Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240702 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240702

we are coming to you live from southern israel, where the israeli army is conducting an operation inside gaza's largest hospital, al shifa. the idf describes its actions at al—shifa as "precise and targeted", and demanded the surrender of what it calls hamas militants. we are hearing from a journalist inside the hospital, he says the israeli army is in complete control of the al shifa complex. more than 100 soldiers are said to be inside, and we understand that around 2000 people, patients, civilians and doctors, are inside the al shifa complex. israel says the hospital conceals an underground command centre used by hamas — which is designated as a terrorist organisation by the united kingdom and the united states. the white house says it has intelligence that hamas are operating from tunnels below hospitals, including al shifa, and that they're also storing weapons there. it's the first time the us has backed up israel's claims to this extent. the white house also said "hospitals and patients must be protected". and thus few minutes, we have an update from the israel defense forces. �* . , update from the israel defense forces. ., . forces. based on intelligence information, _ forces. based on intelligence information, and _ forces. based on intelligence information, and operational| information, and operational necessity, idf forces are carrying out a precise and targeted operation against hamas in a specified area, in the al—shifa hospital. the idf is conducting a ground operation in gaza to defeat hamas and rescue our hostages. israel is at war with hamas, not with the civilians in gaza. the idf forces include medical teams and arabic speakers, who have undergone specify training to prepare for this complex and sensitive environment, with the intent that no harm is caused to the civilians are being used by hamas as human shields.— human shields. under international human shields. under international human terry _ human shields. under international human terry and _ human shields. under international human terry and all, _ human shields. under international human terry and all, hospitals - human shields. under international human terry and all, hospitals are | human terry and all, hospitals are protected. but if one side is using the hospital as a military facility, to launch attacks on the other side, thatis to launch attacks on the other side, that is also a violation of international law, and breaks the geneva convention. let's dissect this all a little bit more. joining me now is sir geoffrey bindman kc — he has co—signed an open letter from uk lawyers urging the government to press for a humanitarian ceasefire. thank you for being with us. can i clarify, in your opinion, are you saying that both sides in this conflict are committing war crimes? that certainly appears to be the case, yes. we have the evidence from what we see on television. {flare case, yes. we have the evidence from what we see on television.— what we see on television. give us a sense of how _ what we see on television. give us a sense of how both _ what we see on television. give us a sense of how both sides _ what we see on television. give us a sense of how both sides are - sense of how both sides are committing war crimes. a summary from the israeli side on what hamas is doing. from the israeli side on what hamas is doinu. , ., _ from the israeli side on what hamas isdoina. , ., _ ., ., is doing. obviously, what hamas did oriainall is doing. obviously, what hamas did originally on — is doing. obviously, what hamas did originally on the _ is doing. obviously, what hamas did originally on the 7th _ is doing. obviously, what hamas did originally on the 7th of _ is doing. obviously, what hamas did originally on the 7th of october - is doing. obviously, what hamas did originally on the 7th of october was | originally on the 7th of october was an outrageous violation of international law and human rights. murdering a large number of israeli civilians. what israel has done, claiming to do so in self—defence, is launch a series of bombing attacks on gaza, and has also cut off electricity, water, fuel supplies. it is in pursuance of a siege that has gone on for some time. those two are undoubtedly war crimes and crimes against humanity. your letter that you are one of the signatories of his calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. the british government has resisted the call so far, arguing that could allow hamas to regroup. with what we are seeing on the ground, what do you think it would take for the british government to change position on this?— british government to change position on this? well, we already have the evidence _ position on this? well, we already have the evidence of _ position on this? well, we already have the evidence of our - position on this? well, we already have the evidence of our own - position on this? well, we alreadyl have the evidence of our own eyes, that thousands of people, civilians in gaza, have lost their lives, including about half of them which are children. but as a result of the bombing by israeli forces. now, that cannot meet the criteria of lawful warfare in international law. that requires proportionality and the protection and safeguard of civilians. that is to put it in its simplest terms. after the conflict is over, are we likely to see any of the parties before an international tribunal? could benjamin netanyahu be tried? of course, the international criminal court is already investigating. there is likely to be proceedings brought when they have completed their investigations. all of it is subject to the full investigation. but we have so much of the evidence already, as i say, on our television screens. we see it. we see civilian victims of the attacks that are now being carried out by israeli soldiers.— out by israeli soldiers. thank you very much _ out by israeli soldiers. thank you very much indeed, _ out by israeli soldiers. thank you very much indeed, that - out by israeli soldiers. thank you very much indeed, that letter, i very much indeed, that letter, urging britain to condemn both the attack by hamas on the 7th of october, but also, in the words of the letter, israel's disproportionate response. urging britain also to halt weapons exports, weapons that could be feeling the conflict. let's get a sense of the humanitarian situation on the ground. joining me now is melanie ward — ceo of medical aid for palestinians. tell us what you understand this happening at the moment inside al—shifa hospital. we happening at the moment inside al-shifa hospital.— al-shifa hospital. we are really worried about _ al-shifa hospital. we are really worried about what _ al-shifa hospital. we are really worried about what is _ al-shifa hospital. we are really worried about what is taking . al-shifa hospital. we are really i worried about what is taking place right now inside al—shifa hospital. the truth is we do not know what is happening because we haven't been able to reach any of the medics there since last night. before this operation took place inside the hospital, we were very worried out the lives of the people that were there already, because they haven't had access to food, water, fuel and because different parts of the hospital had been bombed in recent days, including the maternity unit and intensive care unit. of course, we were really worried, and remain really worried, for the lives of the 36 premature babies who think about had failed because of a lack of fuel reaching hospital. ithink had failed because of a lack of fuel reaching hospital. i think what is really important in all this is that we stick to the facts about what we know. we know that there are around 600 patients that remain in the hospital, we know that if there are around 500 health care workers, doctors, nurses and other medical staff, and we know that there are something like 1500 displaced people who have been sheltering on the grounds of the hospital. they are civilians, they retain their protected status as of civilians and they need to be kept safe and protected during what will be a terrifying ordeal for them. protected during what will be a terrifying ordealfor them. you terrifying ordeal for them. you measure the — terrifying ordeal for them. you measure the incubators, the israeli defence forces posted a photograph of a soldier with incubators, baby food and medical aid, which they say they are bringing into al—shifa hospital. can ijust ask they are bringing into al—shifa hospital. can i just ask you they are bringing into al—shifa hospital. can ijust ask you about theissue hospital. can ijust ask you about the issue of fuel? there has been a report that the israelis are going to provide 2a,ooo litres of fuel to the un in gaza to facilitate the un distributing aid, because they say they are without fuel. have you heard confirmation of that, and are you getting a sense that aid can be distributed from where it comes over from the rafah crossing from egypt? we hear those reports as well, confirmation. the situation i know for sure is that aid operations run by the un have ceased, and our own staff do not have fuel either, and