Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240703 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240703

by armenian separatists for decades, but it's internationally recognised as part of azerbaijan. the united nations says it's sending a mission to the region this weekend, to assess the humanitarian situation. the team will look at the needs of people remaining in the territory as well as those who are on the move. azerbaijan has said it would allow such a visit to take place. live now to ketevan khachidze, the chief executive of care causcasus. thank you forjoining us. i understand you have been near the border and spoken to people who crossed over the border. what are those people telling you? what are some of the stories you have heard in the past few days?— in the past few days? thanks for invitin: in the past few days? thanks for inviting me- _ in the past few days? thanks for inviting me. they _ in the past few days? thanks for inviting me. they engulfed - in the past few days? thanks for inviting me. they engulfed a - in the past few days? thanks for i inviting me. they engulfed a small town near the border. 0bviously, inviting me. they engulfed a small town near the border. obviously, the situation is devastating and hundreds of people are crossing the border, and they are tired, exhausted, hungry and desperate. they are hopeless because they have put all their belongings in their bags and theyjust rushed into their cars and started moving. 0bviously, cars and started moving. obviously, the situation is really desperate. the certainty of their future is really not clear at the moment. we also conducted a needs assessment to see what is the needs of these people at the moment, and we saw that over 55% have nowhere to go, and just have no place, and it is not very clear where they will be placed at the moment. finding shelter is a really big problem for them. to give you an example, we talk to a 67—year—old woman who is a teacher who just buried her father when this military action started, and after the funeral, they certainly saw, and it was a really tiring, long journey for certainly saw, and it was a really tiring, longjourney forten certainly saw, and it was a really tiring, long journey for ten people, including seven children. for five or more children it is quite unusual. or more children it is quite unusual-— or more children it is quite unusual. ., ., ., , unusual. you mentioned the families crossin: unusual. you mentioned the families crossing the — unusual. you mentioned the families crossing the border, _ unusual. you mentioned the families crossing the border, but _ unusual. you mentioned the families crossing the border, but we - unusual. you mentioned the families crossing the border, but we have - crossing the border, but we have also been hearing stories about children who have crossed the border, and might not be in the care of anyone. are there any special provisions for them, or is this all happened too quickly really? because ofthe happened too quickly really? because of the destruction _ happened too quickly really? because of the destruction of _ happened too quickly really? because of the destruction of the _ of the destruction of the infrastructure, it is possible that there will be family protection in place, but frankly, i haven't seen at the border children about care, but it might be possible. i understand, and we did mention the sort of lightening speed of the offensive by the azerbaijani government to the region, forcing people to move very, very quickly. we know tensions have been simmering for quite some time, but the situation has been changing on the ground incredibly quickly. i wonder if you can reflect on that and how it has affected those who have crossed over the border, and also those who have decided that they need to stay. those who have decided that they need to stay-— those who have decided that they need to stay. when we talk to the eo - le, need to stay. when we talk to the --eole, it need to stay. when we talk to the peeple. it is _ need to stay. when we talk to the peeple. it is very _ need to stay. when we talk to the people, it is very likely _ need to stay. when we talk to the people, it is very likely some - people, it is very likely some people, it is very likely some people will stay behind, some are just expecting their family members to rejoin. the situation is escalating very quickly, but i really want the audience just to imagine the region where we are living. it is very complex region, and for the last years, we have seen and for the last years, we have seen a number of interstate conflicts, and we know that the situation is quite unstable, and can change very quickly. to give you an example, i myself, i lost a house in 2008 in georgia, and a project manager who is also based in georgia, seven years ago, she was 11 years old when she crossed through the mountains from tbilisi. we really know that the situation can be really unstable, and things can change very quickly. it is deeply traumatising but we know the situation. but we are just hoping and really trying to provide any help we can, cut my care and other ngos in the region at the moment. at the moment, we arejust focused on providing temporary shelter, and food, and we are just talking about a high mountainous region, and just imagine the cold and freezing temperatures in the night times. and freezing temperatures in the night times-— and freezing temperatures in the niuht times. ., ~ i. , . and freezing temperatures in the niuht times. ., ~ , . . night times. thank you very much. we are definitely — night times. thank you very much. we are definitely going _ night times. thank you very much. we are definitely going to _ night times. thank you very much. we are definitely going to be _ night times. thank you very much. we are definitely going to be keeping - night times. thank you very much. we are definitely going to be keeping a i are definitely going to be keeping a very close eye on the situation, as you say, as the colder weather comes in the next few weeks and months. thank you for speaking to us from the ngo care from tbilisi. we do apologise that the audio for that interview wasn't so good, but it was important to get her thoughts at that moment. thank you very much. moving to pakistan, investigations are under way into two deadly explosions which killed at least 60 people. the first explosion was near a mosque in the southwestern province of balochistan as people celebrated the birth of the prophet muhammad. police say at least 55 people were killed there, with another 50 injured. police suspect it was a suicide attack targeting the religious gathering in mastung city. these pictures are from balochistan, pakistan's largest province. the region has suffered mutiple attacks from groups including the pakistani taliban and islamic state group. and in a separate explosion, at least five people are reported to have died at a blast at a mosque near the city of peshawar. many more were feared trapped under the collapsed building. bbc urdu's saher baloch has the latest. i'm in mastung city right now, which was rocked by a blast yesterday. the police says that it was a suicide blast. if you look around, there are a lot of slippers and belongings of people that are strewn around here. the police has also tried to clean the area, but it seems like they were not able to do so properly. as soon as i got here, i was told that in the hospital near me, there are many unidentified people as well. so around 52 people were dead, pronounced dead on arrival. and at the same time, there were 139 people who were injured in this incident, as a result of this incident. the police says that it was a suicide blast, but so far, none of the militant organisations have claimed responsibility for it. the people i spoke with over here, they are saying that who basically did that and what was their motivation. what exactly happened yesterday was that people congregated on this area, around this place and they were going to start marching to celebrate the birth anniversary of prophet muhammad, because this was a tradition that was practised over here for many, many years. i also roamed around a bit in this area, and i got to know that there are many unidentified bodies still lying in the hospital. some of them, some of the people were identified and they were taken to quetta. but a lot of bodies are still unidentified. at the same time, the people around here are questioning the investigation of the police and they are also questioning why repeatedly such attacks are happening in mastung. the police officers that i spoke with over here, they are not taking any names any more because since the time they named pakistani taliban and they backed off from it and they said that they have nothing to do with this incident at all, the police has not said anything at all about who could be responsible for this. so for the time being, the people over here still have a lot of questions that need answering. the us government will run out of money to fund itself by the end of saturday unless congress can agree a last—minute deal. it would be the 22nd time in the past 50 years that us government services have had to be shut down because of a budget deadlock in congress. the house of representatives will reconvene in washington on saturday morning local time. sean dilley has the latest. well, this is what you get when the house of representatives is led by a different party to the one that controls the senate and also occupies the white house. deadlocks, not unheard of. the government shut down six times since 1990. and when they happen, they can last for a short time, even days. but there's usually a very clear reason why. last time, for example, the government shut down in 2018. it was 35 days that those services were stopped. and this was because of a very clear disagreement about donald trump's wish to build a wall on the southern border. 