Transcripts For BBCNEWS Verified 20240704 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Verified 20240704

one of the buildings which was destroyed was the grace baptist church. our correspondent sophie long is in hawaii and spoke to some of the congregation. the fire that left more than a city devastated and charred, black buildings behind. questions hover above the emptiness. how can you rebuild from this? what will exist here in the future? a now churchless congregation gathered at a coffee shop to share their pain. one of the police officers sent me the pictures... ..of what used to be... house. i wept. but weeping is not a lack of faith. thank god that he gave us tears. # amazing grace...#. there are so many questions that remain without answers. why did one survive to sit in a makeshift church when their neighbour didn't? what will become of their community so crippled by a loss that is still being counted? i don't think it will ever be the same. i hope it will be better, so that's my prayer, and i believe that. i think one day it can be an even better lahaina than it was. that is what i hope at least, yeah. how do they explain to those too young to understand what their parents can't comprehend? children live in the moment, most when they're young, so you may have to explain it more than once with them, but all you can do is be straightforward and tell them, "the fire took the house." and the terrible thing is is that it's going to be hard because the next fire, the next time they hear fire, that fear is going to come back. there was one lady beating on ourwindow, "save me, save me..." these people may have lost their homes but they haven't lost their hope. we're going to build ourselves up, we're going to shake ourselves off and we're going to keep going forward. we're not broken. the place might be for now, but, you know, it won't stay that way. and even the elderly with other places they could go will stay and rebuild. family on the mainland are trying to get me to move back and my son told my daughter, he said, "you don't get it, dad is going to die there because that's his home." it's our home. but we'll come back, we'll survive, we'll get through this. they will tell their children that there has been mass death and destruction but out of it came heroes and hope. sophie long, bbc news, maui. with the number of wildfires predicted _ with the number of wildfires predicted to _ with the number of wildfires predicted to rise _ with the number of wildfires predicted to rise in - with the number of wildfires predicted to rise in the - with the number of wildfires . predicted to rise in the coming decades— predicted to rise in the coming decades i_ predicted to rise in the coming decades i asked _ predicted to rise in the coming decades i asked doctor- predicted to rise in the comingl decades i asked doctor douglas predicted to rise in the coming - decades i asked doctor douglas kelly from the _ decades i asked doctor douglas kelly from the uk — decades i asked doctor douglas kelly from the uk centre _ decades i asked doctor douglas kelly from the uk centre for— decades i asked doctor douglas kelly from the uk centre for ecology - decades i asked doctor douglas kelly from the uk centre for ecology & - from the uk centre for ecology & hydrology — from the uk centre for ecology & hydrology to _ from the uk centre for ecology & hydrotoqy to talk _ from the uk centre for ecology & hydrology to talk to _ from the uk centre for ecology & hydrology to talk to us _ from the uk centre for ecology & hydrology to talk to us about. from the uk centre for ecology & hydrology to talk to us about the i hydrology to talk to us about the reasons — hydrology to talk to us about the reasons behind _ hydrology to talk to us about the reasons behind the _ hydrology to talk to us about the reasons behind the increase. - some of the big heatwaves we have had recently wouldn't have been possible without climate change and these are the things that dry out the conditions, that promote wildfires and make them more intense. but land use plays a role as well, particularly in places where you have natural vegetation which might hold in more water, which prevents wild fires spreading. when you start degrading them, chopping down forests, doing deforestation, that will also promote wildfire because the vegetation dries out, the trees dry out and we have wildfires as a result. so it's a mixture of the two, climate change and land use change which causes wildfires. the way we manage the landscapes is obviously so important. in terms of what can be done more generally to prevent these fires, i don'tjust mean smaller fire breaks or whatever, but what needs to be done more generally to stop this sort of thing happening in areas where perhaps they haven't been vulnerable to wildfires previously? there are some small things you can do. when we are looking at some of these ecosystems that have been changed, looking at restoration which might help manage these fires. replanting with native or well—managed species, or restoring wetlands which might prevent some of these fires from spreading. but really we have also got to live with the fact these wildfires are going to become more prevalent. so although there are things we can do to help reduce them, we are going to get more of them. so it is about planning around that. fire management plans beforehand, planning evacuation routes and helping communities rebuild after fires have occurred. i talked about areas where you wouldn't quite expect it being vulnerable now. you talk about the arctic being vulnerable to fires in your report. yes and we have seen some wildfires in the arctic in recent years. the problem with these places is they release a lot of carbon as well so that exacerbate climate change which might also lead to more wildfires in the future. in the arctic in particular, the arctic is where temperatures rise much faster than the rest of the world, so that is where wildfires become bigger, because things can dry out there faster because of these temperature rises which then promote wildfires. we'll talk about hawaii now, and i want to play a bit of what the governor from hawaii, josh green, has been saying. he talked about how extreme the wind was in the situation and perhaps it is a unique set of circumstances. let's listen to what he had to say, this is the governor. the fire travelled one mile every minute resulting in this tragedy. with those kind of wins and 1000 degrees temperatures, ultimately all the pictures that you will see will be easy to understand because that level of destruction in a five hurricane is something new to us in this age of global warming and was the ultimate reason so many people perished. so he said that the fire travelled at a mile a minute. it is extraordinary how fast it spread, isn't it? what is your assessment of what happened there? the wind has obviously made the fires much worse and made them travel fast. and that's part of the reason why it was so hard to plan for and why it was so hard to manage. but it's the dry conditions initially which got the fires going to start with. so the winds blew the fires that were occurring a because of the extra dry conditions. so it was both together, the dry conditions and hurricane which would have made these fires so devastating. even though the extreme situation was what made it so bad it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for the conditions, climate change inspired conditions that were there already? it was the dry conditions that got the fires going and the winds that carried them. douglas kelly talking to me a little earlier. to the political crisis in west africa now. the military group which seized power in niger last month says it plans to prosecute the ousted president mohamed bazoum — for high treason — and for undermining the security of the country. president bazoum has been held in the basement of his residence in the capital niamey — since his democratically elected government was toppled — about three weeks ago. in a statement — an army spokesman said — the authorities had been gathering evidence against him — and — his "local and foreign accomplices". translation: in any event, the government of niger hasi to date gathered the necessary evidence to prosecute the ousted president and his local and foreign accomplices before the national and international authorities for high treason and undermining the internal and external security of niger, following his exchanges with the nationals of foreign heads of state and the heads of international organisations. well, what evidence might the coup leaders have? and what should we make of their statement about "foreign accomplices" ? we asked our correspondent nkechi ogbonna. the army spokesperson colonel abdramane had said they had been gathering evidence against the deposed leader and what they claimed were his local and foreign accomplices, although no evidence was provided to support these