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singing. in tel aviv tonight, friends and campaigners coming together. there is hope here and there is caution. the first israeli hostages should be coming home tomorrow. 13 families should be reunited. but it's bittersweet. many hostages will remain in gaza. only 50 are due to be released during the ceasefire. sisters dafna and ella are not on the list for tomorrow, according to their mother, maayan. she tweeted tonight, "it's incredibly difficult. "i long for their return "but i am relieved for the other families". gil dikman says all the families will share the joy when hostages come home. his cousin carmel is being held. she's 39 and loves to travel. her sister—in—law, yarden, is also trapped in gaza. even if our hostages won't be released in the next few days, the fact that there will be hostages released, pictures of children and mothers coming back, that's very, very strong and i think people are going to feel as if it's their own children. in gaza, one more day of death and wrenching loss. this is rafah, in the far south, where israeli air strikes flattened a neighbourhood. this boy says, "they brought the building down on top "of us". he's asked if he was at home. "yes," he says. "i put my hands over my head and fell to the floor." if hamas was the target here, civilians seem to have paid. israel says it has been striking hamas wherever it's hiding. hamas says the truce will be temporary and its fingers will remain on the trigger. many palestinians are hoping that, at least for the coming four days, israel's crushing assault on gaza will be on pause. 0rla guerin, bbc news, tel aviv. we are continuing to watch the pictures out of gaza where that ceasefire is expected to take hold slightly before shortly. —— hold shortly. allies are urging the israeli government to use the pause in fighting over the next few days to ensure more aid does get into gaza. the uk foreign secretary, lord cameron, met the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and says it's vitally important more food, water and medicine gets into the territory. 0ur diplomatic correspondent james landale was travelling with the foreign secretary. they were crammed inside... right. ..and the terrorists that arrived there... i saw the pictures. ..threw grenades. yeah, i saw that. it was horrific. david cameron at kibbutz be�*eri, where so many died at the hands of hamas. almost every house was burned? every house was burned. for the foreign secretary, a chance to see first hand what started this war — a war that is not yet paused. the toll of artillery a reminder that gaza is not far away. the terrorism — parents shot in front of their children, children shot in front of their parents — i've heard things and seen things that obviously, i will never forget. he walked through the rubble of homes that had been set on fire, the acrid stench of soot still lingering, and he was told how hamas had shot those who fled and burned alive those who stayed. david cameron's come here not just to learn for himself the horrors of what happened here on october 7 and what israel is doing right now to try and stop this ever happening again, but he's also here to talk about what's happening just a few miles away in gaza right now, where the fighting continues. and that meant delivering tough messages to israel's leaders. i think it is vitally important that we demonstrate to the palestinian people, to the world, that we want to help. those people need food, they need water, they need medicine. but the prime minister remains defiant, saying even if all the hostages were released... we'll continue with our war aims — namely, to eradicate hamas. because hamas has already promised that they will do this again and again and again. for all the words of restraint from western politicians, it's not yet clear how much they're being heard in israel. james landale, bbc news, jerusalem. for more on the hostage deal and the future of israel's military operation, i spoke to tal heinrich, spokesperson for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. ms heinrich, we know that negotiations leading up to this hostage release have been fraught. what can you tell us about how the next 24—48 hours will proceed? thank you for having me. i can confirm that at this point, we have received the list of the hostages as part of the first batch who are supposed to be released tomorrow, hopefully. as you know, there are no guarantees here. we are dealing with a brutal terrorist organisation and the only reason as for why they have agreed to release hostages is because we have exerted heavy military pressure and diplomatic pressure behind the scenes. we're not making the list public at this point — and i'm sure you can understand why, being part of the media — but we have notified these families as well as the families of other hostages — 240 families who have been