2013, similarly, very clear policy disagreements saw a 16—day shutdown when representatives fell out over the provision of 0bamacare. this time, though, the reasons are far less clear. the republican speaker, kevin mccarthy, says that he thinks the biggest issue is president biden's wish to send more money to ukraine. but he said a short term deal probably could have been done before now in exchange for stronger border protections on the south of the country. now, it probably is the case that kevin mccarthy could drive through a short—term funding deal to keep the government running. but that would mean working closely with democratic representatives to push through a funding deal already agreed by both the republicans and the democrats in the upper chamber, the senate. but around nine hardline republicans have made it very clear that if he works with their opponents to pass the deal, he'd be forced from office. so then what are we left with? congress has until midnight tonight to see if they can reach a deal. it's possible, i guess, but right now it feels pretty unlikely that they're going to do that. and if they don't, days and weeks of uncertainty would surely follow. many thousands of federal employees would be placed on unpaid leave and the us could see some very serious damage to its economy. here in the uk, police have now named the two people who died in a school bus crash in merseyside yesterday. ao—year—old stephen shrimpton, both died in the incident when the vehicle overturned on the m53 in the wirral. a 14—year—old boy is still in hospital with life—changing injuries. 0ur correspondent, yunus mulla, reports. jessica baker, 15 years old and one of the schoolchildren on the bus who was killed in the crash. today, flowers were left outside the school entrance. 0ne message simply read, "sorry to see you go. "thoughts with the family." the school has opened this weekend and children have been arriving with their parents, carrying flowers. they've been comforted by staff. the school is offering specialist trauma support. the driver, who was also killed, has been officially named as stephen shrimpton. a fundraising post said he had medical issues at the wheel. in tribute, his family describe him as a loving husband and father to his wife and his wonderful children, a caring and thoughtful man who would always prioritise others over himself. police have not confirmed his cause of death and say a postmortem will take place. more than 50 children from west kirby grammar and calday grange grammar were on their way to school with other vehicles in convoy when the journey ended in tragedy. a 14—year—old boy is also being treated for a life—changing injuries. other children were also injured. the birkenhead mp has described the incident as an absolute tragedy. merseyside police want to hear from witnesses and anyone who has dash cam footage to contact them. people in slovakia are voting in a fiercely contested general election, with the populist smair party promising to stop military aid to ukraine if it wins. the party is being challenged by the liberal progressive slovakia which promises to maintain support for kyiv. neither party is expected to win a majority. live now to our correspondent rob cameron who is following the elections from prague in neighbouring czech republic. what is the turn out looking like so far, and how might that turn out in different pockets of slovakia affect the outcome?— different pockets of slovakia affect the outcome? ~ . ., , the outcome? well, what we have seen so far is a very — the outcome? well, what we have seen so far is a very big _ the outcome? well, what we have seen so far is a very big turnout _ the outcome? well, what we have seen so far is a very big turnout in _ the outcome? well, what we have seen so far is a very big turnout in the - so far is a very big turnout in the numbers of slovaks abroad, coming home to boat or voting in the postal votes, and in fact, it was a couple of ngos based in this country, in the czech republic that put on two special free trains for the tens of thousands of slovak students studying in this country to go home and vote and make their vote count. that is obviously good news for the progressive slovakia party, a pro—western, liberal party, but in terms of the overall numbers, turn does seem fairly healthy, but this election comes after many months of instability in slovakia at a time when slovakia seemed to be drifting. we have had a caretaker government that took over earlier this year from the centre—right government that collapsed and acrimonious arguments towards the end of last year, so i think many slovaks really are sick to be back teeth of politics frankly, having had many elections in the past few years. we will have to see how that affects the turnout today. this will have to see how that affects the turnout today.— will have to see how that affects the turnout today. as we said, it has been a _ the turnout today. as we said, it has been a fiercely _ the turnout today. as we said, it has been a fiercely contested - has been a fiercely contested election, a very difficult campaign, and disinformation has been a real concern, hasn't it? what more can you tell us about that? it concern, hasn't it? what more can you tell us about that?— you tell us about that? it certainly has, and you tell us about that? it certainly has. and many — you tell us about that? it certainly has, and many people _ you tell us about that? it certainly has, and many people are - you tell us about that? it certainly has, and many people are worriedj you tell us about that? it certainly i has, and many people are worried at the effect that that this information is going to have on voters in slovakia. it has, of course, centred around the whole issue of the war in ukraine. many people point to moscow as being the source of some of that disinformation, and it is very hard to prove, but in fact, when you listen to the politicians of the populist smair party, the party of the former prime minister, some of what they say in public, some of their statements, they sound like they were scripted in moscow, not bratislava, and just today, i was watching an interview with the former interior minister who said that this war started in 2014, when ukrainian nazis and fascists murdered the russian speaking population of the donbas, so if top politicians in smair as saying that, i think that gives you an idea of the whole tenor of this very ill tempered election in slovakia. it is a very important election and we will be following it closely. as the war in ukraine dominates slovakia's election, today marks one year since russia's illegal annexation of four ukrainian territories. that decision sparked almost universal condemnation. today, president putin defended the move and claimed that russia had become stronger for it. but russia is not even in full control of the four regions it claims to have annexed — donetsk, luhank, zaporizhzhia and kherson. and more than a year and a half after its full scale invasion of ukraine, russia appears no closer to winning the war there. from moscow, our russia editor, steve rosenberg, reports. a year ago, he proclaimed the annexation of four ukrainian regions. today, vladimir putin said russia had become stronger as a result. "together we can meet any challenge." together they streamed towards red square, a highly organised show of support for the annexation that only two countries have recognized — syria and north korea. "it all belongs to us now", yelena says. "we restored part of our historic motherland." "but it's ukrainian territory", i say. "it's russia, only russia." flags distributed, cue the patriotic concert. in the absence of victory, this was all about creating the impression of victory, a dizzying sense of achievement, so that russians believe that the last 19 months of pain haven't been in vain. so the kremlin tells them that their country has got bigger, stronger, when in reality, the invasion of ukraine has gone badly wrong for russia. one recent example — the ukrainian missile attack on russia's black sea fleet headquarters in occupied crimea. it showed how moscow's struggling to defend strategically important targets. but there's no change of plan. in ukraine, russia fights on. the army says it's recruited an extra 300,000 volunteers. president putin is pushing on with the war and confrontation with the west. how far is putin prepared to go now to achieve the victory? to the end. to whatever that end is. he's not going to give up, he's not going to waver, he's not going to blink, he's not going to make concessions. so putin is waiting for the west to blink first? absolutely. he's waiting it out. the kremlin leader apparently believing that time is on russia's side. steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. now, it is time for a look at today's sports. the usa are attempting to take the ryder cup into a meaningful third day after europe went into saturday's afternoon fourballs only five points away from regaining the trophy in rome. that, after a foursomes session that included a record 9 and 7 win for ludvig aberg and viktor hovland helped the home side to a 9.5 — 2.5 lead. after picking up their first win earlier, now the usa are leading in three of those four fourballs. but europe retains the lead in the fourth of those four, as they seek to win back the ryder cup. there are eight matches in the premier league today — it's approaching full time in the early kick—off where aston villa are 5—1 at home to brighton, 0llie watkins completed his hattrick to score villa's fourth. all three promoted clubs are still looking for their first wins of the season but luton sheffield united and burnley are all away from home. manchester city take their 100% start to the season to wolves. while the late game could well be the pick of the weekend's action as spurs take on liverpool. that is forth against a second. and ahead of the match, there's been something of a love in between the managers. he has done very well and seems to be a top bloke. not yet. i look forward to meet him. i'm pretty sure everybody knew that already when you saw celtic playing in recent years, what kind of coach he is and how good he is as a coach.