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Hello. We start with breaking news imran khan, pakistan s former Prime Minister, has been arrested, after being sentenced to three years in prison. His team say they will file an appeal against the ruling. Thejudge found him guilty of failing to declare money he had earned from selling state gifts. As the decision was announced in islamabad a crowd, including some prosecuting lawyers, began chanting, Imran Khan Is A Thief outside court. Multiple cases have been filed against mr khan in the last 16 months. In may, he was detained for not appearing at court as requested but was subsequently released after the arrest was declared illegal. Since then his party has been under intense pressure from the authorities with many senior officials leaving and thousands of supporters arrested, accused of being involved in the protests that followed imran khans arrest. The Pakistan Parliament will dissolve on 9th august and a Caretaker Government will take over in the run up to the elections. No election date has been announced, though constitutionally they should take place by early november. Live now to our pakistan correspondent Caroline Davies whos outside the court in islamabad. Caroline, i wonder if you could confirm or update the details that i have just read out . Have ust read out . Yes, we have also have just read out . Yes, we have also had confirmation have just read out . Yes, we have also had confirmation that have just read out . Yes, we have also had confirmation that imran| also had confirmation that imran khan has been arrested, he was at his home in lahore. We have seen images from our teams there arent the police arriving and we have seen the police arriving and we have seen the cars leaving the area with imran khan, it is not entirely clear where he will be taken to the next but we were anticipating this because just over an hour ago, were anticipating this because just overan hourago, inside were anticipating this because just over an hour ago, inside court, we heard from thejudge over an hour ago, inside court, we heard from the judge who found him guilty in this case about the state gifts he had received during his time in office, that he had then sold on the court found him guilty of not declaring that money. And the judge found him guilty, said that he was jailing him for three years and directed the Islamabad Police to arrest him immediately. We then heard within the space of ten or 15 minutes that he had been arrested in lahore. Not entirely clear where he will be taken. His team here said to us they did not expect him to resist arrest, they were planning to appeal but its saturday and the courts are not currently open and they cannot lodge those appeals until monday which leaves us with the weekend and what will happen next in pakistan. What will be the reaction to the arrest of imran khan. As you mentioned on the ninth of pay he was previously arrested and we saw a large amount of discontent across pakistan in reaction to the arrest. We saw military and intelligence buildings, military buildings being targeted, that is surprising here in pakistan, something pakistan has not really seen during its history, but the military to be directly targeted and as a result we saw a large crackdown on imran khan and his party. Imran khan was released after they found the arrest against him back then in may had been illegal. And he has since then been free but at the same time many of his party have left the party, many of his Senior Leadership and many of his supporters have also been arrested and imprisoned because of their alleged involvement in these protest that happened after the 9th of may so the question is how will pakistan react now, has the crackdown stopped people from wanting to come out onto the streets, will be seek a similar reaction or not . You mentioned the pakistan government, the Pakistan Parliament is due to dissolve next week on the 9th of august. And that means they will hand over to a Caretaker Government that will be in power until the elections. This is taking place against the backdrop of the elections, this is why it is such a contentious and difficult time and we wait to see what the reaction in pakistan will be to the arrest of imran khan. Arrest of imran khan. Caroline, thank yom arrest of imran khan. Caroline, thank you. The arrest of imran khan. Caroline, thank you. The stain arrest of imran khan. Caroline, thank you. The stain with arrest of imran khan. Caroline, thank you. The stain with this | thank you. The stain with this story. Staying with this story. Live now to muneeb farooq, a journalist for the pakistani urdu language news channel, samaa tv. Thank you forjoining us. How has this news been received . Frankly, it was something this news been received . Frankly, it was something that this news been received . Frankly, it was something that was this news been received . Frankly, it was something that was expected. L this news been received . Frankly, it| was something that was expected. It hasnt