Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsnight 20240702 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsnight 20240702

bowen joins us from jerusalem. your assessment, jeremy, after the last few hours of what we might expect in the coming hours and days? well, hamas say that they are fighting against israeli troops and tanks in the northern part of the gaza strip, that there are some big battles going on there. one big question, is this the invasion people have been talking about for the last three weeks? i think what the last three weeks? i think what the israelis seem to be doing is to cut off one northern part, one slice, one tranche, if you like, and then perhaps, i don't know, move on from that. a lot of reaction coming in. the palestinian authority, which is the rival palestinian group to hamas, is absolutely condemned what israel is doing as unhinged aggression, which is significant, because there are some people who hope that if israel removes hamas from power, then the palestinian authority might be tempted to take overin authority might be tempted to take over in gaza. at the way they are talking right now, i don't know if that might be possible. jeremy, as ever, that might be possible. jeremy, as ever. many — that might be possible. jeremy, as ever, many thanks. _ that might be possible. jeremy, as ever, many thanks. jeremy - that might be possible. jeremy, as i ever, many thanks. jeremy bowen, in jerusalem. time for a look at the weather. here's stav da naos. i wish i had some better the news for the weather, it is not going to be a wash—out for the whole weekend, but low—pressure sticks close by, so there will be some showers and longer spells of rain. some sunshine, particularly for england, wales and west in scotland. the wind will be quite blustery. this area of low pressure has been with us for quite a while and just parked itself to the west of ireland. low pressure moving around, one such system moving around, one such system moving around, one such system moving around saturday evening and overnight will bring wet and windy weather. with low pressure nearby, you would expect rain and showers. that is going to allow the rainfall accumulations to tot up, particularly for eastern scotland around southern and western coasts in england and also wales. elsewhere, rainfall will not be that high. through tonight it stays wet and showery for northern and eastern scotland. elsewhere, we will see clear spells, scotland. elsewhere, we will see clearspells, plenty scotland. elsewhere, we will see clear spells, plenty of showers across the south coast. some of these heavy and thundery into northern ireland and wales. nowhere particular cold, eight or ii particular cold, eight or 11 degrees. as we head into the first part of that we start with some sunshine, it stays wet and windy for eastern scotland. the best of the sunshine is here in western scotland. england and wales will see sunny spells, scattered showers. some of them heavy. later in the day, we will see low pressure system is bringing an area of more persistent rain and strong wind across southern areas. don't forget saturday nights, early into sunday, the clocks go back one hour. for many of us, an extra hour in bed. as we head into sunday morning, the rain that moves northwards to a park itself across scotland and northern ireland. yeah, very wet, particularly across eastern scotland. england and wales will see plenty of brightness around, sunshine and a scattering of showers. chilly in the north of scotland, otherwise the mid—teens for most. stays unsettled as we head into next week. the chance of stormy weather into next week. thanks, stav. and that's bbc news at ten. there's more on the developments in israel on newsnight with mark urban, which is on bbc two, and coverage continues now on the bbc news channel. now on bbc one it's time tojoin our colleagues across the nations and regions for the news where you are. but from the ten team, it's goodnight. yellow while, over the last two and a half weeks there have been my creativity here.— creativity here. you can hear the explosions _ creativity here. you can hear the explosions in — creativity here. you can hear the explosions in gaza, _ creativity here. you can hear the explosions in gaza, you - creativity here. you can hear the explosions in gaza, you can - creativity here. you can hear the explosions in gaza, you can hear the sirens, sometimes even the rockets even though they come here towards ashkelon, but there has been a gradual studio: this is bbc news, i'm lewisville and jones. —— i'm lewis vaughanjones. that is why the blackness there of the skyline has been lit up with these orange flashes of the intensification of air strikes. another one they are the sound of crashing off and going with those strikes. hamas saying they are launching their own rockets into southern israel. we've been keeping across these live pictures in particular. jeremy, just bring us up—to—date with what's been happening? up-to-date with what's been happening?— up-to-date with what's been hauenina? , , ., happening? well, some responses to the israeli actions. _ happening? well, some responses to the israeli actions. the _ happening? well, some responses to the israeli actions. the palestinian i the israeli actions. the palestinian authority has called this unhinged aggression. there are some who are hoping internationally and in israel that perhaps the pa could be persuaded to take over in gaza if and when israel manage to get rid of they have been saying consistently they have been saying consistently they don't want to go in on the back of an israeli tank. spokesman mark ray give has made it one question... one question in my mind, is this going to be a big —— the big invasion everyone is talking about? what they seem to be doing is trying to go into the north, may be consolidated and move further south. until they have dismantled their military machine, when this is over, because i will be very different. based on what he's saying there, he seems to have answered my question —— gaza will be very different. it absolutely seems to be because they will continue this until they achieve their objective. the state of the objective which is come from many ministers and the government and the prime minister is the, i think the phrase is something like white hamas of the face of the earth. —— wipe. it's something they appearfor now to earth. —— wipe. it's something they appear for now to be sticking to. and we are the idf spokesperson talk about attacks underground targets. can you just talk us through how that happens?