Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240703 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240703

bringing heavy rain and winds to the north and east of uk and this shows the storm moving northwards on wednesday, parking itself across the north of the uk on friday but low pressure is close by and brings further heavy rain even further south so it will be a very unsettled week for the rest of the week and into the weekend and rainfall totals mounting up, you can see on the scale, the brighter echoes in eastern scotland and north—east england is where we have concerns for the risk of localised flooding but because of the heavy rain which we have seen in scotland in the past week or so, the ground is saturated so the met office have an amber warning in force but this could be extended further south but that caters for the persistent heavy rain and the risk of localised flooding. heading through tonight, many places will be dry, central, northern and eastern areas have a strong outhwaite —— south—easterly wind. temperatures, no problems with frost, 9—12 point we start the day on a fine note centre and in many places but windy and rain peppering up places but windy and rain peppering up for northern ireland and across southern britain, the first signs of storm temple removing up with strong winds, heavy and thundery rain and the wind picking up across north sea coast but despite the wind, it will be quite mild, 14—16 or 17 celsius. on wednesday night, storm babet moved northwards, up into scotland and northern ireland by the end of the night and some of the rain will be quite heavy, strong and gusty winds and further south, clear spells but a rash of heavy showers pushing in and it will be a mild night. on thursday, the heaviest rain is in the north of the uk, further south, a mixture of heavy showers and strong winds. thanks, stav. that's it from here. back to clive in jerusalem for the latest on tonight's developments. thank you. an appalling night of bloodshed in gaza. we can get a final word from our international editor, jeremy bowen. some breaking news in the past few minutes, we are hearing thatjordan has cancelled its planned meeting withjoe biden, who is on his way in a motorcade, we understand, towards air force one to actually get to this region but what can you tell us about that? the jordanian foreign _ can you tell us about that? tue: jordanian foreign minister can you tell us about that? tte: jordanian foreign minister has been on various tv stations, announcing that this four away summit between joe biden, and america's main arab allies in the middle east, that will not now take place. palestinian leader mac and a bus had already cancelled and is travelling back home —— mahmoud abbas. it knocks the bottom out of a lot president biden�*s programme and it is a big snap to an american president. a few years ago his middle eastern allies would not have dared to do something like this to the american head of state and i think it also means the chances if the president doing anything to calm this situation down have now been much reduced. jeremy, thank ou, have now been much reduced. jeremy, thank you. jeremy _ have now been much reduced. jeremy, thank you, jeremy bowen _ have now been much reduced. jeremy, thank you, jeremy bowen in _ have now been much reduced. jeremy, thank you, jeremy bowen in southern i thank you, jeremy bowen in southern israel. there is a shared innocence of civilians on both sides that has been taken away throughout this war, victims who were simply living their lives but had been dragged into a conflagration beyond their control. the devastating explosion tonight in gaza, the latest example, leaving families grieving over the dead. for now, as israel readies to invade, the work continues to try to improve the work continues to try to improve the conditions of more than a million people in the territory and thatis million people in the territory and that is a crucial part ofjoe biden�*s mission here tomorrow but complicated by tonight's latest tragedy. and while he may not be able to see many of the arabs in the region, perhaps something can come from the meeting with benjamin netanyahu. that is this is the situation for our viewers, air force one awaiting the arrival ofjoe biden, the backdrop to this visit could not be worse. an attack on a hospital in gaza city this evening which has killed 500 people, many more injured and wounded, a hospital that was providing refuge to some 6000 people according to the anglican rector we spoke to this evening who had responsibility for this facility. let's speak to jeremy bowen responsibility for this facility. let's speak tojeremy bowen who is in southern israel for us this evening. goodness me, the white house must be looking at the pictures being beamed around the world and wondering what comes tomorrow and in what direction the conflict goes next. what are you hearing from sources on the ground particularly the israelis? we've heard from those who are pointing the finger at islamichhad. the israelis got — the finger at islamichhad. the israelis got their _ the finger at islamichhad. tt;e: israelis got their denial in very quickly. pointing the finger at islamic jihad, the number two armed group in gaza, the smaller one. closer ties to iran then hamas have got. but they did it. now if you look at the video that was posted about that, it shows a really big explosion. one thing that an investigation into this would really need to try to find out is whether or not islamic jihad had any weapons of that strength, whether they were able to do it, after nothing like as big or serious is that, but other faces of the conflict between hamas and israel say the last couple years. there have been assertions in the past by israel is that islamichhad weapons have fallen short, which they have then walked back afterwards subsequently. but the thing is the boat sides are now —— both sides are embedded in their positions. israelis say that it didn't do it, is notjust hamas and islamichhad saying it's the israelis behind it, it's the leading arab allies who are also saying it. so this makes it really difficult, the whole bottom has been knocked out of the trip because the whole point was to get some kind of dialogue going, and attempt to make conditions betterfor dialogue going, and attempt to make conditions better for palestinians, and now it's much harderfor him. it was already a gamble because of course, normally when presidents get on aeroplanes to visit places and make agreements, it's all been arranged by the time they leave their offices to get to the plane. but nothing is arranged. normally the come but nothing is arranged. normally they come to _ but nothing is arranged. normally they come to an _ but nothing is arranged. normally they come to an agreement - but nothing is arranged. normally they come to an agreement that l but nothing is arranged. normally i they come to an agreement thatjust needs the eyes darting in the tease crossing and the president comes in, they get the deal over the line and they get the deal over the line and they appear for the press conferences and announce it. but i can't imagine that is the case here because it a ground offensive, we don't know what will unfold or not, the arabs are not speaking to president biden because they've cancelled their meetings tomorrow. there is so much in the air, jeremy. there is so much in the air, jeremy. there is so much in the air and another reason for biden coming was trying to take measures to deter any of israel's biggest enemies, which is iran and hezbollah, which is the situation in lebanon, deterring them from getting involved in the war. the iranians have already said that if palestinian casualties continue to mount, they would not be able — they would have to be an answer to it. so on all fronts, the humanitarian situation in gaza, the military situation to this war between israel and gaza, the chances of the war spreading on all those things, everything is showing critical, red lights are buzzing all over the middle east. so biden is coming in to the middle of this, and i think also the fact that the arabs felt quite comfortable about cancelling these meetings with him, it's first of all a reflection of the gravity of the situation. i think it's also a reflection of the waning power of the united states, because not that many years ago i don't think they would've delivered what actually is a great big snub to the president of the united states. why do you think he's coming, jeremy? with out a number of commentators this evening who say they will push for a cease—fire. there was an eight hour meeting with secretary blinken last night, and an announcement he was on his way. do you think maybe the events of tonight have shifted the equation? i don't know but as we watch these pictures of him arriving, do you think he now has in mind a different agendas of the one he perhaps was thinking of setting out 2a hours ago? thinking of setting out 24 hours auo? ~ ., thinking of setting out 24 hours am? . ., thinking of setting out 24 hours auo? ., ago? well, i have covered probably all of israel's _ ago? well, i have covered probably all of israel's major _ ago? well, i have covered probably all of israel's major conflicts - ago? well, i have covered probably all of israel's major conflicts with l all of israel's major conflicts with its arab neighbours in the last 30 odd years or so. and there's a pattern sometimes— i saw in lebanon in 1996, in 2006, in various rounds here between israel and hamas. what happens sometimes is that things progress and the americans have israel's back diplomatically, and then there's some appalling massacre, which then i think the americans tend to say, "hang on a minute, enough is enough, time for a cease—fire." there hasn't even been a ground attack now and i've been reporting it looks pretty certain that the israelis will send troops in. and why was i doing that? well, because of what mr netanyahu was saying, what his generals and defence minister was saying, saying things, "we will wipe hamas off the face of the earth. we will demolish hamas." so they have a very maximal agenda which is the kind of thing that you cannot get, history shows very clearly, simply through air strikes. to even attempt to do it, and it's not certain you'll get it, the record of recent invasions of countries often results in circumstances that the invader didn't want — you look at the americans, the brits in iraq, and others. so i think that if the american president comes in and says, "let's do some sort of a deal here," that i think the likes of hamas will say, "well, they didn't destroy us of the face of the earth." that's something they'll claim has a victory, and netanyahu's enemies will say it's a defeat. t enemies will say it's a defeat. i was going to ask you about the personal relationship these two leaders have, butjust to your last point, you could see how they would say, "we can't walk away from this because i would be an existential threat to the state of israel, because our enemies would always think they can come at us and we wouldn't fulfil what we said we wouldn't fulfil what we said we would do. ijust think in terms of the personal relationship, because it's not entirely cosy — yes, president biden backs israel to the hilt, but the relationship between these two men is not that strong. it's terrible! joe biden was reviewing the maker refusing to have a meeting with netanyahu because he didn't agree with some of the things he was doing, and didn't agree with some of the things he was doing. an— he was doing, and terms of the very controversial — he was doing, and terms of the very controversial changes _ he was doing, and terms of the very controversial changes he _ he was doing, and terms of the very controversial changes he was - he was doing, and terms of the very controversial changes he was trying | controversial changes he was trying to make here inside israel. netanyahu expected to get an invitation to the white house, he didn't get one. previous american presidents, as well, he's had a really bad relationships with — obama, clinton — and that's because he tends to lecture them, and that something they don't like. and also, of course, he was very close with donald trump. so all those things mean that while biden is very pro—israel and has been his whole political life, he's not pro—netanyahu. so netanyahu was already in a vulnerable place here in israel, so my question is, in terms of, if netanyahu in recent months has been condemned by his clinical enemies for doing anything he can to try to hold on to power, and if on the one hand, he says, "i'm mr security, i'll protect israel," and israel doesn't get protected and there's a massive intelligence failure which is what happened on the 7th of october, then mr netanyahu says, "i will go into gaza and we will wipe these people off the face of the earth, we will demolish them because of what they've done," then doesn't do it, then i think he'll get even more criticised from within israel. so i think there are leaders of numbers of countries who will not get a great deal of sleep tonight in advance of whatever comes in the morning. t advance of whatever comes in the mornin:. , , ., advance of whatever comes in the mornin:. , i. ., morning. i must let you go the end of a very long _ morning. i must let you go the end of a very long day. _ morning. i must let you go the end of a very long day, jeremy, - morning. i must let you go the end of a very long day, jeremy, but - morning. i must let you go the end| of a very long day, jeremy, butjust a couple lines of breaking news. the first is that his brother have called for a day of rage tomorrow. the other line that's coming out of brussels is that islamic state group has claimed responsibility for the fatal shooting of those two swedish nationals last night. we know what days of rage mean, we had one the other day, we've had subsequent attacks in western capitals on previous events like this. there will be real anxiety in western capitals about where this is headed. intelligence chiefs have been meeting in california, and quite a public forum, and one of the things they've been discussing is the way in which there could be greater radicalisation because of events in the middle east. so yeah, it is a real reminder about why events in this part of the world matter. it is not something which is simply restricted to the region. as for days of rage, i think people who don't want this to escalate will be hoping that the day of rage will be a series of demonstrations and maybe a series of demonstrations and maybe a certain amount of missile firing that does not really escalate. but the thing about such a volatile and difficult situation, when things are already very sensitive and on a tight rope, it means at times like this can add such an extra element of heat, uncertainty, fear, hatred, making decision—making much harder and also much increasing the risks of misperception, mistakes, escalation and all the kinds of things which result in wider wars. jeremy, things are much for your time this evening, just as we watch these life pictures —— life pictures of president biden on route —— jeremy, thanks so much for your time this evening. asjeremy has been telling you, there is so much to be discussed not least the humanitarian situation in gaza and where this conflict goes next. joining us now from washington is our correspondent barbara plett usher. have you heard any word from the white house or the security team about how this changes ahead of them taking off tonight? thea;r about how this changes ahead of them taking off tonight?— taking off tonight? they haven't made any comment _ taking off tonight? they haven't made any comment about - taking off tonight? they haven't made any comment about the l taking off tonight? they haven't - made any comment about the explosion at the hospital, but as you can see they've not also decided to cancel they've not also decided to cancel the trip, they are very much going forward with a and i expect they will issue in a statement at some point in reaction to what happened. but you have these competing claims about who is responsible, with the palestinian group islamichhad, one of their missiles went astray, and the palestinians saying it was an air strike by the israelis. and i think it's quite a difficult thing, a sensitive thing to call it, so i think they want to be very clear before they would make any sort of statement about that, although there will be expressions of sorrow over the amount of casualties, but it's definitely something that has changed the dynamics around the trip for sure. ~ ., changed the dynamics around the trip for sure. ~ . ., ,., ., ,., for sure. what about that point jeremy made — for sure. what about that point jeremy made about, _ for sure. what about that point jeremy made about, in - for sure. what about that point jeremy made about, in fact, i for sure. what about that point | jeremy made about, in fact, the united states's influence in the region is waning, it's enough for them to cancel meetings in iran tomorrow and they would only do that if they didn't view the united states in the influence of the united states in the way they once did? ., united states in the way they once did? . , , ., , did? there have been complaints from america's arab — did? there have been complaints from america's arab allies _ did? there have been complaints from america's arab allies under _ america's arab allies under president biden that the united states is withdrawing from the region, it's not as engaged as it once was, it cannot count on them for security as it once could. there's no question that that has been happening in terms of refocusing the foreign policy priorities, the biden administration has been clear wants to focus on china, it's been drawn into helping ukraine and the conflict with russia. president biden was trying to make that same pit of it, but what's distinguished president biden�*s demonstration is it hasn't made any effort to solve or have an initiative to deal with the core conflict between the palestinians and israelis, there's been no peace initiative, no plan unlike previous administrations, and they have had a very low—key way of dealing with the palestinians. the restored palestinians. the restored palestinian ties and funds which donald trump before them cut, he had a very close relationship with the right wing israeli government and they've been trying to improve the economic circumstances, but they've said constantly they don't feel the right is that time is right to pursue that. in the middle east they've been taking on this whole process the donald trump started to have normalisation between israel and the arab states without necessarily dealing with the palestinian issue. now the biden administration's focus has been trying to make a deal between saudi arabia and israel, and there would be some concessions to the palestinians that was a lot of work left to do on that. but the point being that they have withdrawn from active diplomacy on this particular conflict, and therefore there may be a perception that they can be snubbedin a perception that they can be snubbed in this way. but i think you could also look at it as this being a really difficult thing for arab governments to deal with as well. you have hundreds of people killed in a hospital with allegations it was an israeli air strike, then you have us president coming to stand in solidarity with israel, the whole arrangement of that puts them in a difficult situation. and they have already expressed great frustration to the americans — the secretary of state, antony blinken, did a tour in the last few days, and that's what he heard again and again from each of the arab allies that he visited. now most of them have no love for hamas, some of them are really hostile to hamas and don't see it as a solution or something they want to associate with. but they wanted to talk to mr blinken about the humanitarian situation in the civilian casualties. tit humanitarian situation in the civilian casualties.— civilian casualties. in that respect. _ civilian casualties. in that respect. it _ civilian casualties. in that respect, it is _ civilian casualties. in that respect, it is an - civilian casualties. in that| respect, it is an enormous civilian casualties. in that - respect, it is an enormous gamble, this, isn't it? because what happens, barbara, if prime minister netanyahu says we are continuing with the war, and moreover we will have a ground incursion, and all these humanitarian solutions flew through egypt. we don't know if egypt will hold a meeting with president biden, they're supposed to be in oman, as well. but if there's no humanitarian solution and prime minister netanyahu continues with his war, does president biden really want to be associated with that? well things are evolving, but certainly president biden wanted to be associated with a hard strike against hamas. they've made it pretty clear that they see this as an unprecedented situation — they have framed it like the israelis have framed it like the israelis have framed it like the israelis have framed it, that it's an isis like attack, the heinousness of it means it's not related to the decades of occupation and i6 means it's not related to the decades of occupation and 16 years of gaza, it's a sheer evil. that's the position they've taken and they feel from a deterrence point of view that hamas cannot look like it's winning, not only in terms of israel and the palestinians, but the region. so they support the israelis going after in a strong way, but equally they have seen the humanitarian situation deteriorating and the political invocations of that too, aside from the human ones, and what effect that house on arab governments and their allies, and how that whips up sentiment across the region. so they have been working very hard in trying to alleviate that. in terms of the border crossing with egypt, mr blinken called president biden after he had done his tour of the arab countries, saying, "this is all they're talking about," joe biden told them to talk to the israelis and arrange an agreement. they spent seven hours doing that and they still couldn't come up with an agreement, they had an agreement to have an agreement. the israelis are afraid, they say the don't want hamas to benefit from this aid. so it's notjust the egyptian side, but the israeli site has concerns. the israelis have concerns about arms being smuggled in on the trucks and so on, so it's a very difficult negotiation to have and that's just to get aid into the gaza strip. now you have this massive explosion in charge is flying back and forth, and questions about war crimes and violations of international law, and alljust makes those conversations even immensely more difficult. indeed it does. barbara, thanks for coming on. live now to marwanjilani, who is the director general of the palestine red crescent. thank you for your patience this evening, as we just watched the plane leave maryland this evening on route to israel. would you tell me what your people are doing tonight in gaza and what the situation is on the ground around the hospital? tt the ground around the hospital? tt is shocking, it is horrifying. they are totally horrified, especially our hospital has received a number of threats. we have issued days and days before a warning that if this continues, people will die. we have patients we have people who are sheltering. so our colleagues in the hospital or really today thinking about, what if another bomb goes over the hospital, as we've been threatened, it has the israeli occupation army told us it'll be our responsibility if we don't move our patients? they are really in a very difficult situation. they are also transporting and rescuing those people who have been injured. we have already transported a row 73 people, 37 of which were killed. —— around 73 people. it is a shocking situation, especially that we have been warning, the whole international community, that there must be some pressure on israel to stop this, to have a cease—fire. and in order to evacuate the hospital, that's a death sentence in itself. the president, just before he left, issued a brief statement, sending his deepest condolences to victims of the gaza hospital exclusion. he doesn't attribute blame in any direction, but he extends his condolences. how will that be perceived in the palestinian communities and by the palestinian leadership? and do you think it was the right decision to cancel the meetings in oman tomorrow? we are not politicians. _ meetings in oman tomorrow? we are not politicians, but _ meetings in oman tomorrow? we are not politicians, but let _ meetings in oman tomorrow? we are not politicians, but let me _ meetings in oman tomorrow? we are not politicians, but let me say - not politicians, but let me say this. this is a typical israeli move. do the thing, deny it, continue to deny it, the media runs it, the international community, gives them the benefit of the doubt. after a while, yes, israel did it. there are so many incidences we've been faced with. i think there must been faced with. i think there must be a very clear challenge to the israelis that it is the bombardment thatis israelis that it is the bombardment that is causing this. this is not the first time. people who were evacuating based on israeli orders were killed in a car. so i think this whole issue of always giving israelis the benefit of the doubt makes the story, or run a different story. the whole story is it's not clear, we must investigate. this is what we've been saying... but you know what — what we've been saying... but you know what prime _ what we've been saying... but you know what prime minister - what we've been saying... but you i know what prime minister netanyahu will say in these meetings, he will say this was the worst day since the holocaust, 1400 people were slaughtered, children, women, elderly people, 199 have been taken hostage, hamas refuses to give them up, it fires rockets from gaza and that threat, the existential threat, as they see it, to israel has to be ended. so the question is, to the americans give the israelis cover for that, or americans give the israelis cover forthat, or do americans give the israelis cover for that, or do they, americans give the israelis cover forthat, or do they, because americans give the israelis cover for that, or do they, because of it's happened tonight and what's happening in gaza, do they say enough is enough? t happening in gaza, do they say enough is enough?