claims. but the junta says president bazoum and his accomplices could also be prosecuted for undermining the security of niger and its neighbours, including nigeria. this comes a few days after the military appointed minister had said that — general tchiani specifically said he was upset about how ecowas, the regional bloc, had gone about the negotiations and the sanctions imposed against them without giving them a listening ear. but he was open to negotiations and diplomatic talks with the regional bloc, also general tchiani had hinted last saturday that the coup was very intentional and it was done to stave off an imminent threat to the people of niger and its neighbours. that, as well, no evidence was provided to support this claim of an imminent threat, but we would wait to see as events unfold following the ecowas meeting that is happening monday to help to quell the political crisis. also the african union's peace and security council are meeting monday to also look for new interventions for the crisis in niger. we willjust wait to see how all those meetings will unfold and the resolutions that would come from this. if we remember just last week ecowas had said it was having a military intervention. it had activated and deployed military intervention on niger, should all political and diplomatic options fail at the table. but this new action by the militaryjunta in niger could also impede whatever these negotiations may have been, or the result that they would have provided. and just to add that in niger we are hearing reports of over 50 people who were arrested sunday afternoon. these were anti—coup protesters who were protesting for the reinstatement and release of course of president mohamed bazoum who is still being held by the militaryjunta in the presidential palace since he was ousted last month. the militaryjunta had earlier banned all forms of protest but had encouraged, permissions were given to those who were pro—coup supporters in the different rallies and protests we have seen that have happened in the last couple of days and weeks since the coup happened. these 5a people are currently being held and we have not received any further news on what the charges would be. but we will just wait to see how events unfold in niger. and nkechi ogbonna there. let's turn to india where landslides and flash floods have killed at least 49 people in the northern indian state of himachal pradesh. some of the deaths were in a temple destroyed in the state capital, shimla. rescuers are trying to free those still trapped under the debris. days of torrential downpours have washed away vehicles, demolished buildings and destroyed bridges. local officials have warned the population to stay at home with more heavy rainfall expected. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. police say two men who were stabbed in south london last night were the victims of a homophobic attack. a man in his 20s and another in his 30s were stabbed outside a nightclub in clapham. they have since been discharged from hospital. no arrests have been made. a five—year—old girl has suffered "significant" facial injuries after being attacked by a dog outside a corner shop. the attack happened in norton, stockton—on—tees, on saturday. cleveland police said the child was taken to hospital for treatment and a dog had been seized. the dogs owner remained at the scene after the attack. scotland's biggest teaching union says new recruits are leaving the profession because they aren't being offered secure jobs. the eis is urging the scottish government to increase councilfunding to pay for more permanentjobs. the scottish government says it's taking "strong action" to protect teacher numbers. you're live with bbc news. charities and cancer specialists have expressed concern about how health service plans in england to scrap two thirds of cancer targets. nhs bosses say reducing the number of targets from nine down to three will help with diagnosing the disease earlier. most of them have been routinely missed in recent years, as a health correspondent dominic hughes reports. nhs england says it wants to simplify and update cancer waiting time standards following the advice of expert doctors. the nine standards that exist at the moment are said to be confusing for patients and staff. a consultation exercise on scrapping some of them was started last year. the outcome is set to be published in the next few days but it will need to be approved by ministers. what we have is a consultation at the moment with leading clinical figures in the cancer world and with the cancer charities asking whether the checks we've got are driving the right outcomes in terms of cancer survival or whether there are better ways of measuring those. so, this is something led by clinicians working in cancer, it's not something being imposed by the government. three targets would be maintained — diagnosis of cancer within 28 days of referral. the start of treatment within two months from an urgent referral. and treatment starting one month after a decision to treat. but other targets, for example, a two—week wait from an urgent gp referral to see a consultant, including for breast cancer patients, will be dropped. nhs england says the changes would remove the need for unnecessary outpatient appointments in order to meet waiting time rules and allow more patients to get a faster diagnosis. but the reality is that most cancer targets have been missed for some time, and labour believes that's what's behind this change. and under the last labour government we had targets, we hit those targets, we didn't walk away when the going got tough. with this government what we've got is targets that they've repeatedly failed to hit, and now what they're doing is moving the goalposts. recent figures show that just 59% of cancer patients in england waited less than two months for their first treatment to start after being referred by their gp, well below the target of 85%. everyone wants simpler targets, that will be easier for patients to understand. but the problem is, we're in the worst consequences in the worst cancer crisis of my lifetime and simply changing targets won't cure patients, we need to treat them faster and quicker. there is some support for the idea of simplifying the targets for cancer treatment if it helps improve the focus on diagnosing and treating patients faster. but cancer charities say too many targets is not the reason that patients are facing longer waits — that's down to a shortage of trained staff and resources. dominic hughes, bbc news. police are investigating claims a document posted on a wall in west belfast which allegedly showed information in a mass data breach. the claims came from sinn fein. it said names had been removed from the document which was posted near one of its offices. the police service of its offices. the police service of northern ireland's chief constable has previously apologised for what he called an industrial scale data breach. our reporter sara girvin has been speaking to sinn fein's policing spokesperson gerry kelly. she gave us this update. he said kelly. she gave us this update. he: said this morning a member of a political party went to open an office in west belfast and saw four ali sheets of paper attached to a nearby wall. in terms of what was on those pieces of paper he said one of them was a picture of him, gerry kelly, one of them was a threat that read "we know who your mates are, jerry." something he described as very sinister. and the other two it is claimed were pages with information from the data leak, police officers' ranks and places of work. but mr kelly said the names of those officers were redacted. we are told the member of staff took this down immediately and was holding it in the political party office for police to collect as evidence. last week when the news of the data leak broke we heard from the data leak broke we heard from the chief constable of the psni simon byrne. he said he was aware of claims made by dissident republicans that they had access to this leaked information but that that could not be verified at that moment by the psni. all police officers in northern ireland are targets for dissident republican terrorists. the last attack was just a few months ago when a senior police officer was shot and seriously injured. and the threat level in northern ireland is severe when it comes to terrorism. that's the highest in the uk. and so the fear had always been that this information would make it into the hands of dissident republican terrorists. police have said today they are investigating the alleged posting of this information and have been planning for this development. outside the office today we did hear from gerry kelly and he said it was his belief this information was posted by dissidents as proof that they have access to it. police officers, i think rightly, the police rightly said that there was a claim that they have this information. i think whoever