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Fast moving situation tonight. Israels military says it is stepping up its air and Ground Operations, huge explosions have already been seen over the gaza strip when israel appears to have ramped up its bombing. All internet and mobile phone services have been cut off in the strip, which has already been under total israeli siege for the last 18 days. The military has again called on residents of gaza city to move south. A spokesman said that israel is now prepared on all fronts to preserve israels security and says it is committed to the task of returning the israeli and foreign hostages that are currently being held in gaza. Hamas, which the uk and many other countries designate as a terror organisation, has called on the world to act immediately to stop the israeli bombardment. Well, daniel hagari, the spokesperson for the Israeli Defense forces, talked about the defensive israel is launching on its targets in gaza. Translation launching on its targets in gaza. Translation over the last few hours, we have translation over the last few hours, we have intensified translation over the last few hours, we have intensified our. Translation over the last few| hours, we have intensified our air strikes in gaza, the iaf has extensively carried out raids to underground targets and terror infrastructure in a substantial manner is a continuation of our offensive strikes over the last few days, the Ground Forces are expanding their operations this evening. Acting forcefully in all dimensions to achieve the goals of the war. Early on today, we exposed to the world the Shifa Hospital with the underground expanse, how they have converted the hospital for terror activities. Hamass cynical usage of the hospital we revealed this to the world and we will continue to do so, we will continue attack on gaza and its surroundings. And again, south to the gaza razor, there are better conditions, we have called upon them and reiterated the called upon them and reiterated the call to the people of gaza to move to the gaza river. That call to the people of gaza to move to the gaza river. To the gaza river. That is the latest from to the gaza river. That is the latest from the to the gaza river. That is the latest from the idf, to the gaza river. That is the latest from the idf, updating i to the gaza river. That is the| latest from the idf, updating on to the gaza river. That is the latest from the idf, updating on its operations tonight. Lets take you to washington and Barbara Plett usher. We know the white house have touched on this, saying very little at the moment, we know the spokesperson for the president has said they have seen reports about israels operations tonight, but will not discuss it. It seems it is early days and we dont have the full picture of what is happening, but it is safe to assume the white house will be keeping a very close eye on events in israel and gaza tonight. Eye on events in israel and gaza toniaht. , ~. ,. , tonight. Yes, the white house and the State Department tonight. Yes, the white house and the State Department and tonight. Yes, the white house and the State Department and the the State Department and the pentagon will all be keeping a very close eye on what is happening. They have been keeping a very close eye on it since october the 7th, since the hamas attacks then. Their message up until now has been one of very strong support for israels rate and they say obligation to strike back hard against hamas. Right. They do not want to see hamas coming out of this looking as if it is winning just as they israeli say they want to see hamas defeated, or at least given a pretty crippling blow. Having said that, they have signalled quite strongly that they didnt want israel to rush into a major Ground Offensive without thinking through a number of things, in particular the way that they would conduct the very hard, the way that urban warfare, going, having to destroy the tunnels and that sort of thing, how long it will take and how much damage it could inflict. So the pentagon has sent advisers to israel to talk about their own experience when they conducted such urban warfare in iraq and in mosul, wanting to make sure their Lessons Learned would be passed on. We also know in the past week or so, there was some progress on releasing hostages and certainly, the white house wanted to take advantage of any window of opportunity to get more hostages out, figuring that once a major Ground Invasion occurred, that would be more difficult. And you also mentioned the efforts of the un to talk about a humanitarian ceasefire. The americans dont support a ceasefire, they say hamas will benefit from a ceasefire, but they have been increasing their support for what they call humanitarian pauses and working very hard to try to get more humanitarian aid into gaza. So as long as the major operation, Ground Operation held off, they were working hard to do that, as well as to get american palestinians out of gaza. So they had a lot of things they were trying to do while waiting for this invasion to happen. I should add to that of course, the very real concern that this will end p very real concern that this will end up becoming a wider war in the region and american interests will be targeted. There have been a number of attacks against the american troops in syria and