Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708

beneath a besieged steel plant in mariupol. as millions endure a strict lockdown in shanghai, the bbc uncovers evidence of people as old as 100 who've been moved out of their homes after testing positive for covid—19. it's shanghai's most vulnerable who have suffered the most. almost all the official dead are elderly and unvaccinated. china's leaders insist that still chasing zero covid is the right thing. and music from the military: one of ukraine's biggest bands, antytila, team up with ed sheeran, releasing a new song as they serve in the war against russia. welcome to our viewers on pbs in america and around the globe. president biden has vowed to protect abortion rights in the united states after a leaked document suggested the supreme court is poised to overturn the ruling which legalised abortion nationwide. the draft opinion, written byjustice samuel alito, says the 1973 decision, roe v wade, was wrong from the start. 0ur north america editor, sarah smith, reports from washington. abortion is violence! 0utnumbered but vocal, outside the supreme court, anti—abortion activists scent victory, after nearly 50 years of fighting the constitutional guarantee of abortion rights, that's known as roe v wade. with overturning roe, it's going back to the states and the states are going to come up with these great programmes, a network of support to give women the choice, because right now a lot of women feels like abortion is their only choice. we want them to have real choice. you can stay in school and have a baby. you can have a job and have a baby. pro—choice campaigners aghast that more than half the states in america could ban or severely restrict abortion in the next few months, according to a leaked document from the supreme court. what did you think when you heard the decision what did you think when you read the decision last night? i thought, this is devastating. the courts are undermining the american people. and we have a long road ahead, but we are not letting this fight slip through our fingers. we are going to keep going. ninejustices sit on the supreme court, five of them, according to the leaked report, will vote to overturn abortion rights, with justice samuel alito writing that the decades—old decision to guarantee abortion was egregiously wrong. the impact will be sudden. there are 13 us states that have so—called trigger laws in place which would lead to an immediate ban on abortion. another 13 would move quickly to ban or severely limit access, says the guttmacher institute, a pro—choice group. it estimates 36 million women of reproductive age will live in states without abortion access. this is what the republicans have been working towards, this day for decades. they have been out there plotting, carefully cultivating these supreme courtjustices so they could have a majority on the bench who would accomplish something that the majority of americans do not want. all: abortion is violence! donald trump deliberately appointed three of the conservative supreme courtjustices, hoping to overturn the ban on abortion, a move welcomed by republicans around the country. i think i've been clear, i'm pro—life and i've made that very clear from the moment i announced my candidacy and i believe that what we found during the campaign and even through today is that there is a lot of common ground on this topic. we want fewer abortions in virginia, not more. president biden says he believes a woman's right to choose is fundamental. he wants to pass a law through congress guaranteeing access to abortion. everyone knew a ruling on abortion rights was coming from the supreme court, but such a dramatic change in the law has still come as a seismic shock. the passions ignited by one of the most divisive issues in america will not be silenced when the court delivers its official ruling. it wasn't silenced forward the delivery of the decision either. the senate majority leader in the united states, chuck schumer, says he plans to hold a vote as early as next week on enshrining the right to an abortion into federal law. it is our intention for the senate to hold a vote on legislation to codify the right to an abortion in law. second, a vote on this legislation is no longer an abstract exercise. this is as urgent and as real as it gets. we will vote to protect a woman's right to choose and every american is going to see which side every senator stands on. third, to the american people, i say this. the elections this november will have consequences because the rights of 100 million women are now on the ballot. we can now speak to jodi hicks who's ceo and president of planned parenthood affiliates of california, shejoins us from sacramento. thanks very much indeed for your time. thanks very much indeed for yourtime. i guess thanks very much indeed for your time. i guess the reality for californians is that not much action is going to change, really, is it? i much action is going to change, really. is it?— really, is it? i mean not much in the rights _ really, is it? i mean not much in the rights that _ really, is it? i mean not much in the rights that california i in the rights that california has guaranteed that we clarified in a state law, but we will be impacted because people will need a place to go and even though this draft decision was the worst case scenario and our worst night there being realised, the truth is we've been planning for this yearin is we've been planning for this year in california since september we've been ensuring that we are expanding capacity, that we are expanding capacity, that we are making sure that our providers are protect it. as we know, half the country will put forth some type of band to access to health services including abortion and we need to ensure that people are taken care of, no matter where they live.— are taken care of, no matter where they live. and that is a very reasoned _ where they live. and that is a very reasoned and _ very reasoned and understandable approach that you would a given take your side of the debate. it is a very polarising issue. there is a fact here though and that is the highest court in the land with some of the most reputable judges in the united states appear to have reached the view that the law has been wrong. well, what i would say is, first, it is a draft, and as of today, abortion is still legal throughout the country and health centres continue to be open. but this is settled law. this is something that we have a generation of people who have grown up with a very clear protection. 