— can you just talk us through how that ha ens? ~ ., ., ,, ., that happens? well, how mass have been digging — that happens? well, how mass have been digging tunnels. _ that happens? well, how mass have been digging tunnels. -- _ that happens? well, how mass have been digging tunnels. -- hamas. i that happens? well, how mass havel been digging tunnels. -- hamas. the been digging tunnels. —— hamas. the hostages talked about it. some people say could be hundreds of kilometres long. the israeli did a pretty thing that that they were being bunkers underneath. help ourselves what you will see in the next few days is the might of the next few days is the might of the idea, we are serious, determined only eliminate hamas and bring optimism back to israel. do not forget —— but we will not figure what they did to us, we will not forget the raping and the kidnapping and the brutal way they butchered over 1500 innocent israelis. while israel has said to people in the northern part of the gaza strip that they need to leave and go south and a lot of people have, a lot of people haven't. because humanitarian conditions in the south where the israelis have let in very few supplies and where they cut off supplies and where they cut off supplies of water, food and medicine, some people going back up north and the bbc has talked at length about this. there are lots of civilians that must be having an extremely terrifying and rough night, and they will undoubtedly be even heavier civilian casualties in the three weeks of bombing. that is important notjust because it's the loss of life, it's important because of the effect it has in driving the responses to the conflict. and the very heavy number of palestinians who've been killed by israel, i think has, for some even among israeli allies, eroded the legitimacy of what they're doing. perhaps that's why israel has decided finally to act on the ground because they sensed, i think, the mounting casualty figures were bringing up more and more pressure for a cease—fire. today in doha, the categories have been acting as intermediaries between israel and hamas. how mass have offices. the information earlier owns was that negotiations were going pretty well. also, to perhaps even have some sort of cease—fire. they were stalling, then by late afternoon and with this offensive going on, i don't think there's any chance those talks are going to progress. chance those talks are going to ro . ress. , , chance those talks are going to rouress, , ., ~' chance those talks are going to rouress. , ., ~ chance those talks are going to rouress. , . ~ y progress. jeremy, thank you very much for that. _ progress. jeremy, thank you very much for that. just _ progress. jeremy, thank you very much for that. just want - progress. jeremy, thank you very much for that. just want to i progress. jeremy, thank you very l much for that. just want to explain asjeremy was talking, we kept much for that. just want to explain as jeremy was talking, we kept the pictures of the blackness on the right. that is gaza city. every few minutes or so, we often see a flash of white, an air strike coming in. often a cracking sound as well afterwards. we are keeping those pictures and keeping across them, even though it is black because lights and power in gaza strip are pretty hard to come by. just a few weeks ago at the beginning of this war, there was a strip of lights in buildings at the bottoms of most of the live feed that were coming into us. not so much now. there are a couple of different live feeds coming into us here. i want to roll through them to give you a sense of what we're monitoring. explosion there's another explosion there. this is an gaza excel. —— itself. jeremy was just mentioning that movement of people down south and some heading back up north. this is outside a hospital. clearly, hospitals and absolute dire situation. basic supplies and power all running low. just ten trucks today going in and they only have hundreds going into gaza across that rafah crossing from egypt. the other live feed of pictures is south israel. not far from live feed of pictures is south israel. not farfrom gaza. hamas saying they are firing as well from gaza into israel. air strikes going the other way. they are the three main feeds of pictures we're keeping across. we can get the latest with eylon with levy, an israeli government spokesman, whojoins us now who joins us now from tel aviv. could you talk us through why now this escalation? fin could you talk us through why now this escalation?— could you talk us through why now this escalation? on october the 7th, hamas declared _ this escalation? on october the 7th, hamas declared war against - this escalation? on october the 7th, hamas declared war against israel. i hamas declared war against israel. murdered 11100 people, injured 5000, took 230 hostage and continued with 8,000 rockets. i had to run to a bomb shelter twice today. it's a war that israel is determined to win by totally defeating the hamas regime inside the gaza strip. just as the community close ranks against isis. we can no longer live with a tear enclave on our burgers —— terror enclave on our burgers —— terror enclave in our borders. ajihadist generation that on october the 7th, burned, butchered, raped, tortured, mutilated its way through southern israel. met hamas started this war. it's not a war that we expected or started, but it's a war that israel is determined to win.— is determined to win. wars have rules. is determined to win. wars have rules- the _ is determined to win. wars have rules. the international- is determined to win. wars have i rules. the international community has been clear, loud and clear, about that. some of israel's strongest allies have been clear on that. with this expansion of ground forces, do you know how you can wipe out hamas and protect civilians at the same time?— the same time? israel takes its obligations _ the same time? israel takes its obligations very _ the same time? israel takes its obligations very seriously. i the same time? israel takes its. obligations very seriously. that's why we're doing everything we can to minimise civilian casualties in gaza, despite hamas's best efforts to maximise them. israel is urging citizens to move south for their own safety. hamas has embedded himself deep within civilian areas. just today, the idea of release intelligence, showing that hamas's command bunker is in the gaza strip, which is a war crime to use civilians as human shields in that way. israel is doing its best to get civilians out of harm's way. this is a war that hamas waged on us. it's only gets palestine, it's against hamas. we are urging citizens to get out of the way and we're continuing our operations to target hamas, because we will not go back to six in the morning on october the 7th. we will not go back to the world when g hot regime scan invade at will and firm hold families in their homes ——jihad. that's will and firm hold families in their homes —— jihad. that's why this war will end with the defeat of hamas. is this the start of this major ground in courage been previewed? israel has a splendid operations in the gaza strip. beyond that, i can't comment on operational matters. you have a timescale? i'm _ comment on operational matters. you have a timescale? i'm not _ comment on operational matters. you have a timescale? i'm not going i comment on operational matters. you have a timescale? i'm not going to i have a timescale? i'm not going to speculate. — have a timescale? i'm not going to speculate. but _ have a timescale? i'm not going to speculate, but israel— have a timescale? i'm not going to speculate, but israel is _ have a timescale? i'm not going to speculate, but israel is going i have a timescale? i'm not going to speculate, but israel is going to i speculate, but israel is going to continue to destroy hamas in response to the massacre in october and the continued barrage against our cities. just and the continued barrage against our cities. , , ., xx and the continued barrage against our cities. , , ., n ., our cities. just ten aid trucks got in to gaza _ our cities. just ten aid trucks got in to gaza today. _ our cities. just ten aid trucks got in to gaza today. is _ our cities. just ten aid trucks got in to gaza today. is that - our cities. just ten aid trucks got| in to gaza today. is that enough? our cities. just ten aid trucks got i in to gaza today. is that enough? we want to in to gaza today. is that enough? - want to see humanitarian aid reach the people of the gaza strip through the people of the gaza strip through the rafah border crossing