Transcripts For BBCNEWS Tim Westwood 20240708 : comparemela.

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Tim Westwood 20240708

for now. hello, this is bbc news with joanna gosling. the headlines... the bbc understands that conservative mp neil parish accused of watching pornography in parliament is expected to resign. moscow claims that more than a million people have been evacuated from ukraine to russia since the start of the conflict. police officers searching for 33—year—old katie kenyon who went missing a week ago have found the body of a woman. now on bbc news, the bbc investigates the renowned rap dj tim westwood, hearing from six black women who accuse him of sexual misconduct, predatory sexual encounters and unwanted touching. a warning this programme contains details some viewers may find distressing. you are a legend, bro. you are a legend. tim, tim westwood! westwood and me, i the n—sign rap show. i keep hearing, tim westwood, tim westwood. tim westwood. westwood! tim westwood. westwood. mother bleep tim westwood. tim westwood tv. my man, tim westwood. westwood, we know what we're doing here. the 2007 mobo for best dj, tim westwood! - cheering he's undone his trousers. he actually tapped me to turn around to look at the fact that he was exposing himself. around to look at the fact i rememberjust feeling completely powerless. this is not about music now, and i'm just very, very scared. is it real? this was an assault. i'm a big dog! baby, you don't have to put your top back on. i was 17. he was twice my age. there was this kind of power dynamic. this is predatory behaviour. 0h! ijust really wish i'd be able to speak to my teenage self and say, "oh, my god. just get out of there." i would describe it as an abuse of power because who are they going to believe, this little girl from the midlands or this big, shiny star from london? he's on national radio, international. now drop the bomb. yeah. do you have sex with a lot of black girls? not as much as i'd like to. # check this out...# the �*90s, it was a great time. london was a hotbed of activity — in particularfor the r&b community. i think i was maybe talent scouted at a nightclub. i was maybe 16 or 17. i was certainly the youngest within the group. i was essentially living my life within the nightlife, as it were, because that's when all of the performances and the recordings were happening. so i think i probably met him at one of those events, thinking, "right, this guy's really tall," because he's unusually really, really tall, and probably being young and naive, just thinking, "oh, wow, i've met tim westwood." the countdown continues! the beats and the bassline with me, tim westwood. i kiss fm with me, tim westwood. he was the number one hip—hop dj at the time. everybody would be interviewed by tim westwood. r kelly, what's up, man? what's up, baby? show us some of your rap. 0k, pay attention. he had absolute power — within the recording industry and the black community — despite him being a white man. he had absolute power. so, i think on one of our meetings he probably suggested that we should go out. "you can meet this particular person or you can meet that producer." so as if it was framed as a working opportunity. so i was led into the living room. he was gone for a brief moment and i was kind of just standing there. not knowing if i should sit on the sofa or at the table. i could just make out lots and lots of vinyl. and then he returns. before i could even say, "i'll have a drink or a cup of tea or anything," he was pulling down my bottoms and my trousers, and then my knickers, and then he began instantaneously to give me oral sex. there was no talking. there was no communication about that. it wasjust, before i knew it, that's what was happening. i'm slim, i'm about 5'3" — really small, definitely in comparison to him. he's six foot something. i think i remember trying to push either his shoulder or his head but he just continued, and then ijust realised that, i'm in a position where it's already gone too far. i'm in a place, i'm already far from home, i wouldn't know how to get home from here. i was manipulated into that situation. i was led to believe one thing when he had something else in mind. then he finishes. and then it's as if that hadn't happened. i think maybe he could see that i was completely taken unawares. and i was so uncomfortable at that stage. i think it was almost implied by him that, 0k, because we'd had that first encounter, that i'd be up for the next encounter. and being young and not having the strength and courage to say, "look, no, i don't feel right about this." because i didn't feel right about it, itjust happened. i was 17, he was twice my age. there was this kind of power dynamic. i really do remember the last time. i'm not sure where the courage came from or what had built inside of me, where ijust told him, "look, no, we're not going to do this again." he couldn't believe that i was actually saying no. i think i assumed he was 20—something. but then much later i calculated it and i figured that he would have been either 3a or 35 when i was 17. and that's really no age for a man, a grown man, to be moving around with teenagers. yo, we are live on bbc two. welcome to the radio 1 rap show. this is how radio 1 gets down. westwood in the house tonight! i worked with kids who wanted to do music. and he knew that i knew about the hip—hop industry. he wanted to be able to appeal to a younger audience, so he wanted to know, "how do i get that?" and then he asked me if i could come and intern and he says, "do i need to ask permission from someone?" spoke to my mother on the phone. my mother is not for play-play in any capacity. she's a stern jamaican woman. so she had to know that i was going to be ok when i left her house. so, i get to london, and he picks me up personally. i