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women are among the dead. casualties were rushed to the al—aqsa martyrs�* hospital, in the nearby town of deir al—balah, which has been overwhelmed since the israeli military began a new ground operation against hamas in central gaza this week. our middle east correspondent lucy williamson has the latest. ad a warning, some viewers may find images in her report distressing. torchlight barely reveals the bodies. who they were, why they were here, can take even longer to expose. israel says this strike hit a hamas compound inside a un shelter. but an israeli human rights group said if that were true, the harm to civilians could still make it a war crime. a hamas official said women and children were among the dead. in daylight, survivors mined the rubble for scraps of security. the head of the un agency for palestinian refugees said 6,000 people were sheltering here and that there had been no warning of the strike. ibrahim's cousin, mohammed, was killed. translation: i was sitting here with my brothers - and friends when, suddenly, there was an explosion. the mattress protected me because i was sitting against the wall. but all the bodies here are dismembered and torn. israel said it had targeted a group of 20 to 30 fighters. tonight, it named nine it said it had killed. we stopped a ticking time bomb. 0ur intelligence indicated that the terrorists were operating from inside these three classrooms, three classrooms. we delayed our strike twice because we identified civilians in the area. israel began a new offensive in central areas of gaza this week. medics say more than 100 people there have been killed. the rapid surge in activity, a sign that pressure to end this war isn't working, or a sign that before too long, it might. lucy williamson, bbc news, jerusalem. live now to executive director for unrwa usa, mara kronenfeld, thanks forjoining us. describe to us the scene at your colleagues are dealing with at this school. what are they encountering? fin this school. what are they encountering? an absolute disastrous, _ encountering? an absolute disastrous, tragic - encountering? an absolute | disastrous, tragic situation. we know there are 35 or 45 people who were killed and these include women and children and we know that many, many more were injured and the scenes we are seeing from the hospitals are simply harrowing and unfortunately this is not and unfortunately this is not an isolated incident in the sense that 180 unwra buildings, roughly 6000 people are seeking refuge in this unwra school and over hundred and 80 buildings have been struck since november 2023 and more than hundred people have been killed as a result. ,, x' result. sticking in the incident _ result. sticking in the incident at _ result. sticking in the incident at the - result. sticking in the i incident at the shelter, result. sticking in the - incident at the shelter, you said 6000 people were seeking israel and they said they believed there were 20 or 30 hamas fighters there that had targeted. what do you know of who was at the shelter? unwra is not in any _ who was at the shelter? unwra is not in any way _ who was at the shelter? unwra is not in any way in _ who was at the shelter? unwra is not in any way in a _ who was at the shelter? unwra is not in any way in a position i is not in any way in a position to confirm any claim about hamas fighters there that returned from the israeli army. we mentioned 6000 internally displaced people were in the shelter when it was struck and we've all seen footage from the hospital where we seem injured women and children and men. does the idf generally know if civilians are sheltering in the property and add your colleagues on the ground communicated that information to israeli officials. absolutely unwra shares the coordinates of its facilities and including the school that was bombed today with the israeli army and all parties in the conflict and in fact the kirk mission or general of unwra urged that the un independent investigative body ascertains the facts and identifies those responsible for this attack as well as the 180 other attacks on unwra buildings in gaza. fist 180 other attacks on unwra buildings in gaza.