Transcripts For BBCNEWS The 20240704 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The 20240704

pro—trump proud boys group has been sentenced to a lengthy prison term for his role in the capitol hill two and a half years ago. dominic pezzola, who received ten years, was described by prosecutors as one of the most violent members of a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidential election. on thursday, two senior members of proud boys were handed hefty prison sentences for their role in the attack. and we're expecting a fourth, ethan nordean, also to be sentenced shortly. 0ur north america editor sarah smith reports from washington. there's probably about 300 proud boys there marching. thousands of people marched on the capitol on the 6th of january 2021. the violence that followed has already led to hundreds of convictions, with the longest sentences going to the people who organised and coordinated the riot. the proud boys, a neofascist group, saw themselves as donald trump's army, said prosecutors who wanted to stop congress from certifying joe biden�*s victory by any means necessary, including force. ethan nordean in the baseball cap and joseph biggs in the checkjacket, took charge of the proud boys on that day, using a radio to co—ordinate and move their men. they've both been convicted of seditious conspiracy. we know about this. nordean used a loud hailer to direct around 200 people towards the capitol and encourage them to overrun the police. he'll be sentenced later today. we love trump. donald trump had invited his supporters to come to washington and to march towards congress using language many believed encouraged the violence that followed. we fight. we fight like hell. and if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country any more. joseph biggs sobbed in court and begged for leniency before he was sentenced to 17 years injail. his lawyer blames the former president. where's donald trump in all this? he stood on the ellipse, basically told people, 7a million of his followers, the election stolen. go to the capitol. fight like hell. you won't have a country any more. some people listen to him. dominic pezzola can be clearly seen smashing a window in congress, which then ignited the invasion of the building. he's been sentenced to ten years in prison. in a debate withjoe biden before the 2020 election, donald trump refused to condemn racist violence and namechecked the proud boys. stand back and stand by. the proud boys' leader enrique tarrio will be sentenced next week. donald trump himself is now facing two criminal prosecutions related to his attempts to overturn the 2020 election results. he's due in court next year over the actions he took to try and stop joe biden being confirmed as the president. if convicted, he also could be facing a lengthy prison sentence. sara smith, abc news, washington. live now to daryle lamontjenkins, executive director of one people's project, who has tracked the proud boys since their creation. good to talk to you. what is your reaction to the sentences, notjust today, but we've had some others this week as well? i’m today, but we've had some others this week as well?— today, but we've had some others this week as well? i'm happy to be here. this week as well? i'm happy to be here- what — this week as well? i'm happy to be here- what is _ this week as well? i'm happy to be here. what is really _ this week as well? i'm happy to be here. what is really a _ this week as well? i'm happy to be here. what is really a leading - here. what is really a leading experience for this country, because we have never seen really a comeuppance of this magnitude. in the case of the proud boys, it might be something we would expect seeing they were on the downward spiral before january the six, to see their president or ex—president find his comeuppance in all this is astonishing. but i've had dealings with some of the proud boys being sentenced this week and next, and it was more or less time, time because they had been trying to wreak havoc over two years of their existence, and now that debt is being paid. it remains to busy and how much of the debt they will indeed pay, even with their sentence. debt they will indeed pay, even with theirsentence. it debt they will indeed pay, even with their sentence. it is below the guideline so far, and that is frustrating to a lot of people. we are happy it is happening, but it still remains to be seen how much blowback they will get. we still have one that is a fugitive from the law, he is being sought, even though he is someone they have two convicts and sentence eventually. tell he is someone they have two convicts and sentence eventually.— and sentence eventually. tell us more about _ and sentence eventually. tell us more about this _ and sentence eventually. tell us more about this group. - and sentence eventually. tell us more about this group. many . and sentence eventually. tell us - more about this group. many people watching road know much about who the proud boys are, and reading an information sheet, it says they were founded in 2016, the election year, that donald trump won. they consider themselves western chauvinists. what is their ideology? the? themselves western chauvinists. what is their ideology?