Transcripts For BBCNEWS The 20240704 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The 20240704

last week an independent inquiry found that chances to stop wayne couzens who abducted, raped and killed sarah everard, were repeatedly missed and he should never have been given a job as a police officer. our special correspondent lucy manning reports. the everard family have shared some of their favourite pictures of their daughter and sister sarah. a smile that stands out. a future that was shut down. taken away three years ago by a murderer in police uniform. for the first time, detectives have spoken about finding out that couzens was a colleague, just as officers were minutes away from his house, going to arrest him. one of my detective sergeants came running into the office and said, "we need to shut the door, you need to hear this." he then put one of our researchers on speakerphone, and she said "he's a police officer. he's a serving officer in the met. he currently works for the parliamentary and diplomatic protection group." i knew i had to tell my boss, and i canjust remember the shock of having to just sit on the floor of the office and say to her, "you're not going to believe this, that he's a police officer." couzens ha use his police powers of arrest, his warrant card, his handcuffs, at this moment caught on cctv to get sarah into his vehicle. the detective who was about to question couzens for the first time had onlyjust been told he was one of their own. the gravity of the whole situation then became incredibly clear. the moment i told the team, itjust went silent. we knocked on the door — actually he opened it. ijust put my foot straight into the door, showed him my warrant card, and he just went grey. just all the colourjust run out of his face. at the moment you're under arrest, ok, on suspicion of kidnap at this time? couzens lied and lied. you must know more about where she is or how i can find her. i'm sorry, i don't know. i know you know. i don't know. if they've taken her in a van, then they've taken her. - i don't know. at some point, you're going to end up looking sarah's family in the eyes — your family are going to be there. i know. you have an opportunity here, right now, to help us find sarah and brings her back home to her family. i don't know where she is. hand on heart, i don't know where she is. i today, nick harvey, asking the questions, relived the moment he was told couzens was a policeman. the pit of my stomach just sort of fell out. i mean, it was immediately and abundantly clear how much this was going to change policing, and what a huge moment in history it actually was going to be. discovering couzens was a police officer was a surprise for those here investigating sarah's disappearance, but the blame also lies here, with those police forces who ignored the red flags about him, particularly the met police and kent police, who failed to properly investigate indecent exposure allegations. i think what most troubles me now i've had the chance to sort of think is how we can possibly win back trust from the public. and i begin to wonder, then, how endemic it is. sarah's family are clear that she died because couzens was a police officer. lucy manning, bbc news. let's turn to the us now where donald trump supporters have been creating and sharing ai generated fake images of trump with black voters. the idea is to encourage african americans to vote republican. bbc panorama discovered dozens of deepfakes portraying black people as supporting the former president. but there's no evidence directly linking these images to mrtrump�*s campaign. 0ur disinformation and social media correspondent, marianna spring, reports. at first glance, this photo looks real. 0nly it's not. it was generated using ai technology by this radio presenter and his team and shared with more than a million followers attached to a story about black support for former president donald trump. i'm not a photojournalist. i'm not out there taking pictures of what's really happening. i'm a storyteller. i'm not claiming it is accurate. i'm not saying, hey, look, donald trump was at this party with all of these african—american voters. look how much they love him. it does give that impression. if you didn't know it wasn't real, you'd think he's at this party and he's met all these people who support him because it's quite convincing. if anybody�*s voting one way or another because of one photo they see on on a facebook page, that's a problem with that person, not with the post itself. i uncovered dozens more. ai generated images of black voters like this, mainly featuring donald trump. while ai images ofjoe biden exist, it's much harder to find ones which feature voters and target a particular demographic. whether biden or trump pictures, there's no evidence they're affiliated with either campaign, gary, that it can be created. ——scary that it can be created. it's scary that somebody can push it out, but the part that scares us the most is when somebody in our community gets it. maybe an influencer, right? maybe a rapper. and then from there, it's viral and itjust takes on a life and a truth of its own. how important is the black vote? the black vote is critical. it's going to be critical in this election coming up. it's swing voters who are feeling disillusioned, like douglas in atlanta, georgia, who could be the target for this type of ai content. the democratic party only comes around to pander to the black vote only when re—election comes up. once they get reelected, they forget about us for the next two to four years. he believed this image was real before i revealed it was faked. still, it had an effect. trump and biden are dinosaurs. if i had to lean my support towards either either one, which i don't want to, in my opinion, the lesser of the two evils is donald trump. but i don't believe in voting for the lesser of two evils because at the end of the day you're still voting for evil. ai generated content can entrench existing bias and there are concerns about the influence posts like this could have, but they're unlikely to swing a whole election. instead, they could further inflame tensions and divisions in what could be a fractious presidential race. marianna spring, bbc news. and you can see that panorama �*trump: the sequel?�* on bbc one at eight o'clock tonight and will also be available to bbc iplayer. still to come on the world today — spain's la liga analyses a video george galloway is sworn in after rochdale mp after a by election campaign which focused on a call for a cease—fire in gaza. 37 years after they released a single which didn't charge, and 80s band finds fame again thanks to a chance discovery in a record shop. we speak live to the trio. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. bbc news, bringing you different stories from across the uk. - namaste, india, my world. darcy carrier at the opening ceremony of miss world, a moment she feared might never happen 12 months ago, after she broke her neck and pelvis in a car crash, i sustained multiple injuries, multiple broken bones. this time last year, it felt so far away from me. to have come this far is really such a proud moment for me to go home. to have come this far is really such a proud moment for me. ready to go home. darcy's rehab took months, but physically she's now doing well. the 22—year—old won the miss wales title two years ago, but delays to the competition means she finally set off for miss world last month. ijust kept saying, "keep going, keep going. "you've come this far. "this time last year, you couldn't even make it to the bathroom "on your own." and i pushed myself right until the very end, until i couldn't take any more. for more stories from across the uk, head to the bbc news website. - next, to football spain's la liga is analysing a video from real madrid's game at valencia last saturday. it reportedly shows viniciusjunior being racially abused during the match with a child allegedly seen directing abuse towards the brazilian international. carlos martin is editor in chief at the spanish football magazine and explained the scale of the issue of racism in spanish stadiums. it’s a racism in spanish stadiums. it's a roblem. racism in spanish stadiums. it's a problem. spanish _ racism in spanish stadiums. it's a problem. spanish football, - racism in spanish stadiums. it's a problem. spanish football, it - problem. spanish football, it has been in other countries in europe, but the thing in spain is there is a problem around football. lolita. they started a little bit elite compared to the primary but they are trying. the thing is that it is difficult here because everything is talking about finishes junior. some say talking about finishesjunior. some say he is trying to talking about finishes junior. some say he is trying to provoke those verbal abuse is, and this is very dangerous because we are losing focus on what is really important here, that someone, especially a child in the stadium is chanting "monkey" at a black player. i think we are losing the real focus on what it means for football and for society to see that in a football stadium. here in the uk, chancellor, jeremy hunt is under pressure from many in his own party to introduce tax cuts in wednesday's budget. many conservative mps want to see taxes lowered before the next general election. here's our political correspondent, hannah miller. in homes across the country and public services on the ground, it can seem