is involved in this, it is their motive to say actually we do have this and to up the ante in terms of trying to intimidate police officers and their staff. also today that has been talk of potential damages, hasn't there? what has been said about that? absolutely, we heard today about half of the police officers in northern ireland have been in touch with the police federation. they represent rank—and—file officers hear about potential damages. we think that is around 3000 officers, their identities, their places of work, their names were posted accidentally online in this data leak. just to remind you there are more than 10,000 members of psni staff and officers affected. if there was financial compensation given to all of them it is estimated the total bill could run into tens of millions of pounds for the public purse. legalfirms have already of millions of pounds for the public purse. legal firms have already made it clear in the last few days that they are ready and available, they are willing to represent all psni staff in this situation. so while there is a lot in the mix for now, there is a lot in the mix for now, the chief concern of psni officers and staff will be their security and safety, both of them and their families. we heard from the psni about that again today. they said, "additional security and reassurance patrols are taking place across northern ireland as part of what it is called its organisational response to the fallout from this data leak. that is a fallout that will continue for quite some time yet. sara girvin with that update. the uk health secretary says the government took instant action to move asylum seekers from the bibby stockholm barge after legionella bacteria was found there last week. steve barclay was questioned over why people were moved in when officials knew tests were being conducted. he told the bbc no—one was harmed. the government plans to house up to 500 people on the vessel while they wait for the outcome of their asylum applications. the uk health security agency did not recommend evacuation until thursday night. let's hear some of steve barclay�*s comments. it can be dangerous and that is why as a precautionary measure people were moved off the barge as soon as ministers were aware. people have had health assessments, there has been no concerns in terms of any of the people that have been on the barge. checks are being followed up on that, but the steps were taken as a precautionary basis, and it is right that we have the checks, it is right we had them at the end ofjuly and i know ministers at the home office were notified on thursday evening and took precautionary measures as a result. but the opposition labour party has criticised the government's asylum policy. everybody has got to face up to the fact that the government has broken the asylum system and i don't want to use barges, hotels, airbases because i don't think that's the way we fix the problem. now it may be that we are going to inherit a very bad situation, just as we are on the economy and on health, but fundamentally we can't get through this by more barges, we get through this by tackling the criminal gangs that are running this terrible trade and by processing the applications. polish security officers have arrested two russian nationals suspected of distributing propaganda and recruitment material about the wagner mercenary army. they've been charged with espionage. our correspondent in warsaw adam easton gave a small background. according to the polish security services these two men were arrested on friday after they pasted around 300 leaflets in public places in the city of krakov in the southern part of poland and also the capital warsaw which was promoting. warsaw which was promoting the wagner mercenary group and also providing a link to a recruitment website for the group. the polish security services say the men were being paid by moscow for those activities up to $5,000 was mentioned. for those activities, up to $5,000 was mentioned. and as you say these men have been arrested and they have had charges of espionage which could mean if they were found guilty they would face up to ten years in prison. the polish security services so this is another example of what they call a hybrid attack against notjust poland but also nato and the eu. they said these men have been doing similar activities in berlin and paris in the past. the aim of this activity is to increase the sense of threat in nato. poland in particular, which is on the eastern flank of nato, of course. just briefly, poland is worried about wagner, isn't it? we have seen thousands of wagner troops in belarus and some of their training facilities are near the polish border. poland is very concerned, isn't it? it is, and i think there has been a heightened sense of insecurity in the polish society obviously since russia's invasion of ukraine and the massive wave of refugees from ukraine into poland. but certainly the relocation of the wagner group has caused the government to be particularly sensitive to their activities. they have said they are going to send an additional 10,000 troops to the border. they have talked about potentially closing the border, as has lithuania, and this is also in parallel of course with poland's upcoming parliamentary elections. the government is promoting itself as the guarantor of polish security. adam easton with that report from warsaw. do stay with us on bbc news. hello. for some of us it has been a soggy start to the new working week with low pressure in charge of our weather. and this frontal system which has become quite slow moving across parts of northern england and north wales generating some very heavy bursts of rain. through the rest of the day it is north wales but perhaps more especially northern england and into the far south of scotland where we will see the wettest of the weather. there could well be enough rain to cause localised transport disruption, maybe a bit of flooding. quite windy across southern and eastern parts. sunshine and showers away from our main rain bands and temperatures generally in the low to mid 20s. as we head through tonight that rain will linger for a time across parts of eastern scotland and north—east england. i think much of it will pull away by the end of the night. one or two showers out west but the majority will be dry and clear, and not a cold night, 11—15 degrees. tomorrow the last vestiges of that rain will tend to clear from eastern scotland and north—east england and then it is a sunshine and showers day. some of the showers could be on the heavy side, but there will be some decent dry gaps in between and some spells of sunshine. temperature wise, we are looking at 19 degrees in aberdeen, 23 in norwich and in london. as we move out of tuesday and into wednesday, we start to see this quite weak area of high pressure building its way in. that will settle things down to some extent. underneath that high we could see some dense fog patches to start, particularly around western parts of england, wales and northern ireland. some of that fog taking a little while to clear, but it should do quite readily through the morning. then some sunny spells, a chance of one or two showers, but signs of something perhaps a bit warmer developing down towards the south—east. it looks like we will see some warmer weather later in the week. it is going to be quite a warm week generally across much of continental europe, and as we move through thursday and on into the start of friday we will start to develop a south easterly breeze, bringing some of that warmer air our way. butjust how warm it gets depends on the progress of this frontal system swinging in from the atlantic because that is going to bring cloud and some heavy rain northwards and eastwards. before that arrives, it looks like temperatures will, for some, get up into the middle 20s celsius but some very wet weather swinging its way eastwards through friday and into the start of the weekend. this is bbc news, the headlines: the death toll in hawaii's devastating wildfires rises to 96. hundreds of people are still missing. russia's rouble slumps to a 16—month low against the dollar, as the economy reels from western sanctions. and how screaming beatles fans disgusted george harrison's mum, one of her letters dive ordering all goes under the hammer. time for a look at the business news now with lukwesa. thank you very much, yes, hello there. let's take you through those top stories. we start in russia where the currency, the rouble, has fallen below 100 roubles to the dollar, its lowest level in 16 months. this the latest slump, part of a steep decline which has seen it drop nearly a third of its value this year. it has prompted a response from the russian central bank, where they are expected to give the latest interest rate decision. earlier, i spoke to chris weafer, founding partner of macro—advisory in moscow. he said the situation for the russian currency is unique.