50 years of precedent ensuring they have access to healthca re precedent ensuring they have access to healthcare decisions and this court is poised to overturn that decision, even though 80% of americans believe that roe .v wade should be upheld. so you are seeing rallies and protests throughout the country today is that draft was released in an attempt to have extreme policymakers have their voices for the people have their voices heard in hopes that we make some change. do you have then, i'm just wondering from the way you praise that, —— phrased that, do you have a scintilla of hope that this may not be the final decision? everyone has had a chance to read this decision and it's clear it's very strident in many ways as to which way it's going and you talk about protest. they are mostly coming from areas where the states will probably maintain the current status quo. i maintain the current status iuo. ., maintain the current status iuo. . ., maintain the current status a u0. ., ., , ., , , quo. i mean, there are protests at the supreme _ quo. i mean, there are protests at the supreme court _ quo. i mean, there are protests at the supreme court right - quo. i mean, there are protests at the supreme court right nowj at the supreme court right now and i think people are coming from all around the country and no, i don't have, and i haven't had a lot of hope that this wouldn't be the end result but what i do know is that it is a wake—up call for many people who didn't know that, who aren't working day to day to ensure that patients can receive care. and i think that they are going to hear from a lot of folks and i think that there is a lot of very angry and devastated people and i think they are going to take that anger and turn it into action. and you have elections coming up and i think they will hearfrom voters on coming up and i think they will hear from voters on this specific issue.— hear from voters on this specific issue. certainly a very hot _ specific issue. certainly a very hot political- specific issue. certainly a very hot political issue. l specific issue. certainly a - very hot political issue. thank you very much. very hot political issue. thank you very much-— you very much. thank you for havin: you very much. thank you for having me- — to ukraine, more than 100 people who were trapped beneath the rubble of a steelworks in mariupol have finally been brought to safety. the evacuees have spent weeks without seeing daylight — living in tunnels beneath the facility. but the ceasefire that allowed them to escape was brief. fierce fighting has now begun in mariupol again — and the red cross says there are still an unknown number of people trapped in the city. our correspondent, laura bicker, watched as the first evacuees finally made it to safety in zaporizhzhia. theirjourney from hell is over. two months of horror ends in exhaustion and relief. katarina spent weeks hidden in the depths of the azovstal steel plant as russian bombs pounded the site. she tried to tell her children that everything would be ok, even when she didn't believe it herself. translation: how we were living, to be honest, - it was horrible. from morning until night we were bombarded. artillery, rockets, air strikes, our children couldn't sleep. they were crying, they were scared, and us as well. there were several times when we were losing hope we would ever get out. we are extremely glad to be in ukraine. for more than 60 days, these women and children were stuck in the darkness, living on rations handed down by ukrainian soldiers. it's been a difficult and complex operation to free them. translation: we lived in hope that every day would be - the last day in this hell, that we would go home to a peaceful mariupol, but now it is non—existent. this evacuation represents rare progress to ease the humanitarian cost of this war but hundreds more did not manage to make it on this bus. they are thought to still be trapped within the steel plant, including around a dozen children, and talks are still under way to free them. this footage from social media is said to show the azovstal steelworks this morning, under heavy attack from russian forces. this once thriving industrial heartland is now a charred shell. later in the video, russian tanks are seen patrolling what remains of the streets and park areas surrounding the huge factory. there are thought to be nearly 100,000 people still living in mariupol. translation: idon't. know where to go at all. i am not alone. imagine, everything is destroyed and broken. where should the people go now? here, they are sitting with small kids, little ones. i've got have nowhere to go. for those who have made it out, finally they have fresh food and a little hope. lives have been saved today but many more hang in the balance. laura bicker, bbc news, zaporizhzhia. in china, after more than a month of strict lockdown, authorities in shanghai are beginning to gradually ease covid restrictions. the number of new cases is falling — but thousands of people remain in government run quarantine facilities. the bbc has seen evidence of people in their 90's — —— 90s, some even 100 years old, who've been moved out of their homes after testing positive. robin brant reports from shanghai, where he's still in lockdown. it's taken more than a month, but now shanghai's leaders think this outbreak is contained. so, it's time for a mass clean—up. disinfection by an army of workers, thousands of them, before a gradual opening up. but the brutal war against covid has left a scarred city. people as old as 100 were among those tested positive and taken to quarantine centres. one man detailed what he saw first—hand on social media. translation: a lot of- the old people have underlying health problems, and the conditions inside quarantine centres are not good. we hope the elderlies can be sent to better hospitals. in the five weeks i've been locked down — you can't step outside the gates — it's shanghai's most vulnerable who've suffered the most. almost all the official dead are elderly and unvaccinated. china's leaders insist that still chasing zero covid is the right thing. the enforcement has been harsh at times. some people barricaded into their homes. 0r forced out of them. communities fenced off. but xijinping has made it clear there's no change. the man in charge of china's ruling communist party believes persistence is victory. this is now a test of china's way, of his credibility. one part of china has changed tack, though. in hong kong, we never did a total lockdown. schools were closed, a lot of people were working from home, but it was by no means a lockdown. and my concern in shanghai would be how long can this go on because the case numbers are not going to come down to zero immediately. they're going to drop down slowly, but the whole thing could happen again in a month or two months or three months if there's another outbreak of 0micron. debate about living with it on the mainland has been shut down in public, though, and there's little room for dissent. this man was detained by police for simply showing his shopping, some pork donated by a neighbouring province. his crime — highlighting the food supply problems. the government said this small—scale, subtle protest, banging pots in parts of shanghai, was influenced by foreign forces. china's capital is now on guard against any spread. most of this country has been virus—free now for almost two years. but as 0micron threatens, renewed anxiety is spreading. robin brant, bbc news, in shanghai. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: ukrainian group antytila team up with ed sheeran, releasing a new song as they serve in the war against russia. i, nelson rolihlahla mandela, do hereby swear to be faithful to the republic of south africa. after six years of construction and numerous delays, the channel tunnel has been formally opened by the queen and president mitterrand. but the tunnel is still not yet ready for passengers and freight services to begin. for centuries, christianity and i islam struggled for supremacy. now, the pope's visit - symbolises their willingness to coexist. roger bannister became the first man in the world to run a mile in underfour minutes. memories of victory as the ve celebrations reach their climax. this night is dedicated to everyone who believes in the future of peace and freedom. