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Where scotland is the only part of the uk where there has been no Industrial Action where there has been no Industrial Action in where there has been no Industrial Action in the health service. That is because action in the health service. That is because we never question the motivations of our workforce. We were motivations of our workforce. We were prepared to face up to some challenging negotiations. We worked with unions, we agreed deals that irenefits with unions, we agreed deals that benefits patients and staff. As a result benefits patients and staff. As a result we benefits patients and staff. As a result we have ensured that nhs scotland result we have ensured that nhs Scotland Staff are the best paid in the uk Scotland Staff are the best paid in the uk i Scotland Staff are the best paid in the uk. Iam pleased to Scotland Staff are the best paid in the uk. I am pleased to confirm a promise the uk. I am pleased to confirm a promise that i made to social care staff that promise that i made to social care staff that we will provide funding to enable an increase of pay of social to enable an increase of pay of social care to enable an increase of pay of social care workers in care roles. So they social care workers in care roles. So they can social care workers in care roles. So they can be paid at least £12 an hour so they can be paid at least £12 an hour for so they can be paid at least £12 an hour. Forthose so they can be paid at least £12 an hour. For those of full time contracts hour. For those of full time contracts those could lead to a pay increase contracts those could lead to a pay increase of contracts those could lead to a pay increase of up to £2000 a year. This increase increase of up to £2000 a year. This increase of increase of up to £2000 a year. This increase of over 10 values are a Social Increase of over 10 values are a Social Care Increase of over 10 values are a social care staff it helps them to Sopport Social Care staff it helps them to support their families and helps us to recruit support their families and helps us to recruit and retain staff. It is good to recruit and retain staff. It is good for to recruit and retain staff. It is good for our social Care Services and our good for our social Care Services and our society. Another issue that is close and our society. Another issue that is close to and our society. Another issue that is close to my heart as First Minister is close to my heart as First Minister and is close to my heart as First Ministerand a is close to my heart as First Minister and a husband and if is the issue minister and a husband and if is the issue of minister and a husband and if is the issue of miscarriage. I have spoken before issue of miscarriage. I have spoken before about personal loss and trauma before about personal loss and trauma that my wife and i have faced three trauma that my wife and i have faced three miscarriages. As a health issue three miscarriages. As a health issue that three miscarriages. As a health issue that society is more open about issue that society is more open about trut issue that society is more open about but i think it is less talked about about but i think it is less talked about than maybe it should be. I know about than maybe it should be. I know how about than maybe it should be. I know how that sense of loss regardless of when it happens in the pregnancy regardless of when it happens in the pregnancy is one that stays with you for life pregnancy is one that stays with you for life. Each loss that nardi and i have for life. Each loss that nardi and i have suffered has been difficult. There have suffered has been difficult. There is have suffered has been difficult. There is no doubt in my mind that we can iletter there is no doubt in my mind that we can better support those in miscarriage. The pram of the government today outlines how we will continue to improve care for miscarriage and ensuring that women do not miscarriage and ensuring that women do not have miscarriage and ensuring that women do not have to wait for a third miscarriage to receive support. We will also miscarriage to receive support. We will also help to provide access tom will also help to provide access tom and will also help to provide access to. And secure separate spaces in hospitals to. And secure separate spaces in hospitals within Maternity Ones for women hospitals within Maternity Ones for women who suffer a miscarriage. Im also Pleased Women who suffer a miscarriage. Im also pleased to say that later this month also pleased to say that later this month we also pleased to say that later this month we will soon launch a. I want month we will soon launch a. I want to month we will soon launch a. I want to pay month we will soon launch a. I want to pay tribute to my predecessor for the work she has done predecessor for the work she has done on predecessor for the work she has done on that issue. This government will also done on that issue. This government will also continue to support our schools will also continue to support our schools and promote excellence in Education Schools and promote excellence in education. We will introduce a education education. We will introduce a Education Bill to create an independent education. We will set out plans independent education. We will set out plans for. We will deliver a pay deat out plans for. We will deliver a pay deal that we have reached. We will continue our work to access to university will continue our work to access to university. This is now seeing record university. This is now seeing Record Number of students from disadvantaged backgrounds entering our universities. We also rejoin Key International education studies and we will International Education studies and we will continue to focus on closing the attainment gap and improve outcomes for young people with Additional Support needs. We also continue Additional Support needs. We also continue Support Diversity in schools continue Support Diversity in schools. Through our antiracism and Education Schools. Through our antiracism and Education Programme and through promoting a deacon lice curriculum. As a priority promoting a deacon lice curriculum. As a priority for the police and for this government we will introduce Technology Next year. We have already Technology Next year. We have already reduce the backlog of cases in our already reduce the backlog of cases in ourJustice System, over one third in ourJustice System, over one third and in ourJustice System, over one third and we will aim to end the backlog third and we will aim to end the backlog during 2024. We will invest in prisons. Backlog during 2024. We will invest in prisons, we are also working with community in prisons, we are also working with community and justice partners to reduce community and justice partners to reduce reoffending and create safer communities. We will continue to focus communities. We will continue to focus