remember being in the car. he kept putting his hand on my leg and stroking my leg and touching my face. running his hands in my hair. like, "what are you doing? stop touching me!" we went back to this apartment. his apartment. i was meant to be staying in a hotel. i was sat in this guy's apartment, i'm thinking, "ok, when am i going to this hotel?" this is what i should have clarified, but i didn't. if you're going to do an internship somewhere, you're not expecting that person to take you to their house. that is unprofessional. and especially for someone of your calibre at that time in this country. his apartment was not anything special at all. there was hardly any furniture, just lots of records and trainers and oversized clothes everywhere. he came up and sat on the bed, "come sit." i sat on the edge of the bed, then he starts touching me and removing stuff and i'm pulling it back and he's pulling it down, and i'm pulling it back, and he's kissing me on the neck and on my shoulders and bleep. even though he'd already tried to rub me up in the car, i'm thinking, "ok, maybe i've put the message across that, that's not what i'm here for." i didn't give him any kind of come on. there was no flirtation. that is not somebody i would ever look at and find attractive. all of my boyfriends have been beautiful, handsome black men. i don't even date white boys, so, there you go. if you were actively trying to touch me and i'm pushing your hands away, that means i don't want to do anything with you. if you are trying to remove an item of my clothing and i put it back on, that means i don't want it to be gone. if i'm showing you i'm uncomfortable, why would you not just stop doing it? so, me, sat in his house thinking, how am i going to get out of this? but knowing i can't get out of it. i'm in london, alone, with this guy who's a lot older than me. now, if i try to get out of it, who's to say how he's going to react? so i just submit to it. traumatic, that's how i describe it. it felt really disgusting. how have i let myself be subjected to that? that's how i felt. when i first started in the car game i was looking pretty weak out there, but nowadays i'm a big dawg and i like cars that bang in yourface. 1xtra, let's go, baby! the 2007 mobo for best dj is yo, dawg, tim westwood! _ i'd grown up singing in gospel churches. up until about the age of 18 i didn't really listen to secular music because it just wasn't allowed in my house. ok, so, he's going to be in our home town, i'd just finished recording a mix tape. we thought this cd is going to be impressive because he's going to be like, "how do you know all these people, how did you get all these features?" let's go and give him the cd, let's see what he thinks. so me, my friend and stepmum all went to the club together. one of the things i remember from the night was, he was promoting his line of condoms that he'd done with durex. courtesy of your boy westwood. you've got to strap it up before you slam it up. and you think in your head, "oh, it makes sense, because we're all uni students and this person's got promotional condoms to hand out to make sure we're all safe." but the promotional condoms gave him a window to make lots of sexually explicit comments over the microphone. so i didn't want to go. i wasjust, like, a bit nervous. but we wrote down my telephone number on this piece of paper, slipped it in the cd, hand him the cd, and then we were both like, "yes, result!" like, "he's got the cd, the precious cd!" he said he wants to listen and talk about stuff. iwas... i was excited. he wants to act on this quickly, so we're like, you know, let's get it done. i came into marylebone station, and the plan was to meet outside of nike town in oxford circus. and when i got there, he was in a car. it's an assumption, a complete assumption i've made that we're going somewhere to talk about the music, so i don't ask where we're going. we're heading out of central london now. this is where i'm now like, "oh, god. where are we going, what's happening?" i'm starting to feel a bit uncomfortable, because i don't know where we are, and we're heading out of where i can find a tube station. the conversation�*s died now as well. the conversation�*s died. it's very quiet, very quiet, and then the next thing, he's undone his trousers. he actually tapped me to turn around and look at the fact that he's exposing himself, so i've looked, and i've seen, and i'm like, "oh, no. oh, oh, no." like, "oh, my god. just don't say anything. don't look." my response to any situations like that is just don't try and fight your way out of it, and it sounds super—extreme, because no—one�*s threatening you, but i can only say as a woman, when you're in those situations, your worst fear is it's going to result in you being killed. so i rememberjust feeling completely powerless, and i've resigned in my mind, the fact that this is not about the music now, and i'm just very, very scared. we've gone into this room, i've gone and sat down, there's records everywhere. the only question that he asked was, "do you want a drink?" i was like, "no." at this point, i'm not about to be drinking anything from this man. so he leaves the room, and then he comes back in, completely naked. and he's walking through. i was sat on the sofa and he's... oh, sorry. can ijust... sorry, can i stop for a second? sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. ooh. i just felt a bit funny then. sorry. ooh. i'd never seen a white man naked in person before, as well, so that was horrifying because he was old and he had the tiniest matchstick thighs i'd ever seen in my life, and horrible wispy body hairs and, yeah, he literally was just there and it was so gross. like, so, so gross. he put his drink down on the side and that's when i've noticed that he's got a condom and he's removed it and started putting