like everyone is crying out for cash. we have got roads full of potholes. are you confident that the chancellor will be persuaded to give you more money to spend on housing in the budget in a few weeks' time? well, i'm doing everything that i can. i mean, short of laying siege to his own home. well, i want us to be, you know, l cutting taxes in a responsible way. under pressure from backbenchers — and with less money to play with than he'd hoped for — the chancellor's scrabbling around for ways to pay for a tax cut on a scale that voters will notice. today, mr speaker, i'm going to cut the main 12% rate of employee national insurance. last year, he chose to cut national insurance contributions — and it's thought he may do that again. a tax cut for workers that brings no benefit to pensioners. the number crunching going on inside number 11 is not just about the state of the nation's finances — it's a political calculation, as well. under the rules the government has set for itself, there's a limited amount of money for the chancellor to spend. do people want to see more going into public services, or more cash in their own back pocket? while the government is today announcing £360 million for manufacturing, investing in medicines research and zero—carbon aircraft, labour say they would have a focus on getting young people into work — with careers advisers, mental—health support and new technical excellence colleges to cut youth unemployment. businesses say those are welcome, but there's more that could be done to encourage growth. we'd like to see the rising tide lift all boats, and measures in the budget such as changing vat on international visitors, changes to the vat threshold, and changes to business rates that can actually help all businesses grow and prosper. whatever the chancellor chooses to do on wednesday, the tax burden is historically high. it's pretty much impossible to imagine that he can do anything to prevent households from paying more tax than in 2019, and that may come with a political price. hannah miller, bbc news. a new report is calling for the church of england to set up an investment fund of one billion pounds to help repair the damage caused by its historic links to slavery. last year an investigation found that the church had invested large amounts of money in a company that transported slaves. george galloway was sworn back into parliament for rochdale after a by election campaign which focused on a call for a cease—fire in gaza. speaking outside parliament afterwards, mr galloway says his department plans to challenge them at the general election.— at the general election. angela ra ner at the general election. angela rayner has _ at the general election. angela rayner has a — at the general election. angela rayner has a parliamentary - at the general election. angela - rayner has a parliamentary majority ——angela rayner has a parliamentary majority, i think, of around 3000. i think, of around 3000. there is at least 15,000 supporters of my point of view in her constituency. so we'll be putting a candidate up against her, either a workers party candidate or more likely an independent candidate that we support. and that will vitally affect the election of the labour deputy leader. and there are many constituencies in london, from ilford to bethnal green in the heart of the city of london, in birmingham, in other parts of the west midlands, in northwest england, in the towns around rochdale, 0ldham, blackburn, brownlee, nelson, bury, we'll be putting candidates up in all these places and we will either win or we'll make sure that keir starmer doesn't win. george galloway. a new report is calling for the church of england to set up an investment fund of one billion pounds to help repair the damage caused by its historic links to slavery. last year an investigation found that the church had invested large amounts of money in a company that transported slaves. i welcome the decision by the church. i welcome the initial decision to confront history and to do more than that, to engage in restorative justice, to acknowledge the past, but also accept that the past leaves a debt to be paid. it's been a process in today's part of that process where a committee has asked the church to rethink the numbers involved and ask the church to think more deeply about how money should be spent and how communities who were affected by historic chattel slavery should be empowered and invested in to help improve their standards of life and their conditions. but the church itself has said that no figure is enough to to compensate for one of the greatest crimes in all of humanity chattel slavery. the atlantic slave trade was one of the worst things human beings have ever done to one another. but the fact that it's not enough doesn't mean that we shouldn't do anything. and i think the church is in a particularly special position of moral leadership. and what i'm hearing today from the church is a recognition that it's investment in restorative justice, it's acknowledgement of its active role in slavery and the slave trade can have a catalytic effect to encourage other organisations to acknowledge their past and critically engage in forms of restorative justice. russian protest group pussy riot rose to fame more than a decade ago after storming a moscow cathedral in protest against vladimir putin and the orthodox church. they were arrested at the 2018 world cup final in russia, and in 2021 listed as "foreign agents" by the russian government. most members have now left russia this week touring north america to raise money for a children's hospital in ukraine. 0lga borisova is part of pussy riot. she's been detained three times in crimea, and shut down new york's trump tower with a protest. after the death of russian opposition activist alexi navalny, she told our reporter meghan 0wen "fear is counterproductive". i was 19 years old and i was a policewoman in russia and then i have quit after realizing what kind of place is it and that the system itself is designed in a way not to protect people or help them, but protect government's interests. you one of the most vocal critics of putin. how safe do you feel at the moment? well, i feel pretty safe because i'm in, you know, i'm not in russia and i think, in general, if you will be paranoid all the time, fear is very counterproductive. i feel more for people in russia right now. so, if you were to go back to russia, what would happen? i cannot say exactly because russia is a very unpredictable country. sometimes it's beautiful, but most of the time it's just terrible. yeah, but i don't have any plans to go now. how do you view navalny�*s death? after the first shock passed, we realized that we should be more vocal and more loud and more, erm... sorry. take your time. yeah. because he was a leader for so many people. lots of people felt that we don't have a leader any more. so the hope is that as well. ——so the hope is dead as well. when yulia navalnaya came and said, i'm going to continue his work, that really inspired lots of people. navalny clearly meant a lot to you. how do you see your role in the wake of his death? it's like basically a signal to us that we can kill each of you one by one, and you can't do anything because we already killed the loudest of you, the bravest of you. and i think as russian artist or russian activist, it's our duty, this is what we need to do, be vocal about this regime and try to help ukraine. 0lga borisova from pussy riot speaking to meghan 0wen there. the russian government deny killing alexei navalny. 37 years ago in a time when i was a mere newsreaderling and 80s synth music was all the rage a virtually unknown girlband zenana released a single called witches for the prm label it never charted and the three women. anita tedder, penny griffiths and ruth elder went on with their lives. well now 37 years later they've found a new audience after their single was dicovered by chance , in a second hand record shop, by 24—year—old dj kiernan abbott. here is picture of zenana in the 1980s. this is a recent image of the band now. let's take a listen of their hit single �*witches�* which has refound fame. # we'll lure you out tojoin our game # cos we're the witches we're the witches # we're the witches with the spell of love.