— happening in gaza, do they say enough is enough? i think enough is enou:h enough is enough? i think enough is enough because _ enough is enough? i think enough is enough because the _ enough is enough? i think enough is enough because the threat, - enough is enough? i think enough is enough because the threat, the - enough because the threat, the existential threat will not go away by wiping the whole palestinian population out of palestine. the palestinians have experienced a number of times refugee hood, losing their land and homes, they won't move. and i think many israelis are calling for that. i think what israelis need to do, the international community and palestinians need to do is to sit down, continue with the political discussions, revive the peace process and have a political solution, because this problem has no military solution. whatever you do now, this will occur again because that's what happens. let me step back because i am not a politician. i am talking about a dire humanitarian situation. the whole humanitarian community has been warning that this is going to happen. there are already more than 3000 people, total destruction of gaza. people are running out of food, water. and we have about 800 people who are sheltering in our hospital. we did not have food to feed them. two days ago we did not have food to feed our own medical teams and the patients in our hospitals so we had to bring in something and that in itself, the whole siege in the whole blockade and a statement, i remember seeing, on record, a minister, defence minister that they would be no food, no water, no fuel, nothing. this in itself under international law is a crime. no one once is it that does the frustration of the palestinian people that is why when they see all of these politicians, all of the world leaders in solidarity with israel, the ask a simple question, what about the palestinians, are we not humans, the same? to us as humans as humans as they see the israelis. there are armed civilians on both sides that need protection. and that is the concerned of the humanitarian community. they do not have to be under the constant bombardment, fleeing from one place from safe places to protect the children, their lives. that is a tragedy of this whole because it is going to and. tragedy of this whole because it is going to and-— going to and. sorry to cut you short. thank _ going to and. sorry to cut you short. thank you _ going to and. sorry to cut you short. thank you for - going to and. sorry to cut you short. thank you for your - going to and. sorry to cut you | short. thank you for your time going to and. sorry to cut you - short. thank you for your time this evening and we send you our thoughts to your teams on the ground working in such difficult circumstances. thank you for coming onto the programme. live from london, this is bbc news. palestinian officials say at least 500 people were killed in a strike on a gaza hospital. eyewitnesses say the hospital was also being used as a shelter. the people in the hospital, they were not only, i would say, sick people. they are also people who have fled their homes to seek refuge in that hospital. the director general of the world health organization "strongly condemns" the attack. israel denies responsibility, blaming a failed islamichhad rocket. let me be clear, the idf does not target hospitals. that's a sensitive side, it's a humanitarian side. we don't target hospitals. asjoe biden leaves for israel, regional leaders begin pulling out of wednesday's summit with the us president as the strike threatens diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis. while to resolve the crisis. the united states has been standing while the united states has been standing by firmly behind israel it is of course the strongest ally of israel, it has, at the same time urging israel to minimise civilian casualties. good evening and welcome to the programme. we are bringing you news tonight the single worst mass killing of palestinian and the is really gaza war so far. health officials saying hundreds or debt the huge blast happened at the hospital mike right in the heart of gaza city thousands people sheltering their having survived ten days bombing of israel and the world health organization has condemned the blasted cost of the media protection of civilians the israeli prime minister tonight israel was responsible and blamed what he called barbaric terrace for the blast. israel says it's bombing campaign is targeting members of hamas responsible for killing around 1400 is really loose last week and a group israel says its bombing campaign, is targeting members of hamas, responsible for killing about 1,400 israelis last week, and a group designated as a terror organisation by the uk government. hamas said tonight that israel was responsible for the blast, and that it's a war crime. palestinians have been on the streets in the west bank protesting, and there've been clashes with the security forces. here's our international editorjeremy bowen. loud blast the missile hit the hospital not long after dark. man shouts you can hear the impact. the explosion destroyed al—ahli hospital. it was already damaged from a smaller attack at the weekend. the building was flattened. very soon video was posted from gaza of bodies laid out near the ruins of the hospital. so many dead and the size of the explosion, together looked to be having a profound impact on what was already the most dangerous crisis in the middle east in a generation. the wounded were taken across gaza city to shifa hospital. the israeli army's first response said hospitals were highly sensitive and not targets of its military and urged caution about what it called the unverified claims of a terrorist organization. that statement will not be believed by palestinians and by millions of others in the middle east who see these images. the wounded and the dying pouring into shifa from al—ahli arrived at a hospital already overwhelmed by thousands of casualties from israeli airstrikes. it was already struggling to treat patients after israel cut off fuel, water, food, and deliveries of medical supplies. jordan and egypt condemned israel for a dangerous escalation. jordan said the international community should pressure israel to stop its attacks to prevent what it called wide cycles of violence. as fury and fear gripped palestinians, israel denied that it was responsible. we would not deliberately target a hospital, and my information that i have just received from the highest authority, because i asked about this, i knew you would ask about this, is that all indications are that this was not israeli orders, this was rather a hamas rocket that fell short. i want to explain this, from past conflicts with the terrorists in gaza we know that on average about 33% of the rockets that they shoot at us fall short and land in gaza. pictures on social media showed many children are among the casualties in gaza. many children are among the casualties in gaza. so many people needed treatment that the corridors of shifa hospital were packed. it's also causing even more anxiety among the hundreds of thousands of palestinians who fled to gaza's southern border with egypt after israel told them to leave their homes. there's 8,000 people here at night and it is usually loud, kids are running around, but tonight there is silence, absolute silence. you can't hear a thing. people are just in absolute shock about what has happened. it is really, really shocking. i just don't know what to say. i have no words. anger spilt onto the streets of the west bank. the other part of the palestinian territories that's separated from gaza by israel. since hamas attacked out of gaza on the 7th of october, there have been fears that mass casualties caused by israel's response could ignite west bank towns that have been the centre of unrest for well over a year. the young men on the streets, and palestinian armed groups in the west bank, will not believe israel's denials. the latest from israel's prime minister blaming what he called barbaric terrorists for the attack. in gaza, emergency teams are still looking for casualties in the ruins of al—ahli hospital. the attack is a seismic event in a war that might spread elsewhere in the middle east. there are reports that the palestinian president has cancelled a meeting with the us president, who's due in israel tomorrow morning on a mission that was aimed at easing the plight of palestinian civilians, and who will now walk into an even deeper crisis. jeremy bowen, bbc news, in southern israel. what progress have you made in your investigation that would back up the case that this was islamichhad? yes we have done an extensive and thorough investigation of various sources of intelligence and in factjust now as we are speaking, the idf spokesperson is briefing international media and showing not only should telling but showing not only should telling but showing intel that supports our claim and our understanding of the situation. but we understand and what we are now at very high levels of veracity are confirmed has shown us with our information is that it was a rocket that was fired by the islamichhad that misfired and landed near or on the hospital. we are analysing footage from a uav and we are analysing other sources and in the coming minutes or hours we will also release phone conversations that were intercepted between hamas operatives that indicates that they themselves understood that this was a rocket, a misfire that islamichhad fired. so there is more and more evidence, and there is more and more evidence, and the only statements, but evidence that supports exactly what we said from the beginning. that this was a misfired record that hit near or on and that was the cause of the explosion. and that was the cause of the exolosion-_ and that was the cause of the exlosion. , ., , , ., ., ., explosion. obviously we do not have videos et explosion. obviously we do not have videos yet but _ explosion. obviously we do not have videos yet but we _ explosion. obviously we do not have videos yet but we will _ explosion. obviously we do not have videos yet but we will show - explosion. obviously we do not have videos yet but we will show our - videos yet but we will show our viewers those as and when they appear. you can go into this more detail about what we will see, and your view this is a rockets outgoing, as it brought down, the rocket? or as an malfunction? what is it? tn rocket? or as an malfunction? what is it? .. ., , rocket? or as an malfunction? what is it? ., , ., , is it? in each and every rounds of combat that _ is it? in each and every rounds of combat that we _ is it? in each and every rounds of combat that we have _ is it? in each and every rounds of combat that we have had - is it? in each and every rounds of combat that we have had with - is it? in each and every rounds of- combat that we have had with hamas and islamichhad in the past and unfortunately there have been quite a few, about a third or perhaps a little less of rockets fall short. it is been different between different conflicts and it depends on the type of rockets that they fire. usually the longer range rockets have a higher rate of misfire but essentially all figures we are talking but we are talking about almost the third of the rockets that have issues. in this conflict we have seen, we have counted, more than 450 rockets that have landed short. out of rockets have landed short. out of rockets have been fired which is less than usual, but definitely a sizeable amount of rockets that have been fired from gaza aimed at the israeli civilians and then have fallen short inside gaza. i think that the footage that was distributed by al jazeera appears very interesting and it indeed appears to show that incident that is not our prediction our statement is claimed on our intelligence which we will share. t intelligence which we will share. i have seen the footage in it looks as if something strikes it. am i wrong? is it falling to the ground? yes what ou is it falling to the ground? yes what you said _ is it falling to the ground? yes what you said is _ is it falling to the ground? fez; what you said is wrong. is it falling to the ground? te; what you said is wrong. we do not intercept rockets inbound. all inside the gaza strip. we intercept inside the gaza strip. we intercept in other areas over israeli territory usually over open territory usually over open territory to minimise casualties on our side from debris, but it was not an israeli interception. if you would allow me, i think i listened in to your correspondentjeremy bowen where he says with absolute security and trauma that this was an israeli missile. what was that based on? �* . ,, ~' israeli missile. what was that based on? . ,, ,, on? and fairness i think he said there was _ on? and fairness i think he said there was claim _ on? and fairness i think he said there was claim and _ on? and fairness i think he said i there was claim and counterclaim. on? and fairness i think he said - there was claim and counterclaim. he there was claim and counterclaim. the: said at the beginning a missile strikes the hospital. he begins very dramatically. tie strikes the hospital. he begins very dramatically-— strikes the hospital. he begins very dramatically. he puts the denials of the idf in dramatically. he puts the denials of the w in and _ dramatically. he puts the denials of the idf in and i— dramatically. he puts the denials of the idf in and i can remember- dramatically. he puts the denials of the idf in and i can remember the i the idf in and i can remember the line, in which people in the arabic world will not believe. he's putting claim and counterclaim.— claim and counterclaim. claiming a missile based _ claim and counterclaim. claiming a missile based on _ claim and counterclaim. claiming a missile based on hamas _ claim and counterclaim. claiming a. missile based on hamas information he has not been on the ground or verifies himself he's taking hamas information and displaying that the truth. t information and displaying that the truth. ~' ., information and displaying that the truth. ~ ., , , truth. i think we have pretty circumspect _ truth. i think we have pretty circumspect in _ truth. i think we have pretty circumspect in our _ truth. i think we have pretty circumspect in our reportingj truth. i think we have pretty - circumspect in our reporting this evening on what has happened and we have kept an open mind and we have invited you want to talk about the end of course we've had the palestinian point of view. what about the attack on a un facility in which 64 killed, a school and information? tide which 64 killed, a school and information?— information? we have not specifically _ information? we have not specifically targeted - information? we have not specifically targeted and l information? we have not - specifically targeted and unwra facilities and since the latest hours since the hospital incident we are focused very much on that trying to get intelligence out into get to the bottom of what is happening. again, i want to reiterate and this has been said and i want to say it, we do not intentionally target anything civilian. all of our strikes have an address in that address is hamas. we are fighting hamas and they are using the civilian infrastructure for their military purposes and they have a documented history of using civilians as their human shields. they have stopped the evacuations from the north and have directed road blocks and intimidated people and told them not to move south in order for them to stay in northern gaza despite the fact that they know that it gaza despite the fact that they know thatitis gaza despite the fact that they know that it is much more dangerous for the civilians to stay. that needs to be factored in. can the civilians to stay. that needs to be factored in.— be factored in. can we talk about the politics _ be factored in. can we talk about the politics because _ be factored in. can we talk about the politics because you - be factored in. can we talk about the politics because you will- be factored in. can we talk about the politics because you will be l the politics because you will be aware that president biden has just left for israel and meetings have been cancelled which have been crucial to supply humanitarian aid in the southern part of the strip, the idf must be under quite some pressure now to provide to this evidence to the americans who, when they landed tomorrow, have to make some decisions on how much support they give to the direction of the war, the ground incursion that is being planned. do you feel the pressure and will you make sure that video, the videos you are talking about are in the public domain and to time? , to time? yes indeed, we will. i will tell ou to time? yes indeed, we will. i will tell you something _ to time? yes indeed, we will. i will tell you something more. - to time? yes indeed, we will. i will tell you something more. we - to time? yes indeed, we will. i will tell you something more. we are i tell you something more. we are dealing with the most ruthless and file organisation. we have spoken about the atrocities, i want won't repeat it. but there is the other domain of information. we have seen hamas do the most to despicable acts against israeli civilians and against israeli civilians and against its own civilians if i think it is about time for journalists against its own civilians if i think it is about time forjournalists who are doing their professional duty as journalist to act extremely cautiously when starting reporting of events with casualties in gaza. because all of the information coming out of gaza is that brian and ruled by hamas. they have no issues with the lying. they did not answer to anybody. they are not beholden to truth and they do not care to lie and distort and to misrepresent events on the ground as long as it serves their purposes and they can blame israel. this appears to be just such an example of an event that happened that we did not do, that happened that we did not do, that happened that we did not do, that happened as a result of a misfire and immediately, almost immediately, the first response is, blaming israel for the attack without checking the data. home blaming israel for the attack without checking the data. have i done that though _ without checking the data. have i done that though or— without checking the data. have i done that though or have - without checking the data. have i done that though or have i - without checking the data. have i done that though or have i been l without checking the data. have i i done that though or have i been fair in my questioning? you done that though or have i been fair in my questioning?— in my questioning? you i think are commendable, _ in my questioning? you i think are commendable, sir. _ in my questioning? you i think are commendable, sir. it— in my questioning? you i think are commendable, sir. it is— in my questioning? you i think are commendable, sir. it is a - in my questioning? you i think are commendable, sir. it is a very - commendable, sir. it is a very refreshing to have that kind of patience and professionalism. i don't know if you would like to me to say positive things but it is refreshing to state our point of view on the bbc and to say that we feel the duty ofjournalists is to verify data that we provide, definitely hold us accountable and hold our feet to the fire but do the same thing with hamas. claiming verify and make sure whatever they say is not automatically put into a story byjeremy bowen claiming that a missile struck. because it was not a missile struck. because it was not a missile struck. because it was not a missile and he has no way of knowing it. a missile and he has no way of knowing it— a missile and he has no way of knowin: it. , , , ., ,, ., knowing it. just before let you go. one of the — knowing it. just before let you go. one of the lines _ knowing it. just before let you go. one of the lines he _ knowing it. just before let you go. one of the lines he did _ knowing it. just before let you go. one of the lines he did say - knowing it. just before let you go. one of the lines he did say is - knowing it. just before let you go. one of the lines he did say is that| one of the lines he did say is that islamichhad and hamas did not have weapons that can cause that sort of damage, that size of exclusion. in your professional opinion, ? tie damage, that size of exclusion. in your professional opinion, ? your professional opinion,? he said he reported — your professional opinion,? he said he reported from _ your professional opinion,? he said he reported from southern - your professional opinion,? he said he reported from southern israel. l your professional opinion,? he said. he reported from southern israel. he should have been at the impact site of rockets that have exploded in many places in israel that are unfortunately got through our defences. i don't know if he has seen buildings that have been struck, that is massive damage. many, many kilos of explosion is especially long—range rockets that both hamas and islamichhad have caused substantial damage and if people are not in shelters, lots of people are not in shelters, lots of people die. in israel they are in shelters, but i find that statement very questionable and i cannot imagine what he has based that on. lieutenant colonel jonathan conricus. i appreciate your time. thank you for coming onto the programme. i will show you some pictures now of the palestinian president who has been speaking in the last few minutes. they have been angry protests tonight and remodel outside of the presidential palace. he has flown back in a hurry to ramallah and is now making a statement on television to the palestinian people in the bus bank. i don't have a translation at the moment but we will get you some of that as and when he is finished speaking and i will try to give you an idea of what he is saying. live now to dalal iriqat, assistant professor at the arab american university palestine — shejoins me from ramallah. you have not managed to listen into any of what mahmoud abbas has said or can you give us an idea of what he is likely to say tonight?