iraq, to which the pentagon responded in the past 2a, 48 hours with air strikes, and they had also been saying to the israelis they needed time to get more Defence Systems in place, in case, before the major incursion started. So all of this is to say they support israels plan to go after hamas in a very crippling way, but they have been cautioning against all of the possible fallout around it and trying to use the opportunity before it started to get as much done as possible on the humanitarian front. As much done as possible on the humanitarian front. While you are talkin , a humanitarian front. While you are talking, a couple humanitarian front. While you are talking, a couple of humanitarian front. While you are talking, a couple of lines humanitarian front. While you are talking, a couple of lines comingl humanitarian front. While you are i talking, a couple of lines coming to us from the white house, saying the us has asked the israelis what are the aims of the strategy, how is this going to end . To your point about looking at the longer term implications of this for the region and for israel, and on the humanitarian issue, the white house saying some fuel has now been made available in gaza. And that is really the centre of the current dispute as far as the humanitarian issues concerned because we know that fuel is needed to Power Generators and keep essential equipment running. But there is a realfear equipment running. But there is a real fear that equipment running. But there is a realfear that could fall equipment running. But there is a real fear that could fall into the hands of hamas. Hands of hamas. Yes, the Aid Agreement hands of hamas. Yes, the Aid Agreement the hands of hamas. Yes, the Aid Agreement The Americans hands of hamas. Yes, the Aid Agreement The Americans negotiated was to get in medicine, food and that sort of thing, but not fuel, fuel is not covered in it because the israelis maintained that they are afraid that hamas will take that fuel and use it for its operations and have made claims about hamas having fuel. I dont know if you have mentioned the claims by the idf just in the past couple of hours, talking about command and control centres that hamas has established under a significant hospital in gaza, the Shifa Hospital stop israel is saying it has fuelled there in order to run its own operations, suggesting, talking so strongly about hamas using hospitals, suggesting perhaps that they are warning again for hospitals to be vacated in case they become targets. But anyway, the agencies, the un agencies, the International Agencies have said that whatever fuel may be in the gaza strip, they are not getting access to it. They need those deliveries of fuel in order to keep their operations running. And that they have warned that they are going to have to close down a lot of what they are doing because they dont have the fuel to do it, they dont have the fuel to do it, they dont have the fuel to do it, they dont have the fuel for the trucks to deliver the aid wherever it should go, the hospitals have been saying they dont have fuel to run generators to carry out operations. So it has become a point of contention between israel on the one hand and the big humanitarian operation that is trying to get going and the un and the International Agencies who are saying that really their hands are being tied in terms of how much they can do to help civilians in gaza. Barbara, good to have you with us with that update. The latest as far as the us response to events tonight. A couple of lines we are getting that alarms have gone off, were told, in sderot and ashkelon, two places very close to the border with gaza. So on both sides of that line, there are lots of concerns and we are being told alarms have gone off in those two israeli locations. And also we brought you a line earlier coming from the Palestinian Red Crescent, all of this related to the fact that phone and Internet Services have been cut off in gaza. We dont know the cause, whether it is intentionally or the result of further bombing. An update now from actionaid, they say they have lost all contact with their colleagues. They say they have lost contact with colleagues in gaza, Grave Concern for their safety and the people of gaza as signs grow in their words of a major land escalation, following nearly three weeks of bombardment. They are calling for the restoration of communication channels. And it is worth saying the Palestinian Red Crescent say that would limit their ability to respond to emergency calls, to get ambulances and medical staff to where they are needed if there is no communication within gaza. It is also worth saying an update, there will be a lot of concern about the fate of those 229 hostages currently being held in gaza. A source familiar with the qatar Mediator Negotiations between israel and hamas told the bbc earlier those talks were accelerating. Daily David Roberts is a Senior Lecturer at kings couege is a Senior Lecturer at Kings College london and recently published a book about security in the gulf. Thank you for your patients, you have been with us a while while we assess the latest developments in gaza. Your patients. Tell me how this will be viewed. There is clearly an eye on the fate of those hostages being held in gaza and if we see renewed bombing and perhaps the early stages of some Ground