# someone put a spell of love onto the band members and convince them to come into the show and speak with me. here they are. thank you all of us much forjoining us. wonderful to have you on the show. i wanted to ask you all first of all, whoever wants to talk first, how does it feel to be rediscovered all these years later and to be talked of so fondly because i spoke earlier, and he was very complementary earlier about all of you and your music as a dj. i about all of you and your music as a dj. ~ �* , ., ., . dj. i think it's amazing thing. we are ecstatic. _ dj. i think it's amazing thing. we are ecstatic, really. _ dj. i think it's amazing thing. we are ecstatic, really. again, - are ecstatic, really. again, readiness to acknowledge after following on from the previous cast, but what courage those women in that band are showing, we were just saying that. how do you girls feel? yeah, all power to them, still sticking — yeah, all power to them, still sticking to their guns and what they believe _ sticking to their guns and what they believe is _ sticking to their guns and what they believe is right and that is absolutely right and brave. and we are ecstatic. _ absolutely right and brave. and we are ecstatic, aren't _ absolutely right and brave. and we are ecstatic, aren't we? _ absolutely right and brave. and we are ecstatic, aren't we? over - absolutely right and brave. and we are ecstatic, aren't we? over the l are ecstatic, aren't we? over the moon and _ are ecstatic, aren't we? over the moon and on _ are ecstatic, aren't we? over the moon and on the _ are ecstatic, aren't we? over the moon and on the other _ are ecstatic, aren't we? over the moon and on the other side, - are ecstatic, aren't we? over the moon and on the other side, we | are ecstatic, aren't we? over the - moon and on the other side, we are. and it's _ moon and on the other side, we are. and it's been — moon and on the other side, we are. and it's been a long journey. tell me exactly what happened to you guys all the way back in the 80s. he formed a band, you did a bit of pubs and clubs and bars, but you didn't quite make it, did you? hot and clubs and bars, but you didn't quite make it, did you? not quite. we had a few— quite make it, did you? not quite. we had a few chances, _ quite make it, did you? not quite. we had a few chances, we - quite make it, did you? not quite. we had a few chances, we were i quite make it, did you? not quite. - we had a few chances, we were nearly on the _ we had a few chances, we were nearly on the record, but are as a management company, they got the deal management company, they got the deai that— management company, they got the deal that we were hoping to change. we were _ deal that we were hoping to change. we were nearly signed to cbs, but they thought that we had an existing record _ they thought that we had an existing record deal, which of course was our own deai~ _ record deal, which of course was our own deai~ so — record deal, which of course was our own deal. so we have had a lot of near _ own deal. so we have had a lot of near mrs, — own deal. so we have had a lot of near mrs, but we had three or four years— near mrs, but we had three or four years of— near mrs, but we had three or four years of working very hard and writing — years of working very hard and writing songs into being really quite — writing songs into being really quite active on the local scene as well as_ quite active on the local scene as well as playing in london, the hippodrome. | well as playing in london, the hippodrome— hippodrome. i remember the hippodrome- _ hippodrome. i remember the hippodrome. so _ hippodrome. i remember the hippodrome. so now, - hippodrome. i remember the hippodrome. so now, i- hippodrome. i remember the | hippodrome. so now, i mean, hippodrome. i remember the - hippodrome. so now, i mean, of the believably can he have a record deal now, don't you? tell me more about that. �* , now, don't you? tell me more about that. �*, ., , , now, don't you? tell me more about that. �*, that. it's absolutely crazy. it's come through _ that. it's absolutely crazy. it's come through a _ that. it's absolutely crazy. it's come through a dj, _ that. it's absolutely crazy. it's come through a dj, through . that. it's absolutely crazy. it's i come through a dj, through nick that. it's absolutely crazy. it's - come through a dj, through nick but fantastic remakes was picked up by a dutch dj who runs rush—hour records and amsterdam, and and how it goes all over the world. he does major festivals, and to be honest, we are completely honoured.— festivals, and to be honest, we are| completely honoured._ he completely honoured. fantastic. he loves the music _ completely honoured. fantastic. he loves the music so _ completely honoured. fantastic. he loves the music so much _ completely honoured. fantastic. he loves the music so much that - completely honoured. fantastic. he loves the music so much that he - loves the music so much that he wants to release us on his leg. . to an of wants to release us on his leg. . to any of you have kids or even dare i say grand kids who are looking at this and thinking oh my goodness. what do they think? ! i this and thinking oh my goodness. what do they think? !_ what do they think? ! i have a son of 32 who is _ what do they think? ! i have a son of 32 who is in _ what do they think? ! i have a son of 32 who is in a _ what do they think? ! i have a son of 32 who is in a rock _ what do they think? ! i have a son of 32 who is in a rock band, - what do they think? ! i have a son of 32 who is in a rock band, so... l of 32 who is in a rock band, so... he has— of 32 who is in a rock band, so... he has taken— of 32 who is in a rock band, so... he has taken over— of 32 who is in a rock band, so... he has taken over the _ he has taken over the family business, the family business. absolutely. we do covers and stuff but, absolutely. we do covers and stuff but. yeah. — absolutely. we do covers and stuff but. yeah. our— absolutely. we do covers and stuff but, yeah, our band _ absolutely. we do covers and stuff but, yeah, our band is— absolutely. we do covers and stuff but, yeah, our band is different. i but, yeah, our band is different. it's but, yeah, our band is different. it's a _ but, yeah, our band is different. it's a different _ but, yeah, our band is different. it's a different kind _ but, yeah, our band is different. it's a different kind of— but, yeah, our band is different. it's a different kind of baby- but, yeah, our band is different. it's a different kind of baby for. it's a different kind of baby for us. it's a different kind of baby for us it's— it's a different kind of baby for us it's all— it's a different kind of baby for us it's all of— it's a different kind of baby for us. it's all of our— it's a different kind of baby for us. it's all of our baby. - it's a different kind of baby for us. it's all of our baby.- it's a different kind of baby for us. it's all of our baby. what does the future — us. it's all of our baby. what does the future hold _ us. it's all of our baby. what does the future hold for— us. it's all of our baby. what does the future hold for your _ us. it's all of our baby. what does the future hold for your band? - us. it's all of our baby. what does. the future hold for your band? who knows? we — the future hold for your band? who knows? we are _ the future hold for your band? who knows? we are amazed every day at work keeps — knows? we are amazed every day at work keeps coming _ knows? we are amazed every day at work keeps coming up _ knows? we are amazed every day at work keeps coming up and - knows? we are amazed every day at work keeps coming up and how- knows? we are amazed every day ati work keeps coming up and how many people _ work keeps coming up and how many paupie are _ work keeps coming up and how many people are interested _ work keeps coming up and how many people are interested in— work keeps coming up and how many people are interested in us— work keeps coming up and how many people are interested in us still. - people are interested in us still. very, _ people are interested in us still. very, very. _ people are interested in us still. very, very. you _ people are interested in us still. very, very, you know, _ people are interested in us still. very, very, you know, graciousl people are interested in us still. . very, very, you know, gracious for that and _ very, very, you know, gracious for that and we — very, very, you know, gracious for that and we just _ very, very, you know, gracious for that and we just can't _ very, very, you know, gracious for that and we just can't believe - that and we just can't believe how the music— that and we just can't believe how the music keeps— that and we just can't believe how the music keeps on— that and we just can't believe how the music keeps on going. - that and we just can't believe how the music keeps on going. it's- the music keeps on going. it's amazing _ the music keeps on going. it's amazing its— the music keeps on going. it's amazing. it's fantastic - the music keeps on going. it's amazing. it's fantastic to - the music keeps on going. it's amazing. it's fantastic to be . the music keeps on going. it's. amazing. it's fantastic to be back together— amazing. it's fantastic to be back together as — amazing. it's fantastic to be back together as well. _ amazing. it's fantastic to be back together as well. and _ amazing. it's fantastic to be back together as well. and enjoying. amazing. it's fantastic to be back| together as well. and enjoying it, still enjoying _ together as well. and enjoying it, still enjoying it _ together as well. and enjoying it, still enjoying it so _ together as well. and enjoying it, still enjoying it so much. - together as well. and enjoying it, still enjoying it so much. i- together as well. and en'oying it, still enjoying it so much._ still en'oying it so much. i think it's still enjoying it so much. i think it's fair to _ still enjoying it so much. i think it's fair to say _ still enjoying it so much. i think it's fair to say we _ still enjoying it so much. i think it's fair to say we have - still enjoying it so much. i think it's fair to say we have all - still enjoying it so much. i think it's fair to say we have all had l it's fair to say we have all had illnesses, we have all been poorly, so all of this is such a bonus for us, you know? it so all of this is such a bonus for us. you know?— so all of this is such a bonus for us, you know? so all of this is such a bonus for us, ou know? ., , ., us, you know? it has been so good to talk to you- — us, you know? it has been so good to talk to you- the _ us, you know? it has been so good to talk to you. the best _ us, you know? it has been so good to talk to you. the best of _ us, you know? it has been so good to talk to you. the best of luck - talk to you. the best of luck with your career is going forward. 