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Concerns , Cancer , Plans , Beatles , Cancer Specialists , Cancer Treatment Targets , Cancer Specialists M , Fans , Number , Hawaii , Hammer , Letters , Stories , Truth , George Harrison , Lucy Grey , One , Three , Wildfires , Fires , People , Us , State Hundreds , Disaster , Five , 96 , Kind , Military , Of Lahaina , Victims , Town , Fraction , Thoughts , 5 Billion , Billion , 5 , Some , Fire , Buildings , Questions , Congregation , City , Correspondent , Charred , Emptiness , Grace Baptist Church , Police Officers , Pictures , Pain , Coffee Shop , Black , Weeping , House , Faith , Church , Neighbour , Didn T , Tears , Answers , Amazing Grace , God , Loss , Community , Same , Prayer , Parents , Children , Thing , Fear , Hope , Haven T , Lady Beating , Homes , Save Me , Ourwindow , Way , Places , Place , Family , Elderly , Son , Mainland , Daughter , It , Dad , Home , Bbc News , Destruction , Death , Heroes , Sophie Long , Maui , Uk , Doctor Douglas Kelly , Wouldn T , Conditions , Things , Climate Change , Reasons , Hydrology , Uk Centre For Ecology , Uk Centre For Ecology Hydrology , The Uk Centre For Ecology Hydrology , Centre For , Uk Centre , Hydrotoqy , Increase , Heatwaves , Land Use , Vegetation , Wildfire , Water , Deforestation , Them , Down Forests , Role , Result , Change , Mixture , Terms , Landscapes , Trees , Two , Areas , Sort , Whatever , Fire Breaks , Ecosystems , Wetlands , Species , Restoration , Replanting , Fact , Planning , Communities , Fire Management , Planning Evacuation Routes , Arctic , Problem , Report , Temperatures , Lot , Rest , Arctic In Particular , Carbon , Josh Green , World , Bit , Temperature Rises , Situation , Wind , Set , Saying , Circumstances , Level , Tragedy , Wins , 1000 , Reason , Something , Hurricane , Assessment , Isn T , Warming , Age , It Spread , Part , Winds , Because , It Weren T , Military Group , Crisis , Niger , Little , Power , West Africa , Government , Mohamed Bazoum , Security , Mohamed Bazoum For High Treason , Country , Basement , Residence , Capital Niamey , Evidence , President , Authorities , Spokesman , Event , Translation , Him , Local And Foreign Accomplices , Statement An Army , Niger Hasi , Accomplices , High Treason , Exchanges , Nationals , Nkechi Ogbonna , Colonel Abdramane , Coup Leaders , Statement , Heads , Organisations , Army Spokesperson , Heads Of State , Claims , Leader , Junta , Neighbours , Military Appointed Minister , Nigeria , Tchiani , Ecowas , Negotiations , Sanctions , Listening Ear , Coup , Talks , Bloc , Threat , Claim , Events , Well , Meeting , Peace , Security Council , African Union , Resolutions , Interventions , Meetings , Military Intervention , Options , Table , Action , Militaryjunta , Hearing Reports , Sunday Afternoon , 50 , Course , Protesters , Release , Reinstatement , Palace , Protest , Forms , Permissions , Protests , Supporters , Rallies , Charges , News , India , There , Landslides , Flash Floods , Let , Officials , Rescuers , Temple , Estate , Capital , Deaths , Downpours , Debris , Bridges , Vehicles , Population , Northern Indian State , Himachal Pradesh , Shimla , 49 , Police , Men , South London , Rainfall , Last Night , Attack , Man , Hospital , Nightclub , Girl , Another , Significant , Injuries , Arrests , Clapham , 30 , 20 , Treatment , Dog , Child , Dogs Owner , Corner Shop , Norton , On Saturday , Stockton On Tees , Cleveland , Scottish Government , South Of Scotland , Profession , Teacher Numbers , Recruits , Councilfunding , Permanentjobs , Teaching Union , Aren T , Scene , Eis , Jobs , Targets , Cancer Targets , Northern England , Concern , Charities , Bosses , Health Service , Nhs , Nine , Expert Doctors , Most , Health Correspondent , Disease , Advice , Dominic Hughes Reports , Waiting Time Standards , Patients , Staff , Outcome , Ministers , Standards , Consultation , Consultation Exercise , Checks , Ways , Figures , Cancer Charities , Outcomes , Cancer Survival , Diagnosis , Referral , Clinicians , 28 , Example , Changes , Breast Cancer Patients , Consultant , Gp Referral , Decision , Reality , Outpatient Appointments , Order , Need , Rules , Labour , Doing , Goalposts , Hit , Cancer Patients , Target , Gp , Everyone , 59 , 85 , Consequences , Cancer Crisis , Lifetime , Support , Cancer Treatment , Diagnosing , Idea , Focus , Document , Wall , Resources , Shortage , West Belfast , Dominic Hughes , Information , Chief Constable , Offices , Police Service , Names , Data Breach , Police Service Of Northern Ireland , Sinn Fein , Gerry Kelly , Party , Update , Sara Girvin , Member , Data , Scale , Office , Paper , Ali Sheets , Picture , Mates , Saw , Pieces , Four , Officers , Data Leak , Work , Jerry , Ranks , Pages , Republicans , Simon Byrne , Northern Ireland , Terrorists , Police Officer , Injured , Republican , Terrorism , Highest , Hands , Posting , Dissidents , Development , Proof , Belief , Motive , Ante , Damages , Hasn T , Talk , Half , Touch , File , Identities , Police Federation , 3000 , Members , Compensation , 10000 , Firms , Purse , Millions , Bill , Tens , Legalfirms , Mix , Families , Safety , Both , Response , Fallout , Reassurance , Patrols , Asylum Seekers , Legionella Bacteria , Health Secretary , Bibby Stockholm Barge , Steve Barclay , Vessel , Tests , 500 , Comments , Measure , Asylum Applications , Health Security Agency , Evacuation , Barge , Any , Health Assessments , Steps , Basis , Evening , Home Office , Measures , Ofjuly , Barges , Opposition Labour Party , Asylum Policy , Asylum System , Everybody , Hotels , Gangs , Economy , Health , Applications , Terrible Trade , Security Officers , Espionage , Wagner , Recruitment , Material , Adam Easton , Propaganda , Mercenary Army , Russian , Background , Krakov , 300 , Poland , Warsaw , Group , Capital Warsaw , Mercenary Group , Recruitment Website , Link , Activities , Security Services , Moscow , 5000 , 000 , Prison , Notjust Poland , Ten , Sense , Activity , Aim , Nato , Eu , Paris , Berlin , Troops , Thousands , Flank , Training Facilities , Polish Border , Invasion , Wave , Insecurity , Society , Ukraine , Border , Relocation , Refugees , Parallel , Elections , Guarantor , Lithuania , Working Week , Stay , Rain , Weather , System , Parts , Pressure , Charge , Bursts , North Wales , Showers , Sunshine , Flooding , Wettest , Transport Disruption , Low , Majority , North East England , Rain Bands , Eastern Scotland , Mid 20s , The End , Vestiges , Side , Gaps , 11 , 15 , Spells , Temperature , Area , Aberdeen , Norwich , 23 , 19 , Fog , Fog Patches , Extent , Wales , Chance , Signs , South East , Continental Europe , Start , Progress , South Easterly Breeze , Atlantic , Butjust , Weekend , Eastwards , Heavy Rain Northwards , Celsius , Temperatures Will , Headlines , Hundreds , Death Toll , Dollar , Rouble , 16 , Mum , Look , Currency , Business News , Yes , Lukwesa , Hello There , 100 Roubles , 100 , Slump , Decline , Value , Central Bank , Chris Weafer , Interest Rate Decision , Founding Partner Of Macro Advisory In Moscow ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Verified 20240704 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Verified 20240704

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one of the buildings which was destroyed was the grace baptist church. our correspondent sophie long is in hawaii and spoke to some of the congregation. the fire that left more than a city devastated and charred, black buildings behind. questions hover above the emptiness. how can you rebuild from this? what will exist here in the future? a now churchless congregation gathered at a coffee shop to share their pain. one of the police officers sent me the pictures... ..of what used to be... house. i wept. but weeping is not a lack of faith. thank god that he gave us tears. # amazing grace...