— what kind of coach he is and how good he is as a coach. juergen is an outstanding — good he is as a coach. juergen is an outstanding manager _ good he is as a coach. juergen is an outstanding manager and _ good he is as a coach. juergen is an outstanding manager and he - good he is as a coach. juergen is an outstanding manager and he is - good he is as a coach. juergen is an outstanding manager and he is one | good he is as a coach. juergen is an l outstanding manager and he is one of these _ outstanding manager and he is one of these managers that i think it is there _ these managers that i think it is there to — these managers that i think it is there to say he has made an impact on the _ there to say he has made an impact on the competition, notjust his duh _ on the competition, notjust his duh i— on the competition, notjust his duh i got— on the competition, notjust his club. i got to bring something different— club. i got to bring something different probably to any different team in_ different probably to any different team in the league in the way they play and _ team in the league in the way they play and go about things, and it would _ play and go about things, and it would he — play and go about things, and it would be a very good test for us. three teams with designs on the rugby world cup quarter finals play in the tournament on saturday. all of them will hope to win their penultimate pool games against lower ranked opposition. argentina are taking on chile in pool d — argentina leading 17—0 there. later fiji take on georgia, while our correspondent katie gornall is in lille for scotland against romania. that is right, and the task is simple here for scotland. they have to get points on the board against romania. they need to score at least four tries and beat romania to get that bonus point victory that would keep alive their hopes of reaching the quarterfinals and set up a decisive do or die clash with ireland in paris next week. they are expected to do that. romania have had a difficult time at this world cup and they have conceded 158 points in their first two games, cup and they have conceded 158 points in theirfirst two games, and scotland are expected to win and win well. townsend has made 13 changes for this game and brings in four players who haven't experienced this world cup yet. they include hamish watson, once a go to guy for scotland, but he has fallen down the pecking order somewhat thanks to the brilliant form of glasgow flanker rory taj, so he will be desperate to make an impression here against romania, but the big news from the world cup tournament today is that the france captain antoine du pont has been cleared to return to action following an operation on a fractured cheekbone, and if you remember, he picked up the injury in their win over namibia, just nine days ago, but he has recovered well and he will miss their next pool game against italy, but you look set to return for a probable quarterfinal against south africa. and that is a huge boost to france, he is the poster boy at this tournament and a huge boost to their hopes of winning this tournament on home soil here. giro d'italia champion primoz roglic has announced that he's leaving thejumbo—visma team at the end of the season. as well as winning the giro, he finished third behind team—mates sepp kuss and jonas vingergaur at the vuelta a espana as the dutch team became the first to win all three grand tours in the same year. the slovenian says he won't reveal who he's signing for until the end of the season. much more on our website but that is it for now. thank you. in australia, one man has died and another is in hospital after a whale struck and flipped their boat during a fishing expedition. authorities say one man was pulled unconscious from botany bay, off the coast of sydney, and later died, while the other remains in a stable condition. the two men were thrown from the boat when it was hit by the whale — early morning local time. these circumstances, we have been advised early that a wail has been involved, and whoever would have thought that that would have occurred? so, it is terribly tragic, and we just, occurred? so, it is terribly tragic, and wejust, as i say, a feel for those family and friends. this morning, two guys would have got up to go out and enjoy themselves fishing. something that i and most people in new south wales love to do, and we have ended up with a tragic set of circumstances. two people are in hospital after the flying scotsman steam train was involved in a crash with another heritage train in the cairngorms. the low—speed collision took place at aviemore railway station, in the scottish highlands. three other people were treated at the scene. police said none of the injuries were serious. and before we go, a lighter tale. police in slovakia have issued a fine after a speeding car appeared to have a dog behind the wheel. officers in a village northeast of the capital bratislava posted these images on facebook, showing a brown hunter dog in the driver's seat of a skoda. the driver claimed his pet had suddenlyjumped onto his lap but a police video appear to show otherwise. he police video appear to show otherwise-— police video appear to show otherwise. . ,, ., , ., , ., otherwise. he appears to be having fun. sta otherwise. he appears to be having fun- stay with _ otherwise. he appears to be having fun. stay with us _ otherwise. he appears to be having fun. stay with us here _ otherwise. he appears to be having fun. stay with us here on _ otherwise. he appears to be having fun. stay with us here on bbc - otherwise. he appears to be havingl fun. stay with us here on bbc news. |otherwise. he appears to be having| fun. stay with us here on bbc news. good afternoon. it was a fine start to the last day of september, albeit a little chilly, but rain is now moving in on this area of low pressure here. that will bring some rather wet weather across northern ireland, much of northern and western england and wales throughout the remainder of day like today, but further north across scotland, staying fine and dry as it should do across southern and eastern areas, and still feeling quite warm, but with this rain, there is some really quite lively gusts of wind to come as well, which will make it feel a bit cooler, and fog over the hills around some of the coasts as well, but it is mild and muggy air which is pushing northwards, so we should still see the and teens and 20s, and temperatures will drop much overnight, because of the dalot of the rain is it sweeps its way northward and eastward clears away, we are left with a legacy of cloud, with more rain coming in across parts of england and wales open eyed, and some mist and fog at lower levels by the rain as it sweeps its way northward and eastward clears away, we are left with a legacy of cloud, with more rain coming in across parts of england and wales open eyed, and some mist and fog at lower levels further south. look at the temperatures the next couple of days. that means not only mist and fog over the hills at lower levels to the south of our weather front a posting sunday. to the north, it looks just a scattering of showers for scotland and northern ireland, but this ring ever present for parts of england and wales, and cumbria could see 30 or 40 millilitres of rain before it starts to clear away, and it could well statically away from the north during the latter part of tomorrow afternoon. ahead of that system, 23 or 24, but even with the rain further north, 18 to 20 degrees. it is really mild air, which will still hang around during sunday night and into monday, with further pulses of energy if you like, running along the same weather front, and given the fact it is very warm air, we could get some quite significant thunderstorms across england and wales, and in particular, as we had to sunday night into monday, it will be sunny spells and scattered showers for monday again across scotland and northern ireland, but these could be really intense gusty winds with them, and even some hell, but still warm, because it is warm air. and again, we can start the day with some mist and fog through the morning rush as we will see on sunday. beyond that, it looks cherry across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the week, but we will see temperatures building in the south. goodbye for now. this is bbc news. the headlines: armenia's government says more than 100,000 ethic—armenians have now fled nagorno—karabakh since azerbaijan's offensive began earlier this month. the united nations says it's sending a team to assess humanitarian needs. the us government edges towards shutdown, after members of congress fail to reach an agreement on spending. government agencies will begin shutting down unless a deal is reached by the end of saturday. 27 years after the death of american rapper tupac shakur, police in nevada charge a former los angeles gang leaderfor his murder. 60—year—old duane davis was charged after the emergence of new evidence. police in the uk have named 15—year—old jessica baker and coach driver stephen shrimpton as the two people killed in a crash yesterday. now on bbc news — the travel show. could this be italy's hidden gem? i'm going off the beaten track, deep into the south.