80s band revived. there is hope for everyone in this world. that's it from me. he had been watching the world today. goodbye. hello there. much of the country had a pretty decent day today with some good spells of sunshine around. most places stayed dry, but there was wetter and breezier weather pushing into the south west of england, south wales. that rain will continue to journey northwards across much of the country during the overnight period. it will tend to weaken a little bit as it moves northwards, but it will become breezier for a time as the cloud and the rain pushes its way northwards and eastwards. behind it, skies will tend to clear, but we'll see a rash of showers, some of them heavy running into the channel islands and cross into southern england at times. maybe some showers pushing into northern ireland. now where we have the cloud and the rain, then temperatures won't be as low as where they'll be, where skies clear, and, again, a touch of frost, maybe the odd mist or fog patches, winds fall light. then into tuesday, we've got that overnight weather front pushing off in towards the north sea, another front pushing into northern ireland, western scotland, that'll enhance the shower activity here. could take a while for that front to clear the east coast of both scotland and england. eventually it will do, and it brightens up with plenty of sunshine. could still see a few showers towards the south and the south east of england, the odd heavier one. but most places, i think, away from these fronts, should be dry with some sunshine. top temperatures, 11 or 12 celsius once again, pretty much where we should be this time of year. into wednesday, we see this blocking area of high pressure over scandinavia begin to exert its force across the country. it will start to push the weather fronts out back into the atlantic. so i think many places should be dry on wednesday, variable cloud across scotland and eastern england. perhaps the odd shower, the odd shower perhaps for cornwall up towards northern ireland. 0therwise most places should have a dry day with lots of sunshine around, and the breeze will be picking up from the south east. top temperatures again, 12 or 13 celsius. similar story on thursday, if anything, that area of high pressure just edges a bit further westwards, pushing those fronts out into the atlantic. could be a bit more cloud around generally on thursday, central, northern, eastern areas, maybe the odd shower mixed into it. but there will be some sunshine around, probably the best of it in western scotland in towards northern ireland, west wales, south west england. temperatures maybe down a touch, the breeze will be picking up, 11 celsius will be the high. friday looks like we could see more sunshine around, again a brisk southeasterly breeze. there's just signs of it starting to turn a bit more unsettled and a bit milder as we head into the weekend. hello, i'm christian fraser. you're watching the context on bbc news. they can go after me as a politician, they can go after me with votes. but they're not going to go after me with that kind of lawsuit. it go after me with that kind of lawsuit. ., , lawsuit. if the ruling had been uheld, lawsuit. if the ruling had been upheld, other _ lawsuit. if the ruling had been upheld, other states - lawsuit. if the ruling had been upheld, other states will - lawsuit. if the ruling had been upheld, other states will have j lawsuit. if the ruling had been - upheld, other states will have tried to remove him from the ballot, and conservative states say that they would have removed joe biden from the balance, so it would have caused chaos. , , ~ , , chaos. this is america. this is america- _ chaos. this is america. this is america- i _ chaos. this is america. this is america. i want _ chaos. this is america. this is america. i want to _ chaos. this is america. this is america. i want to defeat - chaos. this is america. this is i america. i want to defeat donald trump _ america. i want to defeat donald trump fair— america. i want to defeat donald trump fairand square, america. i want to defeat donald trump fair and square, i want him on that ballot _ the us supreme court rules colorado cannot stop donald trump running for office. it has overturned today a decision to disqualify him from the ballot. that sets up a rematch of the 2020 election, biden v trump — a contest 70% of the country says it doesn't want. we'll look at the court's decision and the politics around it. also tonight... israel accuses the un agency responsible for distributing to palestinians of employing over a50 people who involved in the october the 7th attacks. we get reaction from new york, where the general assembly is discussing the humanitarian crisis. and some big votes tonight in the house of lords, where peers are debating the british government's rwanda bill. we'll bring you that live. good evening.

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Country , World , Criminals , Escape , Constitution , Abortion , 4000 , British Government , Detectives , Sarah Everard , Bbc One , Shock , Uk , Suspect , Peers , Murder , Bill , Defeat , International Law , Fact , Amendment , House Of Lords , Rwanda , Three , Police Officer , Deal , Hopes , Israel , Gaza War , Detective , Police , Time , London , Chief Suspect , Murder Inquiry , Camera , Case , Dci Katherine Goodwin , Chances , Special Correspondent , Inquiry , Job , Who , Wayne Couzens , Lucy Manning Reports , Sarah , Family , Pictures , Future , Smile , Daughter , House , Murderer , Colleague , Uniform , Officers , Door , One , Office , Serving Officer , Speakerphone , Researchers , Detective Sergeants , Met , Boss , Floor , Diplomatic Protection Group , Discovering Couzens , Couzens Ha , Warrant Card , Handcuffs , Vehicle , Cctv , Powers Of Arrest , Itjust , Team , Foot , Gravity , Situation , Ijust , Suspicion , Face , You Re Under Arrest , Kidnap , Run Out , Colourjust , Point , I Don T Know , Van , Don T Know , Opportunity , Eyes , Hand On Heart , Nick Harvey , Policeman , Questions , Stomach , The Pit , Policing , Surprise , Disappearance , Allegations , Blame , Kent Police , Police Forces , Flags , Indecent Exposure , Chance , I Begin To Wonder , Think , Public , Troubles , Us , Bbc News , Lucy Manning , Let , People , Donald Trump , Trump , Ai , President , Voters , Panorama , Dozens , Supporters , Images , Idea , African Americans , Republican , Deepfakes Portraying , Campaign , 0nly It , Evidence , Photo , Glance , Marianna Spring , Social Media Correspondent , 0ur Disinformation , 0 , Radio Presenter , Story , Support , Ai Technology , Photojournalist , Followers , A Million , Wall , Party , Storyteller , Impression , Wasn T Real , Way , Problem , Voting , Post , Anybody , Person , Page , Facebook , Feature Voters , Ones , Demographic , Ofjoe Biden Exist , Part , Somebody , Gary , Vote , Most , Life , Community , Influencer , Rapper , Truth , Election , Democratic Party , Swing Voters , Ai Content , Re Election , Target , Type , Atlanta , Georgia , Douglas , Image , Lesser , Effect , Evils , Opinion , Don T Want To , Dinosaurs , Four , Two , Concerns , Content , Evil , Posts , Bias , Tensions , Race , Divisions , Sequel , Eight , Video , The World Today , Spain , La Liga , Bbc Iplayer , George Galloway , Election Campaign , Cease Fire , Call , In Gaza , Single , Rochdale , And 80s Band , Discovery , Thanks , Mp , Didn T Charge , 80 , 37 , Record Shop , Trio , Stories , Carrier , My World , Namaste , Car Crash , Pelvis , Neck , India , Opening Ceremony Of Miss World , 12 , Home , Broken Bones , Competition , Miss , Miss World , Delays , Darcy , Rehab , Wales Title , 22 , More , Couldn T , End , Bathroom , Head , Website , Child , Game , Abuse , Match , Football Spain , Brazilian International , Real Madrid , Valencia , Viniciusjunior , Stadiums , Racism , Spanish , Scale , Editor , Chief , Magazine , Issue , Spanish Football , Carlos Martin , Thing , Football , Countries , Roblem , Europe , Lolita , Everything , Elite , Someone , Chanting , Stadium , Some , Say , Finishesjunior , Football Stadium , Monkey , Player , Society , Budget , Pressure , Jeremy Hunt , Hannah Miller , General Election , Many , Tax Cuts , Chancellor , Mps , Taxes , Money , Everyone , Services , Cash , Ground , Homes , Potholes , Roads , Housing , Cutting , Laying Siege , Speaker , Tax Cut , Insurance , Rate , Scrabbling , Ways , Employee , Baby , Workers , Number Crunching , Contributions , Thought , Pensioners , Benefit , Amount , Finances , Calculation , State Of The Nation , 11 , Work , Focus , Back , Advisers , Aircraft , Manufacturing , Investing In Medicines Research , Zero , 60 Million , 360 Million , Businesses , Mental Health Support , Youth Unemployment , Colleges , Excellence , Boats , Growth , Rising Tide , Changes , Vat Threshold , Measures , Business Rates , Prosper , Vat On International Visitors , Anything , Households , Tax , Tax Burden , Price , 2019 , Damage , Report , Investment Fund , Church Of England , One Billion , Amounts , Orthodox Church , Humanity Chattel Slavery , Company , Slaves , Investigation , Links , Parliament , Department Plans , In Gaza , Angela Rayner , Majority , The General Election , Election At , Angela Ra Ner , 15000 , 3000 , Candidate , Deputy Leader , Constituency , Constituencies , My Point Of View , Heart Of The City London , Bethnal Green , Ilford , Parts , Northwest England , Towns , West Midlands , Birmingham , Places , Doesn T Win , Candidates , Keir Starmer , Bury , Nelson , Blackburn , 0ldham , Brownlee , Decision , The Church , Restorative Justice , Process , Debt , History , Committee , Numbers , Communities , Chattel Slavery , Figure , Conditions , Standards , Human Beings , Things , Crimes , Another , Atlantic Slave Trade , Leadership , Position , Recognition , Fame , Pussy Riot , Role , Russian , Organisations , Investment , Forms , Cathedral , Acknowledgement , Government , Protest , Agents , Members , Vladimir Putin , World Cup , 2021 , 2018 , New York , 0lga Borisova , Times , Ukraine , Crimea , Trump Tower , Children S Hospital , Death , Alexi Navalny , Meghan 0wen , Fear Is Counterproductive , Russian Opposition , Kind , Policewoman , Place , System , Interests , 19 , General , Critics , Fear , Plans , Erm , Lots , Leader , Hope , Lot , Yulia Navalnaya , Signal , Each , Bravest , Loudest , Wake , Activist , Vocal , Regime , Artist , Duty , There , Alexei Navalny , Music , Witches , Women , Mere Newsreaderling , Rage A , Anita Tedder , Girlband Zenana , Prm , Penny Griffiths , Ruth Elder , Picture , Lives , Audience , Dj Kiernan Abbott , 24 , 80s Band , Hit Single , Zenana , Listen , 1980 , Spell , Cos , Show , Band Members , Love , Forjoining , Dj , Guns , Power , Showing , Cast , Moon , Bit , The Other Side , Aren T We , Aren T , L , Journey , Pubs , Record , Bars , Clubs , Management Company , Cbs , Mrs , Record Deal , Course , Deal Management Company , Deai , Hippodrome , Scene , Songs , Playing , Writing , Well As , Don T You , I Hippodrome , Remakes , Believably , Honoured Festivals , Records , Amsterdam , Dutch , Goodness , Leg , Grand Kids , Wants , Kids , Son , Rock Band , Stuff , Rock , Family Business , 32 , Band , Baby , Knows , Absolutely , Future Hold , Hold , Our , Amazing , Its , Paupie , Graciousl , Bonus , Best , It , Luck , Career , I Together , Illnesses , Much , Goodbye , Sunshine , Cloud , Way Northwards And Eastwards , South West Of England , Rain , Spells , Weather , Wetter , Breezier , South Wales , Showers , The Rain , Skies , Rash , A Touch Of Frost , Northern Ireland , Fog Patches , Low , Cross Into Southern England , Channel Islands , Skies Clear , Front , Shower Activity , Weather Front , Western Scotland , North Sea , East Coast , Temperatures , Fronts , Odd , South , South East Of England , Scotland , Area , High Pressure , Weather Fronts , Force , Eastern England , Atlantic , Variable Cloud Across Scotland , Breeze , Odd Shower , Cornwall , 0therwise , 13 , Northern , Shower , Eastern Areas , Central , Celsius , Southeasterly Breeze , Signs , Touch , High , West Wales , Weekend , Christian Fraser , Lawsuit , Votes , Politician , Context , Ruling , Chaos , Ballot , States , States Lawsuit , Balance , Joe Biden , Uheld , Defeat Chaos , Fair , Us Supreme Court , Fairand Square , Colorado , Cannot Stop , Court , Contest , Biden V Trump , Rematch , Doesn T Want , 2020 , 70 , Un , Politics , Palestinians , October The 7th , Assembly , Attacks , Crisis , Rwanda Bill , 7 ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS The 20240704 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The 20240704

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last week an independent inquiry found that chances to stop wayne couzens who abducted, raped and killed sarah everard, were repeatedly missed and he should never have been given a job as a police officer. our special correspondent lucy manning reports. the everard family have shared some of their favourite pictures of their daughter and sister sarah. a smile that stands out. a future that was shut down. taken away three years ago by a murderer in police uniform. for the first time, detectives have spoken about finding out that couzens was a colleague, just as officers were minutes away from his house, going to arrest him. one of my detective sergeants came running into the office and said, "we need to shut the door, you need to hear this." he then put one of our researchers on speakerphone, and she said "he's a police officer. he's a serving officer in the met. he currently works for the parliamentary and diplomatic protection group." i knew i had to tell my boss, and i canjust remember the shock of having to just sit on the floor of the office and say to her, "you're not going to believe this, that he's a police officer." couzens ha use his police powers of arrest, his warrant card, his handcuffs, at this moment caught on cctv to get sarah into his vehicle. the detective who was about to question couzens for the first time had onlyjust been told he was one of their own. the gravity of the whole situation then became incredibly clear. the moment i told the team, itjust went silent. we knocked on the door — actually he opened it. ijust put my foot straight into the door, showed him my warrant card, and he just went grey. just all the colourjust run out of his face. at the moment you're under arrest, ok, on suspicion of kidnap at this time? couzens lied and lied. you must know more about where she is or how i can find her. i'm sorry, i don't know. i know you know. i don't know. if they've taken her in a van, then they've taken her. - i don't know. at some point, you're going to end up looking sarah's family in the eyes — your family are going to be there. i know. you have an opportunity here, right now, to help us find sarah and brings her back home to her family. i don't know where she is. hand on heart, i don't know where she is. i today, nick harvey, asking the questions, relived the moment he was told couzens was a policeman. the pit of my stomach just sort of fell out. i mean, it was immediately and abundantly clear how much this was going to change policing, and what a huge moment in history it actually was going to be. discovering couzens was a police officer was a surprise for those here investigating sarah's disappearance, but the blame also lies here, with those police forces who ignored the red flags about him, particularly the met police and kent police, who failed to properly investigate indecent exposure allegations. i think what most troubles me now i've had the chance to sort of think is how we can possibly win back trust from the public. and i begin to wonder, then, how endemic it is. sarah's family are clear that she died because couzens was a police officer. lucy manning, bbc news. let's turn to the us now where donald trump supporters have been creating and sharing ai generated fake images of trump with black voters. the idea is to encourage african americans to vote republican. bbc panorama discovered dozens of deepfakes portraying black people as supporting the former president. but there's no evidence directly linking these images to mrtrump�*s campaign. 0ur disinformation and social media correspondent, marianna spring, reports. at first glance, this photo looks real. 0nly it's not. it was generated using ai technology by this radio presenter and his team and shared with more than a million followers attached to a story about black support for former president donald trump. i'm not a photojournalist. i'm not out there taking pictures of what's really happening. i'm a storyteller. i'm not claiming it is accurate. i'm not saying, hey, look, donald trump was at this party with all of these african—american voters. look how much they love him. it does give that impression. if you didn't know it wasn't real, you'd think he's at this party and he's met all these people who support him because it's quite convincing. if anybody�*s voting one way or another because of one photo they see on on a facebook page, that's a problem with that person, not with the post itself. i uncovered dozens more. ai generated images of black voters like this, mainly featuring donald trump. while ai images ofjoe biden exist, it's much harder to find ones which feature voters and target a particular demographic. whether biden or trump pictures, there's no evidence they're affiliated with either campaign, gary, that it can be created. ——scary that it can be created. it's scary that somebody can push it out, but the part that scares us the most is when somebody in our community gets it. maybe an influencer, right? maybe a rapper. and then from there, it's viral and itjust takes on a life and a truth of its own. how important is the black vote? the black vote is critical. it's going to be critical in this election coming up. it's swing voters who are feeling disillusioned, like douglas in atlanta, georgia, who could be the target for this type of ai content. the democratic party only comes around to pander to the black vote only when re—election comes up. once they get reelected, they forget about us for the next two to four years. he believed this image was real before i revealed it was faked. still, it had an effect. trump and biden are dinosaurs. if i had to lean my support towards either either one, which i don't want to, in my opinion, the lesser of the two evils is donald trump. but i don't believe in voting for the lesser of two evils because at the end of the day you're still voting for evil. ai generated content can entrench existing bias and there are concerns about the influence posts like this could have, but they're unlikely to swing a whole election. instead, they could further inflame tensions and divisions in what could be a fractious presidential race. marianna spring, bbc news. and you can see that panorama �*trump: the sequel?