Invasion, there will be a lot of concern about their safety tonight. Be a lot of concern about their safety tonight. Yes, quite, i have no doubt this safety tonight. Yes, quite, i have no doubt this will safety tonight. Yes, quite, i have no doubt this will be safety tonight. Yes, quite, i have no doubt this will be the safety tonight. Yes, quite, i have no doubt this will be the key safety tonight. Yes, quite, i have| no doubt this will be the key focus of everyone on all sides at the moment, physically from qatar. The majority of his stages are international citizens, so a lot of calls coming in to doha and elsewhere to see what they can do particularly from qatar. With this escalating Ground Invasion or what looks at least like a potential Ground Invasion, it does make things more difficult. Aside from the effect this might have on those holding the hostages, making them even more angry or what have you covered there is a very pragmatic impact of all this as you mentioned, communication has been cut. And for a place like gaza under the siege it is at the moment, the bombardment we see, the very pragmatic realities are so difficult, i can only imagine about wondering which particular factions within hamas and which hostages and where. So aside from the geopolitical discussions about are these hostages going to be released, there is a real pragmatic difficulty. The last thing i would say is the hostages, even if there is an escalation here, the hostages in a grim way i think retain a utility, potential average down the road. So i think even if there is some large israeli incursion, we can only hope for that, at least. find only hope for that, at least. And while we are only hope for that, at least. And while we are speaking, the latest line coming from the white house spokesman, the president s spokesman saying the Israeli Military operations in gaza, it would be key to have a pause in those operations to have a pause in those operations to get humanitarian aid in, fuel, electricity to civilians. But on that issue of hostages you mentioned, saying that getting hostages out of gaza, if they are to get hostages out of gaza, that will require a localised temporary pause and the United States is in support of that. We will hear a lot of that phrase a temporary pause, and that is because there is concern hamas would benefit from a full ceasefire so this pause would be for very specific reasons, to get aid in and to get people out. I specific reasons, to get aid in and to get people out. Specific reasons, to get aid in and to get people out. I agree with that sort of logic to get people out. I agree with that sort of logic. Going to get people out. I agree with that sort of logic. Going back to get people out. I agree with that sort of logic. Going back to to get people out. I agree with that sort of logic. Going back to what. Sort of logic. Going back to what jeremy bowen was saying earlier, i think he has got a lot of experience on this and one might hope again that this potential significant incursion we are seeing now is part of the israeli attempt that we often see before ceasefire is to take more ground, to take more significant action before there is a pause. So we can hope for that as well. And at the same time, the International Community particularly focusing on our friends at the moment in doha, this is such a key area where qatar theoretically at least has a lot of leverage, it has worked with hamas for a very long time now, it has got a lot of relations. So we can only hope those come to fruition. We have seen they have released by doha and other international bodies, they have managed to get the hostages out already. So we can only hope that there is a process of sorts, despite there is a process of sorts, despite the escalations at the moment. Yes. The escalations at the moment. Yes, i wonder what the escalations at the moment. Yes, i wonder what your the escalations at the moment. Yes, i wonder what your assessment is if there is a significant escalation in there is a significant escalation in the israeli strikes on gaza tonight, where does it leave those talks and those negotiations that as you said, qatar are mediating, they have been successful to a limited degree so far . If there is renewed bombardment of gaza, could we see that hamas just walk away from those negotiations . I just walk away from those negotiations . Just walk away from those negotiations . I think it likely there is a negotiations . I think it likely there is a temporary negotiations . I think it likely there is a temporary walk. Negotiations . I think it likely i there is a temporary walk away negotiations . I think it likely there is a temporary walk away if you get my drift, to at least prove the point that they cannot be pressured under such duress, i would have thought. But at the same time, there is the political, the media, there is the political, the media, the front half of this kind of discussion and then there are the perennial back channels. I would imagine there might be a notional pause like i say, hamas saying that they are going to pause for obvious reasons from their perspective, but one might assume that the detailed discussions are ongoing and no matter what, discussions are ongoing and no matterwhat, It Discussions are ongoing and no matter what, it may be at a slightly lower level, but that is an important level