— is their ideology? they support donald trump. _ is their ideology? they support donald trump. they _ is their ideology? they support donald trump. they consider l donald trump. they consider themselves western chauvinism, which in many respects means they started off as a group which places themselves above women and whatever goals women have. but a change as time went on to being a shock troop for the then permanent administration, going after people who opposed donald trump at the time, a dim particular anti—fascists, and that blew up the streets of portland, oregon, where you saw a lot of clashes over a number of years, culminating in 2020. now, however, since the leadership is pretty much looking after years injail, their president is on the ropes, we are looking at a proud boys element that has gone rogue. they are becoming more and more nazi —like and more anti—semitic, they are attacking the 93v anti—semitic, they are attacking the gay community, where once upon a time they would boast they had members from that community. it is that they have nothing to lose and they will just go that they have nothing to lose and they willjust go all out. this is where we have to get concerned. you think there still is a section in american society that sympathisers with their forehead views? {iii with their forehead views? of course, definitely. the worst thing is that they come from the law enforcement —— for right views. we've had several officers and first responders who have associated themselves with proud boys and lost theirjobs, and some are facing charges because they were warned of proud boys about upcoming arrests. and that is still a problem now. when you have that situation going on, when you see a right wing that wants to push them forward, we still have a concern. but we can meet it, we have shown ourselves we can meet it. . ~ , ., we have shown ourselves we can meet it. . ~ i. ., we have shown ourselves we can meet it. thank you for sharing your insiuhts it. thank you for sharing your insights from _ it. thank you for sharing your insights from the _ it. thank you for sharing your insights from the one - it. thank you for sharing your i insights from the one people's project. we are expecting another sentencing in the next few hours of another of the proud boys, and we will bring you that as soon as it comes in. meanwhile, donald trump's trial in georgia over charges of election fraud will be livestreamed and televised, a judge has ruled. all the hearings will be available live on fulton county court's youtube channel, said judge scott mcafee. a date for the trial has not yet been set, but it could be next year when mr trump is running for re—election. mr trump and 18 people are charged with a conspiracy to overturn the state's 2020 presidential election results. the former republican president, who faces three other criminal trials, has pleaded not guilty to the 13 charges he faces in georgia. live now to lauren wright, lecturer in politics and public affairs at princeton university. good to talk to you, lauren. live streaming a trial involving dominic trump —— don ultram. the ratings will go for the roof. trump -- don ultram. the ratings will go for the roof.— will go for the roof. they better have a back-up _ will go for the roof. they better have a back-up website, - will go for the roof. they better have a back-up website, tech l will go for the roof. they better - have a back-up website, tech teams have a back—up website, tech teams because a lot of people will be streaming eight and access it. yes, this will take up a turn of oxygen in the 2024 race, which is what i'm paying attention to. viewers are at a premium, there are quite a few candidates running. what has happened so far is the coverage has centred on donald trump, the volume has been huge because of the indictments and that will continue and be exacerbated by this lifestream news.— and be exacerbated by this lifestream news. well this go for all a . ainst lifestream news. well this go for all against mr — lifestream news. well this go for all against mr trump? _ lifestream news. well this go for all against mr trump? i - lifestream news. well this go for all against mr trump? i lived - lifestream news. well this go for all against mr trump? i lived in i allagainst mrtrump? i lived in america in 2016 and every time i looked at a tv screen, he saw his face up there, every rally. it was free publicity, but this is not necessarily the best publicity. he is necessarily the best publicity. he: is facing trial. that is a great observation. in 2016, the attention, the amount of coverage mr trump had, part of the celebrity politicians, he is an entertainer and understands it looks a lot like show business, for better or worse, probably worse. so this is a continuation of that, but it is more complicated as to whether it hurts or help. probably hurts in a general election, because our elections are close and moderate voters of the most important. in a primary, we can't tell and they have been oversimplistic analyses that do they go before indictments and say, they go before indictments and say, they went up so the indictment must help. that isn't good evidence of it, it is a causal question. it may be donald trump is doing well, that is opponents are tanking in many of the polls, and it might be a matter of conflating your existing voters, rather than growing