- he is likely to say tonight? thank ou. the he is likely to say tonight? thank you. the palestinian _ he is likely to say tonight? thank you. the palestinian people - he is likely to say tonight? thank i you. the palestinian people are very furious tonight over the massacre of 500 palestinians, mostly women and children. this is the exact wording that i heard the bbc and international media outlets to be using, those people were massacred, the time was documented on every screen. the military commanders with you you are giving airtime, they belong to the international courts and should be held accountable right now. they have obviously failed and humanity, diplomacy had failed to point to millions civilian palestinians. people are so talk about israel hamas war. israel is waging a war, massacres, genocide, collective punishment against 2.2 million civilian palestinians living in 265 km2. for 16 years of complete siege. deprived from basic rights. the population is 50% children. 1 million palestinian children are suffering under the workrooms of the israeli military machine. in 11 days alone come around 4000 soul palestinian, the international community is still standing with israel. my message is to order and special leaders today starting with president biden needs to condemn the israeli state organised terrorism. he is the answer the question if he still stands with israel and as they are committing crimes against children and women in hospitals. hospitals are under protection under international humanitarian law. israel has been fibrillating every single article of the international charter —— geneva conventions. the question is, why is multilateralism and diplomacy failing the failing in palestine. are the humans in palestine. are the humans in palestine don't really matter? our lives don't matter? we need an immediate cease—fire, this is very important. but the deterrent of israel strikes on palestinian people is also expected to put to stop now. to hold israel accountable, leaders have to hold israel accountable, hold a cease—fire now, or otherwise they will be explicitly involved in shielding the israeli war crimes against palestinian people. let's not forget that the palestinian population has been suffering an enduring injustices for 75 years under a prolonged israeli occupation of apartheid, extradition killings, detentions, concept all under the framework of the israeli military occupation that needs to end. if biden is coming to the region, the first thing he needs to be doing, we don't need his condolences, we don't need his sympathy, we need action right now. what he needs to do is to and the israeli occupation and start by drawing the lines at the borders of the state of israel. otherwise he willjust support more genocide and war were crimes against palestinian people. the palestinian population in gaza, it result presents palestine this is a war crime a series were crimes that are being committed against palestinian people. this is a target to the palestinian cause, to the right. let me elaborate. what is happening now is one of the phrases of the declaration that viewed palestinians or non—jewish people as minorities. and to deprive us of the political rights and not to see us as people who deserve the right of self—determination. yes, this is the practical way to take us into the force orders of israel and gaza and annexed the rest of the land. that is why we have witnessed the diplomacy of blinking coming back and forth. you diplomacy of blinking coming back and forth. ., ., ., , and forth. you made a very, very stron: and forth. you made a very, very strong case _ and forth. you made a very, very strong case for _ and forth. you made a very, very strong case for why _ and forth. you made a very, very strong case for why this - and forth. you made a very, very strong case for why this needs i and forth. you made a very, very strong case for why this needs to come to an end. do you think president mahmoud abbas should have gone to a meeting tomorrow, i know we are angry he is with americans and thejordan people have taken a similar position and they followed his lead and i wonder if he could have made the case is forcibly hit as you have just onto the american president and whether he should have taken that opportunity. t president and whether he should have taken that opportunity.— taken that opportunity. i making it on behalf of _ taken that opportunity. i making it on behalf of the _ taken that opportunity. i making it on behalf of the palestinian - taken that opportunity. i making it | on behalf of the palestinian people. but what it not be better if he had done the truck into the face of the president tomorrow? t will! done the truck into the face of the president tomorrow?— done the truck into the face of the president tomorrow? i will not hear his seech president tomorrow? i will not hear his speech but _ president tomorrow? i will not hear his speech but i _ president tomorrow? i will not hear his speech but i really _ president tomorrow? i will not hear his speech but i really hope - president tomorrow? i will not hear his speech but i really hope he - president tomorrow? i will not hearj his speech but i really hope he asks not only the american president also leaders in london, in the uk. let's not forget that the hospital that has just been bombed not forget that the hospital that hasjust been bombed is an not forget that the hospital that has just been bombed is an anglican hospital. so let's hearfrom has just been bombed is an anglican hospital. so let's hear from the has just been bombed is an anglican hospital. so let's hearfrom the uk, france, germany. hospital. so let's hear from the uk, france, germany.— france, germany. here is the word from france _ france, germany. here is the word from france tonight. _ france, germany. here is the word from france tonight. the _ france, germany. here is the word from france tonight. the french i from france tonight. the french president saying that humanitarian access to the gaza strip must be secured and must be opened without delay. he has condemned the attack. i want to hear. thank you. i want to hear that statement. i want to hear from the leaders who have been standing with israel from the past 11 days. watching the massacres against palestinian civilians. i want to hear a blunt condemnation of the israeli state organised terror against palestinian people. talking about mahmoud abbas, i wish to see him asking the leaders to condemn the israeli terrace however we should not forget that the leadership for the palestinian people had been engaged with 30 years in a peace process, a sugar—coated peace process, negotiation, dialogue, peace talks, what did they get? what did they get? we have 750,000 settlers on the west bank. we are living in ghettos and separated by settlements. they have killed any dream of self—determination any dream of dignity, freedom or independence or peace or prosperity. my message today, if it is want peace, the peace initiative was in 2002, to normalise relations... peace initiative was in 2002, to normalise relations. . ._ peace initiative was in 2002, to normalise relations... what if they dont? normalise relations... what if they don't? what _ normalise relations. .. what if they don't? what if— normalise relations... what if they don't? what if they _ normalise relations... what if they don't? what if they don't - normalise relations... what if they don't? what if they don't want - don't? what if they don't want peace? what if this work continues and the ground offensive goes ahead? let's just face reality. let's not... let'sjust face reality. let's not... ~ ., �* let'sjust face reality. let's not... ~ . �* , let'sjust face reality. let's not... . �* , ., not... what i'm saying is that it ma be not... what i'm saying is that it may be president _ not... what i'm saying is that it may be president biden - not... what i'm saying is that it may be president biden cannot| may be president biden cannot convince prime minister netanyahu to step back. they may continue with the attack and i am just wondering what then? the attack and i am 'ust wondering what then? ~ ., the attack and i am 'ust wondering what then? ~ . ., .,. the attack and i am 'ust wondering what then? ~ . . .. , the attack and i am 'ust wondering what then? ~ . . , ., what then? what we are facing is an interest -based _ what then? what we are facing is an interest -based scenario _ what then? what we are facing is an interest -based scenario where - what then? what we are facing is an l interest -based scenario where some interest —based scenario where some parties and i'm speaking from an academic perspective, yes, there is an interest —based scenario were some parties are gaining benefits and interests of the experts of the palestinian blood and they should stop. diplomacy has failed to humanity and palestinian people for 75 years, 16 years of a complete, total siege of palestinians. the west has tolerated, the palestinians being labelled as animals. this is not be allowed in 2023. every violation of the geneva convention was documented in the past 11 days. what we have witnessed is the targeting of homes, schools, you mentioned the other ones, hospitals, morgues, churches, no water? no electricity? no medicine? we have heard the doctor from all she for hospital they are operating in hospitals hallways without electricity. this is not something humanity should tolerate today. i urge you to provide a professional and balanced journalism about the truth. and balanced “ournalism about the truth. ., ., , truth. you are the second person in attendance — truth. you are the second person in attendance that _ truth. you are the second person in attendance that has _ truth. you are the second person in attendance that has said _ truth. you are the second person in attendance that has said that - truth. you are the second person in attendance that has said that to - truth. you are the second person in | attendance that has said that to me. let me clarify here. i'm going to... i understand your perspective as they are the masters and spinning realities, the idf may have been doing it for a long, long time. tt doing it for a long, long time. tt is time that the truth prevails and justice prevails today, all the world is going outrageous against the documented crimes against the palestinian people and it has just been reported that the bomb was in mk 84 which is an american weapon. we need more evidence on the more shielding and the more involvement and coverage. the legal coverage for the israeli crimes against humanity. being committed against 2.2 billion civilians in gaza.— civilians in gaza. thank you very much indeed — civilians in gaza. thank you very much indeed for _ civilians in gaza. thank you very much indeed for your _ civilians in gaza. thank you very much indeed for your time, - civilians in gaza. thank you very much indeed for your time, a i civilians in gaza. thank you very | much indeed for your time, a lot civilians in gaza. thank you very i much indeed for your time, a lot of detail which we cannot verify which both sides are putting out there at the moment to thank you very much indeed for that. let's press on and speak to... dr sherifa zuhur is director of the institute of middle eastern, islamic, and strategic studies. thank you for being with us this evening. in a way ijust want to get away from the claim and counterclaim and just think about the humanitarian situation on all sides at the moment and the way both sides are reacting to it and the innocence being killed tonight in gaza, 500 people. we have seen some horrific pictures of children who have been injured. what is this going to do, do you think, to the course of this conflict and the discussions that will be held injerusalem tomorrow? i don't know. if netanyahu and his right wing allies insist on the goal that he's already stated, which is the utter destruction and complete destruction of hamas, i don't know what will be said tomorrow. and quite frankly, i think that goal is probably militarily and definitely politically unattainable. so think about it for a minute. the air strikes continue, they are continued to these schools and buildings, clinics targeted. there is a ground invasion into one of the most densely populated areas in the world. and underneath that area, building to building, floor to floor, there is no safe space for civilians that hamas individual target could be on the 14th floor and there are civilians on the 13th and there are civilians on the 13th and 12th floors. and underneath that, we imagine an area of tunnels, of something like 500 km of tunnels, and we imagine that somewhere in there are the hostages. the meetings tomorrow, i hope someone asks, "what is the real goal of this and is this achievable? is the goal the return of the hostages?" because i'm not hearing calls for cease—fire other than by those who have concerns for the people of gaza, and i'm hearing calls for revenge of the attack, which is understandable. however, will the hostages be released if this mass invasion goes forward? a number of military experts have stated that they don't think it's possible for this to be achieved, or in the longer view, look at what israel did with the siege of beirut and the ultimate expulsion of the plo, where the palestinians defeated? no. they went to tunis and hamas became more and more powerful. so amid steve's hostilities, it seems the israelis were satisfied with what they called blowing the grass, which is a very antihuman phraseology, however they meant, killing off leaders and showing hamas who was boss, but not trying to get rid of it. tn hamas who was boss, but not trying to get rid of it— to get rid of it. i'm sorry, the line is dropping _ to get rid of it. i'm sorry, the line is dropping out, - to get rid of it. i'm sorry, the line is dropping out, it's - to get rid of it. i'm sorry, the line is dropping out, it's not. line is dropping out, it's not a very good line, but we got most of it, thank you very much for your thoughts this evening, thank you. let's get a reaction from gaza itself. lots of patients being taken from the al shifa hospital. yes indeed, doctors _ from the al shifa hospital. te; indeed, doctors were retreating, they were doing surgeries for people who were seriously injured. there were nurses, volunteers, students of the medical universities, rushing the medical universities, rushing the hospital, the doctors were really struggling to save people's lives. more than three hours now since the explosion in the hospital, and people by hand still trying to the rubble and find survivors, they are taking the bodies hospital. there's no place to put them there, they put the bodies either in the courtyard of the hospital, and they are making surgeries in the street. doctors from the hospitaljust are making surgeries in the street. doctors from the hospital just said they were doing surgeries in the courtyard of the hospital. very, very horrific scenes spreading out on social media, but we must keep in mind that palestinians have not heard of this because they have no electricity or internet access. a very small number of people have their own generators and they've been watching tv. this hospital, it's one of the oldest hospitals and it's one of the oldest hospitals and it's literally in the centre of gaza's old town. it's ten metres only from the commercial street in gaza surrounded by two big cemeteries, and the area is well known, it's not a hospital like the al shifa hospital which can receive others, it's more of a medical centre, in special cases. the hospital has no treated refugees who are a part of the process. people were shocked when they heard that this hospital was targeted. look, yesterday and today, the two neighbourhoods, israel was sending messages to people to evacuate and leave the area. but some people couldn't bear to drive from the north to the south where israel said it was more safe. so they decided to do two things. people were able to flee the schools, then when the university became overfull, people decided to go to the hospital. we are having a similar situation in the hospital where i'm standing now. as people flee from gaza, there living underground in the hospital. that's why we are seeing this high number of people as they've confirmed 500 people have already been killed. ., confirmed 500 people have already been killed. . , ., , ., been killed. there are people on social media _ been killed. there are people on social media who _ been killed. there are people on social media who heard - been killed. there are people on social media who heard our - social media who heard our interview who were saying i didn't challenge him or that he was allowed to tell us that this was hamas — it's very difficult for us sitting in this position to know what the true picture is on the ground. we can't apportion blame because we're still trying to verify the pictures and piece together. how would you react to what he said about the outgoing rocket fire in his thoughts that this was a rocket that fell short? well, it's in the middle of the dark and most people are indoors, and it's very hard to find a witness who saw this. my sister literally lives 50-60 saw this. my sister literally lives 50—60 metres from the border of this hospital. very difficult communication but i managed to talk to him and i asked, he said, "we don't know, wejust to him and i asked, he said, "we don't know, we just heard two explosions and we thought they were just hitting something, and suddenly we started to see hundreds of people shouting, running in the streets, so we rushed to the scene." he said, "we were shocked to see hundreds of bodies on the ground, blood everywhere, people shouting." so people started to transfer the serious injuries into their cars. so theissueis serious injuries into their cars. so the issue is always citizens, because when hamas fires its rockets, it's always a security situation and people stay indoors because the israelis are targeting civilian places. we have to understand that the hospitals are without medical, even life—saving kits are running out in the hospitals. even before this big mess of casualties, the hospital was already overwhelmed by hundreds. we are talking about tens of thousands of people injured since the 7th of october, and this hospital which was struggling to cope with the situation with the very little fuel they have — suddenly they received 500 people who are either killed or seriously injured. so the situation is chaotic and there's no way for anybody to help except the people around because israeli drones are flying overhead in israel said that people have to leave the area where the hospital is. so 600,000 people who live in gaza city and the north. in this part of the hospital, people were told... they killed 70 people... so we started to get reports from the people that said no place is safe, why do we have to sleep in the street? "we will go back to our houses in gaza city and at least we have a place to sleep. " we have people sitting democrats living on the streets and about the displacement — i know the story about the hospital is big, but the consequences are on this and what has led to this is israel, a couple of days ago, they said to go south because they are sending messages, voices... i had to leave my house with thousands of people, we drove, nobody was stopping us, we drove all the way — people were walking cows and sheep, and we arrived to this city. now the city is very crowded, full of gazans and people from the north, didn't know where to go, there's no space in the hospital, we have to sleep underground democrat on the ground. rslur have to sleep underground democrat on the ground-— on the ground. our colleague who is himself struggling _ on the ground. our colleague who is himself struggling with _ on the ground. our colleague who is himself struggling with the - himself struggling with the humanitarian crisis at the moment, i was reading his comments earlier about the search for water which took him hours to find, such as the dire situation and because at the moment. this hospital is run by the anglican community, in particularly the dean and saint georges college injerusalem. earlier i spoke to canon richard sewell, dean at the saint george's college injerusalem, which owns the al ahli arab hospital in gaza. ijust want i just want to correct a bit of information because it's being put out that it's a baptist church, or a baptist hospital. it is actually the anglican arab hospitals, so it's part of our diocese. it's very difficult to get good information, we are largely reliant on the news sources that are coming out, but we can confirm that it is our hospital which has been hit and the horrific numbers of people have died. until saturday, there were about 5000 people who were sheltering — 6000 people who were sheltering — 6000 people sheltering in the grounds of the hospital, then we were hit by, i believe it's been confirmed as an israeli missile which damaged the building extensively and caused for people to be injured. as a result of that, 5000 people who were sheltering left the compound of the hospital, leaving 1000 of the most vulnerable, the ones who are invalid or elderly or without any formal transport staying there, despite the threat that was apparent, and the remainder were the 600 patients filling the hospital, the 600 bed hospital, and the hospital staff who are caring for them. and it's these mostly, though i gather the building has been hit and there is a fire in the building, so it's really distressing news, and to see it on the television for us, so much dust that hospital is so much a part of us, it is deeply distressing. there is really important _ us, it is deeply distressing. there is really important detail- us, it is deeply distressing. there is really important detail in - is really important detail in everything you've told us, so 5000-6000 everything you've told us, so 5000—6000 people in the grounds of the hospital all told — how many patients did you say again? t patients did you say again? i think rou~hl patients did you say again? i think roughly 600- _ patients did you say again? i think roughly 600- so _ patients did you say again? i think roughly 600. so there _ patients did you say again? i think roughly 600. so there are - patients did you say again? i think roughly 600. so there are reportsj patients did you say again? i think. roughly 600. so there are reports of ma be roughly 600. so there are reports of maybe 20% — roughly 600. so there are reports of maybe 20% of _ roughly 600. so there are reports of maybe 20% of the _ roughly 600. so there are reports of maybe 20% of the hospital— roughly 600. so there are reports of maybe 20% of the hospital actually l maybe 20% of the hospital actually being used for patients was accurate, most of these people were in the hospital to shelter, they were there for refuge? 