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Level of fame that he achieved with that role . ~ ~. ,. , that role . I think michael was be ond that role . I think michael was beyond being that role . I think michael was beyond being surprised that role . I think michael was beyond being surprised by that role . I think michael was beyond being surprised by anything, remember, he did train with Lawrence Olivier so he trained with the most famous actor in the world, so he was Albert Phinney was there, maggie smith was there, you know, while we were working together at the national theatre, Antony Hopkins was there, he was used to the extremes of fame and being, and being regarded by the worlds most famous actor, he acted with brando, and i remember brando being awed to be acting with Michael Gambon even though at that point he was not nearly as famous as brando, brando knew gambons reputation within the profession, so when the world caught up profession, so when the world caught up with the profession, i dont think michael was terribly surprised. He think michael was terribly surprised think michael was terribly surprised. Think michael was terribly surrised. ,. , surprised. He has given an interview in which he surprised. He has given an interview in which he described surprised. He has given an interview in which he described how surprised. He has given an interview in which he described how difficult i in which he described how difficult it was in recent year, in terms of his memory, it mustjust become so much more difficult when you hit your 80, much more difficult when you hit your80, did he evertalk much more difficult when you hit your 80, did he ever talk to you about being older and how it was to still be performing at this level . Sure, when he did sky light he told me that he put the script on the car, as he drove in every morning, and he would have it on the car wheel for an hour, to try and drum the lines in and he was so proud of having learned the lines, because he had found it so incredibly difficult, that he was simultaneously appearing in another theatre at the national in a play called volpone by benjohnson, in that one he threw in a whole load of lines from sky light. He said they dont know the difference, nobody understands this elizabethan stuff, he said so he would throw in Sky Lightjust to show off he knew the lines for that and as well as volpone. Lines for that and as well as volpone lines for that and as well as volpone. Lines for that and as well as volone. ,. ,. ,. , volpone. You have so many lovely sto , volpone. You have so many lovely story. What volpone. You have so many lovely story, what about volpone. You have so many lovely story, what about his volpone. You have so many lovely story, what about his personal volpone. You have so many lovely. Story, what about his personal life . We had a statement from his wife anne and fergus, they were both with him when he died today, obviously he was a very loving husband and proud father too . Was a very loving husband and proud fathertoo . ~ , was a very loving husband and proud father too . ~ ,. , father too . Absolutely, i am sure, mine, mike. Father too . Absolutely, i am sure, mine, mike. Was father too . Absolutely, i am sure, mine, mike. Was a father too . Absolutely, i am sure, mine, mike. Was a very father too . Absolutely, i am sure, mine, mike. Was a very private. Father too . Absolutely, i am sure, i mine, mike. Was a very private man and occasionally he would lift the curtain a little and tell you a bit about his private life, and particularly, stories are about his mother, who was extremely humorous woman, but it, i didnt really know much about his private life at all, he kept it to himself. It much about his private life at all, he kept it to himself. He kept it to himself. It has been ust a joe he kept it to himself. It has been just a joe to he kept it to himself. It has been just a joe to get he kept it to himself. It has been just a joe to get your he kept it to himself. It has been just a joe to get your thoughts i he kept it to himself. It has been | just a joe to get your thoughts and to remember him so wonderfully today, thank you very much for joining us. Today, thank you very much for joining ne today, thank you very much for oinin. Us. � ,. ,. ~ joining us. Its a pleasure, thank ou. We joining us. Its a pleasure, thank yon we are joining us. Its a pleasure, thank you. We are sorry joining us. Its a pleasure, thank you. We are sorry for joining us. Its a pleasure, thank you. We are sorry for loss joining us. Its a pleasure, thank you. We are sorry for loss as joining us. Its a pleasure, thank you. We are sorry for loss as we | you. We are sorry for loss as we remember sir Michael Gambon who has died at the age of 2 on the website we are following the various tributes from stage star to dumbable doesnt, they are all there for you and i am sure david, some of the anecdote also be on there shortly, remembering an incredible life and what a legacy all those decades of performing on stage and screen and tell willings, series as well. So do log the bbc understands the 15 year old who has died yesterday in croydon is elianne adnan. Lets cross to croydon and our correspondent barry caffrey. We now have this name, it is quite devastating when you see pictures of her as well. What are people saying in croydon today . The her as well. What are people saying in croydon today . In croydon today . The shock and sadness here in croydon today . The shock and sadness here in in croydon today . The shock and sadness here in croydon in croydon today . The shock and sadness here in croydon really. In croydon today . The shock and sadness here in croydon really is palpable, people questioning how a 15 Year Old Girl could be knifed to death, on her way to school, during daylight in the rush hour at half past eight in the morning. Elianne as been described as having a Bright Future ahead of her and we have in the past half an hour received some words which were written by her family. I am going to read them to you now. A spokesperson for the family said their hearts are broken by the senseless death of their daughter, elianne was the light of our live, she was bright and funny with many friends who adored her, she was only 15 and had her whole life ahead of her, with hopes and dreams for the future, all those dreams for the future, all those dreams have now been shattered, our lives have fallen apart, our along with that of our wider family. The details in this case lucy, are particularly shocking, this happened when elianne was travelling to school on the number 60 bus here in the centre of croydon, what we know was, that a fight broke out, an argument broke out between a boy and two girls, and the girl was stabbed in the neck, with a knife that witnesses described as being 30 centimetres in length. Within an hour, just after 20 past nine yesterday Morning Police made an a arrest and took the boy into custody where he remains at this point, and metropolitan Police Officers say they are not looking to speak to anybody else in connection where this incident. Now, the bus you will be able the see behind me remains in situ and local police are thanking the local community here for putting up the local community here for putting up with the disruption, there is a Police Cordon behind me, the westbound section