with egypt. the israel crossings were destroyed in the october massacre when hamas took out the power lines that were providing electricity from gaza. and they butchered everyone there. the process of aid entering through where hamas destroyed is not viable. we want to see it enter through egypt. we only one condition — the aid not reach hamas, hamas not exploit those humanitarian corridors in order to rearm, and that is our duty under the international rules of order to facilitate humanitarian aid, as long as that is not exploited by the enemy that declared war on us and continues to indiscriminately attack our people. thank you very much for coming up with the programme. there were more flashes as we were talking there. it is black again now, but there have been flashes of orange just in the last couple of minutes. we'll keep across these pictures. we're going to speak to tel aviv and colonel richard kemp, a former commanding officer for the british army who served in afghanistan. thank you very much for coming on the programme. we didn't get an answer about whether this is the start of the full—scale incursion. perhaps understandably. what's your assessment from what you've been seeing and hearing so far? i assessment from what you've been seeing and hearing so far?- seeing and hearing so far? i think ou have seeing and hearing so far? i think you have to _ seeing and hearing so far? i think you have to remember, _ seeing and hearing so far? i think you have to remember, we i seeing and hearing so far? i think you have to remember, we all. seeing and hearing so far? i think. you have to remember, we all have seeing and hearing so far? i think- you have to remember, we all have to remember that military operations are best conducted using surprise interception, and that goes for israel is much as anyone else. we won't find out until i think var goes by, how this is going to shape up, and quite rightly. it could be one of two things. one is potentially a more expanded raid. force growing and with greater violence, or it could be a sustained operation. even though the structure may not know how it will work out, depending on how the operation is taking place, it may turn from being limited operation. what about the need for a ground _ limited operation. what about the need for a ground incursion? i limited operation. what about the | need for a ground incursion? what are the calculations? what can be achieved? the idf have achieved much as they can purely for that from the air. as they can purely for that from the air- hoping — as they can purely for that from the air- hoping to _ as they can purely for that from the air. hoping to finish _ as they can purely for that from the air. hoping to finish off— as they can purely for that from the air. hoping to finish off the - as they can purely for that from the air. hoping to finish off the dog, i air. hoping to finish off the dog, you can only do so much from the air. but i don't think israel would have liked the committed ground forces into this situation if they didn't feel it was absolutely necessary, because of course, the highlight, as well as hamas getting killed, is going to be a fair number of israeli casualties. they're king to avoid that as much as i possibly can. ., to avoid that as much as i possibly can, ., ., to avoid that as much as i possibly can. ., ., , ., to avoid that as much as i possibly can. ., ., ., ., ., ., ., can. how do you do that? how do air strikes, can. how do you do that? how do air strikes. ground _ can. how do you do that? how do air strikes, ground incursions, _ can. how do you do that? how do air strikes, ground incursions, and i strikes, ground incursions, and densely populated areas, how do you go about protecting civilians? weill. go about protecting civilians? well, it's very tough. _ go about protecting civilians? well, it's very tough, and _ go about protecting civilians? well, it's very tough, and the _ go about protecting civilians? -ii it's very tough, and the toughest aspect is the fact that hamas, as with the taliban and al-qaeda and other groups like that, they want to use their civilian population as shields. they do admit themselves, so it's very hard to deal with them without unfortunately killing a number of civilians. it is not a war crime, but it's tragic, not illegal. the reality is for israel that they cannot deal with the mask. and i think we can sympathise with every single civilian in gaza. ._ single civilian in gaza. . richard, thank you _ single civilian in gaza. . richard, thank you for— single civilian in gaza. . richard, thank you for talking _ single civilian in gaza. . richard, thank you for talking us - single civilian in gaza. . richard, thank you for talking us through | thank you for talking us through the. ., ~ thank you for talking us through the. . ~ , ., thank you for talking us through the. ., ~ ,, i not thank you for talking us through the-_ i got the - thank you for talking us through i the._ i got the thoughts the. thank you. i got the thoughts ofthe the. thank you. i got the thoughts of the ground _ the. thank you. i got the thoughts of the ground invasion _ . it's terrible, although the united nations assembly _ . it's terrible, although the united nations assembly has _ . it's terrible, although the united nations assembly hasjust - . it's terrible, although the united nations assembly hasjust passed | . it's terrible, although the united | nations assembly hasjust passed a nations assembly has just passed a resolution with more than two thirds of the vote. demanding immediate supply of humanitarian aid to gaza. what is happening now is unhinge massacre in the northern parts of which took the lives of almost parts of 3,000 children and each child is a human being. the history, the family, you're talking about also more than 7,100 palestinians killed, and this number will rise tonight. but the worst thing is that with ground operation you're talking about total destruction, complete destruction. i've seen the results of their ground operation in 2014 in the area of shuja'iyya in gaza. it means that no stone will be with another, everything will be totally razed to the ground and every house will be destroyed and every human being will be killed. this is the kind of israeli operation that you will see tonight including airstrikes, the same time with ground invasion. and let me tell you one thing that the audience should know, the total amount of bombs and explosives that have been thrown on gaza is very close now to the amount of the bomb power that was used with the nuclear power, nuclear bomb in hiroshima injapan. just to get an idea about what's going on. it's a very dangerous development and we've just received alerts from medical relief society, from red crescent, from another health organisation, complaining that their medical and health work is completely paralysed because of the cut of all telecommunications and internet from gaza. on saturday 7th october, when hamas went in and 1,400 civilians, people, were killed, the israelis said they therefore will eradicate hamas. and they said this evening that they will go in and that they will target the hamas tunnels. they will target terrorist infrastructure, in their words. and that is what they are doing now. this is the excuse. but the reality is that they are targeting all the palestinian population of gaza. they've already conducted the worst kind of ethnic cleansing of 1.4 million people. they are still hoping to ethnically cleanse all of gaza population and force them out to egypt. they are now conducting three war crimes, ethnic