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: the us senate majority leader says he'll hold a symbolic vote to put the right to an abortion into federal law. earlier president biden said "basic fairness" demanded that the right to abortion be preserved. we are going to stay on that story now. we can now speak to marcia coyle who's chief washington correspondent for the national lanournal, where she covers the us supreme court and national legal issues. that this would never see the light of day. that this would never see the light of day-— light of day. absolutely. it was a real _ light of day. absolutely. it was a real shock _ light of day. absolutely. it was a real shock to - light of day. absolutely. it was a real shock to see i light of day. absolutely. it l was a real shock to see this type of lead from the supreme court. the court rarely has leaks. although they have happened. although nothing, nothing as big as the leak of a draft opinion in what is one of the most contentious areas of the most contentious areas of the law. so, yes, it was a big shock. .. . , the law. so, yes, it was a big shock. ., ,.,,._ ,, shock. you probably spent quite a lot of time _ shock. you probably spent quite a lot of time of _ shock. you probably spent quite a lot of time of the _ shock. you probably spent quite a lot of time of the last - shock. you probably spent quite a lot of time of the last 24 - a lot of time of the last 2a hours or so pouring over the language and the nature of the document, which is quite long, but has it affect did your own perception of the supreme court and of its reputation and it's sort of unsullied reputation? well, actually, the supreme court's public approval rating has been declining in recent times and especially took a dip when it decided to allow a texas anti—abortion or to go into effect and they think that, more than anything, had affected the public�*s perception of the supreme court and made it appear to be more of a partisan political institution than the justices really would like to see themselves as. and the justices have been very concerned in recent months about the legitimacy of the institution in the public�*s i. and i think starting with that texas anti—abortion at and now this draft opinion that would overturn almost 50 years of women's right to an abortion, the court is then, perhaps, some serious trouble. in which case, some serious trouble. in which case. let _ some serious trouble. in which case. let me — some serious trouble. in which case, let me put _ some serious trouble. in which case, let me put it _ some serious trouble. in which case, let me put it this - some serious trouble. in which case, let me put it this way, i case, let me put it this way, one can imagine that the public opinion of the supreme court fell, not least because there is a majority of people who think it is the right law and should remain that way, so they will be disappointed, where does that leave the court? it is, at the same time as may be more politicised than for some years, it is still trying to do a particularjob, which is assessed contentious laws and legislation for the land. that's correct, it is. where does that leave the court? well, i think we are realistic about what discourse is. this is a very conservative court and i expect that it's going to continue to have a conservative bent when it takes up some of these very contentious issues, not just these very contentious issues, notjust abortion, but these very contentious issues, not just abortion, but we expect the ruling soon from this court on the second amendment and gun rights and next term they already have a very big case involving the use of race in the admissions policies ofjewmacro of our major universities in the country. so i think everyone who follows the court is realistic that this is a conservative court, this is the court that voters, in a sense, have given us when they are elected president trump and a republican majority in the senate, they both together were able to nominate and confirm justices who i wouldn't say are partisan, but certainly have very conservative judicial philosophy. it very conservative 'udicial philosophyh very conservative 'udicial philosophy. very conservative 'udicial --hilosoh. , ~ philosophy. it sounds like we should be — philosophy. it sounds like we should be bracing _ philosophy. it sounds like we should be bracing ourselves. philosophy. it sounds like we l should be bracing ourselves for more contented to come. thank you very much indeed.— you very much indeed. good speaking — you very much indeed. good speaking to _ you very much indeed. good speaking to you. _ you very much indeed. good speaking to you. good - you very much indeed. (13mg. speaking to you. good speaking to you. take care. well, that news about the leaked supreme court document on abortion rights comes as voters in ohio have been choosing us senate nominees in a hotly contested race, one that many political observers say offers an early test of donald trump's influence over the party as he considers running for the presidency again in 202a. 0ur north america correspondent anthony zurcher has the details. this is going be an open seat for the ohio senate or the united states senate representing 0hio, so with a 50—50 senate control of the seat could decide who controls the senate in washington, dc. there is one democrat who is prominent running, who has already been declared the winner of his primary, tim ryan, who's the congressman representing eastern 0hio, but the republican field is very crowded and the person whose campaign headquarters i am here at now, jd vance, received a donald trump's endorsement. there are four other candidates running, three other were also vying for donald trump's endorsement. butjd vance, when he was endorsed by donald trump, saw a boost in his standings and right now, with early results coming in, he has a narrow lead. the people here at the election party behind me are cautiously optimistic that their candidate could prevail, even with only 20% of the vote. we will bring that to you as soon as it comes to us. ukrainian group antytila have teamed up with ed sheeran, releasing a new song partly filmed and recorded while serving in the war against russia. antytila are one of the biggest musical acts in ukraine but stopped working to join the military. proceeds from the song, which has so far been viewed over 1.5 million times on youtube, will go to help the people of ukraine. mark lobel reports. # cos we're living life at a different pace # stuck in a constant race # keep the pressure on, you're bound to break # something's got to change # we should just be cancelling all our plans # and not give a damn # if we're missing out # on what the people think is right...# the heartbreaking collaboration as the war grinds on. a message of hope amid the despair. # and then we'll go all night # two—stepping with the woman i love...