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Three Victim Statements read out by the prosecution case qc. Essentially, the tragedy that strictly essentially, the tragedy that strictly families around how they feel about them. One was read out by the relative feel about them. One was read out by the relative ofjacob, who directed her comments directly to gemma. There her comments directly to gemma. There was her comments directly to gemma. There was no reaction from gemma barton, there was no reaction from gemma barton, she there was no reaction from gemma barton, she continued to cried, her les barton, she continued to cried, her legs were barton, she continued to cried, her legs were shaking and her hands were clasped legs were shaking and her hands were clasped. Victim personal statements had become a part of the Sentencing Hearings had become a part of the Sentencing Hearings over recent years and they can he hearings over recent years and they can he very hearings over recent years and they can be very emotive moments. I have a in court can be very emotive moments. I have a in court while they were being detivered~ a in court while they were being delivered. We had a packed public gallery. Delivered. We had a packed public gallery, the car crouch and bought in the gallery, the car crouch and bought in the family sat separately. Many of them in the family sat separately. Many of them were in tears as their statements were read out. Even some of the statements were read out. Even some of the jurors statements were read out. Even some of the jurors today, i saw them wiping of the jurors today, i saw them wiping away a tear. This is a case that has wiping away a tear. This is a case that has also affected the Police Officers that has also affected the Police Officers involved in an investigation, one of whom i saw wiping investigation, one of whom i saw wiping away tears two days ago upon their decks wiping away tears two days ago upon their decks as he was being hugged by members of the family. One of the retatives by members of the family. One of the relatives brought flowers into the hearing relatives brought flowers into the hearing today, presumably to give to police hearing today, presumably to give to police or hearing today, presumably to give to police or court staff. This has been an awful police or court staff. This has been an awful case, people will no doubt have read an awful case, people will no doubt have read about it or seen the reports have read about it or seen the reports that we have been doing over the last reports that we have been doing over the last couple of days and wondered why do the last couple of days and wondered why do we the last couple of days and wondered why do we keep having these cases . In why do we keep having these cases . In this why do we keep having these cases . In this one. Why do we keep having these cases . In this one, it is not purely Social Services in this one, it is not purely Social Services or in this one, it is not purely Social Services or the authorities had any inkling services or the authorities had any inkling of services or the authorities had any inkling of what was going on. Craig crouch inkling of what was going on. Craig crouch was inkling of what was going on. Craig crouch was a controlling, coerce a person crouch was a controlling, coerce a person who crouch was a controlling, coerce a person who really had gemma barton very much person who really had gemma barton very much in person who really had gemma barton very much in his thrall. They presented a facade of being a happy family. Presented a facade of being a happy family, which meant there was not much attention being given to them. They had much attention being given to them. They had become somewhat strange from other they had become somewhat strange from other family members. Lets not forget, from other family members. Lets not forget, this from other family members. Lets not forget, this was all happening in 2020 forget, this was all happening in 2020 with the background of social distancing and cover lockdowns, which distancing and cover lockdowns, which perhaps meant there just was not the which perhaps meant there just was not the scrutiny that there may have been, not the scrutiny that there may have been. And not the scrutiny that there may have been, and certain that they were not many been, and certain that they were not many opportunities that may have been many opportunities that may have been missed in this case. Extremely, extremely disturbing been missed in this case. Extremely, extremely disturbing details been missed in this case. Extremely, extremely disturbing details that extremely disturbing details that have come from this case. Like you say, members of the geordie breaking down in tears. They had to see a lot of disturbing content. Also, the judge did focus on that himself during the sentencing about the aspects, the videos, the pictures that some of the jury had to witness . L that some of the ury had to witness . ~ that some of the ury had to witnessvfi that some of the ury had to witness . ~ ,. , that some of the ury had to witness . ~ ,. , witness . I think in this case we saw videos of a witness . I think in this case we saw videos of a smiling witness . I think in this case we saw videos of a smiling happy witness . I think in this case we saw videos of a smiling happy jacob. Videos of a smiling happyjacob. That at videos of a smiling happyjacob. That at least is not a battered, bruised that at least is not a battered, bruised victim of cruel punishments, which bruised victim of cruel punishments, which i bruised victim of cruel punishments, which i have bruised victim of cruel punishments, which i have seen in other cases. But i which i have seen in other cases. But i think which i have seen in other cases. But i think in which i have seen in other cases. But i think in some ways it becomes ust but i think in some ways it becomes just as but i think in some ways it becomes just as poignant, just as difficult to watch just as poignant, just as difficult to watch when we see a young child in really to watch when we see a young child in really good health to begin with, and then in really good health to begin with, and