Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240704 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240704

supposed to be there. they are supposed to be hearing about the ordeal that they have put their victims through. a lot of it is for thejudge, becausejudges in english law work through a particular set of sentencing guidelines. thejudge, for example on those counts of murder, murderand english for example on those counts of murder, murder and english law, for example on those counts of murder, murderand english law, and it is specifically english law here, in a case of murder there is a mandatory life sentence. of course, that can take various forms. it can be as little as 15 years, or as much as 25, we know that the prosecution have already asked for something called a whole life order. what that means is in the case of lucy letby and other notorious criminals, notorious killers like, her, whole life would mean she would never be released from prison. she would be handed a certain number of life sentences, but a handed a certain number of life sentences, buta minimum handed a certain number of life sentences, but a minimum term in this case would not apply. she would be expected to spend the rest of her life behind bars. these victim impact statements are continuing. various parents have made different decisions about how they want to deliver this to the court. all have written, all have no doubts about painful time thinking about what they want to tell the court about they want to tell the court about the ordeal they have been through, because bear in mind these are parents who come in the first instance, gave birth to premature, extremely sick babies. the neonatal unit at the countess of cheshire hospital deals with very premature babies, some of which may not have been expected to survive. in the case of these babies, these were very often babies who were doing as well as can be expected at the time, and one feature of the all of these cases together was the fact that often in the medical notes the babies were described as doing well, and then there would have the sudden and then there would have the sudden and unexplained collapses, which it later became apparent that lucy letby was the common factor behind that, because she had injected air into the bloodstream of some of these babies. other she had overfed with milk or liquid. in some cases she posted the babies with insulin. it was only when a pattern began to emerge, a patent that we now know since the conclusion of this trial, that medics had spotted. they had taken it to management at the countess of chester hospital and management had not responded. this is one of the big questions that will continue to be asked, why when a group of medics said they had concerns about lucy letby, that was not acted upon sooner and she was able to continue working on the neonatal ward and continue being able to murder and attempted murder children. as we hear some of these harrowing, and i will keep saying this throughout the day because some of these victim impact statements are distressing, they are parents reliving the worst moments of their lives, describing how they lost their children, and then discovered that the nurse who had been caring for their children was responsible for their children was responsible for either ending their lives or attempting to. the mother of baby d is still in the witness box. she is delivering her witness impact statement in person. she is holding a toy rabbit as she does this. she said, i continued ending it all. i was hoping so hard that if i went to the other side i would see my daughter. my prayers have given me the courage to stay. the mother of twin babies is now in the witness box, delivering her own impact statement. these were babies born in 2015. she set a world was shattered when we encountered equal described as a caring nurse. when lucy letby was announced as a suspect she said without deceit and utterly heartbroken. she went on say she was deprived of time with their baby boy, lucy letby bay tim and dressed him on the ground before he was buried. at those moments, when those babies died, lucy letby was right there. we heard the mother of another baby talking about the fact that she wears those hand and footprints around her neck and knows that lucy letby, the woman who killed her child, was the same one who took his hand and footprints. in the case of baby dee, knowing that in those final moments the woman who killed her child date ten, dressed him in the county was buried in. this is really difficult for a people to hear on the court. the jurors, who have heard so much of this in evidence, eight of them are backin this in evidence, eight of them are back in court today to hit those victim impact statements. while lucy letby is present, she is not in the court, she is down on the holding cells. her legalteam court, she is down on the holding cells. her legal team made it clear at the end of last week that she would not be coming into court, she would not be coming into court, she would not be facing the families again and crucially she will not be facing thejudge later on again and crucially she will not be facing the judge later on this afternoon will deliver those verdicts. he will explain the sentence he has decided to give lucy letby. judges always make remarks at the end of cases like this, that are always at hand to the person convicted of the crime. lucy letby will not be here to see this. he will not be here to see this. he will continue to give those remarks as if lucy letby is in the courtroom. these remarks will be televised, as well. this is quite a new innovation. for many years there were not hammers and courtrooms, but for selected moments and cases we are beginning to see cameras in courtrooms. you will be able to see and hear what mrjustice goss does say, but lucy letby will not be here to hear that. i will give you more details from these victim impact statements. they are difficult to hear. if you are finding yourself understandably distressed by some of what you're seeing and hearing, if you head to the bbc app or website there are loads of organisations on there are loads of organisations on there that can give you advice, support, resources to read, people to speak to, it is a really good place to go if you are understandably distressed by some of theissues understandably distressed by some of the issues at the heart of this story. the mother of twins is still speaking. she said the family had ivf and lucy letby knew this and was aware of the journey they had been on as a family. she presented herself as kind, caring and softly spoken. now i know it was all an act. it has left me unable to trust anyone. the mother also says that she will not —— will not leave the surviving twin boy who has medical needs with any medical professional. the child is having a lot of medical intervention, but the motherfeels she always needs to be present for that, even though logically i know that, even though logically i know that not every nurse is like lucy. we had to endure months of sitting in court. she said it was heart wrenching and soul destroying, especially when it was suggested that the baby pots my cry was not as loud as i said it was. i was there. this shows you some of the difficulties that these parents have had to go through because they are making their victim impact statements now, but most of them have also had to give evidence in court. they had to endure the deaths of their babies, then they had to go through a very complex, detailed legal process where they were asked by both the prosecution and the defence about that night, about what they remember, about the details, reliving them once again and doing that for a final time in the courtroom as they continue to deliver these victim impact statements. we will hear them from all of the parents of the babies that lucy letby was convicted of either murdering or attempting to murder, then thejudge either murdering or attempting to murder, then the judge will hand on that sentence for lucy letby, convicted murderer, the most prolific killer of children in modern british history, and she will not be in that courtroom to hear those sentencing remarks, and ultimately descent and she will be given. we ultimately descent and she will be civen. ~ ., , ultimately descent and she will be i iven, ~ ., , ., ultimately descent and she will be civen. ~ . , ., h, given. we are “ust hearing some really awful. — given. we are just hearing some really awful, awful _ given. we are just hearing some really awful, awful details. - given. we are just hearing some really awful, awful details. justl really awful, awful details. just another quick reminder that if you do find any of this extremely distressing, to head to the bbc action line. you can also follow our live coverage online. we have journalists inside the courtroom live reporting. you can scan the qr code on your television to head to that. we have also had the prime minister, rishi sunak, commenting on the fact that lucy letby has not arrived in the courtroom to hear her sentencing, to hear of those impact statements. i