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To leave everything behind to the mercy of the flames. On saturday hawaiis Attorney General announced an investigation into why the islands Warning Siren didnt sound at the height of the emergency. Questions are also being asked about whether the power to the island should have been shut. One of the airports has been closed to General Aviation to allow Emergency Services to reach it faster. Lets go live to maui, and helena has been reporting at this temporary shelter. What is taking place where you are right now . Karl, we know the where you are right now . Karl, we know the situation where you are right now . Karl, we know the situation right where you are right now . I l we know the situation right now is that more search and recovery teams are coming onto the island of maui, and that is because there are just so many people who continue to be unaccounted for. And what you see here at that shelter is that people come here repairing for the worst but with some hope, hoping that potentially they could find loved ones here. Just over my shoulder over there is a Missing Persons tent. That is currently being run by volunteers who know the community on the island, and they give people policing forms so that they can fill them in, which i handed to the sheriff, and then people can scan a qr code to try to get some information about their loved ones. Also, when you do head into that shelter behind me, what you see on the door are again two qr codes, one scan it to say that i am safe, another to say that i am safe, another to say that i am looking for someone. That is the grim reality of what this shelter is currently symbolising, along with, as you can see behind me, just all of that help coming in, people coming in with food, toiletries, water, anything they can. And keep in mind that this is coming from a community where so many people in lahaina have lost everything they own. And yet what we are still seeing here is the spirit of aloha, the Hawaiian Spirit Of Kindness and welcoming and generosity, people coming together to do anything they can. It together to do anything they can. , together to do anything they can. , ,. , can. It really is incredible, ou can. It really is incredible, you can can. It really is incredible, you caniust can. It really is incredible, you can just see can. It really is incredible, you can just see the can. It really is incredible, l you can just see the amount can. It really is incredible, you can just see the amount of activity taking place there behind you, with all of those donations coming in. We also know that people are now being allowed to return to some of their homes in the area of lahaina. Do we have any sense of what they might encounter when they get there . I of what they might encounter when they get there . When they get there . I think many people when they get there . I think many people are when they get there . I think many people are going when they get there . I think many people are going to i when they get there . I thinkj many people are going to be coming back to rubble, essentially, and that is why we are seeing more of these Cadaver Sniffer Dogs coming in from the us mainland to get a clearer picture of how many people were trapped in buildings, because the death toll as it stands, that already grim death toll of 80 people, the worst in this states history, is accounting for people that have been found out in the open. We dont know the status of those buildings, which weve been completely raised to the ground, essentially blackened, charred hosts of buildings, anything thatis hosts of buildings, anything that is left standing is coated in a thick layer of ash husks. We understand that throughout the day there have been some roadblocks getting into lahaina. We dont fully know why that is, but there could be some concerns, at least concerns raised by residents that i have been speaking to here, about safety issues just due to the fact that we have seen such Historic Buildings completely flattened. What about these reports that we mentioned earlier that there is a Disaster Alert System across the hawaiian islands, hundreds of these sirens that are meant to go off, and according to authorities they did not sound. Has there been any criticism from people there in maui about how prepared the area was for these wildfires . I havent spoken to anyone yet who hasnt been critical about that. They are frustrated, and that. They are frustrated, and that frustration now, several days into this disaster, is starting to boil over into angen starting to boil over into anger. We know that the Attorney General has said that an investigation into that has been opened, but people also saying they didnt receive any kind of Text Messages, either, that were sent out, likely due to the fact that there was already so much decimation of the Telecoms Service here. Instead people have been saying that they simply got out when neighbours banged on the door, people piling their children into their cars in a bid to get out, more and more peoplejust simply running into the water. We are hearing that kind of testimony, and were seeing it here on the ground as well. Just me, the American Red Cross triage tent, and their people are coming in suffering from smoke inhalation. They are bandaged or they have open wounds on their feet, on their legs, on their hands, from where they essentially had run for their lives. For their lives. Our reporter Helena Humphrey for their lives. Our reporter| Helena Humphrey reporting for their lives. Our reporter Helena Humphrey reporting from the ground in maui. The speed of the fire front tuesday caught many off guard. Our North America correspondent John Sudworth has been meeting with some residents who have lost everything. It looks like doomsday, armageddon, basically. Brian