it on. and i recognised it because they had the slogans on it. they had his face on the side and i remember him throwing it down. he's not saying anything to the fact that i'm a little bit twitchy, i'm a tiny bitjittery. like, i'm trying to move away. he's not responsive to the fact that... to the fact of that, and i don't say anything. i was visibly upset because i was closed body language, hunched shoulders, quite frightful looking. i was literally, like, frozen. i couldn't move. and i remember after he's put the condom on and i've been sat on the chair, and there was this horrible moment he, like, held me by the shoulders and, like, turned me around. i knew what was going to happen at this point, so i'mjust like, "oh, god." i'm just trying not to... and i rememberjust, like, being hunched up and, like, holding onto the back of the chair, like, scared. and then in the car, where he tapped me to gesture to me, he almost, like, tapped me on the back of my leg, as if he wanted me to move my leg, which i didn't do, and then he sort of did. and then that was it. he was done. he got off. i think he left the room. ijust remember feeling so deflated and so sad, and feeling really ashamed of myself and bad. it's westwood! i play hip—hop. i'm talking about new york rap, west coast, dirty south, - uk hip—hop, gangster rap, | uplifting, inspirational rap, smoothing it out for my ladies with some r&b. i i've been in this game all my life. now, my man matt is here - with the too much for tv cameras. we want to capture all my beautiful, freaky girls! - i like your rack. is it real? oh, oh, oh, oh! i'lljust get... you are so beautiful, baby. at the time, there was a bbc 1xtra radio show where he did a programme every weekend, and i loved it. i was a huge fan. snoop dogg in the building! what's up, fam? i was 19 years old, a fresher, and when they said at university that he's going to come to perform, i was really, really excited. so we got to the club. we're going in, we're going in! he only performed a really short set in the end. it was a bit disappointing, but i thought at least i'll get a picture out of it with tim westwood. everyone was getting togetherfor a picture. i went to stand next to him. as everyone was moving in for the photo, ifelt his hand go down my back and grab my bum. ifelt his hand go back up and stopped at my neck, and, do you know, in that moment, i was kind of frozen. i mean, i know how i would react now, as a grown woman, but as a teenager i really didn't know how to react. ifeel a bit sick, actually. looking at it in the photo makes it feel real. i look really young. just as the flash on the camera went, he said, "let me grab some ass," and then he put his hand down the back of my denim shorts. i was shocked. i froze and felt very intimidated. he then started asking if i was interested in going back to where he was staying to "chill". ijust think, i feel vulnerable that, l here's this new guy at the station, and you might be the person- who replaces me on a saturday night. yo, saturday night, 7—11,- we are on and popping right now! let's get it! over ten years deep in the game. over 400 million video views, 800,000 subscribers. - this sunday, we're celebrating. westwood! welcome to the party! watch out, 1st january, our day one party. - that's right, £1 admission for my ladies in advance. | new year, new you. we were really excited because it was new year's day. one of my friends and i were at the front, iwasjust like, erm... 0k. but one of my other friends wants a video with him. but as she's taking this video, he essentially moves his hand down my back and puts his hand up the back of my skirt. i stepped back because i'm a bit shocked from it, and i didn't really expect it to happen, and ijust felt kind of, like, objectified, really. he calls me on snapchat the next day, asking if i want to, like, hang out. i would love to hang out. 0h, 0k. doing what, though? whatever you'd want, baby. but i guess because at the time i was quite young, it does make me feel angry, to be honest. let's not act like this guy doesn't hold power over here in this... this bbc. his name holds weight here, and that's the scary thing for anyone. notjust me. and me and people like me don't ever get believed when we speak about stuff like this, so we don't. he happens to have a certain type of person that he targets. the victims are black females. we all know he's got a bit of a taste for darker skinned women who no—one else finds attractive. that's how society's viewing it, unattractive. you're assumed maybe that there is something that you could gain from it. publicity, notoriety, fame, whatever. people don't see, like, fragility in black women. there is this undertone of, well, the powerful white male, there are other women and young girls who have experienced what i've been through on different levels, and i wouldn't want anybody out there to hear their stories and say, she's probably made it up, or it was her fault in any way. ijust want to add the weight of my story to theirs. just to say that this is actually what happened. this is how this person behaves. so doing this is important because it makes it feel like that wasn't completely for nothing. like, i don'tjust have this trauma scar for no reason. there's a purpose for other people to not have to experience it. we have to stop protecting these people. good afternoon. very mixed weather fortunes out there for this final day of april. for some, much needed rain. others, just a continuation of what has been the very dry theme. and you can see the stark differences here on our earlier satellite and radar picture. for another and ireland and scotland, lots of cloud, outbreaks of rain, some pretty heavy rain throughout the rest of the afternoon. this is the rest of the afternoon. this is the wettest weather we have seen for quite some time. a