then hear what happened to him, those and then hear what happened to him, those 39 and then hear what happened to him, those 39 rib and then hear what happened to him, those 39 Rib Fractures and Everything Else that went along with it, Everything Else that went along with it. Which Everything Else that went along with it, which meant he deteriorated so rapidlv it, which meant he deteriorated so rapidly. Also they neglect that was involved rapidly. Also they neglect that was involved as well. After those fatal injuries involved as well. After those fatal injuries were inflicted, there was a period injuries were inflicted, there was a period of injuries were inflicted, there was a period of time, it must have taken a period period of time, it must have taken a period of period of time, it must have taken a period of time, it must have taken a period of time forjacob to die, but he would period of time forjacob to die, but he would have been in intense pain. They ignored that, he couldnt be saved they ignored that, he couldnt be saved it they ignored that, he couldnt be saved it is they ignored that, he couldnt be saved. It is always difficult to cover saved. It is always difficult to cover these cases, i always feel particularly sorry for jurors cover these cases, i always feel particularly sorry forjurors who are not particularly sorry forjurors who are not necessarily prepared for this kind are not necessarily prepared for this kind of thing. There were a bizarre this kind of thing. There were a bizarre Voice Messages that craig crouch bizarre Voice Messages that craig crouch left that were played out that kind crouch left that were played out that kind of give an insight into his controlling character. We saw some his controlling character. We saw some of his controlling character. We saw some of the images of what the house is like some of the images of what the house is like it some of the images of what the house is like. It isnt typical in those cases. Is like. It isnt typical in those cases. It is like. It isnt typical in those cases, it was neat and tidy, everything on the face of it seemed to he everything on the face of it seemed to be well everything on the face of it seemed to be well looked after. I come back to be well looked after. I come back to the to be well looked after. I come back to the point to be well looked after. I come back to the point of 2020 and a background of what was going on in the world background of what was going on in the world at that time. I suspect that even the world at that time. I suspect that even if the authorities had visited that even if the authorities had visited the house, they may not have noticed visited the house, they may not have noticed anything untoward at the time, noticed anything untoward at the time, because particularly craig crouch time, because particularly craig crouch was quite good at presenting an image crouch was quite good at presenting an image of himself that was far from an image of himself that was far from the an image of himself that was far from the reality. He was able to manipulate gemma barton and a sort of control manipulate gemma barton and a sort of control her in a way that allowed him ultimately to kill her son, bought him ultimately to kill her son, bought her to be part of the cruelty of that bought her to be part of the cruelty of that went on. Of that went on. Thank you very much. Of that went on. Thank you very much sell of that went on. Thank you very much. Sell the of that went on. Thank you very much. Sell the marquee of that went on. Thank you very much. Sell the marqueejust i of that went on. Thank you very. Much. Sell the marqueejust giving his insight outside of derby crown court. Lets dive deeper into this story and across live to aid children and the safeguarding adviser. Thank you forjoining us on bbc news. We heard there that Social Services were not aware of the case. They were not aware of what may have been happening babyjacob. How could anything like this go under the radar of . L anything like this go under the radar of . ,. ,. , radar of . I do agree with your correspondents, radar of . I do agree with your correspondents, jacob radar of . I do agree with your correspondents, jacob was i radar of . I do agree with your l correspondents, jacob was born during correspondents, jacob was born during the correspondents, jacob was born during the height of the pandemic. A lot of during the height of the pandemic. Lot of the services would have been removed, he would have been them into the house service, and if there was nothing highlighted as a concern there might not have been a key episode where he was referred to the local authority and childrens services. I believe the timeframe he was born into during the pandemic was born into during the pandemic was a factor. But also he was at quite a vulnerable age, and where there are instances where work are not opportunities where people may see the concerns, then he might not have been without into Social Services due to the concerns. Silicit have been without into Social Services due to the concerns. Such a ounu services due to the concerns. Such a young baby. Services due to the concerns. Such a young baby. Ten services due to the concerns. Such a young baby, ten months services due to the concerns. Such a young baby, ten months old. Services due to the concerns. Such a young baby, ten months old. From i services due to the concerns. Such a i young baby, ten months old. From the judges comments, attacked and abused for seven months, so from the age of three months old. How do you deal with the case of such a young person who cant speak out, who cant call for help . Cant call for help . Children jacobs age cant call for help . Children jacobs age at cant call for help . Children jacobs age at the cant call for help . Children jacobs age at the most cant call for help . Children jacobs age at the most Vulnerable Children. If there are instances where we noticed bruising to a child, that will be taken at the most serious level, where there will be multi agency meetings, strategic meetings, we aim to assess the charge completely to understand if there are any injuries or historic injuries to the child. Someone like jacob, who cannot