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Going to be able to turn things around straightaway, but we will get to work on all of that. And hollywoods biggest night kicks off later with all eyes on oppenheimer to see if it can break the record for the most wins at the oscars. The budget the government unveiled on wednesday has left the Shadow Chancellor with a major headache. Jeremy hunt cut National Insurance by 2p for the second time in six months, as well as adopting two of labours policies, which it planned to use to Fund Breakfast clubs in schools and extra nhs appointments, if the party wins the next election. Earlier, the Shadow Chancellor, Rachel Reeves spoke to the bbc� s Laura Kuennsberg and started by talking about how they plan to raise money now. We are committed to the extension of working rights, including banning the National Welfare and is a key component of our growth plans, and britain has never had one before. The idea is to live it in private Sector Investment alongside a Government Endowment to invest in some of thejobs Government Endowment to invest in some of the jobs and industries of the future, from Carbon Capture and storage, two Green Hydrogen and green steel, Floating Offshore Wind and so much more. There is where we can be a world leader, bringing good decent paying jobs to britain, bringing Peoples Energy bills down and also boost our Economic Security by boosting our Domestic Energy security. Im really pleased that what businesses can say is that labour have a serious plan. We are determined to get in that private Sector Investment, and they want to work with me and the labour party on how we can get that up and running if we are fortunate enough to win the next election. But if we are fortunate enough to win the next election. If we are fortunate enough to win the next election. But you said this about getting the next election. But you said this about getting green the next election. But you said this about getting green energy, the next election. But you said this about getting green energy, green| about getting green energy, green jobs. Some of our viewers might think if that what youre trying to do, then why did you ditch your big promise to spend £28 million a year on that . ~ ,. ,. ,. On that . When i first announced the release prosperity on that . When i first announced the release prosperity plan, on that . When i first announced the release prosperity plan, interest release prosperity plan, Interest Rates were 0. 1 , we had had the liz truss and Kwasi Kwarteng mini budget. They damage the conservatives have done to the economy will affect what an incoming Labour Government can do. I have been working with businesses to look at how we can leverage in private Sector Investment to do the things that we want to do and need to do to get our economy growing, because unless we can grow our economy and boost productivity and investment, we havent really got a chance to turn around the Living Standards. I am determined to be the chancellor that lifts Living Standards, whilst also investing again in our Public Services. � ,. , ~ also investing again in our Public Services. � ,. , ~. ,. , also investing again in our Public Services. � ,. , ~. ,. ,. , services. Lets talk about what you said, ou services. Lets talk about what you said. You have services. Lets talk about what you said, you have had services. Lets talk about what you said, you have had to services. Lets talk about what you said, you have had to be services. Lets talk about what you said, you have had to be honest. Services. Lets talk about what you i said, you have had to be honest with people. Im sure that you were pleased that the tories took your plan to close loopholes for so called non doms, wealthy foreigners who do not pay as much taxi as they might. But that Decision Byjeremy Hunter leave you £2 billion short for your ploughman to play for Breakfast Clubs and extra funding for the nhs. It is utterl extra funding forthe nhs. It 3 utterly humiliating that extra funding forthe nhs. It 1 utterly humiliating that they the chancellors final budget, 15 budget since the conservatives came to office in 2010, it has taken them this long to abolish a gaping little in our tax system. In our tax system. What are you auoin to in our tax system. What are you going to get in our tax system. What are you going to get that in our tax system. What are you going to get that money in our tax system. What are you going to get that money from . | in our tax system. What are you i going to get that money from . The government going to get that money from . Tue government made these going to get that money from . Ti2 government made these innocents on wednesday, i am government made these innocents on wednesday, iam now government made these innocents on wednesday, i am now going through all the government documents to identify the Funding Stream to honour those commitments. Those commitments are to reduce nhs Waiting Lists by 2 million a year, dental appointments, as well as free Breakfast Clubs in Primary Schools. Well do that in an orderly way. Keir starmer says all the time, have the election in may, bring it on, he says that labour is ready. This plant was well trailed, you had if you would think about it. The government you would think about it. Ti2 government made its announcement on wednesday, it is now sunday. I was doing the work properly, i was not just plucking numbers are of the air. I was methodically going through all the government documents to identify the Funding