Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240703 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240703

says more than 700 israelis have been killed. 260 bodies have been found dead at the site of a music festival in southern israel. the gaza ministry of health says 413 palestinians have been killed by israeli airstrikes in gaza, including 78 children and 41 women. israel says it is still trying to regain full control of eight areas where hamas militants infiltrated following saturday's attack. the number of israeli civilians and soldiers taken hostage has been put at 100 by the israeli embassy to the us, though some have been freed. in northern israel, hezbollah rockets targeted three military positions, with israel responding with barrages of artillery into southern lebanon. the united nations security council has held an emergency meeting to discuss the crisis. 0ur correspondentjonathan beale has the latest. i should warn you his report has some distressing images. israeli troops are still hunting down armed palestinians. more than 30 hours after their biggest and bloodiest breakout from gaza into israel itself. one of the world's most advanced militaries taken by surprise. by hamas, a militant group kept behind barriers that were supposed to stop this happening. their attack, as brutal as it was brazen. hundreds killed. for israel, that has included scores of unarmed civilians as well as of soldiers. already, the largest loss of life in decades. here, the bodies of an israeli family shot dead waiting to be identified and buried. hamas has taken dozens of hostages, too. like this 85—year—old grandmother, whisked away by militants in a golf cart. families, too, among them this man's wife and their five—year—old and two—year—old daughters. he is left anxiously waiting for news and pleading for their safe return. i want to ask of hamas, don't hurt them. don't hurt little children, don't hurt women. if you want me instead, i am willing to come. israel's prime minister meeting security chiefs this morning has warned his nation of a long anf difficult war ahead. both sides have already suffered significant losses. hamas murdered hundreds of israelis, men, women and children, and took dozens hostage into gaza. this horrific terror act demands a forceful, determined and sustained response. israel's response has been swift and harsh. despite the massive intelligence failure. its missiles, filmed by our bbc team in gaza. jets have been hitting what they say are hamas positions. but many civilians have also been killed in this densely populated palastinian enclave, blockaded, and nowhere else to flee. tonight, this is as close as we can get to gaza itself, about five kilometres in that direction. there is a lot of military activity, jets overhead. israel has told its citizens living nearby to leave. it is not clear whether that could signal a land incursion by israel into gaza itself. but inevitably, this will end up being more bloody still. there is also the risk of escalation. hezbollah has been firing rockets into israel from neighbouring lebanon. they say, a show of solidarity with palestinians. this region has long been a tinderbox, and once again, the flames are being fanned. jonathan beale, bbc news, southern israel. dozens of young festival goers are believed to be among the hostages, taken from the site of this music festival in the southern israeli desert on saturday. 260 people there were killed. videos posted on social media showed hundreds fleeing the festival, close to the gaza strip, as they came under fire. they include 25—year—old noa argamani, seen here, being taken away on a motorbike by militants and separated from her boyfriend, who is also missing. my colleague maryam moshiri spoke with amit parpara from tel aviv. he's a friend of noa argamani and he spoke about his last contact with noa. my first contact with noa was around 6:30, when the missiles started. there were missiles all over israel. that's what woke us up, all of us. and then we started messaging all the people that are still now in the music festival, which happens to be all morning. what did she say in those messages? we're seeing them now, but they're obviously in hebrew. can you explain what she's saying to you? yes, she's sending a live location and asking for someone to save her, save her boyfriend. she was hiding in a hole near the festival. they were searching for some place to hide because they didn't have any car, that's also what she wrote, she doesn't have any car. and they came in a group, i guess. so they hid when the terrorists came. at around 8:30 to 9:00, the terrorists broke through the gaza borders and they came in, that's when we started hearing about the horrors going on in the festival. and that's when we started to really get nervous about noa and her boyfriend. of course, for other people as well that are still missing. in the face of the escalating violence, the us has stepped up its support for israel, deploying an initial emergency military assistance package. the us navy is moving several aircraft carriers, guided missile cruisers, and destroyers to the eastern mediterranean. it is sending additional equipment and resources, including munitions, that will arrive in the coming days. defense secretary lloyd austin maintains that this is merely a measure to "bolster regional deterrence efforts". the united states provides israel more than $3 billion in security assistance each year. the hamas militant group told reporters that the us providing an aircraft carrier is actual participation in the aggression against our people. hamas�*s major financial backers are the gulf state of qatarand iran. on sunday, us secretary of state anthony blinken spoke to nbc�*s meet the press about possible iranian involvement in the coordinated hamas assault. hamas would not hamas be without the support from iran. at this point we do not have anything that suggests iran was involved in this attack, planning and carrying it out, but we have to look at it carefully. we do know iran has had a long relationship with hamas and one of the reasons why we counter uranian precisely for the support they provide to hamas. it is not surprising that those opposing israel normalising its relation with neighbours and countries around the region are hamas, hezbollah and iran and it is entirely possible one of the reasons for the attack is to de— normalise these relations. there are a lot of challenging issues to work through and we are in the process of doing that but the result would be, if we were able to do that, on a much different path for the region and for the future, path of greater stability, integration and people working together to better their lives. a short while ago, i spoke to former congresswoman jane harman about the us response to the conflict. she made 25 trips to israel and the region while serving in congress. congresswoman, we appreciate you joining us. you have made several trips to israel and the surrounding region when you were a member of congress. i want to start by asking you what your reaction is of the events we are seeing unfolding in israel and events we are seeing unfolding in israeland in events we are seeing unfolding in israel and in gaza.— in israel and in gaza. simply horrific. it _ in israel and in gaza. simply horrific. it is _ in israel and in gaza. simply horrific. it is easy _ in israel and in gaza. simply horrific. it is easy to - in israel and in gaza. simply horrific. it is easy to say - in israel and in gaza. simply horrific. it is easy to say the | horrific. it is easy to say the attacks were unprovoked, they were a surprise, but it is a complicated history and it is very disappointing that we have not found a way forward and i think some good news is that president biden has been talking about and anthony blink and secretary of state to give us something we can do to break out of the cycle of violence to move forward. the israelis have a right to condemn the violence and so is the us, the uk in a statementjust issued and i hope that un does as well but i also think we have to be working together on a solution that will break out of violence.