�* on bbc one at eight o'clock tonight and will also be available to bbc iplayer. still to come on the world today — spain's la liga analyses a video george galloway is sworn in after rochdale mp after a by election campaign which focused on a call for a cease—fire in gaza. 37 years after they released a single which didn't charge, and 80s band finds fame again thanks to a chance discovery in a record shop. we speak live to the trio. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. bbc news, bringing you different stories from across the uk. - namaste, india, my world. darcy carrier at the opening ceremony of miss world, a moment she feared might never happen 12 months ago, after she broke her neck and pelvis in a car crash, i sustained multiple injuries, multiple broken bones. this time last year, it felt so far away from me. to have come this far is really such a proud moment for me to go home. to have come this far is really such a proud moment for me. ready to go home. darcy's rehab took months, but physically she's now doing well. the 22—year—old won the miss wales title two years ago, but delays to the competition means she finally set off for miss world last month. ijust kept saying, "keep going, keep going. "you've come this far. "this time last year, you couldn't even make it to the bathroom "on your own." and i pushed myself right until the very end, until i couldn't take any more. for more stories from across the uk, head to the bbc news website. - next, to football spain's la liga is analysing a video from real madrid's game at valencia last saturday. it reportedly shows viniciusjunior being racially abused during the match with a child allegedly seen directing abuse towards the brazilian international. carlos martin is editor in chief at the spanish football magazine and explained the scale of the issue of racism in spanish stadiums. it’s a racism in spanish stadiums. it's a roblem. racism in spanish stadiums. it's a problem. spanish _ racism in spanish stadiums. it's a problem. spanish football, - racism in spanish stadiums. it's a problem. spanish football, it - problem. spanish football, it has been in other countries in europe, but the thing in spain is there is a problem around football. lolita. they started a little bit elite compared to the primary but they are trying. the thing is that it is difficult here because everything is talking about finishes junior. some say talking about finishesjunior. some say he is trying to talking about finishes junior. some say he is trying to provoke those verbal abuse is, and this is very dangerous because we are losing focus on what is really important here, that someone, especially a child in the stadium is chanting "monkey" at a black player. i think we are losing the real focus on what it means for football and for society to see that in a football stadium. here in the uk, chancellor, jeremy hunt is under pressure from many in his own party to introduce tax cuts in wednesday's budget. many conservative mps want to see taxes lowered before the next general election. here's our political correspondent, hannah miller. in homes across the country and public services on the ground, it can seem like everyone is crying out for cash. we have got roads full of potholes. are you confident that the chancellor will be persuaded to give you more money to spend on housing in the budget in a few weeks' time? well, i'm doing everything that i can. i mean, short of laying siege to his own home. well, i want us to be, you know, l cutting taxes in a responsible way. under pressure from backbenchers — and with less money to play with than he'd hoped for — the chancellor's scrabbling around for ways to pay for a tax cut on a scale that voters will notice. today, mr speaker, i'm going to cut the main 12% rate of employee national insurance. last year, he chose to cut national insurance contributions — and it's thought he may do that again. a tax cut for workers that brings no benefit to pensioners. the number crunching going on inside number 11 is not just about the state of the nation's finances — it's a political calculation, as well. under the rules the government has set for itself, there's a limited amount of money for the chancellor to spend. do people want to see more going into public services, or more cash in their own back pocket? while the government is today announcing £360 million for manufacturing, investing in medicines research and zero—carbon aircraft, labour say they would have a focus on getting young people into work — with careers advisers, mental—health support and new technical excellence colleges to cut youth unemployment. businesses say those are welcome, but there's more that could be done to encourage growth. we'd like to see the rising tide lift all boats, and measures in the budget such as changing vat on international visitors, changes to the vat threshold, and changes to business rates that can actually help all businesses grow and prosper. whatever the chancellor chooses to do on wednesday, the tax burden is historically high. it's pretty much impossible to imagine that he can do anything to prevent households from paying more tax than in 2019, and that may come with a political price. hannah miller, bbc news. a new report is calling for the church of england to set up an investment fund of one billion pounds to help repair the damage caused by its historic links to slavery. last year an investigation found that the church had invested large amounts of money in a company that transported slaves. george galloway was sworn back into parliament for rochdale after a by election campaign which focused on a call for a cease—fire in gaza. speaking outside parliament afterwards, mr galloway says his department plans to challenge them at the general election.— at the general election. angela ra ner at the general election. angela rayner has _ at the general election. angela rayner has a — at the general election. angela rayner has a parliamentary - at the general election. angela - rayner has a parliamentary majority ——angela rayner has a parliamentary majority, i think, of around 3000. i think, of around 3000. there is at least 15,000 supporters of my point of view in her constituency. so we'll be putting a candidate up against her, either a workers party candidate or more likely an independent candidate that we support. and that will vitally affect the election of the labour deputy leader. and there are many constituencies in london, from ilford to bethnal green in the heart of the city of london, in birmingham, in other parts of the west midlands, in northwest england, in the towns around rochdale, 0ldham, blackburn, brownlee, nelson, bury, we'll be putting candidates up in all these places and we will either win or we'll make sure that keir starmer doesn't win. george galloway. a new report is calling for the church of england to set up an investment fund of one billion pounds to help repair the damage caused by its historic links to slavery. last year an investigation found that the church had invested large amounts of money in a company that transported slaves. i welcome the decision by the church. i welcome the initial decision to confront history and to do more than that, to engage in restorative justice, to acknowledge the past, but also accept that the past leaves a debt to be paid. it's been a process in today's part of that process where a committee has asked the church to rethink the numbers involved and ask the church to think more deeply about how money should be spent and how communities who were affected by historic chattel slavery should be empowered and invested in to help improve their standards of life and their conditions. but the church itself has said that no figure is enough to to compensate for one of the greatest crimes in all of humanity chattel slavery. the atlantic slave trade was one of the worst things human beings have ever done to one another. but the fact that it's not enough doesn't mean that we shouldn't do anything. and i think the church is in a particularly special position of moral leadership. and what i'm hearing today from the church is a recognition that it's investment in restorative justice, it's acknowledgement of its active role in slavery and the slave trade can have a catalytic effect to encourage other organisations to acknowledge their past and critically engage in forms of restorative justice. russian protest group pussy riot rose to fame more than a decade ago after storming a moscow cathedral in protest against vladimir putin and the orthodox church. they were arrested at the 2018 world cup final in russia, and in 2021 listed as "foreign agents" by the russian government. most members have now left russia this week touring north america to raise money for a children's hospital in ukraine. 