come as a surprise because this case has been going on for quite a while and it was highly likely that there will be a conviction in this case and the response from the legal team was quite weak. Apparently there was no defence and it is a fact that is floating on the surface. If you look at the documents and go through them, imran khan got the gifts from them, imran khan got the gifts from the state depository, it was legal to that extent but then he sold them and did not declare the amount in his Nomination Papers and different purpose that he was supposed to do that before the Election Commissioner of pakistan so that gave a big setback to former Prime Minister and ever since the k started his lawyers were focused on the technical point. Particularly after the 9th of may things have been going good for Thejustice Party in pakistan, the party of imran khan and things have become murkier with every passing day. What murkier with every passing day. What do ou murkier with every passing day. What do you make murkier with every passing day. What do you make of murkier with every passing day. What do you make of the murkier with every passing day. What do you make of the timing . You heard are corresponded reporting outside the court in islamabad and we have the court in islamabad and we have the backdrop of elections coming up soon so has a possibly played into the decision to carry this out now . Timeliness of the essence and there was a lot of discussion about it. He saw it coming. There was a likelihood that this may happen once the Caretaker Government would come in and take the charge but yes, it has happened today. And some half of the trial was done hurriedly and i cannot say guarantee, or give a watertight guarantee that was given the right To A Fair Trial but it is quite likely he will get convicted during this case and this means he is not disqualify to become a member of the parliament for the next five years, by virtue of this decision so this means unless he gets relief from the high court, which his lawyers are planning to go to, his conviction will stand, his disqualification will stand and then it appears to be quite an uphill task for him. In it appears to be quite an uphill task for him. Task for him. In terms of his Olitical Task for him. In terms of his political future, task for him. In terms of his political future, its task for him. In terms of his political future, its not task for him. In terms of his i political future, its not looking good but what about the future of his party . Good but what about the future of his a . ,. His party . Ever since the incident ofthe his party . Ever since the incident of the 9th of his party . Ever since the incident of the 9th of may, his party . Ever since the incident of the 9th of may, his his party . Ever since the incident of the 9th of may, his party his party . Ever since the incident of the 9th of may, his party were| of the 9th of may, his party were cut up and running on mocka, his top tier leadership have been made to lead the party or deserted the party. Workers are in disarray, most of them are in hiding, people are scared to come on the streets because of the incidents that took place on the 9th of may. It considered 9 ii place on the 9th of may. It considered 9 11 for pakistan and this is something out of the ordinary, Military Installations were attacked, they were burned down, vandalised. State institutions were attacked so this is something that was completely unheard of. There have been incidents in the past where political leaders have been ousted by the courts or through illegal and unconstitutional ways but nobody ever did this and imran khan got arrested on the 9th of may, his Party Workers attacked Military Installations and ever since that time, he has been defending the actions of his political Party Workers and that some people over the edge. Instead of condemning them, telling the people it was not a good idea to attack Military Installations he was trying to defend it so that it is somehow the struggle the straw that finally broke the camel � s back. Struggle the straw that finally broke the camel s back. Struggle the straw that finally broke the camel s back. Thank you for that. Lets look at another developing story now. A russian Merchant Ship Carrying Fuel has reportedly been hit and disabled by a ukrainian sea drone near the occupied Crimean Peninsula. This unverified video was sent to the bbc by a Ukrainian Security Service Source which they say shows the moment of attack. According to russian reports the engine room of the tanker the sig was damaged in the attack in the kerch strait. And the vessel . Apparently on its way to syria to take oil to Russian Troops . Is now being towed. Sources at ukraines Security Service have claimed responsibility for the strike. And lets remind you of these pictures from friday where a Russian Navy Landing ship was hit by a ukrainian sea drone off the black sea port of novorossiysk, Hundreds Of Kilometres from ukrainian controlled territory. This video emerged