bit more cloud into western fringes of wales. but otherwise fine and dry. some hazy sunshine, temperatures up to 17 degrees. this evening and tonight, this cloud and rain will be moving southwards, tending to weaken as it goes. some heavier bursts around western areas. overnight temperatures not falling far, 7—10 . what about the rest of the weekend? sunday will bring some rain across england and wales, something a little brighterfor england and wales, something a little brighter for scotland and northern ireland. cloud on monday as i'm thi i'm sis bbc news with the latest headlines. the bbc understands that conservative mp neil parish accused of watching pornography in parliament is expected to resign later. police officers searching for 33—year old katie kenyon who went missing a week ago have found the body of a woman. moscow claims that more than a million people have been evacuated from ukraine to russia since the start of the conflict. ukraine accuses russia of stealing several hundred thousand tonnes of grain from territory its forces occupy. the kremlin has denied any knowledge of the alleged theft. iam ben i am ben brown reporting live from the ukrainian capital where the authorities in kyiv say they are

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Rain , Cloud , Spells , Showers , Chances , Chance , Degrees , West End , Odd Burst Out , Cardiff , Plymouth , 11 , One , 12 , Two , Temperatures , Sunshine , Lot , Affair , Times , Glasgow , Spots , Bank Holiday , Cloud Around , Aa , 17 , Weather , Normally Rain , Pressure , Parts , Rest , Lots , Afternoon , Mix , Bursts , Control , End , Headlines , Hello , Bbc News , Joanna Gosling , Ukraine , People , Neil Parish , Katie Kenyon , Start , Pornography , Parliament , Conflict , Police Officers , Russia , Moscow , Conservative , 33 , A Million , Tim Westwood , Women , Woman , Body , Hearing , Encounters , Touching , Sexual Misconduct , Six , Legend , Programme , Warning , Viewers , Details , Bro , Rap Show , Bleep , Tim Westwood Tv , The N , Man , Trousers , Dj , Mobo , Cheering , 2007 , Music , Fact , Assault , Ijust , Baby , Age , Kind , Power Dynamic , Behaviour , Top , Big Dog , 0 , Power , Shiny Star , Central London , There , Girl , Big , Self , Abuse , God , Midlands , Girls , Radio , Sex , Bomb , 90 , Hotbed , Particularfor , R B Community , Wall , Life , Recordings , Nightclub , Nightlife , Talent , Group , Performances , 16 , Guy , Countdown , Thinking , Events , Beats , Bassline , Kiss Fm With Me , 0k , Rap , Everybody , Show , Hip Hop Dj , Recording Industry , What S Up , R Kelly , Community , Meetings , Person , Producer , Working Opportunity , The Living Room , Anything , Drink , Sofa , Table , Vinyl , Cup , Tea , It , Communication , Bottoms , Knickers , Talking , Oral Sex , It Wasjust , Something , Comparison , 5 , 3 , Home , Position , Shoulder , Head , Situation , Wouldn T , Place , Thing , Mind , Hadn T , Unawares , Stage , Courage , Encounter , Strength , Itjust , He Couldn T , Teenagers , 35 , 20 , Yo , Radio 1 , Westwood In The House , Bbc Two , 1 , Kids , Hip Hop Industry , Audience , Mother , Someone , House , Permission , Phone , Capacity , Jamaican , Hand , Car , Leg , Apartment , Hotel , Hands , Face , Hair , Internship Somewhere , Records , Everywhere , Country , Clothes , Special , Calibre , Furniture , Trainers , Sat , Stuff , Neck , Bed , It Back , Edge , Come Sit , Shoulders , Message , Flirtation , Come On , Somebody , Boyfriends , Boys , Men , Item , Clothing , House Thinking , Traumatic , Car Game , Cars , Bang , Big Dawg , Let S Go , 1xtra , Yourface , Best Dj Is Yo , Gospel Churches , 18 , Let S See , Town , Recording , Wasn , Mix Tape , Things , Night , Features , Friend , Club , Stepmum , Condoms , Line , Boy , Durex , Comments , Safe , Uni Students , Window , Microphone , Sense , Cd , Telephone Number , Result , Piece , Paper , Iwas , Plan , Marylebone Station , Oxford Circus , Nike , Assumption , Somewhere , What S Happening , Conversation , Tube Station , Oh , Way , Situations , Response , Just Don T , Say Anything , Don T Look , Fear , You , No One , Room , Question , Down , Point , Second , Well , Side , In My Life , Matchstick Thighs , Gross , Horrible Wispy Body Hairs , Condom , Slogans , Body Language , Tiny Bitjittery , Chair , Frozen , Couldn T Move , Back , Gesture , Scared , Hip Hop , All My Life , Ladies , R B , Gangster Rap , Inspirational Rap , Dirty South , Uk , New York , West Coast , Smoothing , Uplifting , Much , Beautiful , Tv Cameras , Rack , Man Matt , I Lljust Get , Weekend , Bbc 1xtra Radio Show , Fan , Building , Fam , Snoop Dogg , 19 , The Club , University , Everyone , Picture , Set , The End , Togetherfor , Ifelt , Bum , His Hand Go , Teenager , Sick , Ifeel , Flash , Camera , Ass , Denim , Chill , Station , Saturday Night , 7 , Party , Video Views , Sunday , Subscribers , 400 Million , Ten , 800000 , Watch Out , 1st January , Admission , Advance , That S Right , , Friends , Front , Iwasjust Like , Erm , 0k , Video , Skirt , Objectified , Snapchat , Whatever , Hang Out , 0h , Doing What , Guy Doesn T Hold Power , Weight , Anyone , Name , Notjust Me , Type , Victims , Females , Publicity , Viewing It , Bit , Taste , Society , Else , Unattractive , Notoriety , Male , Fragility , Undertone , People Don T See , Anybody , Levels , It Up , Say , Stories , Story , Fault , Purpose , Wasn T , Nothing , Reason , Trauma Scar , Weather Fortunes , Some , Continuation , Differences , Others , Satellite , Radar , Another , Theme , Northern Ireland , Scotland , Outbreaks , Wales , Western Fringes , This Cloud And Rain Will Be Moving Southwards , Evening , Tending , Areas , 10 , Little , England , Sis , Knowledge , Forces , Grain , Territory , Kremlin , Iam Ben , Theft , Ukrainian Capital , Ben Brown , Authorities , Kyiv ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Tim Westwood 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Tim Westwood 20240708