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Merseyside Police , Members , Congress , Agreement , Spending , Jessica Baker , Uk , 15 , People , Stephen Shrimpton , Coach , Death , Rapper , Murder , Gang Leader , Bus Crash , Nevada , Tupac Shakur , Wirral Yesterday , The American , Two , 27 , Lam , Celia Hatton , Government , Nagorno Karabakh , Azerbaijan , Control , Military Campaign , Armenia , Enclave , Armenians , 100000 , Situation , Region , Weekend , United Nations , Part , Mission , Armenian Separatists , Team , Place , Needs , Move , Ketevan Khachidze , Territory , Visit , Care Causcasus , Border , Us , Some , Stories , Thanks , Town , Hundreds , 0bviously , Invitin , 0 , Cars , Belongings , Bags , Theyjust , Needs Assessment , Certainty , Problem , Nowhere , Finding Shelter , 55 , Teacher , Example , Woman , Father , Military Action , Funeral , 67 , Children , Saw , Journey , Longjourney Forten , Five , Seven , Ten , Families , The Border , Hearing Stories , Families Crossin , Wall , The Ngo Care , Anyone , Provisions , 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Police Officers , Investigation , Anything , Being , Questions , Nothing , Deal , The End , Money , Services , 22 , Progressive Slovakia Party , Senate , One , Led , House Of Representatives , Budget Deadlock , On Saturday Morning , Sean Dilley , Washington , Deadlocks , Reason , White House , 1990 , Six , Wish , Southern Border 2013 , Disagreement , Donald Trump , 2018 , 35 , Kevin Mccarthy , Representatives , Provision , Policy Disagreements , Reasons , Similarly , Republican , 0bamacare , 2013 , 16 , Country , South , Ukraine , Issue , Biden , Term , Border Protections , Exchange , Case , Funding Deal , Running , Democratic , Chamber , Nine , Office , Opponents , Uncertainty , Thousands , School Bus Crash , Damage , Economy , Employees , Leave , Merseyside , Injuries , Boy , Vehicle , 0ur Correspondent , Wirral , M53 , Ao , Yunus Mulla , 14 , Family , Crash , School , Flowers , Schoolchildren , Bus , School Entrance , Message , Trauma Support , Parents , Staff , Offering Specialist , Man , Issues , Fundraising Post , Wheel , Tribute , Husband , Wife , Postmortem , Cause , Grammar , Others , Calday Grange Grammar , West Kirby , Tragedy , Vehicles , Convoy , Witnesses , Voting , Mp , Dash Cam Footage , Birkenhead , Fiercely , Support , Liberal Progressive Slovakia , Populist , General Election , Military Aid , Smair Party , Kyiv , Elections , Rob Cameron , Majority , Czech Republic , Prague , Turnout , Outcome , Pockets , Numbers , Slovaks , Coming Home , Fact , Boat , Students , Tens Of Thousands , Votes , Trains , Couple , Slovak , Home , News , Vote Count , Vote , Terms , Liberal Party , Election , Caretaker Government , Instability , Politics , Frankly , Arguments , Back Teeth , It , Disinformation , It Concern , Campaign , Concern , Hasn T , War , You , Information , Voters , Effect , Course , Worriedj , Politicians , Party , Source , Not Bratislava , Interior Minister , Statements , Prime Minister , Public , Moscow , 2014 , Speaking Population , Smair , Tenor , Donbas , Fascists , Idea , Russian , Ukrainian Nazis , Annexation , Russia , Territories , Condemnation , President Putin , Decision , Four , Regions , Invasion , Half , Scale , Luhank , Kherson , Zaporizhzhia , Annexed Donetsk , Steve Rosenberg , Reports , Our Russia Editor , Countries , Show , Challenge , Red Square , Motherland , It S Ukrainian Territory , Syria , North Korea , Yelena , Impression , Victory , Concert , Flags , Absence , Kremlin , Achievement , Sense , Reality , Pain Haven T , Russians , Vain , 19 , Missile Attack , Headquarters , Crimea , Black Sea Fleet , Army , Change , Targets , Plan , Putin , West , Confrontation , Volunteers , End , 300000 , Concessions , Blink , Waver , Leader , Bbc News , Sports , Look , Side , Points , Session , Foursomes , Ryder Cup , Third Day , Trophy , Record , Afternoon Fourballs , Saturday , Europe , Rome , 9 , 7 , Win , Lead , Fourballs , Viktor Hovland , Ludvig Aberg , 2 5 , 9 5 , Three , Fourth , Matches , Premier League , Eight , Season , Manchester City , Clubs , 0llie Watkins , Kick Off , Hattrick , Away From Home , Wins , Wolves , Score Villa , Aston Villa , Sheffield United , Brighton , Luton , Burnley , 1 , 100 , 5 , Something , Game , Action , Managers , Spurs , Match , Pick , Second , Love , Liverpool , Everybody , Kind , Playing , Bloke , Celtic , Juergen , Manager , His Duh I On The Competition , His Duh , The , Notjust , Rugby World Cup , League , Teams , Competition , Play , Club , Test , Designs , Tournament , Games , Katie Gornall , Chile , There , Pool , Opposition , Argentina , Finals , Pool D , Fiji Take On Georgia , Lille , 17 , Scotland , Bonus Point Victory , Romania , Task , Beat , Board , Scotland Against Romania , Hopes , Quarterfinals , Clash , Ireland , In Paris , Do Or Die , 158 , Hamish Watson , Players , Changes , Townsend , Once A Go To Guy For Scotland , 13 , Pecking Order , Form , France , Captain Antoine Du Pont , Glasgow Flanker , Rory Taj , Pool Game , Injury , Cheekbone , Operation , Italy , Namibia , Boost , Primoz Roglic , Poster Boy , Quarterfinal , South Africa , Home Soil , Giro D Italia , Slovenian , Thejumbo Visma Team , Grand Tours , First , Giro , Sepp Kuss , Vuelta A Espana , Jonas Vingergaur , Dutch , Signing , Website , One Man , Australia , Another , Whale , Coast , Remains , Condition , Men , Fishing Expedition , Sydney , Botany Bay , Authorities , Circumstances , Wail , Hit , The Whale , Feel , Fishing , Friends , Guys , Wejust , Flying Scotsman , Set , New South Wales , Steam Train , Collision , Scene , Lighter Tale , Heritage Train , Aviemore Railway Station , Cairngorms , Scottish Highlands , Police , Behind The Wheel , Fine , Officers , Village , Speeding Car , Skoda , Capital , Driver S Seat , Hunter Dog , Facebook , Police Video , Pet , Flap , He Police Video , Suddenlyjumped , Rain , Stay , Havingl Fun , Fun Stay , Sta , Albeit A Little Chilly , England , Northern Ireland , Much , Pressure , Remainder , Wales , Hair , Fog , Hills , Areas , Gusts , Wind , Coasts , Well , Cooler , Parts , Cloud , Legacy , Northwards , Teens , Dalot , Open Eyed , 20 , Mist , Levels , North , Weather Front , Showers , Scattering , Ring , Millilitres , System , Cumbria , 24 , 23 , 40 , 30 , Sunday Night , Energy , Pulses , 18 , Thunderstorms , Particular , Winds , Shell , Morning Rush , Goodbye For Now , Headlines , Ethic Armenians , Shutdown , Government Agencies , Gang Leaderfor , Los Angeles , Duane Davis , Emergence , Evidence , Crash Yesterday , Gem , The Travel Show , Off The Beaten Track ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240703 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240703

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by armenian separatists for decades, but it's internationally recognised as part of azerbaijan. the united nations says it's sending a mission to the region this weekend, to assess the humanitarian situation. the team will look at the needs of people remaining in the territory as well as those who are on the move. azerbaijan has said it would allow such a visit to take place. live now to ketevan khachidze, the chief executive of care causcasus. thank you forjoining us. i understand you have been near the border and spoken to people who crossed over the border. what are those people telling you? what are some of the stories you have heard in the past few days?— in the past few days? thanks for invitin: in the past few days? thanks for inviting me- _ in the past few days? thanks for inviting me. they _ in the past few days? thanks for inviting me. they engulfed - in the past few days? thanks for inviting me. they engulfed a - in the past few days? thanks for i inviting me. they engulfed a small town near the border. 0bviously, inviting me. they engulfed a small town near the border. obviously, the situation is devastating and hundreds of people are crossing the border, and they are tired, exhausted, hungry and desperate. they are hopeless because they have put all their belongings in their bags and theyjust rushed into their cars and started moving. 