— that will break out of violence. ., ., , violence. you have extensive experience — violence. you have extensive experience in _ violence. you have extensive experience in the _ violence. you have extensive experience in the region. - violence. you have extensive experience in the region. it l experience in the region. it did seem, over the past several months, that the tensions really had been escalating between the two sides, between palestinians and israelis. do you think paul could have been done or perhaps this type of violence was essentially building and building up and getting ready to explode. —— more could have been done. gaza is a tiny landmass _ more could have been done. gaza is a tiny landmass and _ is a tiny landmass and exploding is about the right comment going forward. several things could happen. antony blinken mentioned he thinks one of the motivations out was to derail the possible agreement between saudi arabia and israel which, also, if it happened, would contain a path forward for a palestinian state. that may sound absolutely absurd right now, given the level of violence, and it would not happen right now, but this grievance by palestinians has been festering over years and this is an opportunity to think about whether the neighbourhood, certainly including saudi arabia, but also other gulf countries that have been condemning israel only, i think that is very wrong for the breakup violence, for them to step up and be part of the solution and that solution will rein in or could iran's abhorrent behaviour as well, and followed a path for a responsible leadership in a responsible leadership in a responsible set of steps by palestinians hopefully toward sunday and independent state. congresswoman, think many observers it would seem that the peace process or any type of engagement with the two sides on the sides of the united states, has been put to the side a bit over the past few years. would you like to see the biden administration put more emphasis on a peaceful solution? i put more emphasis on a peaceful solution? ., ~' solution? i would like the biden administration - solution? i would like the biden administration to l solution? i would like the l biden administration to do solution? i would like the - biden administration to do two things. one is to help israel defend itself. which we're doing. i think it is a good thing. as ijust so, we are providing some for the war effort that israel has requested. and by the way, the president does have authority to do this. sadly, our congress is not functioning, our house of representatives, my former employer. and i think many republicans in the congress strongly support his doing this and so he should do that. but he also has been working for some time, his administration working for some time on a path to peace involving the whole region and i am saying we should be doing both. you were a rankin: should be doing both. you were a ranking member— should be doing both. you were a ranking member of— should be doing both. you were a ranking member of the - should be doing both. you were a ranking member of the housej a ranking member of the house intelligence committee for several years after 9/11 and obviously those attacks drastically change the way that the us goes about its own security, how do you think these attacks in israel matt that it might impact the way is goes about its own security system? goes about its own security s stem? , ., ., system? neither is real all the usb dignities _ system? neither is real all the usb dignities attacks. - system? neither is real all the usb dignities attacks. there i usb dignities attacks. there were highly innovative and creative and way beyond so we think the sophistication ofs to put on. guesses are other countries and groups were helping hamas, possibly iran but no evidence that has happened. going forward, the intelligence picture has to be far more creative but even before that, israel, the israeli military has to be far more creative in imagining further attacks on israeli soil now. for example from southern lebanon on where hezbollah, different terror group closely affiliated with iran, has now missed with position guidance. israel better be worrying about northern borders with lebanon and worrying about other forms of attack like massive cyber attacks on its infrastructure. this is something the us is contemplating as well but we have a long way to go for them even though we have a department which has existed for two decades, focusing on threats to our home when system. threats to our home when s stem. �* , threats to our home when system-— system. as this military resnonse _ system. as this military response from - system. as this military response from israel. system. as this military - response from israel begins to unfold, what should the us be doing to prevent any further loss of life? especially when we talk about any kind of attacks on gaza. i we talk about any kind of attacks on gaza.- we talk about any kind of attacks on gaza. i am sure there are _ attacks on gaza. i am sure there are conversations i there are conversations ongoing, the israelis have been careful to say they are not targeting civilians. there is certainly not true in reverse. this horrific attack you have been reporting on on the fault festival where there are at least 260 confirmed deaths and probably thousands of others wounded was a deliberate attack on civilians. that is not the israeli playbook and i think we will see is why i will try to stick to this idea and reclaim hostages and strike military targets. i don't know exactly what israel is planning but they should not be talking about on the airways. they should execute a plan consistent with values and there enormously sophisticated trade forces. they are caught up trade forces. they are caught up in the reserves come everybody in israel has to serve in the military following high school. and it is a small and vulnerable country. they are well prepared for what comes next. sadly, they were not well prepared for what came to days ago. not well prepared for what came to days age-— to days ago. thanks much for “oininu to days ago. thanks much for joining us- — to days ago. thanks much for joining us. thank _ to days ago. thanks much for joining us. thank you. - around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. germany's far right and conservative parties major made gains in this sunday's regional election — a test for the country's shifting political landscape. the wins in the key states of bavaria and hesse are seen as a sharp rebuke of chancellor 0laf scholz�*s fractious centre—left coalition. and follow mounting frustration over key issues including inflation, immigration, and climate policy. us senate majority leader chuck schumer is leading the first congressional trip to china in four years. schumer and five other senators arrived in shanghai for a three—country tour that will also take them to south korea and japan on saturday. the bipartisan delegation will meet with top government and business leaders. pope francis has called for an end to attacks in israel and gaza during his weekly address in saint peter's square on sunday, saying that terrorism and war bring no solutions, but only death. the pope also said he was praying for all of those who are experiencing hours of terror and anguish. you're live with bbc news. in afghanistan, thousands of people have been displaced after an earthquake reduced entire villages to rubble. the un's humanitarian agency says more than 1,000 people are dead and more than 500 are still missing. the 6.3 magnitude quake shook western afghanistan near the city of herat on saturday morning, followed by a number of powerful aftershocks. it devastated at least 12 nearby villages close to the iranian border. the taliban administration in afghanistan says food, drinking water, tents and medicine are urgently neeeded as thousands are now without shelter. let's return to our top story now and the escalating violence between israel and hamas. one of the major concerns is that the conflict could draw in other players in the region. israeli tanks have moved along the border with lebanon as tension mounts between israel and lebanon's powerful armed group hezbollah. the israeli military says it fired artillery into an area of lebanon where cross—border fire was launched. 