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for now. hello, this is bbc news with joanna gosling. the headlines... the bbc understands that conservative mp neil parish accused of watching pornography in parliament is expected to resign. moscow claims that more than a million people have been evacuated from ukraine to russia since the start of the conflict. police officers searching for 33—year—old katie kenyon who went missing a week ago have found the body of a woman. now on bbc news, the bbc investigates the renowned rap dj tim westwood, hearing from six black women who accuse him of sexual misconduct, predatory sexual encounters and unwanted touching. a warning this programme contains details some viewers may find distressing. you are a legend, bro. you are a legend. tim, tim westwood! westwood and me, i the n—sign rap show. i keep hearing, tim westwood, tim westwood. tim westwood. westwood! tim westwood. westwood. mother bleep tim westwood. tim westwood tv. my man, tim westwood. westwood, we know what we're doing here. the 2007 mobo for best dj, tim westwood! - cheering he's undone his trousers. he actually tapped me to turn around to look at the fact that he was exposing himself. around to look at the fact i rememberjust feeling completely powerless. this is not about music now, and i'm just very, very scared. is it real? this was an assault. i'm a big dog! baby, you don't have to put your top back on. i was 17. he was twice my age. there was this kind of power dynamic. this is predatory behaviour. 0h! ijust really wish i'd be able to speak to my teenage self and say, "oh, my god. just get out of there." i would describe it as an abuse of power because who are they going to believe, this little girl from the midlands or this big, shiny star from london? he's on national radio, international. now drop the bomb. yeah. do you have sex with a lot of black girls? not as much as i'd like to. # check this out...# the �*90s, it was a great time. london was a hotbed of activity — in particularfor the r&b community. i think i was maybe talent scouted at a nightclub. i was maybe 16 or 17. i was certainly the youngest within the group. i was essentially living my life within the nightlife, as it were, because that's when all of the performances and the recordings were happening. so i think i probably met him at one of those events, thinking, "right, this guy's really tall," because he's unusually really, really tall, and probably being young and naive, just thinking, "oh, wow, i've met tim westwood." the countdown continues! the beats and the bassline with me, tim westwood. i kiss fm with me, tim westwood. he was the number one hip—hop dj at the time. everybody would be interviewed by tim westwood. r kelly, what's up, man? what's up, baby? show us some of your rap. 0k, pay attention. he had absolute power — within the recording industry and the black community — despite him being a white man. he had absolute power. so, i think on one of our meetings he probably suggested that we should go out. "you can meet this particular person or you can meet that producer." so as if it was framed as a working opportunity. so i was led into the living room. he was gone for a brief moment and i was kind of just standing there. not knowing if i should sit on the sofa or at the table. i could just make out lots and lots of vinyl. and then he returns. before i could even say, "i'll have a drink or a cup of tea or anything," he was pulling down my bottoms and my trousers, and then my knickers, and then he began instantaneously to give me oral sex. there was no talking. there was no communication about that. it wasjust, before i knew it, that's what was happening. i'm slim, i'm about 5'3" — really small, definitely in comparison to him. he's six foot something. i think i remember trying to push either his shoulder or his head but he just continued, and then ijust realised that, i'm in a position where it's already gone too far. i'm in a place, i'm already far from home, i wouldn't know how to get home from here. i was manipulated into that situation. i was led to believe one thing when he had something else in mind. then he finishes. and then it's as if that hadn't happened. i think maybe he could see that i was completely taken unawares. and i was so uncomfortable at that stage. i think it was almost implied by him that, 0k, because we'd had that first encounter, that i'd be up for the next encounter. and being young and not having the strength and courage to say, "look, no, i don't feel right about this." because i didn't feel right about it, itjust happened. i was 17, he was twice my age. there was this kind of power dynamic. i really do remember the last time. i'm not sure where the courage came from or what had built inside of me, where ijust told him, "look, no, we're not going to do this again." he couldn't believe that i was actually saying no. i think i assumed he was 20—something. but then much later i calculated it and i figured that he would have been either 3a or 35 when i was 17. and that's really no age for a man, a grown man, to be moving around with teenagers. yo, we are live on bbc two. welcome to the radio 1 rap show. this is how radio 1 gets down. westwood in the house tonight! i worked with kids who wanted to do music. and he knew that i knew about the hip—hop industry. he wanted to be able to appeal to a younger audience, so he wanted to know, "how do i get that?" and then he asked me if i could come and intern and he says, "do i need to ask permission from someone?" spoke to my mother on the phone. my mother is not for play-play in any capacity. she's a stern jamaican woman. so she had to know that i was going to be ok when i left her house. so, i get to london, and he picks me up personally. i