on social media apparently showing footage from the drone. For more now on what this attack means we can go live to sam cranny evans an Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services institute and an expert in naval warfare. Thank you forjoining us. Firstly, what do you make of this new tactic, is it a particularly significant tactic by ukrainian forces, using drones in hostile waters . Tactic by ukrainian forces, using drones in hostile waters . Well, they have used them drones in hostile waters . Well, they have used them quite drones in hostile waters . Well, they have used them quite extensively i have used them quite extensively earlier on in the work primarily to paint in the russian fleet at sebastopol and the big change now is the dramatically increased range of the dramatically increased range of the siege dreams they are using, all the siege dreams they are using, all the way across to the other side of the way across to the other side of the Crimean Peninsula and also shift in targeting to a commercial vessel, albeit one with a bit of a murky pastis albeit one with a bit of a murky past is potentially going to change the dynamics of the conflict and open up to further rights or escalation. Open up to further rights or escalation open up to further rights or escalation. , ,. ,. ,. , ~ open up to further rights or escalation. , ,. ,. , open up to further rights or escalation, ,. ,. ,. , escalation. Just before we look at a ossible escalation. Just before we look at a possible resolution escalation. Just before we look at a possible resolution to escalation. Just before we look at a possible resolution to this, escalation. Just before we look at a possible resolution to this, the possible resolution to this, the talks taking place in saudi arabia, i wonder if you could talk about the geopolitical rather than local strategy and the advantage that the kerch strait and bridge gives russia and what would happen if ukraine worked to target this particular area . ,. , worked to target this particular area . ,. ,. , area . They have attempted many different ways area . They have attempted many different ways to area . They have attempted many different ways to try area . They have attempted many different ways to try and area . They have attempted many different ways to try and isolate l different ways to try and isolate crimea, isolate the Russian Troops. And damage the logistics supplies that are moving through that entire region. Best viewed as part of a much Bigger Picture ukraine in general is trying to restrict the flow of logistics into the Russian Forces fighting in ukraine and generally, eat up resources so for example, the attack on the tanker raises the question of whether or not the russian navy has to protect every Merchant Vessel moving through the black sea that is relevant to its own cause and operations . This is actually quite a significant challenge. We have seen the us considering it in the street of hormones, placing Military Personnel on every civilian tanker that the us is willing to protect, it eats up resources sometimes. So by doing this strike, the knock on effects in terms of logistics, in terms of the fuel reaching Russian Troops in syria or whatever it was intended to do, that might be relatively insignificant. The Operational Impact to potentially protect every single vessel is huge and significant. Single vessel is huge and significant. Single vessel is huge and siunificant. , ~ ,. , single vessel is huge and siunificant. , ~. Significant. 0k, thank you so much. Sta in significant. 0k, thank you so much. Staying with significant. 0k, thank you so much. Staying with ukraine. Significant. 0k, thank you so much. Staying with ukraine. Talking significant. 0k, thank you so much. Staying with ukraine. Talking about| staying with ukraine. Talking about the peace talks i mentioned with saudi arabia. Saudi arabia is hosting talks to discuss a path towards peace in ukraine. Representatives from ukraine, western powers and developing countries, including china and india, will be taking part. But russia will not be attending. President zelensky of ukraine has said he hopes the initiative will lead to a � peace summit� to endorse principles, based on his own formula for a peace settlement. Live now to james nixey director of the russia and Eurasia Programme at chatham house. That is a think tank based here in london. Thank you forjoining us. In terms of the plan itself, it is a ten point plan and what do you know about it or what can you tell us . This is a ukraine ten point plan and the essence of it is that it requires both Russian Troops to be removed from ukrainian recognised territory and financial and judicial reckoning so obviously this is very much in contrast notjust to the russian and chinese plan offered some months ago. So there are a number of plants floating around but this is a diplomatic coup nonetheless for ukraine because its plan will be discussed here in jeddah. , jeddah. Vladimir putin will be watchinu jeddah. Vladimir putin will