. a slim chance of a shower in the hills, most will be fine. more cloud, though, into the north and west of scotland could bring some patchy rain, a drizzle, particularly later in the day. and temperatures here, 11—14 celsius, but most climbing a bit, especially across scotland and northern ireland. warmer there than in recent days. another fresh start to thursday, most places dry. showers just close to the near continent, and more cloud to the north and west, which could bring the odd isolated shower. but for the vast majority, it should be a fine day again, if not more cloud than we see on wednesday. temperatures, though, similar to wednesday's values for most. now, thursday night into friday, we've got one area of low pressure near the continent, very close to the southeast, another one which will push weather fronts into the west as we go through thursday night and into friday morning. so western areas seeing a bit more of a change here. more breeze, more cloud, outbreaks of rain possible. central eastern areas, most should just stay dry through the day. best the sunshine in the morning, more cloud into the afternoon, warm in any strong sunshine, and the weather front will bring outbreaks of rain eastwards across most parts during friday night into saturday morning, and then that dry weather develops more widely. take care. voice-over: this is bbc news. we'll have the headlines for you at the top of the hour, which is straight after this programme. hello, i'm katie razzall here with ros atkins, and this is the media show. in a year of elections around the world and one here in the uk, this week, we're talking about how to interview a prime minister. we're also going to get into the evolution of reality tv — both the formats being made for us to watch but also, where we're watching them. and we're looking at the latest developments, the latest controversies when it comes to the netflix hit baby reindeer. well, let's begin with the task of interviewing the uk prime minister, rishi sunak. we are weeks away from election day here in the uk and, of course, the prime minister's giving a number of interviews. we're going to hear from paul brand from itv news. now, last week, paul interviewed the prime minister on the day of the d—day commemorations, and you may have seen there was a big controversy around the fact that the prime minister left those commemorations early. in fact, the next day, he apologised for doing that. and when paul was recording this interview, he didn't know

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240619 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240619

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it is also seen as yet another grand gesture between those two pariah states. it is seen as a sign of appreciation by vladimir putin in a way obliging to the invitation by kimjong un and also appreciating kimjong un unwavering support for russia's war in ukraine since the beginning. the russian president has arrived quite late but has a very busy day ahead of him and expected to attend the parade. also expected to visit the only orthodox church in pyongyang, the trinity life—giving orthodox church. these are all chances for the two men to again give the optics and the picture of unity that they still have friends they can rely on. also to see what they can offer each other, each one knows the other has something they want. north korea needs food, needs fuel, needs money. also needs technology that russia can offer. especially satellite technology after it failed to launch its spy satellites in may. russia needs to replenish its depleting stockpile as the war in ukraine goes on and north korea can supply that because north korean weaponry is based on soviet era technology. despite the denials by both moscow and pyongyang, we know from the united states and here that russia has used north korean weapons in the war in ukraine. there will be limits to what each man can offer the other. what moscow can offer pyongyang but this is another chance for them to explore this ever deepening relationship. to discuss this visit and what it means, i was joined byjenny town, director of the korea programme at the stimson centre — a nonpartisan foreign affaris think tank. the first visit in over 20 years, why do you think putin is making this trip now? is it entirely because of his invasion of ukraine? yes. i do think that is one of the underpinnings of the relationship itself. it really did catalyse the willingness for russia to engage in military cooperation with north korea. which has led to the rest of the relationship and the strengthening of relations over the years. there is a huge component of this centred around north korea �*s willingness to provide direct military support to russia when very few other countries well. is there something more solid to the alliance or is it purely transactional? there is something broader here and this concept of building this multipolar world. north korea was one of the first countries to embrace the idea that a new cold war was emerging. knowing it benefits from that kind of bifurcation of the system. if there is an alternate world order, us dollars that is not western led, it creates great options for north korea and creates incentives for north korea and russia to co—operate when they are both heavily under international sanctions. how will this alliance by viewed by china? i think it is a very troubling development. china and russia have very different world views right now. even though they still co—operate and have a no limit friendship. russia really wants to upend the current role order in the us—led world system whereas china still wants to be a part of that system and still wants to have a leadership role in it. because of this there are many things both russia and north korea are doing that work against