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Against the sun newspaper. Action over the mirror group of allegations of Phone Hacking. Who did you hack . It would be quicker to say who i didnt hack, wouldnt it . Celebrities, politicians. I was living in this sort of superhighway of illicit information. It was exciting, you felt like a spy. I dont know to this day how many people have heard my deepest secrets, my desires. Phone hacking was not practised by the Mail On Sunday or by the daily mail. You have just about anybody who has ever appeared in a Tabloid Newspaper Saying give me large wodges of cash please. Its actually a legal scandal. Its not the money im after, its to expose their guilt. Itsjustice. Prince harry has brought a claim against Newsgroup Newspapers for publications both in the News Of The World and the sun. Over 200 articles. More than half were published by the sun. The articles of stretch from the mid 90s when his mother was still alive to 2010, so they include articles from when he was still a child. Its alleged that they were Phone Hacking princess diana. Prince harry is going on this crusade that some have described as a moral crusade to right the wrongs of the past as he sees it. He believes that they contributed to the death of his mother everything goes back to the death of diana, princess of wales. He believes it was her paranoia, her fear that her bodyguards were leaking information that led her to get rid of her Police Protection and he believes that if she had had those bodyguards with her she would not have died in that car crash in paris in 1997. The crash happened shortly after midnight. They were apparently being pursued at high speed by photographers on motorbikes. There are some specific examples given in prince harrys claim that are worth hearing about. Around 2004, he met Chelsey Davey, started dating her, and there was a huge amount of interest in that relationship and huge amounts of targeting of chelsey, and harry. In his claim, there is evidence that chelseas Phone Records were supplied to the sun by a South African private investigator called mike bair. Chelsea lived in cape town. Also, there is a payment made by the sun, again, to the South African private investigator mike bair, a payment of £1500, � exclusive for Chelsey Davey hospital. One theory is that that involved accessing Chelsey Davey� s private medical information. When you go through some of the claims, some of them seem quite weak. Frankly it seems like theyjust had access to someone in his inner circle. In terms of the articles, you are often misled in terms of where this information may have come from. They never quote a source, they never say so and so said this, Theyjust Say The Palace or an insider has said this, deliberately worded to throw you off the scent. In harrys case, he would be very keen to go to trial. He wants everything out an open, he wants everybody to know the full extent of not only him but all the other claimaints he has suffered as well, and i think he wants to hold the people have done all this accountable at the of the day. Harry has got this claim against you with the 50s or so articles, saying you used illegal means to get the stories. What harry must know in his mind that that cant be the case. I cant say where every story was from but i can say ones that i wrote werent from Phone Hacking, simple as that. Do you think hacking was going on at the sun . I dont. I certainly didnt think so at the time. You dont think they were using pis to get information . The people i worked with were journalists, not private investigators. Did you know about people using pis to get Something Like that . I was aware that there are. I mean they call in the dark arts, i was aware that there is more than one way of scanning a rabbit, and in certain circumstances, newspapers employed those people. Did the sun employ those people . I think everybody did, yeah. I have heard more and more allegations that illegal newsgathering was something incredibly common in the sun and that has not been my experience in the place i worked. I never ever heard a suggestion that the sun was involved in Phone Hacking in any way. I dont believe there were. The police and the Crown Prosecution Service do not believe it is something worth pursuing, so there has not been a criminal enquiry into Phone Hacking for literally years and years. Police raiding the homes of News International staff looking for evidence of Phone Hacking. In the years following the closure of News Of The World in 2011, the Police Conducted a series of high profile investigations into illegal activity by newspapers. About 6am in the morning, there was a knock on my front door. The police had arrived to arrest me. For me it begain with a dawn raid on my house. My dog started to bark, probably about six oclock in the morning, and i opened the door to a crowd of police officers, all in plain clothes, searching through my five year olds bedroom i dont even know to this day what they were looking for, saying they have come to arrest me over operation alberton. It was about paying public officials, and yes we pay public officials, thats why it says on page two of the sun, we pay cash for stories, ring this number. It was the start of four years of hell because they kept me waiting on bail. Just had to wait and wait and hope it would go away, but a year later i was charged, and then a further two and a half years on, on the Fifth Ofjanuary of 2015, my trial started at the old bailey in london. At the end of four years thejudge said you can go now, and that was the end of it. It was devastating, completely devastating, devastated my life. You know what . I will never get over this. I have been virtually unable to work for four years, it has taken my health, my familys health, our money, my career, and all because of a campaign against you guys, just as much as it is against tabloid journalism. A campaign against journalism. Many other people were put on trial. Frankly they were show trials, as mine was, time and time again, as in my case. A jury of 12 good people listened and threw it out. It destroyed my career, destroyed my confidence, destroyed my marriage and nearly destroyed me completely. Im obviouslyjust relieved at todays verdict, but there is no celebration whilst this witch hunt continues against my colleagues, who still are facing the nightmare that i hopefully one day will wake up from. That is definitely Rebecca Brooks