be watching very jeddah. Vladimir putin will be watching very closely, jeddah. Vladimir putin will be watching very closely, hes i jeddah. Vladimir putin will be l watching very closely, hes not going to agree to anything, is he . No, and that is why these talks are in a sense premature. The reality is neither ukraine or russia is ready for these talks, ukraine is going because it is a diplomatic coup and it feels it can bring more countries from the middle east and global south on site, maybe china a little bit or if russia were to attend, you would not get part that mac passed the starting blocks because the site are fundamentally opposed. Russia needs to control ukraine and ukraine needs to control ukraine and ukraine needs to control ukraine and ukraine needs to maintain its sovereignty. Jack sullivan is the National Security adviser, more of a dove like official from america, interesting to ukrainians and russians alike. There is a sense the americans are looking to prepare the ground for negotiations. But they know it is politically inopportune to push for ukrainians and push them too far but they certainly have their eyes on the deal while at the same time sending weaponry, new kit and training as well to ukraine. That might be a slight contradiction ijy that might be a slight contradiction by President Biden is looking the future. In by President Biden is looking the future. ,. , ~ , future. In terms of the allies attending. Future. In terms of the allies attending, youve future. In terms of the allies attending, youve mentioned future. In terms of the allies attending, youve mentioned how important it will be for china to position itself or how it comes out of these talks. So we have russian allies there, we have supported allies, ukrainian allies, how are they stacking up . They stacking up . Yes, it is a different sized they stacking up . Yes, it is a different sized meeting, they stacking up . Yes, it is a different sized meeting, i they stacking up . Yes, it is a l different sized meeting, i take they stacking up . Yes, it is a different sized meeting, i take your point but as far as china is concerned, which is some times floating around in the middle, of course being in saudi arabia, jeddah, not anywhere in the western world makes it acceptable to china and that is why it is going to have its worse at the table but it is quite clear does not want the meeting to be an antique worship meeting. China is a difficult good position as one of the most powerful countries on the planet but it does not want a victory that would not help chinese interest to continue trading and increase the size of its economy and its power on the world stage. We economy and its power on the world sta. E. ~ ,. , economy and its power on the world state. ~ ,. ,. , stage. We must leave it there for now, stage. We must leave it there for now. James. Stage. We must leave it there for now, james, thank stage. We must leave it there for now, james, thank you. Pope francis is marking World Youth Day with a visit to portugal where hes visiting the shrine of fatima. Hes expected to recite the rosary with sick and disabled young people before travelling back to lisbon. These are live pictures from fatima. That recitation of the holy rosary with the sick young is taking place at the chapel of apparitions. At the shrine of Our Lady Of Fatima and what will happen is from around iiam what will happen is from around am at local time, what will happen is from around am at localtime, he what will happen is from around am at local time, he will be leaving and travelling back to lisbon, leaving from Fatima Stadium and he has a private meeting with members of the society ofjesus, and this is part of a five day trip, this is his first day. So for his health seems to be holding up. Lets turn to weather events in the uk where the met office is warning of potential road closures, power cuts and flying debris as storm antoni batters wales and South West England. Amber alerts are in place for high winds and heavy rain is also expected in Northern Ireland. Thomas morgan has been braving the weather for us in penarth. It is raining quite heavily here, it was the rain that was expected to cause the most disruption. But at the moment the wind seems to have died a little bit, as you can see the stormy seas have gone slightly calmer, but it is the rain hitting here at the moment in south wales. But bad weather, i guess the reason i am up this morning is because its so miserable for this time of year. You do not expect to have one of the wettestjuly is on record last month and that this month, as we are starting august, have another star thatis starting august, have another star that is what a miserable and windy. This is only the third time since the met office began naming storms, they have named the storm today, and thatis they have named the storm today, and that is fairly significant, showing you how rare it is that you get this bad weather during august, here in the uk. This is a time a couple of weeks ago Southern Europe were