Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708

the ugly face of the beauty industry in egypt — a bbc investigation finds dozens of unqualified people are administering botox and fillers, leaving women scarred for life. and police release footage of alec baldwin practising with his gun, on the set where a crew member was shot dead. welcome to our viewers on pbs in america and around the globe. as the conflict in ukraine enters its third month, the united nations secretary—general has embarked on a diplomatic mission to moscow. antonio guterres told president putin that the russian invasion fully contradicts the constitution of the united nations charter. he also expressed concern about the humanitarian situation in ukraine. vladimir putin insisted that moscow's military operation in the beseiged port of mariupol was over, and that no—one was being prevented from leaving the city or its steel plant. our russia editor steve rosenberg reports from moscow. he was trying to show it was business as usual. in the kremlin, vladimir putin began the day meeting russian olympic champions. like them, he hates losing. with the olympians, putin was up close and personal. not so with his next guest. the un secretary—general had come to talk about russia's invasion of ukraine. the seating plan said everything about the gap between moscow and the international community. translation: you're telling me that russia's humanitarian corridors in ukraine are not functioning. mr secretary—general, you've been deceived. the corridors are open. we've helped more than 100,000 people leave mariupol. and from the un, a plea to russia for peace. it is my deep conviction that the sooner we end this war, the better, for the people of ukraine, for the people of the russian federation and those far beyond. the kremlin agreed in principle to un and red cross involvement in evacuations from mariupol. but moscow isn't rushing to halt its offensive. for diplomacy to succeed, there needs to be the political will for peace. but right now, there's little sign of that in the kremlin. vladimir putin seems determined to continue the offensive he launched in ukraine — at least until he can secure what he can present to the russian people as a victory. that means no ceasefire in ukraine. the russian military continues to attack, and continues to deny that russian troops have committed war crimes. kremlin critics argue that, considering the scale of destruction, the un chief should have travelled to ukraine first before flying to moscow. i'm not in a position to give any advice to the general—secretary of the united nations, but i would probably go to mariupol first. i would go to bucha. i would go to irpin. i would go to all those places, talk to people, and then fly back to moscow and meet with putin and say, "mr president, what you are doing is crime." russia claims to be acting in self—defence, but it was president putin who ordered his troops to attack ukraine. the kremlin started this. it's determined to end it on its terms. steve rosenberg in moscow. the russian company, gazprom, says it will halt the supply of gas to poland and bulgaria in the nexty few hours. both countries rely on gazprom for most of their gas imports. poland's state gas company has described the move as a breach of contract, but gazprom claims warsaw refused to pay in roubles, in line with new rules announced in march. i asked gregory brew, who's a postdoctoral fellow at yale university, what message russia was sending by cutting the gas supply. it's a very strong message to poland specifically, which as you pointed out has been very vocal, both during the war and in the past, when it's come to the question of europe's dependence on russian energy, so it's certainly a message to poland. it is also a message, i think, to europe more generally, and particularly germany, which just in the last 2a hours has indicated that it has plans to end its dependence on russian energy sooner rather than later, so this is putin responding to those events. so let's say this is designed to be a message. how dangerous can this get for russia? they rely on those roubles, they rely on us buying their gas — how bad could it get? well, pretty bad. russia relies on europe for a market for about three—quarters of its total natural gas exports, and if it turns off the taps, it can't find other markets for that gas. as you know, oil can be moved in tankers quite easily but the flow of natural gas relies on pipeline infrastructure and russia simply doesn't have the infrastructure that it needs to deliver gas to other markets so if it loses europe as a market, it can't find another market, not in the short—term, so this would illustrate a pretty tremendous loss of income to the russian government and to the russian economy. what can countries like poland do because they are not alone, are they? a lot of countries are saying they are not going to pay the roubles, they are not going to support russia. poland have also announced more sanctions as well. i mean, whatare the alternatives? my understanding is poland that is a year away my understanding is poland is a year away from getting an alternative source of gas. right now the polish government indicates that it's not worried, that it can find alternative supplies. it has a pretty significant stockpile of natural gas, around 80% of its inventory is full. of course, we are moving out of the winter months so needing natural gas in the short—term for heating and so forth is not quite an issue as it was a few months ago. so at the moment, poland is sounding quite confident. bulgaria is in a much tougher situation. it depends on russia for far more its energy supply, it depends on russia for far more of its energy supply, so it might have some difficult choices to make. the bulgarian government has also indicated that it's not going to announce shortages or rations any time soon but i think this absolutely is an issue for europeans to consider before the end of the year. it plans on ending its dependence on russian energy but that dependence can't be ended quite as simply as political rhetoric might indicate. gregory, can the consumers expect this to be an expensive war for them? are they going to be brunting the cost of a lack of gas? we've already been warned the cost of wheat—based products are going to go up and that's not the end of it, is it? absolutely. i think high prices, the kinds of high prices we've seen for energy products in the last several months certainly aren't going anywhere, particularly not for europe, for long as the war continues. so the cost for consumers will be considerable for as long as the war continues. but even if the war were to end, i think european leaders, european governments have made it very clear that they don't look at russia as a secure source of supply anymore so that's going to need — that's going to create needs for alternative supplies and that's going to increase costs moving forward so unfortunately this could be a long and quite difficult period for consumers both in europe and globally. let's get some of the day's other news: the world bank says the price of goods could remain at historically high levels until the end of 2024, because of the war in ukraine. wheat — one of the country's main exports — is predicted to soar by more than a0%. it says energy prices will increase more than 50% as europe tries to wean itself off russian supplies. one of america's most prestigious universities is setting aside $100 million to help tackle the social and economic legacies of slavery and racism. an investigation carried out by harvard found that 70 members of its staff owned slaves before the practice was abolished in the state of massachusetts, nearly 250 years ago. the european union and the uk have warned elon musk that twitter must continue to protect its users from harmful content. the entrepreneur struck a deal to buy the social media giant for $41; billion. he has vowed to relax content restrictions, which has worried some human rights groups. a malaysian man with the mental age of a child has been executed in singapore for drug smuggling. the court of appeal dismissed a last—minute plea filed by the mother of nagaenthran dharmalingam. he'd been on death row for more than a decade after trafficking nearly 43 grams of heroin into singapore, which has some of the world's strictest drug laws. well, singaporejust did what it said it does. it supports the death penalty because it says it acts as a deterrent and that's one of the reasons that makes singapore so safe. and drug trafficking especailly it's particularly hard one. we have had confirmation that this execution did take place this morning. and one of the reasons there has been such an outcry internationally over this case is because nagaenthran dharmalingam was found to be intellectually disabled. that is what activists say. now, the court did interview a number of experts who said he was borderline intellectually disabled, but in the end the court ruled that he did know what he was doing at the time of the offence. of course, there have been a number of activists, a number of international figures, who have called on singapore to commute his death sentence. but singapore said that all of the appeals, all of the cases, even the one filed by his mother just yesterday, that they were baseless because he did commit the offence and he was convicted for that. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: us police footage of the actor alec baldwin practising drawing his gun on the film—set where a crew member was shot. nothing, it seemed, was too big to withstand the force of the tornado. the extent of the devastation will lead to renewed calls for government to help to build better housing. internationally, there have already been protests. sweden says it received no warning of the accident. indeed, the russians at first denied anything had gone wrong. only when radioactivity levels began to increase outside russia were they forced to admit the accident. for the mujahideen, the mood here is of great celebration. this is the end of a 12—year war for them. they've taken the capital, which they've been fighting for for so long. it was seven o'clock in the morning - on the day— when power began to pass from the minority to the majority, l when africa, after 300 years, reclaimed its last white colony. - this is bbc world news. the latest headlines: the un secretary—general and the russian president agree in principle to allow access to civilians trapped in the city of mariupol, following talks in moscow. the russian company gazprom says it's halting supplies of gas to poland and bulgaria within the next few hours. the former bbc radio one dj tim westwood is facing multiple allegations of sexual misconduct by women who say he abused his position in the music industry. the 64—year—old is accused of predatory and unwanted sexual behaviour and touching in incidents between 1992 and 2017. the bbc and the guardian newspaper have heard detailed accounts from seven women in a joint investigation. their identities have been protected. tim westwood strenuously denies all the allegations. our correspondent chi chi izundu reports. this is not about music now, and i'm just very, very scared. this is predatory behaviour. i was 17. if you are trying to remove an item of my clothing - and i put it back on, that means i don't want it to be gone _ this is the story from a group of women. this was an assault. an abuse of power. seven women, who alleged they had been subjected to unexpected and unwanted sexual behaviour from the former bbc radio 1 dj, tim westwood. it's westwood! we are live on bbc two. welcome to the radio 1 rap show. this is how radio1 get down in the 9—7. pamela — not her real name — used to work with kids trying to get into music. she says tim westwood invited her to do work experience at bbc radio 1 because he wanted help getting a younger audience. so i get to london and he picks me up, personally. i remember being in the car. he kept putting his hand on my leg and stroking my leg and touching my face. running his hands in my hair, like, "what are you doing?" like, "stop touching me." we went back to this apartment — his apartment. i was meant to be staying in a hotel. so, as i'm sat in his apartment, i'm thinking, "ok, when am i going to this hotel?" this is what i should have clarified, but i didn't. he came up and i sat on the the bed, "come sit," and i sat on the edge of the bed. and then he starts touching me and removing stuff, and i'm pulling it back. and he's, you know, kissing me on the neck. and i didn't give him any come on. and i didn't give him any kind of come on. there was no flirtation. that is not somebody i would ever look and find attractive. so, me, sat in this house thinking, "how am i going to get out of this?" but knowing i can't get out of it. i'm in london, alone, with this guy who's a lot older than me. now, if i try to get out of it, who's to say how he's going to react? so i just submit to it. traumatic — that's how i would describe it. in a statement, the bbc said: another two women have accused the dj of predatory and unwanted sexual behaviour when they were 17 and 19, while another four women that we have spoken to accuse the dj of either grabbing their breast or slipping his hand down the back of their shorts or up their skirt, after taking a picture with him at nightclubs. the earliest alleged incident took place in 1992, the most recent in 2017. none of them went to the police. but, nowadays, i'm a big dog. as an early adopter of hip—hop, tim westwood has been a prominent figure in black music for more than a0 years. he presented bbc radio 1's rap show for nearly 20, interviewing some of the biggest names on his show. he says he strenuously denies all these allegations. all of the women that we spoke to as part of this investigation have two things in common — number one, they were all young, and numbertwo, they are all black. and all have the same question of their experience with tim westwood — who do you tell? because this is a man who has huge power in the music industry and a huge influence in black communities. and because they're black women, they felt that their experiences would be ignored. i want him and people like him to be held accountable. we have to stop protecting these people. chi chi izundu, bbc news. south africa's president has promised more help to rebuild communities devastated by the recent floods, warning of tougher measures to ensure relief funds aren't lost to corruption. 435 people died and more than 50 are still missing, most in kwazulu natal province. cyril ramaphosa said the flooding was evidence that climate change is the biggest threat to the future of humanity. the government in sri lanka, which has run out of money to import vital supplies, has come up with a new visa plan to bring in foreign currency. the golden paradise visa programme will allow foreigners to live and work in the country for ten years if they deposit at least a us$100,000 in a local bank a bbc investigation has found that dozens of unqualified people are working in egypt's rapidly growing cosmetic surgery industry, endangering lives and leaving women scarred for life. doctors say they have been struggling to cope with demand for procedures since egypt began to promote itself as a destination for medical tourism. egyptian law requires practitioners to be dermatologists or plastic surgeons, but undercover bbc journalists were able to obtain certificates that could make them appear to be qualified to administer botox, fillers and laser therapy from an egyptian beauty school. bbc news has found dozens of unqualified people pretending to be doctors in the beauty industry in egypt, which is illegal. online, we found thousands of reports of injury after beauty treatment and we spoke to more than 100 women during our investigation. translation: they encouraged me to have a completely new look. - this is the hair that fell out in the first ten days. women from one clinic where we found laser hair removal was being carried out by students told us about their experiences. translation: when they were doing the laser for me - could smell my skin burning. it took me a year and a half of treatment. we went undercover to see if we could get the certificate that would make us look qualified to carry out botox, dermalfiller, and laser hair removal. most beauty training centres the bbc spoke to refused to train us. translation: the beauty courses are only available to doctors. - that is because in