of negotiations to maintain. , important level of negotiations to maintain. , maintain. Really good, david, to have ou maintain. Really good, david, to have you with maintain. Really good, david, to have you with us, maintain. Really good, david, to have you with us, david maintain. Really good, david, to| have you with us, David Roberts. Maintain. Really good, david, to have you with us, David Roberts. And it has been a lot of developments today people with tonight so thank you. To update people with. This escalation comes on day two of an emergency Un General Assembly session in new york, discussing the war, of course. In the next half hour, that un assembly is expected to vote on a jordanian proposal for a sustained humanitarian truce. It is worth saying the vote is not binding, but it is sponsored by more than a0 countries so far. We will keep a very close eye on events there for you. The Us Ambassador to there for you. The Us Ambassador to the un Linda Thomas Greenfield had this message for the assembly a little earlier. The this message for the assembly a little earlier. Little earlier. The lives of innocent little earlier. The lives of innocent palestinians little earlier. The lives of l innocent palestinians must little earlier. The lives of innocent palestinians must be protected. The lives of un personnel and humanitarian workers and journalists must be protected. And we mourn the loss of every single innocent life in this crisis. Every single one. We must not look away. And we must not become numb to the pain and the suffering of people like a palestinian journalist whose wife, son, daughter and grandson were killed in gaza this week. My heart breaks for him. My heart breaks for all of the innocent civilians who are caught up in this crisis. Colleagues, the United States had made clear in both public and private conversations that is israel exercises its right and indeed its responsibility to defend its people against the terrorist group, it must do so in line with the rules of war, there are no more free zones in war. We the rules of war, there are no more free zones in war. Free zones in war. We will have full covera. E free zones in war. We will have full coverage of free zones in war. We will have full coverage of that free zones in war. We will have full coverage of that un free zones in war. We will have full coverage of that un vote, free zones in war. We will have full| coverage of that un vote, expected in the next half hour or so, live from new york. Lets talk to Professorjohn Strutton from the University Of East London and an expert in the Israeli Palestinian conflict and an expert in middle east politics. Thank you for being with us tonight. It has been an evening of fast moving developments and i wonder what your assessment is of what you have seen so far . There are few details about what is happening on the ground. We know it is impossible to speak to our teams, many of the normal forms of communication, phones and Internet Services have been cut off. But it does feel like a significant escalation, one underlined by that statement we had from the idf that they are stepping up their aerial bombardment and also increasing their Ground Incursion. Yes. Bombardment and also increasing their Ground Incursion. Bombardment and also increasing their Ground Incursion. Yes, i think we need to their Ground Incursion. Yes, i think we need to be their Ground Incursion. Yes, i think we need to be cautious their Ground Incursion. Yes, i think we need to be cautious as their Ground Incursion. Yes, i think we need to be cautious as to their Ground Incursion. Yes, i think we need to be cautious as to what | we need to be cautious as to what this expanded incursion is because there have been incursions yesterday and the day before. This is obviously something significantly bigger than that. But i think it might be a mistake to think this is the beginning of the Ground Invasion that has been so advertised both by the idf and also by the media. So i think we need to be very cautious about what is in fact taken place. It looks like from the israeli media, certainly, that this is what it says, it is an expansion of the kind of operations that we have seen over the last two days. I dont think it necessarily means that this is the beginning of some invasion of a significant part of gaza or all of gaza. So i think the fact the idf are being cautious, i also think they under a high degree of pressure from the United States to be cautious, to agree to some humanitarian pause, particularly so that people in the northern part of gaza can get serious aid and support which they arejust gaza can get serious aid and support which they are just getting a trickle of at the moment and need much more. I think that is going to be a big pressure on them. I think the other thing Barbara Plett usher said is quite true, that there is a big problem in terms of any logistical operation given the kind of warfare that you would expect. And i was quite impressed that they are talking about mosul and i think they might want to talk about raqqa and the way the International Community operated to try and remove isis from syria and iraq in 2016 and 2017. ,. ,. , ,. , isis from syria and iraq in 2016 and 2017. ,. ,. , ,. , y. , 2017. You are absolutely right to make that 2017. You are absolutely right to make that distinction. 