sentencing, to hear of those impact statements-— statements. i think the first thing is to extend _ statements. i think the first thing is to extend my _ statements. i think the first thing is to extend my sympathies - statements. i think the first thing is to extend my sympathies to . is to extend my sympathies to everyone affected by this. like everyone, reading about this is shocking and harrowing. i think it is cowardly that people who commit such horrendous crimes do not face their victims and hear first—hand their victims and hear first—hand the impact that their crimes have had on them and theirfamilies the impact that their crimes have had on them and their families and loved ones. we have been looking at changing the law to make sure that that happens and it is something we will bring forward in due course. should hospital managers be as accountable as doctors and nurses? we are _ accountable as doctors and nurses? we are setting up an inquiry that will look into everything that happened in this case. it is important that inquiry gets the answer is that families need. it is important it is conducted transparently and happens as quickly as possible. should we have a judge led inquiry? it is important that the families get the answer is that they need. it is possible for us to learn the lessons to what happened, everything is conducted transparently and happens as quickly as possible. those of the objectives that we want and we will make sure to set up to deliver on those aims. the prime minister speaking as lucy letby is being sentence at manchester crown court today. we will bring you live coverage. we have news reporters both inside and outside of the courts. you can also head to our online pages where there is live reporting. we will bring you more on some of those really disturbing impact statements as families readouts, read those out in court. returning now to california, where much of the southern part of the state has been deluged by torrential rain, as it experiences its first tropical storm in more than 80 years. the desert community of palm springs has received more rain in a single hour than at any other time in its history. live now to cbs correspondent michael spencer, who is in san clemente, california. talk us through the latest, what do we know, what has been affected? good morning. we are about 60 miles south of los angeles, to give your viewers some perspective as to where we are. what officials are worried about now is the rain. the national weather service has issued a flask —— a flash flood warning that extends to three o'clock this morning pacific time. that will expire in about the next 15 minutes, but i wouldn't be surprised if it is extended. we are seeing a heavy amount of rain in the san gabriel mountains. between half an inch and an inch an hour. officials are worried about what that rain might do there in terms of flooding, in terms of landslides and mudslides. they have cancelled school today in los angeles, as well as in san diego. the storm to bring with it somewhere but the major concern here is all of the moisture, not only here in southern california, but in arizona we have seen some heavy rain and places like las vegas, nevada, they have seen heavy rain and flooding, as well.— let's return to our top story where lucy letby is being sentenced at manchester crown court. personal statements are being made to the judge. we have heard a number already. let's try and cross now to our correspondent, anna foster. as the minutes go by we are hearing more and more devastating details of how these families who lost their very young babies have been affected. we very young babies have been affected. ~ ., ., , , affected. we are. court number seven is full for the — affected. we are. court number seven is full for the sentencing. _ affected. we are. court number seven is full for the sentencing. the - is full for the sentencing. the jurors who heard almost ten months of evidence in this case, then spent ten hours reaching their verdict, eight of them are back in court today. many of the families of lucy letby�*s victims are also in court. as you mention, the stage of sentencing we are at now, it started about 45 minutes ago. it began with submissions from the prosecution defence which is usual in a case like this. the prosecution have asked for a full life sentence, a whole life sentence in this particular case, which means that if thejudge agrees particular case, which means that if the judge agrees that lucy letby would never be freed from prison. she would spent the rest of her life in prison for the seven murders and six attempted murders that she has been convicted of. the defence said that because of the severity of the crimes, because she has not been convicted, there is very little they could offer in way of mitigation, particularly because the crime of murder has a mandatory life sentence. while the judge can work within sentencing guidelines, which gives him a small amount of flexibility in terms of the sentence he can deliver. when it comes to murder, only a life sentence can be passed in law. those are details that we will hear later this afternoon when the judge, mrjudges —— mrjustice goss makes his remarks. this stage we are at at the moment, these are the parents of lucy letby�*s victims addressing the court with their witness impact statements. in some cases they are being read out by legal counsel, but in some cases the parents are actually standing up and reading these victim impact statements. the identity of all of the babies in this case and of their parents and surviving siblings in some cases is being protected. while those names are being read outs, in terms of the reporting to g and these are all babies that have been identified by letter. we are with the mother of baby e at the moment. she talked about the month that they had to endure sitting on court hearing about notjust endure sitting on court hearing about not just the endure sitting on court hearing about notjust the death of her own child, but others as well. she said we, as in the parents, we are living with a life sentence because of lucy letby�*s crimes. she said the trial felt like a platform for lucy letby to relive her crimes. even in the final days of the drought she has tried to control things, the disrespect shown to the families and the court sure what kind of person she is. this is because lucy letby, while she is present here at manchester crown court, she is in the holding cells, not in court number seven to hear these victim impact statements or to hear the sentencing remarks from the judge. that is something that has happened a few times. this that is something that has happened a few times. , ., _, , .,, a few times. this of course has renewed calls _ a few times. this of course has renewed calls for _ a few times. this of course has renewed calls for convicted - renewed calls for convicted criminals should be forced to go to court to hear their sentencing and to listen to these impact statements. i am just hearing of some courtroom reaction there, like we have been saying throughout all of this coverage, it is very emotional and the public gallery, i understand, is full of parents and babies, some of whom are sat there crying quietly. the parents of the babies are sat there crying quietly. some of thejury babies are sat there crying quietly. some of the jury members as well also extremely upset. it shows how this information is and how much people have of course been affected by lucy letby�*s crimes. people have of course been affected by lucy letby's crimes.— by lucy letby's crimes. that's riuht. by lucy letby's crimes. that's right- of _ by lucy letby's crimes. that's right. of course, _ by lucy letby's crimes. that's right. of course, at _ by lucy letby's crimes. that's right. of course, at the - by lucy letby's crimes. that's right. of course, at the heart| by lucy letby's crimes. that's l right. of course, at the heart of all of this has been the families of those babies, the parents of those babies, but also the jurors who have had to listen to a huge amount of very difficult evidence over the ten months or so of this trial. also many of lucy letby's former colleagues, people who would have considered a friend, they have had to come to court, not only to give evidence but listen to very difficult evidence, often talked about in minute detail. of course, the process of proving beyond reasonable doubt that someone committed murder requires a huge amount of very complicated medical evidence. there have been various medical experts part of this trial throughout. cheshire police, who did this investigation, operation hummingbird, they created more than 32,000 pages of evidence, much of which was referred to in court. it is understandable that that emotion is understandable that that emotion is really being seen and heard in the courts at the moment. i want to take you back to the mother of baby e. she was specifically referring to the fact that lucy letby has not appeared in court today and the disrespect that she described that that she was the families. she said we have attended court day in and