0lga borisova is part of pussy riot. she's been detained three times in crimea, and shut down new york's trump tower with a protest. after the death of russian opposition activist alexi navalny, she told our reporter meghan 0wen "fear is counterproductive". i was 19 years old and i was a policewoman in russia and then i have quit after realizing what kind of place is it and that the system itself is designed in a way not to protect people or help them, but protect government's interests. you one of the most vocal critics of putin. how safe do you feel at the moment? well, i feel pretty safe because i'm in, you know, i'm not in russia and i think, in general, if you will be paranoid all the time, fear is very counterproductive. i feel more for people in russia right now. so, if you were to go back to russia, what would happen? i cannot say exactly because russia is a very unpredictable country. sometimes it's beautiful, but most of the time it's just terrible. yeah, but i don't have any plans to go now. how do you view navalny�*s death? after the first shock passed, we realized that we should be more vocal and more loud and more, erm... sorry. take your time. yeah. because he was a leader for so many people. lots of people felt that we don't have a leader any more. so the hope is that as well. ——so the hope is dead as well. when yulia navalnaya came and said, i'm going to continue his work, that really inspired lots of people. navalny clearly meant a lot to you. how do you see your role in the wake of his death? it's like basically a signal to us that we can kill each of you one by one, and you can't do anything because we already killed the loudest of you, the bravest of you. and i think as russian artist or russian activist, it's our duty, this is what we need to do, be vocal about this regime and try to help ukraine. 0lga borisova from pussy riot speaking to meghan 0wen there. the russian government deny killing alexei navalny. 37 years ago in a time when i was a mere newsreaderling and 80s synth music was all the rage a virtually unknown girlband zenana released a single called witches for the prm label it never charted and the three women. anita tedder, penny griffiths and ruth elder went on with their lives. well now 37 years later they've found a new audience after their single was dicovered by chance , in a second hand record shop, by 24—year—old dj kiernan abbott. here is picture of zenana in the 1980s. this is a recent image of the band now. let's take a listen of their hit single �*witches�* which has refound fame. # we'll lure you out tojoin our game # cos we're the witches we're the witches # we're the witches with the spell of love.# someone put a spell of love onto the band members and convince them to come into the show and speak with me. here they are. thank you all of us much forjoining us. wonderful to have you on the show. i wanted to ask you all first of all, whoever wants to talk first, how does it feel to be rediscovered all these years later and to be talked of so fondly because i spoke earlier, and he was very complementary earlier about all of you and your music as a dj. i about all of you and your music as a dj. ~ �* , ., ., . dj. i think it's amazing thing. we are ecstatic. _ dj. i think it's amazing thing. we are ecstatic, really. _ dj. i think it's amazing thing. we are ecstatic, really. again, - are ecstatic, really. again, readiness to acknowledge after following on from the previous cast, but what courage those women in that band are showing, we were just saying that. how do you girls feel? yeah, all power to them, still sticking — yeah, all power to them, still sticking to their guns and what they believe _ sticking to their guns and what they believe is _ sticking to their guns and what they believe is right and that is absolutely right and brave. and we are ecstatic. _ absolutely right and brave. and we are ecstatic, aren't _ absolutely right and brave. and we are ecstatic, aren't we? _ absolutely right and brave. and we are ecstatic, aren't we? over - absolutely right and brave. and we are ecstatic, aren't we? over the l are ecstatic, aren't we? over the moon and _ are ecstatic, aren't we? over the moon and on _ are ecstatic, aren't we? over the moon and on the _ are ecstatic, aren't we? over the moon and on the other _ are ecstatic, aren't we? over the moon and on the other side, - are ecstatic, aren't we? over the moon and on the other side, we | are ecstatic, aren't we? over the - moon and on the other side, we are. and it's _ moon and on the other side, we are. and it's been — moon and on the other side, we are. and it's been a long journey. tell me exactly what happened to you guys all the way back in the 80s. he formed a band, you did a bit of pubs and clubs and bars, but you didn't quite make it, did you? hot and clubs and bars, but you didn't quite make it, did you? not quite. we had a few— quite make it, did you? not quite. we had a few chances, _ quite make it, did you? not quite. we had a few chances, we - quite make it, did you? not quite. we had a few chances, we were i quite make it, did you? not quite. - we had a few chances, we were nearly on the _ we had a few chances, we were nearly on the record, but are as a management company, they got the deal management company, they got the deai that— management company, they got the deal that we were hoping to change. we were _ deal that we were hoping to change. we were nearly signed to cbs, but they thought that we had an existing record _ they thought that we had an existing record deal, which of course was our own deai~ _ record deal, which of course was our own deai~ so — record deal, which of course was our own deal. so we have had a lot of near _ own deal. so we have had a lot of near mrs, — own deal. so we have had a lot of near mrs, but we had three or four years— near mrs, but we had three or four years of— near mrs, but we had three or four years of working very hard and writing — years of working very hard and writing songs into being really quite — writing songs into being really quite active on the local scene as well as_ quite active on the local scene as well as playing in london, the hippodrome. | well as playing in london, the hippodrome— hippodrome. i remember the hippodrome- _ hippodrome. i remember the hippodrome. so _ hippodrome. i remember the hippodrome. so now, - hippodrome. i remember the hippodrome. so now, i- hippodrome. i remember the | hippodrome. so now, i mean, hippodrome. i remember the - hippodrome. so now, i mean, of the believably can he have a record deal now, don't you? tell me more about that. �* , now, don't you? tell me more about that. �*, ., , , now, don't you? tell me more about that. �*, that. it's absolutely crazy. it's come through _ that. it's absolutely crazy. it's come through a _ that. it's absolutely crazy. it's come through a dj, _ that. it's absolutely crazy. it's come through a dj, through . that. it's absolutely crazy. it's i come through a dj, through nick that. it's absolutely crazy. it's - come through a dj, through nick but fantastic remakes was picked up by a dutch dj who runs rush—hour records and amsterdam, and and how it goes all over the world. he does major festivals, and to be honest, we are completely honoured.— festivals, and to be honest, we are| completely honoured._ he completely honoured. fantastic. he loves the music _ completely honoured. fantastic. he loves the music so _ completely honoured. fantastic. he loves the music so much _ completely honoured. fantastic. he loves the music so much that - completely honoured. fantastic. he loves the music so much that he - loves the music so much that he wants to release us on his leg. . to an of wants to release us on his leg. . to any of you have kids or even dare i say grand kids who are looking at this and thinking oh my goodness. what do they think? ! i this and thinking oh my goodness. what do they think? !_ what do they think? ! i have a son of 32 who is _ what do they think? ! i have a son of 32 who is in _ what do they think? ! i have a son of 32 who is in a _ what do they think? ! i have a son of 32 who is in a rock _ what do they think? ! i have a son of 32 who is in a rock band, - what do they think? ! i have a son of 32 who is in a rock band, so... l of 32 who is in a rock band, so... he has— of 32 who is in a rock band, so... he has taken— of 32 who is in a rock band, so... he has taken over— of 32 who is in a rock band, so... he has taken over the _ he has taken over the family business, the family business. absolutely. we do covers and stuff but, absolutely. we do covers and stuff but. yeah. — absolutely. we do covers and stuff but. yeah. our— absolutely. we do covers and stuff but, yeah, our band _ absolutely. we do covers and stuff but, yeah, our band is— absolutely. we do covers and stuff but, yeah, our band is different. i but, yeah, our band is different. it's but, yeah, our band is different. it's a _ but, yeah, our band is different. it's a different _ but, yeah, our band is different. it's a different kind _ but, yeah, our band is different. it's a different kind of— but, yeah, our band is different. it's a different kind of baby- but, yeah, our band is different. it's a different kind of baby for. it's a different kind of baby for us. it's a different kind of baby for us it's— it's a different kind of baby for us it's all— it's a different kind of baby for us it's all of— it's a different kind of baby for us. it's all of our— it's a different kind of baby for us. it's all of our baby. - it's a different kind of baby for us. it's all of our baby.