we are respecting a big shipment of medical items to arrive to gaza in the next couple of days. we able to distribute those without fuel. what we need is not a one—off small delivery of fuel, but a constant supply of fuel so that humanitarian operations can function. we are in a situation where, even if small, tiny numbers of trucks of food, water and medical supplies are coming into gaza, we don't have the fuel for lorries to go and meet them and then to be able to do is to be the items anyway. nothing can happen without fuel. on the point you started with, about the point you started with, about the israeli army saying it was delivering incubators, they already have incubators in al—shifa hospital. my organisation supplied them and has worked over many years to make sure that the quality of care in the neonatal unit in al—shifa hospital was good enough that babies could survive a very difficult birth into this world. the problem was not lack of regulators, it was like of fuel. fuel is at the root of the inability to run proper humanitarian operations at this time. but notjust a lack of fuel, it is also the nature of the ongoing and indiscriminate bombing campaign that israel has been conducting across the whole of gaza, the north of gaza, yes, but also the south. that continues. we can't do humanitarian operations without fuel, and under constant bombardment. i would say as well that we are particularly concerned about the roughly 200,000 civilians who remain in the north of gaza. no food, no water, no fuel has been able to reach them, in more than the last week. they include too much of my own staff, one of whom we have lost all contact with, and frankly we don't know if he is still alive. the situation for civilians is absolutely terrifying, and we urgently need international action to change it. you urgently need international action to change it— to change it. you about the situation — to change it. you about the situation in _ to change it. you about the situation in the _ to change it. you about the situation in the north, - to change it. you about the situation in the north, what to change it. you about the - situation in the north, what about in the south, which has seen this flood of evacuees from the north, and where pressure on the few hospitals that remain there must be overwhelming now?— overwhelming now? absolutely overwhelming. _ overwhelming now? absolutely overwhelming. they _ overwhelming now? absolutely overwhelming. they don't - overwhelming now? absolutely overwhelming. they don't have overwhelming now? absolutely - overwhelming. they don't have the supplies needed, they don't have fuel to run generators and hospitals. you can't run a hospital properly if you can't run oxygen supplies to desperately ill people. if you can't run ventilation equipment, if you can't keep incubators on, if you don't have lights to do surgery. we have seen the horrifying reports of women undergoing cesarean sections without anaesthetic in hospitals in gaza. almost two thirds of hospitals in gaza have now collapsed, the health care system is completely unable to cope with people reaching hospitals. that doesn't include all of the civilian suffering dreadfully, both north and south of gaza, with dehydration. people are starting to star in the north of gaza, according to reports we hear from doctors there, because food has been unable to reach them. also, we can think about infectious diseases. we started to see early signs of disease outbreaks, conditions like cholera. we fear typhoid. these are diseases that are going to start to take root in the coming days, they will kill thousands of people. a ceasefire is desperately needed because it is the only way we can properly distribute aid that get in. but we need far more aid. the total amount of aid that has reached gaza in the last month is about what we would usually need in about two normal days in gaza. we need a massive step change, both in the outer aid reaching gaza and in our ability to distribute it if we are going to be able to save lives, and that doesn't require a ceasefire. melanie ward, from medical aid for palestinian, with the perspective of what is happening on the ground. i'm joined from jeruslaem, by our correspodent, yolande knell. speak much we have been hearing from a journalist inside al—shifa hospital, feeding snippets of information about the israeli raid. we have had the israeli military confirming that the operation is ongoing. it says it is precise and targeted. we know that these forces entered in the dead of night, we heard from eyewitnesses at the scene at this point, that six tanks into the hospital. they say more than 100 commandos, some of them shouting in arabic, don't move, and what we have seen systematically since then is israeli forces taking control of the compound. we are hearing about them going floor to floor, room to room, questioning doctors, questioning patients. the happy shots fired in the air at one point, as people were told to come outside, particularly displaced people. there are a couple of thousand of them that have been sheltering in the hospital. they have been undergoing security tx. the israeli military says it has uncovered weapons in the course of the searching, but we know that it has been down to the basement, according to staff there. it says they have not found any hostages. of course, the claim that has come consistently from the israelis is that this hospital, some of its buildings and an underground tunnel system, which it says is underneath a hospital, that is used by hamas is a hospital, that is used by hamas is a kind of command and control centre. that is something the us says it has seen evidence to corroborate, but hamas and medics who work there has strongly denied that it who work there has strongly denied thatitis who work there has strongly denied that it is the case. you who work there has strongly denied that it is the case.— that it is the case. you talk about the american _ that it is the case. you talk about the american cooperation - that it is the case. you talk about the american cooperation there, | the american cooperation there, saying that they have uncovered, all they suspect there is a hamas control and command node, in their words, and areas to hold hostages, but they also issued caution, president biden tried to caution israel's actions inside the hospital overnight. how do you assess the pressure from the us on israel as israeli troops go in? it pressure from the us on israel as israeli troops go in?— israeli troops go in? it definitely looks like israel— israeli troops go in? it definitely looks like israel is _ israeli troops go in? it definitely looks like israel is coordinating. looks like israel is coordinating things very closely with the white house, that there is intelligence sharing that has gone on at this very, very delicate stage in operations. at the same time as the white house was saying it had corroborated those claims about hamas using the facility for the first time, it also said that hospitals and patients must be protected. we had similar comments from the us president, joe biden, earlier in the day. warnings, really, for the israelis to take care as they enter. what israel has been saying consistently is that if this hospital is used by hamas as a military centre, it says that jeopardises its protected status under international law. what we have been hearing from a lot of international human rights experts is that really that status is not something that is easily lifted. yolande knell, live from jerusalem, thank you very much indeed. israeli forces continue operations inside al—shifa hospital, with a journalist telling the bbc that israel's military is now in complete control, that they are questioning everybody and that they are forcing all men between the ages of 16 and 42 surrender and come out of the hospital buildings. a reminder that not only are their patients and doctors, but also civilians around that hospital, and also many dead bodies, with a doctor telling us yesterday that there is a mass grave that has been dug. 180 bodies outside al—shifa hospital. we will continue to bring you all of the updates from al shifa and around the world. let's look at some other stories making news. the nhs in england has promised to eliminate cervical cancer by 2040 — thanks to improved rates of vaccination and screening. currently, around 2600 women a year are diagnosed with the cancer — which is one of the most common types of cancer among women under the age of forty—four. sir keir starmer will attempt to put labour's position on the israel—gaza war to a vote on wednesday, in a bid to maintain party unity. so far, dozens of labour mps have defied their leader — and called for a ceasefire. a total of 19 members of the front bench have also publicly diverged from their party's official position. the chelsea women's team boss emma hayes has been named the new manager of the usa women's national team. she'll begin her new role after the women's super league season ends in may. hayes, who started her managerial carrer in the united states, has won thirteen major trophies since joining the w—s—l in 2012. here in the uk, after a chaotic few days for prime minister rishi sunak his day has started with some good news. uk inflation fell to 4.6% in october, national statistics, which is down from 6.7% in september. uk inflation — that's the rate at which prices are rising — peaked at 10.7% in november last year, so today's figure of 4.6% means mr sunak has met one of the five priorities he laid out — halving inflation. reacting to the news, he said getting inflation down has involved hard decisions and fiscal discipline. although he welcomed the news, he also said we must stay the course, to continue to get inflation all the way back down to 2%. the new figure does not mean that prices are going down — they're just not rising as fast as they were previously. live now to henry zeffman who is our chief political correspondent. a lot of people pointing out how keen the government is to take credit for this, even though you could argue it is down to bank of england actions?