going through a torture of mind and soulfor 50 days now, dying, worrying about the fate of their loved ones, and we are committed to them. we are in this with them, in the pain and in this bittersweet moment. we are a nation that is committed to leaving nobody behind and we will continue to work tirelessly towards this goal of bringing all of our sons and daughters back home, back to israel and reunited with their families. ok, so does that mean that israel would consider extending this truce for the release of the hostages? indeed. we said so. first and foremost from the very outset of this war, we said the only scenario in which we would agree to a ceasefire, to a pause in the fighting, is a scenario which involves the release of hostages. and based on this outline which we have agreed upon, for every extra ten hostages that hamas would agree to release, we will give them another pause, another day of pause in the fighting. right. we hope that once we have this mechanism in place, it leads to the release of more hostages. i would ask you about what you said about the israeli government being with the families of the hostages. we at the bbc have spoken to various family members who have told us they are really not happy with the complete lack of communication from the israeli government. why has it been that way? well, it depends who are you talking to. i can totally understand why some families and many people in israel would want to receive more answers right now, after the october seven massacre, and there will be time for that, we assure them and we assure you but right now, we are all committed and united in our resolve and very determined to achieve these two goals — for the operation to dismantle hamas and bring back the hostages. and i'm sure regarding this deal — by the way, if you talk to families you will hear various opinions right now, as we have in the country, but the deal that the israeli government has agreed upon — we took a very brave decision, as you can imagine — really reflects the public consensus in israel because we want to see our sons and daughters back home. i want to ask you, the times of israel has been reporting that the defence minister yoav gallant has said after a short truce, there will be at least two more months of intense fighting. is that true? well, this is what he said and we said it — we defined it very clearly that the current pause in the fighting to facilitate the release of hostages is only a temporary one. we are determined, as i said, to achieve the other goal of this operation as well, which is the dismantlement of the terrorist regime. we will no longer tolerate life next a terrorist enclave. and it's a decision that not only the government took but i can tell you are someone who also speaks to many israelis, it's a decision that our nation has taken. 0k. it is a situation that we will no longer _ 0k. it is a situation that we will no longer tolerate - 0k. it is a situation that we will no longer tolerate and | will no longer tolerate and hamas leaders say they will perpetrate the october massacre for a second, third and fourth time if they could.— time if they could. could you hel us time if they could. could you help us how _ time if they could. could you help us how would _ time if they could. could you help us how would that - time if they could. could you | help us how would that look, another possibly at least two more months of fighting when we have seen such massive loss of life of life, in gaza and we have seen plenty of call from international organisations like unicef, save the children and someone calling for a ceasefire because of what civilians in gaza are facing? so, the pure evil called hamas must be eradicated, there is no question about it. these other terrorist to butcher, raped and believe that their way through israel's southern communities and they said they would do it again and we will no longer tolerate the situation in which more than 10,000 rockets are raining on our communities. now, you are correct in the sense that israel doesn't want to see any kind of tragedy and the cost of, on civilian lives. every loss of life in gaza is tragic for us and we don't want to see it. we don't want to see palestinian civilians been caught in the crossfire, we have nothing to do with them. our fighters have nothing to do with them. 0urfighters against us. 0ur fighters against us. crosstalk. does that mean that we could see, then, at least more aid, more fuel coming in if this is going to see an extended conflict? unicef said yesterday gaza is the most dangerous place in the world to be a child because so many children have died. i be a child because so many children have died.