captured the destruction of his home town on his mobile phone. Cars, propane or anything with gas or whatever, gas stations, was going boom, boom, boom. And it sounded like a warzone. He is one of 23 members of this extended family, all now refugees from lahaina, crammed into the home of a relative. This is what theyve left behind the line of cars burned as people tried to escape and the charred remains of businesses and homes. The house, the house that we stayed in, is all gone. Nothing left . Nothing, so it so breaks my heart, because were expecting we go home from work. No more place to stay, yeah. The family, like thousands of others, are now relying on handouts of clothes and struggling with the trauma of what they saw that night. Its so fast. You can see the fire jump. Getting closer and closer . Yeah, closer and closer, but we cannot do anything. We just stand up and watching. I said, lets go, the fire is here forensic teams are continuing with the difficult task of combing the wreckage for human remains. The island of mauis stunning coastline belies the fact that this is now the scene of a major disaster, with the town of lahaina, a little way along the coast there, facing such devastation that the police are working to keep everybody, including the media at bay unless you can show proof of residency. And although the mood remains calm, there are also hints of anger. Many say they received no warnings at all. Questions are being asked about whether the authorities could have done more to raise the alarm. Jon sudworth, bbc news, maui. As we have been hearing, shelters have been busy helping those who have been left homeless by the disaster. Todd james is a spokesman for the American Red Cross, which is on the front lines of the relief efforts. He spoke to the bbc earlier. The main focus of our work continues to be sheltering, working with our partners, the local and State Government and non Profit Partners in the area. Because weve got to make sure that all of these families who have been displaced have a safe place to stay, have access to food, to medical care, as you heard there, to Crisis Counseling and of course, knowing that theyve got a safe place to go and until they figure out what their next steps are. Weve had thousands of people coming through the shelters. Weve had over 2,900 overnight stays so far, and a lot of folks who are coming into the shelter during the day. They can charge their phones, they can get a meal, they can talk to some of the other partners we have in the shelters with us to get information. And if they need to stay, then they know theyre more than welcome to stay with us. So that is our big focus right now. Once its safe and we get the word from officials that we can begin going out, well assist with the Damage Assessment of the area and then well start distributing some of the emergency supplies that families will need when they start the cleaning process. I wouldnt be surprised if there are some difficulties getting hold of some folks. You know, theres a lot of confusion. The infrastructure is down. The communications, electricity, water all of that is not functioning or barely working in some areas affected by the fire, so that makes it very tough. So im sure the officials are doing all they can. Its still a search and Rescue Operation, so thats why theyre restricting access, i believe. But whoever needs shelter, if theres still folks out there and they make their way to our shelter, theyre going to find a welcome arm from a red cross volunteer who will get them settled, get them a meal and make sure they have access to everything they need right now. Republican president ial front runner donald trump made an appearance at the iowa state fair. Hundreds of attendees greeted the former president as he moved around the grills, even visiting some baby goats. The fair was held in the first state to kick off loading in the president ial primary. The former president s visit happen at the same time as his lead rival joined kim reynolds for a Fireside Chat at the fairgrounds. Desantis had long planned to attend the iowa state fair, scrambling to reset his campaign. We want to go back to maui, where our reporter, Helena Humphreys, is standing by with some new developments for us. Thats right, we wanted to come back to you because what we can see over my shoulder, if you just look in the distance there, that is the governor of hawaii, josh green, who has just come to this emergency shelter, a shelter which is at capacity. We believe to visit people who are in this shelter. You can see theyre a team of American Red Cross, some military members and rescue workers, it looks like, and at the centre of that, along with some media, is the governor, josh green. We believe that he is about to go inside that emergency shelter, a shelter which is at capacity. Some people here now have been here for several days, and we will hear more about the kind of reception that he is going to get inside, because bear in mind there have been growing questions from the people we have been speaking to inside. They have been saying that they didnt receive any alerts when it comes to sirens, when it comes to Text Messages and when it comes to telecommunications, to get out. Earlier today the governor � s and the Attorney General saying that the Attorney General had opened an investigation, but now he is coming to speak to the people directly impacted by what is the states worst Natural Disaster ever, and at a time when so many people here have either lost someone or they are looking for their loved ones. Helena, we of course are expecting the governor to have a few questions there to answer while he is inside, but in terms of what you might see, you have been in the shelter for many hours now. How have you seen it develop in terms of the amount