— could argue it is down to bank of england actions? that is a debate that will play _ england actions? that is a debate that will play out _ england actions? that is a debate that will play out over _ england actions? that is a debate that will play out over the - england actions? that is a debate that will play out over the coming j that will play out over the coming days. it is true that rishi sunak was getting a lot of political he for his handling of inflation when it looked like the pledge was not going to be met, so you can see why downing street are keen to take credit now that it has. it was one of five priorities that rishi sunak outlined at the start of the year. the others are looking pretty dicey. we will hear about stopping the boats later today. debt is not going wonderfully. nhs waiting lists have gone up, rather than come down. so, a downing street that is searching, i think, very actively for something they can find to persuade the public to give the conservatives another luck when they are so far behind the labour party and the holes. i think it's inevitable they will latch onto this pledge and put their actions on the economy that the heart of the political argument. the economy that the heart of the politicalargument. i the economy that the heart of the political argument.— political argument. i suppose it is one thing hearing _ political argument. i suppose it is one thing hearing the _ political argument. i suppose it is one thing hearing the figures, - political argument. i suppose it is one thing hearing the figures, it's another thing for people to actually feel a difference in the money that they have to spend in terms of their bills, and that sort of thing. so in orderfor this to have bills, and that sort of thing. so in order for this to have a positive influence on the general public, they have to see a difference for themselves, don't they? course. it's worth remembering _ themselves, don't they? course. it's worth remembering what _ themselves, don't they? course. it's worth remembering what inflation i themselves, don't they? course. it's| worth remembering what inflation is. inflation coming down does not mean the prices are coming down. it means the prices are coming down. it means the rate at which prices are rising is slowing down. that is obvious lee are very different thing. while the government is very keen to point out that they have made this pledge and that they have made this pledge and that it has been hit a month early today, there is also a striking note of caution from some government ministers who have been out speaking, including jeremy hunt, the chancellor, but also other ministers that have been saying that basically the government could not scare the horses. inflation will not necessarily come down in a straight line. it's partly a recognition that times are very tough members of the public. it's also a little a message to conservative mps. jeremy hunt is unveiling his autumn statement next week, effectively a mini budget, and it is the case that some conservative mps were eager for him to announce tax cuts in that package. you will probably hear those calls get louder over the coming week on the basis that, they will say, inflation has come down and the government may have more room to do something like that. you mentioned rishi sunak's pledge to mentioned rishi sunak�*s pledge to stop the boats, a big day for him today because we have got the uk supreme court ruling in the next hour on whether the government's flight plan to send some asylum seekers to rwanda is lawful or not. we will hear about that shortly. the issue, whatever the outcome, it's how he can deal with the party, and its reaction to whatever the outcome is? ., . ., , its reaction to whatever the outcome is? ., ., _ , is? the outcome is obviously hugely siunificant. is? the outcome is obviously hugely significant. it's _ is? the outcome is obviously hugely significant. it's probably _ is? the outcome is obviously hugely significant. it's probably the - is? the outcome is obviously hugely significant. it's probably the most i significant. it's probably the most significant. it's probably the most significant thing that will happen to the garment this week. a lot of significant things have happened in westminster this week. this has been the flagship immigration policy of the flagship immigration policy of the government, right back to when borisjohnson was prime minister. you are right, the political reaction, whatever way the ruling goes, will be really interesting. suppose it is an adverse ruling for the government, rishi sunak sacked his home secretary, suella braverman, on monday, this will be the first test at what his instincts are in her absence. should the supreme court rule against the government, rishi sunak and his new home secretary, james cleverly, will have to reassure conservative mps that they have a plan to deal with small boats crossing the english channel that is in accordance with the supreme court's judgment. if the ruling goes in favour of the supreme court, sorry, of the government, that will be the second big psychological boost to the covenant has received today.— has received today. thank you very much. live now to naiobi and ann soy. white a big decision about rwanda today. what are you expected to hear? i'm not asking for a prediction, but talk us through what we are expecting. prediction, but talk us through what we are exuecting-— prediction, but talk us through what we are expecting. well, whatever the outcome of the _ we are expecting. well, whatever the outcome of the court, _ we are expecting. well, whatever the outcome of the court, that _ we are expecting. well, whatever the outcome of the court, that will - we are expecting. well, whatever the outcome of the court, that will be - outcome of the court, that will be followed very keenly in rwanda, a country that has said previously that it country that has said previously thatitis country that has said previously that it is ready to receive the asylum seekers. that has been a bit of discomfort in the country, with regards to how this scenario is playing out, and how it is being phrased. the govan spokesperson has in the past told is that sending asylum seekers to rwanda is not a punishment, and they are very keen to be seen to be providing a solution. —— a government spokesperson. there are critics, we don't expect many critics inside the country, however one of the former presidential candidate who was detained for many years has penned her criticism of this deal in the title ago cambridgejournal of law, politics and art today, saying that rwanda is not the right place for asylum seekers to be sent. thank you very much- — we are keeping right across that and we already have a feed to the supreme court, and we will be able to bring images from inside the court. we are expecting it in about half an hour, may be a bit longer, but we will have all of the reaction from rwanda as well. we can also show you some live pictures now of what is going on in gaza. we have been hearing on the agency why is that a local border official has been telling the bbc, we talked about the 25,000 litres of fuel that were possibly going and have entered gaza through the rafah crossing. it is fuel that was meant to be going to vehicles. plenty more to come. stay with us. hello. the generally unsettled weather is set to continue, but with some windows of drier weather, one of which is today for many parts of england and wales. not all because further north, along with northern ireland, scotland, we've got some showers or longer spells of rain. that's here on the satellite picture. there's our window of dry weather further south, but already looming large — the next area of cloud and our next area of low pressure, which is going to bring more rain in following this little ridge of high pressure later tonight and for tomorrow. and this time, more so in the south. but for today, it's showers and longer spells of rain across parts of scotland, hill fog and snow here. for the far north of scotland — bright, a bit chilly. the showers currently across parts of northern ireland easing northwards but affecting southwest scotland and northern england, whilst any showers further south should become fewer and further between. it's a windy day, or it's certainly blustery out there, but the winds will ease down later ahead of this