- children have died. i can assure _ children have died. i can assure you _ children have died. i can assure you the - children have died. i can assure you the coming l children have died. i can i assure you the coming days children have died. i can - assure you the coming days will see hundreds more trucks entering the gaza strip from the rafah border crossing, running water, food and medical supplies. we say that we place no restrictions on the entrance of such essential provisions to the gaza strip and in fact, my prime ministerjust said this morning in a conversation i think with the spanish prime minister that he wants to see more effort on behalf of international organisations and bodies and the united nations in establishing more tents, tens of thousands of tents for the palestinian civilians in the palestinian civilians in the safe zones that the idf has designated because this will be, as you say, a long fighting until be eradicated hamas. fiur until be eradicated hamas. our time has run — until be eradicated hamas. our time has run out _ until be eradicated hamas. our time has run out but thank you so much. i want to bring you up to date on the pictures you saw of gaza. this is live and our correspondent in southern israel anna foster will be taking over the broadcast in about 15 minutes. she told us she heard the sounds of constant small arms and mortar fire and that drones have been hurt as well. it would appear to indicate fighting could go right up until the ceasefire as well —— drones have been heard. that's what we've heard from our correspondent on the ground. iwant our correspondent on the ground. i want to play you one more perspective we got earlier. i spoke to dr mustafa barghouti, the secretary general and co—founder of the palestinian national initiative. mr barghouti, do you see the possibility of this temporary truce being extended and more hostages being released? yes, absolutely. i think i would call it a ceasefire, actually, it's true, it's only forfour days, but it definitely can be extended with the purpose of releasing more prisoners. it's really good news that 50 israeli children and women will be released and, at the same time, 150 palestinian children and women will be released from israeli jails. some of them have been injail for years, and some for months. but this exchange of prisoners is a good beginning and i do believe it breaks a lot of israeli government taboos. the taboo of not having exchange of prisoners — this was broken. the taboo that no ceasefire can be had — now, we have a ceasefire for four days. and it should be extended because this war is bringing a lot, a lot, a lot of atrocities for palestinians in particular. crosstalk. just tojump in. you know well the israelis have said this is not a ceasefire. fighting will continue after this temporary pause is over. they say so. but what for? they have already killed almost 15,000 palestinians, including 6,150 children. and if we count the number of children below the rubble that no—one can reach because of israeli bombardment, the number is almost 9000 palestinian children killed. 32 israeli children were killed and 9000 palestinian children were killed. how many more thousands of children should die before this war ends? we're not going to achieve anything. even from a military perspective, they're failing. how do you think the israelis are failing from the military perspective? they've said this ceasefire, when it's over, this temporary pause, they'll continue their goal to eradicate hamas. you're saying that's not working and it's not going to be possible? they say they want to eradicate hamas and they're negotiating with hamas. this agreement is not between them and any other party but hamas. they're concluding an agreement with hamas about exchange of prisoners. from the very day of the first beginning of — the beginning of this operation, we said this talk about uprooting hamas is totally unrealistic. we need to find a way of ending this war and having a complete ceasefire and a complete exchange of prisoners, so that all israeli prisoners and all palestinian prisoners would be released and maybe then open the door for a peaceful negotiation. to end the israeli occupation, to end this injustice. let me ask you, if there is to be a negotiation towards a permanent ceasefire, who would broker that? who is right now seen as an honest broker that could negotiate between israelis and hamas? unfortunately the united states lost that potential by siding completely with israel and being totally supportive of israel only. but still some kind of international forum would be helpful. i think the countries that have mediated in achieving this ceasefire, qatar and egypt, but the most important thing is notjust to have a peace process but a process that will lead to results. and that means agreeing from the beginning that the goal will be ending the israeli occupation that has lasted for 56 years and if the goal is clear the process can be organised.