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Or tanks fired on a group of 20 civilians. This is the scene live in gaza. Well bring you the very latest from both sides of the border. Hello. Youre watching bbc news. The conflict between israel and the hamas is intensifying, as it enters its fourth day. All indications seem to be that both sides are preparing for a long, and deadly struggle. This footage was released by israels military, showing their attacks on the gaza strip. Buildings have been levelled and others have been destroyed to the point they will probably have or the torn down. They claim to have hit 200 hamas targets overnight. Israel has ordered a total seige to cut off food, water, and supplies to gaza, prompting criticism from the un chief Antonio Gutterres and calls for a humanitarian corridor to be set up. Almost 195,000 people have been displaced. And half a million are unable to get food rations. Israel says its secured control of its border fence with gaza. And has recovered the bodies of 1,500 hamas militants who were behind saturdays attacks. Rocket sirens continue to sound in Southern Israeli towns. Hamas has threatened to start killing israeli hostages of which there are thought to be more than 100 if israel bombs more Civilian Houses without warning. The numbers killed on both sides continue to rise. About 900 people have died in israel since the Surprise Attack was launched on saturday. And 700 people have died in gaza from israeli air strikes. The us has offered israel its unwavering support, but says it does not want the conflict to spread. This is live in gaza and some new lines have come into us in the last few minutes. The World Health Organization has called for a 0rganization has called for a humanitarian corridor into gaza and said 13 attacks on health facilities, that is hospitals, in gaza, have been confirmed by the World Health Organization. It is asking for some sort of humanitarian corridor. The israelis said anyone in gaza who wants to escape can escape by the egyptian corridor, but that has been closed. That is not open. Our international Editorjeremy Bowen is in Southern Israel, and he sent us this report on the violence and bloodshed, on both sides of the border. Inside gaza, it looks every bit as if palestinians are feeling the full force of Israeli Military power. Israel says hamas is responsible for the suffering of gazas civilians. And its retaliation for the hamas attacks has only just begun. Hamas has threatened to start killing its israeli hostages. The air strikes rolled on, hour after hour. Palestinian armed groups, undeterred, kept up their own barrage of israel. Rockets. 0ur bbc team was in ashkelon in Southern Israel, not far from the gaza border, when a salvo came in. Ashkelon is so close to gaza that there is no more than a ten second warning. Israel is moving in more firepower the next stage of the offensive against hamas looks certain to be a Ground Offensive, much bigger than other incursions since hamas took over in gaza in 2007. Lines of cars outside a Military Base on the road to gaza were parked by reservists as they reported for duty. Getting ready. Saying their goodbyes. Parents came to the base for a few minutes with their sons. Were praying and hope for the best. And its tough times now. And were telling him to try and concentrate on his mission. Without thinking too much about other friends that got injured or killed. Israels Prime Minister, benjamin netanyahu, broadcast to his nation. He said hamas has made a mistake of historic proportions. We will, he said, exact a price that will be remembered by them and israels other enemies for decades. And now israelis are waiting for their government and army to act. Sderot the israeli town closest to gaza littered with the debris of war, felt like the essence of israels trauma almost deserted, except for security forces. Hamas has rocketed sderot for years, but never before stormed in. At the centre of the hamas Killing Ground was the police station. They broke in and used it as a firebase to shoot civilians as well as soldiers. Blood from israels dead and wounded smears the walls. Even here, in what is always a Front Line Town for israelis, this was not supposed to happen. They expected their military, backed up by the intelligence services, to protect them. And the fact that that didnt happen means that recriminations about who might be responsible have already started. But at the same time, there is a strong sense of National Unity with the country under attack about what happens next. In the places that hamas attacked, Israeli Military as well as the few civilians left are jumpy, a Ground Offensive didnt feel imminent. And in gaza, a few miles away, casualties come into the main hospital the first few hundred of many more. It will get worse. Palestinians and israelis once more caught on the anvil of war in a conflict a century old that is as deadly as its ever been. Jeremy bowen, bbc news. Lets get more on the situation today. I spoke earlier to our correspondent anna foster, who is in ashkelon an israeli town just a few kilometres north of gaza. It has just become very noisy, just in the sky above. It has been, i mean there is no such thing as quiet at the moment, but there have been fewer Rocket Attacks from gaza this morning as they were yesterday. They have been regular there have been regular attacks on gaza. But as you were watching that report, the sky became loud with israeli fighter jets overhead. We have had reports, i dont know if you know this, there is an alert system that you can get on your mobile phone and it is linked into the Iron Dome Defence System and when the sensors pick up that rockets are being sent from gaza towards israel, it vibrates and it gives a loud alert. That has been buzzing more in the last ten minutes thanit buzzing more in the last ten minutes than it has been for the rest of the morning. There is a sense that people are waiting to see what israel will do next. The Israeli Defence forces