Stream to all my sums add up. If there is one thing you and your readers know about me, it is that everything in our manifesto will be fully costed and thunder, including this pledge, and thunder, including this pledge, and i will do the work properly to make sure our sums add up. Iligiiiiii and i will do the work properly to make sure our sums add up. Will you acce t make sure our sums add up. Will you accept another make sure our sums add up. Will you accept another of make sure our sums add up. Will you accept another of jeremy make sure our sums add up. Will you accept another of jeremy hunts accept another of jeremy hunts measures, accept another ofjeremy hunts measures, cutting Capital Gains tax on second homes sales . The government say they would elect to encourage people to sell up, to provide more homes for other people. Will universe that if you are not in power . If Will Universe that if you are not in ower . ,. , Will Universe that if you are not in ower . L, Will Universe that if you are not in ower . ,. , power . If you look at the way the Avr Have Costed power . If you look at the way the Avr Have Costed that, power . If you look at the way the Avr Have Costed that, they power . If you look at the way the Avr Have Costed that, they say. Power . If you look at the way the i Avr Have Costed that, they say that it brings in revenue. Im not going to undo a measure that will end up costing taxpayers. So to undo a measure that will end up costing taxpayers. Costing taxpayers. So you will acce t costing taxpayers. So you will accept that costing taxpayers. So you will accept that. When costing taxpayers. So you will accept that. When it costing taxpayers. So you will accept that. When it comes. Costing taxpayers. So you will| accept that. When it comes to Capital Gains, your colleague, angela rayner, has been facing questions about whether she manifesto will be fully costed and thunder, including this pledge, and i will do the work properly to make sure our sums add up. Will you accept another ofjeremy hunts accept another of jeremy hunts measures, accept another ofjeremy hunts measures, cutting Capital Gains tax on second homes sales . The government say they would elect to encourage people to sell up, to provide more homes for other people. Will universe that if you are not in power . If you look at the way the Avr Have Costed that, they say that it brings in revenue. Im not going to undo a measure that will end up costing taxpayers. So you will accept that. When it comes to even made a jibe about in the budget. Have you asked her about it . Angela is a friend and have you asked her about it . Angela is a friend and a have you asked her about it . Angela is a friend and a colleague, have you asked her about it . Angela is a friend and a colleague, she is a friend and a colleague, she made her representations on this. I think people are ready to move on from that. But it is a bit rich from jeremy hunt, who owns multiple properties that he rents out, to make a jibe at angela rayner, who bought a Council House and later sold out. ,. ,. , sold out. One of her old neighbours have said that sold out. One of her old neighbours have said that she sold out. One of her old neighbours have said that she is sold out. One of her old neighbours have said that she is not sold out. One of her old neighbours have said that she is not being have said that she is not being straight about it. Have you asked her about . Straight about it. Have you asked her about . � ,. , ~. ,. , her about . Ive seen or angela has said, i her about . Ive seen or angela has said. I have her about . Ive seen or angela has said, i have absolute her about . Ive seen or angela has said, i have absolute faith her about . Ive seen or angela has said, i have absolute faith in her about . Ive seen or angela has said, i have absolute faith in her, i said, i have absolute faith in her, she has taken advice and explain the situation, and that is good enough for me. I situation, and that is good enough for me. ~. , situation, and that is good enough forme. ~. , � , for me. I think part of labours lan for me. I think part of labours [an is for me. I think part of labours plan is to for me. I think part of labours plan is to really for me. I think part of labours plan is to really extend for me. I think part of labours. Plan is to really extend workers rights. From day one, essentially give more or less the same rights to everybody, or that they are freelancers or somebody working part time. Can you guarantee that full package will be in the labour manifesto . We are committed to the extension of working rights, including banning zero hour contracts, and getting rid of fire and rehire, and having a real minimum wage. 0bviously Yhe low Pay Commission will set that. But this is a big extension of the rights of working people. If an economy is not working for working people, it is not working at all. At the moment, too many people are stuck in insecure and precarious work. We went into the pandemic with 11 Million People having less than £100 in savings. That reflects low pay, but also terribly insecure work for too many people. We want to change that. Of course we will work with businesses to make sure our plans work for them as well, including, for example probation periods in employment contracts. We do want to make changes. But all of our plans are pro business and pro worker, because they are two sides of the same coin. But you have given a clear commitment you will have the full package in your