of this road is completely closed, off and that has obviously had a Knock On Effect and has caused some disruption, i have been here since early this morning, and i spoke to many parents who are actually on the school run, themselves, one woman told me she was so upset she didnt even know how to explain to her five year old daughter, about what has happened, here this morning. Another parent told me that they felt that croydon just was not a safe place to be. Now the girl is the 15th teen victim of homicide in london this year, 13 of those teenagers have been stabbed. Devastating details coming out. Thank you very much. Two people have been wounded in a shooting in rotterdam, police have put out a statement on x formally known as twitter, the shooter has not been arrested yet. Two people have been wounded in a shooting in rotterdam. As soon as we have an update we will bring it. We are going two people have been wounded in a shooting in rotterdam, police have put out a statement on x formally known as twitter, the shooter has not been arrested yet. Two people have been wounded in a shooting in rotterdam. As soon as we have an update we will bring it. We are going to go to bangladesh now. Nearly 1,000 people have died of dengue in bangladesh in recent weeks. Authorities say this is the countrys most severe outbreak of the disease yet and they are struggled to contain the spread of the disease with hospitals overwhelmed. Let us go to daca and our correspondent there. These numbers are incredibly high, take us through the picture across the country when it comes to dengue. This the picture across the country when it comes to dengue. It comes to dengue. This is a very extraordinary it comes to dengue. This is a very extraordinary situation it comes to dengue. This is a very extraordinary situation we it comes to dengue. This is a very extraordinary situation we have i it comes to dengue. This is a very i extraordinary situation we have seen this month. I have got the, just published figure by the Bangladesh Health department which says nearly 200,000 people have been tested positive for dengue, and nearly 1,000 people died, in the last several months and the death figure is increasing every day, we can see that every day, 13 15 people are dying in recent weeks, and the number of infected people, infected with dengue is increasing every day, initially it started in taka city, the fever, now it is spread across the fever, now it is spread across the country, in all 64 districtings and patients are increasing in rural area, awes you mentioned earlier the hospitals are, many hospitals are at over capacity, so they are struggling toings you know cope with the patient, and many hospitals are facing the shortages of intravenous fluid which is necessary to treat the Dengue Patients to rehydrate them, so, in the meantime, you know, them, so, in the meantime, you know, the government has launched Awareness Campaign to prevent dengue but with no success, many experts say this issue, when the warn the Dengue Outbreak might be at a serious statement but it was not taken care of, because they thought it was a seasonal disease and it might go away, so there is no long term planning to curb mosquito and fighting it, because that mosquito born disease. It is an awful picture mosquito born disease. It is an awful picture and mosquito born disease. It is an awful picture and really mosquito born disease. It is an| awful picture and really difficult for the authorities in the hospitals there which are clearly not coping, overwhelmed with the sheer number, thankous you there are some lovely tributes coming to us at the bbc remembering Michael Gambon, go to the website and look at the latest, including there is one here from jeremy clarkson, the reason being they met when sir michael was on top gear 2 and there a corner on the track that has been named gambon in his honour, so his tribute there as well as other, do hello. Storm agyness has swirled away but it doesnt meant it is completely plain sailing, it will turn wet across some western parts on the sat lied picture you can see yesterdays storm system, this curl o yesterdays storm system, this curl o of Cloud Pushing North East Ward but another system pushing in from the west, that will turn things increasingly wet and it is already breezy out there, in facts windy up towards the north west of the uk, outbreaks of Rain Developing In Welsh part, further east largely dry with hazy sunshine, 17 to 20 degrees and then through this evening we will see this Band Of Rain Moving across the west of scotland. Could be heavy thundery bursts and squally winds and turning really wet through the evening across parts of wales, particularly south w5e85, some parts of the south wales could see enough rain for flooding parts of the south wales could see enough Rain Forflooding and some localised disruption, that rain pushes towards the south east corner, behind that clear skies further showers racing into the western side where it will stay really windy, temperatures of 10 degrees in aberdeen and glasgow but 16 in london, a mild night down towards the south east, where this Weather Front will be clearing away first thing in the morning, High Pressure to the south of us, low pressure to the south of us, low pressure to the north, that will bring something of a split in weather fortune, bring something of a split in weatherfortune, it is bring something of a split in weather fortune, it is a day of sunshine and showers but most of the showers in western and particularly north west parts where it is going to stay windy, in fact gales are likely . The far north, the further south you are, fewer showers. It should stay dry. 18 in cardiff. 19 in plymouth. A bit cooler, 14 in stornoway. Now this area of High Pressure, toppling through, could give a chilly night on friday night and for saturday, here comes another weather system, another bout of wet weather system, another bout of wet weather that he is likely to push across northern ireland, up into scotland, affected north west england, further south and east it should stay dry, perhaps with sunshine, lifting the temperatures to 20 or 21 degree, could be warmer down to the south east on sunday, this Band Of Cloud And Showery Rain In England and wales, further north, a mix of sunny spells and showers, temperatures ranging from 15 to round 23 degrees. Bye for now. Live from london. This is bbc news. Police name the 15 Year Old Girl stabbed to death on her way to school in south london yesterday. The family of Elianne Andam says she was the light of our lives. More than 70,000 refugees flee nagorno karabakh, as its separatist leader admits the struggle for independence is over. Balancing freedom of expression and impartiality bbc stars are told what they can and cant say on social media. And one of the uks most loved actors, sir Michael Gambon best known for Playing Dumbledore In The Harry Potter Films Has died at the age of 82. Hello, im nancy kacungira. Welcome to verified live, three hours of breaking stories, and checking out the truth behind them. Police in south london have named the girl stabbed to death in croydon yesterday. 15 year old Elianne Andam was killed on her way to school. Her family said she was the light of our lives. Police are continuing to question a teenage boy

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