day out, yet she decides she has had enough and stays on herself, just one final act of wickedness from a coward. i would like to thank lucy for taking the stand and showing the court the real lucy when the mask slips. that is the mother of baby e. the father of baby g is now reading at their witness impact statement. saying baby g still need substantial care. lucy letby tried to murder all of these babies, she was successful in seven cases, but also convicted of six counts of attempted murder. these are children who are often still living with life changing consequences. the father of baby g saying that the baby's mother only gets about two hours a night. the mother baby was left severely disabled thanks to the attacks of lucy letby. these victim impact statements will continue. every family gets the chance to say what they want to stay in court, talk about the death of their children. in some case the births of their children and the impact of sitting through the trial has had on them. then thejudge will through the trial has had on them. then the judge will deliver his sentencing remarks and ultimately the sentence that he has decided on that he will hand to lucy letby for those crimes of murder and attempted murder. this those crimes of murder and attempted murder. , , ., ., , ., ~ murder. this is going to be taking some time- _ murder. this is going to be taking some time- i _ murder. this is going to be taking some time. i want _ murder. this is going to be taking some time. i want to _ murder. this is going to be taking some time. i want to remind - murder. this is going to be taking i some time. i want to remind viewers that we are bringing you a continued coverage of the sentencing of nurse lucy letby for murdering seven babies and attempting to murder six more. she has refused to take part and appear in court. the government is saying it is looking at changing the law to compel convicts to attend sentencing. we are hearing from victims and their families, who are giving impact statements and just explaining to the court how lucy letby absolutely devastated their lives. we are talking about this whole life sentence that lucy letby may well be given. only two other women are currently serving whole life terms, that is rosemary west and joanna dennehy. itjust shows how serious lucy letby's crimes were. ., �* , , how serious lucy letby's crimes were. . �* , , ., were. that's true. this whole life orders are _ were. that's true. this whole life orders are very. _ were. that's true. this whole life orders are very, very _ were. that's true. this whole life orders are very, very rare - were. that's true. this whole life orders are very, very rare and . were. that's true. this whole life | orders are very, very rare and are reserved for the most notorious criminals, often the ones that have shown no remorse for their crimes and certainly in the case of lucy letby she right at the very end said she was not guilty, did not take any kind of responsibility for what happened. they are used very, very rarely. they are often handed down to the most notorious criminals. in the case of lucy letby, having been convicted of the murder of seven babies in her care and the attempted murder of six others, she is now the most prolific killer of children in modern british history. the prosecution this morning, derek casey described these crimes as premeditated and sadistic. she used very innocuous tools at our disposal, overfeeding babies with milk, injecting air into their bloodstream, using insulin to poison those babies. at the prosecution said, premeditated sadistic crimes, crimes of both the severity and quantity that is very deserving of a whole life order. of course, as we have been saying some of the crime of murder in english and welsh law has a mandatory life sentence attached to it. within sentencing guidelinesjudges attached to it. within sentencing guidelines judges can decide what the minimum term should serve would be, but as we expect, the prosecution are causing for lucy letby to serve a whole life sentence in respect of these crimes and when the judge delivered in respect of these crimes and when thejudge delivered his in respect of these crimes and when the judge delivered his sentencing remarks later on today he will explain the sentence he is handing down and also explain the reasons for its. that is something we will hearin for its. that is something we will hear in the next few hours. we are building bringing you the details of those victim impact statements, which are being delivered in court. the father of baby g, well, baby g was one of the babies that survived but with life changing consequences, and baby g's father say we see the children of other family's fishing, playing football, all the things that are baby can do. he says that the child needs a spine operation but there is concern that she might not survive surgery. all of these details, all of these victim impact statements give you an insight into the ordeal that these parents have been through, notjust at the ordeal that these parents have been through, not just at the the ordeal that these parents have been through, notjust at the time of lucy letby's attacks, but the right and the continuing impact that has on them and their lives. same has on them and their lives. some really tough _ has on them and their lives. some really tough statements _ has on them and their lives. some really tough statements coming i has on them and their lives. some really tough statements coming out and some of these babies have been affected physically. the father of baby g saying that you need substantial care and her mother only gets around two hours sleep a night, so people's lives have been effective for ever. baby g's parents saying what she outlives us, who will care for her then? the condition affects every aspect of their lives. even the children that lucy letby did not manage to kill, their lives have been changed forever. , ., their lives have been changed forever. , . ., ., forever. they have, and some of these details _ forever. they have, and some of these details we _ forever. they have, and some of these details we are _ forever. they have, and some of these details we are hearing - forever. they have, and some of. these details we are hearing really explain some of the ongoing difficulties that those parents and those families have. this is something that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. it is worth reflecting for a moment on how powerful and how eloquent these victim impact statements from these families who have had to give evidence during this trial, but now you're having to really lay bare their emotions in order to let the judge know, mrjustice goss, or anybody who has followed this trial, is well aware of the impact this has had on those families. when you are giving evidence in court you are being questioned by barristers, kings council and pulled the prosecution and defence side. it is not the moment where you really get to say what you want to say. it is the moment and perhaps you are being asked details, factual details about what happened that night, but it is not the moment during the evidential stage where you really get to tell people how this has made you feel, how this has affected your whole life, the lives of your may be surviving children that is why this particular point is so important because it is the moment that those families can say that they want to say, families whose identities are made anonymous through this process, and those impact statements are continuing. we will hear several more of them this morning before the judge moves on and handstand that sentence to lucy letby. anna foster, outside manchester crown court. we will continue the coverage in the coming hours as the nurse lucy letby is being sentenced for murdering seven babies at the neonatal ward in chester. do stay with us year on bbc news. —— with us here. live from london... this is bbc news. child killer lucy letby — guilty of murdering seven babies — arrives at court for sentencing, but refuses to appear in the dock. southern california is hit by torrential rain — in the first tropical storm there for 80 years. a state of emergency is declared. spain celebrates sunday's victory in the women's world cup final — while england's lionesses fly home from sydney after their defeat. hello and welcome to the programme. we start with the sentencing of nurse lucy letby — the most prolific killer of children in modern british history. letby has refused to appear in the dock at manchester crown court, where bereaved families are now making victim impact statements. letby has been convicted of the murder of seven babies and attempting to murder six others at the countess of chester hospital. a short while ago — the prime minister rishi sunak said it was "cowardly that people who commit such horrendous crimes do not face their victims". straight to manchester. anna foster is there for us now. we are slowly but surely hearing these very difficult personal statements being made to the judge during sentencing. lucy letby is not there. she will not hear them, will seek?