manifesto. That is interesting to hear. Lets look at the big picture. You have said care about every single penny. You have said already, if you do make it into power, you will inherit their worst set of public finances since world war ii. You have said many times you are not going to borrow money for everyday spending or put lots of taxes up. Lets be clear with everybody watching, that means after the election, whoever wins, there is basically going to be no extra cash for Public Services, or very little. That means real terms cuts to some Government Departments. Can you confirm today, if labour wins the election, there will be real terms cuts to some Government Spending . It is clear the inheritance of a Labour Government would have will be the worst since the second world war. I have to be honest, we are not going to be able to turn things around straightaway. We will get to work on all of that. I have announced, laura, there will be an initial injection of cash into struggling Public Services. Commitments around reducing nhs Waiting Lists and Primary Schools Breakfast Clubs. You cannot tell us how you are spending. Beyond that, we have said we will extend the windfall tax on the big profits the Energy Giants are making. We would invest that money in moving to the low Carbon Industries of the future. Vat and Business Rates on private schools and putting their money into the 93 of children in state schools. Taxing Private Equity bosses to put more money on Public Services. Can you confirm today that in the first couple of years of a Labour Government some departments would face a real terms cuts . People want to know. 0ur viewers sometimes feel you are not getting enough information. This is what one wrote in to say, john sinclair. When will you come clean about how you will deal with the state of our National Finances to support Public Services . Can you confirm today, if you want to be honest, that some Government Departments would face a real terms cut . At the moment, the government has not set out its plans by individual departments. I will do a Spending Review quickly if we win the election. That is not possible to do from opposition. But i do know Public Services need more money, that is why we will make the initial injection. The forecasts are based on government plans. The plans of the government do not include our comprehensive plan to grow the economy. Our National Wealth fund is about bringing in private Sector Investment, meaning more taxes paid in more money for Public Services. But that will take time, and this is the important thing here. At the moment you want to stick to the same Spending Rules that they conservatives do, you dont want to put up lots of tax and you do not want to work for the day today. That leaves some people wondering what the difference is between your plans for the economy and the conservatives are part of� plan. Im normally a labour voter, and id like to know what the difference is between the conservative and labours fiscal policy, as im not seeing a very clear dividing line, especially since the budget. Ians a labour voter, he is asking you, what is the difference . There is two clear differences. The first is the initial injection of cash and having a proper windfall tax. Those are crumbs. Theyre not crumbs, 1. 5 billion for vat and Business Rates for private schools, and closing the loopholes. Those are not crumbs. That is real money that the conservatives are not investing today. But, second, in the end you have got to grow the economy. This is the point that Andy Halliday was making last week, we need to get people back into work, ensure they have the skills to succeed and boost productivity and our plans are about doing that. The creation of the National Wealth fund, businesses say that is why people like barclays have signed up. They say there is money ready to go if Government Put in the right money. Reform of the planning system, new homes, reforming the Apprenticeship Levy to get people the skills they need. Some of these things need time. If we can get building homes, one and a half million in the first term of a Labour Government, that is money going into the economy and if the economy grows, you bring in tax revenues. You admit a lot of the things that you want to do and the full impact takes a while. What many people want to understand though is given that you agree with the conservatives on cutting National Insurance, you have ruled out raising income tax and you have the same rule to get debt down, which does constrict things, you have admitted that today, what is the big difference between the two parties economic offer . A lot of economists say when you look at it, essentially theyre not that different, and the ifs said there is a Conspiracy Of Silence between the two parties, not being honest with the public about how tough things might be. I have said im under no illusions of the scale of inheritance and it will take a while to turn around the challenges that we see, and viewers recognise that sharron said it is going to be the toughest job in politics. But i relish the chance. There is always choices to be made. That is the point and andy haldane said he thought that you should be more flexible about the Spending Rules, you could make that choice, but you have chose to stick to the same Spending Rules as a conservatives. I worked in the Bank Of England like andy haldane before i became an mp and i feel that the importance of fiscal rules in providing a constraint in which governments act is very important. You