— goal is clear the process can be organised. what then is the scenario for _ be organised. what then is the scenario for how _ be organised. what then is the scenario for how this _ be organised. what then is the scenario for how this ends. - scenario for how this ends. even what the israelis have said, how do you see this playing out after the debris ceasefire concludes? this act of ethnic _ ceasefire concludes? this act of ethnic cleansing _ ceasefire concludes? this act of ethnic cleansing of - ceasefire concludes? this act of ethnic cleansing of the - of ethnic cleansing of the palestinian people from the north and centre to the south should stop. israelis are proceeding with that. they are trying to force people out of their homes, out of their areas through arbitrary embodiment as they did tonight killing 27 more people and injuring about 100. all through air strikes. they are trying to enforce ethnic cleansing and then they want, it is clear they want to ethnically cleanse this part of gaza and that should stop. the solution to occupation is not more occupation. what we need is a complete and total ceasefire, maybe some kind of temporary international presence and allowing negotiations for solving this problem. negotiations for solving this roblem. ~ ., ., ., , negotiations for solving this roblem. ., ., ., , problem. who, who would be part ofthat problem. who, who would be part of that temporary _ problem. who, who would be part of that temporary international. of that temporary international fourth? that in itself we know would be incredibly difficult to organise?— to organise? only united nations present - to organise? only united nations present and - to organise? only united - nations present and temporary. i don't mean this will be a party that will govern gaza. gaza cannot be separated from the west bank. it is part of the west bank. it is part of the palestinian future of the state. the leadership of palestinians should be allowed to be elected democratically. that is the right way. so some kind of temporary presence as israel removes its forces from the gaza strip. we must leave it there but thank you for joining us and sharing your views tonight stop we are continuing our live coverage at this hour with live images of gaza. , . . this hour with live images of gaza. ., ., this hour with live images of gaza. . ., ., this hour with live images of gaza. . .. , gaza. israel and gaza are set to start a _ gaza. israel and gaza are set to start a temporary - gaza. israel and gaza are set to start a temporary truce i gaza. israel and gaza are set to start a temporary truce in | to start a temporary truce in about ten minutes time. anna foster in southern israel so she still hear sounds of constant small arms and mortar fire in gaza and flares have been visible in the sky. a short time ago there was an and drains could be heard so it does seem that the israeli army will continue its operation. we will continue its operation. we will go live to anna in a moment and a reminder this is a long—awaited deal, hamas is due to release 50 hostages in total. the first 13 are expected to be released on friday local time, they are women and children who will likely be brought out from egypt and in return for the release of these first 50 hostages, israel is expected to free 150 palestinian prisoners who are also expected to be women and children. all this expected to kick off in about ten minutes time with a cease fire later in the afternoon and we will start to see the hostages be released. we are covering this live at this hour and anna foster is standing by right now in southern israel to pick up our live coverage from there. welcome to southern israel where, as you were saying, we have still heard the continuing sound of small arms fire and airstrikes over gaza. let me remind you exactly where we are and exactly what you can see live here this morning. this is the gaza skyline and you can see clearly the buildings, this is the north—east of gaza that you see behind me, this is where so much of the fighting has been going on for the last several weeks or so when the israeli ground operation began. this is an area that they have been targeting and you can see the live pictures and the damage still very visible in many of those buildings. even in the last hour or so, listen, again, that is the sound. i will be quiet for a second so that you can see and hear exactly what is going on. the ceasefire goes into effect at seven o'clock in the morning local time. seven o'clock in the morning localtime. it seven o'clock in the morning local time. it is 651 just now and for the last hour or so we have heard the continuing sound of airstrikes, we still see plumes of grey smoke rising above gaza on the horizon. what we expect to see in the next ten minutes, we will bring in that moment live here on bbc news, is the beginning of the ceasefire, a four—day ceasefire in order to enable the release of around 50 hostages who will be returned from gaza back to israel. we expect to see more humanitarian aid pass through, 