2017. You are absolutely right to make that distinction. We 2017. You are absolutely right to make that distinction. We dontl 2017. You are absolutely right to i make that distinction. We dont yet know what is happening on the previous ground, a previous guest explaining there may not even be that full scale Ground Incursion that full scale Ground Incursion that has been much discussed and it may be a series of small incursions like we are seeing tonight. But it is clear we dont have all the details right now. A couple of lines and stay with us, i want to bring people up today with a couple of lines. Jordans Foreign Minister saying israeljust launched a ground war on gaza, saying the outcome will be a humanitarian catastrophe of epic proportions. Jordans Foreign Minister also saying voting against the arab resolution in the un means of this senseless war, this senseless killing. So those are the latest lines from jordans Foreign Minister to bring people up to date on bbc news. John, your reaction to what we are seeing there, it is very clear, isnt it, that we dont know exactly what is happening right now, but there is clearly a lot of concern in the region on a number of fronts . Of course for the Civilian Population of gaza, for those hostages who are still being held there and one would also assume israels enemies, who will be looking at this very closely and deciding what their next step will be. ,. , deciding what their next step will be. ,. ,. ,. , be. Indeed. Today and the last coule be. Indeed. Today and the last coople of be. Indeed. Today and the last coople of days be. Indeed. Today and the last couple of days have be. Indeed. Today and the last couple of days have been be. Indeed. Today and the last| couple of days have been really hamass moment in the diplomatic lights, they have been in moscow, they have been meeting the iranians in the United Nations in new york. They are using maximum diplomatic pressure to raise the rhetoric. And i think that one of the big problems about this debate in the United Nations is that you see far too much rhetoric and not enough cool heads thinking about the future. And i thinking about the future. And i think it was very encouraging yesterday that the Saudi Foreign minister reminded the International Community that the arab peace plan of 2002, which is to recognise israel in exchange for israel withdrawing from the occupied territories, is still on the table. And i think it is that kind of much Cooler Position that we need to have thatis Cooler Position that we need to have that is important. And i think that we have to be extraordinarily wary of the kind of rhetoric that we see both in the United Nations debate andindeedin both in the United Nations debate and indeed in the politicalfield generally. We need to calm things as much as possible. And i think it is quite wrong for thejordanians to say anyone who votes against the resolution at the United Nations is against gaza because i think what The Americans are trying to do, and i think it is really important, is to have a practical step to actually bring relief to the civilians of gaza, which is something of course which hamas dont particularly want because this grotesque humanitarian disaster which is playing out on our screens is precisely what they want us to see. And what we actually need to do is to undermine that and precisely deliver the aid which people need. A ceasefire would take ages to organise, impossible to organise, i should say, at the present time. And what we actually need is this humanitarian pause so that the people of gaza can get some genuine relief and perhaps that will also undermine the kind of propaganda which hamas wants to get out of the suffering of the people, the Civilian Population. You out of the suffering of the people, the Civilian Population. The Civilian Population. You touch on what happens the Civilian Population. You touch on what happens next. The Civilian Population. You touch on what happens next. In the Civilian Population. You touch on what happens next. In your. On what happens next. In your opinion, has enough thought been given to what happens . We know israel says it wants to stop hamass ability to wage war in the future. Has there been enough consideration about what may come if there is a vacuum created, a power vacuum in gaza . ,. ,. ,. , gaza . The International Community lost the ball gaza . The International Community lost the ball on gaza . The International Community lost the ball on this gaza . The International Community lost the ball on this question lost the ball on this question a long time ago, they have not been focusing on the Palestine Israeli conflict. I understand there are many other conflicts in the world, but they have not really been doing theirjob but they have not really been doing their job and but they have not really been doing theirjob and we have allowed an occupation to fester in the west bank and gaza. We havent moved on the question of the two state solution. It was very good to hear President Biden today saying that is what we need to move on. We have a simple solution to the problem, which is a two state solution. We have a grotesque political path to get there and thats why i think we need to begin to focus now on how that will happen. And perhaps some form of Un Trusteeship In Gaza is a step towards that might be possible. John, really good