chinese interests. at the same time, it is in response to geopolitical trends that concern china as well. i think there is still sympathy for the security situation, especially for north korea who is watching a system where there is greater us and european presence in security affairs in northeast asia and growing us, south korea, japan security cooperation. it still fits within that narrative of what china sees as encirclement and concerning geopolitical trends. it makes it very difficult for them to really come out and chastise and reject either russia or north korea despite actions they are taken that work against chinese interests. and how should america interpret it? i think it is obviously very strong symbolism against the west. and the real rejection of the notion they will be boxed in by international systems and international law, international norms. certainly nothing we see now is new for the big trends have been developing over the past couple of years now. it is really culminating and incentivising this relationship to go further as both countries are really under the gun of the international system and looking for alternatives in order to prevail. speaking of the security situation, as you have been, how concerned should the rest of the world be about this alliance? i'm thinking of the nuclear capabilities of both russia and north korea. it is definitely concerning. we don't know the extent to which russia is willing to help the north koreans and the north koreans have been very successful on their own in advancing their wmd goals. certainly with russian assistance, if it does spill over into the wmd realm, it could help north korea faster achieve its goals and at a higher level of sophistication than what north korea would be able to do on its own. that is a huge concern in the revision for the us, for its allies in the region. certainly north korean weapons provided to russia help russia continue its war fighting in ukraine and strengthen and bolster its ability to wage this war against the west. it is definitely concerning but has been concerning for a couple of years now. we really need to find ways to create these off ramps and alternative pathways forward because certainly what we are doing is driving them closer together. here in the us, president joe biden unveiled a large—scale immigration program that will make a pathway to residency much simpler for about half a million undocumented people married to us citizens who risk deportation because they are living in the country illegally. under the changes, those who have been in the us for at least ten years can apply for permanent residency, also known as a green card, from within the country. this means they won't have to leave their families and the life they've made in the us to go through the application process. the policy could also benefit nearly 50,000 children with a parent who is married to a us citizen. they'd be shielded from deportation and allowed to live and work in the us. previously, federal laws required that an undocumented person married to an american must first leave the country to apply for residency. president biden also announced an initiative that would benefit so—called dreamers — young immigrants who arrived to the us as children and were permitted to stay under the 0bama—era daca programme — deferred action for childhood arrivals. under the new biden directive the young people will be able to swiftly receive employer—sponsored work visas and eventually apply for green cards. just two weeks ago president biden imposed a major crackdown at the us—mexico border cutting off access to asylum for people who cross into the us illegally. concerns over immigration have proven to be an election—year headache for mr biden who, in the face of mounting criticism over his handling of the issue, has defended the new policy. to streamline the process for obtaining legal status for immigrants married to american citizens who live here and lived here for a long time. the steps i am taking is overwhelmingly supported by the american people, no matter what the other team says. polls show over 70% of americans support this. cheering. for more on the political situation surrounding president biden�*s executive order, here's our north america correspondent, nomia iqbal. there is no doubt the president is politically vulnerable on this issue. we saw two weeks ago a crackdown he announced at the border where if up ahead is a certain threshold, the border will shut down. that did get some criticism, there is pressure by progressives within his own party to have a more humane approach. you do also have donald trump, his rival, that has made immigration at big platform of his. and a lot of the announcement he is making, they are almost punitive measures when it comes to immigrants and have been criticised by many as almost potentially being legally unsound. he promised the biggest mass deportation in us history if he does win the election and he says the day after the inauguration, he will start enacting those policies. it might be he is upping the ante and there is pressure potentially on biden but it is better to say yes it is politics but politics becomes policy once enough people care about it and polls consistently show immigration is a big concern for american voters. earlier democratic congresswoman pramila jayapal spoke to the bbc about her support for biden�*s new order saying that republican�*s criticizing the policy are �*on the wrong side of history.