saw what happened when liz truss and Kwasi Kwarteng tried to circumvent the rules. They undermined the Bank Of England. I wont do that. Making sure that the sums add up and we start to get debt on a downward trajectory is important. We separate current and day to day expenditure from capital expenditure. That is important, Business Investment is lower than any other g7 economy. We need that Public Investment to leverage the private sector. If we change our economy. That is why growth is the nmber one mission of a Labour Government. That is the way we improve Living Standards and get the money i know we need for Public Services. If you win, as you hope, and if you then get the economy growing, which is your ambition, what then if you have £7 billion that emerges, it could be a penny off income tax or £7 billion for colleges or courts. What is your instinct . I want taxes to be lower but you have to explain where the money comes from. What got me into politics was education and schools. I went to school in the 80s and 90s, the last time we had a long time of conservative government, and we had prefab huts and our library was turned into a classroom, because there was more students than space. When tony blair said education, education, that got me involved in politics, because i felt that you had a political leader that was talking about things that mattered to me and my family and my life and the last Labour Government turned around our schools and hospitals. Giving all children a good start in life, wherever they come from and unlocking that potential that every child has, but is not realised for enough children, that is something i feel passionate about. We are still along way from the election, although it is this year, a weeks a long time in politics, six or seven months is an age. If the polls are correct and labour wins and you become chancellor, your life will change. Keir starmer� s talked about the pressures on family, whether he moves into no 10 or not, he is concerned about his childrens privacy. Have you a thought about whether you would live above the shop . My kids are probably watching, so the first time they know about our living arrangements will be when im talking to them i recognise it will be a big change, i have two Primary School aged children. The opportunity to serve is what i came into politics to do. I have been an mp for 1h years and all have been in opposition. I want the chance to do what i believe i can do well to run the economy of the United Kingdom. One of your colleagues told me you care so much about not wasting anything, when you go to Business Breakfasts you get them to take the leftovers back. I dont think she said nick i dont like waste of expenditure. So when you go to these events, there are pastries left, we ask if we can take them back to the office and share them with colleagues. Also speaking was the Health Secretary doctor atkins, responding to rishi sunak saying Waiting Times were not good enough. We to rishi sunak saying Waiting Times were not good enough. To rishi sunak saying Waiting Times were not good enough. We have set this target were not good enough. We have set this target i were not good enough. We have set this target. I have were not good enough. We have set this target. I have use were not good enough. We have set this target. I have use the were not good enough. We have set this target. I have use the nhs this target. I have use the nhs proudly from the age of free when i was diagnosed with type one diabetes. We have set it as a clear priority for the whole of government, but particularly for my government. 0ver government, but particularly for my government. Over the last few months although we have seen Waiting Lists come down of course we want to do much more. Interestingly we know for the longest waits they are concentrated injust 15 the longest waits they are concentrated in just 15 thrusts. The longest waits they are concentrated injust 15 thrusts. As well as tackling the problem nationally, we have made concerted efforts to try to support those 15 trusts to get those longest Waiting Patients looked after so we can reduce the list in that way as well. Do you agree with the primary so that you have failed . We do you agree with the primary so that you have failed . That you have failed . We also acknowledge that you have failed . We also acknowledge that that you have failed . We also acknowledge that as that you have failed . We also acknowledge that as well that you have failed . We also acknowledge that as well as l that you have failed . We also acknowledge that as well as putting extra funding into dealing with the electors, we have a Recovery Plan we are making progress on the. We have also got to acknowledge the impact that strikes have hard, 1. 