your base, which is what you need to do to win elections. i5 is what you need to do to win elections-_ elections. is this a sign of changing _ elections. is this a sign of changing times, - elections. is this a sign of changing times, because | elections. is this a sign of- changing times, because usually cameras are rarely allowed in federal court rooms, although i was reading some stream their proceedings. it isn't everyday you would see it. how much is there a shift in the way people are trying to be more transparent? it is shift in the way people are trying to be more transparent? it is more a sin of to be more transparent? it is more a sign of federalism _ to be more transparent? it is more a sign of federalism and _ to be more transparent? it is more a sign of federalism and how— to be more transparent? it is more a sign of federalism and how our - sign of federalism and how our government is set up. judges have wide discretion. itjust so happens in georgia this is the case and the judge has made the decision, and we will see plenty of politics surrounding it, dub course a lot of coverage and how it will impact the election is what we have to wait—and—see. people will be tuned in. i wait-and-see. people will be tuned in. . , wait-and-see. people will be tuned in. ., , ., ., wait-and-see. people will be tuned in. . , . . wait-and-see. people will be tuned in. . . ' :: in. i was reading earlier some 150 million viewers _ in. i was reading earlier some 150 million viewers watched - in. i was reading earlier some 150 million viewers watched the - in. i was reading earlier some 150 million viewers watched the oj. million viewers watched the oj simpson trial in 1995, 50 7% of the us population. it will be interesting to see how many tuning to watch the trial of donald trump. in the uk, the government donald trump. is facing calls to "come clean" about the scale of the problems facing school buildings in england, after some were forced to close because they were made with concrete prone to collapse. more than 100 schools are scrambling to put emergency measures in place, before children return from their summer holidays. the closures came after ministers said they had seen "new evidence" on the type of concrete, known as raac, and the dangers that posed. a full list of the schools affected has not been made public. meanwhile, the concrete has beeen found in 35 schools in scotland, though none have been closed. no schools in wales have been identified. worth taking a moment to find out a bit more about the concrete at the centre of all this. raac, to give its full name, is reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete. it's a lightweight concrete that was used in roofs, floors and walls between the 1950s and 1990s. it's a cheaper alternative to standard concrete because it's aerated, or "bubbly". however, it's less durable, with a limited life span of around 30 years, and its structural behaviour differs "significa ntly" from traditional reinforced concrete. the health and safety authority says raac is now beyond its life span and may "collapse with little or no notice". joining me now is trevor rushton, technical director at the surveyor firm watts group limited and the author of deleterious and hazardous building materials and defects in industrial and commercial buildings, both published by the royal institute of chartered surveyors. bit of a tongue twister, but important work. what do you make of the news about the schools in england and a smaller number in scotland which have raac concrete? it is interesting. we've known about the performance of raac concrete for some time, back as early as 2009, there were concerns about durability. at that time, it was thought the mode of failure was more general and you would not have a collapse. that change in about 2018, with the collapse of a school roof, which occurred over a weekend. fortunately there were no injuries, but a serious event. and that led to an investigation as to why it had failed, and the mode of failure. i was going to ask you, can anything be done to strengthen it or expand its life span? be done to strengthen it or expand its life span?— be done to strengthen it or expand its life span? yes, it can. the mere existence of _ its life span? yes, it can. the mere existence of the _ its life span? yes, it can. the mere existence of the panels, _ its life span? yes, it can. the mere existence of the panels, does - its life span? yes, it can. the mere existence of the panels, does not l existence of the panels, does not necessarily mean it will fail. there are things that can be done, it requires careful investigation and understanding the properties of the particular planks. they vary, according to the way they were made, whether they were cut planks. but the essential problem currently is thought to relate to the bearing ends of the planks, the bits that sit on the walls or the supporting structure. they need special reinforcement. that reinforcement can sometimes be displaced, or entirely in the wrong place. but also the concrete is quite weak, so it crushes easily, and at the reinforcement is in the wrong place, there is a risk that bearing can fail. that was believed to be the 2018 problem. there is further research going on into the issue and the modes of deterioration and failure. . ~ , ., the modes of deterioration and failure. . ~ i. , failure. ok. oh, thank you. sorry for that pause. _ failure. ok. oh, thank you. sorry for that pause. thank _ failure. ok. oh, thank you. sorry for that pause. thank you - failure. ok. oh, thank you. sorry for that pause. thank you for - for that pause. thank you for sharing your insight and expertise on what is an important story which could affect hundreds of schoolchildren in england and scotland. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. house prices have seen their biggest annual decline since 2009. that's according to the latest figures from the nationwide building society. it means the average property value is nowjust under £260,0000. the mortgage lender said prices in august were 5—point—3 % below their peak in august last year. mortgage approvals are also down about 20% compared with before the pandemic. the uk economy made a stronger recovery during covid at the end of 2021 than previously estimated. that's according to revised official figures. data has now revealed that the economy was 0.6% bigger in the final three months of 2021 compared to pre—pandemic levels. the office for national statistics said the revised figures were mainly because it had better data from its annual survey. direct line insurance is to pay £30 million in compensation to customers for overcharging them when they renewed home 01’ car insurance. it admitted an error in implementing the financial watchdog's new pricing rules, designed to stop renewals costing more than new customer's policies. you're live with bbc news. barely a week goes by without a story about how artificial intelligence is changing our world. the latest development, a digital pop star whose voice has been created with the help of ai, has been signed by a major record label for the first time. noonoouri, an online avatar who has hundreds of thousands of followers, is now on the books at warner music and has released herfirst song, dominoes, today. what does it mean for the music industry? shiona mccallum's been to berlin to find out. meet noonoouri. she's a virtual character, an instagram influencer and has worked with big fashion brands. her appearance has been created using 2d graphics and motion capture. now this avatar has a record deal backed by a major label. oh, my god! this is amazing. it was accelerating my pulse when i got the email from warner music central europe is writing me and they were like asking me, are you interested in music? and i say, well, what a question. her voice has been created with the help of artificial intelligence. they pitched it higher. of course they made it more female. but we didn't want to create like a human voice. we wanted to have it a bit like technology, like a bit tech voice—y. so the bass and the original voice of her is my voice. and to make this sound, they got a singer involved too. there comes the moment where we used ai technology. the voice from the singer, we needed to know when he was singing high, when he was singing low, when he was singing slower, when he got more speed, when he got more pressure. warner music is releasing the first single. when you want to experiment with motion capture technology and so on, she is a perfect fit here. you can appear in different places at the same time. you can change her style in a minute. we can make her fly if we want because it feels natural to her because she's already a digital character. so there are more opportunities than with the human artist in that respect. al was only a small step in the creation of this song. producers and songwriters all over the globe contributed. like every new technology, ai brings with it immense opportunity, but it also raises profound challenges. it's about knowing whetherj something is al generated. there are questions - about personality rights. at the moment, personality rights aren't really copy protected. - you could generate an ai version of a pop star and a singer- and they wouldn't have any rights about how that is used. _ it's looking about regulatory. and legal framework around ai is used so that it enables human | creativity in the music industry. | clearly, the use of ai is becoming more mainstream, but now it's officially entering the charts, will it make it to number one? live now to zack nestel—patt, a musician and member of the union of musicians and allied workers. good to have you with us. what do you think of the song? the song is great. yes, i know you mean that. more seriously, what about noonoouri? should ai be getting in the way of music and creativity? honestly, i'm not that concerned or interested in al being used at the highest level, the movie star and p0p highest level, the movie star and pop star level. one, because people go to a taylor swift show because they want to be friends with her, date her, meet her. there is an intimate human connection that happens between consumer and star, and i think that tracks with george clooney as well. i don't know if we would go see george clooney if it wasn't a real human. the question i unconcerned about and think about on a daily basis is, what happens far downstream from a major—label ai signing? i'm thinking about the people who are writing music for adverts on tv, scores for films or making music we hear on playlists. not the personality and cult of personality that can develop at the highest level. you personality that can develop at the highest level-— highest level. you don't think this should be--- _ highest level. you don't think this should be... you _ highest level. you don't think this should be... you don't _ highest level. you don't think this should be... you don't think- highest level. you don't think this l should be... you don't think warner brothers should have signed her? i have no issues with warner signing someone he was ai. as my musician level, what happens to the pop star level, what happens to the pop star level doesn't affect me. i don't know if them signing an ai artist affects adele.