0ur middle east correspondent quentin sommerville sent this update from lebanon's southern border with israel. hezbollah, a militant group, but every powerful militant group has a huge arsenal his disposal. some very sophisticated long—range weapons that strike much further than just israel's northern border but in side israel. there is a warning that came with the attack today this was an act of solidarity with the palestinian people has full accent. later in the day we heard from the singer has bowler may x edit the group would not remain neutral in this conflict. he gave a warning to the united states and israel to stop. he said if they continued to escalate this conflict then it could end up involving the entire region. that is a very real concern, but it does not seem we have seen an attempt here today. it is worth remembering while has polymer is a powerful group, it is not lebanon. it does not present all of lebanon and this is a country that is still in chaos and still suffering from economic crisis whether it is huge unemployment, there is not a president, political gridlock, this is a country that has suffered a series of crises and cannot face another. for more, i'm joined by the president of the middle east policy council and non— resident senior fellow at the atlantic council, gina abercrombie winstanley. i want to ask you first of all about this moment. given the scale of the attack and the casualties on both sides, can you put this into perspective? could this now be the start of an even larger period of violence? well, i have to begin as everyone does with expressing deep condolences for israel and this heinous attack. it absolutely has the possibility to spread much more throughout the region, beyond gaza. west bank and your recent report with regard to lebanon. list available right now and most need is time and wisdom. the first responsibility of the state is to protect its citizens, that is what the government of israel has to do and needs to get in place again so people have confidence in their ability to do so. so that means holding hamas fighters to account and means getting their hearts to —— hostages released. in the coming days and weeks we need to find a day to support israel by finding a way to get to the core issues which are at the bottom of all of this. we have talked _ the bottom of all of this. we have talked a _ the bottom of all of this. we have talked a lot about the potential intelligence failures that may have led up to the attacks we saw in israel. in your mind was not also a broaderfailure of your mind was not also a broader failure of diplomacy? diplomacy has been ongoing throughout the last months and years. it has been quiet diplomacy. i believe at this point people might argue the focus of it might have been in the wrong direction, suddenly all the efforts the administration has made to expand a number of countries that are at peace with israel were for the benefit of israel and the region in general. trying to build a region of peace. however, the focus on the state of the palestinians was not certainly, not publicly first and foremost. although conversations have been having, discussions have been held, i think secretary of state antony blinken mentioned israelis and palestinians were brought together. it is not that the diplomacy was not being tried and pursued. however, the core issues remain the core issues. the fact that every day palestinians have these grievances which might set an atmosphere where hamas might have found more support than they should have because to carry out an attack in this way again is to set once amenity aside. that is not the experience of many who have worked with palestinians and certainly not in the gaza strip, that is not what is generally found.- strip, that is not what is generally found. what options do ou generally found. what options do you think _ generally found. what options do you think now— generally found. what options do you think now be _ generally found. what options do you think now be on - generally found. what options do you think now be on the i do you think now be on the table? when using this conflict going from here? —— where do you see. going from here? -- where do ou see. , you see. the first responsibility - you see. the first responsibility is l you see. the first | responsibility is to you see. the first - responsibility is to protect citizens. prime minister benjamin netanyahu's government has to put in place a sense of safety and security. that is why his focus is going to be. they have been a number of statements throughout the world within the united states certainly that this is a non—partisan statement that the standing with israel in the face of such incredible attack is unquestioned. when you think about the number of deaths in israel and compare them to the number of people who were killed in 9/11 in the united states, it is thousands not proportionately. have to keep that in mind when we think about what our reaction was and how we would react to the government of israel, trying to hold these people into account. that is number one. then we also have responsibility... i am afraid we have to leave it there. we are about out of time. thank you so much for your insight. stay tuned here on bbc for more. hello. the weekend weather brought some extremes to the uk. we had the very wet weather in scotland, and then on sunday, it was exceptionally warm across so many other parts of the country. in northern ireland, 22.6 celsius — the warmest 0ctober day since the �*60s. about 2a in wales — that's the warmest in over a decade. and in london, nearly 26 celsius — about the warmest day in october since 2018. now the rain from scotland is petering out, some areas have had about a month's worth of rainfall recently. and the overall weather pattern is still showing a dip in the jet stream here, which is shunting that warmer atmosphere from the south. so once again, it will be exceedingly warm, not just here in the uk, but across many parts of western and also central europe this week. so the headline is one of a warm start this week — but not completely dry, there is some rain on the way — particularly where we don't want it in western parts of scotland, but that's not until tuesday. so here's the forecast, then, for the early morning. a lot of bright weather around little dribs and drabs perhaps in the western isles. still relatively cool in the north of scotland, around 13—15, but look at that — northern ireland, wales, england, widely into the 20s, perhaps even the mid—20s, again in london and the southeast. now a cold front is approaching and will bring some fresher weather, but again, rain to parts of scotland on tuesday. look at that rain reaching the northwest first, then it spreads into central scotland. but still very mild, 17—18 here, snd we're still talking about the low—to—mid—20s on tuesday widely across the uk. and then, tuesday into wednesday, we'll start to see a change coming in from the north. so a weather front will spread southwards across the uk. it will bring some rain, stronger winds for scotland and much fresher, much cooler, if not even colder conditions in the very far north of scotland — temperatures here barely making ten degrees in lowick, ii in stornoway, 14 in newcastle, but still warmth with some cloud and rain on wednesday in the south, about 20—23 celsius. the temperatures will return to close to the seasonal norm, at least towards saturday, sunday, but it's stilljust the other side of average. so warmer than average, i think, over the coming days. violence in israel has oil experts on alert as concerns rise over production disruptions in the middle east. investors are already concerned about a rise in interest rates, and we will take a look at what this latest violence means for global markets. hello and welcome to asia business report, with me, arunoday mukharji. we begin with our top story — more than 1000 people have been killed as fighters from the hamas movement invaded from their gaza enclave. israel has responded in force, adding to the possibility of a broader middle east conflict. financial analysts were already concerned about global market volatility sparked by the russian military actions almost 20 months ago in ukraine. we are particularly keeping a close eye on the oil markets, of course, while israel and the palestinian territories are not oil producers, volatility in the general middle eastern region could disrupt output there in those parts of the world. let's get more from nick marsh. a rapidly unfolding development. what are you seeing at the moment? the price of oil tends to reflect geopolitical risk, uncertainty and we're seeing a lot of that now. as we just saw on the screens, the price of brent crude has gone up nearly 5%, over $88 a barrel, not because, as you pointed out, israel and the palestinian territories are oil producers, but because the middle east