in their briefing today said they are almost certain they have secured the Perimeter Fence around gaza and they have blocked the holes that hamas militants tore into it and used to infiltrate israel and carry out the massacre that we saw at the Music Festival on saturday morning. The reason they dont say it is 100 secure, because there is the possibility of tunnels and they know tunnels exist between Southern Israel and gaza. But they are harder for the military to detect. They possibly havent closed every route. They say there is the possibility that there are still hamas militants in the area. They cant say for sure they have cleared them all. But theyre as certain as they can be that they have made these Southern Israeli communities secure for now. And also the idf continue to build infrastructure, they continue to bring troops and arms to that area. What more do we know about their next move . What more do we know about their next move . Well it is interesting, i have been watching, next move . Well it is interesting, i have been watching, because next move . Well it is interesting, i have been watching, because the l have been watching, because the field across the road from here, and you probably cant hear them, but can i hear the sound of these military vehicles that started to mass yesterday. I was watching them yesterday afternoon. A lot of hard ware and armoured week and they were bringing in big sort of containers of diesel that they would use to refuel them. They were lining everything up in the field and can i see the smoke and dust that is being kicked out from there and i can hear them moving, the Squealing Noise the tracks make. It is hard to know if thatis tracks make. It is hard to know if that is there as a defensive position, whether theyre putting things in place for a possible Ground Offensive. We have been talking about the idea of a Ground Offensive, it would fit what Binyamin Netanyahu talked of as a substantial response. He made a Statement Last night and he was saying that israels enemy, that hamas, that it would resonate for generations, the israeli response to this. But it seems theyre still considering how and when that response should be carried out, because of course Ground Fighting in gazais because of course Ground Fighting in gaza is very difficult, it brings the possibility, the strong possibility, the almost certainty i would say of civilian casualties when you consider there are israeli hostages still being held in gaza, it is something they have to consider, particular my carefully. Absolutely. We have been looking at what israel has been saying in terms of its plans and its advice to people in gaza. We hear now that Border Crossings are closed and israel confirmed that Border Crossing with egypt has been closed. It seems those in gaza have Nowhere To Go . It seems those in gaza have nowhere to no . , v it seems those in gaza have nowhere to o . � ,. It seems those in gaza have nowhere to no . � ,. , it seems those in gaza have nowhere toao . , to go . Thats right, that is often the case. To go . Thats right, that is often the case it to go . Thats right, that is often the case. It is to go . Thats right, that is often the case. It is important to go . Thats right, that is often the case. It is important to to go . Thats right, that is often j the case. It is important to know that the perimeter around gaza is controlled fully by the israelis. They control who goes in and out and what goes in and out and things like the electricity supply. So it has never been the case that people in gaza were able to move freely, certainly through the northern check point between gaza and Southern Israel. That has always been difficult, palestinians can get work permits to come through and sometimes people come through for medical treatment, sometimes people come through for medicaltreatment, but sometimes people come through for medical treatment, but always tightly controlled. The security at that check point, i have been through there myself before and the security on the israeli side is enormously tight. Security on the israeli side is enormously tight. That was anna foster in ashkelon. Here are some pictures that have come through from ashkelon. This is the destruction that has been witnessed in that town close to the gaza border. We can see the military and the teams working to try and sort out the issues, the mess and the destruction caused by those rockets that have been fired from gaza by hamas militants. Ashkelon is so close to gaza it is often the target of these type of attacks. This is the jabalia refugee camp. It houses many thousands of people and it is three kilometres to the north of the gaza strip and it was hit by israeli missiles yesterday i believe. You can see there the sheer destruction that has been caused by those missiles. Butter burnt out cars and buildings destroyed. It is important to show you some of these pictures, because you see pictures of skyline and lets show you the skyline of gaza. Sometimes you can see pictures of skylines and they dont feel, you cant see what actually is happening you know . Well, you can here. This is the latest pictures coming from gaza. You can see buildings that have been gutted. Yesterday we were showing you some really interesting live pictures from ashkelon, from inside the israeli territory. We havent got those live pictures being fed to us today. That is the reason why we are not able to show you those and we keep showing you those from gaza. We will, as always, bring you the Littest On Wh Is latest on wh is going on on both sides of the border. More now from my colleague, rushdi abu alouf. In gaza city, i was a witness of what happened last night. What is the heaviest, i think, ever airstrikes that i ever seen in my life and in my 25 years of working as a journalist, i was in a residential building with about 20 families. The whole building was shaking all night. Kids were screaming. People were calling for appeal. We were like for six or seven hours without