seeing a heatwave and here we are seeing a heatwave and here we are seeing Record Levels of rainfall. The way things are going, it doesnt look like this when or wind. Any time soon at all to look like this when or wind. Any time soon at all look like this when or wind. Any time soon at all to update you on the breaking time soon at all to update you on the breaking news. Former Prime Minister imran khans party has confirmed the bbc that imran khan is being shifted to islamabad on a special plane from lahore. Often ofte n fa n often Fan Imran Khan travels, he attracts crowds and some security risks. According to some unconfirmed reports he will be shifted to adyala jail, a Central Prison in rawalpindi. Police arrested him today from his residence in lahore a while ago after court in islamabad sentenced him forfive years injail. We will bring you more on this story for and we have it. The biggest Cycling Event in history is under way in scotland. The cycling World Championships are seen by many politicians as an opportunity to get more people riding bikes to boost their health, reduce their costs and help the country achieve its climate targets. But is scotland paving the way for a new generation of everyday� cyclists . The bbc bike bureaus correspondent Anna Holligan sent this report, filmed from the saddle, in glasgow. And do you know what, we have an added benefit live now to Anna Holligan in glasgow very familiar, the bike bureau that you use a fair amount so what can you use a fair amount so what can you tell us about this . You use a fair amount so what can you tell us about this . Welcome to the backs of you tell us about this . Welcome to the backs of the you tell us about this . Welcome to the backs of the river you tell us about this . Welcome to the backs of the river clyde you tell us about this . Welcome to the backs of the river clyde in the backs of the river clyde in glasgow, a nail biting moment not just in the competition but because this is the very first time we are using the bike bureau for a Life Outside Broadcast outside the netherlands, the Cycling Utopia so this is quite an experiment. The bike bureau is a mobile Broadcasting Device designed to allow us to gather the news on a sustainable way, it is solar powered and designed to cut emissions, cut costs and that tyson so perfectly to this event because as you say, they want to try and inspire The Next Generation of cyclists, these championships, making it possible notjust for the championships, making it possible not just for the professionals competing for medals here in glasgow but for everyday people like you and me to get on our back end to the school run, the commute. Ive been speaking to people across glasgow, they have been investing in a psychic network here but its pretty patchy and there are potholes as i have been finding out. Investing in a bicycle network. Have been finding out. Investing in a bicycle network. In a bicycle network. Catching up with the quinn in a bicycle network. Catching up with the quinn family. In a bicycle network. Catching up with the quinn family. This in a bicycle network. Catching up with the quinn family. This is in a bicycle network. Catching up with the quinn family. This is a l with the quinn family. This is a fair bit with the quinn family. This is a fair bit stretched forth next to the river~ fair bit stretched forth next to the river~ it fair bit stretched forth next to the river~ it is fair bit stretched forth next to the river. It is green in the trees. The exception river. It is green in the trees. The exception rather river. It is green in the trees. Tie exception rather than the rule. Cycling has its advantages especially from the perspective of six year old rubin. Ta especially from the perspective of sixyearold rubin. Sixyearold rubin. Ya can go throu~h sixyearold rubin. Ya can go through its sixyearold rubin. Ya can go through its spin sixyearold rubin. Ya can go through its spin palace sixyearold rubin. Ya can go through its spin palace which | sixyearold rubin. Ya can go. Through its spin palace which is good through its spin palace which is good and through its spin palace which is good and you through its spin palace which is good. And you might through its spin palace which is good. And you might see through its spin palace which is. Good. And you might see animals through its spin palace which is good. And you might see animals and stuff good. And you might see animals and stuff chris good. And you might see animals and stuff. Chris hoy. Good. And you might see animals and stuff. Chris hoy, yeah, good. And you might see animals and stuff. Chris hoy, yeah, him. Good. And you might see animals and stuff. Chris hoy, yeah, him. I good. And you might see animals and stuff. Chris hoy, yeah, him. Iwould l stuff. Chris hoy, yeah, him. Iwould like to stuff. Chris hoy, yeah, him. Iwould like to do stuff. Chris hoy, yeah, him. Iwould like to do what stuff. Chris hoy, yeah, him. Iwould like to do what he stuff. Chris hoy, yeah, him. Iwould like to do what he