of supplies there, in terms of the conditions . What might the governor see when he inspects the shelter . There are two different pictures, carl. On the outside we see a lot of that activity as these donations come in. Evenif as these donations come in. Even if it looks slightly chaotic, there is a feeling of positivity as these donations come in. Inside the shelter, and what the governor likely will be seeing as he goes inside, is a very different picture. And i think its fair to say that the mood has shifted over the hours as people become increasingly distressed and as that frustration that i mentioned comes to a sense of anger as well. It is a sort of dark in there. Weve got people who are on mattresses inside who ijust sort of lying in their beds, more dejected, more despondent, and there are so many people at this shelter, it is one of six, that this one is already at capacity. Some of those beds behind me are already coming out into the open, people just lying out on the open, and it is a similar picture across this island as well. People i have been speaking to not able to gain access to shelter have also been outside in the open. So it will be a distressing picture, i think it is fair to say, inside. Picture, i think it is fair to sa , inside. ~ , say, inside. We can see those crowds are say, inside. We can see those crowds are beginning say, inside. We can see those crowds are beginning to say, inside. We can see thosel crowds are beginning to gather outside as the highway governor, josh green, arrives. And helena, just briefly, what can we expect . We believe that they could actually be a Press Conference later on today with the governor . Conference later on today with the governor . Right, exactly. I mean, the governor . Right, exactly. I mean. Most the governor . Right, exactly. I mean, most journalists the governor . Right, exactly. I mean, most journalists and mean, most journalists and media mean, mostjournalists and media had been prepared for that Press Conference that we will also be attending. This was seen as something more of an impromptu visit. We only received a few minutes warning that the government might be coming down here, so he will later probably face questions from journalists, later probably face questions fromjournalists, but later probably face questions from journalists, but it will be interesting to see the kind of reception that he gets inside as he tries to offer comfort to this population. He likely will face questions as well. ,. , well. Helena humphrey on the round well. Helena humphrey on the ground in well. Helena humphrey on the ground in maui. Well. Helena humphrey on the ground in maui. Thank well. Helena humphrey on the ground in maui. Thank you well. Helena humphrey on the ground in maui. Thank you for| ground in maui. Thank you for bringing us those updates and we will be coming back to you throughout the day as things continue to develop their in hawaii. Returning out to us politics. A Georgia Grand Jury is expected to hear evidence next week in an atlanta area case against donald trump and his allies for alledgedly interfering in the 2020 election. On saturday the states former Lieutenant Governor geoff duncan and an independent journalist confirmed that they both have been asked to testify before the grand jury on tuesday. Fulton County District attorney fani willis is thought to be seeking more than a dozen charges against the former president , including conspiracy and racketeering. Those charges could happen in the coming days. Trump denies all wrongdoing. Earlier i wasjoined by earlier i was joined by a senior contributor at the news website axios and director of the Democracy Institute for journalism and citizenship to discuss this. Thank you for being here. We havejust heard about the 2020 election in the us state in georgia. What is yoursense us state in georgia. What is your sense on how this is emerging and where and when donald trump could be charged in the case . In the case . This has potential even though in the case . This has potential even though it in the case . This has potential even though it sounds in the case . This has potential even though it sounds kind in the case . This has potential even though it sounds kind ofl even though it sounds kind of condom like, oh, for the indictment, but it could be impactfulfor a few indictment, but it could be impactful for a few reasons and based on the timing of the former Lieutenant Governors subpoena to testify this looks like it could come as early as next week. It is important for a number of reasons. One is because it has been said that the former President Trump were to win another term and be convicted at the federal level he would have the ability to pardon himself but in the us Thatis Pardon himself but in the us that is not true in terms of power over the state at the state level so conviction in georgia is a different matter hypothetically speaking for a future president. It also really matters in the here and now because iii indictment we have been talking about, jack smith, at the federal level, is drawn narrowly around donald trump, really. It is believed this case in that georgia has the potential to draw in two dozen other people and so you have potential the bridge and plea negotiations and just to see a much broader array of connections around efforts to overturn the election and then finally it is potentially now a fourth indictment so in terms of size, scope and what it would mean if trump were to run, be nominated and be re elected, it is important on all of those levels. Reelected, it is important on all of those levels. All of those levels. This week we had a all of those levels. This week we had a special all of those levels. This week we had a Special Prosecutor i all of those levels. This week i we had a Special Prosecutor has