4 million appointments cancelled in the last year. Against that background, nonetheless the nhs has managed to reduce Waiting Lists in the last freemans. Reduce Waiting Lists in the last freemans reduce Waiting Lists in the last freemans. ,. ,. , freemans. From fairly appalling levels. I acknowledge freemans. From fairly appalling levels. I acknowledge that, freemans. From fairly appalling l levels. I acknowledge that, which freemans. From fairly appalling levels. I acknowledge that, which is wh it isa levels. I acknowledge that, which is why it is a priority. Levels. I acknowledge that, which is why it is a priority. One levels. I acknowledge that, which is why it is a priority. One of levels. I acknowledge that, which is why it is a priority. One of the why it is a priority. One of the cufious why it is a priority. One of the curious things why it is a priority. One of the curious things that why it is a priority. One of the curious things that has why it is a priority. One of the i curious things that has happened according to official statistics, the Health Service is still less productive than it was before the pandemic. That means essentially it is doing less and getting more money. What has gone wrong . Hat is doing less and getting more money. What has gone wrong . Not only are we investing money. What has gone wrong . Not only are we investing record money. What has gone wrong . Not only are we investing record amounts, money. What has gone wrong . Not only are we investing record amounts, we. Are we investing record amounts, we have more doctors, nurses and midwives working in the nhl us. And midwives working in the nhl us. And we are getting less. Exactly midwives working in the nhl us. And we are getting less. Exactly right. We are getting less. Exactly right. Which is likely we are getting less. Exactly right. Which is likely chancellor we are getting less. Exactly right. I which is likely chancellor announced tax cuts notjust for millions of workers, he didntjust an ounce. He also announced a free 4p Productivity Plan for the nhs, because the nhs is one of our largest spending departments. Free 4p Productivity Plan. We now while a Strong Economy helps pay for the nhs, equally strong and Productive Nhs helps a growing economy. Im very excited about these very ambitious plans to not just get a basic technology across our Hospital Talk to you to make sure doctors and nurses are able to work with the best Technology Day today, but also using ai work with the best Technology Day today, but also using al to help with scans are for example, so we are really bringing the nhs into the zist are really bringing the nhs into the 21st century. But are really bringing the nhs into the 21st century 21st century. But there is a repairs backlo of 21st century. But there is a Repairs Backlog of £11 21st century. But there is a Repairs Backlog of £11 billion. 21st century. But there is a Repairs Backlog of £11 billion. We 21st century. But there is a Repairs Backlog of £11 billion. We have backlog of £11 billion. We have talked about it before, we have shown images on the show that i think we can remind people of before. There are hospitals where there are buckets out catching the rips, there is scaffolding up propping up roofs. Dont you have to fix the roofs before is that worrying about robots . Fix the roofs before is that wor in about robots . ,. Worrying about robots . Very much so. I think we worrying about robots . Very much so. I think we can worrying about robots . Very much so. I think we can do worrying about robots . Very much so. I think we can do both worrying about robots . Very much so. I think we can do both at worrying about robots . Very much so. I think we can do both at the worrying about robots . Very much so. I think we can do both at the same i think we can do both at the same time. On first day i visited a hospital, a two Year Old Community diagnostic centre, a surgical specialist centre. We see they are a paperless hospital, the use ai. But there is this issue of what has been allowed to develop. You have got a £11 billion backlog of repairs and at the Health Service. There are hospitals were roofs and we had by scaffolding. Was it a mistake for successive tory governments to take money from whats called the capital budget, the budget to things in order to put to on to day to day spending . Thats what happened year after year after year. Was that a mistake . ~. ,. ,. ,. ,. , mistake . We acknowledge some of the roblem is mistake . We acknowledge some of the problem is our mistake . We acknowledge some of the problem is our ageing mistake . We acknowledge some of the problem is our ageing buildings problem is our ageing buildings have. The nhs celebrated its 75th Anniversary last year, of course we have old buildings, we want to modernise those, which is what we have no new hospitals programme. Mas have no new hospitals programme. Was it a mistake fourth successive conservative governments to take money from the pot that was allocated for buildings, for capital investment, and use it on day to day costs . Was that a mistake . Many experts in the sector to think that is what has gone wrong. To experts in the sector to think that is what has gone wrong. Experts in the sector to think that is what has gone wrong. To help with that, we is what has gone wrong. To help with that. We have is what has gone wrong. To help with that, we have also is what has gone wrong. To help with that, we have also had is what has gone wrong. To help with that, we have also had the that, we have also had the acknowledgement about raac. We have acknowledgement about raac. We have a specific programme on driving raac out of hospitals. We have also committed this year alone some £2. 4 billion on maintenance. £311 billion on maintenance. Our question billion on maintenance. Our question was billion on maintenance. 