50. in the hospital to shelter, they were there for refuge? so, yeah. i think when — were there for refuge? so, yeah. i think when the _ were there for refuge? so, yeah. i think when the hit _ were there for refuge? so, yeah. i think when the hit happened - were there for refuge? so, yeah. i j think when the hit happened today were there for refuge? so, yeah. i l think when the hit happened today - think when the hit happened today — i can't actually confirm this, we are talking in rough numbers, my understanding is that there were 1000 people sheltering and 600 people in the hospital that were out patients or staff. t}t(. people in the hospital that were out patients or staff.— patients or staff. ok, people you knew who had — patients or staff. ok, people you knew who had been _ patients or staff. ok, people you knew who had been killed? - patients or staff. ok, people you knew who had been killed? i- patients or staff. ok, people you | knew who had been killed? i know patients or staff. ok, people you - knew who had been killed? i know of some of the — knew who had been killed? i know of some of the staff, _ knew who had been killed? i know of some of the staff, they _ knew who had been killed? i know of some of the staff, they are _ knew who had been killed? i know of some of the staff, they are known i knew who had been killed? i know of some of the staff, they are known to| some of the staff, they are known to me because their colleagues in my diocese, but have actually never been able to get into gaza. it's not my area of responsibility, but the hospital is one of the 33 institutions of the diocese of jerusalem, so we know it very well, it's a part of us. live now to jason brodonsky, policy director at united against nuclear iran, which is a us—based advocacy organisation. thank you for coming on the programme. isuppose thank you for coming on the programme. i suppose we should focus, in the context of what we've been discussing tonight, the broader ramifications of where this conflict goes next. we've been hearing from the peacekeepers on the northern border with lebanon tonight about just how much activity there's been. are you concerned that an event like this might spread the conflict further? �* , ., ., , , ., further? it's great to be with you. yes, i further? it's great to be with you. yes. i am — further? it's great to be with you. yes, i am concerned. _ further? it's great to be with you. yes, i am concerned. i— further? it's great to be with you. yes, i am concerned. ithink- yes, i am concerned. i think the islamic republic of iran, its axis of resistance are looking for opportunities to gradually push the envelope and gradually expand the conflict and test israeli deterrence, so that's what their modus operandi is all about, operating through plausible deniability and proxies like his brother —— hezbollah, so i think this is great concern. the brother -- hezbollah, so i think this is great concern. the israeli minister said _ this is great concern. the israeli minister said something - this is great concern. the israeli minister said something like - this is great concern. the israelij minister said something like the time for politics is running out, and it may be unavoidable that the groups take action. hezbollah has denied it is calling for a day of rage tomorrow — what does that mean for that northern border? traiett. rage tomorrow - what does that mean for that northern border?— for that northern border? well, i think the islamic— for that northern border? well, i think the islamic republic - for that northern border? well, i think the islamic republic is - for that northern border? well, i think the islamic republic is the | think the islamic republic is the arsonist who is now acting like a firefighter. and after it armed and funded hamas for years, it now wants israel to de—escalate because, under those circumstances, israel loses and hamas wins. so that's why the islamic republic is behaving in this manner and trying to deter an israeli ground operation by making all kinds of threats about the expansion of the conflict into a multi—front war, so i think that's important context. tatk multi-front war, so i think that's important context.— multi-front war, so i think that's important context. talk to me about the olitics important context. talk to me about the politics of— important context. talk to me about the politics of president _ important context. talk to me about the politics of president biden's - the politics of president biden's visit, because there must be a region here —— reason here why he's gone on a plane. it's unprecedented for a president to travel to a conflict zone before an operation has even begun. to think they've seen intelligence at the white house this week that suggests there's more going on in the background than we know at this stage? t going on in the background than we know at this stage?— know at this stage? i think it's very important _ know at this stage? i think it's very important that _ know at this stage? i think it's very important that the - know at this stage? i think it's i very important that the president know at this stage? i think it's - very important that the president is going, and i applaud him for that. very important that the president is going, and i applaud him forthat. i do think the white house is concerned about the expansion of the conflict, it wouldn't of moved assets near israel if it wasn't. so president biden being there certainly sends a message. but it's an awkward message because he'll be landing in israel on the same day, 18 october, that the restrictions on iran's missile programme under un security council resolution 2231, which has armed and funded hamas for its attacks on israel, expires. so thatis its attacks on israel, expires. so that is a conscious policy choice by the united states in the e3 because they want to prevent the islamic republic from escalating its nuclear programme, but it makes for a very awkward scene for president biden in israel. �* , ., ., ., , israel. there's a lot of sabre rattlin: israel. there's a lot of sabre rattling from _ israel. there's a lot of sabre rattling from iran _ israel. there's a lot of sabre rattling from iran but - israel. there's a lot of sabre | rattling from iran but there's israel. there's a lot of sabre - rattling from iran but there's never been any indication, even after the assassination of general store them on, but that they wanted to get into a direct confrontation with the us. do you see anything different here? i think the islamic republic will avoid a direct conflict with the us — and by direct, i mean using irc g conflict forces and we are firing missiles at israel. it prepares to argue through deniability, through proxies like hezbollah, like the who in yemen and also hamas and gaza. so thatis in yemen and also hamas and gaza. so that is what the islamic republic will do to escalate the conflict, operating behind its proxies, and i think we are seeing iran's foreign minister going around to all these countries to try to exchange messages and get on the same page as to what redlines would trigger further escalation on a variety of fronts against israel.— fronts against israel. you've explained — fronts against israel. you've explained how _ fronts against israel. you've explained how hamas - fronts against israel. you've explained how hamas is - fronts against israel. you've - explained how hamas is involved with the proxies. there's a lot of pressure on the right to implicate iran and what happened in israel last week, but the israelis have not pointed the finger directly at iran, and they wouldn't need an excuse to do that. is the evidence just not there? t do that. is the evidence 'ust not there? ~ , . there? i think there is evidence that iran likely _ there? i think there is evidence that iran likely knew _ there? i think there is evidence that iran likely knew in - there? i think there is evidence | that iran likely knew in advance, had foreknowledge of the attack to come, and i think that the hairsplitting here is without a difference, us federal courts have found the islamic republic liable for attacks that had at armed and funded in the past without being directly involved in an operational role. so i think that tehran has brought complicity here and i think that we are seeing the us trying to distance itself from any iranian role because they want to focus first on gaza, and if they directly implicate the islamic republic of iran and the attack, that will force them to respond to the islamic republic directly and they want to avoid doing so because of focus is on gaza right now. tiara avoid doing so because of focus is on gaza right now.— avoid doing so because of focus is on gaza right now. two strike groups in the region. — on gaza right now. two strike groups in the region, 2000 _ on gaza right now. two strike groups in the region, 2000 marines - on gaza right now. two strike groups in the region, 2000 marines pulled l in the region, 2000 marines pulled for exercise, that's a very big deterrent. do you think there's any decision in the white house that if his brother were to get involved, so too would american troops? t do. his brother were to get involved, so too would american troops?- too would american troops? i do, i think they would _ too would american troops? i do, i think they would get _ too would american troops? i do, i think they would get involved - think they would get involved because let's not forget, there are hundreds of thousands of american citizens in israel, and under our constitution, article two, there is a self—defense clause and the united states in the president have a duty to protect americans, so i do think you would get involved if hezbollah decides to open the northern front. so we are on the precipice tonight? i think it's a very fraught situation and there's an absence in deterrence from a series of us policy decisions over the years, as well as israeli decisions over recent months, given the fractious judicial reform debate which undermined the country's deterrence, so it is very fraught right now. jason, gratefulfor your so it is very fraught right now. jason, grateful for your time this evening, thank you.— let's ta ke let's take a look at some of the reaction there's been on the attack this evening. the turkish president recep tayyip erdogan said... the canadian prime minister said striking a hospital was "horrific and absolutely unacceptable". the arab league chief ahmed aboul gheit called for an end to the gaza "military operations". he said... the palestinian presidency spokesman nabil abu rudeineh said israel's air strike on a gaza hospital is "genocide" and a "humanitarian catastrophe". our correspondent john donnison has more. explosions fury tonight in the west bank. in ramallah, youths battled with palestinian security forces who responded with tear gas and sound grenades. earlier, as reports of the hospital strike came in from gaza, thousands took to the streets in protest. there is anger directed at israel, but also at president mahmoud abbas and his palestinian authority, which many perceive as weak and lacking legitimacy. mr abbas announced he was cancelling a meeting with president biden, scheduled for tomorrow injordan, and was flying home. chanting there were mass protests there this evening too, and clashes outside the israeli embassy in amman. translation: during the foundation of israel, when it occupied this - area, they are breaching international humanitarian law. geneva agreement is obvious in this regard. medical centres or hospitals should not be touched. in turkey also, thousands rallied against israel. as the war in gaza escalates, it is a dangerous moment for the wider region. jon donnison, bbc news. a line to bring you from the white house, joe biden has spoken to jordan and israel tonight after the hospital attacks and gaza, so he's already had a conversation with prime minister netanyahu ahead of his arrival injerusalem tomorrow morning, air force one currently en route. if you'rejoining us morning, air force one currently en route. if you're joining us tonight before i leave you, let me bring you up—to—date with events gaza city. a hospital in gaza is tonight in ruins. at least 500 people are dead. hundreds more are feared buried in the rubble. the huge blast happened at the al—ahli hospital — in the heart of gaza city. the pictures we have seen show an explosion and a fire, where the hospital once stood and where internally displaced people had been sheltering. the anglican church injeruslam which has responsibility for the hospital said there were 600 staff and patients and 1,000 people inside the building that had taken refuge. but maybe several thousand other were camped in the outside communal areas of the complex. i can show you pictures of doctors treating those who survived and a warning they are difficult viewing. these are images from inside the al shifa hospital. a toddler here being treated on the floor such is the shortage of space already, in a facility that is overwhelmed. our reporters say doctors are currently treating people on the pavements outside the hospital. israel has denied responsibility, laying the blame squarely at the feet of the palestinian group islamichhad — designated a terror group by western countries, including the uk and the us. the islamichhad, in turn, denies israel's claim. that claim and counterclaim will greatly confuse the pictures asjoe biden heads to the region this evening for crisis talks with the israeli prime minister. anger is spreading around the world. hundreds of people stormed the israeli embassy in amman, jordan. protests, too in ramallah in the west bank, tunisia, and elsewhere. world leaders have been swift to condemn the attack. the palestinian authority president, mahmoud abbas, has called three days of mourning. and he's cancelled his appointment with president biden on wednesday. you can keep up—to—date with all the developing news on bbc online. have a very good evening. hello there. it's been a fine start to this week, but things are set to turn more unsettled, very autumnal, and even quite stormy as we see strong winds, gales, and heavy rain spreading northwards across the uk. so some of this rain and strong wind likely to cause some disruption towards the end of the week. now it's storm babette, which the met office have named, will be pushing northwards during wednesday, wednesday night across the uk, then parking itself across the north of the uk for thursday and friday. so rainfall totals really will be mounting up. and i can show you this, in fact, on the rainfall accumulation anomaly — you can see all areas seeing a lot of rainfall, but its eastern scotland, parts of northeast england that bear the brunt. some of the heaviest of the rainfall sits here, where we have some concerns with the risk of some localised flooding. but, because of the recent flooding across scotland, the ground is saturated. the met office have issued an amber warning for this east—northeast corner, could see up to 50—200 millimetres of rain by the time the week's out, that could cause some disruption. wednesday starts off fine for many central, northern, eastern areas, plenty of sunshine. it will be windy, mind you. rain starts to pepper up northern ireland, and then southern britain, first signs of storm babet pushing in here later on wednesday. some of this rain could be quite heavy and thundery, but strong and gusty winds for all areas, even though it will be quite mild, 14—16 celsius — might not feel like that because of the strength of the wind. storm babet continues to move northwards across the uk during wednesday night, parks itself across northern england, northern ireland, southern scotland. that starts thursday morning, some showers pushing into southern areas later on. it will be a mild night to come. this is the pressure chart, then, for thursday — it looks like the weather front will be hanging around across northern and eastern scotland. rainfall totals really mounting here, strong gale force winds, particularly for the northern isles, north sea coast here. further south, it'll be a mixture variable cloud, some showery bursts of rain, some of which could be heavy and thundery. but mild, despite the wind and the rain —15—18 celsius. similar stories as we head into friday, it looks like the northern half of the country will see the heaviest of the rain again. northeast england could bear the brunt of the heavy rain on friday. elsewhere, it's clear spells, but also a mixture of showers, some of which could be heavy and thundery. again, mild in the south, cooler in the north. see you later. welcome to newsday, reporting live from singapore, i'm arunoday mukharji. let's get you the headlines. palestinian officials say at least 500 people were killed in an explosion at a gaza hospital. eyewitnesses say the hospital was also being used as a shelter. the people in the hospital, they were not only, i would say, sick people. they are also people who have fled their homes to seek refuge in that hospital. the director general of the world health organization "strongly condemns" the event. israel denies responsibility, blaming a failed islamichhad rocket. let me be clear, the idf does not target hospitals. that's a sensitive site, it's a humanitarian site. we don't target hospitals. joe biden leaves for israel even as the explosion threatens diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis. while the united states has been standing by firmly behind israel it is of course the strongest ally of israel, it has, at the same time urging israel to minimise civilian casualties.

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Missile , Trauma , Tie , Arabic World , Denials Of The W , Truth , T Information , A Missile , Reporting , Mind , Reportingj , Fun , School , Facilities , Tide Which , Unwra , 64 , Hospital Incident , Address , Purposes , Strikes , Infrastructure , Northern Gaza , Thatitis Gaza , Evacuations , Human Shields , Road Blocks , Politics , Needs , Factored In , Who , Decisions , The Strip , Public Domain , Organisation , Won T , File , Atrocities , Most , Domain , Facts , Forjournalists , Duty , Journalist , Brian , Anybody , Lying , Questioning , Sir , Data , Checking , Have , Home , Have Ii , Professionalism , Ofjournalists , Fire , Feet , Byjeremy Bowen , Say , Knowin , Opinion , Damage , Exclusion , Tie Damage , Southern , Buildings , Defences , Kilos , Shelters , Lots , Speaking , Jonathan Conricus , Television , Protests , Back , Palace , Idea , Dalal Iriqat , Palestine Shejoins Me From Ramallah , Bus Bank , Translation , Arab American University , Wording , Media Outlets , Humanity , Commanders , Courts , Screen , Airtime , Massacres , Israel Hamas War , 2 Million , Population , Rights , Workrooms , Suffering , Israeli Military Machine , 50 , 265 , 1 Million , 11 , Message , Soul Palestinian , 4000 , Crimes , Terrorism , Article , Multilateralism , Charter , Failing , Geneva Conventions , Deterrent , Palestine Don T , Accountable , Snow , Concept , Detentions , Extradition Killings , Injustices , Apartheid , 75 , Action , Military Occupation , Framework , Sympathy , Target , Right , Phrases , Minorities , Declaration , Self Determination , Blinking , Stron , Lead , Opportunity , Speech , Behalf , Truck , Seech , France , Anglican Hospital , Germany , Hearfrom , Hearfrom The Uk , Access , Delay , Condemnation , Terror , Settlers , Peace Talks , Ghettos , 750000 , Independence , Peace , Settlements , Dignity , Freedom , Prosperity , Relations , Normalise Relations , Reality , What If Normalise , To Normalise Relations Peace Initiative , Want Don T , They Don T Normalise , 2002 , Dust , Let , Let Sjust , Scenario , Parties , Facing , Perspective , Interests , Benefits , Experts , Blood , West , Palestinians , Schools , Targeting , Violation , Animals , 2023 , Ones , Electricity , Morgues , Medicine , Doctor , Person , Hallways , Ournalism , Journalism , Attendance , Spinning Realities , Masters , Justice , Coverage , Weapon , Involvement , Shielding , Crimes Against Humanity , Mk 84 , 2 Billion , 84 , Rattling , Sherifa Zuhur , Director , Let S Press On , Ai , Studies , Institute , College Injerusalem , Goal , I Don T Know , Destruction , I Don T , Invasion , Clinics , Area , 14th Floor , Floor , Safe Space , Tunnels , 12th Floors , 13 , Hostages , Somewhere , Calls , Someone , Cease Fire Other , Return , Revenge , Military Experts , This Mass Invasion , Expulsion , Siege Of Beirut , Tunis , Plo , Phraseology , Hostilities , Grass , Steve , Tn Hamas , Boss , Doctors , Surgeries , Volunteers , Universities , Three , Survivors , Rubble , Courtyard , Hospitaljust , The Street , Scenes , Generators , Internet Access , Tv , Old Town , Street , Cemeteries , Refugees , Cases , Messages , Neighbourhoods , Yesterday And Today , Safe , Couldn T Bear , University , Overfull , Heard , Interview , Picture , Sitting , Heard Our , Rocket Fire , Piece , Sister , Saw , Witness , Border , We Don T Know , Communication , Wejust , 60 , Scene , Explosions , People Shouting , Injuries , Cars , Everywhere , Theissueis , Citizens , Security Situation , Mess , Tens Of Thousands , Drones , 600000 , 70 , Houses , Consequences , Displacement , Couple , Voices , Led , Nobody , Sheep , Walking Cows , City , Democrat , Gazans , Space , Didn T Know , Colleague , Comments , Search , Rslur , Saint , Dean , Saint George S College Injerusalem , To Canon Richard Sewell , Al Ahli Arab Hospital In Gaza , Being , Bit , Baptist Church , Diocese , Baptist Hospital , News Sources , Hit , 5000 , Grounds , Compound , Vulnerable , Elderly , 1000 , Hospital Staff , Bed Hospital , Transport , Remainder , 600 , Hl , 20 , Ij , Staff , I Patients , Diocese Of Jerusalem , Policy Director , Advocacy Organisation , Institutions , Jason Brodonsky , Context , Peacekeepers , Hearing , Ramifications , Isuppose , To Be With You , Activity , Islamic Republic Of Iran , Deterrence , Axis Of Resistance , Modus Operandi , Opportunities , Envelope , Ithink , Concern , Proxies , Deniability , Israelij Minister , Running Out , Traiett , Arsonist , Firefighter , Expansion , Ground Operation , Wins , Manner , Context Multi Front War , Stage , Background , Operation , Conflict Zone , It Wouldn T , Wasn T , Assets , Him Forthat , Landing , Restrictions , Missile Programme , Un Security Council Resolution , 2231 , 18 , 18 October , Policy , Choice , E3 , Sabre Rattling , Biden In Israel , Confrontation , General Store , Sabre , Them On , Sabre Rattlin , Indication , Assassination , Firing Missiles , Forces , Direct , Irc G , Yemen , Thatis , Israel Fronts , Variety , Page , Excuse , There , Foreknowledge , Hairsplitting , Tehran , Role , Complicity , Islamic Republic Liable , Difference , Us Federal Courts , Focus First On Gaza , Tiara , Marines , Exercise , 2000 , Constitution , Self Defense Clause , Front , Policy Decisions , Absence , Precipice , Country , Reform , Debate , Thank You Let , Gratefulfor , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Ta Ke Let S Take A Look , Turkish , Ahmed Aboul Gheit , Horrific And Absolutely Unacceptable , Canadian , Arab League , Gaza Hospital , Military Operations , Nabil Abu Rudeineh , 200 , 5 ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240703 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240703