#. there are so many questions that remain without answers. why did one survive to sit in a makeshift church when their neighbour didn't? what will become of their community so crippled by a loss that is still being counted? i don't think it will ever be the same. i hope it will be better, so that's my prayer, and i believe that. i think one day it can be an even better lahaina than it was. that is what i hope at least, yeah. how do they explain to those too young to understand what their parents can't comprehend? children live in the moment, most when they're young, so you may have to explain it more than once with them, but all you can do is be straightforward and tell them, "the fire took the house." and the terrible thing is is that it's going to be hard because the next fire, the next time they hear fire, that fear is going to come back. there was one lady beating on ourwindow, "save me, save me..." these people may have lost their homes but they haven't lost their hope. we're going to build ourselves up, we're going to shake ourselves off and we're going to keep going forward. we're not broken. the place might be for now, but, you know, it won't stay that way. and even the elderly with other places they could go will stay and rebuild. family on the mainland are trying to get me to move back and my son told my daughter, he said, "you don't get it, dad is going to die there because that's his home." it's our home. but we'll come back, we'll survive, we'll get through this. they will tell their children that there has been mass death and destruction but out of it came heroes and hope. sophie long, bbc news, maui. with the number of wildfires predicted _ with the number of wildfires predicted to _ with the number of wildfires predicted to rise _ with the number of wildfires predicted to rise in - with the number of wildfires predicted to rise in the - with the number of wildfires . predicted to rise in the coming decades— predicted to rise in the coming decades i_ predicted to rise in the coming decades i asked _ predicted to rise in the coming decades i asked doctor- predicted to rise in the comingl decades i asked doctor douglas predicted to rise in the coming - decades i asked doctor douglas kelly from the _ decades i asked doctor douglas kelly from the uk — decades i asked doctor douglas kelly from the uk centre _ decades i asked doctor douglas kelly from the uk centre for— decades i asked doctor douglas kelly from the uk centre for ecology - decades i asked doctor douglas kelly from the uk centre for ecology & - from the uk centre for ecology & hydrology — from the uk centre for ecology & hydrology to _ from the uk centre for ecology & hydrotoqy to talk _ from the uk centre for ecology & hydrology to talk to _ from the uk centre for ecology & hydrology to talk to us _ from the uk centre for ecology & hydrology to talk to us about. from the uk centre for ecology & hydrology to talk to us about the i hydrology to talk to us about the reasons — hydrology to talk to us about the reasons behind _ hydrology to talk to us about the reasons behind the _ hydrology to talk to us about the reasons behind the increase. - some of the big heatwaves we have had recently wouldn't have been possible without climate change and these are the things that dry out the conditions, that promote wildfires and make them more intense. but land use plays a role as well, particularly in places where you have natural vegetation which might hold in more water, which prevents wild fires spreading. when you start degrading them, chopping down forests, doing deforestation, that will also promote wildfire because the vegetation dries out, the trees dry out and we have wildfires as a result. so it's a mixture of the two, climate change and land use change which causes wildfires. the way we manage the landscapes is obviously so important. in terms of what can be done more generally to prevent these fires, i don'tjust mean smaller fire breaks or whatever, but what needs to be done more generally to stop this sort of thing happening in areas where perhaps they haven't been vulnerable to wildfires previously? there are some small things you can do. when we are looking at some of these ecosystems that have been changed, looking at restoration which might help manage these fires. replanting with native or well—managed species, or restoring wetlands which might prevent some of these fires from spreading. but really we have also got to live with the fact these wildfires are going to become more prevalent. so although there are things we can do to help reduce them, we are going to get more of them. so it is about planning around that. fire management plans beforehand, planning evacuation routes and helping communities rebuild after fires have occurred. i talked about areas where you wouldn't quite expect it being vulnerable now. you talk about the arctic being vulnerable to fires in your report. yes and we have seen some wildfires in the arctic in recent years. the problem with these places is they release a lot of carbon as well so that exacerbate climate change which might also lead to more wildfires in the future. in the arctic in particular, the arctic is where temperatures rise much faster than the rest of the world, so that is where wildfires become bigger, because things can dry out there faster because of these temperature rises which then promote wildfires. we'll talk about hawaii now, and i want to play a bit of what the governor from hawaii, josh green, has been saying. he talked about how extreme the wind was in the situation and perhaps it is a unique set of circumstances. let's listen to what he had to say, this is the governor. the fire travelled one mile every minute resulting in this tragedy. with those kind of wins and 1000 degrees temperatures, ultimately all the pictures that you will see will be easy to understand because that level of destruction in a five hurricane is something new to us in this age of global warming and was the ultimate reason so many people perished. so he said that the fire travelled at a mile a minute. it is extraordinary how fast it spread, isn't it? what is your assessment of what happened there? the wind has obviously made the fires much worse and made them travel fast. and that's part of the reason why it was so hard to plan for and why it was so hard to manage. but it's the dry conditions initially which got the fires going to start with. so the winds blew the fires that were occurring a because of the extra dry conditions. so it was both together, the dry conditions and hurricane which would have made these fires so devastating. even though the extreme situation was what made it so bad it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for the conditions, climate change inspired conditions that were there already? it was the dry conditions that got the fires going and the winds that carried them. douglas kelly talking to me a little earlier. to the political crisis in west africa now. the military group which seized power in niger last month says it plans to prosecute the ousted president mohamed bazoum — for high treason — and for undermining the security of the country. president bazoum has been held in the basement of his residence in the capital niamey — since his democratically elected government was toppled — about three weeks ago. in a statement — an army spokesman said — the authorities had been gathering evidence against him — and — his "local and foreign accomplices". translation: in any event, the government of niger hasi to date gathered the necessary evidence to prosecute the ousted president and his local and foreign accomplices before the national and international authorities for high treason and undermining the internal and external security of niger, following his exchanges with the nationals of foreign heads of state and the heads of international organisations. well, what evidence might the coup leaders have? and what should we make of their statement about "foreign accomplices" ? we asked our correspondent nkechi ogbonna. the army spokesperson colonel abdramane had said they had been gathering evidence against the deposed leader and what they claimed were his local and foreign accomplices, although no evidence was provided to support these claims. but the junta says president bazoum and his accomplices could also be prosecuted for undermining the security of niger and its neighbours, including nigeria. this comes a few days after the military appointed minister had said that — general tchiani specifically said he was upset about how ecowas, the regional bloc, had gone about the negotiations and the sanctions imposed against them without giving them a listening ear. but he was open to negotiations and diplomatic talks with the regional bloc, also general tchiani had hinted last saturday that the coup was very intentional and it was done to stave off an imminent threat to the people of niger and its neighbours. that, as well, no evidence was provided to support this claim of an imminent threat, but we would wait to see as events unfold following the ecowas meeting that is happening monday to help to quell the political crisis. also the african union's peace