Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240702 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240702

marking in spectacular fashion the birthday of king charles. he is 75 today. the first of the slits is happening right now, this is what we are watching at green park next to buckingham palace in central london —— salutes. this is the king's troop royal horse artillery that have been given the honour. it is a working day for the monarch today. there are other things on his schedule today. he will officially launch the coronation food project with queen camilla to bridge the gap between food waste and food need. he will also visit surplus food distribution centre outside london and later on today, he will host a buckingham palace reception highlighting the work of the nurses and midwives over the decade as part of the nhs 75 celebrations as well. one thing that has been widely reported that was broken on the bbc is we are expecting the king to be wish to happy birthday by the duke of sussex at some point today. —— to be wished happy birthday. we think harry will call his father today, they have had a strained relationship since he moved away with his wife megan and the family to america three years ago. but we understand he will be calling his father to wish him happy birthday and we will discuss that later. our main story on bbc news. the head of gaza's biggest hospital says nearly 180 people are being buried in a mass grave there, after it ran out of power. fighting between the israeli military and hamas continues around al—shifa hospital. that's led to growing international concern, with president biden saying he wants "less intrusive action". around 30 babies there were said to be in need of intensive care and their incubators are no longer operational. it's believed three premature babies have died. israel insists it is only targeting hamas, and their command centre is in tunnels beneath the hospital. it has also released these images, which it says are of incubators which it is offering to transfer to the medical teams there. but there is no indication yet that any of the medical equipment has been delivered. and in another development, israel's army has confirmed the death of a female soldier who was being held in gaza. live now to southern israel and my colleague mark lowen. thanks very much indeed. we are coming to you from about three kilometres or so, a mile and a half perhaps from gaza where the intense fighting very much continuing and the israeli defense forces have posted a video with what they say are their achievements on the ground over the last 2a hours, which include seizing government buildings inside gaza. and the french news agency afp says that the israeli military are now in control of gaza's parliament and other hamas institutions. so that is on the military offensive side. meanwhile on the ground inside gaza in terms of the suffering, the fighting is very much continuing around al—shifa hospital, the hospital very much the focus of the military offensive. and many of those who are suffering our pregnant women. the un says that more than a third of all hospitals in gaza are out of operation. around 160 children per day are expected to be born, even though women inside gaza are of course deprived of safe delivery, with lacking basic options and basic supplies in hospitals that are increasingly overwhelmed by the fighting. ourfreelancejournalist fighting. our freelance journalist in gaza fighting. ourfreelancejournalist in gaza has worked alongside our correspondent yogita limaye in jerusalem to report on the plight of women giving birth in gaza today. baby crying born in a precarious world, this little boy is one day old. still to be named. his parents fled bombings in gaza city. under the stress of war, he has been born prematurely and needs help to breathe. in the next bed, a four—day—old girl, who's critical. there has been no time to name her either. and they're running out of medicines which could treat her. incubators are still on at the al—aqsa hospital in central gaza, but the fighting is drawing closer. this is husan, named by hospital staff. both his parents were killed in bombings. he was found cradled in his mother's arms. it's a painful time in gaza. it's excruciating for new mothers. four days ago, kifa's baby girl was born. she was heavily pregnant when she was forced to flee her home. translation: i was forced to flee her home. translation:— was forced to flee her home. translation: ., ., ., . ., ., translation: i have had to come more than once, walking _ translation: i have had to come more than once, walking under— translation: i have had to come more than once, walking under the _ than once, walking under the constant threat of being bombed. i saw people's bodies being ripped apart. ifaced extreme exhaustion and was scared for my baby's life. at hospital, i got no painkillers while giving birth. this at hospital, i got no painkillers while giving birth.— at hospital, i got no painkillers while giving birth. this woman has walked with _ while giving birth. this woman has walked with her _ while giving birth. this woman has walked with her three _ while giving birth. this woman has walked with her three children - while giving birth. this woman has walked with her three children for| walked with her three children for more than 15 miles. she is pregnant. this is refuge, in a hospital compound. my children sleep on the sheet, i sleep on the ground, she says. so many women suffered miscarriages due to the terrifying sound of the explosions. i was scared i'd lose my baby. sometimes, i felt like i couldn't scared i'd lose my baby. sometimes, ifelt like i couldn't feel scared i'd lose my baby. sometimes, i felt like i couldn't feel my baby move, she says. i had to carry my child and our bags. my children have been exposed to such horrors. dead bodies, cars bombed with people inside. this is what she now faces. along with hundreds of thousands. people who had homes and jobs, boys and girls who had a childhood. struggling for a few drops of water. yogita limaye, bbc news, jerusalem. dramatic scenes from the ground in gaza. the head of al—shifa hospital has told the bbc they are preparing a mass grave for more than 170 bodies around that hospital. for the latest on the ground around al—shifa and gaza, we touched base with our correspondent. in the south of gaza, rushdi abualouf. yeah, in the last ten minutes, i talked to maybe the last remaining journalist inside the hospital. he told me that they are preparing now a mass grave for about 170 bodies. he said already, they started to bury some of the dead. they were trying to get them out of the cemetery them out for the cemetery yesterday and this morning, and since they failed, they decided to bury them in a small courtyard of the hospital. they said they are going to be buried, like 170 people. he saw already 30 bodies are being put in the grave in the last ten minutes or so. he said the situation has remained the same, very tense situation around the hospital, with a few air strikes and explosions around the hospital this morning, including a mosque nearby was hit this morning. he told me moving from one building to another inside the hospital is a risk. and he said even, like, burying the people is a risk because tanks are surrounding the hospital from all around the four... i mean, the hospital is quite big. i've been to this hospital hundreds of times. it's about, like, six, seven huge buildings in one complex and it's facing four directions. tanks were in three directions up until yesterday. but he said overnight, tanks are also close to the main gate of the hospital. he said that communication, it's really very difficult to maintain the communication. now what the doctors are trying to do is trying to keep the babies warm. because this morning, there was heavy rain here in gaza and also here in khan younis. and also, in gaza, we have seen people here struggling because they don't have the appropriate clothes to deal with such weather. and also, most of the people are sleeping on the ground. i saw somebody who was, like, sleeping on the ground in the middle of the rain. he has nothing to cover over his head. so the humanitarian situation is really getting at the edge of crisis here in khan younis. but not as bad as for those who are still living in gaza city, where we believe about 300,000, 400,000 people are still in gaza city and the north, and they are without electricity, without water. somebody told me this morning that he had to share one bread for ten people. and, rushi, what is your understanding of the situation of those babies at al—shifa, in