— know if them signing an ai artist affects adele. how does it change the music industry? _ affects adele. how does it change the music industry? long-term, l affects adele. how does it change i the music industry? long-term, and how it will play _ the music industry? long-term, and how it will play out, _ the music industry? long-term, and how it will play out, is _ the music industry? long-term, and how it will play out, is based - the music industry? long-term, and how it will play out, is based on - how it will play out, is based on what we know about how the music industry functions, which is major corporations will find any and all excuses to cut out working artists. we've seen it happen with streaming. a new technology comes about, undercuts the value of our craft, and ten years down the line a lot of musicians are pushed out of making musicians are pushed out of making music directly. the same thing will happen with al. it will replace people making music for advertising. i've got to stop you, we are just coming up to the end of this half hour. thank you forjoining us. you are watching bbc news. hello. the weather is changing over the next few days — a change to something drier and warmer, with some spells of sunshine. in fact, a decent weekend in prospect if you have outdoor plans. today, we have seen some areas of cloud, and indeed, some quite sharp showers. this is the satellite picture from earlier on — a stripe of cloud across northern ireland, southern scotland, northern england, and some shower clouds further south. as showers continuing to ease through the evening, we will continue to see some bits and pieces of clouds and mist and fog patches likely to develop, as well, but also some clear spells. and where we have those clear skies across some parts of highlands, scotland, temperatures could drop down to around 1—2 celsius. it will be milder than that further south. saturday's weather story is one of high pressure, which will be building its way across the uk, chasing this frontal system away eastwards. so some areas of low cloud, a bit of mist and fog around first thing. the chance of 1—2 showers popping up through the day, but they should generally be quite light in nature. most places will stay dry. just a bit more cloud and more of a breeze through the afternoon into the far northwest of scotland. but temperatures up to 21 celsius in aberdeen and in belfast, 24 in london. could just get a little warmer than that across some parts of southeast england. and then, into the evening, most places fine and dry with some late sunshine. but more cloud and some rain into the far north of scotland, courtesy of this frontal system, which willjust continue to slide its way through during sunday. our area of high pressure centred across the south of the uk. under the centre of the high with light winds, again, some mist and fog patches to start sunday, which should tend to lift and clear to reveal some sunny spells closest to our weather front in the north of scotland, we willjust see more cloud and a bit of rain. but eastern scotland with some shelter from the breeze, 20—23 celsius. come furthersouth, highs of 25—26, maybe 27 celsius. into next week, high pressure tends to retreat eastwards, low pressure trying to squeeze in from the atlantic, and this arrangement of weather systems will bring us a broadly southerly air flow — and that will introduce some warmer air from the near continent. now, there's some uncertainty about just how warm it will get, but we could well be looking at values into the mid—to—high—20s, possibly close to 30 celsius for some of us. it does look like turning a bit more unsettled by the end of next week. hello, i'm rajini vaidayanathan. you're watching the context on bbc news. is it au revoir or adieu? paris bans e—scooters, in response to a rise of accidents in the french capital. sport and for a full round—up, from the bbc sport centre. the clock is ticking in england and spain on transfer deadline day — just two and a half hours to go until it shuts — whilst the window has already closed in germany and italy. and with the deadline looming, will manchester united be feeling the pressure? they're trying to get a loan deal over the line for fiorentina's sofyan amrabat. it's been a busy day for united, who've already signed sergio reguilon, jonny evans and goalkeeper altay bayindir on friday. it's been a busy day too at nottingham forest with three signings confirmed, including nicolas dominguez from bologna. forest still hoping for a couple more too, including ibrahim sangare from psv eindhoven. but to fund their business, they've had to sell one of their stars. brennanjohnson looks as though he's heading to tottenham after they agreed to pay a fee in excess of £45 million for the forward. tottenham had also been interested in ansu fati, but he has instead chosen brighton, joining on loan from barcelona.