remember being in the car. he kept putting his hand on my leg and stroking my leg and touching my face. running his hands in my hair. like, "what are you doing? stop touching me!" we went back to this apartment. his apartment. i was meant to be staying in a hotel. i was sat in this guy's apartment, i'm thinking, "ok, when am i going to this hotel?" this is what i should have clarified, but i didn't. if you're going to do an internship somewhere, you're not expecting that person to take you to their house. that is unprofessional. and especially for someone of your calibre at that time in this country. his apartment was not anything special at all. there was hardly any furniture, just lots of records and trainers and oversized clothes everywhere. he came up and sat on the bed, "come sit." i sat on the edge of the bed, then he starts touching me and removing stuff and i'm pulling it back and he's pulling it down, and i'm pulling it back, and he's kissing me on the neck and on my shoulders and bleep. even though he'd already tried to rub me up in the car, i'm thinking, "ok, maybe i've put the message across that, that's not what i'm here for." i didn't give him any kind of come on. there was no flirtation. that is not somebody i would ever look at and find attractive. all of my boyfriends have been beautiful, handsome black men. i don't even date white boys, so, there you go. if you were actively trying to touch me and i'm pushing your hands away, that means i don't want to do anything with you. if you are trying to remove an item of my clothing and i put it back on, that means i don't want it to be gone. if i'm showing you i'm uncomfortable, why would you not just stop doing it? so, me, sat in his house thinking, how am i going to get out of this? but knowing i can't get out of it. i'm in london, alone, with this guy who's a lot older than me. now, if i try to get out of it, who's to say how he's going to react? so i just submit to it. traumatic, that's how i describe it. it felt really disgusting. how have i let myself be subjected to that? that's how i felt. when i first started in the car game i was looking pretty weak out there, but nowadays i'm a big dawg and i like cars that bang in yourface. 1xtra, let's go, baby! the 2007 mobo for best dj is yo, dawg, tim westwood! _ i'd grown up singing in gospel churches. up until about the age of 18 i didn't really listen to secular music because it just wasn't allowed in my house. ok, so, he's going to be in our home town, i'd just finished recording a mix tape. we thought this cd is going to be impressive because he's going to be like, "how do you know all these people, how did you get all these features?" let's go and give him the cd, let's see what he thinks. so me, my friend and stepmum all went to the club together. one of the things i remember from the night was, he was promoting his line of condoms that he'd done with durex. courtesy of your boy westwood. you've got to strap it up before you slam it up. and you think in your head, "oh, it makes sense, because we're all uni students and this person's got promotional condoms to hand out to make sure we're all safe." but the promotional condoms gave him a window to make lots of sexually explicit comments over the microphone. so i didn't want to go. i wasjust, like, a bit nervous. but we wrote down my telephone number on this piece of paper, slipped it in the cd, hand him the cd, and then we were both like, "yes, result!" like, "he's got the cd, the precious cd!" he said he wants to listen and talk about stuff. iwas... i was excited. he wants to act on this quickly, so we're like, you know, let's get it done. i came into marylebone station, and the plan was to meet outside of nike town in oxford circus. and when i got there, he was in a car. it's an assumption, a complete assumption i've made that we're going somewhere to talk about the music, so i don't ask where we're going. we're heading out of central london now. this is where i'm now like, "oh, god. where are we going, what's happening?" i'm starting to feel a bit uncomfortable, because i don't know where we are, and we're heading out of where i can find a tube station. the conversation�*s died now as well. the conversation�*s died. it's very quiet, very quiet, and then the next thing, he's undone his trousers. he actually tapped me to turn around and look at the fact that he's exposing himself, so i've looked, and i've seen, and i'm like, "oh, no. oh, oh, no." like, "oh, my god. just don't say anything. don't look." my response to any situations like that is just don't try and fight your way out of it, and it sounds super—extreme, because no—one�*s threatening you, but i can only say as a woman, when you're in those situations, your worst fear is it's going to result in you being killed. so i rememberjust feeling completely powerless, and i've resigned in my mind, the fact that this is not about the music now, and i'm just very, very scared. we've gone into this room, i've gone and sat down, there's records everywhere. the only question that he asked was, "do you want a drink?" i was like, "no." at this point, i'm not about to be drinking anything from this man. so he leaves the room, and then he comes back in, completely naked. and he's walking through. i was sat on the sofa and he's... oh, sorry. can ijust... sorry, can i stop for a second? sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. ooh. i just felt a bit funny then. sorry. ooh. i'd never seen a white man naked in person before, as well, so that was horrifying because he was old and he had the tiniest matchstick thighs i'd ever seen in my life, and horrible wispy body hairs and, yeah, he literally was just there and it was so gross. like, so, so gross. he put his drink down on the side and that's when i've noticed that he's got a condom and he's removed it and started putting