terms of incubators getting to them, and what are the doctors there saying about the increasing number of babies that are dying there? well, look, the official number from the hamas—run health ministry, they said 36 people died inside the hospital because of the lack of fuel and the lack of equipment. they said 36 people, including seven babies. they didn't say exactly whether they are because of the lack of incubators. they said in general, 36 people, including seven babies, died. this is the official statement from the hamas—run health ministry inside the hospital. no aid was allowed into the hospital, nobody was allowed out of the hospital for the last 48 hours. he said four people yesterday, they tried to escape from the hospital and they were shot. they were bleeding on the ground for about two hours, then the medical team have to risk their lives and drag them inside the hospital. he said about 400 patients are struggling and they are facing a real danger of dying because some of them were connected to the life—saving machines before the power went down and there is no sign of anything. again, i was asking the director of the hospital about the fuel this morning that the israelis are offering. he said 300 litres is enough for half an hour, and we need 10,000 litres to be able to run all of the generators in the hospital and the hospital can function again. but he said, we are not dealing with the israelis because it's too risky and we need a third party to intervene and deal with this. time to say goodbye to our viewers on bbc two. well, as the plight of those babies particularly at al—shifa hospital, more than 30 premature babies left without incubators because of a fuel shortage, as their plight continues to captivate and distress leaders and people from across the world, there is of course intense diplomacy about their plight and about where they will end up, with attempts to try to evacuate them into egypt across the rafah border crossing. our reporter abdelbassir hassan has been monitoring the situation from neigbouring egypt in cairo. he told us more about what is going on behind the scenes to try to get those babies to safety. i have been told by the spokesman of the health ministry here in cairo that the egyptian hospitals, whether here in cairo or close to rafah in northern sinai, are fully prepared and ready to receive any kind of patients coming from the enclave. they have already received dozens of them over the last ten days. as for the babies issue, he told me that there could be a need for a special mechanism, a special arrangement to be reached in advance, which is out of his prudence, as he said, between the concerned parts here in cairo or in gaza, the united nations organisations or the palestinian red crescent or even in israel, to settle this mechanism and to know how the babies will be moved to the crossing. once they are at the crossing, he said there are ambulances on alert ready to take them to the nearest hospitals. a manager with the egyptian red crescent society, which is responsible for the transfer of assistance and aid in dealing with the issue of the wounded coming from gaza, told the bbc that there were no talks or discussions over the issue of the babies over the last 2a hours. however, he assured also that his society and the hospitals on the egyptian side are ready to take any babies coming from the gaza side. over the last ten days, egypt has already received 20 children from gaza diagnosed with cancer, as the spokesman for the health ministry told the bbc. that report from cairo. the israeli defense forces say they have offered incubators to the al—shifa hospital, posting photos of an idf soldier in front of a vehicle with incubators. but the aid agencies we have spoken to says it is not a shortage of incubators that is the problem, it is the shortage of fuel to power those incubators and that is where the desperate shortage lies. our middle east correspondent tom bateman had this update from jerusalem. well, witnesses say that close to al—shifa hospital, there are israeli tanks and armoured vehicles. we've heard over the last 48 hours or so multiple reports of heavy bombardments, of shelling, and also the shear dangers for people if they tried to leave that compound. israelis have said that they have created an evacuation route out of the hospital to allow people to get out, but as far as those inside are concerned, it is just far too dangerous to do that. doctors have said, and figures relayed by the un, that there are somewhere between 2,000 and 3,000 patients, staff and displaced people who have been sheltering on that compound. so this has now become an absolutely critical point, because this has become a focal point of this war. israel clearly has its troops close to and around the area of the hospital. it has said that it regards it as effectively a command post or a hiding place for hamas. it says, it alleges that they have tunnels under the hospital and that they use the compound for that purpose. that has been repeatedly denied both by the hospital management by hamas itself, and also staff, doctors there when that question is put to them have called for independent inspectors to try and verify that, rather than the hospital becoming this effectively military target. tom bateman in jerusalem. tom bateman injerusalem. let's get the perspective of aid agencies working on the ground. joining me now is hibi tibi, who is the west bank and gaza country director at care international. thank you forjoining us. what is the situation with your team is on the situation with your team is on the ground in terms of the aid they are getting from the un, considering the un on the ground is saying they are running out of the fuel, they are running out of the fuel, they are out of the fuel now necessary to receive the aid coming across from egypt? receive the aid coming across from e: nt? , receive the aid coming across from e, -t? , , ., receive the aid coming across from e. t.7 , , ., , receive the aid coming across from egypt? this is a very catastrophic situation that _ egypt? this is a very catastrophic situation that we _ egypt? this is a very catastrophic situation that we are _ egypt? this is a very catastrophic situation that we are facing - egypt? this is a very catastrophic situation that we are facing now. | situation that we are facing now. there was already very limited humanitarian assistance that was allowed into gaza and now up with that declaration from the un agencies, we are extremely worried and very afraid of what will be the consequences of even the very limited aid entering gaza, they are not going to be able to secure it to of course all the population in the south, including my colleagues. over the last days, they were not able to secure access to clean water for drinking or waterfor secure access to clean water for drinking or water for hygiene purposes orfood. drinking or water for hygiene purposes or food. they are skipping meals. one of them is having half a portion of one meal to secure food for his kids. the other is not consuming water. they checked the bottled water they have received four weeks ago for the baby formula so they don't give the baby contaminated water. but the rest of the family is using and consuming contaminated water. unfortunately, the same is applied on the hospitals. as you can see, one after another, they are announcing they are out of service. the wounded, those in need of traditional or normal medical help and support, they are unable to access it and on top of everything, pregnant women who are giving birth for newborns, we have seeing them losing them. they are dying one after another because of lack of electricity. find because of lack of electricity. and what is your _ because of lack of electricity. and what is your understanding of the latest at al—shifa and your colleagues there, what are they telling you? 50 colleagues there, what are they telling you?