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Entered southern israel, where a State Of Emergency has been declared. Heres what we know so far these Rocket Attacks have struck tel aviv and areas surrounding gaza. The town of ashkelon saw several major explosions. Israels news is now reporting that at least a0 israelis have been killed, with 740 injured. Details of the palestinian incursions are unclear, but gunmen have been reported in towns near the gaza border and israelis have been warned to stay inside. There are also reports of a number of Israeli Soldiers taken captive by fighters, with hamas saying it has a big number of captives, among them senior officers. Israels military has been striking targets in gaza in response. At least 198 palestinians are confirmed dead there. Lets hear more from Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. He addressed the nation in a video Statement Released on social media. Translation citizens of israel. We are at war. Not an operation, not an escalation, a war. This morning, hamas launched a murderous Surprise Attack against the state of israel and its citizens. Weve been at it since Early Morning. I convened the heads of the security service. First of all, i instructed to cleanse the settlements of the terrorists who had infiltrated. This operation is being carried out during these hours. At the same time, i ordered an extensive Reserve Mobilisation and a retaliatory war with a strength and scope that the enemy had never known. The enemy will pay an unprecedented price. In the meantime, i call on all citizens of israel to strictly obey the instructions of the army and instructions of the home command. We are in a war and we will win it. Refining the pictures we are verifying the pictures we are bringing to you. Let me bring you these pictures of a bulldozer destroying the border fence between israel and gaza, with palestinians chanting and pouring through. Gunmen are reported to have opened fire on residents in the israeli town of sderot. And there are reports of Israeli Military vehicles attacked on the israeli side, with some taken back across the border into gaza. This video appears to show hamas militants celebrating and posing for pictures on what is said to be an israeli army tank. The footage also shows what appears to be an Israeli Military vehicle captured by the militants. Israeli journalist and author, gideon levy is in tel aviv which is among the cities attacked. He told us about the scene he woke up to this morning. I dont remember tel aviv in this situation for many years. I just went out to the streets, the streets are totally empty. Restaurants, cafes, everything is locked down. And there is a very heavy feeling of surprise, of shock and fear from what is still expected to happen. When the first rockets fell, i Wasjogging In The Park and the noise was terrible. And ever since then, tel aviv went into a new phase. First of all, there are many more israeli killed in the official number because things are still very unclear and it is still going on in many towns in the south. Expect much bigger numbers of casualties. It is an inevitable result of months and maybe years of israeli arrogance, of the feeling that israel can do whatever it wants and it will never be taken accountable, never pay any price for the programmes of the settlers in the west bank, backed and supported by the israeli army, for the arrest, for the attacks, for the killings of innocent civilians in the west bank and also for violating the status quo in the Temple Mountain. Ijust got now a report that there were over 5,000 jews going in a very provocative way to the Temple Mountain and all those things are feeding the fire, and what is a surprise is the capability of hamas, not their intentions, because nobody in israel had foreseen that they have such impressive capabilities. In the south, there are still battles in towns and villages, settlements, over at least tens of palestinian fighters inside israel and they have hostages. This is very delicate, the situation. In the same time, hamas declared they have 35 captured. I dont know if this number is right but if they kidnapped 35 israelis into gaza, it will be very hard for israel to release them and it will be very difficult for israel to attack gaza now, as long as 35 israelis are in their hands. Again, i am not sure about the figure. But this is what hamas declares. And there are tens of Israeli Air Jets which are bombing gaza and soon we will know more. Now there is a lot of smoke above everything. And the full picture is not very clear right now. Access forjournalists is quite limited now, to those places. And we are quite depending on the messages of the army spokespersons, who is not always reliable in israel. Gaza is a cage, the biggest prison in the world and those someone is responsible for this, and this is only one example from many questions that will arise now, but as i say, it is too early to judge, because we know too little. Gaza is a cage, the biggest prison in the world. Nobody spoke about lifting the cage. And people who live now 17 years in a cage, want to resist and if they have the possibility, they do it. And i am surprised that they had the possibility because the barrier, i know the barrier around gaza, billions of dollars was spent there to build this unbelievable barrier under the surface and above the surface, with all kind of extraordinary devices, and finally, you see that the spirit of resistance is many times stronger than anything else and they broke it, and penetrated into israel, which is now shocked. Finally, by the end of the day, by the end of the war, the palestinians will pay for it, an unprecedented price, with this right wing government, i am really quite scared from the israeli reaction, people are talking already about erasing whole neighbourhoods in gaza, people are also talking about Re Countering Gaza and all this will lead to more bloodshed and to more despair. As we talk about the consequences of hamas� s actions, we have an update from the Palestinian Health officials. We were telling you that hundred 98 people had been killed, we have some new figures in terms of the numbers of wounded. 