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Violence , Palestinians , Number , Hamas , Militants , Israelis , Carl Nasman , On Gaza , Citizens , Territory , Spokesperson , Us National Security Council , American , Air Strikes , Wounded , Hospitals , Night Sky , Towns , Rolling Blackouts , Rocket Attacks , Israeli Military , Barrage , Bodies , Site , Women , Children , Airstrikes , Music Festival In Southern Israel , Ministry Of Health , 78 , 700 , 413 , 260 , 41 , Attack , Civilians , Soldiers , Control , Hostage , Areas , Embassy , 100 , Eight , Southern Lebanon , Some , Hezbollah , Artillery , Barrages , Military Positions , Rockets , Three , 0ur Correspondentjonathan Beale , Troops , Crisis , Report , United Nations Security Council , Emergency Meeting , Latest , Images , 0 , One , World , Surprise , Militaries , Breakout , 30 , Group , Barriers , Happening , Hundreds Killed , Loss , Life , Family , Scores , Waiting , Dozens , Hostages , Grandmother , Golf Cart , 85 , News , Families , Man , Wife , Daughters , Pleading , Safe Return , Two , Five , Don T Hurt Little Children , Don T Hurt Women , Don T Hurt Them , Prime Minister , War , Sides , Morning , Nation , Meeting , Losses , Security Chiefs , Men , Women And Children , Murdered Hundreds Of Israelis , Terror Act Demands A Forceful , Response , Missiles , Filmed By Our Bbc , Intelligence Failure , Harsh , Positions , Nowhere , Jets , Palastinian Enclave , Lot , Direction , Military Activity , Itself , Risk , Land Incursion , Middle Eastern Region , Solidarity , Firing Rockets , Escalation , Show , Flames , Tinderbox , Music Festival , Bbc News , Festival Goers , Jonathan Beale , Southern Israeli Desert , People , Festival , Noa Argamani , Social Media , Videos , Motorbike , Hundreds , Under Fire , 25 , Maryam Moshiri , Boyfriend , Friend , Tel Aviv , Amit Parpara , Noa , First Contact , Contact , All Of Us , 6 , Messages , Someone , Location , Whole , Hiding , Hebrew , Yes , Place , Car , Terrorists , Gaza Borders , 8 , 00 , 9 , Course , Horrors , Support , Face , Emergency Military Assistance Package , Us Navy , Lloyd Austin , Measure , Aircraft Carriers , Equipment , Resources , Munitions , Eastern Mediterranean , Destroyers , Guided Missile Cruisers , Deterrence Efforts , Participation , Reporters , Militant Group , Security Assistance , Major , Aggression , Backers , Gulf State , Aircraft Carrier , Billion , 3 Billion , Qatarand Iran , Anthony Blinken , On Sunday , Anything , Point , Assault , Meet The Press , Nbc , Reasons , Relationship , Countries , Relations , Relation , Neighbours , Israel Normalising , De Normalise , Path , Issues , Integration , Result , Process , Lives , Stability , Conflict , Congress , Jane Harman , Trips , Serving , Member , Region , Events , Reaction , Israeland , Way , Attacks , Gaza In Israel , Horrific , History , Biden , Something , Blink , Cycle , Solution , Uk , Statementjust , Fun , Right , Experience , Experience Violence , Tensions , It L Experience , Violence That , More , Type , Paul , Landmass , Things , Exploding , Motivations , Forward , Palestinian State , Saudi Arabia , Which , Agreement , Level , Festering , Grievance , Neighbourhood , Opportunity , Breakup Violence , Part , Leadership , Estate , Behaviour , Set , Well , Steps , Observers , Administration , Side , Peace Process , Engagement , Emphasis , Thing , War Effort , Ijust , President , Employer , Republicans , Authority , Does , House Of Representatives , Peace , Both , Security , Ranking Member , Housej , Rankin , House Intelligence Committee , 9 11 , System , Usb Dignities Attacks , Dignities Attacks , Security System , Usb Dignities , Security S Stem , Evidence , Helping Hamas , Picture , Guesses , Sophistication Ofs To Put On , Groups , Example , Soil , Creative , Borders , Position Guidance , Infrastructure , Eforms , Department , Military Response , Home , Threats , Kind , S Stem , Military Resnonse System , Conversations , Reverse , Thousands , Deaths , Reporting , Others , Fault Festival , Playbook , Planning , Targets , Idea , Trade Forces , Plan , Trade , Forces , Airways , Values , Reserves , Country , Military , Everybody , High School , Thanks , Thank , Stories , Germany , Oininu To Days Ago , States , Parties , Wins , Landscape , Chancellor , Gains , Test , Rebuke , Frustration , Centre Left Coalition , Hesse , Bavaria , Tour , Chuck Schumer , Climate Policy , Senators , Immigration , Inflation , Trip , Senate , Shanghai , Four , Government , Pope Francis , Delegation , Business Leaders , Address , End , Saint Peter S Square On Sunday , South Korea And Japan , Wall , Pope , Terrorism , Terror , Solutions , Death , Anguish , Earthquake , Villages , Agency , Afghanistan , Rubble , 500 , 1000 , City , Quake , Aftershocks , Herat , 12 , 6 3 , Border , Story , Medicine , Return , Drinking Water , Shelter , Tents , Food , Taliban , Let , Concerns , Players , Tanks , Tension Mounts , Powerful Armed Group Hezbollah , Middle East , Quentin Sommerville , Update , Fire , Area , Southern Border , 0ur , Weapons , Arsenal , Disposal , Warning , Fact , Accent , Singer , Bowler May , Concern , Polymer , Attempt , Unemployment , Gridlock , Chaos , Cannot , Crises , Atlantic Council , Middle East Policy Council , Series , Senior Fellow , Gina Abercrombie Winstanley , Start , Perspective , Casualties , Scale , Possibility , Condolences , Everyone , Beyond Gaza , Need , Regard , Wisdom , West Bank , Responsibility , Confidence , Ability , Fighters , Hearts , Core , Bottom , Intelligence , Failures , Saw , Diplomacy , Mind , Failure , Broaderfailure , Focus , Efforts , General , Benefit , Secretary Of State , Discussions , Grievances , Atmosphere , Amenity , Options , Many , Found Strip , Benjamin Netanyahu , Table , Do Ou See , Statements , Safety , Sense , Statement , Standing , Number One , Account , Insight , Stay , Weather , Central Scotland , Extremes , Parts , 2a , Celsius , Northern Ireland , Wales , London , 60 , 26 , 2 , 22 6 , Rain , South , Shunting , Weather Pattern , Rainfall , Worth , Jet Stream , Dip , 2018 , Headline , Western , Central Europe , It , Forecast , Drabs , Western Parts , North , Southeast , Front , Mid 20s , Western Isles , England , 15 , 20 , 13 , Change , Rain To Parts Of Scotland On Tuesday , 18 , 17 , Weather Front , Conditions , Winds , Cooler , Lowick , Ten , Average , Temperatures , Norm , Warmth , Cloud , Stilljust , Ii In Stornoway , Newcastle , 14 , 23 , Oil Experts , Production Disruptions , Alert , Markets , Rise , Look , Interest Rates , Investors , Force , Hello , Movement , Asia Business Report , Gaza Enclave , Arunoday Mukharji , Volatility , Market , Oil Markets , Actions , Analysts , Eye , Russian , Ukraine , Oil Producers , Palestinian Territories , Output , Nick Marsh , Price , Development , Uncertainty , Barrel , Screens , Brent Crude , 88 , 5 ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240703 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240703