200 trucks a day and we are told for the next four days they will pass into gaza through the rafah crossing from egypt and there will be also be a release of palestinian prisoners held in israeli jails, around 150 of them over the next four day period. as we wait for the ceasefire to take effect and as i say you can still hear... bo0ming effect and as i say you can still hear... booming noises i was iwas in i was in tel aviv yesterday, a hub for the hostage family movement and i spoke to a man who has fourfamily movement and i spoke to a man who has four family members being held hostage in gaza. his 78—year—old uncle abraham, abraham's wife ruth, his daughter keren and his grandson 0had, who's aged nine — who are among the hostages taken by hamas on the 7th of 0ctober. children and women are expected to be in the group of 50 hostages released over the next four days. this is a poster that he has made of them and you can see they live near the border with gaza, they lived here in southern israel. munder and ruth lived near the border with gaza. keren and 0had were visiting for the weekend. munder�*s other son, who lived nearby, was killed. 0n the morning of october seven when hamas launched the attacks. eyal is among the relatives who are anxiously awaiting news. and particularly to see if they will be involved in the release over the next few days and this is what he had to say yesterday.— is what he had to say esterda. g . ., is what he had to say esterda. y . ., , yesterday. my uncle abraham is 78 ears yesterday. my uncle abraham is 78 years old _ yesterday. my uncle abraham is 78 years old and _ yesterday. my uncle abraham is 78 years old and his _ yesterday. my uncle abraham is 78 years old and his wife - yesterday. my uncle abraham is 78 years old and his wife is - yesterday. my uncle abraham is 78 years old and his wife is 78 l 78 years old and his wife is 78 and they both live in a kibbutz three miles from the border. they lived there for 60 years. their daughter and her son live in the centre of the country but came to visit grandma and grandpa that weekend. they have another son who lived near, just a couple of blocks away but he was murdered on that morning, saturday morning. all of them were taken by hamas so it is actually four family members, three generations. including their only grandchild.- including their only urandchild. �* ., , ., including their only urandchild. �* ., ., including their only urandchild. ., ., ., grandchild. and for you and for so many families _ grandchild. and for you and for so many families this - grandchild. and for you and for so many families this is - grandchild. and for you and for so many families this is been l so many families this is been an unimaginable wait for news. it looked like some hostages might be released today but that has been delayed. does that has been delayed. does that make you feel nervous or anxious that the deal is close to being done but still has not happened just yet? we to being done but still has not happened just yet?— to being done but still has not happened just yet? happened 'ust yet? we have been reared happened just yet? we have been prepared that _ happened just yet? we have been prepared that hamas _ happened just yet? we have been prepared that hamas will- happened just yet? we have been prepared that hamas will do - prepared that hamas will do exactly what you are describing. playing with our feelings, making psychological games. so we are trying not to be excited too much although we wish they will be here to hug and kiss but we learn from experience and hamas has a reputation of playing with the feelings of families so i hold myself back to not get too excited although inside i really wish they will released today. really wish they will released toda . ~ , ., really wish they will released toda . ~ , . ., today. when you expect to find out if any _ today. when you expect to find out if any of — today. when you expect to find out if any of your _ today. when you expect to find out if any of your family - out if any of your family members will be included in the release? ~ ., members will be included in the release? ~ . ., release? what we were told about the — release? what we were told about the structure - release? what we were told about the structure of - release? what we were told about the structure of the l release? what we were told i about the structure of the deal would be multiple strokes and each day we will get a list, the idf will get a list of hostages who will be released in the following day. and then we will only know a few hours before but, hopefully, our loved ones are included in the list. so this uncertainty is something that drives you crazy. have you been told anymore about what will happen if they are released? what the process is and when you will get to see them and hug them and do all those things that i am sure you have been desperate to