�* president biden on day one introduced a comprehensive humane immigration reform bill. republicans refused to move it forward, they blocked doing anything positive even on things that are bipartisan like the firebrick monetisation act or allowing immigrants to work when they occur. they blocked i think the president a few weeks ago i didn't agree and i was public about that. what he's doing today is exactly what he should be expanding legal pathways or people that have been here for more than ten years, contributing with a family, with us citizens spouses. he is allowing them to stay and i think this is, he is changing the way you apply for status because these people would be eligible would have to leave the country and nobody does that because it is just not tenable to leave your family, lived kids, have no idea whether you will be able to get back in. what he is doing a streamlining and so you can apply while here, stay with family, stay with us, your home country and continue to contribute. also great for the economy because these folks that will work legally and those people will also be able to work which we desperately need right now. with me is michelle hackman, immigration reporter with the wall streetjournal. do we have any sense of when these initiatives given how polarising issue of immigration is in this country, significant are the initiatives joe biden unveiled today? the? joe biden unveiled today? they are re joe biden unveiled today? they are pretty significant. _ joe biden unveiled today? they are pretty significant. the - are pretty significant. the programme today, people are calling it the most significant immigration programme announced since daca, the deferred action for childhood arrivals programme created for dreamers. i talk about this programme as a daca for undocumented spouses of us citizens for the benefit that unlocks this to get the green card most americans think they are already eligible for by marrying an american citizen. the biden administration says the scheme for undocumented people married to us citizens could help around half a million people, do you expect that number of people to apply? how many of the half a million will apply? how many of the half a million willapply? i how many of the half a million will apply?— will apply? i imagine the vast ma'ori will apply? i imagine the vast majority well- _ will apply? i imagine the vast majority well. the _ will apply? i imagine the vast majority well. the other - will apply? i imagine the vast l majority well. the other option available is leaving the country but notjust leaving country but not just leaving the country but notjust leaving the country but one thing if you have to leave and apply from abroad, another effort as our law says you have been here legally and have to go abroad and wait ten years before you're even eligible to apply for a green card. if you think about it, these people, if you are married to a us citizen, the vast majority of people have children and it is just not a realistic option for them to say i will leave my wife and children move back to mexico and a lot of these people have lawyers that will encourage them to apply for this. is there any kind ofjeopardy for them in applying considering they have been here i visas or whatever the situation may be. very little. that was a huge concern when daca came out, were giving the government their information for the because of this programme uses a different aspect of immigration law, a term called parole which your viewers might be familiar with. what parole does is these people have entered the country illegally and across the border illegally often when they were young children themselves. what it does is it wipes out that illegal entry and gives them a legal entry into the country. in the short term that gives them access to a work permit and get ice off their backs but also immediately allows them to apply for a green card which is apply for a green card which is a much strongerform of protection. a much stronger form of protection.— a much stronger form of rotection. ~ _, , , protection. when the couple but we have seen — protection. when the couple but we have seen today _ protection. when the couple but we have seen today with - protection. when the couple but we have seen today with what i we have seen today with what the biden administration announced recently regarding closing the border with mexico, does this point to a change in policy by the biden administration? i policy by the biden administration? ., �* ~' administration? i don't think so. this ministration - administration? i don't think so. this ministration has - so. this ministration has wanted to play both sides, they have done a carrot and stick approach. we have seen that with the border. you cannot cross illegally but we will open the pathways for you to cross the border quote unquote legally. there is a mobile app you can use to enter the country with appointments ahead of time. this is another broader example of that with the administration knew that politically they needed to do something really strict at the border but also realised that would get them in trouble with progressive democrats and a lot of latino voters. even before they unveiled that border action a few weeks ago, they were already prepping something they considered big enough to make this population angry at them happy about something. i5 them happy about something. is it too cynical to suggest they are doing it now at this point are doing it now at this point a few months out on the election? i a few months out on the election?— a few months out on the election? ., �* ~ ,., ., election? i don't think so at all. election? i don't think so at all- the _ election? i don't think so at all. the timing _ election? i don't think so at all. the timing is _ election? i don't think so at all. the timing is not - all. the timing is not coincidental. i heard president biden, he was vice president went biden announced the daca which 0bama did ahead of the 2012 election and biden was telling advice i want that and want to have my daca moment. [30 want to have my daca moment. do ou want to have my daca moment. do you think we might see more initiatives from him between now and november?