electricity, without access to the internet, and without knowing whats going on outside. Except like looking from the window of the flat and see flames of fire on the sky, flame, pillars of smoke in the sky. And the whole building was shaking all night. And this morning i managed to leave this this area. I drive through, this was very risky going out, because too many debris is in the street, buildings collapsed, an entire neighborhood is flattened to the ground. Government buildings, police, police stations, mosque, houses, cars damaged in the middle of the streets. People are carrying their kids and leaving the area. Others are coming back to the area to check what happened to their properties, to their cars. Cars stand in the street. Like whole building is destroyed. One of them, that well known one building is belong to the Telecommunication Company and it was like completely destroyed by israeli airstrike. Thousands of israeli airstrikes took place yesterday. And we understand that some of the people were trapped in a basement of one of the buildings close to the main hamas government office. About 30 families were trapped for seven hours in the basement without access to food or water or a bathroom or anything for hours and hours and hours. This morning, the team from the palestinian civil defense, they managed to go and they rescue them in the area. The area is completely destroyed. Its unbelievable. The scale of destruction is massive in this area. This is considered one of the most expensive and rich areas in gaza city is called rimal neighborhood. And some of them like to call it the Champs Elysees of gaza. Now, its not anymore the the place. Now, its not anymore the place. I think the people, when they have access to the street, when they see the scale of destruction, they will be shocked. Around the world and across the uk. This is bbc news. Just moving away from our main story, and for viewers in the uk who would normally be watching the phone in, labours gathering in liverpool is the last Party Conferences before an expected general election. Nicky campbell is finding out how supporters of all the Main Westminster parties are feeling. Hes heard from lib dem and conservative voters so far and its now labours turn. You canjoin the conversation on Bbc Radio 5 Live and bbc sounds from 9. Sir keir starmer will pledge to Build A New Britain with extra powers for housing and local mayors if labour wins the next election. Speaking at the partys annual conference, The Labour Leader will promise to accelerate building on unused urban land. He will also say labour would build the next generation of new towns near english cities. The home office says its begun notifying Asylum Seekers they are set to be sent back to a migrant barge off englands south coast, after the vessel completed all necessary tests. 39 men were moved on to the vessel in august, but they were later removed after the detection of the Legionella Bacteria onboard. Youre live with bbc news. Back to our top story. Earlier we spoke to joost hiltermann, Programme Directorfor The Middle East And North Africa at the International Crisis group. He started by giving his assessment of what this means for the middle east in general, and the other regional players. You know at the moment we are at the moment of fighting. Israel is intent on notjust cutting the grass, which is what they used to call what they did in gaza in previous rounds of war, six of them since 2006, but to utterly destroy hamass capacity to ever again strike out at israel. And in the process destroy gaza. That is the only way for israel to do it, because hamas is hidden well on the ground and it is throughout the whole enclave. So this is going to be a long and tough battle. It will take a while for the two sides to realise that there is no such thing as a total victory. We have seen this over and over again in the 75 year old conflict, or 100 years, depending on how you want to look at it. Then negotiations will have to start and the question is who in the International Community can bring this about . Talking to hamas for example, you can expect some of the arab states and turkey maybe to lean on them and on the israeli side it is clear it is the western world. You know, from where we are looking now, itjust feels like any kind of Peace Process or talks seem a long way off. You talk about the israelis thinking about destroying gaza. Can they literally destroy gaza . There is 2. 2 Million People there. 1anthem they literally destroy gaza . There is 2. 2 Million People there. When i say destroy is 2. 2 Million People there. When i say destroy gaza, is 2. 2 Million People there. When i say destroy gaza, i is 2. 2 Million People there. When i say destroy gaza, i mean is 2. 2 Million People there. When i say destroy gaza, i mean the say destroy gaza, i mean the structures. This is happening as we speak. Your correspondent in gaza is describing it very well. Even a upper middle class neighbourhood where our own researcher lives, i hope he lives, is targeted for utter destruction. So that is what i mean. Now, there is 2 million gazans there. Most, many of them, i dont know most, but many have sought shelter in the un schools, the un agency for refugees. They cannot house everyone and in any case people are not able to move very well, because of the destruction and the lack of fuel and gasoline for their cars and they have Nowhere To Go. Where ever the bombs will fall, they may get hit. We have seen the death toll climbing. I saw the latest figure was close to 700. It is bound to get much higher, specially if israel decides to launch a ground invasion, which it may have to if it wants to rescue the many hostages that hamas is holding. The many hostages that hamas is holdinu. �. ,. , holding. Are the palestinians wantinu holding. Are the palestinians wanting to holding. Are the palestinians wanting to negotiate holding. Are the palestinians wanting to negotiate and holding. Are the palestinians| wanting to negotiate and talk