1610 people have been wounded as a result of these air strikes from israel into these air strikes from israel into The Gaza Strip over the past few hours. We also spoke to professor Yossi Mekelberg who is an associate fellow, at the middle east and north Africa Programme at chatham house. He gave us his reaction to the events in the region. I think its a difficult morning, no doubt, in israel. And israel was caught sleeping, literally, in this case. And i think both operationally and perceptually, they had the idea that Something Like this wont happen. For months, the assumption in israel, the perception is that since Economic Conditions in israel, funneling money to hamas in gaza, hamas has no interest in breaking the impasse in gaza. But the conditions in gaza are so dire for many years, and its the biggest open air prison in the world. Now, obviously, nojustifying whats happening today. And, you know, its a rolling event and it seems to be that there were civilian casualties and also possibly hostage situation, but i think we always need to look into the political situation and what the lack of any hope and political horizon that in political horizon that leads also to violence. I think always this was the expectation to achieve, from a hamas point of view, even at this stage, it would be regarded as a success because its, as some of the previous speakers today said, you know, this is unprecedented, their ability to attack from the sea, from air and on the ground, and having troops inside israeli cities and villages, they will see this psychologically, and to a degree militarily, a success. But they might also be victims of this success because israel cant afford to let them be success, and as a result, i can only see a massive retaliation from israel and trying to reestablish what they see as their deterrence vis a vis hamas and islamichhad. Also looking at whats happening in the northern border, whether hezbollah in lebanon might might be tempted tojoin in. So, the unfortunate result of it is more bloodshed. I can also assume from the reaction that they see what the renewal i can also assume from the reaction that they see what in europe and the united states, that if there is such a massive retaliation from israeli point of view, first pushing the hamas militants back to gaza and then attacking already in gaza, they will allow israel quite a few days to to use as much force as they think is right. This kind of militancy, these kind of clashes between israel and palestinians is taking place on a daily basis in the west bank. And many palestinians are killed and injured in the settler violence. And there is also Palestinian Militants kill israelis. So this is going on while, politically, palestinians dont see any way to break this deadlock, they see the International Community is turning its back on the Israeli Palestinian conflict. So the potential, while, of course, there are also other forces that get that are interested in seeing that, for instance, iran that supplied weapons to to hamas and islamichhad and also finances to a large extent, also in lebanon. There have been questions as to why Israeli Intelligence did not see the attacks coming. It is being seen as a failure by intelligence officials. Heres our security correspondent, frank gardner. It is coming right at the end of a jewish holiday. This is not the first time this has been done to catch israelis out. The Yom Kippur War is the most famous, because israel suspends a huge amount of money and effort on trying to know ahead of time what is going on. It has informants, or it is supposed to have, inside Militant Groups, inside hezbollah, insight hamas, and yet their Operational Security seems to be incredibly tight for this. This is a carefully planned, complex operation, where they have coordinated the Rocket Attacks with considerable infiltration across the border, cutting holes in a wire, getting people across, and even paragliders. It may be snuffed out from here, that israel is going to be retaliating with Massive Force is a given, they have already launched Operation Swords of iron, as they are calling it. It has been known for quite some time that they have a huge arsenal of rockets, as have hezbollah, and theres this thriving Cottage Industry in manufacturing these rockets, and most of them are fairly short range, not particularly powerful. The initial barrage, 5000 rockets launched with another 2000 after that, and the initial report was that there was just one israeli woman killed. That is obviously much too low, i hope the death toll of a much higher and ill be significant in gaza too. There is a lot of them, they are very easily turned out in cellars and back rooms in gaza, which is this very crowded, depressing place on the mediterranean, where people are largely hemmed in, a huge number are hemmed in, and so a lot of people turn to militant activities there. It doesnt excuse it, but it is just explaining, a lot of young men, you have an enormous number of young men forward, idle, and angry, so they get involved in militant activities. Now, the nightmare for israel is that this conflict spreads. Remember that this conflict spreads. Remember that mohammed