— buildings in gaza. at this oint, buildings in gaza. at this point. what _ buildings in gaza. at this point, what is _ buildings in gaza. at this point, what is the - buildings in gaza. at this point, what is the advice | buildings in gaza. at this - point, what is the advice unwra are giving to civilians in gaza who have moved from one place to another and evacuated and moved on the instructions of the idf. where do they go now? i have to stress there is absolutely no safe place in gaza and we know families that have moved to ten times and we also know many times over areas that were declared safe zones such as the attack on the tent camp happened, these were declared safe zones and clearly they are not and where people move there are not enough resources such as food and sanitation services to take care of them. israel has said that internally displaced people should move to one area and where we know that there are numbers, 4130 people are sharing a bathroom there. a toilet. these are inhumane conditions and everywhere refugees going gaza, unfortunately they find themselves under the threat of missiles and bombs. fin themselves under the threat of missiles and bombs.— missiles and bombs. on the issue of food _ missiles and bombs. on the issue of food and _ missiles and bombs. on the issue of food and medical i issue of food and medical supplies and other aid you mentioned, what is the current situation in terms of getting that into gaza?— that into gaza? absolutely dwindling _ that into gaza? absolutely dwindling supplies. - that into gaza? absolutely dwindling supplies. there| that into gaza? absolutely. dwindling supplies. there is very little aid going on. i was looking before this call, the average number of trucks that came into gaza, humanitarian supplies, food, water, medicine in april was an hundred and 92 but it's gone down to 48 a day since the invasion, so we are seeing very few trucks coming down some tracks and getting in but it is nothing close to what is needed in terms of the 500 trucks a dayjust to deal with the absolute crises that people are facing in gaza. we also know of 10,000 cases of critical medical needs and these would be normally fay —— places that could evacuate and normally it's not possible to evacuate critical cases out of gaza. 10,000 people need critical care and are not getting it now.- critical care and are not getting it now. have you any indication — getting it now. have you any indication of _ getting it now. have you any indication of when _ getting it now. have you any indication of when it - getting it now. have you any indication of when it might l getting it now. have you any| indication of when it might be possible? indication of when it might be ossible? . , ., indication of when it might be ossible? ., , ., , ., indication of when it might be ossible? ., , ., ., possible? can you repeat that? have ou possible? can you repeat that? have you been _ possible? can you repeat that? have you been given _ possible? can you repeat that? have you been given any - have you been given any indication when it might be possible to resume the evacuations?— possible to resume the evacuations? ., , , evacuations? right now because ofthe evacuations? right now because of the control _ evacuations? right now because of the control of _ evacuations? right now because of the control of the _ evacuations? right now because of the control of the borders - of the control of the borders by israel and the fact that very little aid is getting in, i wish we could have insight or my colleagues at unwra had insight into how there could be more evacuations and essentially hundreds and hundreds more trucks with fuel and food at medical supplies coming into the gaza strip and i wish we had the answer. we have to leave _ i wish we had the answer. we have to leave the answer there for the moment thanks for joining us. families are in mourning in central sudan after at least 150 people were killed in a massacre in a village in gezira state, on wednesday. hundreds of people gathered in wad al—noura village square, where they prepared bodies for a mass burial service. the un children's agency says at least 35 children were among those killed. local pro—democracy activists are blaming on the paramilitary rapid support forces. the rsf has fought sudanese government forces for well over a year, in a war that has killed more than15,000 people and forced about nine million people from their homes. 0ur deputy africa editor anne soy has more. this is not an unusual occurrence has been going on for 13 months and there have been allegations of massacres in the past all of which have been, they had been accused by different size but mostly the rapid support force is fighting against the national army in sudan. it hasn't commented on this particular incident but it issued a statement to say it has conducted targeting positions held by the military and say it killed eight soldiers. in the western side of the country, the western darfur region where the most intense pointing has been witness, people continue to flee in tens of thousands and we understand they are trying to flee towards the west and southin to flee towards the west and south in the north of dar for, the last city held by the army and fighting is intense right now that region and i spoke to the medical charity msf saying that they shut down one of the hospitals