0bviously, cars and started moving. obviously, the situation is really desperate. the certainty of their future is really not clear at the moment. we also conducted a needs assessment to see what is the needs of these people at the moment, and we saw that over 55% have nowhere to go, and just have no place, and it is not very clear where they will be placed at the moment. finding shelter is a really big problem for them. to give you an example, we talk to a 67—year—old woman who is a teacher who just buried her father when this military action started, and after the funeral, they certainly saw, and it was a really tiring, long journey for certainly saw, and it was a really tiring, longjourney forten certainly saw, and it was a really tiring, long journey for ten people, including seven children. for five or more children it is quite unusual. or more children it is quite unusual-— or more children it is quite unusual. ., ., ., , unusual. you mentioned the families crossin: unusual. you mentioned the families crossing the — unusual. you mentioned the families crossing the border, _ unusual. you mentioned the families crossing the border, but _ unusual. you mentioned the families crossing the border, but we - unusual. you mentioned the families crossing the border, but we have - crossing the border, but we have also been hearing stories about children who have crossed the border, and might not be in the care of anyone. are there any special provisions for them, or is this all happened too quickly really? because ofthe happened too quickly really? because of the destruction _ happened too quickly really? because of the destruction of _ happened too quickly really? because of the destruction of the _ of the destruction of the infrastructure, it is possible that there will be family protection in place, but frankly, i haven't seen at the border children about care, but it might be possible. i understand, and we did mention the sort of lightening speed of the offensive by the azerbaijani government to the region, forcing people to move very, very quickly. we know tensions have been simmering for quite some time, but the situation has been changing on the ground incredibly quickly. i wonder if you can reflect on that and how it has affected those who have crossed over the border, and also those who have decided that they need to stay. those who have decided that they need to stay-— those who have decided that they need to stay. when we talk to the eo - le, need to stay. when we talk to the --eole, it need to stay. when we talk to the peeple. it is _ need to stay. when we talk to the peeple. it is very _ need to stay. when we talk to the people, it is very likely _ need to stay. when we talk to the people, it is very likely some - people, it is very likely some people, it is very likely some people will stay behind, some are just expecting their family members to rejoin. the situation is escalating very quickly, but i really want the audience just to imagine the region where we are living. it is very complex region, and for the last years, we have seen and for the last years, we have seen a number of interstate conflicts, and we know that the situation is quite unstable, and can change very quickly. to give you an example, i myself, i lost a house in 2008 in georgia, and a project manager who is also based in georgia, seven years ago, she was 11 years old when she crossed through the mountains from tbilisi. we really know that the situation can be really unstable, and things can change very quickly. it is deeply traumatising but we know the situation. but we are just hoping and really trying to provide any help we can, cut my care and other ngos in the region at the moment. at the moment, we arejust focused on providing temporary shelter, and food, and we are just talking about a high mountainous region, and just imagine the cold and freezing temperatures in the night times. and freezing temperatures in the night times-— and freezing temperatures in the niuht times. ., ~ i. , . and freezing temperatures in the niuht times. ., ~ , . . night times. thank you very much. we are definitely — night times. thank you very much. we are definitely going _ night times. thank you very much. we are definitely going to _ night times. thank you very much. we are definitely going to be _ night times. thank you very much. we are definitely going to be keeping - night times. thank you very much. we are definitely going to be keeping a i are definitely going to be keeping a very close eye on the situation, as you say, as the colder weather comes in the next few weeks and months. thank you for speaking to us from the ngo care from tbilisi. we do apologise that the audio for that interview wasn't so good, but it was important to get her thoughts at that moment. thank you very much. moving to pakistan, investigations are under way into two deadly explosions which killed at least 60 people. the first explosion was near a mosque in the southwestern province of balochistan as people celebrated the birth of the prophet muhammad. police say at least 55 people were killed there, with another 50 injured. police suspect it was a suicide attack targeting the religious gathering in mastung city. these pictures are from balochistan, pakistan's largest province. the region has suffered mutiple attacks from groups including the pakistani taliban and islamic state group. and in a separate explosion, at least five people are reported to have died at a blast at a mosque near the city of peshawar. many more were feared trapped under the collapsed building. bbc urdu's saher baloch has the latest. i'm in mastung city right now, which was rocked by a blast yesterday. the police says that it was a suicide blast. if you look around, there are a lot of slippers and belongings of people that are strewn around here. the police has also tried to clean the area, but it seems like they were not able to do so properly. as soon as i got here, i was told that in the hospital near me, there are many unidentified people as well. so around 52 people were dead, pronounced dead on arrival. and at the same time, there were 139 people who were injured in this incident, as a result of this incident. the police says that it was a suicide blast, but so far, none of the militant organisations have claimed responsibility for it. the people i spoke with over here, they are saying that who basically did that and what was their motivation. what exactly happened yesterday was that people congregated on this area, around this place and they were going to start marching to celebrate the birth anniversary of prophet muhammad, because this was a tradition that was practised over here for many, many years. i also roamed around a bit in this area, and i got to know that there are many unidentified bodies still lying in the hospital. some of them, some of the people were identified and they were taken to quetta. but a lot of bodies are still unidentified. at the same time, the people around here are questioning the investigation of the police and they are also questioning why repeatedly such attacks are happening in mastung. the police officers that i spoke with over here, they are not taking any names any more because since the time they named pakistani taliban and they backed off from it and they said that they have nothing to do with this incident at all, the police has not said anything at all about who could be responsible for this. so for the time being, the people over here still have a lot of questions that need answering. the us government will run out of money to fund itself by the end of saturday unless congress can agree a last—minute deal. it would be the 22nd time in the past 50 years that us government services have had to be shut down because of a budget deadlock in congress. the house of representatives will reconvene in washington on saturday morning local time. sean dilley has the latest. well, this is what you get when the house of representatives is led by a different party to the one that controls the senate and also occupies the white house. deadlocks, not unheard of. the government shut down six times since 1990. and when they happen, they can last for a short time, even days. but there's usually a very clear reason why. last time, for example, the government shut down in 2018. it was 35 days that those services were stopped. and this was because of a very clear disagreement about donald trump's wish to build a wall on the southern border. 2013, similarly, very clear policy disagreements saw a 16—day shutdown when representatives fell out over the provision of 0bamacare. this time, though, the reasons are far less clear. the republican speaker, kevin mccarthy, says that he thinks the biggest issue is president biden's wish to send more money to ukraine. but he said a short term deal probably could have been done before now in exchange for stronger border protections on the south of the country. now, it probably is the case that kevin mccarthy could drive through a short—term funding deal to keep the government running. but that would mean working closely with democratic representatives to push through a funding deal already agreed by both the republicans and the democrats in the upper chamber, the senate. but around nine hardline republicans have made it very clear that if he works with their opponents to pass the deal, he'd be forced from office. so then what are we left with? congress has until midnight tonight to see if they can reach a deal. it's possible, i guess, but right now it feels pretty unlikely that they're going to do that. and if they don't, days and weeks of uncertainty would surely follow. many thousands of federal employees would be placed on unpaid leave and the us could see some very serious damage to its economy. here in the uk, police have now named the two people who died in a school bus crash in merseyside yesterday. ao—year—old stephen shrimpton, both died in the incident when the vehicle overturned on the m53 in the wirral. a 14—year—old boy is still in hospital with life—changing injuries. 