to have your thoughts and your insight tonight, thank you. Joining us from the University Of East London. What you are seeing on the screen at the latest pictures we have from gaza tonight. Israel says its Ground Forces are expanding its operations. Those large explosions tell you the story across the gaza strip. The Israeli Defence force says gaza residents should move south for their own safety. We also know that at the moment, there is no telecoms. The internet, Phone Signals have been cut off in gaza meaning it is very difficult for medical facilities to respond to any incidents in gaza and also for International Aid agencies to reach their staff on the ground. Those targeted raids in recent nights have clearly escalated tonight. We know that there are further air assaults on gaza, but also an increase in the land incursions, Ground Forces continuing there. The context coming up continuing there. The context coming up next on bbc news. Hello there. Good evening. The unsettled conditions will continue as we head through this weekend and into next week. It wont be raining all the time but, of course, the ground pretty saturated in many areas, particularly here in central and eastern areas of scotland. For the next few days, heavy, thundery downpours across quite a wide area of the uk again. Blustery winds, too. And if we just take a look at the Rainfall Accumulation Chart for the next few days, you can see just how extensive that wet weather is likely to be. Drier, though, for western scotland, but where we see those bright colours again for Eastern Scotland over the high ground, there could be another 50 to 100 millimetres of rain. Why is it happening . Well, low pressure is centred out to the west of ireland, sending bands of showers spiralling around it. Brisk south easterly winds again overnight tonight, just pushing these showers on shore into Central Eastern areas of scotland. A constant stream of showers here. Clearer spells further south, and the winds will start to pick up, with another rash of showers approaching the south coast of england by the end of the night. Overnight lows of around seven to 11 degrees celsius. Another mild start to saturday morning. There could be a bit of mist perhaps over the pennines tomorrow morning and for North Eastern areas of england, but the mist and fog wont be as extensive as it was earlier on this morning. Thats simply because its a lot windier. So some more showers feeding into Eastern Scotland through the day tomorrow. Showers further south. Heavy, persistent rain moving into South West England and south wales by the time we get to the end of the afternoon. Some squally gusts of wind, too, developing east of the isle of wight, across the kent and sussex coasts. There could be some gusts of 50 60 mph along with some very wet weather on saturday evening. That rain pushing further northwards as we head through Saturday Night and into sunday morning. So its a wet start to the day on sunday for northern ireland, Northern England and southern scotland. Some more rain, as you can see, across eastern areas of scotland. A cold northerly wind. Very blustery conditions for northern scotland. Sunshine and showers again for much of england and wales throughout the day. Temperatures here, 11 to 15 degrees celsius. Theyre not due to move very much. Now, low pressure stays close by as we head into the start of next week, so more bands of showers spiralling around, certainly a lot more wet weather. Heres the outlook for our Capital Cities as we head through the week possibly stormy conditions again on wednesday into thursday. Im Lewis Vaughan jones, im Lewis Vaughanjones, youre watching the context on bbc news. The Ground Forces are expanding their operations this evening, acting forcefully to achieve the goals of the war. Translation ~. ,. , goals of the war. Translation ~. ,. , translation we renew our call to all arties translation we renew our call to all parties for translation we renew our call to all parties for deescalation translation we renew our call to all parties for deescalation and all parties for deescalation and ultimately working for the full ceasefire and the Immediate Release of all listeners and the delivery of humanity of all listeners and the delivery of humanity renege to the gaza strip. As Israel Humanity Renege to the gaza strip. As israel exercises its right and indeed as israel exercises its right and indeed its as israel exercises its right and indeed its responsibility as israel exercises its right and indeed its responsibility to as israel exercises its right and i indeed its responsibility to defend its people indeed its responsibility to defend its people against indeed its responsibility to defend its people against a indeed its responsibility to defend its people against a terrorist its people against a terrorist group, its people against a terrorist droop, it its people against a terrorist group, it must its people against a terrorist group, it must do its people against a terrorist group, it must do so its people against a terrorist group, it must do so in its people against a terrorist group, it must do so in linel its people against a terrorist group, it must do so in line with the rules group, it must do so in line with the rules of group, it must do so in line with the rules of war

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