# ed sheeran adding his voice to ukraine's resistance with ukrainian band antytila, musicians turned front—line medics, picking up the tune. singing in ukrainian shot on location in besieged kharkiv to raise money by by the musicians turn frontline medics to raise money for people of ukraine. writing while fighting. the band says they found a way to record the agony of families separated by war despite their recording studio being under occupation at the time. singing in ukrainian their message for the world after this appeal in march. the ukrainian superstars' tiktok video grabbing ed sheeran's attention ahead of a benefit concert for ukraine in which he performed, but they weren't allowed to, with organisers worried about associating with the military. nevertheless, their message got through. leading to this remix of a song the multi—award winner originally shot in kyiv before the invasion, in the hope his 2step with antytila can get the world in step with the determination of the ukrainian people through the power of music. mark lobel, bbc news. and, of course, more on that and all ukraine developments on our website. you are watching bbc news. hello there. we've seen plenty of cloud over the past few days. wednesday brings the promise of brighter skies. but with more in the way of sunshine, we could trigger some heavy downpours with the odd rumble of thunder and some lightning mixed in as well. here's the set—up as we move into wednesday, then. we've got these weather fronts bringing and patchy outbreaks of rain pushing eastwards, so it does mean that we start the day on a generally cloudy note. there could be a bit of mist and murk and some patchy outbreaks of rain. that is all shifting its way eastwards, so it will brighten up from the west as we go through the day. sunny spells coming through with more in the way of sunshine, could trigger those heavy thundery downpours. parts of eastern scotland, north—east england, and the midlands through to southern and central england seeing those heavy, thundery downpours. of course, not everyone catching one, but if you do see one, it could be heavy. and with more in the way of sunshine, it's going to be warmer highs, around 17 celsius in the south and east. as we move overnight, we'll see those showers fading away. we'll see plenty of clear spells, but turning cloudier across the north and west with some patchy outbreaks of rain. the temperatures not falling too far at all, staying in the single figures. as we move into thursday, here's how the pressure chart looks. high pressure tending to dominate across england and wales. here, we see a good deal of dry and fine weather. we have those weather fronts just topping across the top in the north—west, bringing cloud and outbreaks of rain. we do drag in this milder air from the south—west, so thursday is looking like a warmer day. a good deal of sunshine across england and wales. cloudier skies, though, across the north and west with some patchy outbreaks of rain. so, for the north, we are looking at highs of around 13—16 celsius, 16—21, perhaps 22 celsius in the south. friday, we'll see this band of rain pushing its way south. there could be some heavy bursts in there for parts of northern england and the midlands. drier and brighter behind it, and temperatures dropping off a touch here, but still warm in the south and east. highs of 20 degrees celsius. into the weekend, then, and high pressure dominates the weather, so it's looking like a settled picture. we'll see a good deal of dry, fine weather with light winds. so, if we take a quick look at those outlooks, we can see plenty of dry weather through the weekend. there'll be some patchy cloud and sunny spells and temperatures reaching a high of around 21 celsius. bye— bye. this is bbc news, the headlines: the senate majority leader in the us, chuck schumer, says he plans to hold a vote as early as next week on enshrining the right to an abortion into federal law. it follows the leaking of a draft supreme court ruling showing it plans to scrap the legal right to terminate a pregnancy. the ukrainian city of lviv has been hit by a number of missiles — the first strikes in the west of the country in more than a week. the city's mayor says parts of the city are without power

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Providers , Issue , Matter , Debate , Care Of , Side , Approach , Some , Land , Fact , View , Judges , Centres , Draft , First , Health , Precedent , Healthcare Decisions , Generation , Healthca Re , Rallies , Roe , 80 , Way , Hopes , Voices , Policymakers , Attempt , Hope , Protest , Chance , Ways , Scintilla , Areas , Status , Iuo , Status Quo , Haven T , Supreme Quo , Supreme Court Right Quo , I Don T Have , Supreme Court Right Nowj At The , Wake Up Call , Result , Wouldn T , Who Aren T , Know , The End , Didn T , Care , Patients , Folks , Voters , Anger , Specific , Evacuees , Steelworks , Tunnels , Havin , Rubble , Fighting , Ceasefire , Facility , City , Hell , Number , Laura Bicker , Zaporizhzhia , Horror , Theirjourney , Red Cross , Two , Idon T , Everything , Children , Relief , Exhaustion , Site , Depths , Bombs , Azovstal Steel Plant , Katarina , Times , Air Strikes , Artillery , Rockets , Scared , Couldn T Sleep , 60 , Rations , Soldiers , The Darkness , Evacuation , Progress , Operation , Plant , Cost , Bus , Hundreds , Talks , Forces , Social Media , Shell , Heartland , Video , Footage , Attack , Streets , Tanks , Patrolling , Factory , Food , Ones , Kids , Nowhere To Go , 100000 , Cases , Lives , Hang , Balance , Restrictions , Authorities , Government , Thousands , Run Quarantine Facilities , 90 , Outbreak , Robin Brant , It S Time , Positive , Clean Up , Workers , Opening , Disinfection , Man , Translation , Hand On Social Media , Quarantine Centres , Elderlies , Health Problems , Hospitals , Conditions , Enforcement , 0r , Communities , Charge , Xijinping , Test , Victory , Part , Persistence , Communist Party , Credibility , Tack , Concern , Schools , Working From Home , Hong Kong , Case , Public , Numbers , Mainland , 0micron , Police , Room , Capital , Province , Food Supply Problems , Dissent , Pork , Pots , Shopping , Guard , Now , Spread , Ukrainian Group Antytila , Team Up , Anxiety , Stay , Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela , Mitterrand , Construction , Queen , Delays , Republic Of South Africa , Channel Tunnel , Six , Supremacy , Tunnel , Services , Passengers , Freight , Willingness , Pope , Islam , Christianity , World , Memories , Ve Celebrations , Roger Bannister , Climax , Peace And Freedom , Headlines , Basic Fairness , Correspondent , Story , Marcia Coyle Who , Lanournal , Lead , Light Of Day , Light , Leaks , It L , Nothing , Leak , Reputation , Perception , Language , Nature , 2 , 24 , Approval Rating , Dip , Sort , Anti Abortion , Public S Perception , Anything , Effect , Texas , Justices , Institution , Legitimacy , S I , Trouble , Opinion , Particularjob , Politicised , Discourse , Laws , Bent , Race , Policies , Universities , Admissions , Term , Use , Trump , Sense , Partisan , , Speaking , Philosophy , News , Supreme Court Document On Abortion Rights , Take Care , Udicial Philosophy , Udicial Philosophyh Very Conservative , Conservative , We L , Hilosoh , Indeed , Presidency , Observers , Party , Nominees , Influence , Details , Anthony Zurcher , Ohio , 202a , 202 , Democrat , Seat , Running , Control , Eastern 0hio , Washington Dc , Endorsement , Winner , Campaign Headquarters , Candidates , Vance , Person , Congressman , Jd , Primary , Field , Republican , Tim Ryan , Four , Results , Other , Standings , Butjd Vance , Saw A Boost , Candidate , Election , 20 , Serving , Antytila Have , Proceeds , Acts , Life , Pace , Cos , Mark Lobel , Youtube , 1 5 Million , Pressure , Message , Plans , Collaboration , Damn , Despair , Musicians , Voice , Front Line Medics , Singing , Resistance , Tune , Band Antytila , Money , Location , Frontline Medics , Kharkiv , Families , Occupation , Recording Studio , Appeal , Agony , Superstars , Weren T , Attention , Benefit Concert , Organisers , Video Grabbing , 2step , Remix , Invasion , Kyiv , Power , Step , Determination , Course , Cloud , More , Plenty , Developments , Website , Outbreaks , Sunshine , Downpours , Weather Fronts , Lightning , Set Up , Thunder , Rain Pushing Eastwards , Skies , Odd Rumble , Promise , Wednesday , Rain , Spells , West , Thundery Downpours , Note , Bit , Mist , Murk , Way Eastwards , East , Highs , Parts , Northern England , In The South , Midlands , Heavy , North East England , Eastern Scotland , 17 , Temperatures , Pressure Chart Looks , Showers , Figures , Turning Cloudier , Wales , Weather , Deal , North , Air , Top , North West , South West , Cloudier Skies , Friday , Bursts , Celsius In The South , Way South , 21 , 16 , 22 , Weekend , High Pressure , Look , South , Touch , Picture , Outlooks , Light Winds , Bye , Right , Pregnancy , Leaking Of A Draft Supreme Court Ruling , Strikes , Missiles , Hit , Lviv , Mayor ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708