— telling you? so we don't have colleagues — telling you? so we don't have colleagues inside _ telling you? so we don't have colleagues inside al-shifa, i telling you? so we don't have l colleagues inside al-shifa, but telling you? so we don't have - colleagues inside al-shifa, but we colleagues inside al—shifa, but we were able to work with doctors who were able to work with doctors who were inside al—shifa. we distributed medical supplies, since a couple of days, we are unable to reach them. not in terms of communication, not in terms of actual supplies to the hospital. we hearfrom the news in terms of actual supplies to the hospital. we hear from the news we witness as everyone through the lenses of the media what is happening. the doctors are hungry, thirsty, unable to evacuate. patients are dying one after the other and we are waiting for unfortunately the acceptance of fuel to enter through the hospital. so that they can save lives. find to enter through the hospital. so that they can save lives. and there has been more _ that they can save lives. and there has been more aid _ that they can save lives. and there has been more aid dropped - that they can save lives. and there has been more aid dropped by - that they can save lives. and there i has been more aid dropped by jordan has been more aid dropped byjordan we understand, overnight. airdropped into gaza. do you have any hope at all of that route in for aid or are wejust talking about all of that route in for aid or are we just talking about a drop in the ocean in terms of the need? at, we just talking about a drop in the ocean in terms of the need? a drop in the ocean- _ ocean in terms of the need? a drop in the ocean. but _ ocean in terms of the need? a drop in the ocean. but any _ ocean in terms of the need? a drop in the ocean. but any drop - ocean in terms of the need? a drop in the ocean. but any drop makes l ocean in terms of the need? a drop in the ocean. but any drop makes aj in the ocean. but any drop makes a difference. this field hospital that was created by the jordanian government was created by thejordanian government inside was created by the jordanian government inside gaza is one of the biggest hopes that we count on in the future. but this is not inside the future. but this is not inside the city. it is far away. and people cannot access it so far. but even if it is a drop in the ocean, it makes a difference. if one life is saved, that makes a difference. fine a difference. if one life is saved, that makes a difference. one life amon: so that makes a difference. one life among so many _ that makes a difference. one life among so many that _ that makes a difference. one life among so many that have - that makes a difference. one life among so many that have been l that makes a difference. one life i among so many that have been lost that makes a difference. one life - among so many that have been lost in this conflict. hibi tibi, thank you very much untied, giving us the perspective of the dire needs of the civilian population inside gaza —— thank you very much indeed. more across the day, but i will hand you back to lucy in london. see you soon, thank you. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. scientists have recommended two doses of the chickenpox vaccine should be given to children 12 or 18 of age. thejoint committee on vaccination and immunisation says data from other countries suggests the vaccine would dramatically reduce the circulation of chickenpox, and prevent the most severe cases in children. new figures show uk wages outstripped inflation by the largest margin in two years, but the rate at which they're growing is starting to slow. average earnings rose by 7.7% in the three months to september, compared with the same period a year ago. unemployment stood at 4.2%. a bbc investigation has found a black market trade in delivery app accounts that's allowing under—age teenagers to sign up as riders. the home office has urged deliveroo, just eat and uber eats, to reform policies that let riders lend their accounts to others without any identity checks. deliveroo says it has a "zero—tolerance approach" towards ineligible riders. you're live with bbc news. here, rishi sunak�*s new cabinet has met for the first time since yesterday's reshuffle, which saw suella braverman sacked as home secretary and david cameron return to frontline politics. our political correspondent rob watson can give us the latest from westminster. it has been very divisive, but what came out of this morning because a cabinet meeting? this came out of this morning because a cabinet meeting?— cabinet meeting? this idea it is a brand-new _ cabinet meeting? this idea it is a brand-new team, _ cabinet meeting? this idea it is a brand-new team, with _ cabinet meeting? this idea it is a brand-new team, with some - cabinet meeting? this idea it is a brand-new team, with some old | cabinet meeting? this idea it is a - brand-new team, with some old faces. brand—new team, with some old faces. i think we are going to watch the snow, i was in downing street when david cameron left a seven years ago, his reputation in tatters, britain on the road to several years of brexit chaos, and i suspect one of brexit chaos, and i suspect one of the reasons why he has walked backinis of the reasons why he has walked back in is to try and do some repair job on that reputation, there is an awful lot of damage to be repaired. whether he can do that, we will see. in terms of the way it has been received within the governing conservative party, those more to the centre are happy to see mr cameron back. those more on the right are much less happy. what it does forforeign policy, i suspect not very much. i suspect mr cameron will continue the policies of mr sunak. in terms of what it does to the politics of this country, can it somehow dig rishi sunak out of a hole? i think that is a very big ask. conservative advisers have told me, it is certainly worth a try. but i think they think unless there is a massive increase —— improvement in the economy or the labour party implodes, it may welljust be seen as rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic. as rearranging the deck chairs on the titanie— as rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic. ,., ., ., , , ., ., the titanic. good to see you, thanks so much. rescue teams in northern india are working for a third day to save a0 men who've been trapped in a collapsed road tunnel since sunday. the construction workers are all said to be unharmed, and rescuers have been able to pass food and water to them. our south asia correspondentjoins us from delhi. it feels like it is good news coming from this rescue operation, what are they saying? right now, they have had to change tactics in order to get to the trapped men. originally, they were trying to drill towards them. but because of all the falling debris and mud, that has actually made it quite challenging in terms of the rescue effort. so what they are doing now is they are drilling a hole and put in a metal tube they hope the men will be able to crawl out of. they have been trapped since the collapse of this tunnel since sunday morning. and now rescue teams are suggesting they will probably be able to get to them either by late tonight or early tomorrow morning. but as you rightly pointed out, they are being fed, they are being given water and they are pumping oxygen into the trapped area to make sure that the men who are trapped are actually well and safe. and that the men who are trapped are actually well and safe.— actually well and safe. and is this rescue effort _ actually well and safe. and is this rescue effort that _ actually well and safe. and is this rescue effort that is _ actually well and safe. and is this rescue effort that is gripping - actually well and safe. and is this rescue effort that is gripping the l rescue effort that is gripping the nation? , , . ., , ., rescue effort that is gripping the nation? , ,. ., ,~ ,. nation? this is certainly a rescue effort that _ nation? this is certainly a rescue effort that a _ nation? this is certainly a rescue effort that a lot _ nation? this is certainly a rescue effort that a lot of _ nation? this is certainly a rescue effort that a lot of people - nation? this is certainly a rescue effort that a lot of people are i effort that a lot of people are watching very closely. in fact, the communication is also difficult there that you have to rely on people going to the location and then coming away and to try and deliver some of these pictures that we are seeing, some of the images that we are seeing. itjust goes to show just that we are seeing. itjust goes to showjust how remote the region is that they are working in. it is showjust how remote the region is that they are working in.