egypt you have to be a dermatologist or plastics surgeon to inject botox or dermal filler, even laser hair removal requires a qualified doctor's supervision. despite knowing that we were unqualified, ashraf gad, the manager of the egyptian british centre, offered to train us and help us set up our own beauty clinic. translation: you have no | experience holding a needle? translation: no. translation: 0k. a brought a qualified plastic surgeon to train us. bbc news invited two plastic surgeons to review the training. translation: you will learn to do things that won't result in you going to prison. after a while you will be experienced enough that can injectjust like a doctor. translation: could botox or filler kill you? _ translation: no. so, whenever we use filler- or botox there always is some risk, an allergic reaction could lead to a death. . over three days, we were told how to carry out the treatments and far more about how to pose as doctors. translation: you come in wearing a white coat, i that kind of thing. if she addresses you as �*doctor�* don't say no. but experts told us piercing this sterile bottle actually allow infection in, as well as damage the needle. injecting it into the plastic will mean that it's actually quite painful to inject into the patient. translation: fact, if it strikes a vein, it's - not a problem. when we inject and we damage a vein or an artery, _ we could have - a clotting problem. we hadn't touched the needle or a patient but we were given certificates which might make patients assume we were qualified. bbc news contacted the doctor and ashraf gad about our findings, but they declined to respond. egypt's health ministry has shut down a lot of clinics in recent years for having the wrong licenses or for employing unqualified staff. but beauty training centres are not regulated. translation: | ask that any - person who knows of any doctors or centres that are training non doctors to share their information with us and we will investigate the doctor. the doctors' syndicate that oversees registered doctors told the bbc they are struggling to keep up with the fast expanding beauty industry, leaving men and women seeking out treatments like these vulnerable to exploitation and injury. police in new mexico have released footage of the moments after the accidental fatal shooting of the cinematographer, halyna hutchins, by the actor alec baldwin on a film set six months ago. santa fe sheriff's department has made public all the evidence associated with the criminal investigation, including interviews with witnesses at the scene. baldwin has denied responsibility for hutchins' death and said live rounds should never have been allowed onto the set of the western film. david willis reports from los angeles. alec baldwin rehearsing his quick draw only moments before a film set was transformed into a crime scene. the incident sent police racing to the sprawling desert ranch in new mexico. newly released police bodycam footage shows the chaos that confronted them on arrival. 42—year—old film—maker halyna hutchins, regarded as a rising star in the movie industry, was airlifted to a nearby hospital where she later died. alec baldwin, who was both the star of the film and one of its producers, appeared stunned and disbelieving. he said he didn't pull the trigger and he didn't know who put a live round in the weapon he fired. the newly released footage also includes his first interview with the police. i take the gun out and as i take it, as it clears, as the barrel clears, i turn and cock the gun, the gun goes off. it should have been a cold gun with no rounds inside or dummy rounds, cosmetic rounds, no flash. i take the gun out slowly. i turn and cock the pistol, bang. it goes off, she hits the ground, she goes down, and then he starts screaming. and i'm thinking, in a flash round, i could see maybe if there was wadding and there's some stuff like that, hot, and maybe it hits you and burns you. they say sometimes that happens. but remember, we're rehearsing so no one's protected. last week, local safety officials issued a report detailing safety failures on the set, and fined the producers the maximum possible penalty of nearly $140,000. inquiries are continuing, and detectives say they're still awaiting the results of ballistics and forensic analysis, along with an analysis of alec baldwin's phone data before they decide whether to press charges. david willis, bbc news, los angeles. that is just about it for now. if you want to keep up with all the stories we're covering, just head to our website. you'll find a live page dedicated to the war in ukraine, which is updated 24 hours a day. you'll find it at or you can download the bbc app. we like to hear from you as well. with your stories and views. you can reach me on twitter. i'm @chrisrogersnews. from me and all the team, thanks for watching. hello again. it was southern areas of both england and wales that had the best of the sunshine on tuesday, temperatures reaching 17 degrees in parts of southwest england but also around cardiff's bute park as well. wasn't like that everywhere, though. after a largely sunny start for quite a few, we had cloud tending to bubble up through the afternoon and spread across the skies, as you can see here on the satellite picture. with that cloud increasing, temperatures weren't as high for many of you. indeed around the eastern coast, just eight degrees in places. right now, we're seeing a good feed of cloud coming in still from the north sea, so predominantly cloudy weather in scotland and across eastern areas, from northeast england all the way into parts of east anglia. but there are breaks elsewhere, notably across parts of southern england, across parts of the midlands, wales, running into northern ireland, north—west england as well. these areas, you might well start off with a little bit of morning sunshine, but even where you start off with the sun, cloud will tend to bubble up and spread across the skies in any case as we go through the day. so, whether you start off cloudy or cloud develops later on, most of you will see quite a lot of cloud through the day. across northeast scotland, you might hold onto some sunny spells through the afternoon here. there will be one or two elsewhere in the west. temperatures about nine to 14 degrees for most. the area of high pressure has been bringing us this long spell of settled weather, still on the charts for thursday, but it is starting to weaken to a degree. we may well see just a few showers running into northern scotland, maybe one or two not far away from south—west england. otherwise, still predominantly dry, often a lot of cloud building through the day and temperatures not really changing a great deal, 10—15 or maybe 16 celsius. friday follows a very similar pattern as well. if you start off with the sunshine, cloud will tend to develop later on. one or two showers for northern scotland, but otherwise it's another dry day with light winds across the whole of the country. temperatures not changing a whole deal either. looking at highs potentially peaking up to 16 degrees where any sunshine breaks through the cloud. the weekend will start to see some changes in the weather as high pressure starts to relinquish its grip. a little area of low pressure could thicken the cloud up enough to bring just a few passing showers. that's most likely across northern areas of the uk, the south most likely to stay dry with a few brighter spells. this is bbc news, the headlines: the un secretary—general and the russian president have agreed in principle to allow access to civilians trapped in mariupol. vladimir putin repeated his reasons for invading ukraine, while also claiming he still hoped for a diplomatic solution. the russian company gazprom is to stop supplying gas to poland and bulgaria, in a major escalation of the disagreement with the west over ukraine. the deal had been in doubt since russia announced that its gas must be paid for in roubles from april. a malaysian man with the mental age of a child has been executed in singapore for drug smuggling. the court of appeal dismissed a last—minute plea filed by the mother of nagaenthran dharmalingam. he'd been on death row for more than a decade after trafficking nearly 43 grams of heroin.