do? we heard that there is a structured plan for treating them from the minute they cross them from the minute they cross the border until they are back home to their normal life. it should not be too quickly. it should not be too quickly. it should be gradual and accompanied by psychologists and experts and we will follow their instructions because we have no experience with such a situation. for example, how do you tell them and when that my brother was murdered on saturday? when do they get that news? we have no idea but we will follow the instructions of the experts. it will follow the instructions of the experts-_ the experts. it gives you a small insight, _ the experts. it gives you a small insight, i— the experts. it gives you a small insight, i think, - the experts. it gives you a small insight, i think, into what so many families have been going through for the last seven weeks or so. we believe around 240 hostages the israeli authorities say who are being held inside gaza behind me and this first hostage release, a deal that has been delicate and difficult to negotiate which we have been told had been close several times over the last few weeks finally seems to be about to take effect in the next few minutes. three minutes or so away now from that ceasefire starting in gaza but we have been hearing constantly still the sound of small arms fire, of airstrikes in the last hour or so, and of mortarfire. we will talk more about what the deal involves because the release of hostages, the release of hostages, the release of hostages, the release of palestinian prisoners in israel as well and extra humanitarian aid is expected to go into gaza from rafah. you can see live pictures here this morning of rafah, the humanitarian element is a huge part of this because, of course, more than 2 million people live in gaza and many of them are displaced from their home. the hope is that more aid will pass through the rafah crossing today and the ceasefire, of course, the key thing we are at the moment, bringing you here live on bbc news but as i say we have heard the continuing sound and you will hear the continuing sound as well as we talk this morning of mortarfire, of as well as we talk this morning of mortar fire, of airstrikes that we expect to stop in the next few minutes. we can talk to my colleague from bbc arabic and thank you forjoining us. we will continue to listen to the sounds as we talk this morning butjust walk us through what is expect did in the next few minutes with the humanitarian effort and the ceasefire, that is the first part of this before we get to the hostage release later. in two minutes, as you said, we should be expecting this ceasefire to start. you are witnessing a historical moment where you are in the middle east after this vicious war, unprecedented war that left 15,000 people killed in gaza and 7000 missing and also on the israeli side on october seven more than 1300 people were killed and 80 soldiers and officers in the military operation in gaza were killed. we witnessed hospitals get out of work, schools turn into refugee camps and we witnessed even overnight, as you said, we saw, like, refugee camps exposed to shelling and so on so you are witnessing what is happening where you are. thank you. we are coming around to seven o'clock exactly here in southern israel, looking across at gaza, you see those alive pictures of the skyline of gaza, as seen from here in southern israel. you are live with bbc news. it is exactly seven o'clock here in israel. we are looking across to gaza and you see those live pictures and you see those live pictures and that ceasefire should now have taken effect, even in the last minute also as i've been talking to you could hear the sound of mortar fire, talking to you could hear the sound of mortarfire, we could hear the sound of arms, and in fact i hearthe sound ofarms, and in fact i can hear the sound of arms, and in fact i can still, there was a definite explosionjust fact i can still, there was a definite explosion just there. explosion. i'll be quite remember because what i want you to be able to do right now is just see and hear exactly what is happening, those live pictures of the gaza skyline. let's listen and hear if that goes quiet as we expect. there are still i think the faint sound of a drone in the sky, exactly seven o'clock here in southern israel, you are live with us here on bbc news, live with us here on bbc news, live pictures as well of rafah. we expect extra humanitarian aid to pass through the rafah crossing as part of this hostage deal which should now have come into effect, beginning with this ceasefire. there are four pillars but we expect to see over the next four days, this deal which has been negotiated between israel and hamas, which has been brokered

Related Keywords