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beneath a besieged steel plant in mariupol. as millions endure a strict lockdown in shanghai, the bbc uncovers evidence of people as old as 100 who've been moved out of their homes after testing positive for covid—19. it's shanghai's most vulnerable who have suffered the most. almost all the official dead are elderly and unvaccinated. china's leaders insist that still chasing zero covid is the right thing. and music from the military: one of ukraine's biggest bands, antytila, team up with ed sheeran, releasing a new song as they serve in the war against russia. welcome to our viewers on pbs in america and around the globe. president biden has vowed to protect abortion rights in the united states after a leaked document suggested the supreme court is poised to overturn the ruling which legalised abortion nationwide. the draft opinion, written byjustice samuel alito, says the 1973 decision, roe v wade, was wrong from the start. 0ur north america editor, sarah smith, reports from washington. abortion is violence! 0utnumbered but vocal, outside the supreme court, anti—abortion activists scent victory, after nearly 50 years of fighting the constitutional guarantee of abortion rights, that's known as roe v wade. with overturning roe, it's going back to the states and the states are going to come up with these great programmes, a network of support to give women the choice, because right now a lot of women feels like abortion is their only choice. we want them to have real choice. you can stay in school and have a baby. you can have a job and have a baby. pro—choice campaigners aghast that more than half the states in america could ban or severely restrict abortion in the next few months, according to a leaked document from the supreme court. what did you think when you heard the decision what did you think when you read the decision last night? i thought, this is devastating. the courts are undermining the american people. and we have a long road ahead, but we are not letting this fight slip through our fingers. we are going to keep going. ninejustices sit on the supreme court, five of them, according to the leaked report, will vote to overturn abortion rights, with justice samuel alito writing that the decades—old decision to guarantee abortion was egregiously wrong. the impact will be sudden. there are 13 us states that have so—called trigger laws in place which would lead to an immediate ban on abortion. another 13 would move quickly to ban or severely limit access, says the guttmacher institute, a pro—choice group. it estimates 36 million women of reproductive age will live in states without abortion access. this is what the republicans have been working towards, this day for decades. they have been out there plotting, carefully cultivating these supreme courtjustices so they could have a majority on the bench who would accomplish something that the majority of americans do not want. all: abortion is violence! donald trump deliberately appointed three of the conservative supreme courtjustices, hoping to overturn the ban on abortion, a move welcomed by republicans around the country. i think i've been clear, i'm pro—life and i've made that very clear from the moment i announced my candidacy and i believe that what we found during the campaign and even through today is that there is a lot of common ground on this topic. we want fewer abortions in virginia, not more. president biden says he believes a woman's right to choose is fundamental. he wants to pass a law through congress guaranteeing access to abortion. everyone knew a ruling on abortion rights was coming from the supreme court, but such a dramatic change in the law has still come as a seismic shock. the passions ignited by one of the most divisive issues in america will not be silenced when the court delivers its official ruling. it wasn't silenced forward the delivery of the decision either. the senate majority leader in the united states, chuck schumer, says he plans to hold a vote as early as next week on enshrining the right to an abortion into federal law. it is our intention for the senate to hold a vote on legislation to codify the right to an abortion in law. second, a vote on this legislation is no longer an abstract exercise. this is as urgent and as real as it gets. we will vote to protect a woman's right to choose and every american is going to see which side every senator stands on. third, to the american people, i say this. the elections this november will have consequences because the rights of 100 million women are now on the ballot. we can now speak to jodi hicks who's ceo and president of planned parenthood affiliates of california, shejoins us from sacramento. thanks very much indeed for your time. thanks very much indeed for yourtime. i guess thanks very much indeed for your time. i guess the reality for californians is that not much action is going to change, really, is it? i much action is going to change, really. is it?— really, is it? i mean not much in the rights _ really, is it? i mean not much in the rights that _ really, is it? i mean not much in the rights that california i in the rights that california has guaranteed that we clarified in a state law, but we will be impacted because people will need a place to go and even though this draft decision was the worst case scenario and our worst night there being realised, the truth is we've been planning for this yearin is we've been planning for this year in california since september we've been ensuring that we are expanding capacity, that we are expanding capacity, that we are making sure that our providers are protect it. as we know, half the country will put forth some type of band to access to health services including abortion and we need to ensure that people are taken care of, no matter where they live.— are taken care of, no matter where they live. and that is a very reasoned _ where they live. and that is a very reasoned and _ very reasoned and understandable approach that you would a given take your side of the debate. it is a very polarising issue. there is a fact here though and that is the highest court in the land with some of the most reputable judges in the united states appear to have reached the view that the law has been wrong. well, what i would say is, first, it is a draft, and as of today, abortion is still legal throughout the country and health centres continue to be open. but this is settled law. this is something that we have a generation of people who have grown up with a very clear protection. 