and security council are meeting monday to also look for new interventions for the crisis in niger. we willjust wait to see how all those meetings will unfold and the resolutions that would come from this. if we remember just last week ecowas had said it was having a military intervention. it had activated and deployed military intervention on niger, should all political and diplomatic options fail at the table. but this new action by the militaryjunta in niger could also impede whatever these negotiations may have been, or the result that they would have provided. and just to add that in niger we are hearing reports of over 50 people who were arrested sunday afternoon. these were anti—coup protesters who were protesting for the reinstatement and release of course of president mohamed bazoum who is still being held by the militaryjunta in the presidential palace since he was ousted last month. the militaryjunta had earlier banned all forms of protest but had encouraged, permissions were given to those who were pro—coup supporters in the different rallies and protests we have seen that have happened in the last couple of days and weeks since the coup happened. these 5a people are currently being held and we have not received any further news on what the charges would be. but we will just wait to see how events unfold in niger. and nkechi ogbonna there. let's turn to india where landslides and flash floods have killed at least 49 people in the northern indian state of himachal pradesh. some of the deaths were in a temple destroyed in the state capital, shimla. rescuers are trying to free those still trapped under the debris. days of torrential downpours have washed away vehicles, demolished buildings and destroyed bridges. local officials have warned the population to stay at home with more heavy rainfall expected. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. police say two men who were stabbed in south london last night were the victims of a homophobic attack. a man in his 20s and another in his 30s were stabbed outside a nightclub in clapham. they have since been discharged from hospital. no arrests have been made. a five—year—old girl has suffered "significant" facial injuries after being attacked by a dog outside a corner shop. the attack happened in norton, stockton—on—tees, on saturday. cleveland police said the child was taken to hospital for treatment and a dog had been seized. the dogs owner remained at the scene after the attack. scotland's biggest teaching union says new recruits are leaving the profession because they aren't being offered secure jobs. the eis is urging the scottish government to increase councilfunding to pay for more permanentjobs. the scottish government says it's taking "strong action" to protect teacher numbers. you're live with bbc news. charities and cancer specialists have expressed concern about how health service plans in england to scrap two thirds of cancer targets. nhs bosses say reducing the number of targets from nine down to three will help with diagnosing the disease earlier. most of them have been routinely missed in recent years, as a health correspondent dominic hughes reports. nhs england says it wants to simplify and update cancer waiting time standards following the advice of expert doctors. the nine standards that exist at the moment are said to be confusing for patients and staff. a consultation exercise on scrapping some of them was started last year. the outcome is set to be published in the next few days but it will need to be approved by ministers. what we have is a consultation at the moment with leading clinical figures in the cancer world and with the cancer charities asking whether the checks we've got are driving the right outcomes in terms of cancer survival or whether there are better ways of measuring those. so, this is something led by clinicians working in cancer, it's not something being imposed by the government. three targets would be maintained — diagnosis of cancer within 28 days of referral. the start of treatment within two months from an urgent referral. and treatment starting one month after a decision to treat. but other targets, for example, a two—week wait from an urgent gp referral to see a consultant, including for breast cancer patients, will be dropped. nhs england says the changes would remove the need for unnecessary outpatient appointments in order to meet waiting time rules and allow more patients to get a faster diagnosis. but the reality is that most cancer targets have been missed for some time, and labour believes that's what's behind this change. and under the last labour government we had targets, we hit those targets, we didn't walk away when the going got tough. with this government what we've got is targets that they've repeatedly failed to hit, and now what they're doing is moving the goalposts. recent figures show that just 59% of cancer patients in england waited less than two months for their first treatment to start after being referred by their gp, well below the target of 85%. everyone wants simpler targets, that will be easier for patients to understand. but the problem is, we're in the worst consequences in the worst cancer crisis of my lifetime and simply changing targets won't cure patients, we need to treat them faster and quicker. there is some support for the idea of simplifying the targets for cancer treatment if it helps improve the focus on diagnosing and treating patients faster. but cancer charities say too many targets is not the reason that patients are facing longer waits — that's down to a shortage of trained staff and resources. dominic hughes, bbc news. police are investigating claims a document posted on a wall in west belfast which allegedly showed information in a mass data breach. the claims came from sinn fein. it said names had been removed from the document which was posted near one of its offices. the police service of its offices. the police service of northern ireland's chief constable has previously apologised for what he called an industrial scale data breach. our reporter sara girvin has been speaking to sinn fein's policing spokesperson gerry kelly. she gave us this update. he said kelly. she gave us this update. he: said this morning a member of a political party went to open an office in west belfast and saw four ali sheets of paper attached to a nearby wall. in terms of what was on those pieces of paper he said one of them was a picture of him, gerry kelly, one of them was a threat that read "we know who your mates are, jerry." something he described as very sinister. and the other two it is claimed were pages with information from the data leak, police officers' ranks and places of work. but mr kelly said the names of those officers were redacted. we are told the member of staff took this down immediately and was holding it in the political party office for police to collect as evidence. last week when the news of the data leak broke we heard from the data leak broke we heard from the chief constable of the psni simon byrne. he said he was aware of claims made by dissident republicans that they had access to this leaked information but that that could not be verified at that moment by the psni. all police officers in northern ireland are targets for dissident republican terrorists. the last attack was just a few months ago when a senior police officer was shot and seriously injured. and the threat level in northern ireland is severe when it comes to terrorism. that's the highest in the uk. and so the fear had always been that this information would make it into the hands of dissident republican terrorists. police have said today they are investigating the alleged posting of this information and have been planning for this development. outside the office today we did hear from gerry kelly and he said it was his belief this information was posted by dissidents as proof that they have access to it. police officers, i think rightly, the police rightly said that there was a claim that they have this information. i think whoever is involved in this, it is their motive to say actually we do have this and to up the ante in terms of trying to intimidate police officers and their staff. also today that has been talk of potential damages, hasn't there? what has been said about that? absolutely, we heard today about half of the police officers in northern ireland have been in touch with the police federation. they represent rank—and—file officers hear about potential damages. we think that