and her husband charles brooks. I think rebecca went in first. In total, 41 people were arrested. Nine were convicted. The others, like Rebecca Brooks, were cleared of all charges. The cps has not turned to the police and said start investigating again. They are not interested. They do not believe there is anything like enough evidence. If the allegations are true, why arent the Police Investigating this . I think the difficulty was that after the trial of Rebecca Brooks and andy coulson, etc, ithink the publicjust lost the appetite for it and therefore the cps also lost appetite for it as well. It is disappointing that the police dont take it further, given the evidence that has come to light since, but its a decision for them. People on the other side would just say this is just proof that the evidence is flimsy and does not mean anything. If that was the case, why would newsgroup be Settling Hundreds of claims in the last ten years for millions and millions and millions of pounds if it was just flimsy evidence that did not mean anything . Newsgroup newspapers are now fighting to bring an end to the waves of civil litigation against them. At the end of 2022, they asked the courts to strike out two high profile claims arguing that the alleged unlawful activity happened too long ago. One is the case of prince harry, the other is of hugh grant. The press should have massive power. They are such an Important Pillar of democracy. They need to be there to hold power to account. Where there is a genuine public interest, i think the press should given enormous license, almost to the point of illegality. But it does not matter really what a celebrity is doing. Its interesting to the public, but its definitely not in the public interest. At that point it becomes invasion of privacy, or privacy theft i would argue, and really what they were doing was looking for profit at whatever cost, and by whatever means, criminal or not. In september 2022, several victims of crime and their relatives were among 200 new claims brought against the sun and the News Of The World. The Phone Hacking scandal broke at the exact moment that the Business Model for these previously incredibly profitable Tabloid Newspapers was collapsing of its own accord. The internet had come along information was no longerjust what you could read in a print product. In the old days if you got a good kiss and tell or a good scandalous celebrity story, you would get a quarter of a million sales to your tabloid just like that. With the internet, they might click on it but you will not make money off that. Having hundreds of millions of pounds leaving these business in damages, at the exact moment they needed to be investing hundreds of millions of pounds to secure their future has been incredibly damaging for the bridges newspaper industry. Most of the British Press operates at breakeven at best. It would not surprise me if this Constant Drip drip drip meant that at some point, shareholders and media owners will say we cant afford this anymore, we need to close. Just close it. It will be a terrible day for the British Press, freedom of the press, Freedom Of Speech if this is allowed to continue. Prince harry has arrived at the high court this morning at the start of his latest privacy case. The duke of sussex is taking legal action, along with a group of other high profile figures against the publisher of the daily mail. Eltonjohn has also just arrived. Baroness Doreen Lawrence will also attend. The first time, the daily mail the Mail On Sunday and now the first time, the daily mail the Mail On Sunday are now facing claims from seven alleged victims. This year, the initial hearings in the strongly disputed cases took place at the high court to decide whether they can proceed to trial. When the Phone Hacking scandal broke, paul dacre, editor of the mail, made it very clear that this was not the sort of behaviour that mail group would have been involved in. I can be as confident as any editor, having made extensive enquiries a newspapers practices and now an enquiry, that Phone Hacking was not practised by the Mail On Sunday or the daily mail. You know that because i gave this enquiry my unequivocal unequivocal assurances on that. The cases against the mail came out of the blue. It was extraordinary. You can see it in the response of the mail. It was discussed that they were even having to deal with this. It was accusations that this was a stitch up by a cabal of press reform campaigners. The claimants� cases also evidence from a number of private investigators turned whistleblowers. The claimants� cases also feature evidence from a number of private investigators turned whistleblowers. What we� re really looking for is whether the claims of the private investigators, who formed bedrock of this case, really stack up, whether they� re credible and whether there are documents to back up the allegations they had made that they were doing illegal work on behalf of the mail and the Mail On Sunday over several decades. In a blow for the claimants, one investigator that they had hoped would give evidence on some of the most serious allegations has now denied he was ever commissioned to work for the mail. Some of the private investigators providing evidence are convicted criminals. This includes the jailed phone hacker glenn mulcaire. I hacked for the Mail On Sunday indirectly through mercury press. Targets included sadie frost, simon hughes, and jude law. So you kept notes and materials . Everything was always dated and all the information can always be referred back to when journalists need to pick up more details. What we have here is the instruction. You have the Mail On Sunday, clearly noted there, you have sadie frost as a target, you have all the details, and you also have the transcription of the Voicemails Of sadie frost� s voicemails. They were then forwarded to my boss by email, who then emailed the Mail On Sunday. An email which contained transcribed quotes from the alleged hacking was sent to the Mail On Sunday by mulcaire� s boss at mercury press. However, the email said nothing about how the quotes were obtained. So what has been happening in court . Probably the most damaging thing that came out was the claim from baroness lawrence, who is the mother of the murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence. What she said was explosive. I now feel i was to betrayed. She says while she thought they were on her side they were