holding. Are the palestinians wanting to negotiate and talk peace if what you say could happen to all the gaza ends up happening . It if what you say could happen to all the gaza ends up happening . If there are auoin to the gaza ends up happening . If there are going to be the gaza ends up happening . If there are going to be talks the gaza ends up happening . If there are going to be talks they the gaza ends up happening . If there are going to be talks they will are going to be talks they will first be about the hostages. I could imagine a process, but at the moment i dont see, but maybe after a few days we will, where some outside parties will convince hamas to release some hostages for humanitarian reasons. Meaning especially children and the elderly, maybe sick people. But, the Military Commander of hamas made clear in his initial speech on saturday when the campaign, the hamas attack started, that Palestinian Prisoners In Israel would soon find their freedom. He wouldnt have said that thinking hamas was going to conquer israel. He was obviously thinking of a prisoner exchange. I think the whole objective was for hamas to take hostages, civilians and soldiers and to exchange them for palestinians in israeli prisons. So that would be the first sort of step in any kind of serious negotiations. If you can build on that and toward peace, you know i dream, but that would be the way to go. Know i dream, but that would be the wa to no. Know i dream, but that would be the wa to. O,. ,. , know i dream, but that would be the wa to no. ,. , way to go. Looking ahead at potential way to go. Looking ahead at potential peace way to go. Looking ahead at. Potential peace negotiations, way to go. Looking ahead at potential peace negotiations, what do you think the role of big regional players will be . Well, so, i think when regional players will be . Well, so, i think when it regional players will be . Well, so, i think when it comes regional players will be . Well, so, i think when it comes to regional players will be . Well, so, i think when it comes to hamas, i regional players will be . Well, so, i i think when it comes to hamas, they dont trust anything europe or the United States say or do. They see them as unanimously behind israel, as partisan, and therefore as not as credible mediators in the conflict. So who can they rely on for support and help in mediation . Well i would say and help in mediation . Well i would 53 egypt, and help in mediation . Well i would say egypt, even though egypt is not close to hamas, but it is on the border of gaza and has in the past facilitates conversations between israel and hamas in cairo and it is continuing to do so. And of course turkey and qatar. Lets ta ke lets take a look at a bit about what is coming out of israel. The Israeli Defences spokesperson claimed earlier that they had complete control of the board we are the gaza strip. Have a listen. Translation they are in full control of the region, there were no infiltrations of terrorists over night as far as we know. We have created a wall of tanks, helicopters and aircraft and our policy is to shoot to kill anyone who approaches the fence on the border. Coming up in an hours time well be answering some of your questions about the Israel Gaza Conflict with the bbc� s middle east analyst Sebastian Usher as well Asjohn Lyndon from the Alliance For Middle East peace. So do get in touch using the hashtag bbc your questions to send in any questions youd like answering here on bbc news. Before we go, lets leave you with this live shot of gaza. Some of us will have a dry, sunny and warm days, others have Rain Exacerbating the flooding risk, particularly where the ground is already saturated. There is a Weather Warning for Western Scotland for rain. We have Showery Rain Moving from Northern Ireland into Northern England and wales. But south of that, a lot of dry and sunny weather, away from the irish sea and channel coasts that are prone to hang on to mist and murk. Temperatures up to 25 somewhere in south east england. Tonight this band of rain moves south. As it crosses england and wales, it is going to rejuvenate. Some patchy fog ahead of it. Showers behind it. And under clear skies a chilly night in sheltered glens with temperatures down to five or six. But mild in england and wales. On the other signed side, sunshine and blustery showers. Fresher conditions will follow that front and temperatures 10 to 17. For most of us, the south still clinging on to the warmer conditions. Wednesday into thursday, our front lingers in the south. Then it will develop a wave and rejuvenate later in the day. So start with in the south cloudy with drizzle. Later heavier rain will come in. To the north a lot of dry weather and sunshine. Some rain and windy conditions in the far north of scotland. Temperatures 10 in the north to perhaps 20 maybe 22 in the far south east. Then for friday, what we have got a front that will push north again from the south, and south wards from the north. So that means it is going to be wet at times, especially in england and wales. But this could change, the position could change, and the timing the it may clear faster than this chart shows and there will still be blustery showers in northern scotland, in between sunshine. Feeling cooler. That leads us into a cooler weekend. This is bbc news. The headlines. Israels Prime Minister warns the gaza action has onlyjust begun and it will use enormous force against hamas. The Israeli Army Warns hamas militants there is nowhere to hide. It says it has recovered the bodies of 1,500 fighters and secured the barrier between israel and gaza. These are the latest pictures from gaza. Our correspondence is staggered by the scale of the destruction. The biggest, i think, ever air strikes that i have ever seen in my life and in my 25 years of working as a journalist. No food, water or electricity with the crossing to egypt closed, calls for a humanitarian corridor

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