it on. and i recognised it because they had the slogans on it. they had his face on the side and i remember him throwing it down. he's not saying anything to the fact that i'm a little bit twitchy, i'm a tiny bitjittery. like, i'm trying to move away. he's not responsive to the fact that... to the fact of that, and i don't say anything. i was visibly upset because i was closed body language, hunched shoulders, quite frightful looking. i was literally, like, frozen. i couldn't move. and i remember after he's put the condom on and i've been sat on the chair, and there was this horrible moment he, like, held me by the shoulders and, like, turned me around. i knew what was going to happen at this point, so i'mjust like, "oh, god." i'm just trying not to... and i rememberjust, like, being hunched up and, like, holding onto the back of the chair, like, scared. and then in the car, where he tapped me to gesture to me, he almost, like, tapped me on the back of my leg, as if he wanted me to move my leg, which i didn't do, and then he sort of did. and then that was it. he was done. he got off. i think he left the room. ijust remember feeling so deflated and so sad, and feeling really ashamed of myself and bad. it's westwood! i play hip—hop. i'm talking about new york rap, west coast, dirty south, - uk hip—hop, gangster rap, | uplifting, inspirational rap, smoothing it out for my ladies with some r&b. i i've been in this game all my life. now, my man matt is here - with the too much for tv cameras. we want to capture all my beautiful, freaky girls! - i like your rack. is it real? oh, oh, oh, oh! i'lljust get... you are so beautiful, baby. at the time, there was a bbc 1xtra radio show where he did a programme every weekend, and i loved it. i was a huge fan. snoop dogg in the building! what's up, fam? i was 19 years old, a fresher, and when they said at university that he's going to come to perform, i was really, really excited. so we got to the club. we're going in, we're going in! he only performed a really short set in the end. it was a bit disappointing, but i thought at least i'll get a picture out of it with tim westwood. everyone was getting togetherfor a picture. i went to stand next to him. as everyone was moving in for the photo, ifelt his hand go down my back and grab my bum. ifelt his hand go back up and stopped at my neck, and, do you know, in that moment, i was kind of frozen. i mean, i know how i would react now, as a grown woman, but as a teenager i really didn't know how to react. ifeel a bit sick, actually. looking at it in the photo makes it feel real. i look really young. just as the flash on the camera went, he said, "let me grab some ass," and then he put his hand down the back of my denim shorts. i was shocked. i froze and felt very intimidated. he then started asking if i was interested in going back to where he was staying to "chill". ijust think, i feel vulnerable that, l here's this new guy at the station, and you might be the person- who replaces me on a saturday night. yo, saturday night, 7—11,- we are on and popping right now! let's get it! over ten years deep in the game. over 400 million video views, 800,000 subscribers. - this sunday, we're celebrating. westwood! welcome to the party! watch out, 1st january, our day one party. - that's right, £1 admission for my ladies in advance. | new year, new you. we were really excited because it was new year's day. one of my friends and i were at the front, iwasjust like, erm... 0k. but one of my other friends wants a video with him. but as she's taking this video, he essentially moves his hand down my back and puts his hand up the back of my skirt. i stepped back because i'm a bit shocked from it, and i didn't really expect it to happen, and ijust felt kind of, like, objectified, really. he calls me on snapchat the next day, asking if i want to, like, hang out. i would love to hang out. 0h, 0k. doing what, though? whatever you'd want, baby. but i guess because at the time i was quite young, it does make me feel angry, to be honest. let's not act like this guy doesn't hold power over here in this... this bbc. his name holds weight here, and that's the scary thing for anyone. notjust me. and me and people like me don't ever get believed when we speak about stuff like this, so we don't. he happens to have a certain type of person that he targets. the victims are black females. we all know he's got a bit of a taste for darker skinned women who no—one else finds attractive. that's how society's viewing it, unattractive. you're assumed maybe that there is something that you could gain from it. publicity, notoriety, fame, whatever. people don't see, like, fragility in black women. there is this undertone of, well, the powerful white male, there are other women and young girls who have experienced what i've been through on different levels, and i wouldn't want anybody out there to hear their stories and say, she's probably made it up, or it was her fault in any way. ijust want to add the weight of my story to theirs. just to say that this is actually what happened. this is how this person behaves. so doing this is important because it makes it feel like that wasn't completely for nothing. like, i don'tjust have this trauma scar for no reason. there's a purpose for other people to not have to experience it. we have to stop protecting these people. good afternoon. very mixed weather fortunes out there for this final day of april. for some, much needed rain. others, just a continuation of what has been the very dry theme. and you can see the stark differences here on our earlier satellite and radar picture. for another and ireland and scotland, lots of cloud, outbreaks of rain, some pretty heavy rain throughout the rest of the afternoon. this is the rest of the afternoon. this is the wettest weather we have seen for quite some time. a