that communities. We will continue to focus that victims of crime are at our part focus that victims of crime are at our part of focus that victims of crime are at our part of the Justice System. We live in our part of the Justice System. We live in times where the rights of women live in times where the rights of women in live in times where the rights of women in many parts of the world are regressing women in many parts of the world are regressing. It is important that governments who believe passionately in taking governments who believe passionately in taking a governments who believe passionately in taking A Stand Against Misogyny including In Taking A Stand Against Misogyny Including State and institutional misogyny stand up and be accountable. That is why we will work accountable. That is why we will work with accountable. That is why we will work with julie mackay to work for safe access for abortion. We will bring safe access for abortion. We will bring forward legislation to Criminalise Misogynistic abuse. Following the Public Consultation and baroness kennedy is report. The mead and baroness kennedy is report. The mead to and baroness kennedy is report. The mead to movement and the response the mead to movement and the response to the murders of Sarah Everard response to the murders of Sarah Everard have instigated a movement of women everard have instigated a movement of women sharing their stories about everyday of women sharing their stories about everyday sexism. The steps the scottish everyday sexism. The steps the Scottish Government is taking to Criminalise Misogynistic abuse and improve Criminalise Misogynistic abuse and improve our criminalJustice System improve our criminal Justice System are in improve our criminalJustice System are in part improve our criminalJustice System are in part a improve our criminalJustice System are in part a response to that but they are in part a response to that but they cannot be the only response. There they cannot be the only response. There is they cannot be the only response. There is a they cannot be the only response. There is a much bigger responsibility on our society as a whole responsibility on our society as a whole and responsibility on our society as a whole and particularly in all men to create whole and particularly in all men to create positive change. Myself inctuded create positive change. Myself included need to do more than call outs negative male behaviour. We need outs negative male behaviour. We need to outs negative male behaviour. We need to tackle what is called toxic masculinity which harms men and boys and women masculinity which harms men and boys and women and girls. We must build a society and women and girls. We must build a society where men feel confident in taking society where men feel confident in taking a society where men feel confident in taking A Stand Against Misogyny. To do so taking A Stand Against Misogyny. To do so must taking A Stand Against Misogyny. To do so must also highlight to boys and men do so must also highlight to boys and men what positive masculinity can provide for their everyday lives can provide for their everyday lives. How it can build respectful and healthy relationships with their partners and healthy relationships with their partners and society. We also need to better partners and society. We also need to Better Mental Health for men and boys to Better Mental Health for men and boys the to Better Mental Health for men and boys. The Scottish Government does not have boys. The Scottish Government does not have all boys. The Scottish Government does not have all the answers on this. We cannot not have all the answers on this. We cannot take not have all the answers on this. We cannot take it on alone but it is a challenge cannot take it on alone but it is a challenge that we will take on. Am committed to taking on this with my own actions. In conclusion at the start own actions. In conclusion at the start of own actions. In conclusion at the start of this own actions. In conclusion at the start of this statement i made it clear start of this statement i made it clear that start of this statement i made it clear that the Scottish Government will always be on the side of the people will always be on the side of the people we serve. Scotland is and should people we serve. Scotland is and should he people we serve. Scotland is and should be a land of opportunity. I know should be a land of opportunity. I know does should be a land of opportunity. I know does and i was was like that. Two people know does and i was was like that. Two people bearing the brunt of a Westminster Living Crisis and two families Westminster Living Crisis and two families living in poverty to those who still families living in poverty to those who still face consequences of discrimination and inequality, i get that discrimination and inequality, i get that that discrimination and inequality, i get that. That is why this Gap Programme for government tackles these things. In for government tackles these things. In the for government tackles these things. In the year for government tackles these things. In the year ahead we will help more than 300,000 children with more than £1000 than 300,000 children with more than £1000 a than 300,000 children with more than £1000 a year. We will increase social £1000 a year. We will increase Social Security pending by almost £1 billion Social Security pending by almost £1 billion we Social Security pending by almost £1 billion. We will widen access to financial billion. We will widen access to financial advice, we will help more parents financial advice, we will help more parents buy healthy food. We will help disabled people with complex needs help disabled people with complex needs to help disabled people with complex needs to live independent lives. We will promote payment of the living wage, will promote payment of the living wage, we will promote payment of the living wage, we will increase the pay of child wage, we will increase the pay of child care wage, we will increase the pay of Child Care Staff and we will expand hih Child Care Staff and we will expand high quality. We will do all of this because it is the right thing to do this because it is the right thing to do trut this because it is the right thing to do but also as i know from my own family to do but also as i know from my own Family History that providing people with support and security helps them to contribute to society and create opportunities. This Programme Sets out how opportunities. This Programme Sets out how we opportunities. This Programme Sets out how we will work with governments to tackle poverty, promote governments to tackle poverty, promote growth, strengthening the public promote growth, strengthening the Public Services will depend on, the people Public Services will depend on, the people of Public Services will depend on, the people of scotland should be left in no doubt people of scotland should be left in no