actually going behind her back and trying to dig up information on her. This is the scenario that everyone feared, emotions running out of control down here and the evidence of the five suspects temporarily derailed. I started reporting on the Stephen Lawrence murder in the mid to late 1990s. Doreen lawrence was thrust into the spotlight by the fact that the police failed to get justice for her son. Well, no, because stephens killers are still walking the streets. It wasnt until the coroners inquest that we got to see the five main suspects. They appeared to treat the legal system with contempt, as if they were above the whole process. That triggered the daily mail to publish its now infamous headline murderers, naming the five main suspects. The daily mail has really thrown down the gauntlet with this story. That headline was so powerful that the case for examining what had gone wrong became increasingly impossible to avoid. The day in 2012 when dobson and norris were convicted was a day of huge satisfaction for both of stephens parents. I� ve had a lot of support from everybody, from the press included, and ijust wanted to say thank you all. I think Doreen Lawrence came to trust the daily mail because of the role that they played in her campaign. In her claim, there is a section that is very personal. You get the sense that there was a close relationship there and one where she felt that she was in safe hands. She trusted them. We� ve got the claim form from baroness lawrence and it� s quite incredible litany of allegations, including interception of voicemail, so old school Phone Hacking, tapping of landline telephones, blagging of personal records, monitoring of bank accounts, covert electronic surveillance, and corrupt payments to serving metropolitan police officers, including some who are working on the Murder Investigation into who killed her son. Is it difficult for you to know if this stands up . We are at the point in the Legal Process where these are a load of allegations, a lot of it is based on Circumstantial Evidence and a lot of it is based on the belief of the claimants and their legal teams. If this goes to trial, that� s when we� ll see their claims tested. Baroness lawrence writes wonders whether by trusting the daily mail whether she let down her murdered son, stephen. She writes in her statement that she has been played for a fool. I don� t believe for a minute illegal behaviour happened at the daily mail. This litigation is a windmill that keeps turning and very lucrative it is for various law firms and various people trying to now make money from events that happened many years ago. What were seeing is the end game, really, of three decades almost of Phone Hacking legal cases. Now youve got almost every Single National Newspaper Group in the uk being sued by various prominent individuals who are determined to drag this back into the public consciousness. They have already succeeded on that point and the next challenge is can they actually get the legal victories that they want . Hello there. Heatwave conditions across the globe have been dominating Weather Headlines in recent weeks. And this week, we saw a return to heat across iberia. On wednesday afternoon in southern spain, we saw a high of 44 degrees, 111 fahrenheit. We are tapping into some of that warmth across the uk not as extreme. It was a pleasant day on wednesday. Thursday, it will be warmer still, with temperatures perhaps peaking at 27, possibly 28 degrees. That� s 82 fahrenheit. But widespread warmth is expected generally across the country, and that� s because we� ve got High Pressure with us for another day. However, this frontal system is going to start to push in late on thursday. A beautiful start, lots of blue sky, lots of sunshine coming through. Little bit of cloud and mist and murk down to the south west may linger first thing, a little more cloud into Northern Ireland and southern scotland as we go through the day. But on the whole, with light winds and a warm, muggy start, those temperatures will respond widely into the mid 20s, possibly, as i say, as high as 27 or 28 degrees. But that cold front is expected to arrive during thursday evening, pushing into Northern Ireland, and then it will really start to pep up as it moves its way across scotland. It� ll be quite light and patchy through central and south eastern england. A band of cloud through the night, but the rain, the brighter colours denoting the intensity, will be sitting in Scotland First thing on friday morning. With the cloud, the wind and the rain and still that southerly breeze, it� s going to be a muggy, sticky start, really, to friday. Some of that rain will take its time to clear as well in scotland, clinging onto the Northern Isles with a stronger breeze here. But elsewhere, with a light south westerly wind starting to pick up through the day, it� s a case of sunny spells and blustery showers, the showers few and far between. Most of us will continue to see sunshine and, again, some warmth, temperatures widely into the mid 20s. Now, as we move out of friday into the start of the weekend, we see a return to low pressure once again. Closest to the low, that� s where we� re likely to see the wettest of the weather and the strongest of the winds once again. It� s not going to be quite as severe as the weekends just past. And in fact, parts of england and wales should stay largely fine and dry, but a noticeable drop in the feel of the weather, with the risk of some showers the further north and west you are. Take care. Live from washington, this is bbc news. A candidate in ecuador� s upcoming president ial election is assassinated while on the campaign trail. Deadly and dangerous wildfires rip through hawaii killing at least six and prompting mass evacuations. And on the ninth anniversary of the killing of Michael Brown in ferguson, missouri, his family and civil Rights Groups reveal a new push for accountability. Hello, i� m helena humphrey. Good to have you with us. A candidate in ecuador� s upcoming president ial election has been assassinated. Fernando villavicencio was attacked after leaving a Campaign Event in the capital, quito. Mr villavicencio was a member of the country� s national assembly, as well as a notable Anti Corruption candidate. A member of his Campaign Team told local media that he was about to get into a car when a man stepped forward and shot him in the head

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