Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240702 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240702

the biggest, al—shifa, is not functioning at all, according to the world health organization. al—shifa's head of surgery has told the bbc that a third premature newborn baby has died because of a lack of power. there are reports that gaza's second biggest hospital, al-quds, has run out of fuel. the situation at the al—shifa hospital is intensifying as suppliers are not getting through. gaza's hamas—run health ministry says at least 2,300 people are still inside al—shifa, in an update shared by the who. officials say premature babies have had to be moved out of their incubators. it's now five weeks since hamas, designated a terror organisation by the uk government, and killed more than 1,200 people in israel, and took more than 200 hostage. since then, hamas officials say well over 11,000 people have been killed in israeli attacks on gaza. in this special report, our international editor jeremy bowen assesses what could happen next, in gaza and in israel. the beds were full when mosab was brought in wounded. gaza's medics have to improvise. and a photo of premature babies at shifa, the main hospital in gaza, swaddled to stay alive after their incubators stopped working when the power ran out. all born in the cruelty of war. in the other hamas—israel wars, it would be time for a ceasefire by now and back to the same uneasy status quo until the next explosion. news teams can't cross into gaza, so they come to sderot, the nearest israeli town, to look in. perhaps the biggest question is what happens in gaza the day after? who's going to be in charge? israeli occupiers? an internationalforce? palestinians? if so, which palestinians? this time, it's different. the cost in lives from the hamas attacks to israel's response has thrust the conflict into unknown territory. with israel on the attack, prime minister netanyahu rejected america's day—after plan. the us wants the palestinian authority, rivals to hamas, to run gaza after the fighting, and then, a palestinian state alongside israel. netanyahu opposes palestinian independence and wants israel to control security. danny yatom, once the israeli spy chief, said that's why the prime minister snubbed israel's most important ally. israel should not stay too long in the gaza strip — one. secondly, it will not be able to leave the gaza strip unless all the abductees are in our hands, back in a peaceful situation. and we won, we succeed hamas, we won the war against hamas. now there is a need to define, what does it mean exactly to win? i define it as the collapse of hamas as a body, as an organisation... ..losing its chain of command. israelis are united behind their army, but not their prime minister. these demonstrators outside his office injerusalem believe he is pandering to the hard—line jewish nationalists who keep him in power. another big question for israelis is the future of their prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. he was a divisive figure before the 7th of october. and since then, a lot of israelis have started to blame him for the security and intelligence and military errors that allowed hamas to attack with such devastating consequences. there's anger that after hamas killed and abducted so many, mostly israeli civilians, military and intelligence chiefs accepted their share of the blame and the prime minister did not. and pressure is growing for a ceasefire in exchange for hostages. what is fighting hamas? of course, the hamas needs to be taken down, ok. but the question of how to do it is also a significant question. and before i want to kill one single terrorist, i want each and every one of these people home. i want the ten—month—old baby home! i want the 86—year—old home! i want that more than i want dead terrorists. once they're home, we can finish the job. the pain and hatred unleashed since the 7th of october might overwhelm all those who still believe in peace, not permanent war. almost every day in the west bank, they bury more palestinians killed in israeli raids. this side of the occupied palestinian territories is becoming the war�*s next battleground. the only answer, western leaders say, is to revive the two—state solution — independent palestine alongside israel. a failed idea that survives only as a slogan. sabri saidam, an adviser to the palestinian president, has heard it all before. i think it's empty, it's meaningless if it continues to be this way. if you want to do things, don't just walk — don'tjust talk. you need to walk the talk and you need to implement things. if we continue with this sloganeering without any results whatsoever, we're getting nowhere. when this war started, joe biden warned israel not to be blinded by rage, as america was after the 9/11 attacks by al-anda. now, israel's tactics are alarming the americans. they reiterate support for israel, but say too many palestinians have been killed by the war machine they helped israel build. inside gaza, israeli military censors say we can't show the faces of soldiers we filmed. senior western diplomats, firm israeli allies, told the bbc that ending the war and dealing with the aftermath will be difficult and messy. the wall betweenjerusalem and the west bank is a monument to the death of the last peace process. so what do we know? well, events since the attacks of october 7th have shown that this conflict is not something that israel can manage and the rest of the world can ignore. there's also the history of a century of conflict between arabs and jews for control of this land. and that shows that there's no military solution. so if the current bloodshed doesn't lead to a new and serious attempt to make peace, then there'll be more wars for more generations. but war hardens hearts. in gaza today in a brief pause, thousands more palestinians fled the israeli offensive. jeremy bowen, bbc news, jerusalem. hamas is reportedly suspending negotiations on the release of the hostages it's holding because of israel's actions around al—shifa hospital in gaza. reuters news agency is quoting a palestinian official briefed on the talks. but this is what prime minister benjamin netanyahu said overnight, when he was asked about reports of a potential hostage deal by our us news affiliate cbs. the minute we started the ground operation, things began to change. i5 ground operation, things began to chance. , ., ground operation, things began to change-— to change. is there a potential deal? there _ to change. is there a potential deal? there could _ to change. is there a potential deal? there could be, - to change. is there a potential deal? there could be, but - to change. is there a potential deal? there could be, but the| deal? there could be, but the less i say. _ deal? there could be, but the less i say, the _ deal? there could be, but the less i say, the more _ deal? there could be, but the less i say, the more i - deal? there could be, but the| less i say, the more i increase the chances it materialises. it's a result of military pressure, the extraordinary work the idf is doing, putting pressure on the hamas leadership. that's the one thing that might create a deal, and if a deal is available, well, we will talk about it when it is there and we will announce it if it is achieved. meanwhile, the un has lowered flags to half mast in honour of staff killed in gaza in several offices around the world. its agencies have warned that nowhere is safe in southern gaza, despite israel's call for people to move there from the north, and that at least 99 staff members have been killed so far. a ceremony will be held at the un headquarters later today, where a minute's silence will be held. in the united states, the deadline to avoid a government shutdown is once again looming. this may all sound familiar, and that's because at the end of september, the government notified federal workers a shutdown could be soon. then, at the eleventh hour, the republican—led house passed a 30—day temporary funding bill. that deal runs out on 17th of november. this time, the new republican speaker of the house mikejohnson has unveiled a proposed bill that would extend funding for some federal agencies until late january, and for others through early february. but with a slim republican majority, even a small rebellion from his caucus could scupper his proposal. the house is expected to vote on the bill as early as tuesday. here's more from bob costa, the chief elections correspondent at our news affiliate cbs. this new strategy by the new speaker is an attempt to acknowledge the political reality, that he can't get what he wants at this moment in terms of spending cuts or attacking the internal revenue service and its budget, but he wants to buy himself time. so speakerjohnson is laying out this proposal to separate the funding deadlines for different appropriations over two periods. this gives him two or three months to think through, how can he try to get the democrats to make concessions? especially in the senate, where they have the majority. could he come up with a plan to make the biden white house and the senate democrats buckle on a few key issues? but because he is so new to thejob, he hasn't had time to build any real political capital or leverage in these negotiations. so by moving forward without requiring spending cuts in his proposal, it is an acknowledgement of the political reality. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. the uk government is understood to be considering more powers for police to address protests. according to reports, the new measures could include stopping people climbing on statues, bus stops and scaffolding during demonstrations. around 300,000 people attended the latest pro—palestinian march in central london on saturday, and far—right counter—protesters clashed with police near the cenotaph. the doctors' regulator is warning there are "worrying signs" that a growing number of doctors are planning to quit due to burnout and dissatisfaction. the general medical council also says that attracting skilled doctors from overseas will remain "crucial". that's despite the government launching a major plan to train and recruit more healthcare workers in england. the funeral of manchester united legend sir bobby charlton takes place this afternoon. thousands of people are expected to line the streets of manchester to pay their respects. sir bobby died aged 86 last month. you're live with bbc news. an australian army whistleblower who spoke out about alleged war crimes by its forces in afghanistan is going on trial in canberra. david mcbride is a former military lawyer who is accused of leaking classified documents to journalists. an inquiry laterfound evidence supporting the allegations of unlawful killings. he could face a life sentence if found guilty. live now to the bbc�*s phil mercer in sydney. phil, talk us through this trial. very controversial and closely watched.— trial. very controversial and closely watched. yes, and very complicated- — closely watched. yes, and very complicated. this _ closely watched. yes, and very complicated. this is _ closely watched. yes, and very complicated. this is a - closely watched. yes, and very complicated. this is a case - complicated. this is a case that has taken years to come to trial. david mcbride is accused of five offences, including the unauthorised disclosure of information, breaching australia's defence act, and also the test of government property. this all relate to information the former army lawyer passed to journalists at the australian broadcasting corporation, the national broadcaster here, in 2017. those allegations were around alleged war crimes committed by australian special forces in afghanistan. the subsequent inquiry you mention said it found credible evidence supporting those allegations. and david mcbride has always said he went to the media as a last resort, that he used the military�*s internal whistle—blowing complaints system, but his complaints were ignored. he took his complaints then to the press, and here we are today at the act supreme court, the australian capital territory is supreme court, where the trial began to date. we had preliminary legal arguments before a jury is empanelled, and this trial is expected to last up to three weeks. . , , . expected to last up to three weeks. ., , , ., ., weeks. he has pleaded not uuil to weeks. he has pleaded not guilty to all— weeks. he has pleaded not guilty to all five _ weeks. he has pleaded not guilty to all five charges, i guilty to all five charges, hasn't he? he has some very high—profile supporters, some of whom made speeches outside the court. ., , ., of whom made speeches outside the court. . , ., ., ., the court. there was an air of defiance _ the court. there was an air of defiance from _ the court. there was an air of defiance from david - the court. there was an air of defiance from david mcbridel the court. there was an air of l defiance from david mcbride as he turned up outside the court in the national capital canberra, earlier today. in the national capital canberra, earliertoday. he had a fist in the air and he said that today he was serving his country, and said he was prepared to go to prison if he was found guilty. he did listen to a number of speeches from his supporters. they have called on the australian government to abandon this prosecution of this whistle—blower. they insist that the prosecution will deter other whistle—blowers from coming forward, and one campaigner said it was essentially australian democracy on trial, that the truth was on trial as well. we heard from the attorney general in australia, a spokesman saying they can only really stop a prosecution in very unusual and extraordinary circumstances, so this is a trial that is highlighting not only the case of david mcbride, but also the alleged war crimes he exposed many, many years ago. he exposed many, many years auo. �* , . ago. i'm sure we will get elect of -- a lot _ ago. i'm sure we will get elect of -- a lot of— ago. i'm sure we will get elect of -- a lot of attention. - a global summit aimed at tackling plastic pollution is getting under way in kenya later. delegates will work through a list of potential policies and actions, with the aim of creating a treaty for countries to follow. the un says 11 million tonnes of plastic waste are dumped into the world's oceans each year, and that could triple by 2040. it also says more than 800 marine and coastal species are negatively affected by plastic pollution such as wrappers, bottles and caps. we're joined now by shane cucow, the plastics campaign manager with the australian marine conservation society and is at the summit in nairobi. thank you for being on the programme. how hopeful are you that this summit will deliver, in that you will have an agreement at the end of it to tackle this problem? this agreement at the end of it to tackle this problem?- agreement at the end of it to tackle this problem? this is a critical round _ tackle this problem? this is a critical round of _ tackle this problem? this is a critical round of negotiations. this is the third of what will be five negotiating sessions towards a global plastics treaty. at this summit, what we are seeing is the very first time delicates will consider the zero draught of the treaty, a draught text with a range of low and high ambition options. the hope is that by the end of the seven days of negotiation, we will have some consensus on the key measures. and a mandate to move towards the very first actual draught of the treaty. this is on track to hopefully deliver a treaty for signing by the end of 2025. 50 deliver a treaty for signing by the end of 2025.