doubt that this government is on the side no doubt that this government is on the side. This programme for government shows that we will make progress government shows that we will make progress towards a fairer, wealthier and greener scotland. That was scotlands First Minister setting out his Policy Agenda with msps at scotlands parliament. To get reaction on this letter us go to our scotland correspondent. What is your reaction to the story . I our scotland correspondent. What is your reaction to the story . Your reaction to the story . I think the first thing your reaction to the story . I think the first thing to your reaction to the story . I think the first thing to say your reaction to the story . I think the first thing to say is your reaction to the story . I think the first thing to say is that your reaction to the story . I think the first thing to say is that how l the first thing to say is that how he characterised it. He said he was anti poverty and progrowth. Then he went on to outline a number of policies to support people with young children, to support people on low incomes. They are extending Free School Meals to the last two years of primary school. They are increasing access to early learning. It is already available for three and four year olds and they are rolling it out further. That is a Progressive Programme that will continue over the course of some years. Perhaps one of the most eye catching aspects of this programme are government [aid eye catching aspects of this programme are government laid out by the First Minister was a proposal to reduce vaping particularly when it comes to young people to curb the sale of single use Disposable Rates and also to consult on an outright ban. You have to bear in mind that this all comes in a highly political context but in particular the fact that there is going to be a by election in scotland in about one months time but is going to be closely fought between the snp and the labour party of scotland. That is going to be alongside this programme for government is going to be a key test of his time as First Minister and his leadership of the snp. D0 minister and his leadership of the snp. 4 minister and his leadership of the snp. ~. , minister and his leadership of the snp. ~. ,. ,. ,. , snp. Do think he has done enough to seize the agenda snp. Do think he has done enough to seize the agenda in snp. Do think he has done enough to seize the agenda in scotland . Snp. Do think he has done enough to seize the agenda in scotland . It snp. Do think he has done enough to seize the agenda in scotland . It is i seize the agenda in scotland . It is a aood seize the agenda in scotland . It 3 a good question and thing has to be an open question at the moment. Is there anything in the people look at this whether they will say that something that i will agree with. That appeals to me. Is there a single policy that will excite people encourage them to support the snp when the by election happens in one months time. I think that is an open question. The First Minister is in a stage where the snp have been in a stage where the snp have been in powerfor16 years. His predecessor resigned and there was an investigation into the finances of the party. It is a difficult time for the snp. Some of their policies have not worked out. The Scottish Labour Party is looking stronger and it has for some years. It is going to start to emerge in the next year orso to start to emerge in the next year or so as to whether that offer that we have heard is going to get traction. ,. , � � traction. Just referring to the bbc live ae~ traction. Just referring to the bbc live page we traction. Just referring to the bbc live page we have traction. Just referring to the bbc live page we have analysis traction. Just referring to the bbc live page we have analysis and i live page we have analysis and reaction to this speech. Our scotland and economy editor said that the First Minister is at risk of having too many priorities. He has to do enough to gain support for his party but also to tackle the economy, Public Services, it is a difficultjob for him. I economy, Public Services, it is a difficult job for him. Difficult ob for him. I think that is difficult job for him. I think that is riuht. Difficult job for him. I think that is right it difficult job for him. I think that is right it is difficult job for him. I think that is right. It is also difficult job for him. I think that is right. It is also because difficult job for him. I think that j is right. It is also because there are challenges on different fronts. This by election that is coming up and a number of policies that the snp have promoted which have not worked out. One example would be to ferries that they commissioned and which have been built at the moment and have been vastly overbudget. They are also vastly delayed as well. There are other policies that they promoted which have not come to permission in the way they wanted. That happened with the previous First Minister. But humza yousaf inherits that legacy. He has got a lot of challenges in a lot of areas. Some people have said that within the snp that this is his last chance to prove himself. We will see in the coming months if that is true. Thank ou ve coming months if that is true. Thank you very much coming months if that is true. Thank you very much. You coming months if that is true. Thank you very much. You can coming months if that is true. Thank you very much. You can go coming months if that is true. Thank you very much. You can go to coming months if that is true. Thank you very much. You can go to the i coming months if that is true. Thank you very much. You can go to the bbc website for all the analysis and updates on this story. Live from london, this is bbc news. Us Officials Say north koreas Leader Kimjong un plans to travel to russia this month to meet president vladimir putin. Birmingham city council, the largest local authority in europe, has declared bankruptcy, meaning spending on all but Essential Services will be blocked. And, ukraines first lady right here on the Bbc News Channel with yalda hakim talking about the impact of the war on mental health. And this long lead, constant stress, it has its tall, so everybody find their own way here of dealing with it. And a visual treat well be speaking to some of the winners of this years Bird Photographer of the year competition. Hello, im matthew amroliwala, welcome to verified live three hours of breaking stories, and checking out the truth behind them. Lets start straightaway with breaking there is that we are hearing coming to us from spain. The sanish hearing coming to us from spain. The spanish media just reporting and the last little while that the spanish womens soccer team has been fired over that hole for rory and the kiss that has dominated since that evening of the world cup victory. This is the latest domino to fall not have been so many consequences

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