deif, who is the spokesman for hamas, the military wing of hamas, has called on all palestinians rise up, notjust on The Gaza Strip but in the west bank as well. Islamicjihad, and other Militant Groups like the smaller the hamas, have said they are going to join in. If hezbollah, and there is no suggestion at the moment this would happen, but if hezbollah in lebanon got involved, and they would find themselves under attack from two borders, israel. Hezbollah have an formidable arsenal of weapons, mostly supplied with help from iran. We continue to bring you International Reaction as well to events as they are unfolding. We understand that President Biden has been briefed on what he calls the appalling hamas terrorist attacks. President biden has been briefed, as the us condemns the violence and urges both sides to refrain from retaliating. Egypt is often called in to mediate between israel and the palestinians. They are also calling for restraint, and are warning of dire consequences. A line to bring you from the International Committee of the red cross, they saved the they say that the violence against civilians is prohibited under International Law and condemn it. The eu is demanding the release of hostages, and in sharp contrast to this, the lion from tehran, who back hamas, iran has congratulated the fighters. Just look at that line from the red cross, they are very worried about what is going to be happening to civilians in israel and The Gaza Strip. The latest we heard from gaza, you can see the live pictures there and the smoke rising, is that 198 people have been killed, and 1610 have been wounded. It is a pretty worrying and desperate time in The Gaza Strip right now. Lets take you to the newsroom. Live now to Issam Ikirmawi from bbc arabic. I dont know if you have managed to speak to anyone in gaza since we last spoke an hour or so ago, but what are you hearing from there . There has been an escalation in the israeli air raids on the positions in gaza. As you said, according to the. ,. In gaza. As you said, according to the. ,. , ~ , in gaza. As you said, according to the. ,. ~ in gaza. As you said, according to the Palestinian Ministry of wealth, the Palestinian Ministry of wealth, the number the Palestinian Ministry of wealth, the number killed the Palestinian Ministry of wealth, the number killed is the Palestinian Ministry of wealth, the number killed is 198, the Palestinian Ministry of wealth, the number killed is 198, and the Palestinian Ministry of wealth, | the number killed is 198, and 1600 people have been injured, taken to various hospitals. The situation on the ground is pretty grim. The palestinians are gearing themselves for a further escalation. Some are not ruling out Land Incursion by the israeli army, as well as the air strikes which have been taking place so far. We strikes which have been taking place so far. ~ , strikes which have been taking place so far. ~ , strikes which have been taking place so far. ~ , , strikes which have been taking place sofar. , , so far. We say these figures, but if ou ust so far. We say these figures, but if you just take so far. We say these figures, but if you just take a so far. We say these figures, but if you just take a moment so far. We say these figures, but if you just take a moment to so far. We say these figures, but if you just take a moment to really. You just take a moment to really reflect on what they mean, if you are one of the 1610 people wounded in gaza in the last few hours, how are you able to get help . Is there any medical help available for these people . The any medical help available for these eo le . ,. , any medical help available for these eole . ,. , any medical help available for these neole . ,. , people . The facilities and medical infrastructure people . The facilities and medical infrastructure is people . The facilities and medical infrastructure is very people . The facilities and medical infrastructure is very poor people . The facilities and medical infrastructure is very poor in people . The facilities and medical infrastructure is very poor in gas, | infrastructure is very poor in gas, it is limited how much people can do. This is why you see, for instance, patients leaving The Gaza Strip and going to various hospitals for treatment. Some of them even go to israel for treatment. However, there is some kind of medical facilities, but as i said, it is overstretched when Something Like this happens. We have seen in previous incidents where violence, air raids, and so forth, the medical infrastructure is really, really labouring under the strain of a high number of casualties that are taken to hospital. Also, to your earlier point, lucy, The Gaza Strip is a pretty small area. Movement would not be that difficult from one place to another, taking people to medical facilities. 0rdinary people use their cars, so all sort of help will be available, although it is limited. �. , limited. And you mention it is small, limited. And you mention it is small. The limited. And you mention it is small, the space, limited. And you mention it is small, the space, with limited. And you mention it is small, the space, with the limited. And you mention it is| small, the space, with the few Million People who are living there, but there is only two ways out of gaza, and presumably the border is shut and people cant get to egypt . Absolutely, the border is shut. Between israel and The Gaza Strip there, the border with egypt is shut, so no one is able to leave or get in at the moment. I know many of my colleagues are trying to get in, journalists, but even the airport at tel aviv has been shut down. It is very difficult at the moment for people to travel