they were running after it was shelled and that is the daily reality of people, they are fleeing from the shelves and bombing and this is a war that has been going on since last year after the political fallout be keen —— between the generals in charge of the national army and the paramilitary. mary louise eagleton is a deputy representative for unicef currently based in port sudan. she told me about the worsening humanitarian situation there . their situation is terrifying for these millions of children, they have everything behind and they have everything behind and the economy is collapsing and there is no economic means for their parents to work and earn an income. there is much less food on the markets because of the poor harvest this year because of the war and they are not able to go to schools. schools have been closed since the war so for over a year 19 million children have seen, the entire school age population, have not been able to go to school and thanks to some schools reopening in some states to 17 million children are still out of school, 14 months in. greek police and a drone are searching the greek island of symi north of rhodes—— to locate missing bbc health and science presenter michael mosley was last seen early on wednesday afternoon, when he went for a walk alone. he presents a range of programmes on health that often see him experiment on himself. the bbc�*sjoe inwood reports from rhodes about the concern of extreme heat in the area. it is expected to get very hot, as hot as 48 degrees tomorrow on the isle of symi, a beautiful but unforgiving says —— place which will make it more difficult for people trying to search for michael mosley and more difficult for his family. mr mosley�*s books on intermittent fasting for weight loss, called the 5:2 diet, have sold millions of copies worldwide. the 67—year—old's phone was found in the place he was staying with his wife, who reported him missing, a police spokesperson told bbc news. officers are also searching cctv footage for any sign of mr mosley. world leaders gathered in france to mark the 80th anniversary of the d—day landings in normandy. 0njune 6th, 1944, tens of thousands of soldiers landed on five beaches in northern france. it was the largest seaborne invasion in the history of warfare, and played a crucial role in the defeat of nazi germany and the liberation of europe. while commemorating a key moment in the war in europe 80 years ago — leaders also spoke about the threat to ukraine today. hosting a centerpiece event near 0maha beach — french president emmanuel macron said western support for ukraine will not waver. macron also announced france will send kyiv more fighter jets and train ukrainian pilots as part of a new military partnership. us presidentjoe biden also delivered an address in which he warned that democracy is facing a greater threat than at any time since the second world war. 0ne world leader was notably absent from the events was russia's vladimir putin, who did attend the 70th anniversary commemorations 10 years ago. from normandy, our europe editor katya adler reports. the proud anthem of the french resistance. sung in normandy today by the students who could be the great, even great—great grandchildren of those who fought and died here forfreedom. at this international d—day ceremony, heads of state and government, representatives of europe's royal families stood shoulder to shoulder. hearts full of gratitude. translation: they were afraid. but they knew that they were fighting a just war. and that every step they took, brought them closer to restoring freedom to the world. but a new war in europe hung heavy over today's commemorations. russia was crucial in the defeat of nazi germany. but while ukraine's president was invited here... you're a saviour of the people! ..vladimir putin was not. this is the us military cemetery in normandy. final resting place for well over 9,400 us soldiers. earlier today, joe biden made it clear why russia's president wasn't welcome. to surrender to bullies, to bow down to dictators is simply unthinkable! applause. were we to do that, it means we'd be forgetting what happened here on these hallowed beaches. us veterans were presented by president macron with the legion d'honneur, france's highest honour. modern—day geopolitics loom really large over these d—day commemorations, but the world leaders gathered here don't mean any disrespect. those valiant veterans who have managed to come here to normandy know all too well the dangers of aggressive nationalism and the politics of hate. the freedom and peace they fought so hard for is fracturing. normandy resident danielle boucherie was five years old on d—day. her village amongst the first to be liberated in the early hours the morning. translation: i went to sleep under