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says more than 700 israelis have been killed. 260 bodies have been found dead at the site of a music festival in southern israel. the gaza ministry of health says 413 palestinians have been killed by israeli airstrikes in gaza, including 78 children and 41 women. israel says it is still trying to regain full control of eight areas where hamas militants infiltrated following saturday's attack. the number of israeli civilians and soldiers taken hostage has been put at 100 by the israeli embassy to the us, though some have been freed. in northern israel, hezbollah rockets targeted three military positions, with israel responding with barrages of artillery into southern lebanon. the united nations security council has held an emergency meeting to discuss the crisis. 0ur correspondentjonathan beale has the latest. i should warn you his report has some distressing images. israeli troops are still hunting down armed palestinians. more than 30 hours after their biggest and bloodiest breakout from gaza into israel itself. one of the world's most advanced militaries taken by surprise. by hamas, a militant group kept behind barriers that were supposed to stop this happening. their attack, as brutal as it was brazen. hundreds killed. for israel, that has included scores of unarmed civilians as well as of soldiers. already, the largest loss of life in decades. here, the bodies of an israeli family shot dead waiting to be identified and buried. hamas has taken dozens of hostages, too. like this 85—year—old grandmother, whisked away by militants in a golf cart. families, too, among them this man's wife and their five—year—old and two—year—old daughters. he is left anxiously waiting for news and pleading for their safe return. i want to ask of hamas, don't hurt them. don't hurt little children, don't hurt women. if you want me instead, i am willing to come. israel's prime minister meeting security chiefs this morning has warned his nation of a long anf difficult war ahead. both sides have already suffered significant losses. hamas murdered hundreds of israelis, men, women and children, and took dozens hostage into gaza. this horrific terror act demands a forceful, determined and sustained response. israel's response has been swift and harsh. despite the massive intelligence failure. its missiles, filmed by our bbc team in gaza. jets have been hitting what they say are hamas positions. but many civilians have also been killed in this densely populated palastinian enclave, blockaded, and nowhere else to flee. tonight, this is as close as we can get to gaza itself, about five kilometres in that direction. there is a lot of military activity, jets overhead. israel has told its citizens living nearby to leave. it is not clear whether that could signal a land incursion by israel into gaza itself. but inevitably, this will end up being more bloody still. there is also the risk of escalation. hezbollah has been firing rockets into israel from neighbouring lebanon. they say, a show of solidarity with palestinians. this region has long been a tinderbox, and once again, the flames are being fanned. jonathan beale, bbc news, southern israel. dozens of young festival goers are believed to be among the hostages, taken from the site of this music festival in the southern israeli desert on saturday. 260 people there were killed. videos posted on social media showed hundreds fleeing the festival, close to the gaza strip, as they came under fire. they include 25—year—old noa argamani, seen here, being taken away on a motorbike by militants and separated from her boyfriend, who is also missing. my colleague maryam moshiri spoke with amit parpara from tel aviv. he's a friend of noa argamani and he spoke about his last contact with noa. my first contact with noa was around 6:30, when the missiles started. there were missiles all over israel. that's what woke us up, all of us. and then we started messaging all the people that are still now in the music festival, which happens to be all morning. what did she say in those messages? we're seeing them now, but they're obviously in hebrew. can you explain what she's saying to you? yes, she's sending a live location and asking for someone to save her, save her boyfriend. she was hiding in a hole near the festival. they were searching for some place to hide because they didn't have any car, that's also what she wrote, she doesn't have any car. and they came in a group, i guess. so they hid when the terrorists came. at around 8:30 to 9:00, the terrorists broke through the gaza borders and they came in, that's when we started hearing about the horrors going on in the festival. and that's when we started to really get nervous about noa and her boyfriend. of course, for other people as well that are still missing. in the face of the escalating violence, the us has stepped up its support for israel, deploying an initial emergency military assistance package. the us navy is moving several aircraft carriers, guided missile cruisers, and destroyers to the eastern mediterranean. it is sending additional equipment and resources, including munitions, that will arrive in the coming days. defense secretary lloyd austin maintains that this is merely a measure to "bolster regional deterrence efforts". the united states provides israel more than $3 billion in security assistance each year. the hamas militant group told reporters that the us providing an aircraft carrier is actual participation in the aggression against our people. hamas�*s major financial backers are the gulf state of qatarand iran. on sunday, us secretary of state anthony blinken spoke to nbc�*s meet the press about possible iranian involvement in the coordinated hamas assault. hamas would not hamas be without the support from iran. at this point we do not have anything that suggests iran was involved in this attack, planning and carrying it out, but we have to look at it carefully. we do know iran has had a long relationship with hamas and one of the reasons why we counter uranian precisely for the support they provide to hamas. it is not surprising that those opposing israel normalising its relation with neighbours and countries around the region are hamas, hezbollah and iran and it is entirely possible one of the reasons for the attack is to de— normalise these relations. there are a lot of challenging issues to work through and we are in the process of doing that but the result would be, if we were able to do that, on a much different path for the region and for the future, path of greater stability, integration and people working together to better their lives. a short while ago, i spoke to former congresswoman jane harman about the us response to the conflict. she made 25 trips to israel and the region while serving in congress. congresswoman, we appreciate you joining us. you have made several trips to israel and the surrounding region when you were a member of congress. i want to start by asking you what your reaction is of the events we are seeing unfolding in israel and events we are seeing unfolding in israeland in events we are seeing unfolding in israel and in gaza.— in israel and in gaza. simply horrific. it _ in israel and in gaza. simply horrific. it is _ in israel and in gaza. simply horrific. it is easy _ in israel and in gaza. simply horrific. it is easy to - in israel and in gaza. simply horrific. it is easy to say - in israel and in gaza. simply horrific. it is easy to say the | horrific. it is easy to say the attacks were unprovoked, they were a surprise, but it is a complicated history and it is very disappointing that we have not found a way forward and i think some good news is that president biden has been talking about and anthony blink and secretary of state to give us something we can do to break out of the cycle of violence to move forward. the israelis have a right to condemn the violence and so is the us, the uk in a statementjust issued and i hope that un does as well but i also think we have to be working together on a solution that will break out of violence.