anywhere in israel or the occupied territories. We people to travel anywhere in israel or the occupied territories. Or the occupied territories. We are heafina or the occupied territories. We are hearing from or the occupied territories. We are hearing from one or the occupied territories. We are hearing from one of or the occupied territories. We are hearing from one of the or the occupied territories. We are hearing from one of the hamas. Hearing from one of the hamas commanders, the deputy chief, and we are getting news lines about Israeli Captives, that hamas has been able to take Israeli Soldiers captive. He says he has enough Israeli Captives to free all hamas prisoners all palestinian prisoners in israeli jails. There are a lot of them, at there . ,. , there . There are over 5000. In the last years. There . There are over 5000. In the last years. There there . There are over 5000. In the last years, there have there . There are over 5000. In the last years, there have been there . There are over 5000. In the last years, there have been more l last years, there have been more prisoner exchanges, because in the past we have seen an exchange of prisoners. We believe that there are three israelis being held in The Gaza Strip, but israel has not been forthcoming in terms of organising that exchange. There has been several mediations, but i have read what the deputy chief said, and he said they have enough israelis to force an exchange in the future, but of course that is for later on. It is not going to happen now while the fighting is ongoing. Probably once things calm down a bit, we will see what will happen in terms of that. Have they made it clear that that was one of their key aims of today . To take Israeli Soldiers captive in order to exchange them . It is obvious that order to exchange them . It is obvious that it order to exchange them . It is obvious that it is order to exchange them . It is obvious that it is one order to exchange them . It 3 obvious that it is one of their aims, but there are other aims. We have to point out that many people on social media are mentioning the 50th Anniversary of the 1973 war, which started incidentally on the 6th of october. They are saying, for younger viewers who dont remember the 1973 war, it is when the egyptian and Syrian Forces stormed the Demarcation Lines with israel in order to get back their territories that israel had occupied in the 1967 war. Many people are linking that was what happened today, saying, 50 years on, the resistance is still going on strong against the israeli occupation. Going on strong against the israeli occu ation. ,. , going on strong against the israeli occuation. ,. , occupation. Sorry to interrupt you, we will come occupation. Sorry to interrupt you, we will come back occupation. Sorry to interrupt you, we will come back to occupation. Sorry to interrupt you, we will come back to you occupation. Sorry to interrupt you, we will come back to you in occupation. Sorry to interrupt you, we will come back to you in a we will come back to you in a moment, but we have been reporting that 40 moment, but we have been reporting that a0 israelis have been killed in the attacks on israel. Israeli media in the last few minutes or so is now saying at least 100 israelis have been killed, many hundreds have been injured. I was speaking to an mp from the labour party a little earlier, no fan of benjamin netanyahu, obviously, but standing right behind him now. As the horror unfold and the numbers go up, what is the fear in gaza about how much more severe this retaliatory action could be . We more severe this retaliatory action could be . ~ ,. , h, could be . We were listening to some ofthe could be . We were listening to some of the commanders could be . We were listening to some of the commanders in could be . We were listening to some of the commanders in gaza, could be . We were listening to some of the commanders in gaza, the of the commanders in gaza, the leadership, saying they are used to israeli escalation, and theyre not going to be put off by that. We dont know. It could be rhetoric at this stage, but what we know for sure is that israel will lash out and there will be a very heavy bombardment of The Gaza Strip. We expect much more casualties in the coming hours and days if the fighting continues at this scale. It doesnt look good at this stage. It is pretty grim, what is going to happen. We is pretty grim, what is going to ha en. ~ ,. , is pretty grim, what is going to ha en,. ,. ,. , is pretty grim, what is going to haen. ~. ,. , happen. We will let you go back and keep talking happen. We will let you go back and keep talking to happen. We will let you go back and keep talking to people happen. We will let you go back and keep talking to people in keep talking to people in the region, and will be back with you shortly. You can see from what we are saying there that there is a bit of a contradiction on what you have got on screen, but the breaking news down at the bottom is what we are hearing. 