cleansing, genocide and... they've asked people to move south. to move out of gaza city and to move south. i'm sorry, sir, you say such a thing when you know very well that the people who moved to the south were bombarded in the south. and bombarded everywhere. there is no safe space in gaza. people are stuck in the hospitals now because they think this is the only safe spot and israel now claims that the hospitals are used by hamas. enough with the israeli lies. speaking to me just a little earlier. let me show you these live pictures. monitoring southern israel here. hamas say they are firing rockets out of gaza into israel. this is as israel intensifies its air strikes on gaza. you can take a look at the live pictures of gaza. this is the live pictures of gaza. this is the live skyline there. the blackness because electricity, and buildings aren't lit up like they were a few weeks ago. there have been flashes an orange. this is inside gaza itself. outside a hospital there as israel announces the expansion of its ground operations. plenty more to come. this is bbc news. hello there. it's remaining unsettled this weekend with low pressure sticking close—by. we will see showers or longer spells of rain, some sunshine as well, it's not going to be a complete washout, the winds will be quite blustery, particularly close to the coast, thanks to this pretty vigorous area of low pressure which has been with us for a while now, and could to the west of ireland bringing all these showers, even longer spells of rain and stronger winds with little areas of low pressure running around it, one such system moving across the country during saturday night. saturday itself starts off with a fine note through the midlands, some low cloud and sunshine but showers in the south and the west, spreading northwards, with more persistent rain affecting eastern scotland with stronger winds and some brightness for western scotland with shelter from the easterly breeze. temperatures 10—16. later in the day, we will start to see one of these little areas of low pressure bringing wet and windy weather to southern england and south wales, spreading northwards during the night ending up across parts of scotland and northern ireland, the north of it staying windy and quite blustery, for the second half of the night across england and wales with clear spells and scattered showers. temperatures nowhere particularly cold, 9—11 degrees. don't forget early on sunday morning, the clocks go back one hour, so for many of us, it is an extra hour in bed. but sunday does look unsettled, particularly scotland, northern ireland, where it will be wet with some of the heaviest of the rain towards eastern scotland. we could have some flooding issues here, strong winds as well. england and wales will have a mixture of sunny spells some of them could be heavy and thundery. temperatures a little bit cool across northern scotland, otherwise it's the mid—teens further south. little change into monday, the low pressure begins to weaken, but it's still close by enough to bring further unsettled weather, and i think for most, it's going be a mixture of sunshine and showers again. most of the showers towards the south and the west, where they could be quite heavy and blustery winds across the south and west. in northern and eastern scotland, rain, over the tops of the cairngorms, it will be chilly here. further south, low— to mid—teens. staying unsettled into the first week of november, with low pressure systems moving across the country, there is a chance towards the end of the new week we could see some severe gales, so stay tuned to the forecast. live from london. this is bbc news explosions light up the sky over gaza, as the israeli military says its ground forces are expanding their operations tonight. translation: ground forces i are expanding their operations this evening, acting forcefully in all dimensions to achieve the goals of the war. hamas retaliates with a series of rockets fired at cities in southern israel in the last few hours the escalation comes as the un general assembly prepares to vote on a jordanian resolution for "an immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce.

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Plenty Scotland , Northern Ireland , Wales And West , Elsewhere , South Wales , Eastern Scotland , Rainfall , Coasts , Thigh , Rainfall Accumulations , Tot Up , Some , Thundery , Cold , Showery , Clearspells , South Coast , 11 , Eight , Western Scotland , Best , Pressure System , Sunday Morning , Bed , Clocks , Areas , Don T , Most , North , Mid Teens , Scattering , Stays , Plenty Of Brightness Around , Park Itself , Developments , Bbc Two , Stav , Bbc News At Ten , Mark Urban , Two , Ten , Bbc One , Nations , Coverage , Regions , It S Time , Bbc News Channel , Colleagues , Team , Explosions , Creativity , Sirens , Ashkelon , Skyline , Blackness , Studio , Lewisville , Jones , Lewis Vaughanjones , Air Strikes , Flashes , Sound , Intensification , Pictures , Particular , Responses , Actions , Up To , Hauenina , Palestinian , Pa , Back , Everyone , Spokesman , Tank , Big , Mind , Mark Ray Give , Military Machine , Government , Objective , Estate , Ministers , Prime Minister , Something , White Hamas , Phrase , Face , Earth , Targets , Idf Spokesperson , Digging Tunnels , Hostages , Mass Havel , Thing , Might , Idea , Bunkers , Raping , Kidnapping , Optimism , South , 1500 , Supplies , Conditions , Water , Food , People Haven T , Civilians , Lots , Medicine , Length , Casualties , Notjust , Life , Loss , Number , Palestinians , Effect , Conflict , Ground , Allies , Casualty , Figures , Legitimacy , Cease Fire , More , Intermediaries , Categories , How Mass Have Offices , Doha , Negotiations , Information , Talks , Stalling , Offensive , Sort , Ro , Ress , Progress , Talking , Right , Rouress , Y Progress , Asjeremy , Air Strike , Flash , Keeping , White , War , Feed , Flights , Strip , Buildings , Bottoms , Explosion , Feeds , Couple , Sense , Hospital , There , Movement , Gaza Excel , Hospitals , Situation , Running Low , Hundreds , Egypt , Firing , Rafah Crossing , Latest , Whojoins Us , Levy , Tel Aviv , Eylon , Escalation , Fin , On October The 7th , War Against , Murdered , 7 , October The 7th , 5000 , 11100 , Regime Inside The Gaza Strip , Hostage , Bomb Shelter , 230 , 8000 , Terror Enclave , Burgers , Community , Tear Enclave , Borders , Ranks , Ajihadist Generation , Isis , Butchered , Met Hamas , Southern Israel , 7th , Raped , Burned , Wars , Rules , Loud , Ground Forces , Obligations , Expansion , Citizens , Everything , Its , Efforts , Release Intelligence , Safety , Bunker , War Crime , Harm S Way , Palestine , Human Shields , Operations , World , G Hot Regime Scan , Six , Families , Jihad , Hold , Homes , Start , Courage , Defeat , Timescale , Matters , Comment , Aid Trucks , Cities , Barrage , To Gaza , Massacre , Response , N , Xx , Aid , Electricity , Power Lines , October Massacre , Process , Condition , Order , Duty , Enemy , Corridors , Programme , Orange , Richard Kemp , Commanding Officer , Incursion , Answer , Afghanistan , British Army , Hearing , Assessment , Var , Military Operations , Surprise Interception , Anyone Else , Things , Raid , Operation , Violence , Structure , Ground Incursion , Need , Calculations , Hair , Have , Idf , Dog , Highlight , Course , King , Ground Incursions , Can , Weill , Groups , Fact , Aspect , Al Qaeda , Taliban , Population , Reality , Mask , Single , Civilian , Thoughts , Single Civilian In Gaza , United Nations Assembly , Un General Assembly , United Nations Assembly Hasjust , Resolution , Vote , United Nations , Assembly Hasjust , Unhinge Massacre , Parts , Supply , Ground Operation , Human Being , Child , Family , Children , History , 3000 , 7100 , Destruction , Results , Another , House , Stone , Shuja Iyya , 2014 , Amount , Kind , Bombs , Ground Invasion , Audience , Tonight Including Airstrikes , Bomb , On Gaza , Explosives , Hiroshima Injapan , Alerts , What S Going On , Health Organisation , Development , Relief Society , Red Crescent , Internet , Health , Cut , Telecommunications , Work , On Saturday 7th October , Saturday 7th October , 1400 , Evening , Excuse , Words , Ethnic Cleansing , Wall , Gaza Population , 1 4 Million , War Crimes , Genocide , Sir , I M Sorry , Everywhere , Space , Little , Spot , Lies , Firing Rockets , Inside Gaza , Buildings Aren T , Ground Operations , Winds , Coast , Washout , Country , Brightness , Shelter , Spreading Northwards , Cloud , Saturday Night , Midlands , Breeze , 10 , 16 , Northwards , Half , Heaviest , Temperatures , 9 , Mixture , Northern Scotland , Flooding , The Rain Towards Eastern Scotland , Pressure Systems , Tops , November , Cairngorms , Gales , End , Forecast , London , Over Gaza , Translation , Goals , Dimensions , Series , Truce , Immediate ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsnight 20240702 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsnight 20240702

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bowen joins us from jerusalem. your assessment, jeremy, after the last few hours of what we might expect in the coming hours and days? well, hamas say that they are fighting against israeli troops and tanks in the northern part of the gaza strip, that there are some big battles going on there. one big question, is this the invasion people have been talking about for the last three weeks? i think what the last three weeks? i think what the israelis seem to be doing is to cut off one northern part, one slice, one tranche, if you like, and then perhaps, i don't know, move on from that. a lot of reaction coming in. the palestinian authority, which is the rival palestinian group to hamas, is absolutely condemned what israel is doing as unhinged aggression, which is significant, because there are some people who hope that if israel removes hamas from power, then the palestinian authority might be tempted to take overin authority might be tempted to take over in gaza. at the way they are talking right now, i don't know if that might be possible. jeremy, as ever, that might be possible. jeremy, as ever. many — that might be possible. jeremy, as ever, many thanks. _ that might be possible. jeremy, as ever, many thanks. jeremy - that might be possible. jeremy, as i ever, many thanks. jeremy bowen, in jerusalem. time for a look at the weather. here's stav da naos. i wish i had some better the news for the weather, it is not going to be a wash—out for the whole weekend, but low—pressure sticks close by, so there will be some showers and longer spells of rain. some sunshine, particularly for england, wales and west in scotland. the wind will be quite blustery. this area of low pressure has been with us for quite a while and just parked itself to the west of ireland. low pressure moving around, one such system moving around, one such system moving around, one such system moving around saturday evening and overnight will bring wet and windy weather. with low pressure nearby, you would expect rain and showers. that is going to allow the rainfall accumulations to tot up, particularly for eastern scotland around southern and western coasts in england and also wales. elsewhere, rainfall will not be that high. through tonight it stays wet and showery for northern and eastern scotland. elsewhere, we will see clear spells, scotland. elsewhere, we will see clearspells, plenty scotland. elsewhere, we will see clear spells, plenty of showers across the south coast. some of these heavy and thundery into northern ireland and wales. nowhere particular cold, eight or ii particular cold, eight or 11 degrees. as we head into the first part of that we start with some sunshine, it stays wet and windy for eastern scotland. the best of the sunshine is here in western scotland. england and wales will see sunny spells, scattered showers. some of them heavy. later in the day, we will see low pressure system is bringing an area of more persistent rain and strong wind across southern areas. don't forget saturday nights, early into sunday, the clocks go back one hour. for many of us, an extra hour in bed. as we head into sunday morning, the rain that moves northwards to a park itself across scotland and northern ireland. yeah, very wet, particularly across eastern scotland. england and wales will see plenty of brightness around, sunshine and a scattering of showers. chilly in the north of scotland, otherwise the mid—teens for most. stays unsettled as we head into next week. the chance of stormy weather into next week. thanks, stav. and that's bbc news at ten. there's more on the developments in israel on newsnight with mark urban, which is on bbc two, and coverage continues now on the bbc news channel. now on bbc one it's time tojoin our colleagues across the nations and regions for the news where you are. but from the ten team, it's goodnight. yellow while, over the last two and a half weeks there have been my creativity here.— creativity here. you can hear the explosions _ creativity here. you can hear the explosions in — creativity here. you can hear the explosions in gaza, _ creativity here. you can hear the explosions in gaza, you - creativity here. you can hear the explosions in gaza, you can - creativity here. you can hear the explosions in gaza, you can hear the sirens, sometimes even the rockets even though they come here towards ashkelon, but there has been a gradual studio: this is bbc news, i'm lewisville and jones. —— i'm lewis vaughanjones. that is why the blackness there of the skyline has been lit up with these orange flashes of the intensification of air strikes. another one they are the sound of crashing off and going with those strikes. hamas saying they are launching their own rockets into southern israel. we've been keeping across these live pictures in particular. jeremy, just bring us up—to—date with what's been happening? up-to-date with what's been happening?— up-to-date with what's been hauenina? , , ., happening? well, some responses to the israeli actions. _ happening? well, some responses to the israeli actions. the _ happening? well, some responses to the israeli actions. the palestinian i the israeli actions. the palestinian authority has called this unhinged aggression. there are some who are hoping internationally and in israel that perhaps the pa could be persuaded to take over in gaza if and when israel manage to get rid of they have been saying consistently they have been saying consistently they don't want to go in on the back of an israeli tank. spokesman mark ray give has made it one question... one question in my mind, is this going to be a big —— the big invasion everyone is talking about? what they seem to be doing is trying to go into the north, may be consolidated and move further south. until they have dismantled their military machine, when this is over, because i will be very different. based on what he's saying there, he seems to have answered my question —— gaza will be very different. it absolutely seems to be because they will continue this until they achieve their objective. the state of the objective which is come from many ministers and the government and the prime minister is the, i think the phrase is something like white hamas of the face of the earth. —— wipe. it's something they appearfor now to earth. —— wipe. it's something they appear for now to be sticking to. and we are the idf spokesperson talk about attacks underground targets. can you just talk us through how that happens?