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bringing heavy rain and winds to the north and east of uk and this shows the storm moving northwards on wednesday, parking itself across the north of the uk on friday but low pressure is close by and brings further heavy rain even further south so it will be a very unsettled week for the rest of the week and into the weekend and rainfall totals mounting up, you can see on the scale, the brighter echoes in eastern scotland and north—east england is where we have concerns for the risk of localised flooding but because of the heavy rain which we have seen in scotland in the past week or so, the ground is saturated so the met office have an amber warning in force but this could be extended further south but that caters for the persistent heavy rain and the risk of localised flooding. heading through tonight, many places will be dry, central, northern and eastern areas have a strong outhwaite —— south—easterly wind. temperatures, no problems with frost, 9—12 point we start the day on a fine note centre and in many places but windy and rain peppering up places but windy and rain peppering up for northern ireland and across southern britain, the first signs of storm temple removing up with strong winds, heavy and thundery rain and the wind picking up across north sea coast but despite the wind, it will be quite mild, 14—16 or 17 celsius. on wednesday night, storm babet moved northwards, up into scotland and northern ireland by the end of the night and some of the rain will be quite heavy, strong and gusty winds and further south, clear spells but a rash of heavy showers pushing in and it will be a mild night. on thursday, the heaviest rain is in the north of the uk, further south, a mixture of heavy showers and strong winds. thanks, stav. that's it from here. back to clive in jerusalem for the latest on tonight's developments. thank you. an appalling night of bloodshed in gaza. we can get a final word from our international editor, jeremy bowen. some breaking news in the past few minutes, we are hearing thatjordan has cancelled its planned meeting withjoe biden, who is on his way in a motorcade, we understand, towards air force one to actually get to this region but what can you tell us about that? the jordanian foreign _ can you tell us about that? tue: jordanian foreign minister can you tell us about that? tte: jordanian foreign minister has been on various tv stations, announcing that this four away summit between joe biden, and america's main arab allies in the middle east, that will not now take place. palestinian leader mac and a bus had already cancelled and is travelling back home —— mahmoud abbas. it knocks the bottom out of a lot president biden�*s programme and it is a big snap to an american president. a few years ago his middle eastern allies would not have dared to do something like this to the american head of state and i think it also means the chances if the president doing anything to calm this situation down have now been much reduced. jeremy, thank ou, have now been much reduced. jeremy, thank you. jeremy _ have now been much reduced. jeremy, thank you, jeremy bowen _ have now been much reduced. jeremy, thank you, jeremy bowen in _ have now been much reduced. jeremy, thank you, jeremy bowen in southern i thank you, jeremy bowen in southern israel. there is a shared innocence of civilians on both sides that has been taken away throughout this war, victims who were simply living their lives but had been dragged into a conflagration beyond their control. the devastating explosion tonight in gaza, the latest example, leaving families grieving over the dead. for now, as israel readies to invade, the work continues to try to improve the work continues to try to improve the conditions of more than a million people in the territory and thatis million people in the territory and that is a crucial part ofjoe biden�*s mission here tomorrow but complicated by tonight's latest tragedy. and while he may not be able to see many of the arabs in the region, perhaps something can come from the meeting with benjamin netanyahu. that is this is the situation for our viewers, air force one awaiting the arrival ofjoe biden, the backdrop to this visit could not be worse. an attack on a hospital in gaza city this evening which has killed 500 people, many more injured and wounded, a hospital that was providing refuge to some 6000 people according to the anglican rector we spoke to this evening who had responsibility for this facility. let's speak to jeremy bowen responsibility for this facility. let's speak tojeremy bowen who is in southern israel for us this evening. goodness me, the white house must be looking at the pictures being beamed around the world and wondering what comes tomorrow and in what direction the conflict goes next. what are you hearing from sources on the ground particularly the israelis? we've heard from those who are pointing the finger at islamichhad. the israelis got — the finger at islamichhad. the israelis got their _ the finger at islamichhad. tt;e: israelis got their denial in very quickly. pointing the finger at islamic jihad, the number two armed group in gaza, the smaller one. closer ties to iran then hamas have got. but they did it. now if you look at the video that was posted about that, it shows a really big explosion. one thing that an investigation into this would really need to try to find out is whether or not islamic jihad had any weapons of that strength, whether they were able to do it, after nothing like as big or serious is that, but other faces of the conflict between hamas and israel say the last couple years. there have been assertions in the past by israel is that islamichhad weapons have fallen short, which they have then walked back afterwards subsequently. but the thing is the boat sides are now —— both sides are embedded in their positions. israelis say that it didn't do it, is notjust hamas and islamichhad saying it's the israelis behind it, it's the leading arab allies who are also saying it. so this makes it really difficult, the whole bottom has been knocked out of the trip because the whole point was to get some kind of dialogue going, and attempt to make conditions betterfor dialogue going, and attempt to make conditions better for palestinians, and now it's much harderfor him. it was already a gamble because of course, normally when presidents get on aeroplanes to visit places and make agreements, it's all been arranged by the time they leave their offices to get to the plane. but nothing is arranged. normally the come but nothing is arranged. normally they come to _ but nothing is arranged. normally they come to an _ but nothing is arranged. normally they come to an agreement - but nothing is arranged. normally they come to an agreement that l but nothing is arranged. normally i they come to an agreement thatjust needs the eyes darting in the tease crossing and the president comes in, they get the deal over the line and they get the deal over the line and they appear for the press conferences and announce it. but i can't imagine that is the case here because it a ground offensive, we don't know what will unfold or not, the arabs are not speaking to president biden because they've cancelled their meetings tomorrow. there is so much in the air, jeremy. there is so much in the air, jeremy. there is so much in the air and another reason for biden coming was trying to take measures to deter any of israel's biggest enemies, which is iran and hezbollah, which is the situation in lebanon, deterring them from getting involved in the war. the iranians have already said that if palestinian casualties continue to mount, they would not be able — they would have to be an answer to it. so on all fronts, the humanitarian situation in gaza, the military situation to this war between israel and gaza, the chances of the war spreading on all those things, everything is showing critical, red lights are buzzing all over the middle east. so biden is coming in to the middle of this, and i think also the fact that the arabs felt quite comfortable about cancelling these meetings with him, it's first of all a reflection of the gravity of the situation. i think it's also a reflection of the waning power of the united states, because not that many years ago i don't think they would've delivered what actually is a great big snub to the president of the united states. why do you think he's coming, jeremy? with out a number of commentators this evening who say they will push for a cease—fire. there was an eight hour meeting with secretary blinken last night, and an announcement he was on his way. do you think maybe the events of tonight have shifted the equation? i don't know but as we watch these pictures of him arriving, do you think he now has in mind a different agendas of the one he perhaps was thinking of setting out 2a hours ago? thinking of setting out 24 hours auo? ~ ., thinking of setting out 24 hours am? . ., thinking of setting out 24 hours auo? ., ago? well, i have covered probably all of israel's _ ago? well, i have covered probably all of israel's major _ ago? well, i have covered probably all of israel's major conflicts - ago? well, i have covered probably all of israel's major conflicts with l all of israel's major conflicts with its arab neighbours in the last 30 odd years or so. and there's a pattern sometimes— i saw in lebanon in 1996, in 2006, in various rounds here between israel and hamas. what happens sometimes is that things progress and the americans have israel's back diplomatically, and then there's some appalling massacre, which then i think the americans tend to say, "hang on a minute, enough is enough, time for a cease—fire." there hasn't even been a ground attack now and i've been reporting it looks pretty certain that the israelis will send troops in. and why was i doing that? well, because of what mr netanyahu was saying, what his generals and defence minister was saying, saying things, "we will wipe hamas off the face of the earth. we will demolish hamas." so they have a very maximal agenda which is the kind of thing that you cannot get, history shows very clearly, simply through air strikes. to even attempt to do it, and it's not certain you'll get it, the record of recent invasions of countries often results in circumstances that the invader didn't want — you look at the americans, the brits in iraq, and others. so i think that if the american president comes in and says, "let's do some sort of a deal here," that i think the likes of hamas will say, "well, they didn't destroy us of the face of the earth." that's something they'll claim has a victory, and netanyahu's enemies will say it's a defeat. t enemies will say it's a defeat. i was going to ask you about the personal relationship these two leaders have, butjust to your last point, you could see how they would say, "we can't walk away from this because i would be an existential threat to the state of israel, because our enemies would always think they can come at us and we wouldn't fulfil what we said we wouldn't fulfil what we said we would do. ijust think in terms of the personal relationship, because it's not entirely cosy — yes, president biden backs israel to the hilt, but the relationship between these two men is not that strong. it's terrible! joe biden was reviewing the maker refusing to have a meeting with netanyahu because he didn't agree with some of the things he was doing, and didn't agree with some of the things he was doing. an— he was doing, and terms of the very controversial — he was doing, and terms of the very controversial changes _ he was doing, and terms of the very controversial changes he _ he was doing, and terms of the very controversial changes he was - he was doing, and terms of the very controversial changes he was trying | controversial changes he was trying to make here inside israel. netanyahu expected to get an invitation to the white house, he didn't get one. previous american presidents, as well, he's had a really bad relationships with — obama, clinton — and that's because he tends to lecture them, and that something they don't like. and also, of course, he was very close with donald trump. so all those things mean that while biden is very pro—israel and has been his whole political life, he's not pro—netanyahu. so netanyahu was already in a vulnerable place here in israel, so my question is, in terms of, if netanyahu in recent months has been condemned by his clinical enemies for doing anything he can to try to hold on to power, and if on the one hand, he says, "i'm mr security, i'll protect israel," and israel doesn't get protected and there's a massive intelligence failure which is what happened on the 7th of october, then mr netanyahu says, "i will go into gaza and we will wipe these people off the face of the earth, we will demolish them because of what they've done," then doesn't do it, then i think he'll get even more criticised from within israel. so i think there are leaders of numbers of countries who will not get a great deal of sleep tonight in advance of whatever comes in the morning. t advance of whatever comes in the mornin:. , , ., advance of whatever comes in the mornin:. , i. ., morning. i must let you go the end of a very long _ morning. i must let you go the end of a very long day. _ morning. i must let you go the end of a very long day, jeremy, - morning. i must let you go the end of a very long day, jeremy, but - morning. i must let you go the end| of a very long day, jeremy, butjust a couple lines of breaking news. the first is that his brother have called for a day of rage tomorrow. the other line that's coming out of brussels is that islamic state group has claimed responsibility for the fatal shooting of those two swedish nationals last night. we know what days of rage mean, we had one the other day, we've had subsequent attacks in western capitals on previous events like this. there will be real anxiety in western capitals about where this is headed. intelligence chiefs have been meeting in california, and quite a public forum, and one of the things they've been discussing is the way in which there could be greater radicalisation because of events in the middle east. so yeah, it is a real reminder about why events in this part of the world matter. it is not something which is simply restricted to the region. as for days of rage, i think people who don't want this to escalate will be hoping that the day of rage will be a series of demonstrations and maybe a series of demonstrations and maybe a certain amount of missile firing that does not really escalate. but the thing about such a volatile and difficult situation, when things are already very sensitive and on a tight rope, it means at times like this can add such an extra element of heat, uncertainty, fear, hatred, making decision—making much harder and also much increasing the risks of misperception, mistakes, escalation and all the kinds of things which result in wider wars. jeremy, things are much for your time this evening, just as we watch these life pictures —— life pictures of president biden on route —— jeremy, thanks so much for your time this evening. asjeremy has been telling you, there is so much to be discussed not least the humanitarian situation in gaza and where this conflict goes next. joining us now from washington is our correspondent barbara plett usher. have you heard any word from the white house or the security team about how this changes ahead of them taking off tonight? thea;r about how this changes ahead of them taking off tonight?— taking off tonight? they haven't made any comment _ taking off tonight? they haven't made any comment about - taking off tonight? they haven't made any comment about the l taking off tonight? they haven't - made any comment about the explosion at the hospital, but as you can see they've not also decided to cancel they've not also decided to cancel the trip, they are very much going forward with a and i expect they will issue in a statement at some point in reaction to what happened. but you have these competing claims about who is responsible, with the palestinian group islamichhad, one of their missiles went astray, and the palestinians saying it was an air strike by the israelis. and i think it's quite a difficult thing, a sensitive thing to call it, so i think they want to be very clear before they would make any sort of statement about that, although there will be expressions of sorrow over the amount of casualties, but it's definitely something that has changed the dynamics around the trip for sure. ~ ., changed the dynamics around the trip for sure. ~ . ., ,., ., ,., for sure. what about that point jeremy made — for sure. what about that point jeremy made about, _ for sure. what about that point jeremy made about, in - for sure. what about that point jeremy made about, in fact, i for sure. what about that point | jeremy made about, in fact, the united states's influence in the region is waning, it's enough for them to cancel meetings in iran tomorrow and they would only do that if they didn't view the united states in the influence of the united states in the way they once did? ., united states in the way they once did? . , , ., , did? there have been complaints from america's arab — did? there have been complaints from america's arab allies _ did? there have been complaints from america's arab allies under _ america's arab allies under president biden that the united states is withdrawing from the region, it's not as engaged as it once was, it cannot count on them for security as it once could. there's no question that that has been happening in terms of refocusing the foreign policy priorities, the biden administration has been clear wants to focus on china, it's been drawn into helping ukraine and the conflict with russia. president biden was trying to make that same pit of it, but what's distinguished president biden�*s demonstration is it hasn't made any effort to solve or have an initiative to deal with the core conflict between the palestinians and israelis, there's been no peace initiative, no plan unlike previous administrations, and they have had a very low—key way of dealing with the palestinians. the restored palestinians. the restored palestinian ties and funds which donald trump before them cut, he had a very close relationship with the right wing israeli government and they've been trying to improve the economic circumstances, but they've said constantly they don't feel the right is that time is right to pursue that. in the middle east they've been taking on this whole process the donald trump started to have normalisation between israel and the arab states without necessarily dealing with the palestinian issue. now the biden administration's focus has been trying to make a deal between saudi arabia and israel, and there would be some concessions to the palestinians that was a lot of work left to do on that. but the point being that they have withdrawn from active diplomacy on this particular conflict, and therefore there may be a perception that they can be snubbedin a perception that they can be snubbed in this way. but i think you could also look at it as this being a really difficult thing for arab governments to deal with as well. you have hundreds of people killed in a hospital with allegations it was an israeli air strike, then you have us president coming to stand in solidarity with israel, the whole arrangement of that puts them in a difficult situation. and they have already expressed great frustration to the americans — the secretary of state, antony blinken, did a tour in the last few days, and that's what he heard again and again from each of the arab allies that he visited. now most of them have no love for hamas, some of them are really hostile to hamas and don't see it as a solution or something they want to associate with. but they wanted to talk to mr blinken about the humanitarian situation in the civilian casualties. tit humanitarian situation in the civilian casualties.— civilian casualties. in that respect. _ civilian casualties. in that respect. it _ civilian casualties. in that respect, it is _ civilian casualties. in that respect, it is an - civilian casualties. in that| respect, it is an enormous civilian casualties. in that - respect, it is an enormous gamble, this, isn't it? because what happens, barbara, if prime minister netanyahu says we are continuing with the war, and moreover we will have a ground incursion, and all these humanitarian solutions flew through egypt. we don't know if egypt will hold a meeting with president biden, they're supposed to be in oman, as well. but if there's no humanitarian solution and prime minister netanyahu continues with his war, does president biden really want to be associated with that? well things are evolving, but certainly president biden wanted to be associated with a hard strike against hamas. they've made it pretty clear that they see this as an unprecedented situation — they have framed it like the israelis have framed it like the israelis have framed it like the israelis have framed it, that it's an isis like attack, the heinousness of it means it's not related to the decades of occupation and i6 means it's not related to the decades of occupation and 16 years of gaza, it's a sheer evil. that's the position they've taken and they feel from a deterrence point of view that hamas cannot look like it's winning, not only in terms of israel and the palestinians, but the region. so they support the israelis going after in a strong way, but equally they have seen the humanitarian situation deteriorating and the political invocations of that too, aside from the human ones, and what effect that house on arab governments and their allies, and how that whips up sentiment across the region. so they have been working very hard in trying to alleviate that. in terms of the border crossing with egypt, mr blinken called president biden after he had done his tour of the arab countries, saying, "this is all they're talking about," joe biden told them to talk to the israelis and arrange an agreement. they spent seven hours doing that and they still couldn't come up with an agreement, they had an agreement to have an agreement. the israelis are afraid, they say the don't want hamas to benefit from this aid. so it's notjust the egyptian side, but the israeli site has concerns. the israelis have concerns about arms being smuggled in on the trucks and so on, so it's a very difficult negotiation to have and that's just to get aid into the gaza strip. now you have this massive explosion in charge is flying back and forth, and questions about war crimes and violations of international law, and alljust makes those conversations even immensely more difficult. indeed it does. barbara, thanks for coming on. live now to marwanjilani, who is the director general of the palestine red crescent. thank you for your patience this evening, as we just watched the plane leave maryland this evening on route to israel. would you tell me what your people are doing tonight in gaza and what the situation is on the ground around the hospital? tt the ground around the hospital? tt is shocking, it is horrifying. they are totally horrified, especially our hospital has received a number of threats. we have issued days and days before a warning that if this continues, people will die. we have patients we have people who are sheltering. so our colleagues in the hospital or really today thinking about, what if another bomb goes over the hospital, as we've been threatened, it has the israeli occupation army told us it'll be our responsibility if we don't move our patients? they are really in a very difficult situation. they are also transporting and rescuing those people who have been injured. we have already transported a row 73 people, 37 of which were killed. —— around 73 people. it is a shocking situation, especially that we have been warning, the whole international community, that there must be some pressure on israel to stop this, to have a cease—fire. and in order to evacuate the hospital, that's a death sentence in itself. the president, just before he left, issued a brief statement, sending his deepest condolences to victims of the gaza hospital exclusion. he doesn't attribute blame in any direction, but he extends his condolences. how will that be perceived in the palestinian communities and by the palestinian leadership? and do you think it was the right decision to cancel the meetings in oman tomorrow? we are not politicians. _ meetings in oman tomorrow? we are not politicians, but _ meetings in oman tomorrow? we are not politicians, but let _ meetings in oman tomorrow? we are not politicians, but let me _ meetings in oman tomorrow? we are not politicians, but let me say - not politicians, but let me say this. this is a typical israeli move. do the thing, deny it, continue to deny it, the media runs it, the international community, gives them the benefit of the doubt. after a while, yes, israel did it. there are so many incidences we've been faced with. i think there must been faced with. i think there must be a very clear challenge to the israelis that it is the bombardment thatis israelis that it is the bombardment that is causing this. this is not the first time. people who were evacuating based on israeli orders were killed in a car. so i think this whole issue of always giving israelis the benefit of the doubt makes the story, or run a different story. the whole story is it's not clear, we must investigate. this is what we've been saying... but you know what — what we've been saying... but you know what prime _ what we've been saying... but you know what prime minister - what we've been saying... but you i know what prime minister netanyahu will say in these meetings, he will say this was the worst day since the holocaust, 1400 people were slaughtered, children, women, elderly people, 199 have been taken hostage, hamas refuses to give them up, it fires rockets from gaza and that threat, the existential threat, as they see it, to israel has to be ended. so the question is, to the americans give the israelis cover for that, or americans give the israelis cover forthat, or do americans give the israelis cover for that, or do they, americans give the israelis cover forthat, or do they, because americans give the israelis cover for that, or do they, because of it's happened tonight and what's happening in gaza, do they say enough is enough? t happening in gaza, do they say enough is enough?