german rule and woke l up with the americans. danielle's mum made her a star—spangled dress out of us service men's parachutes found in a field. she became a symbol in pigtails of their everlasting gratitude. translation: if it hadn't been for the americans, l what would have become of us? since the second world war, europe has relied on the us to have its back in terms of security. these brave men helped forge the transatlantic alliance — their president today said it was stronger than ever. but with us elections around the corner, europe knows it can't take anything for granted. katya adler, bbc news, normandy. live now to retired colonel brendan kearney, a former chief of staff of us marine corps forces in europe and africa. during his tour, he worked extensively with the us european command and nato. we're marking the 80th anniversary of d—day at a time when once again there is a war in europe. was there a particular significance in today's commemorations for you? well, sadly which exemplifies the fact that humanity never seems to learn and we have the events ofjune the 6th 1944 events ofjune the 6th1944 occurring and we see what is going on now and russia so it's terrible when you would think we'd learn something and profit from the mistakes of the past but seemingly not. you from the mistakes of the past but seemingly not.— but seemingly not. you think the freedoms _ but seemingly not. you think the freedoms of _ but seemingly not. you think the freedoms of the - but seemingly not. you thinkj the freedoms of the veterans but seemingly not. you think. the freedoms of the veterans of the freedoms of the veterans of the reference that they fought so hard for is fracturing. yes and n0- _ so hard for is fracturing. yes and n0- i _ so hard for is fracturing. yes and no. i think— so hard for is fracturing. yes and no. i think it's— so hard for is fracturing. jazz and no. i think it's been under great stress but at the same time what russia has done is make a terrible mistake a couple of years ago and nato quite frankly was on the rocks and was looking for a lacking public support through the member nations and the european union writ large in vladimir putin, i give him tremendous credit, he reinvigorated nato with the invasion of ukraine and i think we see an increase in united europe realising they have an enemy to the east and it's sad to say that. most of us admire russia and its history but they've taken off in the wrong direction and europe has come together, beautifully, with this the help of the us to go ahead and repel russian aggression. can of the us to go ahead and repel russian aggression.— russian aggression. can the allowance — russian aggression. can the allowance hold. _ russian aggression. can the allowance hold. we - russian aggression. can the allowance hold. we heard i allowance hold. we heard president biden say that if the us and its allies backs down in ukraine that all of europe would be threatened and the illegal russian aggression cannot go unchecked. do you agree? i cannot go unchecked. do you auree? . , ., cannot go unchecked. do you auree? ., i. ., cannot go unchecked. do you auree? ., ., ., agree? i agree with you and to be honest. _ agree? i agree with you and to be honest, i'm _ agree? i agree with you and to be honest, i'm not _ agree? i agree with you and to be honest, i'm not often - agree? i agree with you and to be honest, i'm not often in - be honest, i'm not often in agreed on with president biden but i think he is spot on in this particular case. the us has to support europe. we have treaty obligations, not only the big one with nato but with individual countries over there and we have friendships and alliances that go back decades and we have, i believe a moral obligation. unfortunately in washington, dc, the words of moral obligation don't carry as much weight as they used it but for some of us in the united states we believe if this you shake hands with somebody and say you're going to support them, you must do it, under all circumstances. so i'm very hopeful no matter who becomes the elected president of the us that the senate, the house of the congress and the us the label come together and make sure whoever the executive is that we will fulfil the obligations we have. that we will fulfil the obliaations we have. ~ ., . ., obligations we have. world war ii did not end _ obligations we have. world war ii did not end for _ obligations we have. world war ii did not end for another - obligations we have. world war ii did not end for another 11 - ii did not end for another 11 months after d—day but it is top touch pointed to as the turning point in the conflict,. but what do you think could be the turning point in the russian invasion with ukraine? i think there's a couple of things that could be turning points. they