— can you just talk us through how that ha ens? ~ ., ., ,, ., that happens? well, how mass have been digging — that happens? well, how mass have been digging tunnels. _ that happens? well, how mass have been digging tunnels. -- _ that happens? well, how mass have been digging tunnels. -- hamas. i that happens? well, how mass havel been digging tunnels. -- hamas. the been digging tunnels. —— hamas. the hostages talked about it. some people say could be hundreds of kilometres long. the israeli did a pretty thing that that they were being bunkers underneath. help ourselves what you will see in the next few days is the might of the next few days is the might of the idea, we are serious, determined only eliminate hamas and bring optimism back to israel. do not forget —— but we will not figure what they did to us, we will not forget the raping and the kidnapping and the brutal way they butchered over 1500 innocent israelis. while israel has said to people in the northern part of the gaza strip that they need to leave and go south and a lot of people have, a lot of people haven't. because humanitarian conditions in the south where the israelis have let in very few supplies and where they cut off supplies and where they cut off supplies of water, food and medicine, some people going back up north and the bbc has talked at length about this. there are lots of civilians that must be having an extremely terrifying and rough night, and they will undoubtedly be even heavier civilian casualties in the three weeks of bombing. that is important notjust because it's the loss of life, it's important because of the effect it has in driving the responses to the conflict. and the very heavy number of palestinians who've been killed by israel, i think has, for some even among israeli allies, eroded the legitimacy of what they're doing. perhaps that's why israel has decided finally to act on the ground because they sensed, i think, the mounting casualty figures were bringing up more and more pressure for a cease—fire. today in doha, the categories have been acting as intermediaries between israel and hamas. how mass have offices. the information earlier owns was that negotiations were going pretty well. also, to perhaps even have some sort of cease—fire. they were stalling, then by late afternoon and with this offensive going on, i don't think there's any chance those talks are going to progress. chance those talks are going to ro . ress. , , chance those talks are going to rouress, , ., ~' chance those talks are going to rouress. , ., ~ chance those talks are going to rouress. , . ~ y progress. jeremy, thank you very much for that. _ progress. jeremy, thank you very much for that. just _ progress. jeremy, thank you very much for that. just want - progress. jeremy, thank you very much for that. just want to i progress. jeremy, thank you very l much for that. just want to explain asjeremy was talking, we kept much for that. just want to explain as jeremy was talking, we kept the pictures of the blackness on the right. that is gaza city. every few minutes or so, we often see a flash of white, an air strike coming in. often a cracking sound as well afterwards. we are keeping those pictures and keeping across them, even though it is black because lights and power in gaza strip are pretty hard to come by. just a few weeks ago at the beginning of this war, there was a strip of lights in buildings at the bottoms of most of the live feed that were coming into us. not so much now. there are a couple of different live feeds coming into us here. i want to roll through them to give you a sense of what we're monitoring. explosion there's another explosion there. this is an gaza excel. —— itself. jeremy was just mentioning that movement of people down south and some heading back up north. this is outside a hospital. clearly, hospitals and absolute dire situation. basic supplies and power all running low. just ten trucks today going in and they only have hundreds going into gaza across that rafah crossing from egypt. the other live feed of pictures is south israel. not far from live feed of pictures is south israel. not farfrom gaza. hamas saying they are firing as well from gaza into israel. air strikes going the other way. they are the three main feeds of pictures we're keeping across. we can get the latest with eylon with levy, an israeli government spokesman, whojoins us now who joins us now from tel aviv. could you talk us through why now this escalation? fin could you talk us through why now this escalation?— could you talk us through why now this escalation? on october the 7th, hamas declared _ this escalation? on october the 7th, hamas declared war against - this escalation? on october the 7th, hamas declared war against israel. i hamas declared war against israel. murdered 11100 people, injured 5000, took 230 hostage and continued with 8,000 rockets. i had to run to a bomb shelter twice today. it's a war that israel is determined to win by totally defeating the hamas regime inside the gaza strip. just as the community close ranks against isis. we can no longer live with a tear enclave on our burgers —— terror enclave on our burgers —— terror enclave in our borders. ajihadist generation that on october the 7th, burned, butchered, raped, tortured, mutilated its way through southern israel. met hamas started this war. it's not a war that we expected or started, but it's a war that israel is determined to win.— is determined to win. wars have rules. is determined to win. wars have rules- the _ is determined to win. wars have rules. the international- is determined to win. wars have i rules. the international community has been clear, loud and clear, about that. some of israel's strongest allies have been clear on that. with this expansion of ground forces, do you know how you can wipe out hamas and protect civilians at the same time?— the same time? israel takes its obligations _ the same time? israel takes its obligations very _ the same time? israel takes its obligations very seriously. i the same time? israel takes its. obligations very seriously. that's why we're doing everything we can to minimise civilian casualties in gaza, despite hamas's best efforts to maximise them. israel is urging citizens to move south for their own safety. hamas has embedded himself deep within civilian areas. just today, the idea of release intelligence, showing that hamas's command bunker is in the gaza strip, which is a war crime to use civilians as human shields in that way. israel is doing its best to get civilians out of harm's way. this is a war that hamas waged on us. it's only gets palestine, it's against hamas. we are urging citizens to get out of the way and we're continuing our operations to target hamas, because we will not go back to six in the morning on october the 7th. we will not go back to the world when g hot regime scan invade at will and firm hold families in their homes ——jihad. that's will and firm hold families in their homes —— jihad. that's why this war will end with the defeat of hamas. is this the start of this major ground in courage been previewed? israel has a splendid operations in the gaza strip. beyond that, i can't comment on operational matters. you have a timescale? i'm _ comment on operational matters. you have a timescale? i'm not _ comment on operational