— deliver a treaty for signing by the end of 2025. so why have ou not the end of 2025. so why have you got to — the end of 2025. so why have you got to have _ the end of 2025. so why have you got to have your - the end of 2025. so why have you got to have your own - you got to have your own separate event, as it were, to reach a conclusion on this? could it not be tackled at cop 28 which starts soon? this treaty is — 28 which starts soon? this treaty is not _ 28 which starts soon? this treaty is not yet _ 28 which starts soon? this treaty is not yet in - 28 which starts soon? this treaty is not yet in action, | 28 which starts soon? this. treaty is not yet in action, it is not yet written or signed, so once it has been hashed out and negotiated, there will be a range of parties, is my understanding... range of parties, is my understandinu... ~ _, , understanding... when it comes to dealing _ understanding... when it comes to dealing with _ understanding... when it comes to dealing with plastic _ understanding... when it comes to dealing with plastic waste - to dealing with plastic waste in the oceans, do you feel it gets the attention needed or in comparison to all the other issues, as a consequence of climate change, it's much further down on the list? it has historically been much further down the list. what is exciting is this in the first time nations have attempted to negotiate a global plastics treaty, and they have a very short timeline to try and deliver a treaty for signing, in two years, it is very ambitious and difficult and shows there is a high level of ambition around the world. what could be in this treaty is very significant. the mandate includes trying to deal with plastics in their entire life cycle, from production all the way to ending up in the ocean or being waste. to make sure overall production of plastic comes down, which is difficult to get nations to agree to. and also look at measures to direct funding to small island development states, as they are disproportionately bearing the burden of plastic washing up on their shores or exported from other countries, so it is significant and shows a high level of ambition.— level of ambition. when it comes to _ level of ambition. when it comes to implementation | level of ambition. when it i comes to implementation of level of ambition. when it - comes to implementation of what you may come up with in terms of a treaty that is finalised, among all of those of you negotiating this, is it not fairly simple for governments and businesses to implement these changes? a lot simpler than, for example, a transition from fossilfuel energy than, for example, a transition from fossil fuel energy to greener energy? does that make sense? it greener energy? does that make sense? , ., , , , greener energy? does that make sense? ,, , , sense? it should be simple, but unfortunately _ sense? it should be simple, but unfortunately a _ sense? it should be simple, but unfortunately a lot _ sense? it should be simple, but unfortunately a lot of _ sense? it should be simple, but unfortunately a lot of people - unfortunately a lot of people make a lot of money out of plastic and a lot of vested interests don't want to see a treaty come through, so it will be difficult negotiations. for example, we are looking at a global register of band plastics and polymers of concern. it's very difficult to look at how that is done. —— banned plastics. it could be measures which we think could be quite critical to establish something like a global plastic pollution say, that is an item on the agenda, and that could see, if it got through, companies that produce plastic polymers having to pay towards the environmental repair, end—of—life management to support that funding for small island developing nations. so there are measures on the table which are very critical, design standards for example to make sure products are designed to be recyclable at end of life, that should be a no—brainer. thank you, we will keep an eye on how it goes today and in the days ahead. at, on how it goes today and in the days ahead-— now, this was the scene from the window of a house in italy last night. a large male lion wandering past homes in residential streets in the town of ladispoli near rome. the animal had escaped from a nearby circus, as sophia bettiza now reports. mama mia! last night, panic and astonishment in this italian town as this lion escaped from a local circus. the animal, known as kimba, was spotted by several people casually wandering the streets. the seaside town of ladispoli, north of rome, was placed on lockdown alert. the mayor warning its 40,000 residents to stay at home. the search for the lion was not easy. this footage taken from a police helicopter shows how tricky it was to spot him at nightfall. even though he was hurt and limping, he was able to get away multiple times. but after seven hours on saturday night, the authorities finally captured and sedated kimba. he weighs more than 480 lbs. after a night of recovery, kimba is back in his cage with his brothers and sisters. his trainer says his escape posed little threat. translation: these animals are used to contact with humans. - they don't fear people, they don't hate people and they live peacefully with us. but many have criticised the circus for using wild animals. a practice that is considered cruel and is banned in many other countries, including the uk. this magnificent sight may have sent temporary fright through the streets of ladispoli, but few here will forget the day the circus came to town and kimba's impromptu walkabout. sophia bettiza, bbc news. events have been taking place here in the uk and around the world to celebrate diwali over the weekend, with festivities to mark the triumph of light over darkness. olivia richwald reports. the diwali celebrations in leicester are renowned as some of the most lavish outside india. 6,000 lamps illuminate the city's golden mile. and last night, large crowds turned out to mark the 40th anniversary of leicester's lights. happy diwali! up and down the country, hindus gathered to mark the festival, which celebrates the triumph of light over dark, good over evil — a sentiment everyone can appreciate. all that is happening in the world with ukraine, with gaza. don't want to go political, but i really hope that mankind can find peace within. we can learn to live in harmony, have empathy, and have love for each other, and that's all. and diwali — that's all it means. in manchester, worshippers at this 55—year—old temple paid homage to the deities lord rama, his brother and wife. diwali here celebrated the return of the trio after 1a years in exile. and for the youngest generation, the festival of lights is the highlight of the year. itjust makes me feel really empowered. i feel very proud of my culture. i feel like it's just very beautiful and light, pretty and bright. come to the temple and pray to god, and we ask them for brightness, for happiness. as well at hinduism, diwali is also significant to sikhs, jains and some buddhists for different reasons. it is traditionally celebrated on the darkest day of the year. this was birmingham, where people of all faiths were invited to take part in the celebrations to find out more about the symbolism. about 3.000 visitors are expected here over the next three days. these fireworks were set off over london. diwali is a celebration shared by several major religions. but its theme of peace, harmony and unity is a message for us all. olivia richwald, bbc news, manchester. and before we go, an update on the race for the republican primary in the united states. the us senator, tim scott, has suspended his campaign to secure the republican nomination to run for president. he made the announcement live on fox news saying primary voters were telling him "not now". stay with us here on bbc news. hello there. after a quiet couple of days, things are looking a lot more unsettled now. certainly, for the next 2a hours, some of us could see a stormy spell of weather associated with storm debi. met office have a number of warnings issued and some amber warnings for severe gales across northern ireland, which could be extended across the irish sea into parts of north—west england and south—west scotland. now, storm debi is likely to affect much of the western side of the country through the night and certainly into monday morning. damaging winds and heavy rain, which will spread northwards. head online to check out all the latest weather warnings. here it is, a secondary small area of low pressure, close to the parent low, moving northwards. but the biggest impacts will be felt across the republic of ireland during monday morning. but heavy rain will spread northwards across all areas. and a mild start across the south, quite chilly in the north. a blustery start to all areas. that band of heavy rain will continue to spread northwards, eventually pushing into scotland as we move through the morning, particularly eastern scotland. but the winds really ramping up from