next approaching area of low pressure, which looks to bring more rain through the night across the southern half of england and the southern half of wales. further north, the cloud tends to fade a little bit, allowing some patchy fog and some patchy frost. so a little bit colder to start tomorrow morning in the north. in fact, a chillier day on the whole because it starts chilly in the north. the fog takes a while to clear. and we've got the rain and the strong winds, gales through the channel, potentially pushing that rain eastwards, more showers or longer spells of rain following as well. so more unsettled day for england and wales and northern ireland, perhaps a little bit drier, rather chilly across scotland. and then we have another window of drier weather moving back in this next ridge of high pressure, pushing these weather fronts away, but already looming large — the weekend's low pressure system. so we are concerned because there are still a dozen or so flood warnings in force. the ground saturated, more rain through the day on thursday in the south and then for the weekend. but friday, yes, chilly to start, some fog around as well. then it's mostly dry until late on. but for the weekend, we've got our next significant low pressure coming in. some windier weather, some wetter weather for most parts. we could see another 20 millimetres of rain, if not more on saturated ground because it's moisture laden, mild atlantic air coming in. so the concerns continue for further flooding. the river levels, of course, high, the ground saturated and as ever, you'll be able to find the latest warnings on the website. this is bbc news, the headlines. the israeli army conducts a raid on part of gaza's largest hospital — al shifa. hamas is accused of using the site to conceal a command centre. the uk supreme court will soon rule on whether the government's flagship plan to send asylum seekers to rwanda is lawful. and the puteketeke bird wins new zealand's bird of the year poll with record votes — after a campaign by us—based comedian, john oliver. world leaders are arriving in san francisco for the ongoing summit of the asia pacific economic co—operation, orapec. but all eyes will be on the us presidentjoe biden and his chinese counterpart, xijinping. they are set to meet for talks on the sidelines. the leaders of the world's two biggest economies have a lot to discuss — not least their ongoing disputes over trade, technology, taiwan and the drug fentanyl. the bbc�*s james clayton is in san francisco and sent us the latest. well, apec has started here and it's really a huge moment

Related Keywords

Al Shifa Hospital , Hamas , Operation Inside Gaza , Part , Israeli Army , Raid , Command Centre , Site , Military , People , Soldiers , Southern Israel , Operations , Questioning , Eyewitness , Bbc , Lucy Grey In London , Inflation , Figure , Uk , Headlines , Milestone Moment , Rishi Sunak , 4 6 , British Government , Rwanda , Asylum Seekers , Uk Supreme Court , Flagship Plan , Hospital , Actions , Idf , Journalist , Surrender , Militants , Patients , Civilians , Control , Al Shifa Complex , 100 , 2000 , Doctors , White House , Terrorist Organisation , Hamas Which , Underground Command Centre , United States , Hospitals , Weapons , Time , Tunnels , Update , Claims , Extent , Defence Forces , Information , Operation , Area , Necessity , Hostages , Ground Operation , War , Human Shields , Intent , Teams , Harm , Speakers , Environment , Training , Attacks , Side , Human Terry , Military Facility , Hospitals Human Shields , One , Letter , Violation , International Law , Geoffrey Bindman , Lawyers , Thatis To , Geneva Convention , Sides , Ceasefire , Conflict , War Crimes , Opinion , Sense , Evidence , Television , Case , Yes , Flare Case , 7th , Summary , Doing , Doinu , Oriainall Is Doing , Hamas Isdoina , 7th Of October , 7 , Human Rights , Number , Bombing , Self Defence , Series , Water , Siege , Two , Fuel Supplies , Electricity , Pursuance , Call , Calling , Signatories , Crimes Against Humanity , Ground , Position , Hamas To Regroup , Lives , Eyes , Thousands , Forces , Half , Criteria , Children , Result , Law , Warfare , Safeguard , Protection , Proportionality , Terms , Course , Many , Parties , International Criminal Court , Tribunal , Benjamin Netanyahu , Wall , Proceedings , Subject , Investigations , Investigation , Television Screens , Victims , Words , Attack , October , Israeli Soldiers , Situation , Response , Weapons Exports , Urging Britain , Ceo , Medical Aid For Palestinians , Melanie Ward , Place , Medics , Al Shifa , Truth , Haven T , Fuel , Food , Parts , Intensive Care Unit , Maternity Unit , Access , Babies , Black , Ithink , Facts , 36 , Something , Staff , Grounds , Nurses , Health Care Workers , 1500 , 600 , 500 , Incubators , Status , Ordeal , Terrifying Ordealfor , Aid , Issue , Theissue Hospital , Soldier , Baby Food , Photograph , Confirmation , Israelis , Report , In Gaza , Ooo Litres Of Fuel , Un Distributing Aid , Fun , 2a , 2 , Aid Operations , Crossing , Rafah , Egypt , Items , Shipment , We Don T , Where , Delivery , Supply , Supplies , Numbers , Lorries , Trucks , Point , Nothing , Army , Care , World , Unit , Organisation , Quality , Birth , Problem , Regulators , North , South , Root , Whole , Campaign , Nature , Inability , Notjust , Bombardment , 200000 , Contact , Pressure , Action , It , Flood , Evacuees , Oxygen , Generators , Women , Reports , Surgery , Anaesthetic , Sections , Flights , Ventilation Equipment , Doesn T , Health Care System , Dehydration , Suffering , Diseases , Star , Signs , Conditions , Disease Outbreaks , Way , Cholera , Typhoid , Amount , Ability , Step Change , Palestinian , Perspective , Hearing , Yolande Knell , Feeding Snippets , Jeruslaem , Our Correspodent , Eyewitnesses , Scene , Tanks , Six , Room , Floor , Some , Commandos , Compound , Arabic , Don T Move , Questioning Doctors , Questioning Patients , Hair , Couple , Shots , Basement , Searching , Israeli Military , Security Tx , Underground Tunnel System , Kind , Buildings , Command And Control Centre , Cooperation , Thatitis , The American , Caution , Joe Biden , Command , Areas , Node , Things , Troops , It Pressure , On Israel , Coordinating , Looks , Sharing , Stage , Intelligence , Facility , Warnings , President , Comments , Lot , Human Rights Experts , Military Centre , Jerusalem , Hospital Buildings , Wages , Men , Reminder , Everybody , 42 , 16 , Bodies , Doctor , Mass Grave , 180 , Updates , Around The World , Cancer , News , Northern England , Rates , Screening , Stories , Vaccination , Types , Age , Nhs , 2040 , 2600 , Forty Four , Members , Labour Mps , Keir Starmer , Leader , Vote , Dozens , Total , Bid , Bench , Party Unity , Gaza War , Labour , 19 , Emma Hayes , Party , Manager , Role , Season , Trophies , Carrer , Chelsea Women S , W S L , Usa Women S National Team , Women S Super League , May , 2012 , Thirteen , Prime Minister , National Statistics , Prices , Mr , Rate , Priorities , Sunak , Has , 6 7 , Five , 10 7 , Decisions , Discipline , Henry Zeffman , Correspondent , Fast , Debate , Credit , Bank Of England , Handling , Pledge , Downing Street , Others , Boats , Public , Debt , Waiting Lists , Thing , Argument , Economy , Heart , Conservatives , Politicalargument , Labour Party , Holes , Argument Political , Luck , Figures , Difference , Sort , Bills , Influence , Order , Money , General Public , Remembering , Don T , Worth Remembering , Including Jeremy Hunt , Government Ministers , Note , Ministers , Chancellor , Speaking , Times , Recognition , Horses , Line , Mps , Tax Cuts , Autumn Statement , Message , Mini Budget , Little A , Him , Big Day , Calls , Package , Basis , Outcome , Flight Plan , Uk Supreme Court Ruling , Reaction , Significant , Most , Garment , Siunificant , Ruling , Immigration Policy , Borisjohnson , Westminster , Suella Braverman , James Cleverly , Test , Absence , Instincts , Rule , On Monday , Plan , Judgment , Accordance , Favour , English Channel , Boost , Covenant , Today Has , Ann Soy , Naiobi , Talk , Prediction , Decision , Exuecting , Bit , It Country , Country , Discomfort , Scenario , Regards , Critics , Punishment , Government Spokesperson , Govan Spokesperson , Solution , Candidate , Criticism , Title , Deal , Politics , Art Today , Feed , Images , Border Official , Agency , Litres , Pictures , 25000 , Vehicles , Stay , Rafah Crossing , Rain , Weather , Showers , Spells , Southwest Scotland , Windows , Northern Ireland , Wales , Window , Bridge , Cloud , Satellite Picture , Easing Northwards , Snow , Hill Fog , Winds , Fog , Fact , Frost , Channel , Gales , The Rain , Rain Eastwards , Pressure System , Weather Fronts , Rain Following , Weekend , Force , Chilly , Concerns , Flooding , Millimetres , Moisture Laden , Levels , Thigh , River , Mild Atlantic Air , 20 , Website , Bbc News , Puteketeke Bird , John Oliver , Votes , Poll , New Zealand , Presidentjoe Biden , Counterpart , World Leaders , Summit , San Francisco , Asia Pacific Economic Co Operation , Orapec , Xijinping , Chinese , Leaders , Sidelines , Economies , Talks , Trade , Disputes , Fentanyl , Technology , Drug , James Clayton , Taiwan , Apec , Latest ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240702 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240702