speak, would not have been able to advocate for himself. There would need to be a multi agency respond, and religious from professionals, but people around to actually speak up for jacob. It wasntjust unfortunate he went from a horrific amount of abuse which seemingly went on that his for the duration of time. The government has announced the duration of time. The government has announced it the duration of time. The government has announced it does the duration of time. The government has announced it does plan the duration of time. The government has announced it does plan to the duration of time. The government has announced it does plan to reform | has announced it does plan to reform social care, we have heard this many times, but this time it says with a focus on a stable and loving home for children. New protocols we have been told have been put into place following this heartbreaking case. But how can we be confident that cases like this wont happen again . It is a big question. But what i can share with you is what the independent review into social care has recommended. Based on previous cases, that is going to be a need for leadership in the uk nationally to have a good response and pathway for a bruising for childrenjacobs age and younger. What you see in the pandemic was there was an increase in abuse identified, so there is to be more sufficient, robust responses. Information sharing is to beat out. Protocols for vulnerable babies and referrals where there are. Local authorities, babies and referrals where there are. Localauthorities, people, family members, the local Authority Needs to take that very serious. There has been a good response. I believe it needs a joint partnership response, notjust readers four professionals, but people who know these children are very vulnerable. Just one more question before you go. Just looking at a lockdown and focusing on lockdown, how heading were children at that point . I get down to some reports looking at this and how difficult it was for Social Services to actually access children when not allowed to go into someones homes. How did you get around that and how do Social Services make sure that they always have that conversation with young children, again, in the hope of not allowing this to happen again . What allowing this to happen again . What we had identified allowing this to happen again . Twat we had identified was that allowing this to happen again . Hisisgt we had identified was that there was an increase, almost doubling of referrals to the local authority during pandemic time. There was an increase of people calling due to concerns. The local authority can speak of locally were trying to heighten discussions with all practitioners and professionals. There is also an inviting back into school for children that were more vulnerable. The Education System was opening up for children with respite. There was an identification of the need to do Strategy Meetings at the early onset, so not to have a second guessing suspicions on referrals, or suspected malicious referrals, or suspected malicious referrals, but actually taking referrals, but actually taking referrals very seriously. I was involved some of the Safeguarding Partnership in response to some of the increased referrals. It was identified at a lot of children were very vulnerable because they were quite hidden. But there was still a need for the local authority to make visits where it need be and where they were suspect is very vulnerable at risk children. Although the pandemic did see a decrease in universal services, there are still amazed to ensure that where there were very Vulnerable Children the local Authority Workers would be in the home. S ,. , local Authority Workers would be in the home. M, u, local Authority Workers would be in the home. S ,. , the home. Appreciate your thoughts there. I the home. Appreciate your thoughts there lipst the home. Appreciate your thoughts there. I just want the home. Appreciate your thoughts there. I just want to the home. Appreciate your thoughts there. I just want to show the home. Appreciate your thoughts there. I just want to show you the home. Appreciate your thoughts there. I just want to show you some j there. I just want to show you some at live pictures just outside the court. Hopefully we can see those. I dont think we are able to show you those Light Pictures right now, but we are expecting the police to come and give a statement very shortly. Lets bring in sharon brian from the National Centre for Domestic Violence. We have heard a lot about how jacobs stepfather was found guilty of murder. Gemma barton was cleared for murder. The judge constantly talking about coercion and manipulation of babyjacobs mother. What do you think that this case does tell us on the wider scale of Domestic Violence . L case does tell us on the wider scale of Domestic Violence . Of Domestic Violence . I think that whilst there of Domestic Violence . I think that whilst there is of Domestic Violence . I think that whilst there is no of Domestic Violence . I think that whilst there is no excuse of Domestic Violence . I think that whilst there is no excuse for of Domestic Violence . I think that whilst there is no excuse for what happened whilst there is no excuse for what happened to jacob, i am very pleased person happened to jacob, i am very pleased person the, happened to jacob, i am very pleased person the, im sure all of us working person the, im sure All Of Us Working In person the, im sure All Of Us Working In the sector will be pleased working in the sector will be pleased that coercive control was brought pleased that coercive control was brought into the sentencing. Because it is a brought into the sentencing. Because it is a really. Brought into the sentencing. Because it is a really, really important. You it is a really, really important. You might it is a really, really important. You might have a lot of Domestic Abuse you might have a lot of Domestic Abuse can you might have a lot of Domestic Abuse can be physical, but one thing that we abuse can be physical, but one thing that we do abuse can be physical, but one thing that we do know is that it always starts that we do know is that it always starts off that we do know is