bit more cloud into western fringes of wales. but otherwise fine and dry. some hazy sunshine, temperatures up to 17 degrees. this evening and tonight, this cloud and rain will be moving southwards, tending to weaken as it goes. some heavier bursts around western areas. overnight temperatures not falling far, 7—10 . what about the rest of the weekend? sunday will bring some rain across england and wales, something a little brighterfor england and wales, something a little brighter for scotland and northern ireland. cloud on monday as i'm thi i'm sis bbc news with the latest headlines. the bbc understands that conservative mp neil parish accused of watching pornography in parliament is expected to resign later. police officers searching for 33—year old katie kenyon who went missing a week ago have found the body of a woman. moscow claims that more than a million people have been evacuated from ukraine to russia since the start of the conflict. ukraine accuses russia of stealing several hundred thousand tonnes of grain from territory its forces occupy. the kremlin has denied any knowledge of the alleged theft. iam ben i am ben brown reporting live from the ukrainian capital where the authorities in kyiv say they are

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Rain , Cloud , Spells , Showers , Chances , Chance , Degrees , West End , Odd Burst Out , Cardiff , Plymouth , 11 , One , 12 , Two , Temperatures , Sunshine , Lot , Affair , Times , Glasgow , Spots , Bank Holiday , Cloud Around , Aa , 17 , Weather , Normally Rain , Pressure , Parts , Rest , Lots , Afternoon , Mix , Bursts , Control , End , Headlines , Hello , Bbc News , Joanna Gosling , Ukraine , People , Neil Parish , Katie Kenyon , Start , Pornography , Parliament , Conflict , Police Officers , Russia , Moscow , Conservative , 33 , A Million , Tim Westwood , Women , Woman , Body , Hearing , Encounters , Touching , Sexual Misconduct , Six , Legend , Programme , Warning , Viewers , Details , Bro , Rap Show , Bleep , Tim Westwood Tv , The N , Man , Trousers , Dj , Mobo , Cheering , 2007 , Music , Fact , Assault , Ijust , Baby , Age , Kind , Power Dynamic , Behaviour , Top , Big Dog , 0 , Power , Shiny Star , Central London , There , Girl , Big , Self , Abuse , God , Midlands , Girls , Radio , Sex , Bomb , 90 , Hotbed , Particularfor , R B Community , Wall , Life , Recordings , Nightclub , Nightlife , Talent , Group , Performances , 16 , Guy , Countdown , Thinking , Events , Beats , Bassline , Kiss Fm With Me , 0k , Rap , Everybody , Show , Hip Hop Dj , Recording Industry , What S Up , R Kelly , Community , Meetings , Person , Producer , Working Opportunity , The Living Room , Anything , Drink , Sofa , Table , Vinyl , Cup , Tea , It , Communication , Bottoms , Knickers , Talking , Oral Sex , It Wasjust , Something , Comparison , 5 , 3 , Home , Position , Shoulder , Head , Situation , Wouldn T , Place , Thing , Mind , Hadn T , Unawares , Stage , Courage , Encounter , Strength , Itjust , He Couldn T , Teenagers , 35 , 20 , Yo , Radio 1 , Westwood In The House , Bbc Two , 1 , Kids , Hip Hop Industry , Audience , Mother , Someone , House , Permission , Phone , Capacity , Jamaican , Hand , Car , Leg , Apartment , Hotel , Hands , Face , Hair , Internship Somewhere , Records , Everywhere , Country , Clothes , Special , Calibre , Furniture , Trainers , Sat , Stuff , Neck , Bed , It Back , Edge , Come Sit , Shoulders , Message , Flirtation , Come On , Somebody , Boyfriends , Boys , Men , Item , Clothing , House Thinking , Traumatic , Car Game , Cars , Bang , Big Dawg , Let S Go , 1xtra , Yourface , Best Dj Is Yo , Gospel Churches , 18 , Let S See , Town , Recording , Wasn , Mix Tape , Things , Night , Features , Friend , Club , Stepmum , Condoms , Line , Boy , Durex , Comments , Safe , Uni Students , Window , Microphone , Sense , Cd , Telephone Number , Result , Piece , Paper , Iwas , Plan , Marylebone Station , Oxford Circus , Nike , Assumption , Somewhere , What S Happening , Conversation , Tube Station , Oh , Way , Situations , Response , Just Don T , Say Anything , Don T Look , Fear , You , No One , Room , Question , Down , Point , Second , Well , Side , In My Life , Matchstick Thighs , Gross , Horrible Wispy Body Hairs , Condom , Slogans , Body Language , Tiny Bitjittery , Chair , Frozen , Couldn T Move , Back , Gesture , Scared , Hip Hop , All My Life , Ladies , R B , Gangster Rap , Inspirational Rap , Dirty South , Uk , New York , West Coast , Smoothing , Uplifting , Much , Beautiful , Tv Cameras , Rack , Man Matt , I Lljust Get , Weekend , Bbc 1xtra Radio Show , Fan , Building , Fam , Snoop Dogg , 19 , The Club , University , Everyone , Picture , Set , The End , Togetherfor , Ifelt , Bum , His Hand Go , Teenager , Sick , Ifeel , Flash , Camera , Ass , Denim , Chill , Station , Saturday Night , 7 , Party , Video Views , Sunday , Subscribers , 400 Million , Ten , 800000 , Watch Out , 1st January , Admission , Advance , That S Right , , Friends , Front , Iwasjust Like , Erm , 0k , Video , Skirt , Objectified , Snapchat , Whatever , Hang Out , 0h , Doing What , Guy Doesn T Hold Power , Weight , Anyone , Name , Notjust Me , Type , Victims , Females , Publicity , Viewing It , Bit , Taste , Society , Else , Unattractive , Notoriety , Male , Fragility , Undertone , People Don T See , Anybody , Levels , It Up , Say , Stories , Story , Fault , Purpose , Wasn T , Nothing , Reason , Trauma Scar , Weather Fortunes , Some , Continuation , Differences , Others , Satellite , Radar , Another , Theme , Northern Ireland , Scotland , Outbreaks , Wales , Western Fringes , This Cloud And Rain Will Be Moving Southwards , Evening , Tending , Areas , 10 , Little , England , Sis , Knowledge , Forces , Grain , Territory , Kremlin , Iam Ben , Theft , Ukrainian Capital , Ben Brown , Authorities , Kyiv ,

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