0ur correspondent, yunus mulla, reports. jessica baker, 15 years old and one of the schoolchildren on the bus who was killed in the crash. today, flowers were left outside the school entrance. 0ne message simply read, "sorry to see you go. "thoughts with the family." the school has opened this weekend and children have been arriving with their parents, carrying flowers. they've been comforted by staff. the school is offering specialist trauma support. the driver, who was also killed, has been officially named as stephen shrimpton. a fundraising post said he had medical issues at the wheel. in tribute, his family describe him as a loving husband and father to his wife and his wonderful children, a caring and thoughtful man who would always prioritise others over himself. police have not confirmed his cause of death and say a postmortem will take place. more than 50 children from west kirby grammar and calday grange grammar were on their way to school with other vehicles in convoy when the journey ended in tragedy. a 14—year—old boy is also being treated for a life—changing injuries. other children were also injured. the birkenhead mp has described the incident as an absolute tragedy. merseyside police want to hear from witnesses and anyone who has dash cam footage to contact them. people in slovakia are voting in a fiercely contested general election, with the populist smair party promising to stop military aid to ukraine if it wins. the party is being challenged by the liberal progressive slovakia which promises to maintain support for kyiv. neither party is expected to win a majority. live now to our correspondent rob cameron who is following the elections from prague in neighbouring czech republic. what is the turn out looking like so far, and how might that turn out in different pockets of slovakia affect the outcome?— different pockets of slovakia affect the outcome? ~ . ., , the outcome? well, what we have seen so far is a very — the outcome? well, what we have seen so far is a very big _ the outcome? well, what we have seen so far is a very big turnout _ the outcome? well, what we have seen so far is a very big turnout in _ the outcome? well, what we have seen so far is a very big turnout in the - so far is a very big turnout in the numbers of slovaks abroad, coming home to boat or voting in the postal votes, and in fact, it was a couple of ngos based in this country, in the czech republic that put on two special free trains for the tens of thousands of slovak students studying in this country to go home and vote and make their vote count. that is obviously good news for the progressive slovakia party, a pro—western, liberal party, but in terms of the overall numbers, turn does seem fairly healthy, but this election comes after many months of instability in slovakia at a time when slovakia seemed to be drifting. we have had a caretaker government that took over earlier this year from the centre—right government that collapsed and acrimonious arguments towards the end of last year, so i think many slovaks really are sick to be back teeth of politics frankly, having had many elections in the past few years. we will have to see how that affects the turnout today. this will have to see how that affects the turnout today.— will have to see how that affects the turnout today. as we said, it has been a _ the turnout today. as we said, it has been a fiercely _ the turnout today. as we said, it has been a fiercely contested - has been a fiercely contested election, a very difficult campaign, and disinformation has been a real concern, hasn't it? what more can you tell us about that? it concern, hasn't it? what more can you tell us about that?— you tell us about that? it certainly has, and you tell us about that? it certainly has. and many — you tell us about that? it certainly has, and many people _ you tell us about that? it certainly has, and many people are - you tell us about that? it certainly has, and many people are worriedj you tell us about that? it certainly i has, and many people are worried at the effect that that this information is going to have on voters in slovakia. it has, of course, centred around the whole issue of the war in ukraine. many people point to moscow as being the source of some of that disinformation, and it is very hard to prove, but in fact, when you listen to the politicians of the populist smair party, the party of the former prime minister, some of what they say in public, some of their statements, they sound like they were scripted in moscow, not bratislava, and just today, i was watching an interview with the former interior minister who said that this war started in 2014, when ukrainian nazis and fascists murdered the russian speaking population of the donbas, so if top politicians in smair as saying that, i think that gives you an idea of the whole tenor of this very ill tempered election in slovakia. it is a very important election and we will be following it closely. as the war in ukraine dominates slovakia's election, today marks one year since russia's illegal annexation of four ukrainian territories. that decision sparked almost universal condemnation. today, president putin defended the move and claimed that russia had become stronger for it. but russia is not even in full control of the four regions it claims to have annexed — donetsk, luhank, zaporizhzhia and kherson. and more than a year and a half after its full scale invasion of ukraine, russia appears no closer to winning the war there. from moscow, our russia editor, steve rosenberg, reports. a year ago, he proclaimed the annexation of four ukrainian regions. today, vladimir putin said russia had become stronger as a result. "together we can meet any challenge." together they streamed towards red square, a highly organised show of support for the annexation that only two countries have recognized — syria and north korea. "it all belongs to us now", yelena says. "we restored part of our historic motherland." "but it's ukrainian territory", i say. "it's russia, only russia." flags distributed, cue the patriotic concert. in the absence of victory, this was all about creating the impression of victory, a dizzying sense of achievement, so that russians believe that the last 19 months of pain haven't been in vain. so the kremlin tells them that their country has got bigger, stronger, when in reality, the invasion of ukraine has gone badly wrong for russia. one recent example — the ukrainian missile attack on russia's black sea fleet headquarters in occupied crimea. it showed how moscow's struggling to defend strategically important targets. but there's no change of plan. in ukraine, russia fights on. the army says it's recruited an extra 300,000 volunteers. president putin is pushing on with the war and confrontation with the west. how far is putin prepared to go now to achieve the victory? to the end. to whatever that end is. he's not going to give up, he's not going to waver, he's not going to blink, he's not going to make concessions. so putin is waiting for the west to blink first? absolutely. he's waiting it out. the kremlin leader apparently believing that time is on russia's side. steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. now, it is time for a look at today's sports. the usa are attempting to take the ryder cup into a meaningful third day after europe went into saturday's afternoon fourballs only five points away from regaining the trophy in rome. that, after a foursomes session that included a record 9 and 7 win for ludvig aberg and viktor hovland helped the home side to a 9.5 — 2.5 lead. after picking up their first win earlier, now the usa are leading in three of those four fourballs. but europe retains the lead in the fourth of those four, as they seek to win back the ryder cup. there are eight matches in the premier league today — it's approaching full time in the early kick—off where aston villa are 5—1 at home to brighton, 0llie watkins completed his hattrick to score villa's fourth. all three promoted clubs are still looking for their first wins of the season but luton sheffield united and burnley are all away from home. manchester city take their 100% start to the season to wolves. while the late game could well be the pick of the weekend's action as spurs take on liverpool. that is forth against a second. and ahead of the match, there's been something of a love in between the managers. he has done very well and seems to be a top bloke. not yet. i look forward to meet him. i'm pretty sure everybody knew that already when you saw celtic playing in recent years, what kind of coach he is and how good he is as a coach.