does. Stuff. Chris hoy, yeah, him. Iwould like to do what he does. He stuff. Chris hoy, yeah, him. Iwould like to do what he does. He like like to do what he does. He like going like to do what he does. He like going down like to do what he does. He like going down slopes, like to do what he does. He like going down slopes, smooth, i like to do what he does. He likei going down slopes, smooth, but like to do what he does. He like going down slopes, smooth, but they are twisty going down slopes, smooth, but they are twisty and going down slopes, smooth, but they are twisty and then going down slopes, smooth, but they are twisty and then there going down slopes, smooth, but they are twisty and then there is going down slopes, smooth, but they are twisty and then there is a going down slopes, smooth, but they are twisty and then there is a flat are twisty and then there is a flat part are twisty and then there is a flat art. ~. ~. , are twisty and then there is a flat art, ~. ~. ,. ,. , part. Much like the route home, some are protected part. Much like the route home, some are protected cycle part. Much like the route home, some are protected cycle lanes part. Much like the route home, some are protected cycle lanes but part. Much like the route home, some are protected cycle lanes but there are protected cycle lanes but there are protected cycle lanes but there are gaps. The are protected cycle lanes but there are as. ,. ,. ,. , are gaps. The ambition at government level, the are gaps. The ambition at government level. They took are gaps. The ambition at government level, they took a are gaps. The ambition at government level, they took a good are gaps. The ambition at government level, they took a good game are gaps. The ambition at government level, they took a good game and level, they took a good game and there level, they took a good game and there are level, they took a good game and there are some funding towards that bad there are some funding towards that had in there are some funding towards that bad in glasgow we have seen segregated writs being built but what we segregated writs being built but what we need is a network of passed off segregation rates. There is no time off segregation rates. There is no time having 10 being lethally dangerous and 90 being pleasant, that will dangerous and 90 being pleasant, that will not encourage people to et that will not encourage people to get on that will not encourage people to get on the bike. Do that will not encourage people to get on the bike. That will not encourage people to get on the bike. Do you think you will be able get on the bike. Do you think you will be able to get on the bike. Do you think you will be able to write get on the bike. Do you think you will be able to write the get on the bike. Do you think you will be able to write the same . L get on the bike. Do you think you i will be able to write the same . Yes, but i will be able to write the same . Yes, but i cannot will be able to write the same . Yes, but i cannot reach will be able to write the same . Yes, but i cannot reach the will be able to write the same . Yes, but i cannot reach the pedals. For. But i cannot reach the pedals. For man but i cannot reach the pedals. Many people in scotland getting but i cannot reach the pedals. many people in scotland getting on a bike every day is still a different room. I bike every day is still a different room. ,. ,. , room. I feel very nervous doing it. I do not room. I feel very nervous doing it. I do not think room. I feel very nervous doing it. I do not think drivers room. I feel very nervous doing it. I do not think drivers are i do not think drivers are particularly aware. Thank you. Thank particularly aware. Thank you. Thank you particularly aware. Thank you. Thank you i particularly aware. Thank you. Thank you i do not think they are very aware thank you i do not think they are very aware of bikes in general. | very aware of bikes in general. Direct her very aware of bikes in general. I direct her to lawrence price, the minister for active transport. But we need is minister for active transport. But we need is to minister for active transport. But we need is to build a glasgow where no one we need is to build a glasgow where no one feels that way, everybody every no one feels that way, everybody every day no one feels that way, everybody every day and in every part of our city knows every day and in every part of our city knows that doing what they are supposed city knows that doing what they are supposed to be doing is a natural daily supposed to be doing is a natural daily experience. As of next year it will be daily experience. As of next year it will be 10 daily experience. As of next year it will be 10 of the Transport Budget for scotland, 320 million, going into active for scotland, 320 million, going into active travel and we need to do that and into active travel and we need to do that and sustain that. The into active travel and we need to do that and sustain that. That and sustain that. The hashtag for the biggest