is around 3000 officers, their identities, their places of work, their names were posted accidentally online in this data leak. just to remind you there are more than 10,000 members of psni staff and officers affected. if there was financial compensation given to all of them it is estimated the total bill could run into tens of millions of pounds for the public purse. legalfirms have already of millions of pounds for the public purse. legal firms have already made it clear in the last few days that they are ready and available, they are willing to represent all psni staff in this situation. so while there is a lot in the mix for now, there is a lot in the mix for now, the chief concern of psni officers and staff will be their security and safety, both of them and their families. we heard from the psni about that again today. they said, "additional security and reassurance patrols are taking place across northern ireland as part of what it is called its organisational response to the fallout from this data leak. that is a fallout that will continue for quite some time yet. sara girvin with that update. the uk health secretary says the government took instant action to move asylum seekers from the bibby stockholm barge after legionella bacteria was found there last week. steve barclay was questioned over why people were moved in when officials knew tests were being conducted. he told the bbc no—one was harmed. the government plans to house up to 500 people on the vessel while they wait for the outcome of their asylum applications. the uk health security agency did not recommend evacuation until thursday night. let's hear some of steve barclay�*s comments. it can be dangerous and that is why as a precautionary measure people were moved off the barge as soon as ministers were aware. people have had health assessments, there has been no concerns in terms of any of the people that have been on the barge. checks are being followed up on that, but the steps were taken as a precautionary basis, and it is right that we have the checks, it is right we had them at the end ofjuly and i know ministers at the home office were notified on thursday evening and took precautionary measures as a result. but the opposition labour party has criticised the government's asylum policy. everybody has got to face up to the fact that the government has broken the asylum system and i don't want to use barges, hotels, airbases because i don't think that's the way we fix the problem. now it may be that we are going to inherit a very bad situation, just as we are on the economy and on health, but fundamentally we can't get through this by more barges, we get through this by tackling the criminal gangs that are running this terrible trade and by processing the applications. polish security officers have arrested two russian nationals suspected of distributing propaganda and recruitment material about the wagner mercenary army. they've been charged with espionage. our correspondent in warsaw adam easton gave a small background. according to the polish security services these two men were arrested on friday after they pasted around 300 leaflets in public places in the city of krakov in the southern part of poland and also the capital warsaw which was promoting. warsaw which was promoting the wagner mercenary group and also providing a link to a recruitment website for the group. the polish security services say the men were being paid by moscow for those activities up to $5,000 was mentioned. for those activities, up to $5,000 was mentioned. and as you say these men have been arrested and they have had charges of espionage which could mean if they were found guilty they would face up to ten years in prison. the polish security services so this is another example of what they call a hybrid attack against notjust poland but also nato and the eu. they said these men have been doing similar activities in berlin and paris in the past. the aim of this activity is to increase the sense of threat in nato. poland in particular, which is on the eastern flank of nato, of course. just briefly, poland is worried about wagner, isn't it? we have seen thousands of wagner troops in belarus and some of their training facilities are near the polish border. poland is very concerned, isn't it? it is, and i think there has been a heightened sense of insecurity in the polish society obviously since russia's invasion of ukraine and the massive wave of refugees from ukraine into poland. but certainly the relocation of the wagner group has caused the government to be particularly sensitive to their activities. they have said they are going to send an additional 10,000 troops to the border. they have talked about potentially closing the border, as has lithuania, and this is also in parallel of course with poland's upcoming parliamentary elections. the government is promoting itself as the guarantor of polish security. adam easton with that report from warsaw. do stay with us on bbc news. hello. for some of us it has been a soggy start to the new working week with low pressure in charge of our weather. and this frontal system which has become quite slow moving across parts of northern england and north wales generating some very heavy bursts of rain. through the rest of the day it is north wales but perhaps more especially northern england and into the far south of scotland where we will see the wettest of the weather. there could well be enough rain to cause localised transport disruption, maybe a bit of flooding. quite windy across southern and eastern parts. sunshine and showers away from our main rain bands and temperatures generally in the low to mid 20s. as we head through tonight that rain will linger for a time across parts of eastern scotland and north—east england. i think much of it will pull away by the end of the night. one or two showers out west but the majority will be dry and clear, and not a cold night, 11—15 degrees. tomorrow the last vestiges of that rain will tend to clear from eastern scotland and north—east england and then it is a sunshine and showers day. some of the showers could be on the heavy side, but there will be some decent dry gaps in between and some spells of sunshine. temperature wise, we are looking at 19 degrees in aberdeen, 23 in norwich and in london. as we move out of tuesday and into wednesday, we start to see this quite weak area of high pressure building its way in. that will settle things down to some extent. underneath that high we could see some dense fog patches to start, particularly around western parts of england, wales and northern ireland. some of that fog taking a little while to clear, but it should do quite readily through the morning. then some sunny spells, a chance of one or two showers, but signs of something perhaps a bit warmer developing down towards the south—east. it looks like we will see some warmer weather later in the week. it is going to be quite a warm week generally across much of continental europe, and as we move through thursday and on into the start of friday we will start to develop a south easterly breeze, bringing some of that warmer air our way. butjust how warm it gets depends on the progress of this frontal system swinging in from the atlantic because that is going to bring cloud and some heavy rain northwards and eastwards. before that arrives, it looks like temperatures will, for some, get up into the middle 20s celsius but some very wet weather swinging its way eastwards through friday and into the start of the weekend. this is bbc news, the headlines: the death toll in hawaii's devastating wildfires rises to 96. hundreds of people are still missing. russia's rouble slumps to a 16—month low against the dollar, as the economy reels from western sanctions. and how screaming beatles fans disgusted george harrison's mum, one of her letters dive ordering all goes under the hammer. time for a look at the business news now with lukwesa. thank you very much, yes, hello there. let's take you through those top stories. we start in russia where the currency, the rouble, has fallen below 100 roubles to the dollar, its lowest level in 16 months. this the latest slump, part of a steep decline which has seen it drop nearly a third of its value this year. it has prompted a response from the russian central bank, where they are expected to give the latest interest rate decision. earlier, i spoke to chris weafer, founding partner of macro—advisory in moscow. he said the situation for the russian currency is unique.