Related Keywords

Anna Foster , Us , Return Advice , Outside Court , Information , Ido , Statements , Four , 10 , Lucy Letby , Babies , Family , Victim , Each , Kill , Opportunity , We Believe , Sentencing , Process , Law , One , Things , Trial , Person , Point , Victim Impact Statement , Victims , Ordeal , Counts , Example , Hearing , Lot , Sentencing Guidelines , Thejudge , English , Set , Becausejudges , Murder , Life Sentence , Course , Case , Murderand English Law , Murderand English , Prosecution , Something , Life Order , Forms , 15 , 25 , Life , Life Sentences , Criminals , Number , Prison , Killers , Parents , Buta , Victim Impact , Term , Rest , Bars , Decisions , Crown Court , Wall , Court , Doubts , Mind , Bear , Written , Some , Unit , Countess , Birth , Instance , Deals , Cheshire Hospital , Cases , Fact , Feature , Notes , Factor , Bloodstream , Sudden , Collapses , Insulin , Milk , Medics , Patent , Conclusion , Liquid , Pattern , Management , Questions , Countess Of Chester Hospital , Concerns , Group , It , Children , Neonatal Ward , Lives , Nurse , Impact , Mother , Witness , Statement , Toy Rabbit , Baby D , Witness Box , Courage , Prayers , Side , Daughter , World , 2015 , Bay Tim , Deceit , Suspect , Baby , Ground , Child , Footprints , Hand , Neck , Baby Dee , People , Evidence , Jurors , Eight , County , Ten , Victim Impact Statements , Holding Cells , Legalteam Court , Team , The End , Mrjudges , Families , Afternoon , Verdicts , Sentence , Crime , Remarks , Judges , Courtroom , Innovation , Courtrooms , Cameras , Mrjustice Goss Does Say , Details , Organisations , Loads , App , Website , Bbc , Advice , Heart , Story , Place , Issues , Support , Twins , Theissues , Kind , Journey , Ivf , Boy , Anyone , Professional , Needs , Motherfeels , Intervention , Sitting , Cry , Difficulties , Baby Pots , Heart Wrenching And Soul Destroying , Most , Deaths , Complex , Defence , Murdering , Descent , Killer , Sentencing Remarks , Convicted Murderer , History , Civen , Coverage , Given , Ust Hearing , Reminder , Action Line , H , Justl , Reporting , Prime Minister , Qr Code , Television , Rishi Sunak , Thing , Sympathies , Everyone , Crimes , Reading , Nurses , Doctors , Hospital Managers , Loved Ones , Everything , Inquiry , Answer , Judge Led Inquiry , Objectives , Lessons , Aims , Courts , Pages , Manchester , News Reporters , Families Readouts , Heavy Rain , Storm , Southern California , Desert Community , Estate , Torrential Rain , Part , Palm Springs , 80 , Michael Spencer , Latest , Cbs , San Clemente , Officials , Viewers , Perspective , Flask , Los Angeles , National Weather Service , 60 , Flash Flood Warning , Pacific Time , Three , Terms , Amount , Flooding , San Gabriel Mountains , Concern , Somewhere , Landslides , Mudslides , Moisture , School Today , San Diego , Places , Well Let , Nevada , Las Vegas , Arizona , Return , Correspondent , Seven , Verdict , Many , Stage , Prosecution Defence , Submissions , 45 , Murders , Severity , Six , Mitigation , Way , Flexibility , Mrjustice Goss , Legal Counsel , Mrjustice , Siblings , Identity , Outs , Letter , Names , Court Hearing , Others , Notjust , Baby E , Death , Platform , Drought , Disrespect , Cells , Times , Calls , Impact Statements , Gallery , Reaction , Jury Members , Thejury , Riuht , Colleagues , Detail , Friend , Cheshire Police , Someone , Doubt , Proving , Experts , Emotion , Much , Investigation , Operation Hummingbird , 32000 , Court Day , Stand , Coward , Wickedness , Father , Baby G , Mask Slips , The Real Lucy , Care , Attempted Murder , Witness Impact Statement , Attacks , Consequences , Thanks , Two , Chance , Births , Government , More , Convicts , Women , Rosemary West , Lucy Letby May , Joanna Dennehy , Itjust , Life Orders , Ones , Orders , Remorse , Lucy Letby She , Responsibility , Derek Casey , Tools , Overfeeding , Disposal , Quantity , Sentencing Guidelines Judges , Serve , English And Welsh Law , Respect , Reasons , Its , Fishing , Life Changing Consequences , Football , Surgery , Spine Operation , Insight , Condition , Aspect , Will Care , Who , Forever , Order , Emotions , Know , Kings Council , Barristers , Identities , Handstand , Outside Manchester Crown Court , Stay , Chester , Bbc News , London , Dock , Hit , England , Victory , State Of Emergency , Lionesses , Home , Women S World Cup Final , Spain , Defeat , Sydney , Hello , Programme , Judge ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240704 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240704

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supposed to be there. they are supposed to be hearing about the ordeal that they have put their victims through. a lot of it is for thejudge, becausejudges in english law work through a particular set of sentencing guidelines. thejudge, for example on those counts of murder, murderand english for example on those counts of murder, murder and english law, for example on those counts of murder, murderand english law, and it is specifically english law here, in a case of murder there is a mandatory life sentence. of course, that can take various forms. it can be as little as 15 years, or as much as 25, we know that the prosecution have already asked for something called a whole life order. what that means is in the case of lucy letby and other notorious criminals, notorious killers like, her, whole life would mean she would never be released from prison. she would be handed a certain number of life sentences, but a handed a certain number of life sentences, buta minimum handed a certain number of life sentences, but a minimum term in this case would not apply. she would be expected to spend the rest of her life behind bars. these victim impact statements are continuing. various parents have made different decisions about how they want to deliver this to the court. all have written, all have no doubts about painful time thinking about what they want to tell the court about they want to tell the court about the ordeal they have been through, because bear in mind these are parents who come in the first instance, gave birth to premature, extremely sick babies. the neonatal unit at the countess of cheshire hospital deals with very premature babies, some of which may not have been expected to survive. in the case of these babies, these were very often babies who were doing as well as can be expected at the time, and one feature of the all of these cases together was the fact that often in the medical notes the babies were described as doing well, and then there would have the sudden and then there would have the sudden and unexplained collapses, which it later became apparent that lucy letby was the common factor behind that, because she had injected air into the bloodstream of some of these babies. other she had overfed with milk or liquid. in some cases she posted the babies with insulin. it was only when a pattern began to emerge, a patent that we now know since the conclusion of this trial, that medics had spotted. they had taken it to management at the countess of chester hospital and management had not responded. this is one of the big questions that will continue to be asked, why when a group of medics said they had concerns about lucy letby, that was not acted upon sooner and she was able to continue working on the neonatal ward and continue being able to murder and attempted murder children. as we hear some of these harrowing, and i will keep saying this throughout the day because some of these victim impact statements are distressing, they are parents reliving the worst moments of their lives, describing how they lost their children, and then discovered that the nurse who had been caring for their children was responsible for their children was responsible for either ending their lives or attempting to. the mother of baby d is still in the witness box. she is delivering her witness impact statement in person. she is holding a toy rabbit as she does this. she