that and sustain that. The hashtag for the biggest ever that and sustain that. The hashtag for the biggest ever cycling that and sustain that. The hashtag for the biggest ever Cycling Eventl for the biggest ever Cycling Event as power of the bike but the bikes are only powerful if people are using them. Are only powerful if people are using them are only powerful if people are using them. Are only powerful if people are usin. Them. ,. ,, �. , using them. That report was by anna holliaan, using them. That report was by Anna Holligan, breaking using them. That report was by Anna Holligan, breaking is, using them. That report was by Anna Holligan, breaking is, the using them. That report was by Anna Holligan, breaking is, the former i holligan, breaking is, the former pakistan president imran khan has been arrested. More on this coming up been arrested. More on this coming up on bbc news. Hello. Friday brought us a line of slow moving thunderstorms across Eastern England and the brought some very heavy rain. This was softer, further south in essex there was nine millimetres of rainfall in an hour, quite intense and talking about rain, we have more attack to come on saturday thanks to this area of low pressure which been named by the met office as storm antoni. There will be as much as 30 millimetres of rain in Northern Ireland, higher in the mourgue mountains. Forwales ireland, higher in the mourgue mountains. For wales and South West England, gail is reaching 50 65 miles an hour, could be Strong Enough to bring down some trees so there is the risk of seeing transport disruption, the wet and windy weather will continue to extend eastwards. It will be brighter for scotland, extend eastwards. It will be brighterfor scotland, a mixture of sunshine and showers and budget through the afternoon for Northern Ireland with the wind slightly coming down. Forsome, it ireland with the wind slightly coming down. For some, it will be really quite a cool day for august with temperatures potentially around 14 with temperatures potentially around ia or 15 degrees for some. Going through saturday night, the wind will continue to calm down, the rain confined to eastern areas, temperatures overnight, saturday night, ranging from 7 12 in larger towns and cities. Sunday is the better of the dais at the weekend, a day of sunshine and showers, the greatest chance of seeing showers across scotland and eastern areas of england for some of them will turn heavy and thundery, probably largely dry across wales and South West England before you are, the temperatures continue to be below average for the time of year. Mandy looks like a cheery day for most of us, not completely rain free. After a sunny start in Northern Ireland some rain arriving later, some showers working into north west scotland, england and wales dry with sunny spells and temperature still around about the high teens to low 20s so not a bad kind of day but on tuesday, not a good day. A weak area of low pressure crossing the country and that means more rain but one thing probably brighten up in the west, Northern Ireland chewing up through the afternoon with sunshine and maybe the shower. Temperatures still high teens to late 20s, not a special one for august but we will see changes in the Weather Pattern beyond that because later in the week we see our first area of High Pressure across the uk for some seven weeks and that will be dragging in warmerair. With seven weeks and that will be dragging in warmer air. With that we should see temperatures climb into the mid 20s, maybe the high 20s in the mid 20s, maybe the high 20s in the warmest spots. On thursday, they recently get a change is down to the jet stream, this was quite typical injuly, very large waves, we have a big wedge in the mid atlantic and developmental pressures that fired across the uk, that Big Scale Pattern tends not to move, thejet that Big Scale Pattern tends not to move, the jet stream that Big Scale Pattern tends not to move, Thejet Stream blocked that Big Scale Pattern tends not to move, the jet stream blocked and that was unsettled but looking at the weather later in the week the jet stream taking a smaller meander and this kind of this is bbc news, the headlines pakistans former Prime Minister, imran khan, has been sentenced to three years in prison for not declaring money hed earned from selling state gifts. His party have confirmed to the bbc that khan is being taken to islamabad on a special plane from lahore. A ukrainian sea drone has hit and disabled a russian ship carrying fuel near the occupied Crimean Peninsula. Its thought to be the first attack on a Merchant Tanker since moscow pulled out of a deal protecting civilian vessels in the black sea. This is an unverified video of the attack, sent to the bbc by a Ukrainian Security Service Source, which they claim shows the moment of the strike. And this is the scene live in Central Portugal where pope francis visits the shrine of fatima as part of his tour of the country

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