that it always starts off with coercive control, whether starts off with coercive control, whether it starts off with coercive control, whether it ends in physical or not, coercive whether it ends in physical or not, coercive control will always be there coercive control will always be there. S ,. , there. And this happened during lockdown, where there. And this happened during lockdown, where we there. And this happened during lockdown, where we did there. And this happened during lockdown, where we did reports| there. And this happened during i lockdown, where we did reports on Domestic Violence potentially going up Domestic Violence potentially going up as more people were locked indoors. How has the dynamics changed since that time . We actually received, changed since that time . We actually received. Our changed since that time . We actually received, our referrals changed since that time . We actually received, our referrals went changed since that time . We actually received, our referrals went up, received, our referrals went up, escalated received, our referrals went up, escalated quite a lot as we were coming escalated quite a lot as we were coming out of the lockdown. But that doesnt coming out of the lockdown. But that doesnt surprise me, because that would doesnt surprise me, because that would have doesnt surprise me, because that would have been very limited opportunity for the victims of Domestic Abuse to do anything, to report Domestic Abuse to do anything, to report anything, because they were more report anything, because they were more or report anything, because they were more or less under house arrest with the perpetrator, with the abuser. So as we the perpetrator, with the abuser. So as we came the perpetrator, with the abuser. So as we came out of lockdown, then we started as we came out of lockdown, then we started to as we came out of lockdown, then we started to see our referrals escalate. Just last year we took nearly escalate. Just last year we took nearly 96,000 referrals, justly National Nearly 96,000 referrals, justly National Centre for Domestic Violence. National centre for Domestic Violence, and we know that over 80 of incidents violence, and we know that over 80 of incidents of Domestic Abuse are never of incidents of Domestic Abuse are never reported to anyone, the police or children never reported to anyone, the police or Children Services, or anyone. Never reported to anyone, the police or Children Services, oranyone. So we can or Children Services, oranyone. So we can only or Children Services, oranyone. So we can only imagine the actual scale of this we can only imagine the actual scale of this and we can only imagine the actual scale of this and the associated issues that come of this and the associated issues that come with it, which of course, sadly. That come with it, which of course, sadly. Is that come with it, which of course, sadlv. Is one that come with it, which of course, sadly, is one of child protection. In sadly, is one of child protection. In this sadly, is one of child protection. In this case sadly, is one of child protection. In this case we are looking at a child involved, how often are children involved with your inside, how often are children involved when mothers are being domestically abused . Would you say it is quite Common Practice . Abused . Would you say it is quite Common Practice . Yes, it is a very Common Practice . Yes, it is a very Common Practice Common Practice . Yes, it is a very Common Practice. Before Common Practice . Yes, it is a very Common Practice. Before i Common Practice . Yes, it is a very Common Practice. Before i worked| Common Practice . Yes, it is a very i Common Practice. Before i worked for nc dvd, Common Practice. Before i worked for nc dvd, i Common Practice. Before i worked for nc dvd, i worked in a Children Services nc dvd, i worked in a Children Services departments, and we saw about services departments, and we saw about 87 services departments, and we saw about 87 of cases referred in had an element of Domestic Abuse. It might an element of Domestic Abuse. It might not an element of Domestic Abuse. It might not have been what the actual case was might not have been what the actual case was referred into for. But as you delve case was referred into for. But as you delve deeper and spoke to the person. You delve deeper and spoke to the person, you found out that Domestic Abuse person, you found out that Domestic Abuse was person, you found out that Domestic Abuse was a person, you found out that Domestic Abuse was a feature in that relationship. Abuse was a feature in that relationshi. G ,. Relationship. Just while we are speaking. Relationship. Just while we are speaking. L relationship. Just while we are speaking. I just relationship. Just while we are speaking, i just want relationship. Just while we are speaking, i just want to relationship. Just while we are speaking, i just want to let relationship. Just while we are speaking, i just want to let viewers know we are awaiting a Police Statement on the steps outside derby crown court. They are expected to speak in a few moments. Before we go to that. Authorities say that new measures in place, how confident can be that they will prevent something similar happening again . I be that they will prevent something similar happening again . Similar happening again . I dont necessarily similar happening again . I dont necessarily think similar happening again . I dont necessarily think any similar happening again . I dont necessarily think any of similar happening again . I dont necessarily think any of us similar happening again . I dont necessarily think any of us can l similar happening again . I dont l necessarily think any of us can say that it necessarily think any of us can say that it wont necessarily think any of us can say that it wont happen again. Coercive control that it wont happen again. Coercive control particularly, whether it is within control particularly, whether it is within the control particularly, whether it is within the pandemic or not, is a very within the pandemic or not, is a very subtle within the pandemic or not, is a very subtle form of Domestic Abuse

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