- initiatives from him between now and november? there is a provision _ now and november? there is a provision of — now and november? there is a provision of law— now and november? there is a provision of law called - now and november? there is a provision of law called tps - provision of law called tps thatis provision of law called tps that is another way to provide work permits and deportation protections to big populations country by country. the question is there are large populations of venezuelans, haitians, other countries in latin america and africa that the administration is going to have to decide on and that will protections for hundreds of thousands of people of additional people the administrator could decide before the election. that could make it tougher for trump to come in and undo those grants. we will keep an eye out for that development. thank you so much forjoining us.— around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. a 19—year—old from lancashire is reportedly missing in tenerife. jay slater hasn't been heard from since monday morning when he called a friend to say he was lost and his phone was low on battery. his last known location was in the mountainous rural de teno national park. search dogs and mountain rescue teams are helping with the search. the actor sir ian mckellan, who's 85, says he is "looking forward to returning to work" and is "hugely indebted" to nhs staff who treated him after he fell from the stage in london monday night. the producers of the show player kings say the play will return on thursday. they say sir ian will perform again when he was ready. the japanese state visit to the uk next week will not include the traditional trip to 10 downing street to meet the prime minister. that's because of the ongoing uk election. instead, prime minister rishi sunak and 0pposition leader keir starmer are expected to attend a formal banquet at buckingham palace held for emperer naruhito and empress masako. you're live with bbc news. israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu has criticized the us, for what he claims is a delay in military aid needed for the war against hamas. relations between the two allies have become strained recently, over the rising civilian death toll in gaza. here's a portion of those comments, which mr netanyahu posted on social media on tuesday. i said it is inconceivable that in the past few months the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunition to israel. america's closest ally fighting for its life against iran and other common enemies. the us pushed back, with white house press secretary karine jean—pierre saying: "we genuinely do not know what he's talking about." there have been some recent delays. last month, the biden administration paused a delivery of larger bombs, over concerns about their impact on civilians. but a new round of arms sales, including f—is fighterjets, was recently approved by democratic lawmakers — part of nearly four billion dollars in annual military aid. us secretary of state antony blinken was asked about mr netanyahu's comments. we have wanted one case, the president has talked about it publicly, the 2000 pound bombs and the concerns we have them used in densely populated areas. that remains and we continue to work through that but there have been no change in our posture and our posture is to make it that israel has what it needs to defend itself against many threats. rescuers have been searching the sea off southern italy for survivors from two shipwrecks, which left 11 people dead. dozens of people are missing after one boat sunk off the coast of calabria. the other happened near the island of lampedusa. the italian coastguard said it has been looking for "possible missing persons" since late sunday. more than 200,000 refugees and migrants arrived in europe by sea last year. this graph shows the number of boat crossings, over the past five years. you can see italy marked in green. 0ur correspondent mark lowen has been following this story. these are two separate ship wrecks that took place in italian coastal waters. the first was a ship coming from turkey that set off about eight days ago also from the turkish coast, with migrants from iran, iraq, syria, and was found by a french pleasure boat. at least 65 people are thought to have been missing from that migrant boat that ran into a disaster, so the italian officials are scouring the waters to see if they can find any of those 65 people. among them, about 26 are children. then another migrant vessel that was picked up off the coast of lampedusa, the tiny island between north africa and sicily, it had flooded and when the italian coastguard went and found the boat, they found ten bodies in the bottom of it. 0ne survivor died after being rescued. even though the number of migrant arrivals so far this year is less than half what it was in the same period last year, this shows once again just how deadly this crossing is. the un says that 800 migrants have died so far this year trying to make the crossing, and that in the last ten years, 23,500 people have died or disappeared trying to get over the central mediterranean. to try to tackle this, the eu is striking bilateral deals with countries in north africa, tunisia, libya, egypt, to effectively pay them to step up their patrols of their borders and try to stop the migrants from setting off on the first place. that is having sort of mixed success in some countries and of course has been heavily criticised by ngos for leading migrants in countries in north africa when many of them are facing inhumane conditions. new york police released justin timberlake's mugshot after the singer was arrested tuesday morning for driving while intoxicated in the hamptons. he has since appeared in court, where he was formally charged