- it's a different kind of baby for us. it's all of our baby. what does the future — us. it's all of our baby. what does the future hold _ us. it's all of our baby. what does the future hold for— us. it's all of our baby. what does the future hold for your _ us. it's all of our baby. what does the future hold for your band? - us. it's all of our baby. what does. the future hold for your band? who knows? we — the future hold for your band? who knows? we are _ the future hold for your band? who knows? we are amazed every day at work keeps — knows? we are amazed every day at work keeps coming _ knows? we are amazed every day at work keeps coming up _ knows? we are amazed every day at work keeps coming up and - knows? we are amazed every day at work keeps coming up and how- knows? we are amazed every day ati work keeps coming up and how many people _ work keeps coming up and how many paupie are _ work keeps coming up and how many people are interested _ work keeps coming up and how many people are interested in— work keeps coming up and how many people are interested in us— work keeps coming up and how many people are interested in us still. - people are interested in us still. very, _ people are interested in us still. very, very. _ people are interested in us still. very, very. you _ people are interested in us still. very, very, you know, _ people are interested in us still. very, very, you know, graciousl people are interested in us still. . very, very, you know, gracious for that and _ very, very, you know, gracious for that and we — very, very, you know, gracious for that and we just _ very, very, you know, gracious for that and we just can't _ very, very, you know, gracious for that and we just can't believe - that and we just can't believe how the music— that and we just can't believe how the music keeps— that and we just can't believe how the music keeps on— that and we just can't believe how the music keeps on going. - that and we just can't believe how the music keeps on going. it's- the music keeps on going. it's amazing _ the music keeps on going. it's amazing its— the music keeps on going. it's amazing. it's fantastic - the music keeps on going. it's amazing. it's fantastic to - the music keeps on going. it's amazing. it's fantastic to be . the music keeps on going. it's. amazing. it's fantastic to be back together— amazing. it's fantastic to be back together as — amazing. it's fantastic to be back together as well. _ amazing. it's fantastic to be back together as well. and _ amazing. it's fantastic to be back together as well. and enjoying. amazing. it's fantastic to be back| together as well. and enjoying it, still enjoying _ together as well. and enjoying it, still enjoying it _ together as well. and enjoying it, still enjoying it so _ together as well. and enjoying it, still enjoying it so much. - together as well. and enjoying it, still enjoying it so much. i- together as well. and en'oying it, still enjoying it so much._ still en'oying it so much. i think it's still enjoying it so much. i think it's fair to _ still enjoying it so much. i think it's fair to say _ still enjoying it so much. i think it's fair to say we _ still enjoying it so much. i think it's fair to say we have - still enjoying it so much. i think it's fair to say we have all - still enjoying it so much. i think it's fair to say we have all had l it's fair to say we have all had illnesses, we have all been poorly, so all of this is such a bonus for us, you know? it so all of this is such a bonus for us. you know?— so all of this is such a bonus for us, you know? so all of this is such a bonus for us, ou know? ., , ., us, you know? it has been so good to talk to you- — us, you know? it has been so good to talk to you- the _ us, you know? it has been so good to talk to you. the best _ us, you know? it has been so good to talk to you. the best of _ us, you know? it has been so good to talk to you. the best of luck - talk to you. the best of luck with your career is going forward. 80s band revived. there is hope for everyone in this world. that's it from me. he had been watching the world today. goodbye. hello there. much of the country had a pretty decent day today with some good spells of sunshine around. most places stayed dry, but there was wetter and breezier weather pushing into the south west of england, south wales. that rain will continue to journey northwards across much of the country during the overnight period. it will tend to weaken a little bit as it moves northwards, but it will become breezier for a time as the cloud and the rain pushes its way northwards and eastwards. behind it, skies will tend to clear, but we'll see a rash of showers, some of them heavy running into the channel islands and cross into southern england at times. maybe some showers pushing into northern ireland. now where we have the cloud and the rain, then temperatures won't be as low as where they'll be, where skies clear, and, again, a touch of frost, maybe the odd mist or fog patches, winds fall light. then into tuesday, we've got that overnight weather front pushing off in towards the north sea, another front pushing into northern ireland, western scotland, that'll enhance the shower activity here. could take a while for that front to clear the east coast of both scotland and england. eventually it will do, and it brightens up with plenty of sunshine. could still see a few showers towards the south and the south east of england, the odd heavier one. but most places, i think, away from these fronts, should be dry with some sunshine. top temperatures, 11 or 12 celsius once again, pretty much where we should be this time of year. into wednesday, we see this blocking area of high pressure over scandinavia begin to exert its force across the country. it will start to push the weather fronts out back into the atlantic. so i think many places should be dry on wednesday, variable cloud across scotland and eastern england. perhaps the odd shower, the odd shower perhaps for cornwall up towards northern ireland. 0therwise most places should have a dry day with lots of sunshine around, and the breeze will be picking up from the south east. top temperatures again, 12 or 13 celsius. similar story on thursday, if anything, that area of high pressure just edges a bit further westwards, pushing those fronts out into the atlantic. could be a bit more cloud around generally on thursday, central, northern, eastern areas, maybe the odd shower mixed into it. but there will be some sunshine around, probably the best of it in western scotland in towards northern ireland, west wales, south west england. temperatures maybe down a touch, the breeze will be picking up, 11 celsius will be the high. friday looks like we could see more sunshine around, again a brisk southeasterly breeze. there's just signs of it starting to turn a bit more unsettled and a bit milder as we head into the weekend. hello, i'm christian fraser. you're watching the context on bbc news. they can go after me as a politician, they can go after me with votes. but they're not going to go after me with that kind of lawsuit. it go after me with that kind of lawsuit. ., , lawsuit. if the ruling had been uheld, lawsuit. if the ruling had been upheld, other _ lawsuit. if the ruling had been upheld, other states - lawsuit. if the ruling had been upheld, other states will - lawsuit. if the ruling had been upheld, other states will have j lawsuit. if the ruling had been - upheld, other states will have tried to remove him from the ballot, and conservative states say that they would have removed joe biden from the balance, so it would have caused chaos. , , ~ , , chaos. this is america. this is america- _ chaos. this is america. this is america- i _ chaos. this is america. this is america. i want _ chaos. this is america. this is america. i want to _ chaos. this is america. this is america. i want to defeat - chaos. this is america. this is i america. i want to defeat donald trump _ america. i want to defeat donald trump fair— america. i want to defeat donald trump fairand square, america. i want to defeat donald trump fair and square, i want him on that ballot _ the us supreme court rules colorado cannot stop donald trump running for office. it has overturned today a decision to disqualify him from the ballot. that sets up a rematch of the 2020 election, biden v trump — a contest 70% of the country says it doesn't want. we'll look at the court's decision and the politics around it. also tonight... israel accuses the un agency responsible for distributing to palestinians of employing over a50 people who involved in the october the 7th attacks. we get reaction from new york, where the general assembly is discussing the humanitarian crisis. and some big votes tonight in the house of lords, where peers are debating the british government's rwanda bill. we'll bring you that live. good evening.

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Democratic Party , Swing Voters , Ai Content , Re Election , Target , Type , Atlanta , Georgia , Douglas , Image , Lesser , Effect , Evils , Opinion , Don T Want To , Dinosaurs , Four , Two , Concerns , Content , Evil , Posts , Bias , Tensions , Race , Divisions , Sequel , Eight , Video , The World Today , Spain , La Liga , Bbc Iplayer , George Galloway , Election Campaign , Cease Fire , Call , In Gaza , Single , Rochdale , And 80s Band , Discovery , Thanks , Mp , Didn T Charge , 80 , 37 , Record Shop , Trio , Stories , Carrier , My World , Namaste , Car Crash , Pelvis , Neck , India , Opening Ceremony Of Miss World , 12 , Home , Broken Bones , Competition , Miss , Miss World , Delays , Darcy , Rehab , Wales Title , 22 , More , Couldn T , End , Bathroom , Head , Website , Child , Game , Abuse , Match , Football Spain , Brazilian International , Real Madrid , Valencia , Viniciusjunior , Stadiums , Racism , Spanish , Scale , Editor , Chief , Magazine , Issue , Spanish Football , Carlos 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