— that they are working in. it is one that they are working in. it is one that everyone _ that they are working in. it is one that everyone is _ that they are working in. it is one that everyone is keeping - that they are working in. it is one that everyone is keeping a - that they are working in. it is one that everyone is keeping a close. that they are working in. it is one i that everyone is keeping a close eye on and we hope it goes well. thank you forjoining us. do stay with us here in bbc news. hello again. over the next few days, temperatures will vary. and the weather remains unsettled. you can see the colours, yellow representing the higher temperatures, blues representing the lower temperatures. so over the next few days, they really do flip—flop in—between colder and milder conditions. the beginning of next week, as we start to pull in more of a northerly, it turns colder again. so what we have today is this weather front continuing to pull away from the south—east. another one across the north—west. both are introducing some rain or showers. in the south—east, the rain will clear and then it's going to be a mixture of bright spells, sunshine and showers for northern ireland, wales and england, heavy and cloudy, with the rain pushing north—eastwards across scotland. it will not be as windy as yesterday, but it is still going to be a blustery day across england and wales. through this evening and overnight, we hang on to the rain in the north. maybe a few showers in northern ireland, england and wales and clear skies as well. under the clear skies in the north of scotland, where the winds will fall lighter, it will be cold enough for some frost in sheltered glens. not so as we head further south. tomorrow, we have this weather front bringing in some cloud and some showery rain across northern ireland and parts of central and southern scotland, into northern england, extending down towards the wash. on either side of that, we once again are looking at dry weather and sunshine, with just a few showers around. temperatures, seven in the north and 13 as we push down towards the south. more of a complicated picture wednesday into thursday, we have two areas of low pressure. both of them look very much like they are coming our way. the one anchored out to the north—west is going to bring in this rain across western areas, pushing east through the course of the day, and the other one is coming up from the south, bringing in some rain. it could be windy with this one as well but that, too, will take the rain pushing eastwards and temperatures down a touch on the moment. the rain clears early on friday and then a lot of dry weather. it will be a cold and frosty start, with showers coming into the north—west, some of those will be wintry. and then later on, more rain piles in, with strengthening winds to the south—west. temperatures, eight in the north to widely ten or 11 degrees. this is bbc news, the headlines... israel says it's coordinating the transfer of incubators to gaza, but it's unclear whether hospitals will have enough power for the extra equipment. the chief executive of mcdonald's in the uk is questioned by mps over allegations of a "toxic" workplace culture. iceland has evacuated thousands of residents, after warning of a considerable risk of a volcanic eruption.

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Institutions , Parliament , Control , Suffering , Military Offensive Side , Women , Hospitals , Many , Fun , Military Offensive , Third , Operation , Focus , Children , Course , Supplies , Delivery , Options , 160 , Baby , Birth , Plight , Correspondent , Ourfreelancejournalist In Gaza , Freelance Journalist , Gaza Fighting , Yogita Limaye In Jerusalem , World , Parents , Bombings , War , Boy , Stress , Girl , Help , Bed , Four , Medicines , Hospital , Central Gaza , Al Aqsa , Husan , Drawing , Mother , Mothers , Arms , Cradled , Baby Girl , Translation , Home , Kifa , Life , Bodies , Painkillers , Walking , Threat , Ifaced Extreme Exhaustion , Woman , Hospital Compound , Refuge , 15 , Explosions , Sheet , Sound , Child , Baby Move , Bags , Horrors , Like I Couldn T , Ifelt , Childhood , Homes , Cars , Jobs , Boys And Girls , Hundreds Of Thousands , Water , Scenes , Drops , Jerusalem , Yogita Limaye , Latest , 170 , South , Journalist , Base , Rushdi Abualouf , Ten , Some , Cemetery , 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Dozens , To Rafah , Northern Sinai , Issue , Mechanism , Arrangement , Parts , Crossing , Advance , Prudence , Palestinian Red Crescent , Manager , Red Crescent Society , Ambulances , Assistance , Transfer , Dealing , Side , Society , Discussions , Talks , Cancer , Gaza Side , 20 , Front , Report , Posting , Vehicle , Photos , Aid Agencies , Shortage , Problem , Lies , Tom Bateman , Update , Middle East , Witnesses , Compound , Reports , Vehicles , Dangers , Shelling , Heavy Bombardments , Evacuation Route , Staff , Somewhere , Point , Focal Point , 2000 , 3000 , Area , Troops , Command Post , Hiding Place , Both , Purpose , Hospital Management , Question , Inspectors , Itself , Perspective , Target , In Jerusalem , Tom Bateman Injerusalem , Hibi Tibi , Us , Country Director , West Bank , Care International , The , Nt , E T 7 , 7 , Agencies , Consequences , Declaration , Colleagues , Food , Drinking , Access , Hygiene Purposes , Population , Hygiene Purposes Orfood , Meals , Bottled 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Meeting , Idea , Meeting , Rob Watson , Westminster , Reasons , Reputation , Faces , On The Road , Tatters , Brexit Chaos , Snow , Downing Street , Lot , Way , Centre , Repair Job , Damage , Conservative Party , Backinis , Mr , Policy , Back , Forforeign , Increase , Whole , Politics , Mask , Country , Try , Advisers , Improvement , Rishi Sunak Out , Men , Titanic , Deck Chairs , Rescue Teams , Economy , Rearranging , Third Day , Labour Party , Titanie , Northern India , Implodes , Rescuers , Road Tunnel , Construction Workers , South Asia Correspondentjoins , Delhi , Rescue Operation , Order , Tactics , Debris , Rescue Effort , Put , Mud , Metal Tube , Collapse , Tunnel , Out , Sunday Morning , Safe , Pumping Oxygen , Fed , Nation , Fact , Location , Itjust , Region , Pictures , Keeping , Close , Stay , Eye , Temperatures , Hello Again , Beginning , Colours , Blues , Conditions , Flip Flop , Showers , The Rain , Weather Front , More , North West , South East , Sunshine , Northern 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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240702

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marking in spectacular fashion the birthday of king charles. he is 75 today. the first of the slits is happening right now, this is what we are watching at green park next to buckingham palace in central london —— salutes. this is the king's troop royal horse artillery that have been given the honour. it is a working day for the monarch today. there are other things on his schedule today. he will officially launch the coronation food project with queen camilla to bridge the gap between food waste and food need. he will also visit surplus food distribution centre outside london and later on today, he will host a buckingham palace reception highlighting the work of the nurses and midwives over the decade as part of the nhs 75 celebrations as well. one thing that has been widely reported that was broken on the bbc is we are expecting the king to be wish to happy birthday by the duke of sussex at some point today. —— to be wished happy birthday. we think harry will call his father today, they have had a strained relationship since he moved away with his wife megan and the family to america three years ago. but we understand he will be calling his father to wish him happy birthday and we will discuss that later. our main story on bbc news. the head of gaza's biggest hospital says nearly 180 people are being buried in a mass grave there, after it ran out of power. fighting between the israeli military and hamas continues around al—shifa hospital. that's led to growing international concern, with president biden saying he wants "less intrusive action". around 30 babies there were said to be in need of intensive care and their incubators are no longer operational. it's believed three premature babies have died. israel insists it is only targeting hamas, and their command centre is in tunnels beneath the hospital. it has also released these images, which it says are of incubators which it is offering to transfer to the medical teams there. but there is no indication yet that any of the medical equipment has been delivered. and in another development, israel's army has confirmed the death of a female soldier who was being held in gaza. live now to southern israel and my colleague mark lowen. thanks very much indeed. we are coming to you from about three kilometres or so, a mile and a half perhaps from gaza where the intense fighting very much continuing and the israeli defense forces have posted a video with what they say are their achievements on the ground over the last 2a hours, which include seizing government buildings inside gaza. and the french news agency afp says that the israeli military are now