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Concerns , Cancer , Plans , Beatles , Cancer Specialists , Cancer Treatment Targets , Cancer Specialists M , Fans , Number , Hawaii , Hammer , Letters , Stories , Truth , George Harrison , Lucy Grey , One , Three , Wildfires , Fires , People , Us , State Hundreds , Disaster , Five , 96 , Kind , Military , Of Lahaina , Victims , Town , Fraction , Thoughts , 5 Billion , Billion , 5 , Some , Fire , Buildings , Questions , Congregation , City , Correspondent , Charred , Emptiness , Grace Baptist Church , Police Officers , Pictures , Pain , Coffee Shop , Black , Weeping , House , Faith , Church , Neighbour , Didn T , Tears , Answers , Amazing Grace , God , Loss , Community , Same , Prayer , Parents , Children , Thing , Fear , Hope , Haven T , Lady Beating , Homes , Save Me , Ourwindow , Way , Places , Place , Family , Elderly , Son , Mainland , Daughter , It , Dad , Home , Bbc News , Destruction , Death , Heroes , Sophie Long , Maui , Uk , Doctor Douglas Kelly , Wouldn T , Conditions , Things , Climate Change , Reasons , Hydrology , Uk Centre For Ecology , Uk Centre For Ecology Hydrology , The Uk Centre For Ecology Hydrology , Centre For , Uk Centre , Hydrotoqy , Increase , Heatwaves , Land Use , Vegetation , Wildfire , Water , Deforestation , Them , Down Forests , Role , Result , Change , Mixture , Terms , Landscapes , Trees , Two , Areas , Sort , Whatever , Fire Breaks , Ecosystems , Wetlands , Species , Restoration , Replanting , Fact , Planning , Communities , Fire Management , Planning Evacuation Routes , Arctic , Problem , Report , Temperatures , Lot , Rest , Arctic In Particular , Carbon , Josh Green , World , Bit , Temperature Rises , Situation , Wind , Set , Saying , Circumstances , Level , Tragedy , Wins , 1000 , Reason , Something , Hurricane , Assessment , Isn T , Warming , Age , It Spread , Part , Winds , Because , It Weren T , Military Group , Crisis , Niger , Little , Power , West Africa , Government , Mohamed Bazoum , Security , Mohamed Bazoum For High Treason , Country , Basement , Residence , Capital Niamey , Evidence , President , Authorities , Spokesman , Event , Translation , Him , Local And Foreign Accomplices , Statement An Army , Niger Hasi , Accomplices , High Treason , Exchanges , Nationals , Nkechi Ogbonna , Colonel Abdramane , Coup Leaders , Statement , Heads , Organisations , Army Spokesperson , Heads Of State , Claims , Leader , Junta , Neighbours , Military Appointed Minister , Nigeria , Tchiani , Ecowas , Negotiations , Sanctions , Listening Ear , Coup , Talks , Bloc , Threat , Claim , Events , Well , Meeting , Peace , Security Council , African Union , Resolutions , Interventions , Meetings , Military Intervention , Options , Table , Action , Militaryjunta , Hearing Reports , Sunday Afternoon , 50 , Course , Protesters , Release , Reinstatement , Palace , Protest , Forms , Permissions , Protests , Supporters , Rallies , Charges , News , India , There , Landslides , Flash Floods , Let , Officials , Rescuers , Temple , Estate , Capital , Deaths , Downpours , Debris , Bridges , Vehicles , Population , Northern Indian State , Himachal Pradesh , Shimla , 49 , Police , Men , South London , Rainfall , Last Night , Attack , Man , Hospital , Nightclub , Girl , Another , Significant , Injuries , Arrests , Clapham , 30 , 20 , Treatment , Dog , Child , Dogs Owner , Corner Shop , Norton , On Saturday , Stockton On Tees , Cleveland , Scottish Government , South Of Scotland , Profession , Teacher Numbers , Recruits , Councilfunding , Permanentjobs , Teaching Union , Aren T , Scene , Eis , Jobs , Targets , Cancer Targets , Northern England , Concern , Charities , Bosses , Health Service , Nhs , Nine , Expert Doctors , Most , Health Correspondent , Disease , Advice , Dominic Hughes Reports , Waiting Time Standards , Patients , Staff , Outcome , Ministers , Standards , Consultation , Consultation Exercise , Checks , Ways , Figures , Cancer Charities , Outcomes , Cancer Survival , Diagnosis , Referral , Clinicians , 28 , Example , Changes , Breast Cancer Patients , Consultant , Gp Referral , Decision , Reality , Outpatient Appointments , Order , Need , Rules , Labour , Doing , Goalposts , Hit , Cancer Patients , Target , Gp , Everyone , 59 , 85 , Consequences , Cancer Crisis , Lifetime , Support , Cancer Treatment , Diagnosing , Idea , Focus , Document , Wall , Resources , Shortage , West Belfast , Dominic Hughes , Information , Chief Constable , Offices , Police Service , Names , Data Breach , Police Service Of Northern Ireland , Sinn Fein , Gerry Kelly , Party , Update , Sara Girvin , Member , Data , Scale , Office , Paper , Ali Sheets , Picture , Mates , Saw , Pieces , Four , Officers , Data Leak , Work , Jerry , Ranks , Pages , Republicans , Simon Byrne , Northern Ireland , Terrorists , Police Officer , Injured , Republican , Terrorism , Highest , Hands , Posting , Dissidents , Development , Proof , Belief , Motive , Ante , Damages , Hasn T , Talk , Half , Touch , File , Identities , Police Federation , 3000 , Members , Compensation , 10000 , Firms , Purse , Millions , Bill , Tens , Legalfirms , Mix , Families , Safety , Both , Response , Fallout , Reassurance , Patrols , Asylum Seekers , Legionella Bacteria , Health Secretary , Bibby Stockholm Barge , Steve Barclay , Vessel , Tests , 500 , Comments , Measure , Asylum Applications , Health Security Agency , Evacuation , Barge , Any , Health Assessments , Steps , Basis , Evening , Home Office , Measures , Ofjuly , Barges , Opposition Labour Party , Asylum Policy , Asylum System , Everybody , Hotels , Gangs , Economy , Health , Applications , Terrible Trade , Security Officers , Espionage , Wagner , Recruitment , Material , Adam Easton , Propaganda , Mercenary Army , Russian , Background , Krakov , 300 , Poland , Warsaw , Group , Capital Warsaw , Mercenary Group , Recruitment Website , Link , Activities , Security Services , Moscow , 5000 , 000 , Prison , Notjust Poland , Ten , Sense , Activity , Aim , Nato , Eu , Paris , Berlin , Troops , Thousands , Flank , Training Facilities , Polish Border , Invasion , Wave , Insecurity , Society , Ukraine , Border , Relocation , Refugees , Parallel , Elections , Guarantor , Lithuania , Working Week , Stay , Rain , Weather , System , Parts , Pressure , Charge , Bursts , North Wales , Showers , Sunshine , Flooding , Wettest , Transport Disruption , Low , Majority , North East England , Rain Bands , Eastern Scotland , Mid 20s , The End , Vestiges , Side , Gaps , 11 , 15 , Spells , Temperature , Area , Aberdeen , Norwich , 23 , 19 , Fog , Fog Patches , Extent , Wales , Chance , Signs , South East , Continental Europe , Start , Progress , South Easterly Breeze , Atlantic , Butjust , Weekend , Eastwards , Heavy Rain Northwards , Celsius , Temperatures Will , Headlines , Hundreds , Death Toll , Dollar , Rouble , 16 , Mum , Look , Currency , Business News , Yes , Lukwesa , Hello There , 100 Roubles , 100 , Slump , Decline , Value , Central Bank , Chris Weafer , Interest Rate Decision , Founding Partner Of Macro Advisory In Moscow ,

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