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Bbc News , Chris Rogers , Poland , Gazprom , Gas , Secretary General , President , Russian , Principle , City , Un , Mariupol , Civilians , Access , Supplies , Stories , Bulgaria , Talks , Moscow , Tim Westwood , Man , Age , Drug Smuggling , Child , Singapore , Bbc 2 , Westwood , Bbc Radio 1 , 2 , 1 , Women , Hair , Leg , Allegations , Face , Music Industry , Position , Hand , Sexual Misconduct , Hands , Investigation , People , Alec Baldwin , Police , Botox , Undercover Bbc , Fillers , Dozens , Life , Footage , Beauty Industry In Egypt , Set , Gun , Crew Member , Practising , Ukraine , Conflict , Viewers , Globe , Pbs , America , President Putin , Invasion , Antonio Guterres , Constitution , Concern , United Nations Charter , Diplomatic Mission To Moscow , One , Vladimir Putin , Situation , Steve Rosenberg , Plant , Military Operation , Beseiged Port , Kremlin , Champions , Olympic , Business As Usual , Olympians , Guest , Community , Seating Plan , Everything , Gap , 0k , Corridors , 100000 , War , Plea , Peace , Conviction , Better , Offensive , Isn T Rushing , Evacuations , Involvement , Red Cross , Will , Diplomacy , Sign , Victory , Ceasefire , Attack , Russian Military , Troops , War Crimes , Destruction , Scale , Critics , Chief , Secretary , Advice , Mariupol First , Bucha , Irpin , Places , Crime , Doing , Acting , Self Defence , Supply , Terms , In Moscow , Countries , Roubles , Most , State Gas Company , Breach , Contract , Brew , Gas Imports , Line , Move , Rules , March , Claims Warsaw , Message , Question , Gas Supply , Postdoctoral Fellow , Europe S Dependence On Russian Energy , Yale University , Europe , Dependence , Energy , Germany , Plans , Events , Get , Natural Gas , Market , Markets , Exports , Oil , Pipeline Infrastructure , Flow , Quarters , Tankers , Taps , Three , Government , Infrastructure , Economy , Loss , Income , Lot , Sanctions , Whatare , It , Source , Understanding , Alternative Supplies , Issue , Course , Inventory , Stockpile , Heating , 80 , Energy Supply , Choices , Shortages , Europeans , Rhetoric , Consumers , Cost , Products , Lack , Gregory , Prices , Aren T , Energy Products , Kinds , Anywhere , Governments , Need , Leaders , Needs , Costs , Country , Some , News , Price , Energy Prices , A0 , Levels , Wheat , Goods , The World Bank , 2024 , Universities , 50 , Harvard , Staff , Practice , Members , Slavery , Racism , Slaves , Uk , Legacies , The State Of Massachusetts , European Union , 00 Million , 100 Million , 250 , 70 , Deal , Twitter , Entrepreneur , Restrictions , Content , Human Rights Groups , Have , Users , Social Media Giant , Elon Musk , 41 , Mother , Court Of Appeal , Nagaenthran Dharmalingam , Death Row , Heroin , World , Drug Laws , 43 , Reasons , Safe , Death Penalty , Deterrent , Singaporejust , Case , Place , Drug Trafficking , Disabled , Confirmation , Execution , Outcry , Experts , Court , Activists , In The End , Interview A Number , Number , Offence , Figures , Death Sentence , On Singapore , Wall , Alec Baldwin Practising Drawing , Police Footage , Appeals , Cases , Stay , Film Set , Nothing , Force , Tornado , Warning , Accident , Sweden , Housing , Extent , Devastation , Calls , Protests , Radioactivity Levels , Anything , Power , Capital , Mood , Celebration , Mujahideen , Fighting , Minority , The Day , 12 , Seven , Colony , Majority , South Africa , 300 , Headlines , Bbc World News , Behaviour , Incidents , 2017 , 64 , 1992 , Newspaper , Correspondent , Identities , Accounts , Music , Item , Clothing , Chi Izundu Reports , 17 , Dj , Story , Group , Assault , Abuse , Rap Show , Kids , Pamela , 9 , Two , 7 , Help , Work Experience , Audience , Car , London , Apartment , Hotel , Stuff , Bed , Edge , Come Sit , Sat , Kind , Somebody , House , Neck , Flirtation , Come On , Guy , Statement , Sexual Behaviour , 19 , Four , Incident , None , Breast , Shorts , Picture , Back , Nightclubs , Skirt , Big Dog , Show , Figure , Names , Hip Hop , Adopter , 20 , Things , Part , Number One , Communities , Experience , Numbertwo , Influence , Black , Experiences , Accountable , Chi Izundu , Floods , Relief , Measures , Kwazulu Natal Province , Cyril Ramaphosa , 435 , Evidence , Paradise Visa Programme , Visa Plan , Flooding , Threat , Humanity , Money , Currency , Climate Change , Sri Lanka , Foreigners , Work , Bank , Us 100000 , Ten , Doctors , Egypt , Cosmetic Surgery Industry , Destination , Lives , Procedures , Tourism , Demand , Certificates , Surgeons , Law , Dermatologists , Journalists , Laser Therapy , Practitioners , Injury , Reports , Beauty Treatment , Beauty School , Thousands , Laser Hair Removal , Clinic , Look , 100 , Laser , Treatment , Students , Skin Burning , Half , Certificate , Dermalfiller , Beauty Training , Doctor , Beauty Courses , Dermatologist , Plastics , Supervision , Needle , Ashraf Gad , Beauty Clinic , Egyptian British Centre , Plastic Surgeon , Training , 0k , Filler , Result , Prison , Death , Treatments , Risk , Reaction , Coat , Thing , Say No , Bottle , Plastic , Infection , Damage , Piercing , We Hadn T , Translation , Patient , Vein , Problem , Clotting Problem , Fact , Artery , Patients , Clinics , Findings , Licenses , Health Ministry , Centres , Information , Person , Syndicate , Beauty Training Centres , Beauty Industry , Exploitation , Men , Halyna Hutchins , Criminal Investigation , Interviews , Scene , Baldwin , Shooting , Sheriff , Department , Witnesses , Responsibility , New Mexico , Santa Fe , Six , Rounds , Western Film , David Willis , Los Angeles , Crime Scene , Draw , Racing , Sprawling Desert Ranch , Hospital , Movie Industry , Chaos , Rising Star , Police Bodycam Footage , Film Maker , 42 , Producers , The Star , Film , Disbelieving , Round , Interview , Trigger , Weapon , Gun Out , Barrel , No Flash , Flash Round , Thinking , Ground , Pistol , Wadding , Bang , Report , Detectives , Continuing , Safety Officials , Safety Failures , Inquiries , Penalty , 40000 , 140000 , Analysis , Charges , Results , Phone Data , Ballistics , Page , Website , App , 24 , Areas , Views , Team , Watching , Thanks , Hrisrogersnews , Hello Again , Sunshine , Wales , Skies , Best , Everywhere , Afternoon , Southwest England , Few , Wasn T , Cardiff , Bute Park , The Cloud , Weather , Parts , Satellite Picture , High , Many , Coast , Feed , Way , Northeast Scotland , Northeast England , Temperatures Weren T , North Sea , Eight , Elsewhere , Bit , Breaks , Southern England , North West England , East Anglia , Midlands , Running Into Northern Ireland , Morning Sunshine , The Sun , High Pressure , Area , Temperatures , Spells , Showers , West , Degree , Charts , Spell , Nine , 14 , Cloud Building , Pattern , Northern Scotland , Celsius , Friday , 16 , 15 , 10 , Weekend , Sunshine Breaks , Changes , Highs , Whole , Pressure , South , Passing Showers , Grip , Solution , Escalation , Disagreement , Doubt ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240708