been named in the investigation into the current president s son, hunter biden. What does that mean in terms of what comes next because there has been a plea deal and that seems to have fallen apart completely. To have fallen apart comletel. , v completely. Thats right. The lea completely. Thats right. The plea deal completely. Thats right. The plea deal fell completely. Thats right. The plea deal fell apart completely. Thats right. The plea deal fell apart and completely. Thats right. The plea deal fell apart and that l plea deal fell apart and that this certainly suggests now that the case that will run by special counsel david weiss has the potential to go on for months longer. Normally you would not appoint the special counsel if there was nothing more to happen. There are potentially some new powers this gives. It is not clear because the us maintained he had all the power he needed but this might give him potentially somewhat leveraged to bring cases in additional states. He may always have had that power. It is almost designed to show and make clear that he has independents that he is not working for President Biden. It is interesting because we are seeing immediately the republicans who are saying that there needs to be a special counsel or weiss should be be special counsel, they have turned around and said that weiss should not be the special counsel. This reduces the chances that weiss would ever testify now before some of the republican lead committees in the House Of Representatives that are actually investigating hunter biden and President Biden, but it has some real downsides forjoe biden politically. It downsides forjoe biden politically politically. It is a really difficult politically. It is a really difficult time politically. It is a really difficult time because i politically. It is a reallyl difficult time because at politically. It is a really difficult time because at the moment there are three special council is investigating separate matters. We have one investigating joe biden, you have one investigating his son and of course there is jack smith investigating donald trump. In terms of this moment, how unprecedented is this for the United States . It how unprecedented is this for the United States . The United States . It is. I mean, the United States . It is. I mean. It the United States . It is. I mean. It is the United States . It is. L. Mean, it is unprecedented, the United States . It is. I mean, it is unprecedented, and there are no historians or democracy express or political analyst that i talk to who think this is a good thing for American Democracy. It is certainly a test for American Democracy and for voters to really try and understand the differences among these cases, what kind of person they want to nominate from either party to nominate from either party to serve as president , and what they consider acceptable baselines not just for candidates with Congressional Committees who are prioritising some of these things over actual issues. But, look, what it certainly means you have not just a small documents case involving biden but now the special counsel case against bidons son is that republicans see this as a gift as it gives them the potential to draw a false equivalency around the charges against the actual former President Donald Trump and the son of the sitting president who is not a candidate, who does not work for the white house. So far, there had been no evidence emerged to suggest that President Biden himself has breached any affable standards or broken any laws or anything like that, but it is certainly not stopping the effort to make that case politically and to use the powers of congress potentially to bring an impeachment effort against the sitting president. That is something that republicans have signalled they are ready to do and in the process of at least laying the groundwork for and if all of that is the backdrop to the 2024 election it is going to give voters who are now in real life worried about the economy, inflation, healthcare, climate change, healthca re, climate change, some healthcare, climate change, some of these other issues. It is going to put the focus around corruption or charges of corruption or indictments or the criminality of president s. It is quite the backdrop and of course we are only about ten days away from the first Republican Debate taking the stage there. So, margaret, the senior contributor at the news website axios, thank you for joining us. Lets take a look at some other news. Thousands of protesters against reforms in israel have returned to the streets for the 32nd week in the row. It took place in tel aviv and we are seeing pictures of that right there. Hundreds of that right there. Hundreds of South Koreans have marched through the capitol and protest against japans plan to release wastewater from the Fukushima Wastewater from the Fu Kushima Power Wastewater from the fukushima power plants to the ocean. The government in tokyo and the International Atomic Energy Agency say it is safe for china and other countries in the region are worried that it may harm the environment. Six people have died and you may be missing after a botic sank in the english channel. A Rescue Operation was triggered Ljy Rescue Operation was triggered by a passing ship and reported an overloaded vessel. Simonjones reports from dover. The sea has claimed several more lives. The french lifeboat had the grim task of bringing five bodies back to shore, a sixth person airlifted to hospital didnt survive. Some of those rescued were taken to dover after lifeboats from the uk joined the search operation. Many of the survivors had been in the sea, screaming for help. Others had been trying to bail out their sinking boat using their shoes. Translation they were in trouble. Some were suffering from seasickness