— that will break out of violence. ., ., , violence. you have extensive experience — violence. you have extensive experience in _ violence. you have extensive experience in the _ violence. you have extensive experience in the region. - violence. you have extensive experience in the region. it l experience in the region. it did seem, over the past several months, that the tensions really had been escalating between the two sides, between palestinians and israelis. do you think paul could have been done or perhaps this type of violence was essentially building and building up and getting ready to explode. —— more could have been done. gaza is a tiny landmass _ more could have been done. gaza is a tiny landmass and _ is a tiny landmass and exploding is about the right comment going forward. several things could happen. antony blinken mentioned he thinks one of the motivations out was to derail the possible agreement between saudi arabia and israel which, also, if it happened, would contain a path forward for a palestinian state. that may sound absolutely absurd right now, given the level of violence, and it would not happen right now, but this grievance by palestinians has been festering over years and this is an opportunity to think about whether the neighbourhood, certainly including saudi arabia, but also other gulf countries that have been condemning israel only, i think that is very wrong for the breakup violence, for them to step up and be part of the solution and that solution will rein in or could iran's abhorrent behaviour as well, and followed a path for a responsible leadership in a responsible leadership in a responsible set of steps by palestinians hopefully toward sunday and independent state. congresswoman, think many observers it would seem that the peace process or any type of engagement with the two sides on the sides of the united states, has been put to the side a bit over the past few years. would you like to see the biden administration put more emphasis on a peaceful solution? i put more emphasis on a peaceful solution? ., ~' solution? i would like the biden administration - solution? i would like the biden administration to l solution? i would like the l biden administration to do solution? i would like the - biden administration to do two things. one is to help israel defend itself. which we're doing. i think it is a good thing. as ijust so, we are providing some for the war effort that israel has requested. and by the way, the president does have authority to do this. sadly, our congress is not functioning, our house of representatives, my former employer. and i think many republicans in the congress strongly support his doing this and so he should do that. but he also has been working for some time, his administration working for some time on a path to peace involving the whole region and i am saying we should be doing both. you were a rankin: should be doing both. you were a ranking member— should be doing both. you were a ranking member of— should be doing both. you were a ranking member of the - should be doing both. you were a ranking member of the housej a ranking member of the house intelligence committee for several years after 9/11 and obviously those attacks drastically change the way that the us goes about its own security, how do you think these attacks in israel matt that it might impact the way is goes about its own security system? goes about its own security s stem? , ., ., system? neither is real all the usb dignities _ system? neither is real all the usb dignities attacks. - system? neither is real all the usb dignities attacks. there i usb dignities attacks. there were highly innovative and creative and way beyond so we think the sophistication ofs to put on. guesses are other countries and groups were helping hamas, possibly iran but no evidence that has happened. going forward, the intelligence picture has to be far more creative but even before that, israel, the israeli military has to be far more creative in imagining further attacks on israeli soil now. for example from southern lebanon on where hezbollah, different terror group closely affiliated with iran, has now missed with position guidance. israel better be worrying about northern borders with lebanon and worrying about other forms of attack like massive cyber attacks on its infrastructure. this is something the us is contemplating as well but we have a long way to go for them even though we have a department which has existed for two decades, focusing on threats to our home when system. threats to our home when s stem. �* , threats to our home when system-— system. as this military resnonse _ system. as this military response from - system. as this military response from israel. system. as this military - response from israel begins to unfold, what should the us be doing to prevent any further loss of life? especially when we talk about any kind of attacks on gaza. i we talk about any kind of attacks on gaza.- we talk about any kind of attacks on gaza. i am sure there are _ attacks on gaza. i am sure there are conversations i there are conversations ongoing, the israelis have been careful to say they are not targeting civilians. there is certainly not true in reverse. this horrific attack you have been reporting on on the fault festival where there are at least 260 confirmed deaths and probably thousands of others wounded was a deliberate attack on civilians. that is not the israeli playbook and i think we will see is why i will try to stick to this idea and reclaim hostages and strike military targets. i don't know exactly what israel is planning but they should not be talking about on the airways. they should execute a plan consistent with values and there enormously sophisticated trade forces. they are caught up trade forces. they are caught up in the reserves come everybody in israel has to serve in the military following high school. and it is a small and vulnerable country. they are well prepared for what comes next. sadly, they were not well prepared for what came to days ago. not well prepared for what came to days age-— to days ago. thanks much for “oininu to days ago. thanks much for joining us- — to days ago. thanks much for joining us. thank _ to days ago. thanks much for joining us. thank you. - around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. germany's far right and conservative parties major made gains in this sunday's regional election — a test for the country's shifting political landscape. the wins in the key states of bavaria and hesse are seen as a sharp rebuke of chancellor 0laf scholz�*s fractious centre—left coalition. and follow mounting frustration over key issues including inflation, immigration, and climate policy. us senate majority leader chuck schumer is leading the first congressional trip to china in four years. schumer and five other senators arrived in shanghai for a three—country tour that will also take them to south korea and japan on saturday. the bipartisan delegation will meet with top government and business leaders. pope francis has called for an end to attacks in israel and gaza during his weekly address in saint peter's square on sunday, saying that terrorism and war bring no solutions, but only death. the pope also said he was praying for all of those who are experiencing hours of terror and anguish. you're live with bbc news. in afghanistan, thousands of people have been displaced after an earthquake reduced entire villages to rubble. the un's humanitarian agency says more than 1,000 people are dead and more than 500 are still missing. the 6.3 magnitude quake shook western afghanistan near the city of herat on saturday morning, followed by a number of powerful aftershocks. it devastated at least 12 nearby villages close to the iranian border. the taliban administration in afghanistan says food, drinking water, tents and medicine are urgently neeeded as thousands are now without shelter. let's return to our top story now and the escalating violence between israel and hamas. one of the major concerns is that the conflict could draw in other players in the region. israeli tanks have moved along the border with lebanon as tension mounts between israel and lebanon's powerful armed group hezbollah. the israeli military says it fired artillery into an area of lebanon where cross—border fire was launched. 