said, i continued ending it all. i was hoping so hard that if i went to the other side i would see my daughter. my prayers have given me the courage to stay. the mother of twin babies is now in the witness box, delivering her own impact statement. these were babies born in 2015. she set a world was shattered when we encountered equal described as a caring nurse. when lucy letby was announced as a suspect she said without deceit and utterly heartbroken. she went on say she was deprived of time with their baby boy, lucy letby bay tim and dressed him on the ground before he was buried. at those moments, when those babies died, lucy letby was right there. we heard the mother of another baby talking about the fact that she wears those hand and footprints around her neck and knows that lucy letby, the woman who killed her child, was the same one who took his hand and footprints. in the case of baby dee, knowing that in those final moments the woman who killed her child date ten, dressed him in the county was buried in. this is really difficult for a people to hear on the court. the jurors, who have heard so much of this in evidence, eight of them are backin this in evidence, eight of them are back in court today to hit those victim impact statements. while lucy letby is present, she is not in the court, she is down on the holding cells. her legalteam court, she is down on the holding cells. her legal team made it clear at the end of last week that she would not be coming into court, she would not be coming into court, she would not be facing the families again and crucially she will not be facing thejudge later on again and crucially she will not be facing the judge later on this afternoon will deliver those verdicts. he will explain the sentence he has decided to give lucy letby. judges always make remarks at the end of cases like this, that are always at hand to the person convicted of the crime. lucy letby will not be here to see this. he will not be here to see this. he will continue to give those remarks as if lucy letby is in the courtroom. these remarks will be televised, as well. this is quite a new innovation. for many years there were not hammers and courtrooms, but for selected moments and cases we are beginning to see cameras in courtrooms. you will be able to see and hear what mrjustice goss does say, but lucy letby will not be here to hear that. i will give you more details from these victim impact statements. they are difficult to hear. if you are finding yourself understandably distressed by some of what you're seeing and hearing, if you head to the bbc app or website there are loads of organisations on there are loads of organisations on there that can give you advice, support, resources to read, people to speak to, it is a really good place to go if you are understandably distressed by some of theissues understandably distressed by some of the issues at the heart of this story. the mother of twins is still speaking. she said the family had ivf and lucy letby knew this and was aware of the journey they had been on as a family. she presented herself as kind, caring and softly spoken. now i know it was all an act. it has left me unable to trust anyone. the mother also says that she will not —— will not leave the surviving twin boy who has medical needs with any medical professional. the child is having a lot of medical intervention, but the motherfeels she always needs to be present for that, even though logically i know that, even though logically i know that not every nurse is like lucy. we had to endure months of sitting in court. she said it was heart wrenching and soul destroying, especially when it was suggested that the baby pots my cry was not as loud as i said it was. i was there. this shows you some of the difficulties that these parents have had to go through because they are making their victim impact statements now, but most of them have also had to give evidence in court. they had to endure the deaths of their babies, then they had to go through a very complex, detailed legal process where they were asked by both the prosecution and the defence about that night, about what they remember, about the details, reliving them once again and doing that for a final time in the courtroom as they continue to deliver these victim impact statements. we will hear them from all of the parents of the babies that lucy letby was convicted of either murdering or attempting to murder, then thejudge either murdering or attempting to murder, then the judge will hand on that sentence for lucy letby, convicted murderer, the most prolific killer of children in modern british history, and she will not be in that courtroom to hear those sentencing remarks, and ultimately descent and she will be given. we ultimately descent and she will be civen. ~ ., , ultimately descent and she will be i iven, ~ ., , ., ultimately descent and she will be civen. ~ . , ., h, given. we are “ust hearing some really awful. — given. we are just hearing some really awful, awful _ given. we are just hearing some really awful, awful details. - given. we are just hearing some really awful, awful details. justl really awful, awful details. just another quick reminder that if you do find any of this extremely distressing, to head to the bbc action line. you can also follow our live coverage online. we have journalists inside the courtroom live reporting. you can scan the qr code on your television to head to that. we have also had the prime minister, rishi sunak, commenting on the fact that lucy letby has not arrived in the courtroom to hear her sentencing, to hear of those impact statements. i sentencing, to hear of those impact statements-— statements. i think the first thing is to extend _ statements. i think the first thing is to extend my _ statements. i think the first thing is to extend my sympathies - statements. i think the first thing is to extend my sympathies to . is to extend my sympathies to everyone affected by this. like everyone, reading about this is shocking and harrowing. i think it is cowardly that people who commit such horrendous crimes do not face their victims and hear first—hand their victims and hear first—hand the impact that their crimes have had on them and theirfamilies the impact that their crimes have had on them and their families and loved ones. we have been looking at changing the law to make sure that that happens and it is something we will bring forward in due course. should hospital managers be as accountable as doctors and nurses? we are _ accountable as doctors and nurses? we are setting up an inquiry that will look into everything that happened in this case. it is important that inquiry gets the answer is that families need. it is important it is conducted transparently and happens as quickly as possible. should we have a judge led inquiry? it is important that the families get the answer is that they need. it is possible for us to learn the lessons to what happened, everything is conducted transparently and happens as quickly as possible. those of the objectives that we want and we will make sure to set up to deliver on those aims. the prime minister speaking as lucy letby is being sentence at manchester crown court today. we will bring you live coverage. we have news reporters both inside and outside of the courts. you can also head to our online pages where there is live reporting. we will bring you more on some of those really disturbing impact statements as families readouts, read those out in court. returning now to california, where much of the southern part of the state has been deluged by torrential rain, as it experiences its first tropical storm in more than 80 years. the desert community of palm springs has received more rain in a single hour than at any other time in its history. live now to cbs correspondent michael spencer, who is in san clemente, california. talk us through the latest, what do we know, what has been affected? good morning. we are about 60 miles south of los angeles, to give your viewers some perspective as to where we are. what officials are worried about now is the rain. the national weather service has issued a flask —— a flash flood warning that extends to three o'clock this morning pacific time. that will expire in about the next 15 minutes, but i wouldn't be surprised if it is extended. we are seeing a heavy amount of rain in the san gabriel mountains. between half an inch and an inch an hour. officials are worried about what that rain might do there in terms of flooding, in terms of landslides and mudslides. they have cancelled school today in los angeles, as well as in san diego. the storm to bring with it somewhere but the major concern here is all of the moisture, not only here in southern california, but in arizona we have seen some heavy rain and places like las vegas, nevada, they have seen heavy rain and flooding, as well.