50 years of precedent ensuring they have access to healthca re precedent ensuring they have access to healthcare decisions and this court is poised to overturn that decision, even though 80% of americans believe that roe .v wade should be upheld. so you are seeing rallies and protests throughout the country today is that draft was released in an attempt to have extreme policymakers have their voices for the people have their voices heard in hopes that we make some change. do you have then, i'm just wondering from the way you praise that, —— phrased that, do you have a scintilla of hope that this may not be the final decision? everyone has had a chance to read this decision and it's clear it's very strident in many ways as to which way it's going and you talk about protest. they are mostly coming from areas where the states will probably maintain the current status quo. i maintain the current status iuo. ., maintain the current status iuo. . ., maintain the current status a u0. ., ., , ., , , quo. i mean, there are protests at the supreme _ quo. i mean, there are protests at the supreme court _ quo. i mean, there are protests at the supreme court right - quo. i mean, there are protests at the supreme court right nowj at the supreme court right now and i think people are coming from all around the country and no, i don't have, and i haven't had a lot of hope that this wouldn't be the end result but what i do know is that it is a wake—up call for many people who didn't know that, who aren't working day to day to ensure that patients can receive care. and i think that they are going to hear from a lot of folks and i think that there is a lot of very angry and devastated people and i think they are going to take that anger and turn it into action. and you have elections coming up and i think they will hearfrom voters on coming up and i think they will hear from voters on this specific issue.— hear from voters on this specific issue. certainly a very hot _ specific issue. certainly a very hot political- specific issue. certainly a very hot political issue. l specific issue. certainly a - very hot political issue. thank you very much. very hot political issue. thank you very much-— you very much. thank you for havin: you very much. thank you for having me- — to ukraine, more than 100 people who were trapped beneath the rubble of a steelworks in mariupol have finally been brought to safety. the evacuees have spent weeks without seeing daylight — living in tunnels beneath the facility. but the ceasefire that allowed them to escape was brief. fierce fighting has now begun in mariupol again — and the red cross says there are still an unknown number of people trapped in the city. our correspondent, laura bicker, watched as the first evacuees finally made it to safety in zaporizhzhia. theirjourney from hell is over. two months of horror ends in exhaustion and relief. katarina spent weeks hidden in the depths of the azovstal steel plant as russian bombs pounded the site. she tried to tell her children that everything would be ok, even when she didn't believe it herself. translation: how we were living, to be honest, - it was horrible. from morning until night we were bombarded. artillery, rockets, air strikes, our children couldn't sleep. they were crying, they were scared, and us as well. there were several times when we were losing hope we would ever get out. we are extremely glad to be in ukraine. for more than 60 days, these women and children were stuck in the darkness, living on rations handed down by ukrainian soldiers. it's been a difficult and complex operation to free them. translation: we lived in hope that every day would be - the last day in this hell, that we would go home to a peaceful mariupol, but now it is non—existent. this evacuation represents rare progress to ease the humanitarian cost of this war but hundreds more did not manage to make it on this bus. they are thought to still be trapped within the steel plant, including around a dozen children, and talks are still under way to free them. this footage from social media is said to show the azovstal steelworks this morning, under heavy attack from russian forces. this once thriving industrial heartland is now a charred shell. later in the video, russian tanks are seen patrolling what remains of the streets and park areas surrounding the huge factory. there are thought to be nearly 100,000 people still living in mariupol. translation: idon't. know where to go at all. i am not alone. imagine, everything is destroyed and broken. where should the people go now? here, they are sitting with small kids, little ones. i've got have nowhere to go. for those who have made it out, finally they have fresh food and a little hope. lives have been saved today but many more hang in the balance. laura bicker, bbc news, zaporizhzhia. in china, after more than a month of strict lockdown, authorities in shanghai are beginning to gradually ease covid restrictions. the number of new cases is falling — but thousands of people remain in government run quarantine facilities. the bbc has seen evidence of people in their 90's — —— 90s, some even 100 years old, who've been moved out of their homes after testing positive. robin brant reports from shanghai, where he's still in lockdown. it's taken more than a month, but now shanghai's leaders think this outbreak is contained. so, it's time for a mass clean—up. disinfection by an army of workers, thousands of them, before a gradual opening up. but the brutal war against covid has left a scarred city. people as old as 100 were among those tested positive and taken to quarantine centres. one man detailed what he saw first—hand on social media. translation: a lot of- the old people have underlying health problems, and the conditions inside quarantine centres are not good. we hope the elderlies can be sent to better hospitals. in the five weeks i've been locked down — you can't step outside the gates — it's shanghai's most vulnerable who've suffered the most. almost all the official dead are elderly and unvaccinated. china's leaders insist that still chasing zero covid is the right thing. the enforcement has been harsh at times. some people barricaded into their homes. 0r forced out of them. communities fenced off. but xijinping has made it clear there's no change. the man in charge of china's ruling communist party believes persistence is victory. this is now a test of china's way, of his credibility. one part of china has changed tack, though. in hong kong, we never did a total lockdown. schools were closed, a lot of people were working from home, but it was by no means a lockdown. and my concern in shanghai would be how long can this go on because the case numbers are not going to come down to zero immediately. they're going to drop down slowly, but the whole thing could happen again in a month or two months or three months if there's another outbreak of 0micron. debate about living with it on the mainland has been shut down in public, though, and there's little room for dissent. this man was detained by police for simply showing his shopping, some pork donated by a neighbouring province. his crime — highlighting the food supply problems. the government said this small—scale, subtle protest, banging pots in parts of shanghai, was influenced by foreign forces. china's capital is now on guard against any spread. most of this country has been virus—free now for almost two years. but as 0micron threatens, renewed anxiety is spreading. robin brant, bbc news, in shanghai. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: ukrainian group antytila team up with ed sheeran, releasing a new song as they serve in the war against russia. i, nelson rolihlahla mandela, do hereby swear to be faithful to the republic of south africa. after six years of construction and numerous delays, the channel tunnel has been formally opened by the queen and president mitterrand. but the tunnel is still not yet ready for passengers and freight services to begin. for centuries, christianity and i islam struggled for supremacy. now, the pope's visit - symbolises their willingness to coexist. roger bannister became the first man in the world to run a mile in underfour minutes. memories of victory as the ve celebrations reach their climax. this night is dedicated to everyone who believes in the future of peace and freedom. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: the us senate majority leader says he'll hold a symbolic vote to put the right to an abortion into federal law. earlier president biden said "basic fairness" demanded that the right to abortion be preserved. we are going to stay on that story now. we can now speak to marcia coyle who's chief washington correspondent for the national lanournal, where she covers the us supreme court and national legal issues. that this would never see the light of day. that this would never see the light of day-— light of day. absolutely. it was a real _ light of day. absolutely. it was a real shock _ light of day. absolutely. it was a real shock to - light of day. absolutely. it was a real shock to see i light of day. absolutely. it l was a real shock to see this type of lead from the supreme court. the court rarely has leaks. although they have happened. although nothing, nothing as big as the leak of a draft opinion in what is one of the most contentious areas of the most contentious areas of the law. so, yes, it was a big shock. .. . , the law. so, yes, it was a big shock. ., ,.,,._ ,, shock. you probably spent quite a lot of time _ shock. you probably spent quite a lot of time of _ shock. you probably spent quite a lot of time of the _ shock. you probably spent quite a lot of time of the last - shock. you probably spent quite a lot of time of the last 24 - a lot of time of the last 2a hours or so pouring over the language and the nature of the document, which is quite long, but has it affect did your own perception of the supreme court and of its reputation and it's sort of unsullied reputation? well, actually, the supreme court's public approval rating has been declining in recent times and especially took a dip when it decided to allow a texas anti—abortion or to go into effect and they think that, more than anything, had affected the public�*s perception of the supreme court and made it appear to be more of a partisan political institution than the justices really would like to see themselves as. and the justices have been very concerned in recent months about the legitimacy of the institution in the public�*s i. and i think starting with that texas anti—abortion at and now this draft opinion that would overturn almost 50 years of women's right to an abortion, the court is then, perhaps, some serious trouble. in which case, some serious trouble. in which case. let _ some serious trouble. in which case. let me — some serious trouble. in which case, let me put _ some serious trouble. in which case, let me put it _ some serious trouble. in which case, let me put it this - some serious trouble. in which case, let me put it this way, i case, let me put it this way, one can imagine that the public opinion of the supreme court fell, not least because there is a majority of people who think it is the right law and should remain that way, so they will be disappointed, where does that leave the court? it is, at the same time as may be more politicised than for some years, it is still trying to do a particularjob, which is assessed contentious laws and legislation for the land. that's correct, it is. where does that leave the court? well, i think we are realistic about what discourse is. this is a very conservative court and i expect that it's going to continue to have a conservative bent when it takes up some of these very contentious issues, not just these very contentious issues, notjust abortion, but these very contentious issues, not just abortion, but we expect the ruling soon from this court on the second amendment and gun rights and next term they already have a very big case involving the use of race in the admissions policies ofjewmacro of our major universities in the country. so i think everyone who follows the court is realistic that this is a conservative court, this is the court that voters, in a sense, have given us when they are elected president trump and a republican majority in the senate, they both together were able to nominate and confirm justices who i wouldn't say are partisan, but certainly have very conservative judicial philosophy. it very conservative 'udicial philosophyh very conservative 'udicial philosophy. very conservative 'udicial --hilosoh. , ~ philosophy. it sounds like we should be — philosophy. it sounds like we should be bracing _ philosophy. it sounds like we should be bracing ourselves. philosophy. it sounds like we l should be bracing ourselves for more contented to come. thank you very much indeed.— you very much indeed. good speaking — you very much indeed. good speaking to _ you very much indeed. good speaking to you. _ you very much indeed. good speaking to you. good - you very much indeed. (13mg. speaking to you. good speaking to you. take care. well, that news about the leaked supreme court document on abortion rights comes as voters in ohio have been choosing us senate nominees in a hotly contested race, one that many political observers say offers an early test of donald trump's influence over the party as he considers running for the presidency again in 202a. 0ur north america correspondent anthony zurcher has the details. this is going be an open seat for the ohio senate or the united states senate representing 0hio, so with a 50—50 senate control of the seat could decide who controls the senate in washington, dc. there is one democrat who is prominent running, who has already been declared the winner of his primary, tim ryan, who's the congressman representing eastern 0hio, but the republican field is very crowded and the person whose campaign headquarters i am here at now, jd vance, received a donald trump's endorsement. there are four other candidates running, three other were also vying for donald trump's endorsement. butjd vance, when he was endorsed by donald trump, saw a boost in his standings and right now, with early results coming in, he has a narrow lead. the people here at the election party behind me are cautiously optimistic that their candidate could prevail, even with only 20% of the vote. we will bring that to you as soon as it comes to us. ukrainian group antytila have teamed up with ed sheeran, releasing a new song partly filmed and recorded while serving in the war against russia. antytila are one of the biggest musical acts in ukraine but stopped working to join the military. proceeds from the song, which has so far been viewed over 1.5 million times on youtube, will go to help the people of ukraine. mark lobel reports. # cos we're living life at a different pace # stuck in a constant race # keep the pressure on, you're bound to break # something's got to change # we should just be cancelling all our plans # and not give a damn # if we're missing out # on what the people think is right...