0ur middle east correspondent quentin sommerville sent this update from lebanon's southern border with israel. hezbollah, a militant group, but every powerful militant group has a huge arsenal his disposal. some very sophisticated long—range weapons that strike much further than just israel's northern border but in side israel. there is a warning that came with the attack today this was an act of solidarity with the palestinian people has full accent. later in the day we heard from the singer has bowler may x edit the group would not remain neutral in this conflict. he gave a warning to the united states and israel to stop. he said if they continued to escalate this conflict then it could end up involving the entire region. that is a very real concern, but it does not seem we have seen an attempt here today. it is worth remembering while has polymer is a powerful group, it is not lebanon. it does not present all of lebanon and this is a country that is still in chaos and still suffering from economic crisis whether it is huge unemployment, there is not a president, political gridlock, this is a country that has suffered a series of crises and cannot face another. for more, i'm joined by the president of the middle east policy council and non— resident senior fellow at the atlantic council, gina abercrombie winstanley. i want to ask you first of all about this moment. given the scale of the attack and the casualties on both sides, can you put this into perspective? could this now be the start of an even larger period of violence? well, i have to begin as everyone does with expressing deep condolences for israel and this heinous attack. it absolutely has the possibility to spread much more throughout the region, beyond gaza. west bank and your recent report with regard to lebanon. list available right now and most need is time and wisdom. the first responsibility of the state is to protect its citizens, that is what the government of israel has to do and needs to get in place again so people have confidence in their ability to do so. so that means holding hamas fighters to account and means getting their hearts to —— hostages released. in the coming days and weeks we need to find a day to support israel by finding a way to get to the core issues which are at the bottom of all of this. we have talked _ the bottom of all of this. we have talked a _ the bottom of all of this. we have talked a lot about the potential intelligence failures that may have led up to the attacks we saw in israel. in your mind was not also a broaderfailure of your mind was not also a broader failure of diplomacy? diplomacy has been ongoing throughout the last months and years. it has been quiet diplomacy. i believe at this point people might argue the focus of it might have been in the wrong direction, suddenly all the efforts the administration has made to expand a number of countries that are at peace with israel were for the benefit of israel and the region in general. trying to build a region of peace. however, the focus on the state of the palestinians was not certainly, not publicly first and foremost. although conversations have been having, discussions have been held, i think secretary of state antony blinken mentioned israelis and palestinians were brought together. it is not that the diplomacy was not being tried and pursued. however, the core issues remain the core issues. the fact that every day palestinians have these grievances which might set an atmosphere where hamas might have found more support than they should have because to carry out an attack in this way again is to set once amenity aside. that is not the experience of many who have worked with palestinians and certainly not in the gaza strip, that is not what is generally found.- strip, that is not what is generally found. what options do ou generally found. what options do you think _ generally found. what options do you think now— generally found. what options do you think now be _ generally found. what options do you think now be on - generally found. what options do you think now be on the i do you think now be on the table? when using this conflict going from here? —— where do you see. going from here? -- where do ou see. , you see. the first responsibility - you see. the first responsibility is l you see. the first | responsibility is to you see. the first - responsibility is to protect citizens. prime minister benjamin netanyahu's government has to put in place a sense of safety and security. that is why his focus is going to be. they have been a number of statements throughout the world within the united states certainly that this is a non—partisan statement that the standing with israel in the face of such incredible attack is unquestioned. when you think about the number of deaths in israel and compare them to the number of people who were killed in 9/11 in the united states, it is thousands not proportionately. have to keep that in mind when we think about what our reaction was and how we would react to the government of israel, trying to hold these people into account. that is number one. then we also have responsibility... i am afraid we have to leave it there. we are about out of time. thank you so much for your insight. stay tuned here on bbc for more. hello. the weekend weather brought some extremes to the uk. we had the very wet weather in scotland, and then on sunday, it was exceptionally warm across so many other parts of the country. in northern ireland, 22.6 celsius — the warmest 0ctober day since the �*60s. about 2a in wales — that's the warmest in over a decade. and in london, nearly 26 celsius — about the warmest day in october since 2018. now the rain from scotland is petering out, some areas have had about a month's worth of rainfall recently. and the overall weather pattern is still showing a dip in the jet stream here, which is shunting that warmer atmosphere from the south. so once again, it will be exceedingly warm, not just here in the uk, but across many parts of western and also central europe this week. so the headline is one of a warm start this week — but not completely dry, there is some rain on the way — particularly where we don't want it in western parts of scotland, but that's not until tuesday. so here's the forecast, then, for the early morning. a lot of bright weather around little dribs and drabs perhaps in the western isles. still relatively cool in the north of scotland, around 13—15, but look at that — northern ireland, wales, england, widely into the 20s, perhaps even the mid—20s, again in london and the southeast. now a cold front is approaching and will bring some fresher weather, but again, rain to parts of scotland on tuesday. look at that rain reaching the northwest first, then it spreads into central scotland. but still very mild, 17—18 here, snd we're still talking about the low—to—mid—20s on tuesday widely across the uk. and then, tuesday into wednesday, we'll start to see a change coming in from the north. so a weather front will spread southwards across the uk. it will bring some rain, stronger winds for scotland and much fresher, much cooler, if not even colder conditions in the very far north of scotland — temperatures here barely making ten degrees in lowick, ii in stornoway, 14 in newcastle, but still warmth with some cloud and rain on wednesday in the south, about 20—23 celsius. the temperatures will return to close to the seasonal norm, at least towards saturday, sunday, but it's stilljust the other side of average. so warmer than average, i think, over the coming days. violence in israel has oil experts on alert as concerns rise over production disruptions in the middle east. investors are already