— let's return to our top story where lucy letby is being sentenced at manchester crown court. personal statements are being made to the judge. we have heard a number already. let's try and cross now to our correspondent, anna foster. as the minutes go by we are hearing more and more devastating details of how these families who lost their very young babies have been affected. we very young babies have been affected. ~ ., ., , , affected. we are. court number seven is full for the — affected. we are. court number seven is full for the sentencing. _ affected. we are. court number seven is full for the sentencing. the - is full for the sentencing. the jurors who heard almost ten months of evidence in this case, then spent ten hours reaching their verdict, eight of them are back in court today. many of the families of lucy letby�*s victims are also in court. as you mention, the stage of sentencing we are at now, it started about 45 minutes ago. it began with submissions from the prosecution defence which is usual in a case like this. the prosecution have asked for a full life sentence, a whole life sentence in this particular case, which means that if thejudge agrees particular case, which means that if the judge agrees that lucy letby would never be freed from prison. she would spent the rest of her life in prison for the seven murders and six attempted murders that she has been convicted of. the defence said that because of the severity of the crimes, because she has not been convicted, there is very little they could offer in way of mitigation, particularly because the crime of murder has a mandatory life sentence. while the judge can work within sentencing guidelines, which gives him a small amount of flexibility in terms of the sentence he can deliver. when it comes to murder, only a life sentence can be passed in law. those are details that we will hear later this afternoon when the judge, mrjudges —— mrjustice goss makes his remarks. this stage we are at at the moment, these are the parents of lucy letby�*s victims addressing the court with their witness impact statements. in some cases they are being read out by legal counsel, but in some cases the parents are actually standing up and reading these victim impact statements. the identity of all of the babies in this case and of their parents and surviving siblings in some cases is being protected. while those names are being read outs, in terms of the reporting to g and these are all babies that have been identified by letter. we are with the mother of baby e at the moment. she talked about the month that they had to endure sitting on court hearing about notjust endure sitting on court hearing about not just the endure sitting on court hearing about notjust the death of her own child, but others as well. she said we, as in the parents, we are living with a life sentence because of lucy letby�*s crimes. she said the trial felt like a platform for lucy letby to relive her crimes. even in the final days of the drought she has tried to control things, the disrespect shown to the families and the court sure what kind of person she is. this is because lucy letby, while she is present here at manchester crown court, she is in the holding cells, not in court number seven to hear these victim impact statements or to hear the sentencing remarks from the judge. that is something that has happened a few times. this that is something that has happened a few times. , ., _, , .,, a few times. this of course has renewed calls _ a few times. this of course has renewed calls for _ a few times. this of course has renewed calls for convicted - renewed calls for convicted criminals should be forced to go to court to hear their sentencing and to listen to these impact statements. i am just hearing of some courtroom reaction there, like we have been saying throughout all of this coverage, it is very emotional and the public gallery, i understand, is full of parents and babies, some of whom are sat there crying quietly. the parents of the babies are sat there crying quietly. some of thejury babies are sat there crying quietly. some of the jury members as well also extremely upset. it shows how this information is and how much people have of course been affected by lucy letby�*s crimes. people have of course been affected by lucy letby's crimes.— by lucy letby's crimes. that's riuht. by lucy letby's crimes. that's right- of _ by lucy letby's crimes. that's right. of course, _ by lucy letby's crimes. that's right. of course, at _ by lucy letby's crimes. that's right. of course, at the - by lucy letby's crimes. that's right. of course, at the heart| by lucy letby's crimes. that's l right. of course, at the heart of all of this has been the families of those babies, the parents of those babies, but also the jurors who have had to listen to a huge amount of very difficult evidence over the ten months or so of this trial. also many of lucy letby's former colleagues, people who would have considered a friend, they have had to come to court, not only to give evidence but listen to very difficult evidence, often talked about in minute detail. of course, the process of proving beyond reasonable doubt that someone committed murder requires a huge amount of very complicated medical evidence. there have been various medical experts part of this trial throughout. cheshire police, who did this investigation, operation hummingbird, they created more than 32,000 pages of evidence, much of which was referred to in court. it is understandable that that emotion is understandable that that emotion is really being seen and heard in the courts at the moment. i want to take you back to the mother of baby e. she was specifically referring to the fact that lucy letby has not appeared in court today and the disrespect that she described that that she was the families. she said we have attended court day in and day out, yet she decides she has had enough and stays on herself, just one final act of wickedness from a coward. i would like to thank lucy for taking the stand and showing the court the real lucy when the mask slips. that is the mother of baby e. the father of baby g is now reading at their witness impact statement. saying baby g still need substantial care. lucy letby tried to murder all of these babies, she was successful in seven cases, but also convicted of six counts of attempted murder. these are children who are often still living with life changing consequences. the father of baby g saying that the baby's mother only gets about two hours a night. the mother baby was left severely disabled thanks to the attacks of lucy letby. these victim impact statements will continue. every family gets the chance to say what they want to stay in court, talk about the death of their children. in some case the births of their children and the impact of sitting through the trial has had on them. then thejudge will through the trial has had on them. then the judge will deliver his sentencing remarks and ultimately the sentence that he has decided on that he will hand to