— what kind of coach he is and how good he is as a coach. juergen is an outstanding — good he is as a coach. juergen is an outstanding manager _ good he is as a coach. juergen is an outstanding manager and _ good he is as a coach. juergen is an outstanding manager and he - good he is as a coach. juergen is an outstanding manager and he is - good he is as a coach. juergen is an outstanding manager and he is one | good he is as a coach. juergen is an l outstanding manager and he is one of these _ outstanding manager and he is one of these managers that i think it is there _ these managers that i think it is there to — these managers that i think it is there to say he has made an impact on the _ there to say he has made an impact on the competition, notjust his duh _ on the competition, notjust his duh i— on the competition, notjust his duh i got— on the competition, notjust his club. i got to bring something different— club. i got to bring something different probably to any different team in_ different probably to any different team in the league in the way they play and _ team in the league in the way they play and go about things, and it would _ play and go about things, and it would he — play and go about things, and it would be a very good test for us. three teams with designs on the rugby world cup quarter finals play in the tournament on saturday. all of them will hope to win their penultimate pool games against lower ranked opposition. argentina are taking on chile in pool d — argentina leading 17—0 there. later fiji take on georgia, while our correspondent katie gornall is in lille for scotland against romania. that is right, and the task is simple here for scotland. they have to get points on the board against romania. they need to score at least four tries and beat romania to get that bonus point victory that would keep alive their hopes of reaching the quarterfinals and set up a decisive do or die clash with ireland in paris next week. they are expected to do that. romania have had a difficult time at this world cup and they have conceded 158 points in their first two games, cup and they have conceded 158 points in theirfirst two games, and scotland are expected to win and win well. townsend has made 13 changes for this game and brings in four players who haven't experienced this world cup yet. they include hamish watson, once a go to guy for scotland, but he has fallen down the pecking order somewhat thanks to the brilliant form of glasgow flanker rory taj, so he will be desperate to make an impression here against romania, but the big news from the world cup tournament today is that the france captain antoine du pont has been cleared to return to action following an operation on a fractured cheekbone, and if you remember, he picked up the injury in their win over namibia, just nine days ago, but he has recovered well and he will miss their next pool game against italy, but you look set to return for a probable quarterfinal against south africa. and that is a huge boost to france, he is the poster boy at this tournament and a huge boost to their hopes of winning this tournament on home soil here. giro d'italia champion primoz roglic has announced that he's leaving thejumbo—visma team at the end of the season. as well as winning the giro, he finished third behind team—mates sepp kuss and jonas vingergaur at the vuelta a espana as the dutch team became the first to win all three grand tours in the same year. the slovenian says he won't reveal who he's signing for until the end of the season. much more on our website but that is it for now. thank you. in australia, one man has died and another is in hospital after a whale struck and flipped their boat during a fishing expedition. authorities say one man was pulled unconscious from botany bay, off the coast of sydney, and later died, while the other remains in a stable condition. the two men were thrown from the boat when it was hit by the whale — early morning local time. these circumstances, we have been advised early that a wail has been involved, and whoever would have thought that that would have occurred? so, it is terribly tragic, and we just, occurred? so, it is terribly tragic, and wejust, as i say, a feel for those family and friends. this morning, two guys would have got up to go out and enjoy themselves fishing. something that i and most people in new south wales love to do, and we have ended up with a tragic set of circumstances. two people are in hospital after the flying scotsman steam train was involved in a crash with another heritage train in the cairngorms. the low—speed collision took place at aviemore railway station, in the scottish highlands. three other people were treated at the scene. police said none of the injuries were serious. and before we go, a lighter tale. police in slovakia have issued a fine after a speeding car appeared to have a dog behind the wheel. officers in a village northeast of the capital bratislava posted these images on facebook, showing a brown hunter dog in the driver's seat of a skoda. the driver claimed his pet had suddenlyjumped onto his lap but a police video appear to show otherwise. he police video appear to show otherwise-— police video appear to show otherwise. . ,, ., , ., , ., otherwise. he appears to be having fun. sta otherwise. he appears to be having fun- stay with _ otherwise. he appears to be having fun. stay with us _ otherwise. he appears to be having fun. stay with us here _ otherwise. he appears to be having fun. stay with us here on _ otherwise. he appears to be having fun. stay with us here on bbc - otherwise. he appears to be havingl fun. stay with us here on bbc news. |otherwise. he appears to be having| fun. stay with us here on bbc news. good afternoon. it was a fine start to the last day of september, albeit a little chilly, but rain is now moving in on this area of low pressure here. that will bring some rather wet weather across northern ireland, much of northern and western england and wales throughout the remainder of day like today, but further north across scotland, staying fine and dry as it should do across southern and eastern areas, and still feeling quite warm, but with this rain, there is some really quite lively gusts of wind to come as well, which will make it feel a bit cooler, and fog over the hills around some of the coasts as well, but it is mild and muggy air which is pushing northwards, so we should still see the and teens and 20s, and temperatures will drop much overnight, because of the dalot of the rain is it sweeps its way northward and eastward clears away, we are left with a legacy of cloud, with more rain coming in across parts of england and wales open eyed, and some mist and fog at lower levels by the rain as it sweeps its way northward and eastward clears away, we are left with a legacy of cloud, with more rain coming in across parts of england and wales open eyed, and some mist and fog at lower levels further south. look at the temperatures the next couple of days. that means not only mist and fog over the hills at lower levels to the south of our weather front a posting sunday. to the north, it looks just a scattering of showers for scotland and northern ireland, but this ring ever present for parts of england and wales, and cumbria could see 30 or 40 millilitres of rain before it starts to clear away, and it could well statically away from the north during the latter part of tomorrow afternoon. ahead of that system, 23 or 24, but even with the rain further north, 18 to 20 degrees. it is really mild air, which will still hang around during sunday night and into monday, with further pulses of energy if you like, running along the same weather front, and given the fact it is very warm air, we could get some quite significant thunderstorms across england and wales, and in particular, as we had to sunday night into monday, it will be sunny spells and scattered showers for monday again across scotland and northern ireland, but these could be really intense gusty winds with them, and even some hell, but still warm, because it is warm air. and again, we can start the day with some mist and fog through the morning rush as we will see on sunday. beyond that, it looks cherry across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the week, but we will see temperatures building in the south. goodbye for now. this is bbc news. the headlines: armenia's government says more than 100,000 ethic—armenians have now fled nagorno—karabakh since azerbaijan's offensive began earlier this month. the united nations says it's sending a team to assess humanitarian needs. the us government edges towards shutdown, after members of congress fail to reach an agreement on spending. government agencies will begin shutting down unless a deal is reached by the end of saturday. 27 years after the death of american rapper tupac shakur, police in nevada charge a former los angeles gang leaderfor his murder. 60—year—old duane davis was charged after the emergence of new evidence. police in the uk have named 15—year—old jessica baker and coach driver stephen shrimpton as the two people killed in a crash yesterday. now on bbc news — the travel show. could this be italy's hidden gem? i'm going off the beaten track, deep into the south.