could happen either immediately with vladimir putin going away and may be being replaced with someone with common sense, but we don't know that and who will be on the line of succession if it happens. the other thing is, if there is increasing ukrainian success on the battlefield, that will put a lot of pressure on russia. and i think with all of the arms flow and the new weapon systems coming in, particularly f—16 as the french announced some of the french announced some of the mirage chats which are extraordinarily good aircraft for military use that will be hitting ukraine, ithink for military use that will be hitting ukraine, i think we will see some changes but again, the russians have suffered over half a million casualties and don't seem to be wanting to quit soon hopefully reality will set in and they will see that they have pushed too far and the west, along with ukraine are simply not going to allow them to succeed. we will have to leave it there for the moment. thanks indeed for the moment. thanks indeed forjoining us on bbc news. donald trump's former top adviser, steve bannon, has been ordered to report to prison by the first ofjuly, to serve a four month sentence for contempt of congress. bannon was convicted in 2022 for failing to testify before the congressional panel that investigated the january 6th insurrection at the capitol building by the former president's supporters. lawyers for mr bannon have promised to appeal the decision. somalia has become a member of the united nations security council for the first time in more than half a century. a top un diplomat said that because of its past, the country was uniquely positioned to contribute to international peace and security. somalia will serve a two—year term and joins fourteen other countries on the security council. south africa's african national congress will invite other political parties to form a unity government. it's leader, cyril ramaphosa, made the announcement after the anc�*s national executive committee meeting. the anc lost its parlimentary majority in last week's election for the first time since the end of apartheid 30 years ago. in a stunning cricket upset, the united states defeated pakistan in a super 0ver in the t20 world cup. the americans were on home turf in dallas, texas in their first world cup. pakistan is a cricket powerhouse, having won the t20 tournament in 2009 and finishing runner—up in 2022. after scoring a major upset on thursday, the us now needs one more win against india or ireland to advance to the next round. i spoke to one of team usa's star cricketers aaronjones — on board a plane to new york for the next match — where he described the team's emotions after their triumph. i'm feeling great right now. it's a great achievement to beat pakistan and a great experience and we always wanted to be pakistan and when we saw the fixtures, to be honest, we are very happy. a lot of our fans are from pakistan, bangladesh, india, and people like here in the diaspora in the us but we want to tell people about the sport and they don't know much about cricket and maybe this world cup you might see us and it will really put cricket in the eyes of some people. stay with us here on bbc news. hello there. all week the weather story has been stuck in repeat. it's been cool and showery to the far north—west — further south we've seen some sunshine and we had that on thursday, a maximum of 20 degrees with some sunny spells and lighter winds in london. but further north in shetland, a brisk west to north—westerly wind at times, sharp showers, just a maximum of ten celsius, 50 fahrenheit. now, we're going to see more widespread rain to start the day on friday with this weather front sinking its way south and east. it'll be clearing scotland during the morning rush hour, leaving a trail of sharp showers following on behind. there's our weather front moving out of aberdeenshire, across the scottish borders, leaving northern ireland as well. so there will be a little more in the way of drier, brighter weather for northern ireland as we go through the day. starting off fine and sunny once again across england and wales. the cloud will develop as we go into the afternoon. there'll be a few isolated showers ahead of that front, but the front will think its way steadily south and weaken as it moves into northern england and north wales. sunny spells, blustery showers accompanied by that brisk west wind in scotland making it feel once again disappointingly cool forjune — 11 to 14 celsius at the very best. highest values in the south and east once again, 19 or 20 celsius. so as this weather front continues to sink its way steadily south, the cooler air will always sit in place across scotland and perhaps northern fringes of northern ireland. with clouds sinking south to begin