# the heartbreaking collaboration as the war grinds on. a message of hope amid the despair. # and then we'll go all night # two—stepping with the woman i love...# ed sheeran adding his voice to ukraine's resistance with ukrainian band antytila, musicians turned front—line medics, picking up the tune. singing in ukrainian shot on location in besieged kharkiv to raise money by by the musicians turn frontline medics to raise money for people of ukraine. writing while fighting. the band says they found a way to record the agony of families separated by war despite their recording studio being under occupation at the time. singing in ukrainian their message for the world after this appeal in march. the ukrainian superstars' tiktok video grabbing ed sheeran's attention ahead of a benefit concert for ukraine in which he performed, but they weren't allowed to, with organisers worried about associating with the military. nevertheless, their message got through. leading to this remix of a song the multi—award winner originally shot in kyiv before the invasion, in the hope his 2step with antytila can get the world in step with the determination of the ukrainian people through the power of music. mark lobel, bbc news. and, of course, more on that and all ukraine developments on our website. you are watching bbc news. hello there. we've seen plenty of cloud over the past few days. wednesday brings the promise of brighter skies. but with more in the way of sunshine, we could trigger some heavy downpours with the odd rumble of thunder and some lightning mixed in as well. here's the set—up as we move into wednesday, then. we've got these weather fronts bringing and patchy outbreaks of rain pushing eastwards, so it does mean that we start the day on a generally cloudy note. there could be a bit of mist and murk and some patchy outbreaks of rain. that is all shifting its way eastwards, so it will brighten up from the west as we go through the day. sunny spells coming through with more in the way of sunshine, could trigger those heavy thundery downpours. parts of eastern scotland, north—east england, and the midlands through to southern and central england seeing those heavy, thundery downpours. of course, not everyone catching one, but if you do see one, it could be heavy. and with more in the way of sunshine, it's going to be warmer highs, around 17 celsius in the south and east. as we move overnight, we'll see those showers fading away. we'll see plenty of clear spells, but turning cloudier across the north and west with some patchy outbreaks of rain. the temperatures not falling too far at all, staying in the single figures. as we move into thursday, here's how the pressure chart looks. high pressure tending to dominate across england and wales. here, we see a good deal of dry and fine weather. we have those weather fronts just topping across the top in the north—west, bringing cloud and outbreaks of rain. we do drag in this milder air from the south—west, so thursday is looking like a warmer day. a good deal of sunshine across england and wales. cloudier skies, though, across the north and west with some patchy outbreaks of rain. so, for the north, we are looking at highs of around 13—16 celsius, 16—21, perhaps 22 celsius in the south. friday, we'll see this band of rain pushing its way south. there could be some heavy bursts in there for parts of northern england and the midlands. drier and brighter behind it, and temperatures dropping off a touch here, but still warm in the south and east. highs of 20 degrees celsius. into the weekend, then, and high pressure dominates the weather, so it's looking like a settled picture. we'll see a good deal of dry, fine weather with light winds. so, if we take a quick look at those outlooks, we can see plenty of dry weather through the weekend. there'll be some patchy cloud and sunny spells and temperatures reaching a high of around 21 celsius. bye— bye. this is bbc news, the headlines: the senate majority leader in the us, chuck schumer, says he plans to hold a vote as early as next week on enshrining the right to an abortion into federal law. it follows the leaking of a draft supreme court ruling showing it plans to scrap the legal right to terminate a pregnancy. the ukrainian city of lviv has been hit by a number of missiles — the first strikes in the west of the country in more than a week. the city's mayor says parts of the city are without power

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Providers , Issue , Matter , Debate , Care Of , Side , Approach , Some , Land , Fact , View , Judges , Centres , Draft , First , Health , Precedent , Healthcare Decisions , Generation , Healthca Re , Rallies , Roe , 80 , Way , Hopes , Voices , Policymakers , Attempt , Hope , Protest , Chance , Ways , Scintilla , Areas , Status , Iuo , Status Quo , Haven T , Supreme Quo , Supreme Court Right Quo , I Don T Have , Supreme Court Right Nowj At The , Wake Up Call , Result , Wouldn T , Who Aren T , Know , The End , Didn T , Care , Patients , Folks , Voters , Anger , Specific , Evacuees , Steelworks , Tunnels , Havin , Rubble , Fighting , Ceasefire , Facility , City , Hell , Number , Laura Bicker , Zaporizhzhia , Horror , Theirjourney , Red Cross , Two , Idon T , Everything , Children , Relief , Exhaustion , Site , Depths , Bombs , Azovstal Steel Plant , Katarina , Times , Air Strikes , Artillery , Rockets , Scared , Couldn T Sleep , 60 , Rations , Soldiers , The Darkness , Evacuation , Progress , Operation , Plant , Cost , Bus , Hundreds , Talks , Forces , Social Media , Shell , Heartland , Video , Footage , Attack , Streets , Tanks , Patrolling , Factory , Food , Ones , Kids , Nowhere To Go , 100000 , Cases , Lives , Hang , Balance , Restrictions , Authorities , Government , Thousands , Run Quarantine Facilities , 90 , Outbreak , Robin Brant , It S Time , Positive , Clean Up , Workers , Opening , Disinfection , Man , Translation , Hand On Social Media , Quarantine Centres , Elderlies , Health Problems , Hospitals , Conditions , Enforcement , 0r , Communities , Charge , Xijinping , Test , Victory , Part , Persistence , Communist Party , Credibility , Tack , Concern , Schools , Working From Home , Hong Kong , Case , Public , Numbers , Mainland , 0micron , Police , Room , Capital , Province , Food Supply Problems , Dissent , Pork , Pots , Shopping , Guard , Now , Spread , Ukrainian Group Antytila , Team Up , Anxiety , Stay , Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela , Mitterrand , Construction , Queen , Delays , Republic Of South Africa , Channel Tunnel , Six , Supremacy , Tunnel , Services , Passengers , Freight , Willingness , Pope , Islam , Christianity , World , Memories , Ve Celebrations , Roger Bannister , Climax , Peace And Freedom , Headlines , Basic Fairness , Correspondent , Story , Marcia Coyle Who , Lanournal , Lead , Light Of Day , Light , Leaks , It L , Nothing , Leak , Reputation , Perception , Language , Nature , 2 , 24 , Approval Rating , Dip , Sort , Anti Abortion , Public S Perception , Anything , Effect , Texas , Justices , Institution , Legitimacy , S I , Trouble , Opinion , Particularjob , Politicised , Discourse , Laws , Bent , Race , Policies , Universities , Admissions , Term , Use , Trump , Sense , Partisan , , Speaking , Philosophy , News , Supreme Court Document On Abortion Rights , Take Care , Udicial Philosophy , Udicial Philosophyh Very Conservative , Conservative , We L , Hilosoh , Indeed , Presidency , Observers , Party , 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