lucy letby for those crimes of murder and attempted murder. this those crimes of murder and attempted murder. , , ., ., , ., ~ murder. this is going to be taking some time- _ murder. this is going to be taking some time- i _ murder. this is going to be taking some time. i want _ murder. this is going to be taking some time. i want to _ murder. this is going to be taking some time. i want to remind - murder. this is going to be taking i some time. i want to remind viewers that we are bringing you a continued coverage of the sentencing of nurse lucy letby for murdering seven babies and attempting to murder six more. she has refused to take part and appear in court. the government is saying it is looking at changing the law to compel convicts to attend sentencing. we are hearing from victims and their families, who are giving impact statements and just explaining to the court how lucy letby absolutely devastated their lives. we are talking about this whole life sentence that lucy letby may well be given. only two other women are currently serving whole life terms, that is rosemary west and joanna dennehy. itjust shows how serious lucy letby's crimes were. ., �* , , how serious lucy letby's crimes were. . �* , , ., were. that's true. this whole life orders are _ were. that's true. this whole life orders are very. _ were. that's true. this whole life orders are very, very _ were. that's true. this whole life orders are very, very rare - were. that's true. this whole life orders are very, very rare and . were. that's true. this whole life | orders are very, very rare and are reserved for the most notorious criminals, often the ones that have shown no remorse for their crimes and certainly in the case of lucy letby she right at the very end said she was not guilty, did not take any kind of responsibility for what happened. they are used very, very rarely. they are often handed down to the most notorious criminals. in the case of lucy letby, having been convicted of the murder of seven babies in her care and the attempted murder of six others, she is now the most prolific killer of children in modern british history. the prosecution this morning, derek casey described these crimes as premeditated and sadistic. she used very innocuous tools at our disposal, overfeeding babies with milk, injecting air into their bloodstream, using insulin to poison those babies. at the prosecution said, premeditated sadistic crimes, crimes of both the severity and quantity that is very deserving of a whole life order. of course, as we have been saying some of the crime of murder in english and welsh law has a mandatory life sentence attached to it. within sentencing guidelinesjudges attached to it. within sentencing guidelines judges can decide what the minimum term should serve would be, but as we expect, the prosecution are causing for lucy letby to serve a whole life sentence in respect of these crimes and when the judge delivered in respect of these crimes and when thejudge delivered his in respect of these crimes and when the judge delivered his sentencing remarks later on today he will explain the sentence he is handing down and also explain the reasons for its. that is something we will hearin for its. that is something we will hear in the next few hours. we are building bringing you the details of those victim impact statements, which are being delivered in court. the father of baby g, well, baby g was one of the babies that survived but with life changing consequences, and baby g's father say we see the children of other family's fishing, playing football, all the things that are baby can do. he says that the child needs a spine operation but there is concern that she might not survive surgery. all of these details, all of these victim impact statements give you an insight into the ordeal that these parents have been through, notjust at the ordeal that these parents have been through, not just at the the ordeal that these parents have been through, notjust at the time of lucy letby's attacks, but the right and the continuing impact that has on them and their lives. same has on them and their lives. some really tough _ has on them and their lives. some really tough statements _ has on them and their lives. some really tough statements coming i has on them and their lives. some really tough statements coming out and some of these babies have been affected physically. the father of baby g saying that you need substantial care and her mother only gets around two hours sleep a night, so people's lives have been effective for ever. baby g's parents saying what she outlives us, who will care for her then? the condition affects every aspect of their lives. even the children that lucy letby did not manage to kill, their lives have been changed forever. , ., their lives have been changed forever. , . ., ., forever. they have, and some of these details _ forever. they have, and some of these details we _ forever. they have, and some of these details we are _ forever. they have, and some of these details we are hearing - forever. they have, and some of. these details we are hearing really explain some of the ongoing difficulties that those parents and those families have. this is something that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. it is worth reflecting for a moment on how powerful and how eloquent these victim impact statements from these families who have had to give evidence during this trial, but now you're having to really lay bare their emotions in order to let the judge know, mrjustice goss, or anybody who has followed this trial, is well aware of the impact this has had on those families. when you are giving evidence in court you are being questioned by barristers, kings council and pulled the prosecution and defence side. it is not the moment where you really get to say what you want to say. it is the moment and perhaps you are being asked details, factual details about what happened that night, but it is not the moment during the evidential stage where you really get to tell people how this has made you feel, how this has affected your whole life, the lives of your may be surviving children that is why this particular point is so important because it is the moment that those families can say that they want to say, families whose identities are made anonymous through this process, and those impact statements are continuing. we will hear several more of them this morning before the judge moves on and handstand that sentence to lucy letby. anna foster, outside manchester crown court. we will continue the coverage in the coming hours as the nurse lucy letby is being sentenced for murdering seven babies at the neonatal ward in chester. do stay with us year on bbc news. —— with us here. live from london... this is bbc news. child killer lucy letby — guilty of murdering seven babies — arrives at court for sentencing, but refuses to appear in the dock. southern california is hit by torrential rain — in the first tropical storm there for 80 years. a state of emergency is declared. spain celebrates sunday's victory in the women's world cup final — while england's lionesses fly home from sydney after their defeat. hello and welcome to the programme. we start with the sentencing of nurse lucy letby — the most prolific killer of children in modern british history. letby has refused to appear in the dock at manchester crown court, where bereaved families are now making victim impact statements. letby has been convicted of the murder of seven babies and attempting to murder six others at the countess of chester hospital. a short while ago — the prime minister rishi sunak said it was "cowardly that people who commit such horrendous crimes do not face their victims". straight to manchester. anna foster is there for us now. we are slowly but surely hearing these very difficult personal statements being made to the judge during sentencing. lucy letby is not there. she will not hear them, will seek?