and the boats are quite simply overloaded. They overload the boats and so the boats can no longer move forwards. The last boat was too full. These pictures taken earlier in the week showed just how many people can be crammed into flimsy boats in the worlds busiest shipping lane. The french Authorities Say they will only intervene at sea if a boat gets into difficulty. The mp for dover is calling for a new approach. This is an absolute tragedy today in the channel, and my thoughts and prayers are with all those affected. What we now really need to see is the french stopping these unseaworthy and overcrowded vessels getting into the channel in the first place, and a joint channel security zone. Charities supporting refugees say they have heard calls for change before. Its tragic, isnt it . Weve been here several times in the last few years and nothing changes. Every time were stood here, loss of life in the channel, we call for this to be a catalyst for change and it never is. And itsjust, its another needless tragedy. Rescuers say this is the seventh time in the past week that people have had to be pulled from the sea. Its raised concerns that the smugglers organising the crossings are perhaps using a defective batch of boats, boats which are already dangerously overloaded, and that is making the crossing even more perilous. Butjust hours after the deaths were confirmed, more people from other migrant boats were being brought ashore, their desire to reach the uk undiminished. The Home Secretary said her thoughts and prayers were with all those affected by the tragic loss of life. Simonjones, bbc news, dover. The Family Doctor of the ousted president of needs yet Mohamed Bazoum has reported he is in good spirits. He has been held captive in the basement of the president ial palace in the capitol since he was removed from office by the military. West africa is a Regional Organisation aims to send a Parliamentary Committee to niger to meet the leaders. The military chiefs were meant to hold talks on the crisis on saturday but that was cancelled without explanation. The talibans afghan universities are ready to readmit women but are ready to readmit women but a final decision is up to the leader. They banned female students from campuses last year but an education official told the Associated Press that senior figures told the Associated Press that seniorfigures in told the Associated Press that senior figures in the taliban were in favour of reversing the decision. They did not say if it was clear if the change would ever happen. Stay with us. Right here on bbc news. Part one of the weekend was mixed with low pressure bringing sunshine and showers. Some was heavy. Sunday look similar and it will be breezy but not as windy as it was on saturday. This is the area of low pressure to the north west of scotland. It will run into sunday night and monday across england and wales. Sunday starts off fine and good spells of sunshine will get going most in scotland and Northern Ireland and heavy once in Northeast Scotland and a better chance of staying dry altogether through central, southern and Eastern England and the high teens further north where we have the shallots. This runs into wales in South West England and brings heavy and thundery rain as it presses northwards and eastwards. Scotland and Northern Ireland will stay dry away from the Weather Fronts and here we will see temperatures in the low teens or the mid teens further south. Monday we have got that feature moving across england and wales could continue to bring heavy and thundery downpours particularly in wales in north west england but the heaviest will push out to the north sea is it clears away and we start to see some sunshine moving into Western Areas later in the day so it is an improvement but not a bad day to come to scotland and Northern Ireland. Us showers. Temperatures i9 Northern Ireland. Us showers. Temperatures 19 2i celsius. We start to see this area of High Pressure nosing in from the west and it should settle things down. There is still a chance of a few showers across the northern half of the country with Light Northerly Winds but the winds will be light and we should see a bit of sunshine once any morning mist and murk clears away. Temperatures responding 23 at maybe 24. That is the theme of things to come as we move through the week. I pressure starts to take over. We should see more dry weather, more sunshine. This will start to see winds coming in from the south to southeast and that will draw up some warm air from the new continents so apart from the odd shower it will be turning warmer and perhaps the high 20s likely across the southeast friday into the weekend. Voiceover this is bbc news. Well have the headlines and all the main news stories for you at the top of the hour, straight after this programme. Ive been an opera fan for decades and i want to share my passion with you, so im on a mission to find out how opera is trying to attract new audiences and reinvent itself. This time i meet welsh Bass Baritone sir bryn terfel a giant in the opera world, both in achievements and physical stature. Sir bryn terfel is an artist whos just known all around the world, hes sung all the great opera roles. When hes on the stage, you cannot take your eyes off them. Bryn has so many fans who follow him both physically and emotionally around the world. Hes taking us behind the scenes, not only at londons Royal Opera House where hes a regular star performer, but right back to where it all started, here in his native wales at the Welsh National opera in cardiff. Bryn terfel is a passionate advocate of music and culture, and nurturing the next generation of talent. For any welsh singer, bryns a massive inspiration and hes still at the top of his game

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