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Window , Building , Invasion , Prison , Debate , Withjoe Biden , Stand By , Enrique Tarrio , Election Results , Prosecutions , Attempts , Stop , Actions , Daryle Lamontjenkins , Prison Sentence , Abc News , Sara Smith , One People S Project , Creation , Others , Reaction , Notjust Today , Experience , Something , Case , Comeuppance , Magnitude , Ex President , Downward Spiral , Six , Some , Dealings , Existence , Pay , Debt , Havoc , Lot , Sentence , It Debt , Happening , Guideline , Theirsentence , Someone , Fugitive , Convicts , Law , Blowback , Many , Information Sheet , Road , Won , 2016 , Ideology , Respects , Western Chauvinists , Change , Women , Goals , Shock Troop , Portland , Streets , Administration , Oregon , Anti Fascists , Number , Leadership , Clashes , Element , Ropes , Rogue , Nothing , Gay Community , 93v , Community , Once Upon A Time , 93 , Thing , Forehead Views , Course , Section , Sympathisers , American Society , Officers , Views , Responders , Law Enforcement , Lost Theirjobs , Problem , Charges , Arrests , Situation , Wing , Concern , Insights , Sentencing , Another , I , Hearings , Election Fraud , Trump , Estate , Re Election , Youtube Channel , Set , Republican , Scott Mcafee , 18 , Politics , Trials , Lecturer , Public Affairs , Princeton University , Lauren Wright , 13 , Three , Lauren , Live Streaming A Trial Involving Dominic Trump , Website , Roof , Tech L , Ratings , Turn , Back Up , Oxygen , Roof Will Go , Yes , Tech Teams , Don Ultram , Eight , Viewers , Coverage , Attention , Race , Premium , Candidates , Running , News , Indictments , Lifestream , Lifestream News , Volume , Because , Go For All A Ainst Lifestream News , Go , Publicity , Tv Screen , Mr , I Lifestream , Face , Rally , Mrtrump , Celebrity Politicians , Observation , Amount , Continuation , Entertainer , Show Business , Elections , Help , Voters , Primary , Question , Evidence , Say , Oversimplistic , Indictment , Isn T , Opponents , Matter , Polls , Tanking , Sign 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Failure , Mode , Collapse , Concerns , Durability , 2018 , Weekend , Led , School Roof , Injuries , Anything , Investigation , Panels , Things , Bearing , Bits , Planks , Essential Problem , Cut Planks , Properties , Reinforcement , Special Reinforcement , Structure , Sit , Risk , Modes , Deterioration , Research , Issue , Pause , Story , Bbc News , World , Insight , Expertise , House Prices , Figures , Stories , Decline , Property Value , Nationwide Building Society , Mortgage Lender , Peak , Pandemic , Mortgage Approvals , Prices , 5 , 20 , 3 , 2600000 , 600000 , Economy , Data , The End , Levels , Recovery , Covid , 0 6 , Office For National Statistics , Customers , Line Insurance , Survey , Car Insurance , Compensation , 0 Million , 30 Million , 01 , Policies , Customer , Renewals , Error , Watchdog , Pricing Rules , Ai , Pop Star , Voice , Avatar , Time , Record Label , Development , Noonoouri , Hundreds Of Thousands , Warner Music , Dominoes , Books , Herfirst Song , Music Industry , Shiona Mccallum , Character , Motion Capture , 2d Graphics , Appearance , Meet Noonoouri , Berlin , Instagram Influencer , Big Fashion Brands , 2 , Label , Pulse , Email , God , Central Europe , Making Music , Technology , Tech Voice Y , Human Voice , Female , High , The Voice , Sound , Pressure , Low , Single , Speed , Places , Motion Capture Technology , Fit , Style , Song , Al , Producers , Human Artist , Songwriters , Respect , Opportunities , Step , Opportunity , Globe , Challenges , Personality Rights , Questions , Whetherj , Version , Rights , Framework , Creativity , Charts , Number One , Mainstream , Use , Human , Zack Nestel Patt , Musicians , Workers , The Union , Allied , Level , Friends , Movie Star , Show , Movie Star And Pop , Al Being , Taylor Swift , Human Connection , Star , Consumer , Tracks , George Clooney , Wasn T A Real Human , Basis , Personality , Writing Music , Tv , Films , Playlists , Scores , Cult , Don T , Musician Level , L , Issues , Think , Warner , Warner Brothers , Artist , Pop Star Level , Pop Star Level Doesn T , Adele , Artists , Corporations , Excuses , Music Industry Functions , Value , Making , Craft , End , Advertising , Spells , Areas , Sunshine , Weather , Prospect , Plans , Fact , Cloud , Showers , Mist , Evening , Pieces , Clouds , Shower , Satellite Picture , Stripe Of Cloud Across Northern Ireland , Weather Story , Fog , Parts , Temperatures , South , Well , Patches , Skies , Highlands , Saturday , 1 , System , High Pressure , Chance , Breeze , Nature , In Aberdeen , London , Belfast , 24 , 21 , Willjust , Rain , Area , Fine , Southeast England , North , Winds , Eastern Scotland , Weather Front , Highs , Weather Systems , Eastwards , Shelter , Arrangement , Celsius , Come Furthersouth , Atlantic , 27 , 25 , 23 , 26 , Hair , Continent , Values , Uncertainty , Air Flow , Mid To High 20s , Capital , Context , Response , E Scooters , Rise , Accidents , Rajini Vaidayanathan , Au Revoir , French , Paris , 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