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we are coming to you live from southern israel, where the israeli army is conducting an operation inside gaza's largest hospital, al shifa. the idf describes its actions at al—shifa as "precise and targeted", and demanded the surrender of what it calls hamas militants. we are hearing from a journalist inside the hospital, he says the israeli army is in complete control of the al shifa complex. more than 100 soldiers are said to be inside, and we understand that around 2000 people, patients, civilians and doctors, are inside the al shifa complex. israel says the hospital conceals an underground command centre used by hamas — which is designated as a terrorist organisation by the united kingdom and the united states. the white house says it has intelligence that hamas are operating from tunnels below hospitals, including al shifa, and that they're also storing weapons there. it's the first time the us has backed up israel's claims to this extent. the white house also said "hospitals and patients must be protected". and thus few minutes, we have an update from the israel defense forces. �* . , update from the israel defense forces. ., . forces. based on intelligence information, _ forces. based on intelligence information, and _ forces. based on intelligence information, and operational| information, and operational necessity, idf forces are carrying out a precise and targeted operation against hamas in a specified area, in the al—shifa hospital. the idf is conducting a ground operation in gaza to defeat hamas and rescue our hostages. israel is at war with hamas, not with the civilians in gaza. the idf forces include medical teams and arabic speakers, who have undergone specify training to prepare for this complex and sensitive environment, with the intent that no harm is caused to the civilians are being used by hamas as human shields.— human shields. under international human shields. under international human terry _ human shields. under international human terry and _ human shields. under international human terry and all, _ human shields. under international human terry and all, hospitals - human shields. under international human terry and all, hospitals are | human terry and all, hospitals are protected. but if one side is using the hospital as a military facility, to launch attacks on the other side, thatis to launch attacks on the other side, that is also a violation of international law, and breaks the geneva convention. let's dissect this all a little bit more. joining me now is sir geoffrey bindman kc — he has co—signed an open letter from uk lawyers urging the government to press for a humanitarian ceasefire. thank you for being with us. can i clarify, in your opinion, are you saying that both sides in this conflict are committing war crimes? that certainly appears to be the case, yes. we have the evidence from what we see on television. {flare case, yes. we have the evidence from what we see on television.— what we see on television. give us a sense of how _ what we see on television. give us a sense of how both _ what we see on television. give us a sense of how both sides _ what we see on television. give us a sense of how both sides are - sense of how both sides are committing war crimes. a summary from the israeli side on what hamas is doing. from the israeli side on what hamas is doinu. , ., _ from the israeli side on what hamas isdoina. , ., _ ., ., is doing. obviously, what hamas did oriainall is doing. obviously, what hamas did originally on — is doing. obviously, what hamas did originally on the _ is doing. obviously, what hamas did originally on the 7th _ is doing. obviously, what hamas did originally on the 7th of _ is doing. obviously, what hamas did originally on the 7th of october - is doing. obviously, what hamas did originally on the 7th of october was | originally on the 7th of october was an outrageous violation of international law and human rights. murdering a large number of israeli civilians. what israel has done, claiming to do so in self—defence, is launch a series of bombing attacks on gaza, and has also cut off electricity, water, fuel supplies. it is in pursuance of a siege that has gone on for some time. those two are undoubtedly war crimes and crimes against humanity. your letter that you are one of the signatories of his calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. the british government has resisted the call so far, arguing that could allow hamas to regroup. with what we are seeing on the ground, what do you think it would take for the british government to change position on this?— british government to change position on this? well, we already have the evidence _ position on this? well, we already have the evidence of _ position on this? well, we already have the evidence of our - position on this? well, we already have the evidence of our own - position on this? well, we alreadyl have the evidence of our own eyes, that thousands of people, civilians in gaza, have lost their lives, including about half of them which are children. but as a result of the bombing by israeli forces. now, that cannot meet the criteria of lawful warfare in international law. that requires proportionality and the protection and safeguard of civilians. that is to put it in its simplest terms. after the conflict is over, are we likely to see any of the parties before an international tribunal? could benjamin netanyahu be tried? of course, the international criminal court is already investigating. there is likely to be proceedings brought when they have completed their investigations. all of it is subject to the full investigation. but we have so much of the evidence already, as i say, on our television screens. we see it. we see civilian victims of the attacks that are now being carried out by israeli soldiers.— out by israeli soldiers. thank you very much _ out by israeli soldiers. thank you very much indeed, _ out by israeli soldiers. thank you very much indeed, that - out by israeli soldiers. thank you very much indeed, that letter, i very much indeed, that letter, urging britain to condemn both the attack by hamas on the 7th of october, but also, in the words of the letter, israel's disproportionate response. urging britain also to halt weapons exports, weapons that could be feeling the conflict. let's get a sense of the humanitarian situation on the ground. joining me now is melanie ward — ceo of medical aid for palestinians. tell us what you understand this happening at the moment inside al—shifa hospital. we happening at the moment inside al-shifa hospital.— al-shifa hospital. we are really worried about _ al-shifa hospital. we are really worried about what _ al-shifa hospital. we are really worried about what is _ al-shifa hospital. we are really worried about what is taking . al-shifa hospital. we are really i worried about what is taking place right now inside al—shifa hospital. the truth is we do not know what is happening because we haven't been able to reach any of the medics there since last night. before this operation took place inside the hospital, we were very worried out the lives of the people that were there already, because they haven't had access to food, water, fuel and because different parts of the hospital had been bombed in recent days, including the maternity unit and intensive care unit. of course, we were really worried, and remain really worried, for the lives of the 36 premature babies who think about had failed because of a lack of fuel reaching hospital. ithink had failed because of a lack of fuel reaching hospital. i think what is really important in all this is that we stick to the facts about what we know. we know that there are around 600 patients that remain in the hospital, we know that if there are around 500 health care workers, doctors, nurses and other medical staff, and we know that there are something like 1500 displaced people who have been sheltering on the grounds of the hospital. they are civilians, they retain their protected status as of civilians and they need to be kept safe and protected during what will be a terrifying ordeal for them. protected during what will be a terrifying ordealfor them. you terrifying ordeal for them. you measure the — terrifying ordeal for them. you measure the incubators, the israeli defence forces posted a photograph of a soldier with incubators, baby food and medical aid, which they say they are bringing into al—shifa hospital. can ijust ask they are bringing into al—shifa hospital. can i just ask you they are bringing into al—shifa hospital. can ijust ask you about theissue hospital. can ijust ask you about the issue of fuel? there has been a report that the israelis are going to provide 2a,ooo litres of fuel to the un in gaza to facilitate the un distributing aid, because they say they are without fuel. have you heard confirmation of that, and are you getting a sense that aid can be distributed from where it comes over from the rafah crossing from egypt? we hear those reports as well, confirmation. the situation i know for sure is that aid operations run by the un have ceased, and our own staff do not have fuel either, and we are respecting