in control of gaza's parliament and other hamas institutions. so that is on the military offensive side. meanwhile on the ground inside gaza in terms of the suffering, the fighting is very much continuing around al—shifa hospital, the hospital very much the focus of the military offensive. and many of those who are suffering our pregnant women. the un says that more than a third of all hospitals in gaza are out of operation. around 160 children per day are expected to be born, even though women inside gaza are of course deprived of safe delivery, with lacking basic options and basic supplies in hospitals that are increasingly overwhelmed by the fighting. ourfreelancejournalist fighting. our freelance journalist in gaza fighting. ourfreelancejournalist in gaza has worked alongside our correspondent yogita limaye in jerusalem to report on the plight of women giving birth in gaza today. baby crying born in a precarious world, this little boy is one day old. still to be named. his parents fled bombings in gaza city. under the stress of war, he has been born prematurely and needs help to breathe. in the next bed, a four—day—old girl, who's critical. there has been no time to name her either. and they're running out of medicines which could treat her. incubators are still on at the al—aqsa hospital in central gaza, but the fighting is drawing closer. this is husan, named by hospital staff. both his parents were killed in bombings. he was found cradled in his mother's arms. it's a painful time in gaza. it's excruciating for new mothers. four days ago, kifa's baby girl was born. she was heavily pregnant when she was forced to flee her home. translation: i was forced to flee her home. translation:— was forced to flee her home. translation: ., ., ., . ., ., translation: i have had to come more than once, walking _ translation: i have had to come more than once, walking under— translation: i have had to come more than once, walking under the _ than once, walking under the constant threat of being bombed. i saw people's bodies being ripped apart. ifaced extreme exhaustion and was scared for my baby's life. at hospital, i got no painkillers while giving birth. this at hospital, i got no painkillers while giving birth.— at hospital, i got no painkillers while giving birth. this woman has walked with _ while giving birth. this woman has walked with her _ while giving birth. this woman has walked with her three _ while giving birth. this woman has walked with her three children - while giving birth. this woman has walked with her three children for| walked with her three children for more than 15 miles. she is pregnant. this is refuge, in a hospital compound. my children sleep on the sheet, i sleep on the ground, she says. so many women suffered miscarriages due to the terrifying sound of the explosions. i was scared i'd lose my baby. sometimes, i felt like i couldn't scared i'd lose my baby. sometimes, ifelt like i couldn't feel scared i'd lose my baby. sometimes, i felt like i couldn't feel my baby move, she says. i had to carry my child and our bags. my children have been exposed to such horrors. dead bodies, cars bombed with people inside. this is what she now faces. along with hundreds of thousands. people who had homes and jobs, boys and girls who had a childhood. struggling for a few drops of water. yogita limaye, bbc news, jerusalem. dramatic scenes from the ground in gaza. the head of al—shifa hospital has told the bbc they are preparing a mass grave for more than 170 bodies around that hospital. for the latest on the ground around al—shifa and gaza, we touched base with our correspondent. in the south of gaza, rushdi abualouf. yeah, in the last ten minutes, i talked to maybe the last remaining journalist inside the hospital. he told me that they are preparing now a mass grave for about 170 bodies. he said already, they started to bury some of the dead. they were trying to get them out of the cemetery them out for the cemetery yesterday and this morning, and since they failed, they decided to bury them in a small courtyard of the hospital. they said they are going to be buried, like 170 people. he saw already 30 bodies are being put in the grave in the last ten minutes or so. he said the situation has remained the same, very tense situation around the hospital, with a few air strikes and explosions around the hospital this morning, including a mosque nearby was hit this morning. he told me moving from one building to another inside the hospital is a risk. and he said even, like, burying the people is a risk because tanks are surrounding the hospital from all around the four... i mean, the hospital is quite big. i've been to this hospital hundreds of times. it's about, like, six, seven huge buildings in one complex and it's facing four directions. tanks were in three directions up until yesterday. but he said overnight, tanks are also close to the main gate of the hospital. he said that communication, it's really very difficult to maintain the communication. now what the doctors are trying to do is trying to keep the babies warm. because this morning, there was heavy rain here in gaza and also here in khan younis. and also, in gaza, we have seen people here struggling because they don't have the appropriate clothes to deal with such weather. and also, most of the people are sleeping on the ground. i saw somebody who was, like, sleeping on the ground in the middle of the rain. he has nothing to cover over his head. so the humanitarian situation is really getting at the edge of crisis here in khan younis. but not as bad as for those who are still living in gaza city, where we believe about 300,000, 400,000 people are still in gaza city and the north, and they are without electricity, without water. somebody told me this morning that he had to share one bread for ten people. and, rushi, what is your understanding of the situation of those babies at al—shifa, in terms of incubators getting to them, and what are the doctors there saying about the increasing number of babies that are dying there? well, look, the official number from the hamas—run health ministry, they said 36 people died inside the hospital because of the lack of fuel and the lack of equipment. they said 36 people, including seven babies. they didn't say exactly whether they are because of the lack of incubators. they said in general, 36 people, including seven babies, died. this is the official statement from the hamas—run health ministry inside the hospital. no aid was allowed into the hospital, nobody was allowed out of the hospital for the last 48 hours. he said four people yesterday, they tried to escape from the hospital and they were shot. they were bleeding on the ground for about two hours, then the medical team have to risk their lives and drag them inside the hospital. he said about 400 patients are struggling and they are facing a real danger of dying because some of them were connected to the life—saving machines before the power went down and there is no sign of anything. again, i was asking the director of the hospital about the fuel this morning that the israelis are offering. he said 300 litres is enough for half an hour, and we need 10,000 litres to be able to run all of the generators in the hospital and the hospital can function again. but he said, we are not dealing with the israelis because it's too risky and we need a third party to intervene and deal with this. time to say goodbye to our viewers on bbc two. well, as the plight of those babies particularly at al—shifa hospital, more than 30 premature babies left without incubators because of a fuel shortage, as their plight continues to captivate and distress leaders and people from across the world, there is of course intense diplomacy about their plight and about where they will end up, with attempts to try to evacuate them into egypt across the rafah border crossing. our reporter abdelbassir hassan has been monitoring the situation from neigbouring egypt in cairo. he told us more about what is going on behind the scenes to try to get those babies to safety. i have been told by the spokesman of the health ministry here in cairo that the egyptian hospitals, whether here in cairo or close to rafah in northern sinai, are fully prepared and ready to receive any kind of patients coming from the enclave. they have already received dozens of them over the last ten days. as for the babies issue, he told me that there could be a need for a special mechanism, a special arrangement to be reached in advance, which is out of his prudence, as he said, between the concerned parts here in cairo or in gaza, the united nations organisations or the