around 6am onwards. gusts in excess of 60—70mph, northern ireland. across coastal parts of north wales, north—west england, maybe even higher, 70—80mph exposure. further south, it will be blustery through the morning, but not quite as windy as it will be further north. and into the afternoon, skies will brighten up for large parts of england and wales, with sunny spells and a few scattered showers. and it will be noticeably mild. highs of 13—16 celsius in the south, 9—11 further north. storm debi continues to pull away during monday evening into the north sea. then we're left with blustery conditions through monday night, scattered showers and clear spells. most of the showers in the north and the west. and again, most places will be frost—free, temperatures of 5—11 celsius. it stays quite unsettled as we head into tuesday. this area of low pressure sitting to the north—west of the country will bring showers or longer spells of rain maybe to northern ireland, certainly to western scotland. elsewhere, it's sunny spells, scattered, blustery showers. most of the showers pushing into western areas. a few eastern areas could see lengthier sunny spells. and again, it'll feel quite mild, temperatures of around 10—14 celsius. as we move through the week, it looks like it'll stay fairly unsettled. there is a chance of another spell of wet and windy weather perhaps across southern britain on thursday. certainly one to watch. but keep up to date with all the weather warnings with regards to storm debi. live from london, this is bbc news. the apec summit in san francisco kicks off with finance ministers meeting, but the big event comes on wednesday when president biden meets china's premier xi jinping. what's going on with oil prices? opec will give its latest update today. last week, they fell by more than 4%. also to come... fraud — it's one of the fastest—growing industries in the world — we look at what you can do to protect yourself. and former manchester united football star gary neville tells us why he is developing luxury property in manchester. hello, i'm sally bundock with the top business stories,

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Bbc News , Central London , World Health Organization , Dire And Perilous , Treaty , The Main Hospital In Gaza , Talks , Situation , Festivities , Uk , Waste , Hospital , Al Shifa , Around The World , Diwali , Triumph , Light Over Darkness , Fun , Concern , Hospitals , Gaza Strip , Estate , Map , 36 , 20 , Wall , Power , Baby , Head , Biggest , Black , Surgery , Fuel , Second Biggest Hospital , Al Quds , People , Hamas Run Health Ministry , Babies , Update , Suppliers , Officials , The Who , 2300 , Government , Israel , Hostage , Incubators , Designated A Terror Organisation , 200 , Five , 1200 , Attacks , Jeremy Bowen , Special Report , Mosab , Beds , 11000 , Medics , Photo , Swaddled , War , Ceasefire , Wars , Cruelty , Explosion , Status Quo , Question , Sderot , News Teams Can T Cross Into Gaza , Occupiers , Internationalforce , Palestinians , Cost , Response , Lives , Benjamin Netanyahu , Conflict , Plan , Territory , Attack , To Run Gaza , America , Rivals , Fighting , Palestinian Authority , Security , Palestinian State , Independence , Spy Chief , Danny Yatom , Rally , One , Need , Hands , Abductees , Organisation , Body , Collapse , Chain Of Command , Israelis , Prime Minister , Army , Demonstrators , Pandering , Office Injerusalem , Lot , Nationalists , 7th , Jewish , Figure , 7 , 7th Of October , Intelligence , Errors , Consequences , Danger , Pressure , Civilians , Hostages , Chiefs , Blame , Share , Exchange , Course , Terrorist , Home , Terrorists , Job , 86 , Ten , Peace , Pain , Hatred , West Bank , Battleground , Side , Answer , Raids , Palestinian Territories , Western , Independent Palestine , Two State Solution , Leaders , Two , President , Way , Idea , Sabri Saidam , Slogan , Things , Talk , Nowhere , They Don T , Sloganeering , Results , Joe Biden , Americans , Support , Rage , Tactics , Al Anda , 9 11 , Inside Gaza , War Machine , Soldiers , Israeli Military , Senior Western Diplomats , Faces , Censors , Dealing , Monument , Aftermath , Peace Process , Death , Wall Betweenjerusalem , Allies , World , Something , Events , Rest , History , October 7th , Lead , Control , Military Solution , Land , Jews , Arabs , Bloodshed , Serious , Doesn T , Generations , Hearts , Pause , Offensive , War Hardens , Negotiations , Actions , Official , Al Shifa Hospital In Gaza , Release , Holding , Reuters News Agency , News , Cbs , Hostage Deal , Reports , Deal , More , Ground Operation , Military Pressure , Chances , Result , I5 Ground Operation , Thing , Doing , Leadership , Work , Idf , It , Agencies , Staff , Safe , Southern Gaza , Flags , Half Mast , Honour , Call , North , Ceremony , Government Shutdown , Members , Un Headquarters , Minute S Silence , 99 , The End , Republican , Shutdown , Workers , Speaker Of The House , September , 30 , Funding Bill , 17th Of November , Mikejohnson , 17 , Funding , Bill , Proposal , Majority , House , Others , Caucus , Rebellion , Speaker , Bob Costa , Attempt , Elections , News Affiliate , Strategy , Speakerjohnson , Internal Revenue Service , Reality , Spending Cuts , Terms , Budget , Democrats , Funding Deadlines , Concessions , Appropriations , Buckle , Senate , White House , Three , Capital , Leverage , Issues , Acknowledgement , He Hasn T , Thejob , Stories , Measures , Police , Statues , Demonstrations , Powers , Pro Palestinian March , Bus Stops , Protests , Scaffolding , 300000 , Number , Doctors , Signs , Warning , Regulator , Planning , Cenotaph , Counter Protesters , Burnout , England , Overseas , Healthcare Workers , Dissatisfaction , Crucial , General Medical Council , Afternoon , Streets , Place , Thousands , Manchester , Bobby Charlton , Manchester United , Funeral , Respects , Sir , Legend , David Mcbride , Trial , Whistleblower , War Crimes , Special Forces , Afghanistan , Australian Army , Canberra , Military Lawyer , Journalists , Evidence , Allegations , Life Sentence , Documents , Killings , Inquiry Laterfound , Watched Trial , Phil Mercer , Sydney , Case , Yes , Information , Offences , Disclosure , Breaching Australia S , Government Property , Broadcaster , Lawyer , Test , Defence Act , Australian Broadcasting Corporation , 2017 , Inquiry , Complaints , Military S Internal , Media , Complaints System , Last Resort , Supreme Court , Press , Act Supreme Court , Australian Capital Territory , Speeches , Charges , Some , Supporters , Empanelled , Jury , Arguments , Hasn T , The Court , Hair , Country , Defiance , Whom , Fist , David Mcbridel , Capital Canberra , Earliertoday , Prosecution , Prison , Democracy , Attorney General , Campaigner , Truth , Forward , Whistle Blower , Circumstances , Spokesman , Summit , Elect , Many , Attention , Plastic Pollution , Ago , Kenya , Countries , List , Policies , Delegates , Aim , 11 Million , 2040 , 800 , Shane Cucow , Pollution , Plastics , Species , Bottles , Caps , Wrappers , Australian Marine Conservation Society , Programme , Summit In Nairobi , Problem , Ground , Agreement , Third , Global Plastics Treaty , Negotiating Sessions , Low , Draught , Hope , Orange , Ambition Options , Delicates , Text , Zero , Signing , Mandate , Negotiation , Consensus , Track , Seven , Event , Conclusion , Cop 28 , 2025 , 50 , 28 , Understanding , Parties , Action , Plastic , Understandinu , Comparison , Consequence , Oceans , Climate Change , Level , Nations , Time , Timeline , Production , Ambition , Ocean , Life Cycle , States , Burden , Small Island Development , Implementation , Shores , Example , Transition , Governments , Changes , Businesses , Fossilfuel Energy Than , Sense , Energy , Interests , Money , Fossil Fuel Energy , Treaty Come Through , Polymers , Band Plastics , Register , Companies , Agenda , Item , Repair , Say , End Of Life Management , Products , Life , Island , Design , Table , Standards , Window , No Brainer , Scene , Eye , House In Italy Last Night , Circus , Town , Lion , Animal , Ladispoli , Rome , Sophia Bettiza , Mama Mia , Homes , Kimba , Astonishment , Last Night , Local Circus , Panic , Footage , Search , Mayor , Residents , Seaside Town , Lockdown Alert , 40000 , Police Helicopter , Times , Limping , Nightfall , Saturday Night , Lbs , Recovery , Cage , Authorities , Brothers And Sisters , 480 , Animals , Translation , Don T Fear People , Escape , Threat , Humans , Trainer , Practice , Sight , Fright , Impromptu Walkabout , Weekend , Olivia Richwald Reports , Diwali Celebrations , Flights , Crowds , City , Leicester , 40th Anniversary , Outside India 6000 Lamps , Golden Mile , 6000 , 40 , Light , Festival , Sentiment , Everyone , Hindus , Harmony , Each Other , Empathy , Mankind , Love , Don T Want To Go Political , Ukraine , Lord Rama , Return , It Means , That , Wife , Deities , Homage , Exile , Trio , Temple , Worshippers , 55 , 1 , Highlight , Generation , Festival Of Lights , Itjust , My Culture , Happiness , Hinduism , Brightness , Reasons , Buddhists , God , Jains , Sikhs , Birmingham , Part , Visitors , Celebrations , Faiths , Symbolism , 3 000 , Celebration , Fireworks , Religions , Over London , Unity , Message , Theme , Olivia Richwald , Tim Scott , Primary , Campaign , Race , Nomination , Fox News , Announcement , Voters , Stay , Couple , Met Office , Spell , Weather , Storm Debi , Warnings , Amber Warnings , Gales , Northern Ireland , South West Scotland , North West England , Irish Sea , 2 , Winds , Northwards , Weather Warnings , Area , Parent , Heavy Rain , Monday Morning , South , Areas , Start , Band , Impacts , Republic Of Ireland , Parts , Gusts , Eastern Scotland , North Wales , 6 , 70 , 60 , Showers , Spells , Skies , Exposure , Wales , 80 , Celsius In The South , Highs , Conditions , North Sea , 16 , 9 , 11 , 13 , Most , Temperatures , West , Places , North West , 5 , Rain , Elsewhere , Western Areas , Western Scotland , 14 , 10 , Chance , Regards , Southern Britain On Thursday , Apec Summit , San Francisco , Opec , Finance Ministers Meeting , Oil Prices , China S , Xi Jinping , Star Gary Neville , Football , Industries , 4 , Property , Business Stories , Sally Bundock ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240702 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240702

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the biggest, al—shifa, is not functioning at all, according to the world health organization. al—shifa's head of surgery has told the bbc that a third premature newborn baby has died because of a lack of power. there are reports that gaza's second biggest hospital, al-quds, has run out of fuel. the situation at the al—shifa hospital is intensifying as suppliers are not getting through. gaza's hamas—run health ministry says at least 2,300 people are still inside al—shifa, in an update shared by the who. officials say premature babies have had to be moved out of their incubators. it's now five weeks since hamas, designated a terror organisation by the uk government, and killed more than 1,200 people in israel, and took more than 200 hostage. since then, hamas officials say well over 11,000 people have been killed in israeli attacks on gaza. in this special report, our international editor jeremy bowen assesses what could happen next, in gaza and in israel. the beds were full when mosab was brought in wounded. gaza's medics have to improvise. and a photo of premature babies at shifa, the main hospital in gaza, swaddled to stay alive after their incubators stopped working when the power ran out. all born in the cruelty of war. in the other hamas—israel wars, it would be time for a ceasefire by now and back to the same uneasy status quo until the next explosion. news teams can't cross into gaza, so they come to sderot, the nearest israeli town, to look in. perhaps the biggest question is what happens in gaza the day after? who's going to be in charge? israeli occupiers? an internationalforce? palestinians? if so, which palestinians? this time, it's different. the cost in lives from the hamas attacks to israel's response has thrust the conflict into unknown territory. with israel on the attack, prime minister netanyahu rejected america's day—after plan. the us wants the palestinian authority, rivals to hamas, to run gaza after the fighting, and then, a palestinian state alongside israel. netanyahu opposes palestinian independence and wants israel to control security. danny yatom, once the israeli spy chief, said that's why the prime minister snubbed israel's most important ally. israel should not stay too long in the gaza strip — one. secondly, it will not be able to leave the gaza strip unless all the abductees are in our hands, back in a peaceful situation. and we won, we succeed hamas, we won the war against hamas. now there is a need to define, what does it mean exactly to win? i define it as the collapse of hamas as a body, as an organisation... ..losing its chain of command. israelis are united behind their army, but not their prime minister. these demonstrators outside his office injerusalem believe he is pandering to the hard—line jewish nationalists who keep him in power. another big question for israelis is the future of their prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. he was a divisive figure before the 7th of october. and since then, a lot of israelis have started to blame him for the security and intelligence and military errors that allowed hamas to attack with such devastating consequences. there's anger that after hamas killed and abducted so many, mostly israeli civilians, military and intelligence chiefs accepted their share of the blame and the prime minister did not. and pressure is growing for a ceasefire in exchange for hostages. what is fighting hamas? of course, the hamas needs to be taken down, ok. but the question of how to do it is also a significant question. and before i want to kill one single terrorist, i want each and every one of these people home. i want the ten—month—old baby home! i want the 86—year—old home! i want that more than i want dead terrorists. once they're home, we can finish the job. the pain and hatred unleashed since the 7th of october might overwhelm all those who still believe in peace, not permanent war. almost every day in the west bank, they bury more palestinians killed in israeli raids. this side of the occupied palestinian territories is becoming the war�*s next battleground. the only answer, western leaders say, is to revive the two—state solution — independent palestine alongside israel. a failed idea that survives only as a slogan. sabri saidam, an adviser to the palestinian president, has heard it all before. i think it's empty, it's meaningless if it continues to be this way. if you want to do things, don't just walk — don'tjust talk. you need to walk the talk and you need to implement things. if we continue with this sloganeering without any results whatsoever, we're getting nowhere. when this war started, joe biden warned israel not to be blinded by rage, as america was after the 9/11 attacks by al-anda. now, israel's tactics are alarming the americans. they reiterate support for israel, but say too many palestinians have been killed by the war machine they helped israel build. inside gaza, israeli military censors say we can't show the faces of soldiers we filmed. senior western diplomats, firm israeli allies, told the bbc that ending the war and dealing with the aftermath will be difficult and messy. the wall betweenjerusalem and the west bank is a monument to the death of the last peace process. so what do we know? well, events since the attacks of october 7th have shown that this conflict is not something that israel can manage and the rest of the world can ignore. there's also the history of a century of conflict between arabs and jews for control of this land. and that shows that there's no military solution. so if the current bloodshed doesn't lead to a new and serious attempt to make peace, then there'll be more wars for more generations. but war hardens hearts. in gaza today in a brief pause, thousands more palestinians fled the israeli offensive. jeremy bowen, bbc news, jerusalem. hamas is reportedly suspending negotiations on the release of the hostages it's holding because of israel's actions around al—shifa hospital in gaza. reuters news agency is quoting a palestinian official briefed on the talks. but this is what prime minister benjamin netanyahu said overnight, when he was asked about reports of a potential hostage