matters. you have a timescale? i'm not going i comment on operational matters. you have a timescale? i'm not going to i have a timescale? i'm not going to speculate. — have a timescale? i'm not going to speculate. but _ have a timescale? i'm not going to speculate, but israel— have a timescale? i'm not going to speculate, but israel is _ have a timescale? i'm not going to speculate, but israel is going i have a timescale? i'm not going to speculate, but israel is going to i speculate, but israel is going to continue to destroy hamas in response to the massacre in october and the continued barrage against our cities. just and the continued barrage against our cities. , , ., xx and the continued barrage against our cities. , , ., n ., our cities. just ten aid trucks got in to gaza _ our cities. just ten aid trucks got in to gaza today. _ our cities. just ten aid trucks got in to gaza today. is _ our cities. just ten aid trucks got in to gaza today. is that - our cities. just ten aid trucks got| in to gaza today. is that enough? our cities. just ten aid trucks got i in to gaza today. is that enough? we want to in to gaza today. is that enough? - want to see humanitarian aid reach the people of the gaza strip through the people of the gaza strip through the rafah border crossing with egypt. the israel crossings were destroyed in the october massacre when hamas took out the power lines that were providing electricity from gaza. and they butchered everyone there. the process of aid entering through where hamas destroyed is not viable. we want to see it enter through egypt. we only one condition — the aid not reach hamas, hamas not exploit those humanitarian corridors in order to rearm, and that is our duty under the international rules of order to facilitate humanitarian aid, as long as that is not exploited by the enemy that declared war on us and continues to indiscriminately attack our people. thank you very much for coming up with the programme. there were more flashes as we were talking there. it is black again now, but there have been flashes of orange just in the last couple of minutes. we'll keep across these pictures. we're going to speak to tel aviv and colonel richard kemp, a former commanding officer for the british army who served in afghanistan. thank you very much for coming on the programme. we didn't get an answer about whether this is the start of the full—scale incursion. perhaps understandably. what's your assessment from what you've been seeing and hearing so far? i assessment from what you've been seeing and hearing so far?- seeing and hearing so far? i think ou have seeing and hearing so far? i think you have to _ seeing and hearing so far? i think you have to remember, _ seeing and hearing so far? i think you have to remember, we i seeing and hearing so far? i think you have to remember, we all. seeing and hearing so far? i think. you have to remember, we all have seeing and hearing so far? i think- you have to remember, we all have to remember that military operations are best conducted using surprise interception, and that goes for israel is much as anyone else. we won't find out until i think var goes by, how this is going to shape up, and quite rightly. it could be one of two things. one is potentially a more expanded raid. force growing and with greater violence, or it could be a sustained operation. even though the structure may not know how it will work out, depending on how the operation is taking place, it may turn from being limited operation. what about the need for a ground _ limited operation. what about the need for a ground incursion? i limited operation. what about the | need for a ground incursion? what are the calculations? what can be achieved? the idf have achieved much as they can purely for that from the air. as they can purely for that from the air- hoping — as they can purely for that from the air- hoping to _ as they can purely for that from the air. hoping to finish _ as they can purely for that from the air. hoping to finish off— as they can purely for that from the air. hoping to finish off the - as they can purely for that from the air. hoping to finish off the dog, i air. hoping to finish off the dog, you can only do so much from the air. but i don't think israel would have liked the committed ground forces into this situation if they didn't feel it was absolutely necessary, because of course, the highlight, as well as hamas getting killed, is going to be a fair number of israeli casualties. they're king to avoid that as much as i possibly can. ., to avoid that as much as i possibly can, ., ., to avoid that as much as i possibly can. ., ., , ., to avoid that as much as i possibly can. ., ., ., ., ., ., ., can. how do you do that? how do air strikes, can. how do you do that? how do air strikes. ground _ can. how do you do that? how do air strikes, ground incursions, _ can. how do you do that? how do air strikes, ground incursions, and i strikes, ground incursions, and densely populated areas, how do you go about protecting civilians? weill. go about protecting civilians? well, it's very tough. _ go about protecting civilians? well, it's very tough, and _ go about protecting civilians? well, it's very tough, and the _ go about protecting civilians? -ii it's very tough, and the toughest aspect is the fact that hamas, as with the taliban and al-qaeda and other groups like that, they want to use their civilian population as shields. they do admit themselves, so it's very hard to deal with them without unfortunately killing a number of civilians. it is not a war crime, but it's tragic, not illegal. the reality is for israel that they cannot deal with the mask. and i think we can sympathise with every single civilian in gaza. ._ single civilian in gaza. . richard, thank you _ single civilian in gaza. . richard, thank you for— single civilian in gaza. . richard, thank you for talking _ single civilian in gaza. . richard, thank you for talking us - single civilian in gaza. . richard, thank you for talking us through | thank you for talking us through the. ., ~ thank you for talking us through the. . ~ , ., thank you for talking us through the. ., ~ ,, i not thank you for talking us through the-_ i got the - thank you for talking us through i the._ i got the thoughts the. thank you. i got the thoughts ofthe the. thank you. i got the thoughts of the ground _ the. thank you. i got the thoughts of the ground invasion _ . it's terrible, although the united nations assembly _ . it's terrible, although the united nations assembly has _ . it's terrible, although the united nations assembly hasjust - . it's terrible, although the united nations assembly hasjust passed | . it's terrible, although the united | nations assembly hasjust passed a nations assembly has just passed a resolution with more than two thirds of the vote. demanding immediate supply of humanitarian aid to gaza. what is happening now is unhinge massacre in the northern parts of which took the lives of almost parts of 3,000 children and each child is a human being. the history, the family, you're talking about also more than 7,100 palestinians killed, and this number will rise tonight. but the worst thing is that with ground operation you're talking about total destruction, complete destruction. i've seen the results of their ground operation in 2014 in the area of shuja'iyya in gaza. it means that no stone will be with another, everything will be totally razed to the ground and every house will be destroyed and every human being will be killed. this is the kind of israeli operation that you will see tonight including airstrikes, the