0ur question was whether it was a mistake you had it done that in successive years. In mistake you had it done that in successive years. Mistake you had it done that in successive years. In fairness, it is for integrated successive years. In fairness, it is for Integrated Care successive years. In fairness, it is for Integrated Care bought successive years. In fairness, it is for Integrated Care bought at successive years. In fairness, it is| for Integrated Care bought at local levels to apportion that money to buildings. They have my complete support to do so, because i understand the problems. To support to do so, because i understand the problems. To date you are announcing understand the problems. To date you are announcing some understand the problems. To date you are announcing some new understand the problems. To date you are announcing some new money understand the problems. To date you are announcing some new money for. Are announcing some new money for Maternity Care. The number of women dying in Maternity Care has gone up on the conservatives watch. They have been a shocking number of cases, a shocking number of hospitals where this has become a really acute problem. Arent you ashamed that has been allowed to happen . 1ng ashamed that has been allowed to ha en . � , 2, ashamed that has been allowed to hauen . A. ,. Ashamed that has been allowed to ha en . � ,. ,. ,. , happen . As Health Secretary i have rioritise happen . As Health Secretary i have prioritise womens happen . As Health Secretary i have prioritise womens health, prioritise womens health, particularly maternity services. I had my baby on the nhs, i know the nhs can do wonderful work, but there are also some darker corners. It is very difficult to talk about this, because i appreciate the state of all days there will be people at home watching this who have been very badly affected by this in their own families, but if we look at the figures, we see the rate of neonatal and stillbirths is happily declining. In other words, fewer are happening. We have a clear target to reduce those by 50 in 2025. This is like this package of support is so important, because as well as the tax cuts and the Productivity Plan for the nhs, we are also investing further in areas we now make a real difference. More wood mice, but we are also rolling out training for 6000 staff in england to help with neonatal operations. In addition to that, we are helping roll outs are really significant pilots that we have tried to help with brain injury. It is a significant factor we want to reduce and stop. Victoria atkins, the we want to reduce and stop. Victoria atkins, the health we want to reduce and stop. Victoria atkins, the Health Secretary, atkins, the Health Secretary, talking to Laura Kuenssberg there. Now its time the weather. Wed love to bring you some spring sunshine on this mothers day, but alas, its pretty cloudy out there. And weve got some pretty heavy rain across the United Kingdom at the moment as well. The skies are looking rather gray. And heres the scene for the rest of the afternoon. The rain continuing, especially across parts of northern england, north wales, into the midlands and the southeast of england. Tto the southwest of england, southwest wales, here some bright at some sunny spells developing. This is at 4 00 this afternoon, but still the threat of one or two showers around. That cloud you can see there continuing this afternoon, some heavier rain at times, north west england, the pennines. To the north east of england looking perhaps just a little bit drier. Some drier weather, too, for northern Western Areas of scotland here. Some sunny spells in the northern and western isles. It will be quite chilly in the north and the east of scotland. Through tonight, well see that rain just petering out a little bit across central areas of england. More rain spreading into western scotland. 0therwise, though, quite a lot of cloud tonight, and with that cloud staying frost free. So then we start off on Monday Morning with again a lot of cloud around that easterly wind feeding in the cloud, some breaks perhaps in the cloud developing towards Western Areas of the uk. Just need to keep a close eye on this area of rain to the South East Of England that could clip the south east coastline. Some rain coming in to western scotland. Maximum temperatures on monday afternoon, about 7 to 11 degrees. Pretty typical really for the time of year. But as we go through the rest of the week, we lose the easterly wind and we pick up these Weather Fronts coming in from the atlantic. So further rain spreading into scotland, northern ireland, the wind coming in from the southwest. And of course, that is a milder direction. So you can see the yellows and oranges here across the uk. Temperatures will be rising throughout the week to above average. That will feel quite pleasant where there will be a bit of sunshine at times further north and west, it remains quite cloudy, rain at times, quite breezy. But even here, maximum temperatures about 11 to 15 degrees. Live from jerusalem, im anna foster, with the very the us military says an Army Logistics Ship Carrying equipment to build a temporary floating pier is heading to gaza, as part of plans to deliver humanitarian aid by sea. Separately, a Spanish Charity says a Ship Carrying 200 tonnes of food for gaza is ready to set sailfrom cyprus. Live from london, i am lucy grey. Prince william posts a picture of his wife and their children for mothers day the First Official image of the princess of wales since she underwent abdominal surgery. The Shadow Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, tells the bbc� s Laura Kuenssberg that labour is inheriting the worst Economic Situation since the second world war. And i have to be honest that were not going to be able to turn things round straightaway, but we will get to work on all of that

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