a big shipment of medical items to arrive to gaza in the next couple of days. we able to distribute those without fuel. what we need is not a one—off small delivery of fuel, but a constant supply of fuel so that humanitarian operations can function. we are in a situation where, even if small, tiny numbers of trucks of food, water and medical supplies are coming into gaza, we don't have the fuel for lorries to go and meet them and then to be able to do is to be the items anyway. nothing can happen without fuel. on the point you started with, about the point you started with, about the israeli army saying it was delivering incubators, they already have incubators in al—shifa hospital. my organisation supplied them and has worked over many years to make sure that the quality of care in the neonatal unit in al—shifa hospital was good enough that babies could survive a very difficult birth into this world. the problem was not lack of regulators, it was like of fuel. fuel is at the root of the inability to run proper humanitarian operations at this time. but notjust a lack of fuel, it is also the nature of the ongoing and indiscriminate bombing campaign that israel has been conducting across the whole of gaza, the north of gaza, yes, but also the south. that continues. we can't do humanitarian operations without fuel, and under constant bombardment. i would say as well that we are particularly concerned about the roughly 200,000 civilians who remain in the north of gaza. no food, no water, no fuel has been able to reach them, in more than the last week. they include too much of my own staff, one of whom we have lost all contact with, and frankly we don't know if he is still alive. the situation for civilians is absolutely terrifying, and we urgently need international action to change it. you urgently need international action to change it— to change it. you about the situation — to change it. you about the situation in _ to change it. you about the situation in the _ to change it. you about the situation in the north, - to change it. you about the situation in the north, what to change it. you about the - situation in the north, what about in the south, which has seen this flood of evacuees from the north, and where pressure on the few hospitals that remain there must be overwhelming now?— overwhelming now? absolutely overwhelming. _ overwhelming now? absolutely overwhelming. they _ overwhelming now? absolutely overwhelming. they don't - overwhelming now? absolutely overwhelming. they don't have overwhelming now? absolutely - overwhelming. they don't have the supplies needed, they don't have fuel to run generators and hospitals. you can't run a hospital properly if you can't run oxygen supplies to desperately ill people. if you can't run ventilation equipment, if you can't keep incubators on, if you don't have lights to do surgery. we have seen the horrifying reports of women undergoing cesarean sections without anaesthetic in hospitals in gaza. almost two thirds of hospitals in gaza have now collapsed, the health care system is completely unable to cope with people reaching hospitals. that doesn't include all of the civilian suffering dreadfully, both north and south of gaza, with dehydration. people are starting to star in the north of gaza, according to reports we hear from doctors there, because food has been unable to reach them. also, we can think about infectious diseases. we started to see early signs of disease outbreaks, conditions like cholera. we fear typhoid. these are diseases that are going to start to take root in the coming days, they will kill thousands of people. a ceasefire is desperately needed because it is the only way we can properly distribute aid that get in. but we need far more aid. the total amount of aid that has reached gaza in the last month is about what we would usually need in about two normal days in gaza. we need a massive step change, both in the outer aid reaching gaza and in our ability to distribute it if we are going to be able to save lives, and that doesn't require a ceasefire. melanie ward, from medical aid for palestinian, with the perspective of what is happening on the ground. i'm joined from jeruslaem, by our correspodent, yolande knell. speak much we have been hearing from a journalist inside al—shifa hospital, feeding snippets of information about the israeli raid. we have had the israeli military confirming that the operation is ongoing. it says it is precise and targeted. we know that these forces entered in the dead of night, we heard from eyewitnesses at the scene at this point, that six tanks into the hospital. they say more than 100 commandos, some of them shouting in arabic, don't move, and what we have seen systematically since then is israeli forces taking control of the compound. we are hearing about them going floor to floor, room to room, questioning doctors, questioning patients. the happy shots fired in the air at one point, as people were told to come outside, particularly displaced people. there are a couple of thousand of them that have been sheltering in the hospital. they have been undergoing security tx. the israeli military says it has uncovered weapons in the course of the searching, but we know that it has been down to the basement, according to staff there. it says they have not found any hostages. of course, the claim that has come consistently from the israelis is that this hospital, some of its buildings and an underground tunnel system, which it says is underneath a hospital, that is used by hamas is a hospital, that is used by hamas is a kind of command and control centre. that is something the us says it has seen evidence to corroborate, but hamas and medics who work there has strongly denied that it who work there has strongly denied thatitis who work there has strongly denied that it is the case. you who work there has strongly denied that it is the case.— that it is the case. you talk about the american _ that it is the case. you talk about the american cooperation - that it is the case. you talk about the american cooperation there, | the american cooperation there, saying that they have uncovered, all they suspect there is a hamas control and command node, in their words, and areas to hold hostages, but they also issued caution, president biden tried to caution israel's actions inside the hospital overnight. how do you assess the pressure from the us on israel as israeli troops go in? it pressure from the us on israel as israeli troops go in?— israeli troops go in? it definitely looks like israel— israeli troops go in? it definitely looks like israel is _ israeli troops go in? it definitely looks like israel is coordinating. looks like israel is coordinating things very closely with the white house, that there is intelligence sharing that has gone on at this very, very delicate stage in operations. at the same time as the white house was saying it had corroborated those claims about hamas using the facility for the first time, it also said that hospitals and patients must be protected. we had similar comments from the us president, joe biden, earlier in the day. warnings, really, for the israelis to take care as they enter. what israel has been saying consistently is that if this hospital is used by hamas as a military centre, it says that jeopardises its protected status under international law. what we have been hearing from a lot of international human rights experts is that really that status is not something that is easily lifted. yolande knell, live from jerusalem, thank you very much indeed. israeli forces continue operations inside al—shifa hospital, with a journalist telling the bbc that israel's military is now in complete control, that they are questioning everybody and that they are forcing all men between the ages of 16 and 42 surrender and come out of the hospital buildings. a reminder that not only are their patients and doctors, but also civilians around that hospital, and also many dead bodies, with a doctor telling us yesterday that there is a mass grave that has been dug. 180 bodies outside al—shifa hospital. we will continue to bring you all of the updates from al shifa and around the world. let's look at some other stories making news. the nhs in england has promised to eliminate cervical cancer by 2040 — thanks to improved rates of vaccination and screening. currently, around 2600 women a year are diagnosed with the cancer — which is one of the most common types of cancer among women under the age of forty—four. sir keir starmer will attempt to put labour's position on the israel—gaza war to a vote on wednesday, in a bid to maintain party unity. so far, dozens of labour mps have defied their leader — and called for a ceasefire. a total of 19 members of the front bench have also publicly diverged from their party's official position. the chelsea women's team boss emma hayes has been named the new manager of the usa women's national team. she'll begin her new role after the women's super league season ends in may. hayes, who started her managerial carrer in the united states, has won thirteen major trophies since joining the w—s—l in 2012. here in the uk, after a chaotic few days for prime minister rishi sunak his day has started with some good news. uk inflation fell to 4.6% in october, national statistics, which is down from 6.7% in september. uk inflation — that's the rate at which prices are rising — peaked at 10.7% in november last year, so today's figure of 4.6% means mr sunak has met one of the five priorities he laid out — halving inflation. reacting to the news, he said getting inflation down has involved hard decisions and fiscal discipline. although he welcomed the news, he also said we must stay the course, to continue to get inflation all the way back down to 2%. the new figure does not mean that prices are going down — they're just not rising as fast as they were previously. live now to henry zeffman who is our chief political correspondent. a lot of people pointing out how keen the government is to take credit for this, even though you could argue it is down to bank of england actions?