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Merseyside Police , Members , Congress , Agreement , Spending , Jessica Baker , Uk , 15 , People , Stephen Shrimpton , Coach , Death , Rapper , Murder , Gang Leader , Bus Crash , Nevada , Tupac Shakur , Wirral Yesterday , The American , Two , 27 , Lam , Celia Hatton , Government , Nagorno Karabakh , Azerbaijan , Control , Military Campaign , Armenia , Enclave , Armenians , 100000 , Situation , Region , Weekend , United Nations , Part , Mission , Armenian Separatists , Team , Place , Needs , Move , Ketevan Khachidze , Territory , Visit , Care Causcasus , Border , Us , Some , Stories , Thanks , Town , Hundreds , 0bviously , Invitin , 0 , Cars , Belongings , Bags , Theyjust , Needs Assessment , Certainty , Problem , Nowhere , Finding Shelter , 55 , Teacher , Example , Woman , Father , Military Action , Funeral , 67 , Children , Saw , Journey , Longjourney Forten , Five , Seven , Ten , Families , The Border , Hearing Stories , Families Crossin , Wall , The Ngo Care , Anyone , Provisions , Destruction , Ofthe , Family Protection , Infrastructure , Haven T , Offensive , Lightening Speed , Sort , Azerbaijani , Ground , Tensions , Family Members , Peeple , Eo Le , Eole , Audience , Number , Conflicts , Project Manager , House , Mountains , Georgia , Tbilisi , 2008 , 11 , Things , Ngos , Care , Food , Shelter , Help , Temperatures , Times , Night Times , Keeping Night Times , Keeping Ai , Eye , Weather , Wasn T So Good , Thoughts , Audio , Way , Explosion , Mosque , Explosions , Balochistan , Birth , Province , Investigations , Pakistan , 60 , Mastung City , Prophet Muhammad , Suicide Attack , Injured , Gathering , 50 , Attacks , Pakistani Taliban , Groups , Pictures , Islamic State Group , Blast , Latest , More , Bbc , City Of Peshawar , Building , Urdu , Saher Baloch , Lot , Suicide Blast , Slippers , Area , Hospital , Arrival , 139 , 52 , Incident , Result , None , Organisations , Responsibility , Birth Anniversary , Tradition , Many , Motivation , Bodies , Bit , Quetta , Police Officers , Investigation , Anything , Being , Questions , Nothing , Deal , The End , Money , Services , 22 , Progressive Slovakia Party , Senate , One , Led , House Of Representatives , Budget Deadlock , On Saturday Morning , Sean Dilley , Washington , Deadlocks , Reason , White House , 1990 , Six , Wish , Southern Border 2013 , Disagreement , Donald Trump , 2018 , 35 , Kevin Mccarthy , Representatives , Provision , Policy Disagreements , Reasons , Similarly , Republican , 0bamacare , 2013 , 16 , Country , South , Ukraine , Issue , Biden , Term , Border Protections , Exchange , Case , Funding Deal , Running , Democratic , Chamber , Nine , Office , Opponents , Uncertainty , Thousands , School Bus Crash , Damage , Economy , Employees , Leave , Merseyside , Injuries , Boy , Vehicle , 0ur Correspondent , Wirral , M53 , Ao , Yunus Mulla , 14 , Family , Crash , School , Flowers , Schoolchildren , Bus , School Entrance , Message , Trauma Support , Parents , Staff , Offering Specialist , Man , Issues , Fundraising Post , Wheel , Tribute , Husband , Wife , Postmortem , Cause , Grammar , Others , Calday Grange Grammar , West Kirby , Tragedy , Vehicles , Convoy , Witnesses , Voting , Mp , Dash Cam Footage , Birkenhead , Fiercely , Support , Liberal Progressive Slovakia , Populist , General Election , Military Aid , Smair Party , Kyiv , Elections , Rob Cameron , Majority , Czech Republic , Prague , Turnout , Outcome , Pockets , Numbers , Slovaks , Coming Home , Fact , Boat , Students , Tens Of Thousands , Votes , Trains , Couple , Slovak , Home , News , Vote Count , Vote , Terms , Liberal Party , Election , Caretaker Government , Instability , Politics , Frankly , Arguments , Back Teeth , It , Disinformation , It Concern , Campaign , Concern , Hasn T , War , You , Information , Voters , Effect , Course , Worriedj , Politicians , Party , Source , Not Bratislava , Interior Minister , Statements , Prime Minister , Public , Moscow , 2014 , Speaking Population , Smair , Tenor , Donbas , Fascists , Idea , Russian , Ukrainian Nazis , Annexation , Russia , Territories , Condemnation , President Putin , Decision , Four , Regions , Invasion , Half , Scale , Luhank , Kherson , Zaporizhzhia , Annexed Donetsk , Steve Rosenberg , Reports , Our Russia Editor , Countries , Show , Challenge , Red Square , Motherland , It S Ukrainian Territory , Syria , North Korea , Yelena , Impression , Victory , Concert , Flags , Absence , Kremlin , Achievement , Sense , Reality , Pain Haven T , Russians , Vain , 19 , Missile Attack , Headquarters , Crimea , Black Sea Fleet , Army , Change , Targets , Plan , Putin , West , Confrontation , Volunteers , End , 300000 , Concessions , Blink , Waver , Leader , Bbc News , Sports , Look , Side , Points , Session , Foursomes , Ryder Cup , Third Day , Trophy , Record , Afternoon Fourballs , Saturday , Europe , Rome , 9 , 7 , Win , Lead , Fourballs , Viktor Hovland , Ludvig Aberg , 2 5 , 9 5 , Three , Fourth , Matches , Premier League , Eight , Season , Manchester City , Clubs , 0llie Watkins , Kick Off , Hattrick , Away From Home , Wins , Wolves , Score Villa , Aston Villa , Sheffield United , Brighton , Luton , Burnley , 1 , 100 , 5 , Something , Game , Action , Managers , Spurs , Match , Pick , Second , Love , Liverpool , Everybody , Kind , Playing , Bloke , Celtic , Juergen , Manager , His Duh I On The Competition , His Duh , The , Notjust , Rugby World Cup , League , Teams , Competition , Play , Club , Test , Designs , Tournament , Games , Katie Gornall , Chile , There , Pool , Opposition , Argentina , Finals , Pool D , Fiji Take On Georgia , Lille , 17 , Scotland , Bonus Point Victory , Romania , Task , Beat , Board , Scotland Against Romania , Hopes , Quarterfinals , Clash , Ireland , In Paris , Do Or Die , 158 , Hamish Watson , Players , Changes , Townsend , Once A Go To Guy For Scotland , 13 , Pecking Order , Form , France , Captain Antoine Du Pont , Glasgow Flanker , Rory Taj , Pool Game , Injury , Cheekbone , Operation , Italy , Namibia , Boost , Primoz Roglic , Poster Boy , Quarterfinal , South Africa , Home Soil , Giro D Italia , Slovenian , Thejumbo Visma Team , Grand Tours , First , Giro , Sepp Kuss , Vuelta A Espana , Jonas Vingergaur , Dutch , Signing , Website , One Man , Australia , Another , Whale , Coast , Remains , Condition , Men , Fishing Expedition , Sydney , Botany Bay , Authorities , Circumstances , Wail , Hit , The Whale , Feel , Fishing , Friends , Guys , Wejust , Flying Scotsman , Set , New South Wales , Steam Train , Collision , Scene , Lighter Tale , Heritage Train , Aviemore Railway Station , Cairngorms , Scottish Highlands , Police , Behind The Wheel , Fine , Officers , Village , Speeding Car , Skoda , Capital , Driver S Seat , Hunter Dog , Facebook , Police Video , Pet , Flap , He Police Video , Suddenlyjumped , Rain , Stay , Havingl Fun , Fun Stay , Sta , Albeit A Little Chilly , England , Northern Ireland , Much , Pressure , Remainder , Wales , Hair , Fog , Hills , Areas , Gusts , Wind , Coasts , Well , Cooler , Parts , Cloud , Legacy , Northwards , Teens , Dalot , Open Eyed , 20 , Mist , Levels , North , Weather Front , Showers , Scattering , Ring , Millilitres , System , Cumbria , 24 , 23 , 40 , 30 , Sunday Night , Energy , Pulses , 18 , Thunderstorms , Particular , Winds , Shell , Morning Rush , Goodbye For Now , Headlines , Ethic Armenians , Shutdown , Government Agencies , Gang Leaderfor , Los Angeles , Duane Davis , Emergence , Evidence , Crash Yesterday , Gem , The Travel Show , Off The Beaten Track ,

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