with on saturday morning we mightjust start off with double digits, but that means it is going to be a cloudy start across the midlands, stretching down into south wales with outbreaks of light showery rain. that will push its way into the south and east during the afternoon. sunny spells, blustery showers, particularly across north and west facing coasts, so stuck in a rut. and again, those temperatures, similar values to what we've seen all week, 11 to 14 celsius in the north, perhaps 17 or 18 in the south and east. don't expect that much in the way of significant change as we move into sunday. again, the wind direction, in fact, strengthening. more showers to come. high pressure is desperately trying to build, but it is going to keep us waiting, so no significant change for the second half of the weekend either. best of the sunshine likely for england and wales. a british tech tycoon is cleared of fraud charges in the us over the $11 billion sale of his company to hewlett packard. and a british woman sues netflix, saying one of its shows makes a claim that is the "biggest lie in television history". hello and welcome to business today. i'm steve lai. british tech tycoon mike lynch has been cleared of fraud charges he faced in the united states. the charges related to the $11 billion sale of his software firm to hewlett—packard in 2011. erin delmore has the story. when autonomy was sold to hewlett—packard 13 years ago for $11.1 billion, it was one of the top 100 public companies in the uk. the sale marked the largest ever takeover of a british technology business. but hewlett—packard later wrote down the company's value by more than $8 billion, leading to criminal charges that mike lynch had defrauded hewlett—packard by inflating the value of autonomy. the businessman was extradited from britain to the united states to stand trial on the charges, which could have put him in prison for 25 years. now, after two days of deliberations by a jury in san francisco, he's been found not guilty on all counts. mr lynch said he is elated with today's verdict and grateful to the jury for their attention to the facts. he thanked his legal team and he said he was looking forward to getting back to his family and his

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People , Us , School , It , Central Gaza , Israel , Strike , Names , Air Raid , Hamas Fighterss , United Nations , Hospital Medics , 20 , 30 , 37 , Missiles , Classrooms , Bbc , Floor , Palestinians , Urban Nuseirat Refugee Camp , Localjournalists , Israeli Warplane , Two , Israeli Military , Hamas , Militants , Transparency , Hamas Compound , Fighters , Government , Children , Many , Carrying Out A Quote Horrific Massacre , Hamas Run , 14 , Nine , Women , Casualties , Hospital , Ground Operation , Town , Martyrs , Deir Al Balah , Al Aqsa , Bodies , Lucy Williamson , Warning , Latest , Viewers , Middle East , Images , Torchlight , Civilians , Official , Harm , Hit A Hamas Compound Inside Un Shelter , War Crime , Human Rights Group , Security , Refugees , Survivors , Head , Rubble , Scraps , Palestinian , Mohammed , Ibrahim S Cousin , 6000 , Translation , Friends , Brothers , Explosion , Wall , Mattress , Group , Operating , Ticking Time Bomb , 0ur , Terrorists , Three , 0 , Sign , Area , Pressure , Surge , Areas , Activity , Offensive , Medics , 100 , Executive Director , War Isn T Working , Jerusalem , Colleagues , Forjoining Us , Scene , Unrwa Usa , Mara Kronenfeld , Encountering , Situation , Fin , 35 , 45 , Hospitals , More , Injured , Scenes , Unwra , Incident , Buildings , Refuge , Sense , 180 , Shelter , Result , Sticking , I Incident , Sex , 2023 , 80 , November 2023 , Way , Position , Claim , Men , Footage , Add , Ground , Officials , Coordinates , Property , Information , Facilities , Fact , Facts , Army , Conflict , Parties , General , Kirk Mission Or , Un Independent Investigative Body , Point , Attack , Advice , Attacks , Gaza Buildings In , Fist , Joint , Place , Another , Instructions , One , Families , Times , Zones , Tent Camp , Ten , Food , Care , Services , Sanitation , Resources , Bathroom , Toilet , Numbers , 4130 , Bombs , Threat , Issue , Going Gaza , Everywhere , Bombs Missiles , Conditions , Aid , Supplies , Terms , Call , Dwindling Supplies , Trucks , Invasion , Medicine , Number , Water , 48 , 92 , Nothing , Crises , Tracks , Dayjust , 500 , Cases , Needs , Fay , 10000 , Indication , Gaza , Ossible , Evacuations , Control , Borders , Insight , Hundreds , Fuel , Answer , Thanks , Port Sudan , Village , Massacre , Mourning , Gezira State , Wad Al Noura Village Square , 150 , Second World War , Forces , Mass Burial Service , Activists , Homes , Rsf , Than15000 , Sudanese , Children S Agency , Nine Million , Anne Soy , Occurrence , South Africa , 0ur Deputy , It Hasn T , Support