Debris Ceasefire , Situation , Fighting , Horizon , Smoke , 20 , Things , Part , Reporters , Hostage Exchange Agreement , 0ver Fighting Up , 0 , 30 , Correspondent , Allies , Palestinians , Israelis , Coverage , Report , Half , Foster , Southern Israel , Children , Pictures , People , Civilians , Course , Anna Foster , Hostage , Attacks , Grandparents , Monitoring , Disabilities , Warning , 0rla Guerin , October 7 , 240 , 7 , Campaigners , Singing , Friends , Tel Aviv , Hostages , Temporary Gaza , Families , Hope , Caution , Home Tomorrow , 13 , 50 , List , Sisters Dafna , Mother , Maayan , Ella , Home , Cousin Carmel , Gil Dikman , Return , Joy , Loves , Sister In Law , Yarden , 39 , Fact , Mothers , Back , Is Rafah , South , Air Strikes , Loss , Wrenching , Death , Neighbourhood , One , Boy , Of Us , Building , Yes , Hamas , Hands , Target , Floor , Head , Truce , Wherever , Fingers , Hiding , Trigger , Pause , Assault , Four , Bbc News , Hold , Aid , Government , David Cameron , Benjamin Netanyahu , Foreign Secretary , Food , Medicine , Water , Uk , Territory , Met , James Landale , 0ur , War , Eri , Terrorists , Hand , House , Grenades , Chance , Front , Rubble , Toll , Reminder , Homes , Parents , Artillery , Fire , Stench , Set , Horrors , Soot , World , Leaders , Messages , Restraint , Words , War Aims Namely , Hostage Deal , Military Operation , Politicians , Jerusalem , Hostage Release , Negotiations , Tal Heinrich , Ms , 24 , 48 , Point , Batch , Guarantees , Pressure , Terrorist Organisation , Reason , Scenes , Public , Fate , Dying , Mind , Torture , Goal , Nation , Wall , Nobody , Spain , Loved Ones , Release , Sons And Daughters , Scenario , Outline , Outset , Place , Mechanism , Ten , Family Members , Communication , Black , Way , Answers , October Seven Massacre , Seven , Operation , Goals , Resolve , Two , Deal , Decision , Country , Opinions , Yoav Gallant , Times Of Israel , Reporting , Consensus , Life , Someone , Well , Dismantlement , Terrorist Regime , Terrorist Enclave , October Massacre For A Second , 0k , 0k , Organisations , Call , Look , Unicef , Save The Children , Terrorist , Communities , Question , Pure Evil , Kind , Sense , Rockets , Cost , Lives , Tragedy , Israel Doesn T , 10000 , Crosstalk , Us , Nothing , 0ur Fighters , Fighters , Crossfire , 0urfighters , Child , Conflict , Fuel , Trucks , Gaza Strip , Restrictions , Supplies , Running Water , Provisions , Entrance , Rafah Border Crossing , Died Children Have , United Nations , Ministerjust , Effort , Prime Minister , Conversation , Bodies , Behalf , Spanish , Tents , Idf , Eradicated Hamas , Zones , Fiur , Tens Of Thousands , Mortarfire , Arms , Sounds , Drones , Broadcast , 15 , Mustafa Barghouti , Ground , Perspective , Co Founder , Iwant , Palestinian National Initiative , Possibility , Women , News , Prisoners , Jails , Purpose , 150 , Beginning , Lot , Exchange , Taboo , Some , Taboos , Injail , Particular , Atrocities , Just Tojump , Number , Israeli Bombardment , 15000 , 6150 , Thousands , Anything , War Ends , 9000 , 32 , Military Perspective , Party , Agreement , Negotiating , Uprooting Hamas , Talk , Exchange Of Prisoners , Occupation , Negotiation , Palestinian Prisoners , Door , Injustice , Broker , Siding , Potential , Countries , Ceasefire , Forum , Qatar , Process , Thing , Egypt , Peace Process , Results , Ends , 56 , Ethnic Cleansing , Playing , Ethnic , Centre , Areas , Embodiment , 100 , 27 , Solution , Temporary International Presence , Problem , Roblem , Nations , Part Ofthat Problem , Fourth , Who , Leadership , Estate , Future , West Bank , Gaza Cannot , Presence , Forces , Images , Stop , Views , Anna Foster In Southern Israel , Sky , Drains , Flares , Israeli Army , Anna Foster Is Standing , Sound , Airstrikes , Saying , Small Arms Fire , Gaza Skyline , Buildings , Many , Ground Operation , Targeting , Listen , Area , Damage , Effect , Second , Morning Localtime , 651 , Plumes , Order , 200 , Rafah , Crossing , Noises , Bo0ming , Uncle Abraham , Oman , Ruth , Hostage Family Movement , Iwas , Hub , Fourfamily Movement , 78 , Daughter , Poster , Group , Nine , Grandson 0had , The 7th Of 0ctober , Keren , Border , Munder S Other , Weekend , Munder , Relatives , Eyal , Wife , Kibbutz , Esterda , Three , 60 , Grandma , Grandpa , Son , Blocks , Grandchild , Generations , Urandchild , Wait , Feelings , Dust , Experience , Games , Kiss , Reputation , Family Out , Toda , Structure , Members , Strokes , Something , Uncertainty , Psychologists , Plan , Experts , Instructions , Example , Brother , Insight , Idea , Inside Gaza , Difficult , Authorities , Times , Hearing , The Sound Of Small Arms Fire , Element , Morning Of Rafah , 2 Million , Rafah Crossing Today , Colleague , Bbc Arabic , Morning Butjust , Middle East , Side , 7000 , Officers , 80 , 1300 , Refugee Camps , Hospitals , Schools , Work , We Saw , Shelling , Skyline , Explosion , Explosionjust , Sound Ofarms , Happening , Drone , Pillars ,

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