deal by our us news affiliate cbs. the minute we started the ground operation, things began to change. i5 ground operation, things began to chance. , ., ground operation, things began to change-— to change. is there a potential deal? there _ to change. is there a potential deal? there could _ to change. is there a potential deal? there could be, - to change. is there a potential deal? there could be, but - to change. is there a potential deal? there could be, but the| deal? there could be, but the less i say. _ deal? there could be, but the less i say, the _ deal? there could be, but the less i say, the more _ deal? there could be, but the less i say, the more i - deal? there could be, but the| less i say, the more i increase the chances it materialises. it's a result of military pressure, the extraordinary work the idf is doing, putting pressure on the hamas leadership. that's the one thing that might create a deal, and if a deal is available, well, we will talk about it when it is there and we will announce it if it is achieved. meanwhile, the un has lowered flags to half mast in honour of staff killed in gaza in several offices around the world. its agencies have warned that nowhere is safe in southern gaza, despite israel's call for people to move there from the north, and that at least 99 staff members have been killed so far. a ceremony will be held at the un headquarters later today, where a minute's silence will be held. in the united states, the deadline to avoid a government shutdown is once again looming. this may all sound familiar, and that's because at the end of september, the government notified federal workers a shutdown could be soon. then, at the eleventh hour, the republican—led house passed a 30—day temporary funding bill. that deal runs out on 17th of november. this time, the new republican speaker of the house mikejohnson has unveiled a proposed bill that would extend funding for some federal agencies until late january, and for others through early february. but with a slim republican majority, even a small rebellion from his caucus could scupper his proposal. the house is expected to vote on the bill as early as tuesday. here's more from bob costa, the chief elections correspondent at our news affiliate cbs. this new strategy by the new speaker is an attempt to acknowledge the political reality, that he can't get what he wants at this moment in terms of spending cuts or attacking the internal revenue service and its budget, but he wants to buy himself time. so speakerjohnson is laying out this proposal to separate the funding deadlines for different appropriations over two periods. this gives him two or three months to think through, how can he try to get the democrats to make concessions? especially in the senate, where they have the majority. could he come up with a plan to make the biden white house and the senate democrats buckle on a few key issues? but because he is so new to thejob, he hasn't had time to build any real political capital or leverage in these negotiations. so by moving forward without requiring spending cuts in his proposal, it is an acknowledgement of the political reality. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. the uk government is understood to be considering more powers for police to address protests. according to reports, the new measures could include stopping people climbing on statues, bus stops and scaffolding during demonstrations. around 300,000 people attended the latest pro—palestinian march in central london on saturday, and far—right counter—protesters clashed with police near the cenotaph. the doctors' regulator is warning there are "worrying signs" that a growing number of doctors are planning to quit due to burnout and dissatisfaction. the general medical council also says that attracting skilled doctors from overseas will remain "crucial". that's despite the government launching a major plan to train and recruit more healthcare workers in england. the funeral of manchester united legend sir bobby charlton takes place this afternoon. thousands of people are expected to line the streets of manchester to pay their respects. sir bobby died aged 86 last month. you're live with bbc news. an australian army whistleblower who spoke out about alleged war crimes by its forces in afghanistan is going on trial in canberra. david mcbride is a former military lawyer who is accused of leaking classified documents to journalists. an inquiry laterfound evidence supporting the allegations of unlawful killings. he could face a life sentence if found guilty. live now to the bbc�*s phil mercer in sydney. phil, talk us through this trial. very controversial and closely watched.— trial. very controversial and closely watched. yes, and very complicated- — closely watched. yes, and very complicated. this _ closely watched. yes, and very complicated. this is _ closely watched. yes, and very complicated. this is a - closely watched. yes, and very complicated. this is a case - complicated. this is a case that has taken years to come to trial. david mcbride is accused of five offences, including the unauthorised disclosure of information, breaching australia's defence act, and also the test of government property. this all relate to information the former army lawyer passed to journalists at the australian broadcasting corporation, the national broadcaster here, in 2017. those allegations were around alleged war crimes committed by australian special forces in afghanistan. the subsequent inquiry you mention said it found credible evidence supporting those allegations. and david mcbride has always said he went to the media as a last resort, that he used the military�*s internal whistle—blowing complaints system, but his complaints were ignored. he took his complaints then to the press, and here we are today at the act supreme court, the australian capital territory is supreme court, where the trial began to date. we had preliminary legal arguments before a jury is empanelled, and this trial is expected to last up to three weeks. . , , . expected to last up to three weeks. ., , , ., ., weeks. he has pleaded not uuil to weeks. he has pleaded not guilty to all— weeks. he has pleaded not guilty to all five _ weeks. he has pleaded not guilty to all five charges, i guilty to all five charges, hasn't he? he has some very high—profile supporters, some of whom made speeches outside the court. ., , ., of whom made speeches outside the court. . , ., ., ., the court. there was an air of defiance _ the court. there was an air of defiance from _ the court. there was an air of defiance from david - the court. there was an air of defiance from david mcbridel the court. there was an air of l defiance from david mcbride as he turned up outside the court in the national capital canberra, earlier today. in the national capital canberra, earliertoday. he had a fist in the air and he said that today he was serving his country, and said he was prepared to go to prison if he was found guilty. he did listen to a number of speeches from his supporters. they have called on the australian government to abandon this prosecution of this whistle—blower. they insist that the prosecution will deter other whistle—blowers from coming forward, and one campaigner said it was essentially australian democracy on trial, that the truth was on trial as well. we heard from the attorney general in australia, a spokesman saying they can only really stop a prosecution in very unusual and extraordinary circumstances, so this is a trial that is highlighting not only the case of david mcbride, but also the alleged war crimes he exposed many, many years ago. he exposed many, many years auo. �* , . ago. i'm sure we will get elect of -- a lot _ ago. i'm sure we will get elect of -- a lot of— ago. i'm sure we will get elect of -- a lot of attention. - a global summit aimed at tackling plastic pollution is getting under way in kenya later. delegates will work through a list of potential policies and actions, with the aim of creating a treaty for countries to follow. the un says 11 million tonnes of plastic waste are dumped into the world's oceans each year, and that could triple by 2040. it also says more than 800 marine and coastal species are negatively affected by plastic pollution such as wrappers, bottles and caps. we're joined now by shane cucow, the plastics campaign manager with the australian marine conservation society and is at the summit in nairobi. thank you for being on the programme. how hopeful are you that this summit will deliver, in that you will have an agreement at the end of it to tackle this problem? this agreement at the end of it to tackle this problem?