Force , Massacres , Size , Allegations , 13 , Statement , Positions , Eight , Region , Country , Soldiers , Pointing , Witness , Side , Tens Of Thousands , Western Darfur , South , West , North , Fighting , Southin , City , Dar For , Reality , Shelves , Bombing , Charity , Msf , Charge , Paramilitary , Generals , Fallout , Millions , Mary Louise Eagleton , Deputy Representative , Unicef , Schools , Everything , Collapsing , Economy , Parents , Income , Harvest , Markets , School Age Population , 19 Million , 17 Million , Island , Drone , Police , Greek , Michael Mosley Mr , Symi North , Health , Science , Walk , Programmes , Concern , Heat , Rhodes , Sjoe Inwood , Orange , Family , Mosley , Mr , Isle , Says , Intermittent Fasting , S Books , Police Spokesperson , Wife , Cctv Footage , Diet , Weight Loss , Copies , Phone , Officers , 2 , 67 , 5 , 0njune 6th , D Day Landings , Normandy , World Leaders , Northern France , 80th Anniversary , 1944 , 6 , Defeat , Beaches , History , Warfare , Nazi Germany , Role , Five , Ukraine , Emmanuel Macron , Leaders , Event , Western Support , Fighter Jets , Pilots , 0maha Beach , Liberation Of Europe , Kyiv , Presidentjoe Biden , Part , Military Partnership , Address , Democracy , Europe S , Vladimir Putin , Events , Russia , Katya Adler , Commemorations , 0ne World Leader , 10 , 70 , Students , Gratitude , Forfreedom , Representatives , Anthem , Grandchildren , Sung In Normandy , Shoulder , Hearts , French Resistance , Heads Of State , Freedom , Step , President , World , Saviour , Resting Place , Military Cemetery , Bullies , Joe Biden , Wasn T Welcome , 9400 , Dictators , Applause , Veterans , Honour , Geopolitics , Legion D Honneur , Nationalism , Disrespect , Dangers , Valiant , Politics , Hate , Fracturing , Peace , Danielle Boucherie , Americans , First , Parachutes , Rule , Mum , Star Spangled Dress Out , Alliance , Pigtails , Back , Field , Symbol , What , It Hadn T , Elections , Anything , Corner , Brendan Kearney , Us Marine Corps , Colonel , Nato , Tour , European Command , Significance , Humanity , 6th1944 , Freedoms , Mistakes , Something , Profit , Yes , Reference , Jazz , Mistake , Stress , Is , Member , Couple , Support , Nations , On The Rocks , Writ Large , Public , European Union , Increase , Credit , Most , Direction , Least , Help , Enemy , Aggression , Allowance Hold , Aggression , Dbacks , Allies , Case , Cannot Go Unchecked , Friendships , Treaty Obligations , Countries , Alliances , The Big One , Obligation , Don T , Some , Somebody , Weight , Words , Washington Dc , African National Congress , House , No Matter , Circumstances , Senate , Obligations , Obliaations , Executive , Label , 11 , Turning Points , Things , Turning Point , Line , Success , Thing , Someone , Succession , Common Sense , Lot , Battlefield , Arms , Weapon Systems , 16 , Military Use , Russians , Ithink , Mirage Chats , Changes , Aircraft , A Million , Steve Bannon , Prison , January 6th Insurrection , Panel , Capitol Building , Ofjuly , Sentence , Contempt Of Congress , Donald Trump , January 6th , Four , 2022 , Time , Supporters , Somalia , United Nations Security Council , Lawyers , Decision , Diplomat , Cyril Ramaphosa , Term , Political Parties , Unity , Fourteen , Cricket , Upset , Election , Announcement , Majority , National Executive Committee Meeting , Cricket Powerhouse , Runner Up , Tournament , Pakistan , T20 World Cup , World Cup , Super 0ver , Dallas , Home Turf , Texas , 2009 , Northern Ireland , India , Win , Team , Match , Emotions , Triumph , Achievement , Team Usa , New York , Star Cricketers Aaronjones On Board A Plane , Fixtures , Experience , Fans , Diaspora , Sport , Bangladesh , Weather , Story , Eyes , Stay , Maximum , Sunshine , Winds , Spells , Repeat , London , Weather Front , Showers , Trail , Wind , Rain , Celsius , Way South And East , Shetland , 50 Fahrenheit , Clearing Scotland , Rush Hour , 50 , Fine , North Wales , Northern England , Scottish Borders , Aberdeenshire , Front , Cloud , Afternoon , Sunny Spells , Values , Scotland , Brisk West Wind , The Very Best , Fringes , Cooler Air , 19 , Clouds , Digits , Midlands , Stuck In A Rut , Outbreaks , Coasts , Temperatures , South Wales , Light Showery Rain , 17 , High Pressure , Change , Build , Half , Waiting , Wind Direction , 18 , Company , Sale , British , Shows , Fraud Charges , Woman , Hewlett Packard , Biggest Lie In Television History , Tech Tycoon , 1 Billion , 11 Billion , Mike Lynch , Hello , Fraud , Business Today , Steve Lai , Autonomy , Software Firm , Erin Delmore , 2011 , 11 1 Billion , Charges , Value , Companies , Takeover , Technology Business , 6 Billion , 8 Billion , Businessman , Jury , Trial , Deliberations , 25 , Counts , Attention , Verdict , San Francisco ,

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