100 israelis have been killed. Earlier it was a0, it has gone up to 100, we understand, from israeli media. In terms of what is happening right now, these live pictures of The Gaza Strip, nearly 200 people have been killed in The Gaza Strip, and over 1000 people have been injured there. Those of the latest figures. They are horrific and dramatic, and it is not obviously over, because we have a situation still in the south of israel, we understand there are still hamas militants at large there. We have been getting reports from towns like sderot that there are bodies on the streets there, militants have gone into israel and opened fire. Then there are these ongoing reports that hamas has taken Israeli Soldiers captive. Lots of elements to keep across. We will bring you all the very latest, so do stay with us here on bbc news. Hello. Weve got some very different types of weather across different parts of the uk over the next few days. So some bigger contrast. Much of the uk well above average in terms of temperature, particularly england, wales and Northern Ireland. But the blue colours across scotland show areas expected to be colder than average over the next few days, and pretty wet across scotland too. This is the expected rainfall accumulation. You can see the green and white colours here indicating some areas could see over 100 millimetres, perhaps even 180 millimetres of rain. Thats enough to cause some disruption. So the met office have issued an amber Heavy Rain Warning across parts of central and western scotland. We could see some flooding and disruption to power and travel, for instance. So here is the Weather Front thats going to be bringing all that rain. Its going to be really slow moving on saturday. So its going to continue to plough more heavy, persistent rainfall into many central parts of scotland, the Northern Ireland, Northern England and down towards wales. A little bit of patchy cloud here and there. Best of the sunshine for central and south eastern parts of england where it is going to feel warm temperatures between about 19 to 2a temperatures between about 19 to 2a or 25 degrees on saturday. Contrast that to aberdeen, for instance, just nine degrees under the cloud and the persistent rain as well. Now that Weather Front still with us into the second half of the weekend. But as we head through saturday night, itll just start to lift a little bit further north. The rain perhaps not quite as heavy as we move through into the early hours of sunday morning. So, its going to be a mild night wherever you are. Temperatures in double figures towards the south, a little bit colder across parts of scotland, but frost free. Sunday morning starts with that rain. Its going to just push further north through the day across parts of northern and eastern scotland, something a little bit brighter developing in the south. For Northern Ireland, england and wales, any Early Morning mist and fog clears away to leave spells of sunshine, blue sky and again feeling really warm. 2a degrees possible in the southeast, only about 12 to 1a for scotland. Moving through into monday, and weve still got High Pressure dominating towards the south. So a generally dry day for most of us think for monday, stilljust the chance of the odd shower in the north, cool wind across the Northern Isles and the north of scotland. But for most of us, another warm day. So were looking at highs in the mid 20s for some towards the southeast, typically the high teens across scotland and Northern Ireland. Heading through into tuesday, and theres that big area of High Pressure sitting across europe dominating the weather, particularly in the south. But low pressure tries to move in across the north west of the uk. So some rain possible on tuesday could be the heavy shower for parts of northern and western scotland, perhaps Northern Ireland as well. England and wales having another dry day and its probably going to be the peak of the warmth, 25 or 26 degrees possible for the london area. Were widely looking at temperatures in the high teens, low 20s, again, just a touch cooler across the far north and north west of scotland. So the middle of the week, it will be all change as this frontal system, as we move into wednesday, tries to push its way further southwards and eastward. So, a spell of heavy rain possible on wednesday could be a bit further south, perhaps a bit further north. Some squally, gusty winds associated with this feature as it slowly pushes towards the southeast through the day. Some showers behind it and temperatures down a touch in the north, but still pretty warm. Still looking at the mid 20s possible in the far southeast before that rain sweeps in. And its going to set us up for a change during the second half of next week. So from wednesday onwards, more showers on the outlook chart for many of us and those temperatures later in the week will return to something more typical really for this time of year. Bye bye. Live from london, this is bbc news. At least 100 israelis have been killed after a Surprise Attack from the Militant Group hamas. Israels retaliatory strikes have killed almost 200 palestinians. A live pictures of israeli action in The Gaza Strip, Constant Barrage and explosions and smoke in the air. That figure hasjust explosions and smoke in the air. That figure has just gone up to 200 palestinians killed. Prime minister netanyahu claims his country is at war. The israeli Army Declares a state of readiness. Translation the enemy will pay an unprecedented price. In the meantime, i call on all citizens of israel to strictly obey the instructions of the army. We are in a war and we will win it. Hamas said their operation was a response to israeli violence against palestinians in the west bank. Hello and welcome. Im lucy hockings. Israels Prime Minister, benjamin netanyahu, says the country is at war and will win, after a Surprise Attack by the palestinian Militant Group, hamas Saw Thousands of rockets launched into israel from gaza. Dozens of militants appear to have entered southern israel, where a State Of Emergency has been declared. Heres what we know so far. The Rocket Attacks have struck tel aviv and areas surrounding gaza. The town of ashkelon saw several major explosions. Israels n12 news is now reporting that at least a0 israelis

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