- agreement at the end of it to tackle this problem? this is a critical round _ tackle this problem? this is a critical round of _ tackle this problem? this is a critical round of negotiations. this is the third of what will be five negotiating sessions towards a global plastics treaty. at this summit, what we are seeing is the very first time delicates will consider the zero draught of the treaty, a draught text with a range of low and high ambition options. the hope is that by the end of the seven days of negotiation, we will have some consensus on the key measures. and a mandate to move towards the very first actual draught of the treaty. this is on track to hopefully deliver a treaty for signing by the end of 2025. 50 deliver a treaty for signing by the end of 2025.— deliver a treaty for signing by the end of 2025. so why have ou not the end of 2025. so why have you got to — the end of 2025. so why have you got to have _ the end of 2025. so why have you got to have your - the end of 2025. so why have you got to have your own - you got to have your own separate event, as it were, to reach a conclusion on this? could it not be tackled at cop 28 which starts soon? this treaty is — 28 which starts soon? this treaty is not _ 28 which starts soon? this treaty is not yet _ 28 which starts soon? this treaty is not yet in - 28 which starts soon? this treaty is not yet in action, | 28 which starts soon? this. treaty is not yet in action, it is not yet written or signed, so once it has been hashed out and negotiated, there will be a range of parties, is my understanding... range of parties, is my understandinu... ~ _, , understanding... when it comes to dealing _ understanding... when it comes to dealing with _ understanding... when it comes to dealing with plastic _ understanding... when it comes to dealing with plastic waste - to dealing with plastic waste in the oceans, do you feel it gets the attention needed or in comparison to all the other issues, as a consequence of climate change, it's much further down on the list? it has historically been much further down the list. what is exciting is this in the first time nations have attempted to negotiate a global plastics treaty, and they have a very short timeline to try and deliver a treaty for signing, in two years, it is very ambitious and difficult and shows there is a high level of ambition around the world. what could be in this treaty is very significant. the mandate includes trying to deal with plastics in their entire life cycle, from production all the way to ending up in the ocean or being waste. to make sure overall production of plastic comes down, which is difficult to get nations to agree to. and also look at measures to direct funding to small island development states, as they are disproportionately bearing the burden of plastic washing up on their shores or exported from other countries, so it is significant and shows a high level of ambition.— level of ambition. when it comes to _ level of ambition. when it comes to implementation | level of ambition. when it i comes to implementation of level of ambition. when it - comes to implementation of what you may come up with in terms of a treaty that is finalised, among all of those of you negotiating this, is it not fairly simple for governments and businesses to implement these changes? a lot simpler than, for example, a transition from fossilfuel energy than, for example, a transition from fossil fuel energy to greener energy? does that make sense? it greener energy? does that make sense? , ., , , , greener energy? does that make sense? ,, , , sense? it should be simple, but unfortunately _ sense? it should be simple, but unfortunately a _ sense? it should be simple, but unfortunately a lot _ sense? it should be simple, but unfortunately a lot of _ sense? it should be simple, but unfortunately a lot of people - unfortunately a lot of people make a lot of money out of plastic and a lot of vested interests don't want to see a treaty come through, so it will be difficult negotiations. for example, we are looking at a global register of band plastics and polymers of concern. it's very difficult to look at how that is done. —— banned plastics. it could be measures which we think could be quite critical to establish something like a global plastic pollution say, that is an item on the agenda, and that could see, if it got through, companies that produce plastic polymers having to pay towards the environmental repair, end—of—life management to support that funding for small island developing nations. so there are measures on the table which are very critical, design standards for example to make sure products are designed to be recyclable at end of life, that should be a no—brainer. thank you, we will keep an eye on how it goes today and in the days ahead. at, on how it goes today and in the days ahead-— now, this was the scene from the window of a house in italy last night. a large male lion wandering past homes in residential streets in the town of ladispoli near rome. the animal had escaped from a nearby circus, as sophia bettiza now reports. mama mia! last night, panic and astonishment in this italian town as this lion escaped from a local circus. the animal, known as kimba, was spotted by several people casually wandering the streets. the seaside town of ladispoli, north of rome, was placed on lockdown alert. the mayor warning its 40,000 residents to stay at home. the search for the lion was not easy. this footage taken from a police helicopter shows how tricky it was to spot him at nightfall. even though he was hurt and limping, he was able to get away multiple times. but after seven hours on saturday night, the authorities finally captured and sedated kimba. he weighs more than 480 lbs. after a night of recovery, kimba is back in his cage with his brothers and sisters. his trainer says his escape posed little threat. translation: these animals are used to contact with humans. - they don't fear people, they don't hate people and they live peacefully with us. but many have criticised the circus for using wild animals. a practice that is considered cruel and is banned in many other countries, including the uk. this magnificent sight may have sent temporary fright through the streets of ladispoli, but few here will forget the day the circus came to town and kimba's impromptu walkabout. sophia bettiza, bbc news. events have been taking place here in the uk and around the world to celebrate diwali over the weekend, with festivities to mark the triumph of light over darkness. olivia richwald reports. the diwali celebrations in leicester are renowned as some of the most lavish outside india. 