— could argue it is down to bank of england actions? that is a debate that will play _ england actions? that is a debate that will play out _ england actions? that is a debate that will play out over _ england actions? that is a debate that will play out over the - england actions? that is a debate that will play out over the coming j that will play out over the coming days. it is true that rishi sunak was getting a lot of political he for his handling of inflation when it looked like the pledge was not going to be met, so you can see why downing street are keen to take credit now that it has. it was one of five priorities that rishi sunak outlined at the start of the year. the others are looking pretty dicey. we will hear about stopping the boats later today. debt is not going wonderfully. nhs waiting lists have gone up, rather than come down. so, a downing street that is searching, i think, very actively for something they can find to persuade the public to give the conservatives another luck when they are so far behind the labour party and the holes. i think it's inevitable they will latch onto this pledge and put their actions on the economy that the heart of the political argument. the economy that the heart of the politicalargument. i the economy that the heart of the political argument.— political argument. i suppose it is one thing hearing _ political argument. i suppose it is one thing hearing the _ political argument. i suppose it is one thing hearing the figures, - political argument. i suppose it is one thing hearing the figures, it's another thing for people to actually feel a difference in the money that they have to spend in terms of their bills, and that sort of thing. so in orderfor this to have bills, and that sort of thing. so in order for this to have a positive influence on the general public, they have to see a difference for themselves, don't they? course. it's worth remembering _ themselves, don't they? course. it's worth remembering what _ themselves, don't they? course. it's worth remembering what inflation i themselves, don't they? course. it's| worth remembering what inflation is. inflation coming down does not mean the prices are coming down. it means the prices are coming down. it means the rate at which prices are rising is slowing down. that is obvious lee are very different thing. while the government is very keen to point out that they have made this pledge and that they have made this pledge and that it has been hit a month early today, there is also a striking note of caution from some government ministers who have been out speaking, including jeremy hunt, the chancellor, but also other ministers that have been saying that basically the government could not scare the horses. inflation will not necessarily come down in a straight line. it's partly a recognition that times are very tough members of the public. it's also a little a message to conservative mps. jeremy hunt is unveiling his autumn statement next week, effectively a mini budget, and it is the case that some conservative mps were eager for him to announce tax cuts in that package. you will probably hear those calls get louder over the coming week on the basis that, they will say, inflation has come down and the government may have more room to do something like that. you mentioned rishi sunak's pledge to mentioned rishi sunak�*s pledge to stop the boats, a big day for him today because we have got the uk supreme court ruling in the next hour on whether the government's flight plan to send some asylum seekers to rwanda is lawful or not. we will hear about that shortly. the issue, whatever the outcome, it's how he can deal with the party, and its reaction to whatever the outcome is? ., . ., , its reaction to whatever the outcome is? ., ., _ , is? the outcome is obviously hugely siunificant. is? the outcome is obviously hugely significant. it's _ is? the outcome is obviously hugely significant. it's probably _ is? the outcome is obviously hugely significant. it's probably the - is? the outcome is obviously hugely significant. it's probably the most i significant. it's probably the most significant. it's probably the most significant thing that will happen to the garment this week. a lot of significant things have happened in westminster this week. this has been the flagship immigration policy of the flagship immigration policy of the government, right back to when borisjohnson was prime minister. you are right, the political reaction, whatever way the ruling goes, will be really interesting. suppose it is an adverse ruling for the government, rishi sunak sacked his home secretary, suella braverman, on monday, this will be the first test at what his instincts are in her absence. should the supreme court rule against the government, rishi sunak and his new home secretary, james cleverly, will have to reassure conservative mps that they have a plan to deal with small boats crossing the english channel that is in accordance with the supreme court's judgment. if the ruling goes in favour of the supreme court, sorry, of the government, that will be the second big psychological boost to the covenant has received today.— has received today. thank you very much. live now to naiobi and ann soy. white a big decision about rwanda today. what are you expected to hear? i'm not asking for a prediction, but talk us through what we are expecting. prediction, but talk us through what we are exuecting-— prediction, but talk us through what we are expecting. well, whatever the outcome of the _ we are expecting. well, whatever the outcome of the court, _ we are expecting. well, whatever the outcome of the court, that _ we are expecting. well, whatever the outcome of the court, that will - we are expecting. well, whatever the outcome of the court, that will be - outcome of the court, that will be followed very keenly in rwanda, a country that has said previously that it country that has said previously thatitis country that has said previously that it is ready to receive the asylum seekers. that has been a bit of discomfort in the country, with regards to how this scenario is playing out, and how it is being phrased. the govan spokesperson has in the past told is that sending asylum seekers to rwanda is not a punishment, and they are very keen to be seen to be providing a solution. —— a government spokesperson. there are critics, we don't expect many critics inside the country, however one of the former presidential candidate who was detained for many years has penned her criticism of this deal in the title ago cambridgejournal of law, politics and art today, saying that rwanda is not the right place for asylum seekers to be sent. thank you very much- — we are keeping right across that and we already have a feed to the supreme court, and we will be able to bring images from inside the court. we are expecting it in about half an hour, may be a bit longer, but we will have all of the reaction from rwanda as well. we can also show you some live pictures now of what is going on in gaza. we have been hearing on the agency why is that a local border official has been telling the bbc, we talked about the 25,000 litres of fuel that were possibly going and have entered gaza through the rafah crossing. it is fuel that was meant to be going to vehicles. plenty more to come. stay with us. hello. the generally unsettled weather is set to continue, but with some windows of drier weather, one of which is today for many parts of england and wales. not all because further north, along with northern ireland, scotland, we've got some showers or longer spells of rain. that's here on the satellite picture. there's our window of dry weather further south, but already looming large — the next area of cloud and our next area of low pressure, which is going to bring more rain in following this little ridge of high pressure later tonight and for tomorrow. and this time, more so in the south. but for today, it's showers and longer spells of rain across parts of scotland, hill fog and snow here. for the far north of scotland — bright, a bit chilly. the showers currently across parts of northern ireland easing northwards but affecting southwest scotland and northern england, whilst any showers further south should become fewer and further between. it's a windy day, or it's certainly blustery out there, but the winds will ease down later ahead of this next approaching