— happening in gaza, do they say enough is enough? i think enough is enou:h enough is enough? i think enough is enough because _ enough is enough? i think enough is enough because the _ enough is enough? i think enough is enough because the threat, - enough is enough? i think enough is enough because the threat, the - enough because the threat, the existential threat will not go away by wiping the whole palestinian population out of palestine. the palestinians have experienced a number of times refugee hood, losing their land and homes, they won't move. and i think many israelis are calling for that. i think what israelis need to do, the international community and palestinians need to do is to sit down, continue with the political discussions, revive the peace process and have a political solution, because this problem has no military solution. whatever you do now, this will occur again because that's what happens. let me step back because i am not a politician. i am talking about a dire humanitarian situation. the whole humanitarian community has been warning that this is going to happen. there are already more than 3000 people, total destruction of gaza. people are running out of food, water. and we have about 800 people who are sheltering in our hospital. we did not have food to feed them. two days ago we did not have food to feed our own medical teams and the patients in our hospitals so we had to bring in something and that in itself, the whole siege in the whole blockade and a statement, i remember seeing, on record, a minister, defence minister that they would be no food, no water, no fuel, nothing. this in itself under international law is a crime. no one once is it that does the frustration of the palestinian people that is why when they see all of these politicians, all of the world leaders in solidarity with israel, the ask a simple question, what about the palestinians, are we not humans, the same? to us as humans as humans as they see the israelis. there are armed civilians on both sides that need protection. and that is the concerned of the humanitarian community. they do not have to be under the constant bombardment, fleeing from one place from safe places to protect the children, their lives. that is a tragedy of this whole because it is going to and. tragedy of this whole because it is going to and-— going to and. sorry to cut you short. thank _ going to and. sorry to cut you short. thank you _ going to and. sorry to cut you short. thank you for - going to and. sorry to cut you short. thank you for your - going to and. sorry to cut you | short. thank you for your time going to and. sorry to cut you - short. thank you for your time this evening and we send you our thoughts to your teams on the ground working in such difficult circumstances. thank you for coming onto the programme. live from london, this is bbc news. palestinian officials say at least 500 people were killed in a strike on a gaza hospital. eyewitnesses say the hospital was also being used as a shelter. the people in the hospital, they were not only, i would say, sick people. they are also people who have fled their homes to seek refuge in that hospital. the director general of the world health organization "strongly condemns" the attack. israel denies responsibility, blaming a failed islamichhad rocket. let me be clear, the idf does not target hospitals. that's a sensitive side, it's a humanitarian side. we don't target hospitals. asjoe biden leaves for israel, regional leaders begin pulling out of wednesday's summit with the us president as the strike threatens diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis. while to resolve the crisis. the united states has been standing while the united states has been standing by firmly behind israel it is of course the strongest ally of israel, it has, at the same time urging israel to minimise civilian casualties. good evening and welcome to the programme. we are bringing you news tonight the single worst mass killing of palestinian and the is really gaza war so far. health officials saying hundreds or debt the huge blast happened at the hospital mike right in the heart of gaza city thousands people sheltering their having survived ten days bombing of israel and the world health organization has condemned the blasted cost of the media protection of civilians the israeli prime minister tonight israel was responsible and blamed what he called barbaric terrace for the blast. israel says it's bombing campaign is targeting members of hamas responsible for killing around 1400 is really loose last week and a group israel says its bombing campaign, is targeting members of hamas, responsible for killing about 1,400 israelis last week, and a group designated as a terror organisation by the uk government. hamas said tonight that israel was responsible for the blast, and that it's a war crime. palestinians have been on the streets in the west bank protesting, and there've been clashes with the security forces. here's our international editorjeremy bowen. loud blast the missile hit the hospital not long after dark. man shouts you can hear the impact. the explosion destroyed al—ahli hospital. it was already damaged from a smaller attack at the weekend. the building was flattened. very soon video was posted from gaza of bodies laid out near the ruins of the hospital. so many dead and the size of the explosion, together looked to be having a profound impact on what was already the most dangerous crisis in the middle east in a generation. the wounded were taken across gaza city to shifa hospital. the israeli army's first response said hospitals were highly sensitive and not targets of its military and urged caution about what it called the unverified claims of a terrorist organization. that statement will not be believed by palestinians and by millions of others in the middle east who see these images. the wounded and the dying pouring into shifa from al—ahli arrived at a hospital already overwhelmed by thousands of casualties from israeli airstrikes. it was already struggling to treat patients after israel cut off fuel, water, food, and deliveries of medical supplies. jordan and egypt condemned israel for a dangerous escalation. jordan said the international community should pressure israel to stop its attacks to prevent what it called wide cycles of violence. as fury and fear gripped palestinians, israel denied that it was responsible. we would not deliberately target a hospital, and my information that i have just received from the highest authority, because i asked about this, i knew you would ask about this, is that all indications are that this was not israeli orders, this was rather a hamas rocket that fell short. i want to explain this, from past conflicts with the terrorists in gaza we know that on average about 33% of the rockets that they shoot at us fall short and land in gaza. pictures on social media showed many children are among the casualties in gaza. many children are among the casualties in gaza. so many people needed treatment that the corridors of shifa hospital were packed. it's also causing even more anxiety among the hundreds of thousands of palestinians who fled to gaza's southern border with egypt after israel told them to leave their homes. there's 8,000 people here at night and it is usually loud, kids are running around, but tonight there is silence, absolute silence. you can't hear a thing. people are just in absolute shock about what has happened. it is really, really shocking. i just don't know what to say. i have no words. anger spilt onto the streets of the west bank. the other part of the palestinian territories that's separated from gaza by israel. since hamas attacked out of gaza on the 7th of october, there have been fears that mass casualties caused by israel's response could ignite west bank towns that have been the centre of unrest for well over a year. the young men on the streets, and palestinian armed groups in the west bank, will not believe israel's denials. the latest from israel's prime minister blaming what he called barbaric terrorists for the attack. in gaza, emergency teams are still looking for casualties in the ruins of al—ahli hospital. the attack is a seismic event in a war that might spread elsewhere in the middle east. there are reports that the palestinian president has cancelled a meeting with the us president, who's due in israel tomorrow morning on a mission that was aimed at easing the plight of palestinian civilians, and who will now walk into an even deeper crisis. jeremy bowen, bbc news, in southern israel. what progress have you made in your investigation that would back up the case that this was islamichhad? yes we have done an extensive and thorough investigation of various sources of intelligence and in factjust now as we are speaking, the idf spokesperson is briefing international media and showing not only should telling but showing not only should telling but showing intel that supports our claim and our understanding of the situation. but we understand and what we are now at very high levels of veracity are confirmed has shown us with our information is that it was a rocket that was fired by the islamichhad that misfired and landed near or on the hospital. we are analysing footage from a uav and we are analysing other sources and in the coming minutes or hours we will also release phone conversations that were intercepted between hamas operatives that indicates that they themselves understood that this was a rocket, a misfire that islamichhad fired. so there is more and more evidence, and there is more and more evidence, and the only statements, but evidence that supports exactly what we said from the beginning. that this was a misfired record that hit near or on and that was the cause of the explosion. and that was the cause of the exolosion-_ and that was the cause of the exlosion. , ., , , ., ., ., explosion. obviously we do not have videos et explosion. obviously we do not have videos yet but _ explosion. obviously we do not have videos yet but we _ explosion. obviously we do not have videos yet but we will _ explosion. obviously we do not have videos yet but we will show - explosion. obviously we do not have videos yet but we will show our - videos yet but we will show our viewers those as and when they appear. you can go into this more detail about what we will see, and your view this is a rockets outgoing, as it brought down, the rocket? or as an malfunction? what is it? tn rocket? or as an malfunction? what is it? .. ., , rocket? or as an malfunction? what is it? ., , ., , is it? in each and every rounds of combat that _ is it? in each and every rounds of combat that we _ is it? in each and every rounds of combat that we have _ is it? in each and every rounds of combat that we have had - is it? in each and every rounds of combat that we have had with - is it? in each and every rounds of- combat that we have had with hamas and islamichhad in the past and unfortunately there have been quite a few, about a third or perhaps a little less of rockets fall short. it is been different between different conflicts and it depends on the type of rockets that they fire. usually the longer range rockets have a higher rate of misfire but essentially all figures we are talking but we are talking about almost the third of the rockets that have issues. in this conflict we have seen, we have counted, more than 450 rockets that have landed short. out of rockets have landed short. out of rockets have been fired which is less than usual, but definitely a sizeable amount of rockets that have been fired from gaza aimed at the israeli civilians and then have fallen short inside gaza. i think that the footage that was distributed by al jazeera appears very interesting and it indeed appears to show that incident that is not our prediction our statement is claimed on our intelligence which we will share. t intelligence which we will share. i have seen the footage in it looks as if something strikes it. am i wrong? is it falling to the ground? yes what ou is it falling to the ground? yes what you said _ is it falling to the ground? yes what you said is _ is it falling to the ground? fez; what you said is wrong. is it falling to the ground? te; what you said is wrong. we do not intercept rockets inbound. all inside the gaza strip. we intercept inside the gaza strip. we intercept in other areas over israeli territory usually over open territory usually over open territory to minimise casualties on our side from debris, but it was not an israeli interception. if you would allow me, i think i listened in to your correspondentjeremy bowen where he says with absolute security and trauma that this was an israeli missile. what was that based on? �* . ,, ~' israeli missile. what was that based on? . ,, ,, on? and fairness i think he said there was _ on? and fairness i think he said there was claim _ on? and fairness i think he said there was claim and _ on? and fairness i think he said i there was claim and counterclaim. on? and fairness i think he said - there was claim and counterclaim. he there was claim and counterclaim. the: said at the beginning a missile strikes the hospital. he begins very dramatically. tie strikes the hospital. he begins very dramatically-— strikes the hospital. he begins very dramatically. he puts the denials of the idf in dramatically. he puts the denials of the w in and _ dramatically. he puts the denials of the idf in and i— dramatically. he puts the denials of the idf in and i can remember- dramatically. he puts the denials of the idf in and i can remember the i the idf in and i can remember the line, in which people in the arabic world will not believe. he's putting claim and counterclaim.— claim and counterclaim. claiming a missile based _ claim and counterclaim. claiming a missile based on _ claim and counterclaim. claiming a missile based on hamas _ claim and counterclaim. claiming a. missile based on hamas information he has not been on the ground or verifies himself he's taking hamas information and displaying that the truth. t information and displaying that the truth. ~' ., information and displaying that the truth. ~ ., , , truth. i think we have pretty circumspect _ truth. i think we have pretty circumspect in _ truth. i think we have pretty circumspect in our _ truth. i think we have pretty circumspect in our reportingj truth. i think we have pretty - circumspect in our reporting this evening on what has happened and we have kept an open mind and we have invited you want to talk about the end of course we've had the palestinian point of view. what about the attack on a un facility in which 64 killed, a school and information? tide which 64 killed, a school and information?— information? we have not specifically _ information? we have not specifically targeted - information? we have not specifically targeted and l information? we have not - specifically targeted and unwra facilities and since the latest hours since the hospital incident we are focused very much on that trying to get intelligence out into get to the bottom of what is happening. again, i want to reiterate and this has been said and i want to say it, we do not intentionally target anything civilian. all of our strikes have an address in that address is hamas. we are fighting hamas and they are using the civilian infrastructure for their military purposes and they have a documented history of using civilians as their human shields. they have stopped the evacuations from the north and have directed road blocks and intimidated people and told them not to move south in order for them to stay in northern gaza despite the fact that they know that it gaza despite the fact that they know thatitis gaza despite the fact that they know that it is much more dangerous for the civilians to stay. that needs to be factored in. can the civilians to stay. that needs to be factored in.— be factored in. can we talk about the politics _ be factored in. can we talk about the politics because _ be factored in. can we talk about the politics because you - be factored in. can we talk about the politics because you will- be factored in. can we talk about the politics because you will be l the politics because you will be aware that president biden has just left for israel and meetings have been cancelled which have been crucial to supply humanitarian aid in the southern part of the strip, the idf must be under quite some pressure now to provide to this evidence to the americans who, when they landed tomorrow, have to make some decisions on how much support they give to the direction of the war, the ground incursion that is being planned. do you feel the pressure and will you make sure that video, the videos you are talking about are in the public domain and to time? , to time? yes indeed, we will. i will tell ou to time? yes indeed, we will. i will tell you something _ to time? yes indeed, we will. i will tell you something more. - to time? yes indeed, we will. i will tell you something more. we - to time? yes indeed, we will. i will tell you something more. we are i tell you something more. we are dealing with the most ruthless and file organisation. we have spoken about the atrocities, i want won't repeat it. but there is the other domain of information. we have seen hamas do the most to despicable acts against israeli civilians and against israeli civilians and against its own civilians if i think it is about time for journalists against its own civilians if i think it is about time forjournalists who are doing their professional duty as journalist to act extremely cautiously when starting reporting of events with casualties in gaza. because all of the information coming out of gaza is that brian and ruled by hamas. they have no issues with the lying. they did not answer to anybody. they are not beholden to truth and they do not care to lie and distort and to misrepresent events on the ground as long as it serves their purposes and they can blame israel. this appears to be just such an example of an event that happened that we did not do, that happened that we did not do, that happened that we did not do, that happened as a result of a misfire and immediately, almost immediately, the first response is, blaming israel for the attack without checking the data. home blaming israel for the attack without checking the data. have i done that though _ without checking the data. have i done that though or— without checking the data. have i done that though or have - without checking the data. have i done that though or have i - without checking the data. have i done that though or have i been l without checking the data. have i i done that though or have i been fair in my questioning? you done that though or have i been fair in my questioning?— in my questioning? you i think are commendable, _ in my questioning? you i think are commendable, sir. _ in my questioning? you i think are commendable, sir. it— in my questioning? you i think are commendable, sir. it is— in my questioning? you i think are commendable, sir. it is a - in my questioning? you i think are commendable, sir. it is a very - commendable, sir. it is a very refreshing to have that kind of patience and professionalism. i don't know if you would like to me to say positive things but it is refreshing to state our point of view on the bbc and to say that we feel the duty ofjournalists is to verify data that we provide, definitely hold us accountable and hold our feet to the fire but do the same thing with hamas. claiming verify and make sure whatever they say is not automatically put into a story byjeremy bowen claiming that a missile struck. because it was not a missile struck. because it was not a missile struck. because it was not a missile and he has no way of knowing it. a missile and he has no way of knowing it— a missile and he has no way of knowin: it. , , , ., ,, ., knowing it. just before let you go. one of the — knowing it. just before let you go. one of the lines _ knowing it. just before let you go. one of the lines he _ knowing it. just before let you go. one of the lines he did _ knowing it. just before let you go. one of the lines he did say - knowing it. just before let you go. one of the lines he did say is - knowing it. just before let you go. one of the lines he did say is that| one of the lines he did say is that islamichhad and hamas did not have weapons that can cause that sort of damage, that size of exclusion. in your professional opinion, ? tie damage, that size of exclusion. in your professional opinion, ? your professional opinion,? he said he reported — your professional opinion,? he said he reported from _ your professional opinion,? he said he reported from southern - your professional opinion,? he said he reported from southern israel. l your professional opinion,? he said. he reported from southern israel. he should have been at the impact site of rockets that have exploded in many places in israel that are unfortunately got through our defences. i don't know if he has seen buildings that have been struck, that is massive damage. many, many kilos of explosion is especially long—range rockets that both hamas and islamichhad have caused substantial damage and if people are not in shelters, lots of people are not in shelters, lots of people die. in israel they are in shelters, but i find that statement very questionable and i cannot imagine what he has based that on. lieutenant colonel jonathan conricus. i appreciate your time. thank you for coming onto the programme. i will show you some pictures now of the palestinian president who has been speaking in the last few minutes. they have been angry protests tonight and remodel outside of the presidential palace. he has flown back in a hurry to ramallah and is now making a statement on television to the palestinian people in the bus bank. i don't have a translation at the moment but we will get you some of that as and when he is finished speaking and i will try to give you an idea of what he is saying. live now to dalal iriqat, assistant professor at the arab american university palestine — shejoins me from ramallah. you have not managed to listen into any of what mahmoud abbas has said or can you give us an idea of what he is likely to say tonight?