Related Keywords

Anna Foster , Us , Return Advice , Outside Court , Information , Ido , Statements , Four , 10 , Lucy Letby , Babies , Family , Victim , Each , Kill , Opportunity , We Believe , Sentencing , Process , Law , One , Things , Trial , Person , Point , Victim Impact Statement , Victims , Ordeal , Counts , Example , Hearing , Lot , Sentencing Guidelines , Thejudge , English , Set , Becausejudges , Murder , Life Sentence , Course , Case , Murderand English Law , Murderand English , Prosecution , Something , Life Order , Forms , 15 , 25 , Life , Life Sentences , Criminals , Number , Prison , Killers , Parents , Buta , Victim Impact , Term , Rest , Bars , Decisions , Crown Court , Wall , Court , Doubts , Mind , Bear , Written , Some , Unit , Countess , Birth , Instance , Deals , Cheshire Hospital , Cases , Fact , Feature , Notes , Factor , Bloodstream , Sudden , Collapses , Insulin , Milk , Medics , Patent , Conclusion , Liquid , Pattern , Management , Questions , Countess Of Chester Hospital , Concerns , Group , It , Children , Neonatal Ward , Lives , Nurse , Impact , Mother , Witness , Statement , Toy Rabbit , Baby D , Witness Box , Courage , Prayers , Side , Daughter , World , 2015 , Bay Tim , Deceit , Suspect , Baby , Ground , Child , Footprints , Hand , Neck , Baby Dee , People , Evidence , Jurors , Eight , County , Ten , Victim Impact Statements , Holding Cells , Legalteam Court , Team , The End , Mrjudges , Families , Afternoon , Verdicts , Sentence , Crime , Remarks , Judges , Courtroom , Innovation , Courtrooms , Cameras , Mrjustice Goss Does Say , Details , Organisations , Loads , App , Website , Bbc , Advice , Heart , Story , Place , Issues , Support , Twins , Theissues , Kind , Journey , Ivf , Boy , Anyone , Professional , Needs , Motherfeels , Intervention , Sitting , Cry , Difficulties , Baby Pots , Heart Wrenching And Soul Destroying , Most , Deaths , Complex , Defence , Murdering , Descent , Killer , Sentencing Remarks , Convicted Murderer , History , Civen , Coverage , Given , Ust Hearing , Reminder , Action Line , H , Justl , Reporting , Prime Minister , Qr Code , Television , Rishi Sunak , Thing , Sympathies , Everyone , Crimes , Reading , Nurses , Doctors , Hospital Managers , Loved Ones , Everything , Inquiry , Answer , Judge Led Inquiry , Objectives , Lessons , Aims , Courts , Pages , Manchester , News Reporters , Families Readouts , Heavy Rain , Storm , Southern California , Desert Community , Estate , Torrential Rain , Part , Palm Springs , 80 , Michael Spencer , Latest , Cbs , San Clemente , Officials , Viewers , Perspective , Flask , Los Angeles , National Weather Service , 60 , Flash Flood Warning , Pacific Time , Three , Terms , Amount , Flooding , San Gabriel Mountains , Concern , Somewhere , Landslides , Mudslides , Moisture , School Today , San Diego , Places , Well Let , Nevada , Las Vegas , Arizona , Return , Correspondent , Seven , Verdict , Many , Stage , Prosecution Defence , Submissions , 45 , Murders , Severity , Six , Mitigation , Way , Flexibility , Mrjustice Goss , Legal Counsel , Mrjustice , Siblings , Identity , Outs , Letter , Names , Court Hearing , Others , Notjust , Baby E , Death , Platform , Drought , Disrespect , Cells , Times , Calls , Impact Statements , Gallery , Reaction , Jury Members , Thejury , Riuht , Colleagues , Detail , Friend , Cheshire Police , Someone , Doubt , Proving , Experts , Emotion , Much , Investigation , Operation Hummingbird , 32000 , Court Day , Stand , Coward , Wickedness , Father , Baby G , Mask Slips , The Real Lucy , Care , Attempted Murder , Witness Impact Statement , Attacks , Consequences , Thanks , Two , Chance , Births , Government , More , Convicts , Women , Rosemary West , Lucy Letby May , Joanna Dennehy , Itjust , Life Orders , Ones , Orders , Remorse , Lucy Letby She , Responsibility , Derek Casey , Tools , Overfeeding , Disposal , Quantity , Sentencing Guidelines Judges , Serve , English And Welsh Law , Respect , Reasons , Its , Fishing , Life Changing Consequences , Football , Surgery , Spine Operation , Insight , Condition , Aspect , Will Care , Who , Forever , Order , Emotions , Know , Kings Council , Barristers , Identities , Handstand , Outside Manchester Crown Court , Stay , Chester , Bbc News , London , Dock , Hit , England , Victory , State Of Emergency , Lionesses , Home , Women S World Cup Final , Spain , Defeat , Sydney , Hello , Programme , Judge ,

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