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the ugly face of the beauty industry in egypt — a bbc investigation finds dozens of unqualified people are administering botox and fillers, leaving women scarred for life. and police release footage of alec baldwin practising with his gun, on the set where a crew member was shot dead. welcome to our viewers on pbs in america and around the globe. as the conflict in ukraine enters its third month, the united nations secretary—general has embarked on a diplomatic mission to moscow. antonio guterres told president putin that the russian invasion fully contradicts the constitution of the united nations charter. he also expressed concern about the humanitarian situation in ukraine. vladimir putin insisted that moscow's military operation in the beseiged port of mariupol was over, and that no—one was being prevented from leaving the city or its steel plant. our russia editor steve rosenberg reports from moscow. he was trying to show it was business as usual. in the kremlin, vladimir putin began the day meeting russian olympic champions. like them, he hates losing. with the olympians, putin was up close and personal. not so with his next guest. the un secretary—general had come to talk about russia's invasion of ukraine. the seating plan said everything about the gap between moscow and the international community. translation: you're telling me that russia's humanitarian corridors in ukraine are not functioning. mr secretary—general, you've been deceived. the corridors are open. we've helped more than 100,000 people leave mariupol. and from the un, a plea to russia for peace. it is my deep conviction that the sooner we end this war, the better, for the people of ukraine, for the people of the russian federation and those far beyond. the kremlin agreed in principle to un and red cross involvement in evacuations from mariupol. but moscow isn't rushing to halt its offensive. for diplomacy to succeed, there needs to be the political will for peace. but right now, there's little sign of that in the kremlin. vladimir putin seems determined to continue the offensive he launched in ukraine — at least until he can secure what he can present to the russian people as a victory. that means no ceasefire in ukraine. the russian military continues to attack, and continues to deny that russian troops have committed war crimes. kremlin critics argue that, considering the scale of destruction, the un chief should have travelled to ukraine first before flying to moscow. i'm not in a position to give any advice to the general—secretary of the united nations, but i would probably go to mariupol first. i would go to bucha. i would go to irpin. i would go to all those places, talk to people, and then fly back to moscow and meet with putin and say, "mr president, what you are doing is crime." russia claims to be acting in self—defence, but it was president putin who ordered his troops to attack ukraine. the kremlin started this. it's determined to end it on its terms. steve rosenberg in moscow. the russian company, gazprom, says it will halt the supply of gas to poland and bulgaria in the nexty few hours. both countries rely on gazprom for most of their gas imports. poland's state gas company has described the move as a breach of contract, but gazprom claims warsaw refused to pay in roubles, in line with new rules announced in march. i asked gregory brew, who's a postdoctoral fellow at yale university, what message russia was sending by cutting the gas supply. it's a very strong message to poland specifically, which as you pointed out has been very vocal, both during the war and in the past, when it's come to the question of europe's dependence on russian energy, so it's certainly a message to poland. it is also a message, i think, to europe more generally, and particularly germany, which just in the last 2a hours has indicated that it has plans to end its dependence on russian energy sooner rather than later, so this is putin responding to those events. so let's say this is designed to be a message. how dangerous can this get for russia? they rely on those roubles, they rely on us buying their gas — how bad could it get? well, pretty bad. russia relies on europe for a market for about three—quarters of its total natural gas exports, and if it turns off the taps, it can't find other markets for that gas. as you know, oil can be moved in tankers quite easily but the flow of natural gas relies on pipeline infrastructure and russia simply doesn't have the infrastructure that it needs to deliver gas to other markets so if it loses europe as a market, it can't find another market, not in the short—term, so this would illustrate a pretty tremendous loss of income to the russian government and to the russian economy. what can countries like poland do because they are not alone, are they? a lot of countries are saying they are not going to pay the roubles, they are not going to support russia. poland have also announced more sanctions as well. i mean, whatare the alternatives? my understanding is poland that is a year away my understanding is poland is a year away from getting an alternative source of gas. right now the polish government indicates that it's not worried, that it can find alternative supplies. it has a pretty significant stockpile of natural gas, around 80% of its inventory is full. of course, we are moving out of the winter months so needing natural gas in the short—term for heating and so forth is not quite an issue as it was a few months ago. so at the moment, poland is sounding quite confident. bulgaria is in a much tougher situation. it depends on russia for far more its energy supply, it depends on russia for far more of its energy supply, so it might have some difficult choices to make. the bulgarian government has also indicated that it's not going to announce shortages or rations any time soon but i think this absolutely is an issue for europeans to consider before the end of the year. it plans on ending its dependence on russian energy but that dependence can't be ended quite as simply as political rhetoric might indicate. gregory, can the consumers expect this to be an expensive war for them? are they going to be brunting the cost of a lack of gas? we've already been warned the cost of wheat—based products are going to go up and that's not the end of it, is it? absolutely. i think high prices, the kinds of high prices we've seen for energy products in the last several months certainly aren't going anywhere, particularly not for europe, for long as the war continues. so the cost for consumers will be considerable for as long as the war continues. but even if the war were to end, i think european leaders, european governments have made it very clear that they don't look at russia as a secure source of supply anymore so that's going to need — that's going to create needs for alternative supplies and that's going to increase costs moving forward so unfortunately this could be a long and quite difficult period for consumers both in europe and globally. let's get some of the day's other news: the world bank says the price of goods could remain at historically high levels until the end of 2024, because of the war in ukraine. wheat — one of the country's main exports — is predicted to soar by more than a0%. it says energy prices will increase more than 50% as europe tries to wean itself off russian supplies. one of america's most prestigious universities is setting aside $100 million to help tackle the social and economic legacies of slavery and racism. an investigation carried out by harvard found that 70 members of its staff owned slaves before the practice was abolished in the state of massachusetts, nearly 250 years ago. the european union and the uk have warned elon musk that twitter must continue to protect its users from harmful content. the entrepreneur struck a deal to buy the social media giant for $41; billion. he has vowed to relax content restrictions, which has worried some human rights groups. a malaysian man with the mental age of a child has been executed in singapore for drug smuggling. the court of appeal dismissed a last—minute plea filed by the mother of nagaenthran dharmalingam. he'd been on death row for more than a decade after trafficking nearly 43 grams of heroin into singapore, which has some of the world's strictest drug laws. well, singaporejust did what it said it does. it supports the death penalty because it says it acts as a deterrent and that's one of the reasons that makes singapore so safe. and drug trafficking especailly it's particularly hard one. we have had confirmation that this execution did take place this morning. and one of the reasons there has been such an outcry internationally over this case is because nagaenthran dharmalingam was found to be intellectually disabled. that is what activists say. now, the court did interview a number of experts who said he was borderline intellectually disabled, but in the end the court ruled that he did know what he was doing at the time of the offence. of course, there have been a number of activists, a number of international figures, who have called on singapore to commute his death sentence. but singapore said that all of the appeals, all of the cases, even the one filed by his mother just yesterday, that they were baseless because he did commit the offence and he was convicted for that. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: us police footage of the actor alec baldwin practising drawing his gun on the film—set where a crew member was shot. nothing, it seemed, was too big to withstand the force of the tornado. the extent of the devastation will lead to renewed calls for government to help to build better housing. internationally, there have already been protests. sweden says it received no warning of the accident. indeed, the russians at first denied anything had gone wrong. only when radioactivity levels began to increase outside russia were they forced to admit the accident. for the mujahideen, the mood here is of great celebration. this is the end of a 12—year war for them. they've taken the capital, which they've been fighting for for so long. it was seven o'clock in the morning - on the day— when power began to pass from the minority to the majority, l when africa, after 300 years, reclaimed its last white colony. - this is bbc world news. the latest headlines: the un secretary—general and the russian president agree in principle to allow access to civilians trapped in the city of mariupol, following talks in moscow. the russian company gazprom says it's halting supplies of gas to poland and bulgaria within the next few hours. the former bbc radio one dj tim westwood is facing multiple allegations of sexual misconduct by women who say he abused his position in the music industry. the 64—year—old is accused of predatory and unwanted sexual behaviour and touching in incidents between 1992 and 2017. the bbc and the guardian newspaper have heard detailed accounts from seven women in a joint investigation. their identities have been protected. tim westwood strenuously denies all the allegations. our correspondent chi chi izundu reports. this is not about music now, and i'm just very, very scared. this is predatory behaviour. i was 17. if you are trying to remove an item of my clothing - and i put it back on, that means i don't want it to be gone _ this is the story from a group of women. this was an assault. an abuse of power. seven women, who alleged they had been subjected to unexpected and unwanted sexual behaviour from the former bbc radio 1 dj, tim westwood. it's westwood! we are live on bbc two. welcome to the radio 1 rap show. this is how radio1 get down in the 9—7. pamela — not her real name — used to work with kids trying to get into music. she says tim westwood invited her to do work experience at bbc radio 1 because he wanted help getting a younger audience. so i get to london and he picks me up, personally. i remember being in the car. he kept putting his hand on my leg and stroking my leg and touching my face. running his hands in my hair, like, "what are you doing?" like, "stop touching me." we went back to this apartment — his apartment. i was meant to be staying in a hotel. so, as i'm sat in his apartment, i'm thinking, "ok, when am i going to this hotel?" this is what i should have clarified, but i didn't. he came up and i sat on the the bed, "come sit," and i sat on the edge of the bed. and then he starts touching me and removing stuff, and i'm pulling it back. and he's, you know, kissing me on the neck. and i didn't give him any come on. and i didn't give him any kind of come on. there was no flirtation. that is not somebody i would ever look and find attractive. so, me, sat in this house thinking, "how am i going to get out of this?" but knowing i can't get out of it. i'm in london, alone, with this guy who's a lot older than me. now, if i try to get out of it, who's to say how he's going to react? so i just submit to it. traumatic — that's how i would describe it. in a statement, the bbc said: another two women have accused the dj of predatory and unwanted sexual behaviour when they were 17 and 19, while another four women that we have spoken to accuse the dj of either grabbing their breast or slipping his hand down the back of their shorts or up their skirt, after taking a picture with him at nightclubs. the earliest alleged incident took place in 1992, the most recent in 2017. none of them went to the police. but, nowadays, i'm a big dog. as an early adopter of hip—hop, tim westwood has been a prominent figure in black music for more than a0 years. he presented bbc radio 1's rap show for nearly 20, interviewing some of the biggest names on his show. he says he strenuously denies all these allegations. all of the women that we spoke to as part of this investigation have two things in common — number one, they were all young, and numbertwo, they are all black. and all have the same question of their experience with tim westwood — who do you tell? because this is a man who has huge power in the music industry and a huge influence in black communities. and because they're black women, they felt that their experiences would be ignored. i want him and people like him to be held accountable. we have to stop protecting these people. chi chi izundu, bbc news. south africa's president has promised more help to rebuild communities devastated by the recent floods, warning of tougher measures to ensure relief funds aren't lost to corruption. 435 people died and more than 50 are still missing, most in kwazulu natal province. cyril ramaphosa said the flooding was evidence that climate change is the biggest threat to the future of humanity. the government in sri lanka, which has run out of money to import vital supplies, has come up with a new visa plan to bring in foreign currency. the golden paradise visa programme will allow foreigners to live and work in the country for ten years if they deposit at least a us$100,000 in a local bank a bbc investigation has found that dozens of unqualified people are working in egypt's rapidly growing cosmetic surgery industry, endangering lives and leaving women scarred for life. doctors say they have been struggling to cope with demand for procedures since egypt began to promote itself as a destination for medical tourism. egyptian law requires practitioners to be dermatologists or plastic surgeons, but undercover bbc journalists were able to obtain certificates that could make them appear to be qualified to administer botox, fillers and laser therapy from an egyptian beauty school. bbc news has found dozens of unqualified people pretending to be doctors in the beauty industry in egypt, which is illegal. online, we found thousands of reports of injury after beauty treatment and we spoke to more than 100 women during our investigation. translation: they encouraged me to have a completely new look. - this is the hair that fell out in the first ten days. women from one clinic where we found laser hair removal was being carried out by students told us about their experiences. translation: when they were doing the laser for me - could smell my skin burning. it took me a year and a half of treatment. we went undercover to see if we could get the certificate that would make us look qualified to carry out botox, dermalfiller, and laser hair removal. most beauty training centres the bbc spoke to refused to train us. translation: the beauty courses are only available to doctors. - that is because in egypt you have to be a dermatologist or plastics surgeon to inject botox or dermal filler, even laser hair removal requires a qualified doctor's supervision. despite knowing that we were unqualified, ashraf gad, the manager of the egyptian british centre, offered to train us and help us set up our own beauty clinic. translation: you have no | experience holding a needle? translation: no. translation: 0k. a brought a qualified plastic surgeon to train us. bbc news invited two plastic surgeons to review the training. translation: you will learn to do things that won't result in you going to prison. after a while you will be experienced enough that can injectjust like a doctor. translation: could botox or filler kill you? _ translation: no. so, whenever we use filler- or botox there always is some risk, an allergic reaction could lead to a death. . over three days, we were told how to carry out the treatments and far more about how to pose as doctors. translation: you come in wearing a white coat, i that kind of thing. if she addresses you as �*doctor�* don't say no. but experts told us piercing this sterile bottle actually allow infection in, as well as damage the needle. injecting it into the plastic will mean that it's actually quite painful to inject into the patient. translation: fact, if it strikes a vein, it's - not a problem. when we inject and we damage a vein or an artery, _ we could have - a clotting problem. we hadn't touched the needle or a patient but we were given certificates which might make patients assume we were qualified. bbc news contacted the doctor and ashraf gad about our findings, but they declined to respond. egypt's health ministry has shut down a lot of clinics in recent years for having the wrong licenses or for employing unqualified staff. but beauty training centres are not regulated. translation: | ask that any - person who knows of any doctors or centres that are training non doctors to share their information with us and we will investigate the doctor. the doctors' syndicate that oversees registered doctors told the bbc they are struggling to keep up with the fast expanding beauty industry, leaving men and women seeking out treatments like these vulnerable to exploitation and injury. police in new mexico have released footage of the moments after the accidental fatal shooting of the cinematographer, halyna hutchins, by the actor alec baldwin on a film set six months ago. santa fe sheriff's department has made public all the evidence associated with the criminal investigation, including interviews with witnesses at the scene. baldwin has denied responsibility for hutchins' death and said live rounds should never have been allowed onto the set of the western film. david willis reports from los angeles. alec baldwin rehearsing his quick draw only moments before a film set was transformed into a crime scene. the incident sent police racing to the sprawling desert ranch in new mexico. newly released police bodycam footage shows the chaos that confronted them on arrival. 42—year—old film—maker halyna hutchins, regarded as a rising star in the movie industry, was airlifted to a nearby hospital where she later died. alec baldwin, who was both the star of the film and one of its producers, appeared stunned and disbelieving. he said he didn't pull the trigger and he didn't know who put a live round in the weapon he fired. the newly released footage also includes his first interview with the police. i take the gun out and as i take it, as it clears, as the barrel clears, i turn and cock the gun, the gun goes off. it should have been a cold gun with no rounds inside or dummy rounds, cosmetic rounds, no flash. i take the gun out slowly. i turn and cock the pistol, bang. it goes off, she hits the ground, she goes down, and then he starts screaming. and i'm thinking, in a flash round, i could see maybe if there was wadding and there's some stuff like that, hot, and maybe it hits you and burns you. they say sometimes that happens. but remember, we're rehearsing so no one's protected. last week, local safety officials issued a report detailing safety failures on the set, and fined the producers the maximum possible penalty of nearly $140,000. inquiries are continuing, and detectives say they're still awaiting the results of ballistics and forensic analysis, along with an analysis of alec baldwin's phone data before they decide whether to press charges. david willis, bbc news, los angeles. that is just about it for now. if you want to keep up with all the stories we're covering, just head to our website. you'll find a live page dedicated to the war in ukraine, which is updated 24 hours a day. you'll find it at or you can download the bbc app. we like to hear from you as well. with your stories and views. you can reach me on twitter. i'm @chrisrogersnews. from me and all the team, thanks for watching. hello again. it was southern areas of both england and wales that had the best of the sunshine on tuesday, temperatures reaching 17 degrees in parts of southwest england but also around cardiff's bute park as well. wasn't like that everywhere, though. after a largely sunny start for quite a few, we had cloud tending to bubble up through the afternoon and spread across the skies, as you can see here on the satellite picture. with that cloud increasing, temperatures weren't as high for many of you. indeed around the eastern coast, just eight degrees in places. right now, we're seeing a good feed of cloud coming in still from the north sea, so predominantly cloudy weather in scotland and across eastern areas, from northeast england all the way into parts of east anglia. but there are breaks elsewhere, notably across parts of southern england, across parts of the midlands, wales, running into northern ireland, north—west england as well. these areas, you might well start off with a little bit of morning sunshine, but even where you start off with the sun, cloud will tend to bubble up and spread across the skies in any case as we go through the day. so, whether you start off cloudy or cloud develops later on, most of you will see quite a lot of cloud through the day. across northeast scotland, you might hold onto some sunny spells through the afternoon here. there will be one or two elsewhere in the west. temperatures about nine to 14 degrees for most. the area of high pressure has been bringing us this long spell of settled weather, still on the charts for thursday, but it is starting to weaken to a degree. we may well see just a few showers running into northern scotland, maybe one or two not far away from south—west england. otherwise, still predominantly dry, often a lot of cloud building through the day and temperatures not really changing a great deal, 10—15 or maybe 16 celsius. friday follows a very similar pattern as well. if you start off with the sunshine, cloud will tend to develop later on. one or two showers for northern scotland, but otherwise it's another dry day with light winds across the whole of the country. temperatures not changing a whole deal either. looking at highs potentially peaking up to 16 degrees where any sunshine breaks through the cloud. the weekend will start to see some changes in the weather as high pressure starts to relinquish its grip. a little area of low pressure could thicken the cloud up enough to bring just a few passing showers. that's most likely across northern areas of the uk, the south most likely to stay dry with a few brighter spells. this is bbc news, the headlines: the un secretary—general and the russian president have agreed in principle to allow access to civilians trapped in mariupol. vladimir putin repeated his reasons for invading ukraine, while also claiming he still hoped for a diplomatic solution. the russian company gazprom is to stop supplying gas to poland and bulgaria, in a major escalation of the disagreement with the west over ukraine. the deal had been in doubt since russia announced that its gas must be paid for in roubles from april. a malaysian man with the mental age of a child has been executed in singapore for drug smuggling. the court of appeal dismissed a last—minute plea filed by the mother of nagaenthran dharmalingam. he'd been on death row for more than a decade after trafficking nearly 43 grams of heroin.