- he is likely to say tonight? thank ou. the he is likely to say tonight? thank you. the palestinian _ he is likely to say tonight? thank you. the palestinian people - he is likely to say tonight? thank i you. the palestinian people are very furious tonight over the massacre of 500 palestinians, mostly women and children. this is the exact wording that i heard the bbc and international media outlets to be using, those people were massacred, the time was documented on every screen. the military commanders with you you are giving airtime, they belong to the international courts and should be held accountable right now. they have obviously failed and humanity, diplomacy had failed to point to millions civilian palestinians. people are so talk about israel hamas war. israel is waging a war, massacres, genocide, collective punishment against 2.2 million civilian palestinians living in 265 km2. for 16 years of complete siege. deprived from basic rights. the population is 50% children. 1 million palestinian children are suffering under the workrooms of the israeli military machine. in 11 days alone come around 4000 soul palestinian, the international community is still standing with israel. my message is to order and special leaders today starting with president biden needs to condemn the israeli state organised terrorism. he is the answer the question if he still stands with israel and as they are committing crimes against children and women in hospitals. hospitals are under protection under international humanitarian law. israel has been fibrillating every single article of the international charter —— geneva conventions. the question is, why is multilateralism and diplomacy failing the failing in palestine. are the humans in palestine. are the humans in palestine don't really matter? our lives don't matter? we need an immediate cease—fire, this is very important. but the deterrent of israel strikes on palestinian people is also expected to put to stop now. to hold israel accountable, leaders have to hold israel accountable, hold a cease—fire now, or otherwise they will be explicitly involved in shielding the israeli war crimes against palestinian people. let's not forget that the palestinian population has been suffering an enduring injustices for 75 years under a prolonged israeli occupation of apartheid, extradition killings, detentions, concept all under the framework of the israeli military occupation that needs to end. if biden is coming to the region, the first thing he needs to be doing, we don't need his condolences, we don't need his sympathy, we need action right now. what he needs to do is to and the israeli occupation and start by drawing the lines at the borders of the state of israel. otherwise he willjust support more genocide and war were crimes against palestinian people. the palestinian population in gaza, it result presents palestine this is a war crime a series were crimes that are being committed against palestinian people. this is a target to the palestinian cause, to the right. let me elaborate. what is happening now is one of the phrases of the declaration that viewed palestinians or non—jewish people as minorities. and to deprive us of the political rights and not to see us as people who deserve the right of self—determination. yes, this is the practical way to take us into the force orders of israel and gaza and annexed the rest of the land. that is why we have witnessed the diplomacy of blinking coming back and forth. you diplomacy of blinking coming back and forth. ., ., ., , and forth. you made a very, very stron: and forth. you made a very, very strong case _ and forth. you made a very, very strong case for _ and forth. you made a very, very strong case for why _ and forth. you made a very, very strong case for why this - and forth. you made a very, very strong case for why this needs i and forth. you made a very, very strong case for why this needs to come to an end. do you think president mahmoud abbas should have gone to a meeting tomorrow, i know we are angry he is with americans and thejordan people have taken a similar position and they followed his lead and i wonder if he could have made the case is forcibly hit as you have just onto the american president and whether he should have taken that opportunity. t president and whether he should have taken that opportunity.— taken that opportunity. i making it on behalf of _ taken that opportunity. i making it on behalf of the _ taken that opportunity. i making it on behalf of the palestinian - taken that opportunity. i making it | on behalf of the palestinian people. but what it not be better if he had done the truck into the face of the president tomorrow? t will! done the truck into the face of the president tomorrow?— done the truck into the face of the president tomorrow? i will not hear his seech president tomorrow? i will not hear his speech but _ president tomorrow? i will not hear his speech but i _ president tomorrow? i will not hear his speech but i really _ president tomorrow? i will not hear his speech but i really hope - president tomorrow? i will not hear his speech but i really hope he - president tomorrow? i will not hearj his speech but i really hope he asks not only the american president also leaders in london, in the uk. let's not forget that the hospital that has just been bombed not forget that the hospital that hasjust been bombed is an not forget that the hospital that has just been bombed is an anglican hospital. so let's hearfrom has just been bombed is an anglican hospital. so let's hear from the has just been bombed is an anglican hospital. so let's hearfrom the uk, france, germany. hospital. so let's hear from the uk, france, germany.— france, germany. here is the word from france _ france, germany. here is the word from france tonight. _ france, germany. here is the word from france tonight. the _ france, germany. here is the word from france tonight. the french i from france tonight. the french president saying that humanitarian access to the gaza strip must be secured and must be opened without delay. he has condemned the attack. i want to hear. thank you. i want to hear that statement. i want to hear from the leaders who have been standing with israel from the past 11 days. watching the massacres against palestinian civilians. i want to hear a blunt condemnation of the israeli state organised terror against palestinian people. talking about mahmoud abbas, i wish to see him asking the leaders to condemn the israeli terrace however we should not forget that the leadership for the palestinian people had been engaged with 30 years in a peace process, a sugar—coated peace process, negotiation, dialogue, peace talks, what did they get? what did they get? we have 750,000 settlers on the west bank. we are living in ghettos and separated by settlements. they have killed any dream of self—determination any dream of dignity, freedom or independence or peace or prosperity. my message today, if it is want peace, the peace initiative was in 2002, to normalise relations... peace initiative was in 2002, to normalise relations. . ._ peace initiative was in 2002, to normalise relations... what if they dont? normalise relations... what if they don't? what _ normalise relations. .. what if they don't? what if— normalise relations... what if they don't? what if they _ normalise relations... what if they don't? what if they don't - normalise relations... what if they don't? what if they don't want - don't? what if they don't want peace? what if this work continues and the ground offensive goes ahead? let's just face reality. let's not... let'sjust face reality. let's not... ~ ., �* let'sjust face reality. let's not... ~ . �* , let'sjust face reality. let's not... . �* , ., not... what i'm saying is that it ma be not... what i'm saying is that it may be president _ not... what i'm saying is that it may be president biden - not... what i'm saying is that it may be president biden cannot| may be president biden cannot convince prime minister netanyahu to step back. they may continue with the attack and i am just wondering what then? the attack and i am 'ust wondering what then? ~ ., the attack and i am 'ust wondering what then? ~ . ., .,. the attack and i am 'ust wondering what then? ~ . . .. , the attack and i am 'ust wondering what then? ~ . . , ., what then? what we are facing is an interest -based _ what then? what we are facing is an interest -based scenario _ what then? what we are facing is an interest -based scenario where - what then? what we are facing is an l interest -based scenario where some interest —based scenario where some parties and i'm speaking from an academic perspective, yes, there is an interest —based scenario were some parties are gaining benefits and interests of the experts of the palestinian blood and they should stop. diplomacy has failed to humanity and palestinian people for 75 years, 16 years of a complete, total siege of palestinians. the west has tolerated, the palestinians being labelled as animals. this is not be allowed in 2023. every violation of the geneva convention was documented in the past 11 days. what we have witnessed is the targeting of homes, schools, you mentioned the other ones, hospitals, morgues, churches, no water? no electricity? no medicine? we have heard the doctor from all she for hospital they are operating in hospitals hallways without electricity. this is not something humanity should tolerate today. i urge you to provide a professional and balanced journalism about the truth. and balanced “ournalism about the truth. ., ., , truth. you are the second person in attendance — truth. you are the second person in attendance that _ truth. you are the second person in attendance that has _ truth. you are the second person in attendance that has said _ truth. you are the second person in attendance that has said that - truth. you are the second person in attendance that has said that to - truth. you are the second person in | attendance that has said that to me. let me clarify here. i'm going to... i understand your perspective as they are the masters and spinning realities, the idf may have been doing it for a long, long time. tt doing it for a long, long time. tt is time that the truth prevails and justice prevails today, all the world is going outrageous against the documented crimes against the palestinian people and it has just been reported that the bomb was in mk 84 which is an american weapon. we need more evidence on the more shielding and the more involvement and coverage. the legal coverage for the israeli crimes against humanity. being committed against 2.2 billion civilians in gaza.— civilians in gaza. thank you very much indeed — civilians in gaza. thank you very much indeed for _ civilians in gaza. thank you very much indeed for your _ civilians in gaza. thank you very much indeed for your time, - civilians in gaza. thank you very much indeed for your time, a i civilians in gaza. thank you very | much indeed for your time, a lot civilians in gaza. thank you very i much indeed for your time, a lot of detail which we cannot verify which both sides are putting out there at the moment to thank you very much indeed for that. let's press on and speak to... dr sherifa zuhur is director of the institute of middle eastern, islamic, and strategic studies. thank you for being with us this evening. in a way ijust want to get away from the claim and counterclaim and just think about the humanitarian situation on all sides at the moment and the way both sides are reacting to it and the innocence being killed tonight in gaza, 500 people. we have seen some horrific pictures of children who have been injured. what is this going to do, do you think, to the course of this conflict and the discussions that will be held injerusalem tomorrow? i don't know. if netanyahu and his right wing allies insist on the goal that he's already stated, which is the utter destruction and complete destruction of hamas, i don't know what will be said tomorrow. and quite frankly, i think that goal is probably militarily and definitely politically unattainable. so think about it for a minute. the air strikes continue, they are continued to these schools and buildings, clinics targeted. there is a ground invasion into one of the most densely populated areas in the world. and underneath that area, building to building, floor to floor, there is no safe space for civilians that hamas individual target could be on the 14th floor and there are civilians on the 13th and there are civilians on the 13th and 12th floors. and underneath that, we imagine an area of tunnels, of something like 500 km of tunnels, and we imagine that somewhere in there are the hostages. the meetings tomorrow, i hope someone asks, "what is the real goal of this and is this achievable? is the goal the return of the hostages?" because i'm not hearing calls for cease—fire other than by those who have concerns for the people of gaza, and i'm hearing calls for revenge of the attack, which is understandable. however, will the hostages be released if this mass invasion goes forward? a number of military experts have stated that they don't think it's possible for this to be achieved, or in the longer view, look at what israel did with the siege of beirut and the ultimate expulsion of the plo, where the palestinians defeated? no. they went to tunis and hamas became more and more powerful. so amid steve's hostilities, it seems the israelis were satisfied with what they called blowing the grass, which is a very antihuman phraseology, however they meant, killing off leaders and showing hamas who was boss, but not trying to get rid of it. tn hamas who was boss, but not trying to get rid of it— to get rid of it. i'm sorry, the line is dropping _ to get rid of it. i'm sorry, the line is dropping out, - to get rid of it. i'm sorry, the line is dropping out, it's - to get rid of it. i'm sorry, the line is dropping out, it's not. line is dropping out, it's not a very good line, but we got most of it, thank you very much for your thoughts this evening, thank you. let's get a reaction from gaza itself. lots of patients being taken from the al shifa hospital. yes indeed, doctors _ from the al shifa hospital. te; indeed, doctors were retreating, they were doing surgeries for people who were seriously injured. there were nurses, volunteers, students of the medical universities, rushing the medical universities, rushing the hospital, the doctors were really struggling to save people's lives. more than three hours now since the explosion in the hospital, and people by hand still trying to the rubble and find survivors, they are taking the bodies hospital. there's no place to put them there, they put the bodies either in the courtyard of the hospital, and they are making surgeries in the street. doctors from the hospitaljust are making surgeries in the street. doctors from the hospital just said they were doing surgeries in the courtyard of the hospital. very, very horrific scenes spreading out on social media, but we must keep in mind that palestinians have not heard of this because they have no electricity or internet access. a very small number of people have their own generators and they've been watching tv. this hospital, it's one of the oldest hospitals and it's one of the oldest hospitals and it's literally in the centre of gaza's old town. it's ten metres only from the commercial street in gaza surrounded by two big cemeteries, and the area is well known, it's not a hospital like the al shifa hospital which can receive others, it's more of a medical centre, in special cases. the hospital has no treated refugees who are a part of the process. people were shocked when they heard that this hospital was targeted. look, yesterday and today, the two neighbourhoods, israel was sending messages to people to evacuate and leave the area. but some people couldn't bear to drive from the north to the south where israel said it was more safe. so they decided to do two things. people were able to flee the schools, then when the university became overfull, people decided to go to the hospital. we are having a similar situation in the hospital where i'm standing now. as people flee from gaza, there living underground in the hospital. that's why we are seeing this high number of people as they've confirmed 500 people have already been killed. ., confirmed 500 people have already been killed. . , ., , ., been killed. there are people on social media _ been killed. there are people on social media who _ been killed. there are people on social media who heard - been killed. there are people on social media who heard our - social media who heard our interview who were saying i didn't challenge him or that he was allowed to tell us that this was hamas — it's very difficult for us sitting in this position to know what the true picture is on the ground. we can't apportion blame because we're still trying to verify the pictures and piece together. how would you react to what he said about the outgoing rocket fire in his thoughts that this was a rocket that fell short? well, it's in the middle of the dark and most people are indoors, and it's very hard to find a witness who saw this. my sister literally lives 50-60 saw this. my sister literally lives 50—60 metres from the border of this hospital. very difficult communication but i managed to talk to him and i asked, he said, "we don't know, wejust to him and i asked, he said, "we don't know, we just heard two explosions and we thought they were just hitting something, and suddenly we started to see hundreds of people shouting, running in the streets, so we rushed to the scene." he said, "we were shocked to see hundreds of bodies on the ground, blood everywhere, people shouting." so people started to transfer the serious injuries into their cars. so theissueis serious injuries into their cars. so the issue is always citizens, because when hamas fires its rockets, it's always a security situation and people stay indoors because the israelis are targeting civilian places. we have to understand that the hospitals are without medical, even life—saving kits are running out in the hospitals. even before this big mess of casualties, the hospital was already overwhelmed by hundreds. we are talking about tens of thousands of people injured since the 7th of october, and this hospital which was struggling to cope with the situation with the very little fuel they have — suddenly they received 500 people who are either killed or seriously injured. so the situation is chaotic and there's no way for anybody to help except the people around because israeli drones are flying overhead in israel said that people have to leave the area where the hospital is. so 600,000 people who live in gaza city and the north. in this part of the hospital, people were told... they killed 70 people... so we started to get reports from the people that said no place is safe, why do we have to sleep in the street? "we will go back to our houses in gaza city and at least we have a place to sleep. " we have people sitting democrats living on the streets and about the displacement — i know the story about the hospital is big, but the consequences are on this and what has led to this is israel, a couple of days ago, they said to go south because they are sending messages, voices... i had to leave my house with thousands of people, we drove, nobody was stopping us, we drove all the way — people were walking cows and sheep, and we arrived to this city. now the city is very crowded, full of gazans and people from the north, didn't know where to go, there's no space in the hospital, we have to sleep underground democrat on the ground. rslur have to sleep underground democrat on the ground-— on the ground. our colleague who is himself struggling _ on the ground. our colleague who is himself struggling with _ on the ground. our colleague who is himself struggling with the - himself struggling with the humanitarian crisis at the moment, i was reading his comments earlier about the search for water which took him hours to find, such as the dire situation and because at the moment. this hospital is run by the anglican community, in particularly the dean and saint georges college injerusalem. earlier i spoke to canon richard sewell, dean at the saint george's college injerusalem, which owns the al ahli arab hospital in gaza. ijust want i just want to correct a bit of information because it's being put out that it's a baptist church, or a baptist hospital. it is actually the anglican arab hospitals, so it's part of our diocese. it's very difficult to get good information, we are largely reliant on the news sources that are coming out, but we can confirm that it is our hospital which has been hit and the horrific numbers of people have died. until saturday, there were about 5000 people who were sheltering — 6000 people who were sheltering — 6000 people sheltering in the grounds of the hospital, then we were hit by, i believe it's been confirmed as an israeli missile which damaged the building extensively and caused for people to be injured. as a result of that, 5000 people who were sheltering left the compound of the hospital, leaving 1000 of the most vulnerable, the ones who are invalid or elderly or without any formal transport staying there, despite the threat that was apparent, and the remainder were the 600 patients filling the hospital, the 600 bed hospital, and the hospital staff who are caring for them. and it's these mostly, though i gather the building has been hit and there is a fire in the building, so it's really distressing news, and to see it on the television for us, so much dust that hospital is so much a part of us, it is deeply distressing. there is really important _ us, it is deeply distressing. there is really important detail- us, it is deeply distressing. there is really important detail in - is really important detail in everything you've told us, so 5000-6000 everything you've told us, so 5000—6000 people in the grounds of the hospital all told — how many patients did you say again? t patients did you say again? i think rou~hl patients did you say again? i think roughly 600- _ patients did you say again? i think roughly 600- so _ patients did you say again? i think roughly 600. so there _ patients did you say again? i think roughly 600. so there are - patients did you say again? i think roughly 600. so there are reportsj patients did you say again? i think. roughly 600. so there are reports of ma be roughly 600. so there are reports of maybe 20% — roughly 600. so there are reports of maybe 20% of _ roughly 600. so there are reports of maybe 20% of the _ roughly 600. so there are reports of maybe 20% of the hospital— roughly 600. so there are reports of maybe 20% of the hospital actually l maybe 20% of the hospital actually being used for patients was accurate, most of these people were in the hospital to shelter, they were there for refuge? 50. in the hospital to shelter, they were there for refuge? so, yeah. i think when — were there for refuge? so, yeah. i think when the _ were there for refuge? so, yeah. i think when the hit _ were there for refuge? so, yeah. i think when the hit happened - were there for refuge? so, yeah. i j think when the hit happened today were there for refuge? so, yeah. i l think when the hit happened today - think when the hit happened today — i can't actually confirm this, we are talking in rough numbers, my understanding is that there were 1000 people sheltering and 600 people in the hospital that were out patients or staff. t}t(. people in the hospital that were out patients or staff.