concerned about a rise in interest rates, and we will take a look at what this latest violence means for global markets. hello and welcome to asia business report, with me, arunoday mukharji. we begin with our top story — more than 1000 people have been killed as fighters from the hamas movement invaded from their gaza enclave. israel has responded in force, adding to the possibility of a broader middle east conflict. financial analysts were already concerned about global market volatility sparked by the russian military actions almost 20 months ago in ukraine. we are particularly keeping a close eye on the oil markets, of course, while israel and the palestinian territories are not oil producers, volatility in the general middle eastern region could disrupt output there in those parts of the world. let's get more from nick marsh. a rapidly unfolding development. what are you seeing at the moment? the price of oil tends to reflect geopolitical risk, uncertainty and we're seeing a lot of that now. as we just saw on the screens, the price of brent crude has gone up nearly 5%, over $88 a barrel, not because, as you pointed out, israel and the palestinian territories are oil producers, but because the middle east

Related Keywords

Violence , Palestinians , Number , Hamas , Militants , Israelis , Carl Nasman , On Gaza , Citizens , Territory , Spokesperson , Us National Security Council , American , Air Strikes , Wounded , Hospitals , Night Sky , Towns , Rolling Blackouts , Rocket Attacks , Israeli Military , Barrage , Bodies , Site , Women , Children , Airstrikes , Music Festival In Southern Israel , Ministry Of Health , 78 , 700 , 413 , 260 , 41 , Attack , Civilians , Soldiers , Control , Hostage , Areas , Embassy , 100 , Eight , Southern Lebanon , Some , Hezbollah , Artillery , Barrages , Military Positions , Rockets , Three , 0ur Correspondentjonathan Beale , Troops , Crisis , Report , United Nations Security Council , Emergency Meeting , Latest , Images , 0 , One , World , Surprise , Militaries , Breakout , 30 , Group , Barriers , Happening , Hundreds Killed , Loss , Life , Family , Scores , Waiting , Dozens , Hostages , Grandmother , Golf Cart , 85 , News , Families , Man , Wife , Daughters , Pleading , Safe Return , Two , Five , Don T Hurt Little Children , Don T Hurt Women , Don T Hurt Them , Prime Minister , War , Sides , Morning , Nation , Meeting , Losses , Security Chiefs , Men , Women And Children , Murdered Hundreds Of Israelis , Terror Act Demands A Forceful , Response , Missiles , Filmed By Our Bbc , Intelligence Failure , Harsh , Positions , Nowhere , Jets , Palastinian Enclave , Lot , Direction , Military Activity , Itself , Risk , Land Incursion , Middle Eastern Region , Solidarity , Firing Rockets , Escalation , Show , Flames , Tinderbox , Music Festival , Bbc News , Festival Goers , Jonathan Beale , Southern Israeli Desert , People , Festival , Noa Argamani , Social Media , Videos , Motorbike , Hundreds , Under Fire , 25 , Maryam Moshiri , Boyfriend , Friend , Tel Aviv , Amit Parpara , Noa , First Contact , Contact , All Of Us , 6 , Messages , Someone , Location , Whole , Hiding , Hebrew , Yes , Place , Car , Terrorists , Gaza Borders , 8 , 00 , 9 , Course , Horrors , Support , Face , Emergency Military Assistance Package , Us Navy , Lloyd Austin , Measure , Aircraft Carriers , Equipment , Resources , Munitions , Eastern Mediterranean , Destroyers , Guided Missile Cruisers , Deterrence Efforts , Participation , Reporters , Militant Group , Security Assistance , Major , Aggression , Backers , Gulf State , Aircraft Carrier , Billion , 3 Billion , Qatarand Iran , Anthony Blinken , On Sunday , Anything , Point , Assault , Meet The Press , Nbc , Reasons , Relationship , Countries , Relations , Relation , Neighbours , Israel Normalising , De Normalise , Path , Issues , Integration , Result , Process , Lives , Stability , Conflict , Congress , Jane Harman , Trips , Serving , Member , Region , Events , Reaction , Israeland , Way , Attacks , Gaza In Israel , Horrific , History , Biden , Something , Blink , Cycle , Solution , Uk , Statementjust , Fun , Right , Experience , Experience Violence , Tensions , It L Experience , Violence That , More , Type , Paul , Landmass , Things , Exploding , Motivations , Forward , Palestinian State , Saudi Arabia , Which , Agreement , Level , Festering , Grievance , Neighbourhood , Opportunity , Breakup Violence , Part , Leadership , Estate , Behaviour , Set , Well , Steps , Observers , Administration , Side , Peace Process , Engagement , Emphasis , Thing , War Effort , Ijust , President , Employer , Republicans , Authority , Does , House Of Representatives , Peace , Both , Security , Ranking Member , Housej , Rankin , House Intelligence Committee , 9 11 , System , Usb Dignities Attacks , Dignities Attacks , Security System , Usb Dignities , Security S Stem , Evidence , Helping Hamas , Picture , Guesses , Sophistication Ofs To Put On , Groups , Example , Soil , Creative , Borders , Position Guidance , Infrastructure , Eforms , Department , Military Response , Home , Threats , Kind , S Stem , Military Resnonse System , Conversations , Reverse , Thousands , Deaths , Reporting , Others , Fault Festival , Playbook , Planning , Targets , Idea , Trade Forces , Plan , Trade , Forces , Airways , Values , Reserves , Country , Military , Everybody , High School , Thanks , Thank , Stories , Germany , Oininu To Days Ago , States , Parties , Wins , Landscape , Chancellor , Gains , Test , Rebuke , Frustration , Centre Left Coalition , Hesse , Bavaria , Tour , Chuck Schumer , Climate Policy , Senators , Immigration , Inflation , Trip , Senate , Shanghai , Four , Government , Pope Francis , Delegation , Business Leaders , Address , End , Saint Peter S Square On Sunday , South Korea And Japan , Wall , Pope , Terrorism , Terror , Solutions , Death , Anguish , Earthquake , Villages , Agency , Afghanistan , Rubble , 500 , 1000 , City , Quake , Aftershocks , Herat , 12 , 6 3 , Border , Story , Medicine , Return , Drinking Water , Shelter , Tents , Food , Taliban , Let , Concerns , Players , Tanks , Tension Mounts , Powerful Armed Group Hezbollah , Middle East , Quentin Sommerville , Update , Fire , Area , Southern Border , 0ur , Weapons , Arsenal , Disposal , Warning , Fact , Accent , Singer , Bowler May , Concern , Polymer , Attempt , Unemployment , Gridlock , Chaos , Cannot , Crises , Atlantic Council , Middle East Policy Council , Series , Senior Fellow , Gina Abercrombie Winstanley , Start , Perspective , Casualties , Scale , Possibility , Condolences , Everyone , Beyond Gaza , Need , Regard , Wisdom , West Bank , Responsibility , Confidence , Ability , Fighters , Hearts , Core , Bottom , Intelligence , Failures , Saw , Diplomacy , Mind , Failure , Broaderfailure , Focus , Efforts , General , Benefit , Secretary Of State , Discussions , Grievances , Atmosphere , Amenity , Options , Many , Found Strip , Benjamin Netanyahu , Table , Do Ou See , Statements , Safety , Sense , Statement , Standing , Number One , Account , Insight , Stay , Weather , Central Scotland , Extremes , Parts , 2a , Celsius , Northern Ireland , Wales , London , 60 , 26 , 2 , 22 6 , Rain , South , Shunting , Weather Pattern , Rainfall , Worth , Jet Stream , Dip , 2018 , Headline , Western , Central Europe , It , Forecast , Drabs , Western Parts , North , Southeast , Front , Mid 20s , Western Isles , England , 15 , 20 , 13 , Change , Rain To Parts Of Scotland On Tuesday , 18 , 17 , Weather Front , Conditions , Winds , Cooler , Lowick , Ten , Average , Temperatures , Norm , Warmth , Cloud , Stilljust , Ii In Stornoway , Newcastle , 14 , 23 , Oil Experts , Production Disruptions , Alert , Markets , Rise , Look , Interest Rates , Investors , Force , Hello , Movement , Asia Business Report , Gaza Enclave , Arunoday Mukharji , Volatility , Market , Oil Markets , Actions , Analysts , Eye , Russian , Ukraine , Oil Producers , Palestinian Territories , Output , Nick Marsh , Price , Development , Uncertainty , Barrel , Screens , Brent Crude , 88 , 5 ,

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