Related Keywords

Bbc News , Chris Rogers , Poland , Gazprom , Gas , Secretary General , President , Russian , Principle , City , Un , Mariupol , Civilians , Access , Supplies , Stories , Bulgaria , Talks , Moscow , Tim Westwood , Man , Age , Drug Smuggling , Child , Singapore , Bbc 2 , Westwood , Bbc Radio 1 , 2 , 1 , Women , Hair , Leg , Allegations , Face , Music Industry , Position , Hand , Sexual Misconduct , Hands , Investigation , People , Alec Baldwin , Police , Botox , Undercover Bbc , Fillers , Dozens , Life , Footage , Beauty Industry In Egypt , Set , Gun , Crew Member , Practising , Ukraine , Conflict , Viewers , Globe , Pbs , America , President Putin , Invasion , Antonio Guterres , Constitution , Concern , United Nations Charter , Diplomatic Mission To Moscow , One , Vladimir Putin , Situation , Steve Rosenberg , Plant , Military Operation , Beseiged Port , Kremlin , Champions , Olympic , Business As Usual , Olympians , Guest , Community , Seating Plan , Everything , Gap , 0k , Corridors , 100000 , War , Plea , Peace , Conviction , Better , Offensive , Isn T Rushing , Evacuations , Involvement , Red Cross , Will , Diplomacy , Sign , Victory , Ceasefire , Attack , Russian Military , Troops , War Crimes , Destruction , Scale , Critics , Chief , Secretary , Advice , Mariupol First , Bucha , Irpin , Places , Crime , Doing , Acting , Self Defence , Supply , Terms , In Moscow , Countries , Roubles , Most , State Gas Company , Breach , Contract , Brew , Gas Imports , Line , Move , Rules , March , Claims Warsaw , Message , Question , Gas Supply , Postdoctoral Fellow , Europe S Dependence On Russian Energy , Yale University , Europe , Dependence , Energy , Germany , Plans , Events , Get , Natural Gas , Market , Markets , Exports , Oil , Pipeline Infrastructure , Flow , Quarters , Tankers , Taps , Three , Government , Infrastructure , Economy , Loss , Income , Lot , Sanctions , Whatare , It , Source , Understanding , Alternative Supplies , Issue , Course , Inventory , Stockpile , Heating , 80 , Energy Supply , Choices , Shortages , Europeans , Rhetoric , Consumers , Cost , Products , Lack , Gregory , Prices , Aren T , Energy Products , Kinds , Anywhere , Governments , Need , Leaders , Needs , Costs , Country , Some , News , Price , Energy Prices , A0 , Levels , Wheat , Goods , The World Bank , 2024 , Universities , 50 , Harvard , Staff , Practice , Members , Slavery , Racism , Slaves , Uk , Legacies , The State Of Massachusetts , European Union , 00 Million , 100 Million , 250 , 70 , Deal , Twitter , Entrepreneur , Restrictions , Content , Human Rights Groups , Have , Users , Social Media Giant , Elon Musk , 41 , Mother , Court Of Appeal , Nagaenthran Dharmalingam , Death Row , Heroin , World , Drug Laws , 43 , Reasons , Safe , Death Penalty , Deterrent , Singaporejust , Case , Place , Drug Trafficking , Disabled , Confirmation , Execution , Outcry , Experts , Court , Activists , In The End , Interview A Number , Number , Offence , Figures , Death Sentence , On Singapore , Wall , Alec Baldwin Practising Drawing , Police Footage , Appeals , Cases , Stay , Film Set , Nothing , Force , Tornado , Warning , Accident , Sweden , Housing , Extent , Devastation , Calls , Protests , Radioactivity Levels , Anything , Power , Capital , Mood , Celebration , Mujahideen , Fighting , Minority , The Day , 12 , Seven , Colony , Majority , South Africa , 300 , Headlines , Bbc World News , Behaviour , Incidents , 2017 , 64 , 1992 , Newspaper , Correspondent , Identities , Accounts , Music , Item , Clothing , Chi Izundu Reports , 17 , Dj , Story , Group , Assault , Abuse , Rap Show , Kids , Pamela , 9 , Two , 7 , Help , Work Experience , Audience , Car , London , Apartment , Hotel , Stuff , Bed , Edge , Come Sit , Sat , Kind , Somebody , House , Neck , Flirtation , Come On , Guy , Statement , Sexual Behaviour , 19 , Four , Incident , None , Breast , Shorts , Picture , Back , Nightclubs , Skirt , Big Dog , Show , Figure , Names , Hip Hop , Adopter , 20 , Things , Part , Number One , Communities , Experience , Numbertwo , Influence , Black , Experiences , Accountable , Chi Izundu , Floods , Relief , Measures , Kwazulu Natal Province , Cyril Ramaphosa , 435 , Evidence , Paradise Visa Programme , Visa Plan , Flooding , Threat , Humanity , Money , Currency , Climate Change , Sri Lanka , Foreigners , Work , Bank , Us 100000 , Ten , Doctors , Egypt , Cosmetic Surgery Industry , Destination , Lives , Procedures , Tourism , Demand , Certificates , Surgeons , Law , Dermatologists , Journalists , Laser Therapy , Practitioners , Injury , Reports , Beauty Treatment , Beauty School , Thousands , Laser Hair Removal , Clinic , Look , 100 , Laser , Treatment , Students , Skin Burning , Half , Certificate , Dermalfiller , Beauty Training , Doctor , Beauty Courses , Dermatologist , Plastics , Supervision , Needle , Ashraf Gad , Beauty Clinic , Egyptian British Centre , Plastic Surgeon , Training , 0k , Filler , Result , Prison , Death , Treatments , Risk , Reaction , Coat , Thing , Say No , Bottle , Plastic , Infection , Damage , Piercing , We Hadn T , Translation , Patient , Vein , Problem , Clotting Problem , Fact , Artery , Patients , Clinics , Findings , Licenses , Health Ministry , Centres , Information , Person , Syndicate , Beauty Training Centres , Beauty Industry , Exploitation , Men , Halyna Hutchins , Criminal Investigation , Interviews , Scene , Baldwin , Shooting , Sheriff , Department , Witnesses , Responsibility , New Mexico , Santa Fe , Six , Rounds , Western Film , David Willis , Los Angeles , Crime Scene , Draw , Racing , Sprawling Desert Ranch , Hospital , Movie Industry , Chaos , Rising Star , Police Bodycam Footage , Film Maker , 42 , Producers , The Star , Film , Disbelieving , Round , Interview , Trigger , Weapon , Gun Out , Barrel , No Flash , Flash Round , Thinking , Ground , Pistol , Wadding , Bang , Report , Detectives , Continuing , Safety Officials , Safety Failures , Inquiries , Penalty , 40000 , 140000 , Analysis , Charges , Results , Phone Data , Ballistics , Page , Website , App , 24 , Areas , Views , Team , Watching , Thanks , Hrisrogersnews , Hello Again , Sunshine , Wales , Skies , Best , Everywhere , Afternoon , Southwest England , Few , Wasn T , Cardiff , Bute Park , The Cloud , Weather , Parts , Satellite Picture , High , Many , Coast , Feed , Way , Northeast Scotland , Northeast England , Temperatures Weren T , North Sea , Eight , Elsewhere , Bit , Breaks , Southern England , North West England , East Anglia , Midlands , Running Into Northern Ireland , Morning Sunshine , The Sun , High Pressure , Area , Temperatures , Spells , Showers , West , Degree , Charts , Spell , Nine , 14 , Cloud Building , Pattern , Northern Scotland , Celsius , Friday , 16 , 15 , 10 , Weekend , Sunshine Breaks , Changes , Highs , Whole , Pressure , South , Passing Showers , Grip , Solution , Escalation , Disagreement , Doubt ,

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