— patients or staff. ok, people you knew who had — patients or staff. ok, people you knew who had been _ patients or staff. ok, people you knew who had been killed? - patients or staff. ok, people you knew who had been killed? i- patients or staff. ok, people you | knew who had been killed? i know patients or staff. ok, people you - knew who had been killed? i know of some of the — knew who had been killed? i know of some of the staff, _ knew who had been killed? i know of some of the staff, they _ knew who had been killed? i know of some of the staff, they are _ knew who had been killed? i know of some of the staff, they are known i knew who had been killed? i know of some of the staff, they are known to| some of the staff, they are known to me because their colleagues in my diocese, but have actually never been able to get into gaza. it's not my area of responsibility, but the hospital is one of the 33 institutions of the diocese of jerusalem, so we know it very well, it's a part of us. live now to jason brodonsky, policy director at united against nuclear iran, which is a us—based advocacy organisation. thank you for coming on the programme. isuppose thank you for coming on the programme. i suppose we should focus, in the context of what we've been discussing tonight, the broader ramifications of where this conflict goes next. we've been hearing from the peacekeepers on the northern border with lebanon tonight about just how much activity there's been. are you concerned that an event like this might spread the conflict further? �* , ., ., , , ., further? it's great to be with you. yes, i further? it's great to be with you. yes. i am — further? it's great to be with you. yes, i am concerned. _ further? it's great to be with you. yes, i am concerned. i— further? it's great to be with you. yes, i am concerned. ithink- yes, i am concerned. i think the islamic republic of iran, its axis of resistance are looking for opportunities to gradually push the envelope and gradually expand the conflict and test israeli deterrence, so that's what their modus operandi is all about, operating through plausible deniability and proxies like his brother —— hezbollah, so i think this is great concern. the brother -- hezbollah, so i think this is great concern. the israeli minister said _ this is great concern. the israeli minister said something - this is great concern. the israeli minister said something like - this is great concern. the israelij minister said something like the time for politics is running out, and it may be unavoidable that the groups take action. hezbollah has denied it is calling for a day of rage tomorrow — what does that mean for that northern border? traiett. rage tomorrow - what does that mean for that northern border?— for that northern border? well, i think the islamic— for that northern border? well, i think the islamic republic - for that northern border? well, i think the islamic republic is - for that northern border? well, i think the islamic republic is the | think the islamic republic is the arsonist who is now acting like a firefighter. and after it armed and funded hamas for years, it now wants israel to de—escalate because, under those circumstances, israel loses and hamas wins. so that's why the islamic republic is behaving in this manner and trying to deter an israeli ground operation by making all kinds of threats about the expansion of the conflict into a multi—front war, so i think that's important context. tatk multi-front war, so i think that's important context.— multi-front war, so i think that's important context. talk to me about the olitics important context. talk to me about the politics of— important context. talk to me about the politics of president _ important context. talk to me about the politics of president biden's - the politics of president biden's visit, because there must be a region here —— reason here why he's gone on a plane. it's unprecedented for a president to travel to a conflict zone before an operation has even begun. to think they've seen intelligence at the white house this week that suggests there's more going on in the background than we know at this stage? t going on in the background than we know at this stage?— know at this stage? i think it's very important _ know at this stage? i think it's very important that _ know at this stage? i think it's very important that the - know at this stage? i think it's i very important that the president know at this stage? i think it's - very important that the president is going, and i applaud him for that. very important that the president is going, and i applaud him forthat. i do think the white house is concerned about the expansion of the conflict, it wouldn't of moved assets near israel if it wasn't. so president biden being there certainly sends a message. but it's an awkward message because he'll be landing in israel on the same day, 18 october, that the restrictions on iran's missile programme under un security council resolution 2231, which has armed and funded hamas for its attacks on israel, expires. so thatis its attacks on israel, expires. so that is a conscious policy choice by the united states in the e3 because they want to prevent the islamic republic from escalating its nuclear programme, but it makes for a very awkward scene for president biden in israel. �* , ., ., ., , israel. there's a lot of sabre rattlin: israel. there's a lot of sabre rattling from _ israel. there's a lot of sabre rattling from iran _ israel. there's a lot of sabre rattling from iran but - israel. there's a lot of sabre | rattling from iran but there's israel. there's a lot of sabre - rattling from iran but there's never been any indication, even after the assassination of general store them on, but that they wanted to get into a direct confrontation with the us. do you see anything different here? i think the islamic republic will avoid a direct conflict with the us — and by direct, i mean using irc g conflict forces and we are firing missiles at israel. it prepares to argue through deniability, through proxies like hezbollah, like the who in yemen and also hamas and gaza. so thatis in yemen and also hamas and gaza. so that is what the islamic republic will do to escalate the conflict, operating behind its proxies, and i think we are seeing iran's foreign minister going around to all these countries to try to exchange messages and get on the same page as to what redlines would trigger further escalation on a variety of fronts against israel.— fronts against israel. you've explained — fronts against israel. you've explained how _ fronts against israel. you've explained how hamas - fronts against israel. you've explained how hamas is - fronts against israel. you've - explained how hamas is involved with the proxies. there's a lot of pressure on the right to implicate iran and what happened in israel last week, but the israelis have not pointed the finger directly at iran, and they wouldn't need an excuse to do that. is the evidence just not there? t do that. is the evidence 'ust not there? ~ , . there? i think there is evidence that iran likely _ there? i think there is evidence that iran likely knew _ there? i think there is evidence that iran likely knew in - there? i think there is evidence | that iran likely knew in advance, had foreknowledge of the attack to come, and i think that the hairsplitting here is without a difference, us federal courts have found the islamic republic liable for attacks that had at armed and funded in the past without being directly involved in an operational role. so i think that tehran has brought complicity here and i think that we are seeing the us trying to distance itself from any iranian role because they want to focus first on gaza, and if they directly implicate the islamic republic of iran and the attack, that will force them to respond to the islamic republic directly and they want to avoid doing so because of focus is on gaza right now. tiara avoid doing so because of focus is on gaza right now.— avoid doing so because of focus is on gaza right now. two strike groups in the region. — on gaza right now. two strike groups in the region, 2000 _ on gaza right now. two strike groups in the region, 2000 marines - on gaza right now. two strike groups in the region, 2000 marines pulled l in the region, 2000 marines pulled for exercise, that's a very big deterrent. do you think there's any decision in the white house that if his brother were to get involved, so too would american troops? t do. his brother were to get involved, so too would american troops?- too would american troops? i do, i think they would _ too would american troops? i do, i think they would get _ too would american troops? i do, i think they would get involved - think they would get involved because let's not forget, there are hundreds of thousands of american citizens in israel, and under our constitution, article two, there is a self—defense clause and the united states in the president have a duty to protect americans, so i do think you would get involved if hezbollah decides to open the northern front. so we are on the precipice tonight? i think it's a very fraught situation and there's an absence in deterrence from a series of us policy decisions over the years, as well as israeli decisions over recent months, given the fractious judicial reform debate which undermined the country's deterrence, so it is very fraught right now. jason, gratefulfor your so it is very fraught right now. jason, grateful for your time this evening, thank you.— let's ta ke let's take a look at some of the reaction there's been on the attack this evening. the turkish president recep tayyip erdogan said... the canadian prime minister said striking a hospital was "horrific and absolutely unacceptable". the arab league chief ahmed aboul gheit called for an end to the gaza "military operations". he said... the palestinian presidency spokesman nabil abu rudeineh said israel's air strike on a gaza hospital is "genocide" and a "humanitarian catastrophe". our correspondent john donnison has more. explosions fury tonight in the west bank. in ramallah, youths battled with palestinian security forces who responded with tear gas and sound grenades. earlier, as reports of the hospital strike came in from gaza, thousands took to the streets in protest. there is anger directed at israel, but also at president mahmoud abbas and his palestinian authority, which many perceive as weak and lacking legitimacy. mr abbas announced he was cancelling a meeting with president biden, scheduled for tomorrow injordan, and was flying home. chanting there were mass protests there this evening too, and clashes outside the israeli embassy in amman. translation: during the foundation of israel, when it occupied this - area, they are breaching international humanitarian law. geneva agreement is obvious in this regard. medical centres or hospitals should not be touched. in turkey also, thousands rallied against israel. as the war in gaza escalates, it is a dangerous moment for the wider region. jon donnison, bbc news. a line to bring you from the white house, joe biden has spoken to jordan and israel tonight after the hospital attacks and gaza, so he's already had a conversation with prime minister netanyahu ahead of his arrival injerusalem tomorrow morning, air force one currently en route. if you'rejoining us morning, air force one currently en route. if you're joining us tonight before i leave you, let me bring you up—to—date with events gaza city. a hospital in gaza is tonight in ruins. at least 500 people are dead. hundreds more are feared buried in the rubble. the huge blast happened at the al—ahli hospital — in the heart of gaza city. the pictures we have seen show an explosion and a fire, where the hospital once stood and where internally displaced people had been sheltering. the anglican church injeruslam which has responsibility for the hospital said there were 600 staff and patients and 1,000 people inside the building that had taken refuge. but maybe several thousand other were camped in the outside communal areas of the complex. i can show you pictures of doctors treating those who survived and a warning they are difficult viewing. these are images from inside the al shifa hospital. a toddler here being treated on the floor such is the shortage of space already, in a facility that is overwhelmed. our reporters say doctors are currently treating people on the pavements outside the hospital. israel has denied responsibility, laying the blame squarely at the feet of the palestinian group islamichhad — designated a terror group by western countries, including the uk and the us. the islamichhad, in turn, denies israel's claim. that claim and counterclaim will greatly confuse the pictures asjoe biden heads to the region this evening for crisis talks with the israeli prime minister. anger is spreading around the world. hundreds of people stormed the israeli embassy in amman, jordan. protests, too in ramallah in the west bank, tunisia, and elsewhere. world leaders have been swift to condemn the attack. the palestinian authority president, mahmoud abbas, has called three days of mourning. and he's cancelled his appointment with president biden on wednesday. you can keep up—to—date with all the developing news on bbc online. have a very good evening. hello there. it's been a fine start to this week, but things are set to turn more unsettled, very autumnal, and even quite stormy as we see strong winds, gales, and heavy rain spreading northwards across the uk. so some of this rain and strong wind likely to cause some disruption towards the end of the week. now it's storm babette, which the met office have named, will be pushing northwards during wednesday, wednesday night across the uk, then parking itself across the north of the uk for thursday and friday. so rainfall totals really will be mounting up. and i can show you this, in fact, on the rainfall accumulation anomaly — you can see all areas seeing a lot of rainfall, but its eastern scotland, parts of northeast england that bear the brunt. some of the heaviest of the rainfall sits here, where we have some concerns with the risk of some localised flooding. but, because of the recent flooding across scotland, the ground is saturated. the met office have issued an amber warning for this east—northeast corner, could see up to 50—200 millimetres of rain by the time the week's out, that could cause some disruption. wednesday starts off fine for many central, northern, eastern areas, plenty of sunshine. it will be windy, mind you. rain starts to pepper up northern ireland, and then southern britain, first signs of storm babet pushing in here later on wednesday. some of this rain could be quite heavy and thundery, but strong and gusty winds for all areas, even though it will be quite mild, 14—16 celsius — might not feel like that because of the strength of the wind. storm babet continues to move northwards across the uk during wednesday night, parks itself across northern england, northern ireland, southern scotland. that starts thursday morning, some showers pushing into southern areas later on. it will be a mild night to come. this is the pressure chart, then, for thursday — it looks like the weather front will be hanging around across northern and eastern scotland. rainfall totals really mounting here, strong gale force winds, particularly for the northern isles, north sea coast here. further south, it'll be a mixture variable cloud, some showery bursts of rain, some of which could be heavy and thundery. but mild, despite the wind and the rain —15—18 celsius. similar stories as we head into friday, it looks like the northern half of the country will see the heaviest of the rain again. northeast england could bear the brunt of the heavy rain on friday. elsewhere, it's clear spells, but also a mixture of showers, some of which could be heavy and thundery. again, mild in the south, cooler in the north. see you later. welcome to newsday, reporting live from singapore, i'm arunoday mukharji. let's get you the headlines. palestinian officials say at least 500 people were killed in an explosion at a gaza hospital. eyewitnesses say the hospital was also being used as a shelter. the people in the hospital, they were not only, i would say, sick people. they are also people who have fled their homes to seek refuge in that hospital. the director general of the world health organization "strongly condemns" the event. israel denies responsibility, blaming a failed islamichhad rocket. let me be clear, the idf does not target hospitals. that's a sensitive site, it's a humanitarian site. we don't target hospitals. joe biden leaves for israel even as the explosion threatens diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis. while the united states has been standing by firmly behind israel it is of course the strongest ally of israel, it has, at the same time urging israel to minimise civilian casualties.

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199 , 1400 , Existential Threat , Enou , Cover Forthat , Palestine , Times Refugee Hood , Homes , Land , Peace Process , Military Solution , Problem , Discussions , Politician , Water , Food , Total Destruction Of Gaza , 800 , 3000 , Hospitals , Teams , Minister , Siege , Fuel , Blockade , On Record , Law , Crime , Humans , Same , Need Protection , Whole , Thoughts , Thank , Programme , Shelter , London , Officials , Eyewitnesses , World Health Organization , Side , Idf , Islamichhad Rocket , Crisis , Target Hospitals , Summit , Efforts , Asjoe Biden Leaves , Rally , Standing , News , Mass Killing , Blast , Heart , Health Officials , Debt , Hospital Mike , Protection , Terrace , Cost , Ten , Bombing , Killing , Members , Campaign , Streets , West Bank , Terror Organisation , Missile , Impact , Security Forces , Clashes , Editorjeremy Bowen , Man , After Dark , Al Ahli , Building , Size , Bodies , Ruins , Wounded , Generation , Response , Organization , Targets , Caution , Israeli Army , Unverified , Millions , Images , Thousands , Airstrikes , Deliveries , Shifa , Supplies , Violence , Fury , Cycles , Information , Authority , Tn Rocket , Terrorists , Indications , Rockets , Social Media , Average , 33 , Hundreds , To Gaza , Corridors , Treatment , Southern Border , Kids , Silence , Shock , 8000 , Words , Anger Spilt , Towns , Unrest , Event , Groups , Denials , Al Ahli Hospital , Latest , Emergency Teams , Elsewhere , Plight , Intelligence , Progress , Counterclaim Claim , Intel , Understanding , Factjust , Idf Spokesperson , Levels , Veracity , Footage , Uav , Operatives , Phone Conversations , Evidence , Statements , Beginning , Detail , Videos , Cause , Exolosion , Exlosion , Combat , View , Malfunction , Down , Little , Few , Type , Issues , Rate , 450 , Inside Gaza , Prediction , Incident , Al Jazeera , We Intercept Inside The Gaza Strip , Te , Fez , Rockets Inbound , Correspondentjeremy Bowen , Interception , Debris , Counterclaim , Fairness , Son , Israeli Missile , Trauma , Tie , Arabic World , Denials Of The W , Truth , T Information , A Missile , Reporting , Mind , Reportingj , Fun , School , Facilities , Tide Which , Unwra , 64 , Hospital Incident , Address , Purposes , Strikes , Infrastructure , Northern Gaza , Thatitis Gaza , Evacuations , Human Shields , Road Blocks , Politics , Needs , Factored In , Who , Decisions , The Strip , Public Domain , Organisation , Won T , File , Atrocities , Most , Domain , Facts , Forjournalists , Duty , Journalist , Brian , Anybody , Lying , Questioning , Sir , Data , Checking , Have , Home , Have Ii , Professionalism , Ofjournalists , Fire , Feet , Byjeremy Bowen , Say , Knowin , Opinion , Damage , Exclusion , Tie Damage , Southern , Buildings , Defences , Kilos , Shelters , Lots , Speaking , Jonathan Conricus , Television , Protests , Back , Palace , Idea , Dalal Iriqat , Palestine Shejoins Me From Ramallah , Bus Bank , Translation , Arab American University , Wording , Media Outlets , Humanity , Commanders , Courts , Screen , Airtime , Massacres , Israel Hamas War , 2 Million , Population , Rights , Workrooms , Suffering , Israeli Military Machine , 50 , 265 , 1 Million , 11 , Message , Soul Palestinian , 4000 , Crimes , Terrorism , Article , Multilateralism , Charter , Failing , Geneva Conventions , Deterrent , Palestine Don T , Accountable , Snow , Concept , Detentions , Extradition Killings , Injustices , Apartheid , 75 , Action , Military Occupation , Framework , Sympathy , Target , Right , Phrases , Minorities , Declaration , Self Determination , Blinking , Stron , Lead , Opportunity , Speech , Behalf , Truck , Seech , France , Anglican Hospital , Germany , Hearfrom , Hearfrom The Uk , Access , Delay , Condemnation , Terror , Settlers , Peace Talks , Ghettos , 750000 , Independence , Peace , Settlements , Dignity , Freedom , Prosperity , Relations , Normalise Relations , Reality , What If Normalise , To Normalise Relations Peace Initiative , Want Don T , They Don T Normalise , 2002 , Dust , Let , Let Sjust , Scenario , Parties , Facing , Perspective , Interests , Benefits , Experts , Blood , West , Palestinians , Schools , Targeting , Violation , Animals , 2023 , Ones , Electricity , Morgues , Medicine , Doctor , Person , Hallways , Ournalism , Journalism , Attendance , Spinning Realities , Masters , Justice , Coverage , Weapon , Involvement , Shielding , Crimes Against Humanity , Mk 84 , 2 Billion , 84 , Rattling , Sherifa Zuhur , Director , Let S Press On , Ai , Studies , Institute , College Injerusalem , Goal , I Don T Know , Destruction , I Don T , Invasion , Clinics , Area , 14th Floor , Floor , Safe Space , Tunnels , 12th Floors , 13 , Hostages , Somewhere , Calls , Someone , Cease Fire Other , Return , Revenge , Military Experts , This Mass Invasion , Expulsion , Siege Of Beirut , Tunis , Plo , Phraseology , Hostilities , Grass , Steve , Tn Hamas , Boss , Doctors , Surgeries , Volunteers , Universities , Three , Survivors , Rubble , Courtyard , Hospitaljust , The Street , Scenes , Generators , Internet Access , Tv , Old Town , Street , Cemeteries , Refugees , Cases , Messages , Neighbourhoods , Yesterday And Today , Safe , Couldn T Bear , University , Overfull , Heard , Interview , Picture , Sitting , Heard Our , Rocket Fire , Piece , Sister , Saw , Witness , Border , We Don T Know , Communication , Wejust , 60 , Scene , Explosions , People Shouting , Injuries , Cars , Everywhere , Theissueis , Citizens , Security Situation , Mess , Tens Of Thousands , Drones , 600000 , 70 , Houses , Consequences , Displacement , Couple , Voices , Led , Nobody , Sheep , Walking Cows , City , Democrat , Gazans , Space , Didn T Know , Colleague , Comments , Search , Rslur , Saint , Dean , Saint George S College Injerusalem , To Canon Richard Sewell , Al Ahli Arab Hospital In Gaza , Being , Bit , Baptist Church , Diocese , Baptist Hospital , News Sources , Hit , 5000 , Grounds , Compound , Vulnerable , Elderly , 1000 , Hospital Staff , Bed Hospital , Transport , Remainder , 600 , Hl , 20 , Ij , Staff , I Patients , Diocese Of Jerusalem , Policy Director , Advocacy Organisation , Institutions , Jason Brodonsky , Context , Peacekeepers , Hearing , Ramifications , Isuppose , To Be With You , Activity , Islamic Republic Of Iran , Deterrence , Axis Of Resistance , Modus Operandi , Opportunities , Envelope , Ithink , Concern , Proxies , Deniability , Israelij Minister , Running Out , Traiett , Arsonist , Firefighter , Expansion , Ground Operation , Wins , Manner , Context Multi Front War , Stage , Background , Operation , Conflict Zone , It Wouldn T , Wasn T , Assets , Him Forthat , Landing , Restrictions , Missile Programme , Un Security Council Resolution , 2231 , 18 , 18 October , Policy , Choice , E3 , Sabre Rattling , Biden In Israel , Confrontation , General Store , Sabre , Them On , Sabre Rattlin , Indication , Assassination , Firing Missiles , Forces , Direct , Irc G , Yemen , Thatis , Israel Fronts , Variety , Page , Excuse , There , Foreknowledge , Hairsplitting , Tehran , Role , Complicity , Islamic Republic Liable , Difference , Us Federal Courts , Focus First On Gaza , Tiara , Marines , Exercise , 2000 , Constitution , Self Defense Clause , Front , Policy Decisions , Absence , Precipice , Country , Reform , Debate , Thank You Let , Gratefulfor , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Ta Ke Let S Take A Look , Turkish , Ahmed Aboul Gheit , Horrific And Absolutely Unacceptable , Canadian , Arab League , Gaza Hospital , Military Operations , Nabil Abu Rudeineh , 200 , 5 ,

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