6,000 lamps illuminate the city's golden mile. and last night, large crowds turned out to mark the 40th anniversary of leicester's lights. happy diwali! up and down the country, hindus gathered to mark the festival, which celebrates the triumph of light over dark, good over evil — a sentiment everyone can appreciate. all that is happening in the world with ukraine, with gaza. don't want to go political, but i really hope that mankind can find peace within. we can learn to live in harmony, have empathy, and have love for each other, and that's all. and diwali — that's all it means. in manchester, worshippers at this 55—year—old temple paid homage to the deities lord rama, his brother and wife. diwali here celebrated the return of the trio after 1a years in exile. and for the youngest generation, the festival of lights is the highlight of the year. itjust makes me feel really empowered. i feel very proud of my culture. i feel like it's just very beautiful and light, pretty and bright. come to the temple and pray to god, and we ask them for brightness, for happiness. as well at hinduism, diwali is also significant to sikhs, jains and some buddhists for different reasons. it is traditionally celebrated on the darkest day of the year. this was birmingham, where people of all faiths were invited to take part in the celebrations to find out more about the symbolism. about 3.000 visitors are expected here over the next three days. these fireworks were set off over london. diwali is a celebration shared by several major religions. but its theme of peace, harmony and unity is a message for us all. olivia richwald, bbc news, manchester. and before we go, an update on the race for the republican primary in the united states. the us senator, tim scott, has suspended his campaign to secure the republican nomination to run for president. he made the announcement live on fox news saying primary voters were telling him "not now". stay with us here on bbc news. hello there. after a quiet couple of days, things are looking a lot more unsettled now. certainly, for the next 2a hours, some of us could see a stormy spell of weather associated with storm debi. met office have a number of warnings issued and some amber warnings for severe gales across northern ireland, which could be extended across the irish sea into parts of north—west england and south—west scotland. now, storm debi is likely to affect much of the western side of the country through the night and certainly into monday morning. damaging winds and heavy rain, which will spread northwards. head online to check out all the latest weather warnings. here it is, a secondary small area of low pressure, close to the parent low, moving northwards. but the biggest impacts will be felt across the republic of ireland during monday morning. but heavy rain will spread northwards across all areas. and a mild start across the south, quite chilly in the north. a blustery start to all areas. that band of heavy rain will continue to spread northwards, eventually pushing into scotland as we move through the morning, particularly eastern scotland. but the winds really ramping up from around 6am onwards. gusts in excess of 60—70mph, northern ireland. across coastal parts of north wales, north—west england, maybe even higher, 70—80mph exposure. further south, it will be blustery through the morning, but not quite as windy as it will be further north. and into the afternoon, skies will brighten up for large parts of england and wales, with sunny spells and a few scattered showers. and it will be noticeably mild. highs of 13—16 celsius in the south, 9—11 further north. storm debi continues to pull away during monday evening into the north sea. then we're left with blustery conditions through monday night, scattered showers and clear spells. most of the showers in the north and the west. and again, most places will be frost—free, temperatures of 5—11 celsius. it stays quite unsettled as we head into tuesday. this area of low pressure sitting to the north—west of the country will bring showers or longer spells of rain maybe to northern ireland, certainly to western scotland. elsewhere, it's sunny spells, scattered, blustery showers. most of the showers pushing into western areas. a few eastern areas could see lengthier sunny spells. and again, it'll feel quite mild, temperatures of around 10—14 celsius. as we move through the week, it looks like it'll stay fairly unsettled. there is a chance of another spell of wet and windy weather perhaps across southern britain on thursday. certainly one to watch. but keep up to date with all the weather warnings with regards to storm debi. live from london, this is bbc news. the apec summit in san francisco kicks off with finance ministers meeting, but the big event comes on wednesday when president biden meets china's premier xi jinping. what's going on with oil prices? opec will give its latest update today. last week, they fell by more than 4%. also to come... fraud — it's one of the fastest—growing industries in the world — we look at what you can do to protect yourself. and former manchester united football star gary neville tells us why he is developing luxury property in manchester. hello, i'm sally bundock with the top business stories,

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Mercer , Sydney , Case , Yes , Information , Offences , Disclosure , Breaching Australia S , Government Property , Broadcaster , Lawyer , Test , Defence Act , Australian Broadcasting Corporation , 2017 , Inquiry , Complaints , Military S Internal , Media , Complaints System , Last Resort , Supreme Court , Press , Act Supreme Court , Australian Capital Territory , Speeches , Charges , Some , Supporters , Empanelled , Jury , Arguments , Hasn T , The Court , Hair , Country , Defiance , Whom , Fist , David Mcbridel , Capital Canberra , Earliertoday , Prosecution , Prison , Democracy , Attorney General , Campaigner , Truth , Forward , Whistle Blower , Circumstances , Spokesman , Summit , Elect , Many , Attention , Plastic Pollution , Ago , Kenya , Countries , List , Policies , Delegates , Aim , 11 Million , 2040 , 800 , Shane Cucow , Pollution , Plastics , Species , Bottles , Caps , Wrappers , Australian Marine Conservation Society , Programme , Summit In Nairobi , Problem , Ground , Agreement , Third , Global Plastics Treaty , Negotiating Sessions , Low , Draught , Hope , Orange , Ambition Options , Delicates , Text , Zero , Signing , Mandate , Negotiation , Consensus , Track , Seven , Event , Conclusion , Cop 28 , 2025 , 50 , 28 , Understanding , Parties , Action , Plastic , Understandinu , Comparison , Consequence , Oceans , Climate Change , Level , Nations , Time , Timeline , Production , Ambition , Ocean , Life Cycle , States , Burden , Small Island Development , Implementation , Shores , Example , Transition , Governments , Changes , Businesses , Fossilfuel Energy Than , Sense , Energy , Interests , Money , Fossil Fuel Energy , Treaty Come Through , Polymers , Band Plastics , Register , Companies , Agenda , Item , Repair , Say , End Of Life Management , Products , Life , Island , Design , Table , Standards , Window , No Brainer , Scene , Eye , House In Italy Last Night , Circus , Town , Lion , Animal , Ladispoli , Rome , Sophia Bettiza , Mama Mia , Homes , Kimba , Astonishment , Last Night , Local Circus , Panic , Footage , Search , Mayor , Residents , Seaside Town , Lockdown Alert , 40000 , Police Helicopter , Times , Limping , Nightfall , Saturday Night , Lbs , Recovery , Cage , Authorities , Brothers And Sisters , 480 , Animals , Translation , Don T Fear People , Escape , Threat , Humans , Trainer , Practice , Sight , Fright , Impromptu Walkabout , Weekend , Olivia Richwald Reports , Diwali Celebrations , Flights , Crowds , City , Leicester , 40th Anniversary , Outside India 6000 Lamps , Golden Mile , 6000 , 40 , Light , Festival , Sentiment , Everyone , Hindus , Harmony , Each Other , Empathy , Mankind , Love , Don T Want To Go Political , Ukraine , Lord Rama , Return , It Means , That , Wife , Deities , Homage , Exile , Trio , Temple , Worshippers , 55 , 1 , Highlight , Generation , Festival Of Lights , Itjust , My Culture , Happiness , Hinduism , Brightness , Reasons , Buddhists , God , Jains , Sikhs , Birmingham , Part , Visitors , Celebrations , Faiths , Symbolism , 3 000 , Celebration , Fireworks , Religions , Over London , Unity , Message , Theme , Olivia Richwald , Tim Scott , Primary , Campaign , Race , Nomination , Fox News , Announcement , Voters , Stay , Couple , Met Office , Spell , Weather , Storm Debi , Warnings , Amber Warnings , Gales , Northern Ireland , South West Scotland , North West England , Irish Sea , 2 , Winds , Northwards , Weather Warnings , Area , Parent , Heavy Rain , Monday Morning , South , Areas , Start , Band , Impacts , Republic Of Ireland , Parts , Gusts , Eastern Scotland , North Wales , 6 , 70 , 60 , Showers , Spells , Skies , Exposure , Wales , 80 , Celsius In The South , Highs , Conditions , North Sea , 16 , 9 , 11 , 13 , Most , Temperatures , West , Places , North West , 5 , Rain , Elsewhere , Western Areas , Western Scotland , 14 , 10 , Chance , Regards , Southern Britain On Thursday , Apec Summit , San Francisco , Opec , Finance Ministers Meeting , Oil Prices , China S , Xi Jinping , Star Gary Neville , Football , Industries , 4 , Property , Business Stories , Sally Bundock ,

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