palestinian red crescent or even in israel, to settle this mechanism and to know how the babies will be moved to the crossing. once they are at the crossing, he said there are ambulances on alert ready to take them to the nearest hospitals. a manager with the egyptian red crescent society, which is responsible for the transfer of assistance and aid in dealing with the issue of the wounded coming from gaza, told the bbc that there were no talks or discussions over the issue of the babies over the last 2a hours. however, he assured also that his society and the hospitals on the egyptian side are ready to take any babies coming from the gaza side. over the last ten days, egypt has already received 20 children from gaza diagnosed with cancer, as the spokesman for the health ministry told the bbc. that report from cairo. the israeli defense forces say they have offered incubators to the al—shifa hospital, posting photos of an idf soldier in front of a vehicle with incubators. but the aid agencies we have spoken to says it is not a shortage of incubators that is the problem, it is the shortage of fuel to power those incubators and that is where the desperate shortage lies. our middle east correspondent tom bateman had this update from jerusalem. well, witnesses say that close to al—shifa hospital, there are israeli tanks and armoured vehicles. we've heard over the last 48 hours or so multiple reports of heavy bombardments, of shelling, and also the shear dangers for people if they tried to leave that compound. israelis have said that they have created an evacuation route out of the hospital to allow people to get out, but as far as those inside are concerned, it is just far too dangerous to do that. doctors have said, and figures relayed by the un, that there are somewhere between 2,000 and 3,000 patients, staff and displaced people who have been sheltering on that compound. so this has now become an absolutely critical point, because this has become a focal point of this war. israel clearly has its troops close to and around the area of the hospital. it has said that it regards it as effectively a command post or a hiding place for hamas. it says, it alleges that they have tunnels under the hospital and that they use the compound for that purpose. that has been repeatedly denied both by the hospital management by hamas itself, and also staff, doctors there when that question is put to them have called for independent inspectors to try and verify that, rather than the hospital becoming this effectively military target. tom bateman in jerusalem. tom bateman injerusalem. let's get the perspective of aid agencies working on the ground. joining me now is hibi tibi, who is the west bank and gaza country director at care international. thank you forjoining us. what is the situation with your team is on the situation with your team is on the ground in terms of the aid they are getting from the un, considering the un on the ground is saying they are running out of the fuel, they are running out of the fuel, they are out of the fuel now necessary to receive the aid coming across from egypt? receive the aid coming across from e: nt? , receive the aid coming across from e, -t? , , ., receive the aid coming across from e. t.7 , , ., , receive the aid coming across from egypt? this is a very catastrophic situation that _ egypt? this is a very catastrophic situation that we _ egypt? this is a very catastrophic situation that we are _ egypt? this is a very catastrophic situation that we are facing - egypt? this is a very catastrophic situation that we are facing now. | situation that we are facing now. there was already very limited humanitarian assistance that was allowed into gaza and now up with that declaration from the un agencies, we are extremely worried and very afraid of what will be the consequences of even the very limited aid entering gaza, they are not going to be able to secure it to of course all the population in the south, including my colleagues. over the last days, they were not able to secure access to clean water for drinking or waterfor secure access to clean water for drinking or water for hygiene purposes orfood. drinking or water for hygiene purposes or food. they are skipping meals. one of them is having half a portion of one meal to secure food for his kids. the other is not consuming water. they checked the bottled water they have received four weeks ago for the baby formula so they don't give the baby contaminated water. but the rest of the family is using and consuming contaminated water. unfortunately, the same is applied on the hospitals. as you can see, one after another, they are announcing they are out of service. the wounded, those in need of traditional or normal medical help and support, they are unable to access it and on top of everything, pregnant women who are giving birth for newborns, we have seeing them losing them. they are dying one after another because of lack of electricity. find because of lack of electricity. and what is your _ because of lack of electricity. and what is your understanding of the latest at al—shifa and your colleagues there, what are they telling you? 50 colleagues there, what are they telling you?— telling you? so we don't have colleagues — telling you? so we don't have colleagues inside _ telling you? so we don't have colleagues inside al-shifa, i telling you? so we don't have l colleagues inside al-shifa, but telling you? so we don't have - colleagues inside al-shifa, but we colleagues inside al—shifa, but we were able to work with doctors who were able to work with doctors who were inside al—shifa. we distributed medical supplies, since a couple of days, we are unable to reach them. not in terms of communication, not in terms of actual supplies to the hospital. we hearfrom the news in terms of actual supplies to the hospital. we hear from the news we witness as everyone through the lenses of the media what is happening. the doctors are hungry, thirsty, unable to evacuate. patients are dying one after the other and we are waiting for unfortunately the acceptance of fuel to enter through the hospital. so that they can save lives. find to enter through the hospital. so that they can save lives. and there has been more _ that they can save lives. and there has been more aid _ that they can save lives. and there has been more aid dropped - that they can save lives. and there has been more aid dropped by - that they can save lives. and there i has been more aid dropped by jordan has been more aid dropped byjordan we understand, overnight. airdropped into gaza. do you have any hope at all of that route in for aid or are wejust talking about all of that route in for aid or are we just talking about a drop in the ocean in terms of the need? at, we just talking about a drop in the ocean in terms of the need? a drop in the ocean- _ ocean in terms of the need? a drop in the ocean. but _ ocean in terms of the need? a drop in the ocean. but any _ ocean in terms of the need? a drop in the ocean. but any drop - ocean in terms of the need? a drop in the ocean. but any drop makes l ocean in terms of the need? a drop in the ocean. but any drop makes aj in the ocean. but any drop makes a difference. this field hospital that was created by the jordanian government was created by thejordanian government inside was created by the jordanian government inside gaza is one of the biggest hopes that we count on in the future. but this is not inside the future. but this is not inside the city. it is far away. and people cannot access it so far. but even if it is a drop in the ocean, it makes a difference. if one life is saved, that makes a difference. fine a difference. if one life is saved, that makes a difference. one life amon: so that makes a difference. one life among so many _ that makes a difference. one life among so many that _ that makes a difference. one life among so many that have - that makes a difference. one life among so many that have been l that makes a difference. one life i among so many that have been lost that makes a difference. one life - among so many that have been lost in this conflict. hibi tibi, thank you very much untied, giving us the perspective of the dire needs of the civilian population inside gaza —— thank you very much indeed. more across the day, but i will hand you back to lucy in london. see you soon, thank you. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. scientists have recommended two doses of the chickenpox vaccine should be given to children 12 or 18 of age. thejoint committee on vaccination and immunisation says data from other countries suggests the vaccine would dramatically reduce the circulation of chickenpox, and prevent the most severe cases in children. new figures show uk wages outstripped inflation by the largest margin in two years, but the rate at which they're growing is starting to slow. average earnings rose by 7.7% in the three months to september, compared with the same period a year ago. unemployment stood at 4.2%. a bbc investigation has found a black market trade in delivery app accounts that's allowing under—age teenagers to sign up as riders. the home office has urged deliveroo, just eat and uber eats, to reform policies that let riders lend their accounts to others without any identity checks. deliveroo says it has a "zero—tolerance approach" towards ineligible riders. you're live with bbc news. here, rishi sunak�*s new cabinet has met for the first time since yesterday's reshuffle, which saw suella braverman sacked as home secretary and david cameron return to frontline politics. our political correspondent rob watson can give us the latest from westminster. it has been very divisive, but what came out of this morning because a cabinet meeting? this came out of this morning because a cabinet meeting?— cabinet meeting? this idea it is a brand-new _ cabinet meeting? this idea it is a brand-new team, _ cabinet meeting? this idea it is a brand-new team, with _ cabinet meeting? this idea it is a brand-new team, with some - cabinet meeting? this idea it is a brand-new team, with some old | cabinet meeting? this idea it is a - brand-new team, with some old faces. brand—new team, with some old faces. i think we are going to watch the snow, i was in downing street when david cameron left a seven years ago, his reputation in tatters, britain on the road to several years of brexit chaos, and i suspect one of brexit chaos, and i suspect one of the reasons why he has walked backinis of the reasons why he has walked back in is to try and do some repair job on that reputation, there is an awful lot of damage to be repaired. whether he can do that, we will see. in terms of the way it has been received within the governing conservative party, those more to the centre are happy to see mr cameron back. those more on the right are much less happy. what it does forforeign policy, i suspect not very much. i suspect mr cameron will continue the policies of mr sunak. in terms of what it does to the politics of this country, can it somehow dig rishi sunak out of a hole? i think that is a very big ask. conservative advisers have told me, it is certainly worth a try. but i think they think unless there is a massive increase —— improvement in the economy or the labour party implodes, it may welljust be seen as rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic. as rearranging the deck chairs on the titanie— as rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic. ,., ., ., , , ., ., the titanic. good to see you, thanks so much. rescue teams in northern india are working for a third day to save a0 men who've been trapped in a collapsed road tunnel since sunday. the construction workers are all said to be unharmed, and rescuers have been able to pass food and water to them. our south asia correspondentjoins us from delhi. it feels like it is good news coming from this rescue operation, what are they saying? right now, they have had to change tactics in order to get to the trapped men. originally, they were trying to drill towards them. but because of all the falling debris and mud, that has actually made it quite challenging in terms of the rescue effort. so what they are doing now is they are drilling a hole and put in a metal tube they hope the men will be able to crawl out of. they have been trapped since the collapse of this tunnel since sunday morning. and now rescue teams are suggesting they will probably be able to get to them either by late tonight or early tomorrow morning. but as you rightly pointed out, they are being fed, they are being given water and they are pumping oxygen into the trapped area to make sure that the men who are trapped are actually well and safe. and that the men who are trapped are actually well and safe.— actually well and safe. and is this rescue effort _ actually well and safe. and is this rescue effort that _ actually well and safe. and is this rescue effort that is _ actually well and safe. and is this rescue effort that is gripping - actually well and safe. and is this rescue effort that is gripping the l rescue effort that is gripping the nation? , , . ., , ., rescue effort that is gripping the nation? , ,. ., ,~ ,. nation? this is certainly a rescue effort that _ nation? this is certainly a rescue effort that a _ nation? this is certainly a rescue effort that a lot _ nation? this is certainly a rescue effort that a lot of _ nation? this is certainly a rescue effort that a lot of people - nation? this is certainly a rescue effort that a lot of people are i effort that a lot of people are watching very closely. in fact, the communication is also difficult there that you have to rely on people going to the location and then coming away and to try and deliver some of these pictures that we are seeing, some of the images that we are seeing. itjust goes to show just that we are seeing. itjust goes to showjust how remote the region is that they are working in. it is showjust how remote the region is that they are working in.— that they are working in. it is one that they are working in. it is one that everyone _ that they are working in. it is one that everyone is _ that they are working in. it is one that everyone is keeping - that they are working in. it is one that everyone is keeping a - that they are working in. it is one that everyone is keeping a close. that they are working in. it is one i that everyone is keeping a close eye on and we hope it goes well. thank you forjoining us. do stay with us here in bbc news. hello again. over the next few days, temperatures will vary. and the weather remains unsettled. you can see the colours, yellow representing the higher temperatures, blues representing the lower temperatures. so over the next few days, they really do flip—flop in—between colder and milder conditions. the beginning of next week, as we start to pull in more of a northerly, it turns colder again. so what we have today is this weather front continuing to pull away from the south—east. another one across the north—west. both are introducing some rain or showers. in the south—east, the rain will clear and then it's going to be a mixture of bright spells, sunshine and showers for northern ireland, wales and england, heavy and cloudy, with the rain pushing north—eastwards across scotland. it will not be as windy as yesterday, but it is still going to be a blustery day across england and wales. through this evening and overnight, we hang on to the rain in the north. maybe a few showers in northern ireland, england and wales and clear skies as well. under the clear skies in the north of scotland, where the winds will fall lighter, it will be cold enough for some frost in sheltered glens. not so as we head further south. tomorrow, we have this weather front bringing in some cloud and some showery rain across northern ireland and parts of central and southern scotland, into northern england, extending down towards the wash. on either side of that, we once again are looking at dry weather and sunshine, with just a few showers around. temperatures, seven in the north and 13 as we push down towards the south. more of a complicated picture wednesday into thursday, we have two areas of low pressure. both of them look very much like they are coming our way. the one anchored out to the north—west is going to bring in this rain across western areas, pushing east through the course of the day, and the other one is coming up from the south, bringing in some rain. it could be windy with this one as well but that, too, will take the rain pushing eastwards and temperatures down a touch on the moment. the rain clears early on friday and then a lot of dry weather. it will be a cold and frosty start, with showers coming into the north—west, some of those will be wintry. and then later on, more rain piles in, with strengthening winds to the south—west. temperatures, eight in the north to widely ten or 11 degrees. this is bbc news, the headlines... israel says it's coordinating the transfer of incubators to gaza, but it's unclear whether hospitals will have enough power for the extra equipment. the chief executive of mcdonald's in the uk is questioned by mps over allegations of a "toxic" workplace culture. iceland has evacuated thousands of residents, after warning of a considerable risk of a volcanic eruption.