and released without bail. court documents show mr timberlake was stopped after driving through a stop sign. our new york correspondent nada tawfik has more. justin timberlake was out for the night on monday in the hamptons, a wealthy new york beach destination popular with celebrities in the summer. he was out with friends when he was arrested by police in the early hours of tuesday for driving while intoxicated. now, the suffolk county district attorney's office provided no further comment, but court documents detail that he was stopped just after 1230 in the morning, after he drove through a stop sign. an officer pulled him over and noted that his eyes were bloodshot and glassy, that his breath smelled strongly of alcohol, and that he also performed poorly on all standard field sobriety tests. now, the officer said that the pop star told him that he had one martini and was following his friends home. and the tmz website about celebrity gossip included reporting that timberlake's friends allegedly tried to convince officers to let him go, that timberlake refused a breathalyser test and was ultimately taken away in handcuffs. now, penalties for drunk driving in the hamptons town of sag harbour include a fine of up to $1,000, suspended driving privileges and a maximum, though not mandatory, one year in jail. now, the 43—year—old who first rose to fame with the boy band nsync, has spoken about his struggle with excessive drinking and overcoming addiction. and he is currently on tour and is due to perform in chicago this week and here in new york at madison square garden next week. thanks for watching. i will be back shortly with more. stay with us here on bbc news. hello. here in the uk, we're at long last starting to see the signs of some weather that feels much more like summer than it has done so far this month. other side of the atlantic, though, eastern canada, eastern side of the united states, summer has arrived with a vengeance. a long lasting, intense and life—threatening heat wave, potentially record breaking, will affect many cities in the east. temperatures into the high 30s by day. but add on the humidity levels, it will feel like it's above a0 degrees for days on end. now, that sort of heat is not coming our way, but it will affect our weather in some form. we've got heat and humidity out towards the east, clashing with cooler conditions out in the west at the moment. and that is starting to fire up a jet stream which will send ripples across the atmosphere, and at long last, move ourjet stream from south of us, bringing cooler air to the north of us, drawing in something a little bit warmer and high pressure, which through the second half of the weekend and beyond, will mean drier and warmer weather more widely. just a few showers to get the weekend under way. but notice the temperatures back to where they should be for the time of year, if not a bit above across most parts of the uk. now to get there, still a few blips around, one such on wednesday morning in terms of temperature. chilly start scotland, northern ireland, for some temperatures down into lowest single figures, but otherwise a fine day for the vast majority on wednesday. most places will be dry, varying amounts of clouds, some good sunny spells. northern ireland, england and wales. a slim chance of a shower in the hills, most will be fine. more cloud, though, into the north and west of scotland could bring some patchy rain, a drizzle, particularly later in the day. and temperatures here, 11—14 celsius, but most climbing a bit, especially across scotland and northern ireland. warmer there than in recent days. another fresh start to thursday, most places dry. showers just close to the near continent, and more cloud to the north and west, which could bring the odd isolated shower. but for the vast majority, it should be a fine day again, if not more cloud than we see on wednesday. temperatures, though, similar to wednesday's values for most. now, thursday night into friday, we've got one area of low pressure near the continent, very close to the southeast, another one which will push weather fronts into the west as we go through thursday night and into friday morning. so western areas seeing a bit more of a change here. more breeze, more cloud, outbreaks of rain possible. central eastern areas, most should just stay dry through the day. best the sunshine in the morning, more cloud into the afternoon, warm in any strong sunshine, and the weather front will bring outbreaks of rain eastwards across most parts during friday night into saturday morning, and then that dry weather develops more widely. take care. voice-over: this is bbc news. we'll have the headlines for you at the top of the hour, which is straight after this programme. hello, i'm katie razzall here with ros atkins, and this is the media show. in a year of elections around the world and one here in the uk, this week, we're talking about how to interview a prime minister. we're also going to get into the evolution of reality tv — both the formats being made for us to watch but also, where we're watching them. and we're looking at the latest developments, the latest controversies when it comes to the netflix hit baby reindeer. well, let's begin with the task of interviewing the uk prime minister, rishi sunak. we are weeks away from election day here in the uk and, of course, the prime minister's giving a number of interviews. we're going to hear from paul brand from itv news. now, last week, paul interviewed the prime minister on the day of the d—day commemorations, and you may have seen there was a big controversy around the fact that the prime minister left those commemorations early. in fact, the next day, he apologised for doing that. and when paul was recording this interview, he didn't know

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