same time with ground invasion. and let me tell you one thing that the audience should know, the total amount of bombs and explosives that have been thrown on gaza is very close now to the amount of the bomb power that was used with the nuclear power, nuclear bomb in hiroshima injapan. just to get an idea about what's going on. it's a very dangerous development and we've just received alerts from medical relief society, from red crescent, from another health organisation, complaining that their medical and health work is completely paralysed because of the cut of all telecommunications and internet from gaza. on saturday 7th october, when hamas went in and 1,400 civilians, people, were killed, the israelis said they therefore will eradicate hamas. and they said this evening that they will go in and that they will target the hamas tunnels. they will target terrorist infrastructure, in their words. and that is what they are doing now. this is the excuse. but the reality is that they are targeting all the palestinian population of gaza. they've already conducted the worst kind of ethnic cleansing of 1.4 million people. they are still hoping to ethnically cleanse all of gaza population and force them out to egypt. they are now conducting three war crimes, ethnic cleansing, genocide and... they've asked people to move south. to move out of gaza city and to move south. i'm sorry, sir, you say such a thing when you know very well that the people who moved to the south were bombarded in the south. and bombarded everywhere. there is no safe space in gaza. people are stuck in the hospitals now because they think this is the only safe spot and israel now claims that the hospitals are used by hamas. enough with the israeli lies. speaking to me just a little earlier. let me show you these live pictures. monitoring southern israel here. hamas say they are firing rockets out of gaza into israel. this is as israel intensifies its air strikes on gaza. you can take a look at the live pictures of gaza. this is the live pictures of gaza. this is the live skyline there. the blackness because electricity, and buildings aren't lit up like they were a few weeks ago. there have been flashes an orange. this is inside gaza itself. outside a hospital there as israel announces the expansion of its ground operations. plenty more to come. this is bbc news. hello there. it's remaining unsettled this weekend with low pressure sticking close—by. we will see showers or longer spells of rain, some sunshine as well, it's not going to be a complete washout, the winds will be quite blustery, particularly close to the coast, thanks to this pretty vigorous area of low pressure which has been with us for a while now, and could to the west of ireland bringing all these showers, even longer spells of rain and stronger winds with little areas of low pressure running around it, one such system moving across the country during saturday night. saturday itself starts off with a fine note through the midlands, some low cloud and sunshine but showers in the south and the west, spreading northwards, with more persistent rain affecting eastern scotland with stronger winds and some brightness for western scotland with shelter from the easterly breeze. temperatures 10—16. later in the day, we will start to see one of these little areas of low pressure bringing wet and windy weather to southern england and south wales, spreading northwards during the night ending up across parts of scotland and northern ireland, the north of it staying windy and quite blustery, for the second half of the night across england and wales with clear spells and scattered showers. temperatures nowhere particularly cold, 9—11 degrees. don't forget early on sunday morning, the clocks go back one hour, so for many of us, it is an extra hour in bed. but sunday does look unsettled, particularly scotland, northern ireland, where it will be wet with some of the heaviest of the rain towards eastern scotland. we could have some flooding issues here, strong winds as well. england and wales will have a mixture of sunny spells some of them could be heavy and thundery. temperatures a little bit cool across northern scotland, otherwise it's the mid—teens further south. little change into monday, the low pressure begins to weaken, but it's still close by enough to bring further unsettled weather, and i think for most, it's going be a mixture of sunshine and showers again. most of the showers towards the south and the west, where they could be quite heavy and blustery winds across the south and west. in northern and eastern scotland, rain, over the tops of the cairngorms, it will be chilly here. further south, low— to mid—teens. staying unsettled into the first week of november, with low pressure systems moving across the country, there is a chance towards the end of the new week we could see some severe gales, so stay tuned to the forecast. live from london. this is bbc news explosions light up the sky over gaza, as the israeli military says its ground forces are expanding their operations tonight. translation: ground forces i are expanding their operations this evening, acting forcefully in all dimensions to achieve the goals of the war. hamas retaliates with a series of rockets fired at cities in southern israel in the last few hours the escalation comes as the un general assembly prepares to vote on a jordanian resolution for "an immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce.

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White Hamas , Phrase , Face , Earth , Targets , Idf Spokesperson , Digging Tunnels , Hostages , Mass Havel , Thing , Might , Idea , Bunkers , Raping , Kidnapping , Optimism , South , 1500 , Supplies , Conditions , Water , Food , People Haven T , Civilians , Lots , Medicine , Length , Casualties , Notjust , Life , Loss , Number , Palestinians , Effect , Conflict , Ground , Allies , Casualty , Figures , Legitimacy , Cease Fire , More , Intermediaries , Categories , How Mass Have Offices , Doha , Negotiations , Information , Talks , Stalling , Offensive , Sort , Ro , Ress , Progress , Talking , Right , Rouress , Y Progress , Asjeremy , Air Strike , Flash , Keeping , White , War , Feed , Flights , Strip , Buildings , Bottoms , Explosion , Feeds , Couple , Sense , Hospital , There , Movement , Gaza Excel , Hospitals , Situation , Running Low , Hundreds , Egypt , Firing , Rafah Crossing , Latest , Whojoins Us , Levy , Tel Aviv , Eylon , Escalation , Fin , On October The 7th , War Against , 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Things , Raid , Operation , Violence , Structure , Ground Incursion , Need , Calculations , Hair , Have , Idf , Dog , Highlight , Course , King , Ground Incursions , Can , Weill , Groups , Fact , Aspect , Al Qaeda , Taliban , Population , Reality , Mask , Single , Civilian , Thoughts , Single Civilian In Gaza , United Nations Assembly , Un General Assembly , United Nations Assembly Hasjust , Resolution , Vote , United Nations , Assembly Hasjust , Unhinge Massacre , Parts , Supply , Ground Operation , Human Being , Child , Family , Children , History , 3000 , 7100 , Destruction , Results , Another , House , Stone , Shuja Iyya , 2014 , Amount , Kind , Bombs , Ground Invasion , Audience , Tonight Including Airstrikes , Bomb , On Gaza , Explosives , Hiroshima Injapan , Alerts , What S Going On , Health Organisation , Development , Relief Society , Red Crescent , Internet , Health , Cut , Telecommunications , Work , On Saturday 7th October , Saturday 7th October , 1400 , Evening , Excuse , 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