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Marking , Fashion , Birthday , Charles , King S Troop Royal Horse Artillery , Slits , First , Buckingham Palace , Central London , Green Park , 75 , Camilla , Food Need , Honour , Monarch , Gap , Food Waste , Things , Coronation Food Project , Thing , Work , Reception , Part , Celebrations , Midwives , Nurses , Surplus Food Distribution Centre Outside London , Nhs , One , Father , Bbc , Sussex , Wish , Duke , Megan , Family , Relationship , Three , Birth At Hospital , People , Government Buildings Inside Gaza , Power , Bbc News , Fighting , Head , Story , Mass Grave , Israeli , 180 , Incubators , Need , Babies , Al Shifa Hospital , Biden , Military , Hamas , Intensive Care , Led , Concern , Less Intrusive Action , 30 , Teams , Images , Tunnels , Command Centre , Indication , Equipment , Soldier , Death , Development , Israel S Army , Ourfreelancejournalist Fighting , Mark Lowen , Thanks , Half , Ground , Afp , Israeli Defense Forces , Video , Achievements , French , 2 , Terms , Institutions , Parliament , Control , Suffering , Military Offensive Side , Women , Hospitals , Many , Fun , Military Offensive , Third , Operation , Focus , Children , Course , Supplies , Delivery , Options , 160 , Baby , Birth , Plight , Correspondent , Ourfreelancejournalist In Gaza , Freelance Journalist , Gaza Fighting , Yogita Limaye In Jerusalem , World , Parents , Bombings , War , Boy , Stress , Girl , Help , Bed , Four , Medicines , Hospital , Central Gaza , Al Aqsa , Husan , Drawing , Mother , Mothers , Arms , Cradled , Baby Girl , Translation , Home , Kifa , Life , Bodies , Painkillers , Walking , Threat , Ifaced Extreme Exhaustion , Woman , Hospital Compound , Refuge , 15 , Explosions , Sheet , Sound , Child , Baby Move , Bags , Horrors , Like I Couldn T , Ifelt , Childhood , Homes , Cars , Jobs , Boys And Girls , Hundreds Of Thousands , Water , Scenes , Drops , Jerusalem , Yogita Limaye , Latest , 170 , South , Journalist , Base , Rushdi Abualouf , Ten , Some , Cemetery , Situation , Same , Courtyard , Grave , Risk , Another , Morning , Building , Air Strikes , Mosque , Tanks , Hospital Hundreds Of Times , Six , Communication , Doctors , Directions , Buildings , Gate , Seven , Heavy Rain , Khan Younis , Rain Across Western Areas , Somebody , Weather , Middle , Most , Nothing , Clothes , Sleeping , North , Crisis , Edge , 300000 , 400000 , Electricity , Understanding , Bread , Rushi , Hamas Run Health Ministry , Number , Fuel , Black , 36 , Aid , Statement , General , Hamas Run Health Ministry Inside The Hospital , Team , Nobody , 48 , Two , Lives , Patients , Danger , Machines , 400 , Wall , Director , Litres , Sign , Generators , Israelis , Offering , Anything , 300 , 10000 , Third Party , Viewers , Bbc Two , Time To Say Goodbye , Fuel Shortage , Distress , Leaders , Diplomacy , Abdelbassir Hassan , Egypt , Attempts , Neigbouring Egypt In Cairo , Rafah Border Crossing , Spokesman , Health Ministry Here In Cairo , Safety , Cairo , Kind , Enclave , 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Meeting , Idea , Meeting , Rob Watson , Westminster , Reasons , Reputation , Faces , On The Road , Tatters , Brexit Chaos , Snow , Downing Street , Lot , Way , Centre , Repair Job , Damage , Conservative Party , Backinis , Mr , Policy , Back , Forforeign , Increase , Whole , Politics , Mask , Country , Try , Advisers , Improvement , Rishi Sunak Out , Men , Titanic , Deck Chairs , Rescue Teams , Economy , Rearranging , Third Day , Labour Party , Titanie , Northern India , Implodes , Rescuers , Road Tunnel , Construction Workers , South Asia Correspondentjoins , Delhi , Rescue Operation , Order , Tactics , Debris , Rescue Effort , Put , Mud , Metal Tube , Collapse , Tunnel , Out , Sunday Morning , Safe , Pumping Oxygen , Fed , Nation , Fact , Location , Itjust , Region , Pictures , Keeping , Close , Stay , Eye , Temperatures , Hello Again , Beginning , Colours , Blues , Conditions , Flip Flop , Showers , The Rain , Weather Front , More , North West , South East , Sunshine , Northern 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