area of low pressure, which looks to bring more rain through the night across the southern half of england and the southern half of wales. further north, the cloud tends to fade a little bit, allowing some patchy fog and some patchy frost. so a little bit colder to start tomorrow morning in the north. in fact, a chillier day on the whole because it starts chilly in the north. the fog takes a while to clear. and we've got the rain and the strong winds, gales through the channel, potentially pushing that rain eastwards, more showers or longer spells of rain following as well. so more unsettled day for england and wales and northern ireland, perhaps a little bit drier, rather chilly across scotland. and then we have another window of drier weather moving back in this next ridge of high pressure, pushing these weather fronts away, but already looming large — the weekend's low pressure system. so we are concerned because there are still a dozen or so flood warnings in force. the ground saturated, more rain through the day on thursday in the south and then for the weekend. but friday, yes, chilly to start, some fog around as well. then it's mostly dry until late on. but for the weekend, we've got our next significant low pressure coming in. some windier weather, some wetter weather for most parts. we could see another 20 millimetres of rain, if not more on saturated ground because it's moisture laden, mild atlantic air coming in. so the concerns continue for further flooding. the river levels, of course, high, the ground saturated and as ever, you'll be able to find the latest warnings on the website. this is bbc news, the headlines. the israeli army conducts a raid on part of gaza's largest hospital — al shifa. hamas is accused of using the site to conceal a command centre. the uk supreme court will soon rule on whether the government's flagship plan to send asylum seekers to rwanda is lawful. and the puteketeke bird wins new zealand's bird of the year poll with record votes — after a campaign by us—based comedian, john oliver. world leaders are arriving in san francisco for the ongoing summit of the asia pacific economic co—operation, orapec. but all eyes will be on the us presidentjoe biden and his chinese counterpart, xijinping. they are set to meet for talks on the sidelines. the leaders of the world's two biggest economies have a lot to discuss — not least their ongoing disputes over trade, technology, taiwan and the drug fentanyl. the bbc�*s james clayton is in san francisco and sent us the latest. well, apec has started here and it's really a huge moment

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Al Shifa Hospital , Hamas , Operation Inside Gaza , Part , Israeli Army , Raid , Command Centre , Site , Military , People , Soldiers , Southern Israel , Operations , Questioning , Eyewitness , Bbc , Lucy Grey In London , Inflation , Figure , Uk , Headlines , Milestone Moment , Rishi Sunak , 4 6 , British Government , Rwanda , Asylum Seekers , Uk Supreme Court , Flagship Plan , Hospital , Actions , Idf , Journalist , Surrender , Militants , Patients , Civilians , Control , Al Shifa Complex , 100 , 2000 , Doctors , White House , Terrorist Organisation , Hamas Which , Underground Command Centre , United States , Hospitals , Weapons , Time , Tunnels , Update , Claims , Extent , Defence Forces , Information , Operation , Area , Necessity , Hostages , Ground Operation , War , Human Shields , Intent , Teams , Harm , Speakers , Environment , Training , Attacks , Side , Human Terry , Military Facility , Hospitals Human Shields , One , Letter , Violation , International Law , Geoffrey Bindman , Lawyers , Thatis To , Geneva Convention , Sides , Ceasefire , Conflict , War Crimes , Opinion , Sense , Evidence , Television , Case , Yes , Flare Case , 7th , Summary , Doing , Doinu , Oriainall Is Doing , Hamas Isdoina , 7th Of October , 7 , Human Rights , Number , Bombing , Self Defence , Series , Water , Siege , Two , Fuel Supplies , Electricity , Pursuance , Call , Calling , Signatories , Crimes Against Humanity , Ground , Position , Hamas To Regroup , Lives , Eyes , Thousands , Forces , Half , Criteria , Children , Result , Law , Warfare , Safeguard , Protection , Proportionality , Terms , Course , Many , Parties , International Criminal Court , Tribunal , Benjamin Netanyahu , Wall , Proceedings , Subject , Investigations , Investigation , Television Screens , Victims , Words , Attack , October , Israeli Soldiers , Situation , Response , Weapons Exports , Urging Britain , Ceo , Medical Aid For Palestinians , Melanie Ward , Place , Medics , Al Shifa , Truth , Haven T , Fuel , Food , Parts , Intensive Care Unit , Maternity Unit , Access , Babies , Black , Ithink , Facts , 36 , Something , Staff , Grounds , Nurses , Health Care Workers , 1500 , 600 , 500 , Incubators , Status , Ordeal , Terrifying Ordealfor , Aid , Issue , Theissue Hospital , Soldier , Baby Food , Photograph , Confirmation , Israelis , Report , In Gaza , Ooo Litres Of Fuel , Un Distributing Aid , Fun , 2a , 2 , Aid Operations , Crossing , Rafah , Egypt , Items , Shipment , We Don T , Where , Delivery , Supply , Supplies , Numbers , Lorries , Trucks , Point , Nothing , Army , Care , World , Unit , Organisation , Quality , Birth , Problem , Regulators , North , South , Root , Whole , Campaign , Nature , Inability , Notjust , Bombardment , 200000 , Contact , Pressure , Action , It , Flood , Evacuees , Oxygen , Generators , Women , Reports , Surgery , Anaesthetic , Sections , Flights , Ventilation Equipment , Doesn T , Health Care System , Dehydration , Suffering , Diseases , Star , Signs , Conditions , Disease Outbreaks , Way , Cholera , Typhoid , Amount , Ability , Step Change , Palestinian , Perspective , Hearing , Yolande Knell , Feeding Snippets , Jeruslaem , Our Correspodent , Eyewitnesses , Scene , Tanks , Six , Room , Floor , Some , Commandos , Compound , Arabic , Don T Move , Questioning Doctors , Questioning Patients , Hair , Couple , Shots , Basement , Searching , Israeli Military , Security Tx , Underground Tunnel System , Kind , Buildings , Command And Control Centre , Cooperation , Thatitis , The American , Caution , Joe Biden , Command , Areas , Node , Things , Troops , It Pressure , On Israel , Coordinating , Looks , Sharing , Stage , Intelligence , Facility , Warnings , President , Comments , Lot , Human Rights Experts , Military Centre , Jerusalem , Hospital Buildings , Wages , Men , Reminder , Everybody , 42 , 16 , Bodies , Doctor , Mass Grave , 180 , Updates , Around The World , Cancer , News , Northern England , Rates , Screening , Stories , Vaccination , Types , Age , Nhs , 2040 , 2600 , Forty Four , Members , Labour Mps , Keir Starmer , Leader , Vote , Dozens , Total , Bid , Bench , Party Unity , Gaza War , Labour , 19 , Emma Hayes , Party , Manager , Role , Season , Trophies , Carrer , Chelsea Women S , W S L , Usa Women S National Team , Women S Super League , May , 2012 , Thirteen , Prime Minister , National Statistics , Prices , Mr , Rate , Priorities , Sunak , Has , 6 7 , Five , 10 7 , Decisions , Discipline , Henry Zeffman , Correspondent , Fast , Debate , Credit , Bank Of England , Handling , Pledge , Downing Street , Others , Boats , Public , Debt , Waiting Lists , Thing , Argument , Economy , Heart , Conservatives , Politicalargument , Labour Party , Holes , Argument Political , Luck , Figures , Difference , Sort , Bills , Influence , Order , Money , General Public , Remembering , Don T , Worth Remembering , Including Jeremy Hunt , Government Ministers , Note , Ministers , Chancellor , Speaking , Times , Recognition , Horses , Line , Mps , Tax Cuts , Autumn Statement , Message , Mini Budget , Little A , Him , Big Day , Calls , Package , Basis , Outcome , Flight Plan , Uk Supreme Court Ruling , Reaction , Significant , Most , Garment , Siunificant , Ruling , Immigration Policy , Borisjohnson , Westminster , Suella Braverman , James Cleverly , Test , Absence , Instincts , Rule , On Monday , Plan , Judgment , Accordance , Favour , English Channel , Boost , Covenant , Today Has , Ann Soy , Naiobi , Talk , Prediction , Decision , Exuecting , Bit , It Country , Country , Discomfort , Scenario , Regards , Critics , Punishment , Government Spokesperson , Govan Spokesperson , Solution , Candidate , Criticism , Title , Deal , Politics , Art Today , Feed , Images , Border Official , Agency , Litres , Pictures , 25000 , Vehicles , Stay , Rafah Crossing , Rain , Weather , Showers , Spells , Southwest Scotland , Windows , Northern Ireland , Wales , Window , Bridge , Cloud , Satellite Picture , Easing Northwards , Snow , Hill Fog , Winds , Fog , Fact , Frost , Channel , Gales , The Rain , Rain Eastwards , Pressure System , Weather Fronts , Rain Following , Weekend , Force , Chilly , Concerns , Flooding , Millimetres , Moisture Laden , Levels , Thigh , River , Mild Atlantic Air , 20 , Website , Bbc News , Puteketeke Bird , John Oliver , Votes , Poll , New Zealand , Presidentjoe Biden , Counterpart , World Leaders , Summit , San Francisco , Asia Pacific Economic Co Operation , Orapec , Xijinping , Chinese , Leaders , Sidelines , Economies , Talks , Trade , Disputes , Fentanyl , Technology , Drug , James Clayton , Taiwan , Apec , Latest ,

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